Every day things arrive in my email from people around the world that highlight the absurdity of the scientology bubble.
Many of them concern the claimed “straight up and vertical” international expansion Miscavige talks about at every event. You know, international expansion greater in the last 437.3 days than the 12,469,873.2 minutes cumulative previously… 12 million scientologists. New orgs opening everywhere. Governments fully adopting scientology. LRH tech pervading society. More awards for Hubbard than any many or beast in history. Square inches of new marble inlaid. Specks of duct removed from frames of film. You can just keep rattling them off.
Well, yesterday, a couple of new ones arrived in my inbox.
The first is from Moorpark. This is part of the greatest concentration of scientologists on earth in the LA area.
And this is the Mission in Moorpark. Remember there are 8 “ideal orgs” (not counting day and foundation separately) in the LA area and each of them is supposed to have 20 missions as “feeders” (and after 15 years half of them should be NEW Class V orgs by now which is what Miscavige promised). But there are not 10 operating missions in the LA area TOTAL.
And this is one of the ones that is considered to be “operational.” This is the sign on the front door:
10 hours a week.
Guess that overwhelming demand for scientology is found somewhere other than Moorpark, CA.
And while on the subject, take a read of this article from Israel.
The amazing, magnificent Tel Aviv ideal org had its ribbon yanked by the COP himself in 2012 with these words (quoted on the scientolgy.org site): “This center is a gift from the International Association of Scientologists to Israel. As such, it represents our recognition that all religions hold central truths in common and thus may work together to achieve the common dream of universal brotherhood. So from this day hence, it becomes your mission and destiny to extend our help across this legendary land. ” Blah blah blah
The story of this wondrous occasion on scientology.org also says the following: “The Center is the first Ideal Scientology Organization (Ideal Org) in the Middle East and designed to both serve the growing membership and provide Scientology-sponsored humanitarian programs throughout the region.”
And: “Visitors are invited to take a self-guided tour of the expansive Public Information Center, presenting informational and documentary films on the beliefs and practices of Dianetics and Scientology, as well as the life and legacy of Founder L. Ron Hubbard. The Information Center also provides an overview of the many Scientology-sponsored humanitarian programs, including a worldwide human rights initiative; an equally far-ranging drug education, prevention and rehabilitation program; a global network of literacy and learning centers; and the Scientology Volunteer Minister program now comprising the world’s largest independent relief force.”
Now read the article in the Huffington Post about what happened when a curious writer and head of a local peace initiative entered the building to find out about the works of the church…
Wow 15 MILLION!!!! LA and clearwater have the largest consentration of them,why are ALL the buildings EMPTY? How stupid no matter how indoctrinated one is how can they not see this expansion thing is not true? Why won’t weeman stop talking about it,he shines a light on this lie everytime spreading seeds of Entheta,inturbulating & casting doubt everytime. It has to! At this point,I’m just done im sorry,I never was “in” but the fact that many will forsake primal maternal love and instinct to be momma bear just gets me so angry and I don’t care. That’s a real bad person period,forsaking your child? Blagh! Unreal,how can a mother not stay connected to her fucking children!? I understand the kids getting pulled away,but the latter just gets me angry & I loose empathy for those hurt & crying in those stories. Katie Holmes did what I think every momma would do but maybe that’s because she was raised Cathlioc as was I,and not molded in sci young. Raised in cathlioc church yes I’m still brainwashed in many aspects. Especially as a female. I’m so prude,ask for forgiveness everytime I admit and I really believe the vatican is evil,has done many evil things,oppressed abused&violated so many in the name of a “loving” forgiving God since its existance. The New Testament was written by pagen even many gay roman aristocratic decendants trying to get a hold on a revelution basicly and turned there philosopher akin to MLK,Ghandi into there foundation so the change could be molded and kept there status quoe,I know it’s all a lie to keep the masses in line and keep the ancient 1% what they were before Christ exposed ancient Wall Street,and there ancient FED with a side of constant animal sacrafice & flow of blood. I get it, it’s crazy! I pray there rosary,and get my ashes after realizing all that! But I would Never forsake my baby ever.
