Could they have picked a creepier image?
Just to see, I googled “Funeral home interior” and this is one of the first images on the page:
A picture is worth 1,000 words — and this one spells “ideal morgue” 500 times over.
What is so incredible is that this IS what represents “ideal” to those inside the bubble. They have completely bought the redefinition of the term to being an empty building — even while QUOTING the Hubbard definition.
And they have swallowed it so completely they don’t even see anything wrong with this poster. In fact, they send it out hoping as many people as possible will see it.
Looks like a absolute vodka bottle
Serious question: what is a room like that used for in scientology?
“Sunday Service”…. but nobody takes it seriously or attends.
More likely reg events to get more money out of people..
The chapel is often used for Friday evening graduation as well and can also be rented out for marraiges, naming ceremonies, memorial services,etc.
It probably perpetuates the illusion (for people outside the bubble) that this is a church. Other than that it’s wasted space like most of the other buildings owned by the cult.
I was reading about DM’s 58th birthday and how the worker bees from all of the orgs scraped up what little mony they had to buy this swaggering napoleonic dictator presents to stay in his (good?) graces. What a friggin egomaniacal son of a bitch. Hanging or even electroshock is too damn good for this slithering creep from the pit of hell. Wow! Please excuse my french but it was the most accurate way to explain my disgust.
It doesn’t matter whether they get him a pair of socks or a new ocean liner. The item is not the birthday present.
The real birthday present is the abasement that those slaves put themselves through, scraping together pennies to buy something he’ll likely put in the trash.
Nah, if anything you went way too easy on der Dwarfenfuhrer, klein. I might suggest tar & feathering in Hemet & keelhauling him on the Freewinds in addition.
What I’d really like to do is send his way – direct to his mind – the feeling of all the suffering $cientology has caused in disconnection and abuse. That he feel every blow he ever gave to someone else and feel the fear along with it.
That he would be in a Twilight Zone episode of his own making like “Deaths-Head Revisited” when Miscavage comes back to Hemet after everyone’s gone to feel his old victories once again and the suffering ghosts of those so imprisoned by LRH’s belief come back to haunt him and make him lose his mind.
“This is not hatred. This is retribution. This is not revenge. This is justice. But this is only the beginning, Miscavage. Only the beginning. Your final judgment will come from God.”
Nice touch! Amen to the last part!
Death’s-Head Revisited is one of my absolute favorite Twilight Zone episodes! Capt. Lutze is a wonderful comparison to David Miscavige. It really would be satisfying to know that the evil he’s done has bounced back on him. I live and hope that this will be the case some day.
“What a friggin egomaniacal son of a bitch. Hanging or even electroshock is too damn good for this slithering creep from the pit of hell.”
If you don’t mind – I sense a sort of holding back… You are among friends…please feel free to talk straight, to tell us what you really think.
Scientology is just so
… bleak, is a good descriptive word. So glad if is dead.
(grammar correction… so glad it IS dead).
(Seems like someone posted a sign, “Beware, black mambas live here!”)
Well, I guess the human side of Scientology does have a image worthy of their efforts.
This is off topic…i just read the book by Nancy Many. ” Billion Yr Contract “..i have to say it is chilling to say the least..i read the books by Leah..Jenna..Ron Sr. ..but this one by far bordered on a horror story.!!
And yup the pictures here today are creepy indeed
Actually to me, most “places of worship” look a little funeral parlor-ish…probably cuz they actually HAVE funerals for people……CoS wouldn’t even offer that….they just want to get back to work. No silly mourning allowed.
“just drop that loser, low production body and move on! And for gawds sake, enough on the whining and sniveling.”
“And furnishing a torrent of new names to CF”.
This is my first thought when my friends approach me to join in the newest product pitch. They may have a great product (and some do) however it always makes me cringe when they get to that part of the pyramid scheme sales pitch that stresses the more associates you recruit, the more discounted or supposed “free” products you get… At least, they have an actual product to sell and you can opt out when you tire of the relentless selling… unlike Scientology which ropes you in, ties you up, and throws you in a prison camp.
We can thank Leah and Mike, and the Aftermath on A&E for shining the light of truth on this suppressive organization and it’s criminal leaders – DM specifically! They’ve robbed people of money, time, families and spiritual peace and serenity.
Excellent article, Mike. Every time they post a picture of an empty room or building, that is their postulate (self fulfilling prophecy) of what they will have. The new definition of “Ideal Org” is an empty org and they are getting that in spades. It proves what an epic fail the program is and what an epic fail DM is. BUT if they are getting the empty buildings just to satisfy the IRS qualifications to be considered a church and therefore pay no taxes, then it is successful. I suspect they just open “new” churches or recycled churches to keep the IRS happy and thus keep their tax exemption.
What do you get ?
Another day older and deeper in debt.
Unless you’re robbing banks…
or working for the Eye A Ess pounding down 10% commissions ……….. yes we’re talking about You Michael Roberts.