Hi valhalkrie, Nice to meet you. I posted here awhile ago, that if I had become pregnant in the Sea Org, I would never have an abortion and never leave without my child. This from a young girl long ago who hitched her wagon to a Sea Org star for one billion years, until I saw the other side. I am ancient , so I am talking 74-78 when I was in. Yet the process of extricating myself from Ron’s World still echoes. He was a master at manipulation,experimentation, exasperation, and degradation. I feel David carries this on , but differently. And my reason for keeping any child I might have had, would pertain to that child’s spirit, not to any particular religion. Liked your post. Always, Ann.
The F.S.O. is pretty empty too. Guess what? There is a shortage of Sea Org members!!! Which means what? There is a shortage of R.P.F.ers!! So who is taking over the duties and obligations of the worthless and the liability entities formerly known as R.P.F.ers? Outer Org Trainees!
Here is how they are keeping the labor.
They get ordered to Flag to train on GAOT (for years now, as some started on GAOT 1 and had to start again). The empty Orgs have no money to pay for their accommos. Why? Because Flag doesn’t have a place to put them up in the spirit of brotherhood and for the men women and children .whos lived depend on what we do here and now.
So, they get put on “work / study” to pay for their accomos while they train.It’s actually the R.P.F.. They have to slave all day for accomos and food, no days off, and then they get to train five hours a night! These people don’t even KNOW they are on the R.P.F.!!!
Yes, some of them are holding down Sea Org posts now in the tech division. Of course, it gets credited to their “internship”. I mean, it was bad 25 years ago when they used interns to audit their public paying for Flag rates for 100% tech! But now these DB’s are being used to handle the staff at the base that need auditing and qual!! Debugging and CORRECTION!! Yes! They have the outer org work study rpfers handling the staff!!!!
Pathetic is what I come up with to say here.
Once upon a Time Missions were truly Great
and got public going up the Bridge.Those days are gone
thanks to D.M.
Sad story.
I just visualized a conversation between DM and some Poor Fellow.
DM: Is there an upstat on anything around here?
PF: There’s an increase of Sea Org members blown.
DM: (Being DM–LOUD).
Not a scion, but IAS freeloader…lol….Maybe they are counting buildings, not people? 🙂
Due to the unprecedented and massive success of the IAS-funded 4th dynamic planetary salvage campaigns, the need for feeder missions has plunged dramatically.
As proven by actual research, 10,00,000 copies of TWTH distributed to a community results in 97.5% of that community buying a Scientology book or signing up for an introductory service at an Ideal Org.
Not that anyone should think less of the Founder, but the Founder had wrong think on missions and that is why he was running a “must have” of 20 feeder missions on the Orgs. This was an arbitrary,.
As he has had to do with so many other things, COB canceled yet another of the Founder’s arbitraries when he, COB, implemented his Ideal Org strategy. Because they are fully ideal in every way, Ideal Orgs eliminate the need for missions and the entire motley collection of downstat and failing Class V Orgs.
In COB’s fully ideal scene, only five Ideal Orgs and Flag will be needed to handle all fifteen continents and the eleventy billion Scientologists scattered across of the world in places as diverse as Tierra del Feugo, Bangkok, Moorpark, and yes even the Hollow Earth, that last stranglehold of the Nazi Psychs and their secret U-Boat bases.
And now with COB’s release of OT IX and OT X, the Freewinds will be so overloaded with millions of OTVIII’s rushing onboard all at once that it will likely sink at the dock.
Hi OTVIIIisGrrr8!, Thank you for your post. I love the millions of OTVIIIs rushing onboard all at once for services. The old girl will give it up, at that point, just to get a little peace from the massive rush of OTness going up and down the twisted bridge. There was an ocean liner that sank at the dock in NYC. I believe she was called The Normandy. Amazing interiors. So it can and does happen. Power to us all. Love, Ann.
The Freewinds has one foot on a banana peel another in the grave.
The Hull plates below the water line are thinning out plus
the toll of metal fatigue (flexing) is causing cracks.
Soon it’s either scrap the ship, rehull from the waterline down
or sell to a floating restaurant concession.
Hi Jose Chung, I got a picture of going to the $Winds, for a little bite, and going down with the ship just as I sit down to, well it better not be four day old , green dogs, and cold beans! I would have to abandon ship before she slips under! Very sad now,but the flashes of the good times could not last.Ron David Cos their time is done. Always like your posts. Love, Ann.
There are used cruise ship for sale. All they have to do Google it.
Oh…that’s right…Google is forbidden, isn’t it?
Normandie capsized alongside a NYC pier in 1942.
So all you OTs sailing on Freewinds, don’t all rush to one side of the boat at the same time!
Hi civmar, Thank you my dear old friend- comrade. I knew I spelled Normandie wrong after I typed it! 1942 that was the date. I also pulled out of the musty files of my brain, that The Athena was sold as a floating restaurant back in the day. If I ‘m wrong those that recall what happened to her, please let me know. I am with you always as we picture the OT hordes rushing to one side of the Freewinds. Was I right that our old girl The Excalibur was either scrapped or sold back as a movie prop! Hope not,KCET is bad enough! Love you because you are you.I remember you were on the white hat side! XO, Ann.
Here is all I know, from Riggs Eckelberry, last SO Master:
Paul – we sold Excal to a guy who wanted to turn it, along with a sister ship, into an oil drilling catamaran. I sailed her to New Iberia Louisiana (thru Panama Canal!!) in Aug 75. All we saved was my Captain’s clock…I turned it over to SO History program after he died in 2007.
C’est tout.
Meant to delete the final five words of the post. Sorry.
🙂 you are good!
Just as there is no intention to make “clears” and “OT’s ” because David Miscavige KNOWS there is no such thing…..there is no such thing as expansion or missions….EVERYTHING is done to obtain money and free labor to “keep the show on the road”. It is as simple as that!
Mission Holder’s are bamboozled out of $35,000 to have the privilege to pay rent somewhere and struggle like hell to provide free services for the chance that one person may walk in and take a $50 course….then the larger will suck them up from the Mission. That is how Scientology works.
Missions fail due to the negative PR ~ WE ALL HELPED put out there about Scamontology!
Please continue!
“Mission Holder’s are bamboozled out of $35,000 to have the privilege to pay rent somewhere and struggle like hell to provide free services for the chance that one person may walk in and take a $50 course….then the larger will suck them up from the Mission. That is how Scientology works.”
You say this as if there is a problem.
+1. DLHDM does, indeed, know that NOTHING works in scientology. He hasn’t had auditing in, what, 18 years or so? Longer? I guess now he’s known as a “natural” OT. When the hell did “natural OT” come about? Or, did he just tell people that?
Yep. DLHDM knows it is all bullshit.
That was a great way to start a Monday morning. Thanks for the link Amovolare. The opening hours sign on the door reminds me of the sign on the Launceston “church” although I’m not sure if they’re open on Saturdays. Will take photo next time.
What does the Church of Scientology do? That question reminds me many moons ago, in the Sea Org, and there’d be a new Rons Journal due out imminently. There was a buzz of excitement around. Maybe, I thought to myself, this one would be the one that actually talks about REAL stuff, something of relevance to the real world that didn’t talk in bombastic tones about “clearing planets”, conspiracy theories and boogey men who must be stopped. Well, it would be issued and… Ah, maybe the next one will address the real stuff. No. Huh. Maybe I’m just too stupid to get it. Yeah, that must be it. I need to do the OT levels to REALLY understand.
Hi Martin Padfield, Yes I would feel the same expectation when a PL or ODDs had a tidbit that would lead me on thru Ron’s World. I can relate because how many times in the wee hours of the dawn, when I had stayed at Asho absorbing all tapes Ron, I would say to myself,” You need to be even more upstat and On Source, so you can go clear and OT and complete your mission.” I would feel stupid that I should be-able to work past exhaustion, because it is for Ron and the Sea Org. So stuck on the wheel of Ron Think, it took that shock of “wtf ” is happening in 77-78, to wake me up and allow me to flee. Crazy times indeed! All of those that were able to slip away are heroes to me always. You too! Love, Ann.
Mike, is it possible that because they have so many new people joining the Moorpark mission that 2 1/2 hours is all the staff can do because of exhaustion? I mean, there’s 12 MILLION scientololgists now. For God’s sake, Mike, the staff at that mission need a break! I, for one, will, at least buy them donuts…
In which Julie Gray calls the church of scientology’s bluff on Huffington Post. The church makes high-falutin’ claims about, for instance, its “worldwide human rights initiative”. Mmmm, that sounds real…high-falutin’! Julie decides to get to the bottom of it and publishes her unflattering yet predictable findings. And what is this worldwide human rights initiative? NUTHIN. Zip. It’s just big talk, hot air and baloney. Heck, I could have saved her the effort and told her that myself. Or so could almost anybody in the industrialized world but then we wouldn’t get to read about it on Huffington Post and that’s the fun, devilish as it may be. It isn’t enough to simply know the ugly truth about the church of sci-fi-dollargy. We want it shouted from the rooftops and written in the sky. And that’s what we’re getting!
Roger, Fridays are sacred to the staff members. They all gather in one room and sit down. Then someone says, “Ok. Does anyone know how the fuck we got corralled into the idiotic cult. ANYONE?
What happened to Friday? We know that Monday is ‘Closed’ – but Friday doesn’ even exist?
On Friday they work out their ethics-condition………
Sunday isn’t on there as well. Only five five days of the week and one is closed
On Sunday they are in the Church for the “Sunday Service”……
All 5 of them?
Or Sunday
There used to be a Mission south of San Diego (Chula Vista) that was open for one hour a week, just enough time to toss all the ridiculous targets sent by SMI that had built up on the fax machine into the trash. I kid you not.
“…that was open for one hour a week…” Wow! Now that’s what I called a spectacular failure. Not an ordinary failure. Panic must be spreading throughout the cult….
Friday no longer exists as it was a completely unnecessary day and Sunday, well, everyone knows that’s a day of rest and after this schedule, God knows, they need one.
After working in the Mission boiler room Dialing for Dollars
Monday thru Thursday day and night Friday was made
a Mission Holiday for sleep..
Friiday did OT IX and X and left the MEST universe into the Thetan universe. It can no longer be said “thank god its Friday”. Friday IS god.
I think the larger question is :”What is the Church of Scientology doing anywhere?”
Oh! Oh! Oh! I know! I know. The answer to the question: “What is the Church of Scientology doing anywhere is…THEY’RE FAILING. In a spectacular way, no less. Did I get it right, Michael!
Standing on a limb to answer a resounding…YES!
Whew! Thanks for the validation, Just me!
Does anyone know Jaclyn Gadal supposedly with OSA?
The mission is not even open enough hours for someone to put in a standard course or auditing schedule of 12 1/2 hours a week.
I once worked as a telephone fund raiser for the Grumpy Old Party for two weeks. Unlike the COS the GOP doesn’t have the option of promising a negative spiritual blowback for refusing to make a donation. It was a generally peasant and easy job but occasionally the automated dialing system would connect me with someone who felt entitled to a piece of the state or federal budget. I suspect that for most people this was a bit rough but with my Libertarian sympathies it was very unpleasant.
Although it was tempting to use an expletive the use of such language was a termination offense. The supervisor even used an euphemism for the F-Bomb. One day I tacked up a verse in my cubicle:
Yea though I travel in the Valley of Death, I shall fear no evil, for I’m the kind of person whose character and conduct may not be discussed in the call center.
After two weeks of this I had to quit and got work driving a cab.
Hi Leslie Bates, I love your post. You always have great stories to relate. Thank you. Love, Ann.
What a good read. It’s refreshing to read a real journalists research article, written well and with skill. Simple questions are the most difficult for scientologists to answer. They simply don’t know what to do when they run into someone they can’t introvert.
The line Julie wrote that really tickled my fancy was – “Being in a Scientology centre comes with a degree of paranoia.” That simple observation saying a lot about the church of scientology?
It says everything about them…
I guess David Miscavge doesn’t believe Sunday exists?
Or Friday for that matter. Nice four day work week
So what’s he doing now?
On Sundays I believe he crawls into a bottle Scotch and comes out it the following morning when he wakes up at 3pm.
Auditor: When did you observe COB actually beat someone up?
Preclear: At the Int Base conference room in June of 1997.
Auditor: Thank you, I got that. Now, what overt did you commit just before that?
Preclear: I failed to kick his ass.
Auditor: Come on now, what’s the real overt here?
Preclear crushes cans, gets up from chair, slams auditor against the wall, then storms out of the room leaving Scientology forever.
That’s all the PC does to the auditor? Just one slam? Gosh, Blinders, I thought it would be, at very least, a thrashing of biblical proportions. I mean, it’s great the PC left the cult, but, this could have been a monumental and epic beat down. But, I guess the PC had to go out and buy some donuts and didn’t have the time to beat the auditor senseless…
Reminds me of one of my final days at Flag where I told the auditor the only control I would give her over the session was to say, “End of Session.”
You rock!
Hi OSD, Well I had the great urge to beat certain auditors senseless, but I was starving literally, so the donuts won out. However before I left, I ” turned out ” all the lights! ? Love, Ann.
Now THAT would be an FN at exams, BlindersOff. As many swings as you want.
I also enjoyed the article, “What is a church of $cn doing in Israel?”
What, indeed? The same as they’re doing everywhere else? Nothing much.
Hei! Am I the only one who missed this?
Wonder who made it?
Heehee that was out in August, loved the glazed looks of the bots.
Oh boy, that was a good article and to answer the lady’s question, as it seems the org staff could not answer it, the answer is: ‘they are doing nothing. It is just a facade from miscavige to disguise his stolen millions with properties’
The tech: Post opening hours without AM/PM.
Mike, for all you know, that mission joint is 7AM to 9:30PM, meaning they’re open 4,837 hours per week. Really, how fucking BASIC is it to post hours with those convenient little notations for which half of the 24-hour cycle is being referred to? I think even the Raëlians could have figured that shit out.
I believe 24 hour ‘army time’ format is commonly used in Israel.
Except that this sign is in California.
The Huffington Post article is great. Besides the magic question and title of the article, “What Is the church of scientology Doing in Israel?” it’s an interesting vignette of the paranoid position that david miscavige has put the whole church into. Every member or person that walks into a mission or org now has to be suspect and vetted for “authenticity.” Charming welcome and first impression for raw meat, should they ever happen to ACTUALLY be interested and curious about what the church of scientology has to offer them spiritually.
In fact, the whole depersonalization of the church of scientology has become a vignette of david miscavige’s soul – cold, loveless, compassion-free – void of any human qualities (which is why I never capitalize his name).
The only capitalisation miscavige deserves is on the prosecutor’s charge sheet. That is the true height of his social importance.
Well posted McCarran.
Miscaviage has only taken Scientology a few steps further down the path laid down by Elron. It is Elron’s creation 100%. Scientology has nothing to offer anyone and never did. It was designed to take from its inception. All it has ever offered in return was a piece of blue sky. You can’t lay that off on COP. He’s played the hand already dealt.
Well, because scientology COULD have gone the “way of good,” if it would have gone the way of actually helping the individual, I pin that on miscavige. But maybe IT was already hardwired for a psychopath to inherit IT. I certainly agree that LRH had all that in place.
I knew of a group of fairly senior professionals who were terrified of having their name attached to a decision. To be fair they were almost equally screwed if their name wasn’t attached to a decision (provided the decision was one that married up to these persons highest supervisor.). What resulted was in effect – no action. All decisions were in limbo by default as it became a game of round robin. “I don’t have the authority to approve that, You’ll need to speak with X as that is their area of expertise, Let me take your info & someone will be in touch,” etc, etc., became standard refrains.
No one wanted to risk their name, neck, living and/or reputation, let alone the business implications of what COULD happen outside this management group if they used their authority and it went wrong. They had a right to be fearful.
The reason why was simple. Their senior leader was of an ever changing mind and that mind was not one that came with any degree of personal responsibility let alone supporting, mentoring or truly leading the team of individuals. It yielded a workplace that had areas where nothing was being accomplished. Eventually, other parties became involved and created a chart/matrix for decision making on this topic. The common sense and years of experience these individuals possessed were thrown out the window as the most workable solution, under the circumstances, was to have what would equate to a yes or no decision regardless of which of these professionals was in the hot seat. The problem was that there was no way you could capture every situation or scenario that one may be presented with in a chart/graph. Particularly in the specific business involved. But it did afford a degree of minor protection to those who needed it and it started momentum again. The huge problem was if it wasn’t spelled out on that chart…it was almost horrific to behold as the tap dancing began and the same foundation problem still existed. No change there.
I bring this up as I see parallels in the way the Huff Post author was handled. When you take responsibility, common sense, honesty and people, and throw them all down as low priorities because one person has all the answers — you set up a single point of failure environment. If that one know-all, be-all person isn’t there to give the response of the minute…critical failure has been reached. And it will always be a critical failure no matter what because that is how it was designed, knowingly or not.
I wonder how many people out there have actually gone into an org wanting to find out for themselves, only to see that critical failure had been achieved by their question, comment or whatever else. It’s just a different iteration of a foot bullet.
I guess the window open for a fleeting moment has passed.
Oh, how sad. Did the moment run away? I mean, I’ve had moments like that before. One second the moment is there, the next it’s not. Oh, hang on for a moment, I’ve got another call coming in…
I love to see that. The org of Lyon I created became the 152d on 153th years later after I was “declared” etc./
The orgs which are opened almost never are non-orgs, non msns, non groups, nothingnesses, as lrh would have called them.
Roger, the iRottenDeal Orgs are non-entities but the all important, vital function they were intended to provide is completely achieved: they all provided at least three minutes of video at an event.
When Dave needs a break in his three hour tirades for a drink of water, the videos are there to provide the needed filler. Even if they are not opened, a completely fake 3D fly-through will fill the bill. If Dave actually opened one, it is good for another three minutes of B-roll while a deep-throated announcer voice sings the praises of Dear Leader. In any case, he can add up the statistics of number of nails hammered or acres of wall-paper plastered and the remaining poor few completely blind and snookered whales will pony up for another round of big buck donations.
It was long ago and in another universe when Dave actually cared whether anyone got any benefit from Scientology besides himself and maybe Lou. If he ever really did. But now that he has stopped trotting the other poor schlubs out of the Hole for token appearances at events, and started doing the entire show himself, he needs a little break for a sip of water once in a while. iDeal org openings and yellow T-Shirts at disasters give him a much needed pause to refresh.
Makes you wonder why scientologists who have attained near godlike observational powers can’t see the hand in front of their face.
It’s likely a perpetual fear that it will slap them silly for looking in the first place.
As an aside, I just finished Leah’s book. I think those godlike observational powers of the kool aide clan will be getting a big dose of reality. Sooner or later they will see it IMHO.
Amy, that hand that you speak of, is not controlled by the body it is attached to. OSA has figured out how to manipulate dominate hands. And Newcomer? Of course you’re right! ‘It is likely a perpetual fear that it will slap the silly for looking in the first place.’ Controlled by the evil dwarf himself. So next time you inexplicably slap yourself, know that they’re on to you…