The emptiness of $cientology is just being shown in the flyer. It is a metaphysical and real statement on $cientology. Is it Truth in Advertising?
Yaa empty seats/building.
Mike, good point you make. Every time they show a pic of an empty room, they are postulating (putting it out there in the universe), that their Ideal Scene is an empty building, empty rooms. The mind is a powerful thing. No wonder all the churches are empty. Such an epic fail.
somebody needs cramming on survey tech.
“what’s the first thing that comes to mind when you see this big empty room?”
how do we get “more scientologists” and “buzzing with effective action”?
I see prison barred windows looming above a room readied for tribunal judgments and executions.
Coincidentally, I am starting a series of blog posts on our blog today dealing with the Ideal Org strategy. In the first piece, I try to figure out what the strategy is behind the whole Ideal Org program. There is actually a strategy in place, but it’s not a very good one. That may speak to Miscavige’s ability as an executive but it also speaks to the mess that he inherited with Hubbard’s policies that he has to pretend to respect. We’ll look at the strategy, why it stinks, and then in future episodes, we’ll look at the economics of why the Ideal Org strategy will destroy wealth, but why Miscavige won’t care.
The first piece is here:, if you are interested.
Excellent piece today JPC (as always).
This is a fascinating subject. A textbook example of propaganda by redefinition of terms if nothing else…
Mike, thanks for the kind words. Your piece from 2014 on the early days of the strategy was very valuable — it showed how Miscavige stumbled on the strategy by accident, after having to handle a bunch of other problems. But once he realized that it could be a key moneymaker, he jumped on it very aggressively. What we’ll try to show is that the easy money is over and there are nothing but difficult consequences… it’s like a gold mine that’s not quite played out…. The digging only gets more dangerous and the ground only gets more unstable going forward. So Miscavige will now be reaping more thorns than roses with this. And there’s nothing in the hopper to replace it that accomplishes the same goal but with fewer side effects.
He will be using His reserves more and more, liking it less and less, and whining about how awful the Ess Pees are being about religious freedom.
yay, and thank you!
“Scientology’s brand is more toxic than an armload of ebola-coated kiddie porn…”
Well said John. That also explains the mind set of those who troll this blog supporting the subject.
And where the hell is Eff Pee (foolproof) speaking of trollers. He hasn’t been allowed out of His cage in awhile.
Yo Dave,
Let him out to play good buddy!
I guess he didn’t measure up. I wonder what the dwarf thinks.
Careful now….
FP will eventually show up and tell you how we’ve all been waiting for his return because he’s oh so important. And how if we all just apply the tech “standardly” and do some good ol’ word-clearing, we can be saved. Hallelujah!
Really appreciate the work you and Jeff Wasel do in breaking it down.
Excellent! Just as you wrote: “Today, nobody wants the product. ”
To all intents and purposes they have no product. The numbers of auditors in training and the numbers of hours of well done auditing have become so small that they are no longer published. That was always Hubbard’s focus: Put my writings to work and “I” will get my cut. Then there are the out-reach programs, the satellite entities, that are now running on stale 50-year-old programs; and even worse have to covertly hide their association with scientology. So no public demand from that avenue.
IMO They no longer have a product. People get nothing for their money. Not the way to get new members into the fold.
Jim, I think you’ve run across a classic sort of chicken-and-egg conundrum there. Yes, Scientology may no longer be delivering the “product” of auditing – but that goes hand-in-hand with there no longer being much demand for it.
I think that the independent Scientology movement provides a reality-check for a number of things, particularly given that the Freezone in Europe is further removed from Scientology’s attempts to suppress “squirrel” groups, and stifle outside use of Hubbard’s “work” with legal challenges. And there’s still almost no interest in the “product” of auditing in any form, outside of a small and apparently shrinking number of people who remain invested in it after leaving the CofS.
I don’t think that there ever was a huge demand for dianetics nor scientology. In December 1952, there were only 26 or so on the PDC. From 1962-4 there were something under 100 on the SHSBC. It was in 1965 that John McMaster attested to Clear running the Clearing Course implant. At the same time other self-help and spiritual awakening groups burst on the scene. That drew me into the fold for some years. Auditing and auditors were, for the most part, high affinity individuals with desire to help others. Even back then i never figured that I could make a good living auditing in the field, much lass in an org.
The only independents I know making it with auditing are good at understanding what is needed and are concerned communicators who fit the tech to satisfy the needs of the PC: Not shoehorn the PC to fit into the tech.
DM had product to sell at one time: auditing and training yet he stopped marketing them so that people would buy themand do them and/or so that they COULD buy them and do them.
HOW he did this over the years has been covered exhaustively.
I don’t see Scientology actually having products anymore.
Status’s are what the Church of Scientology are selling now.
Aqua, you have it backwards. He stopped spending money marketing AFTER people stopped wanting them. People stopped wanting them BEFORE he took power over that area.
I get it. I hear you. Well, I didn’t get in until a year or so before Miscavige took over, and was never staff or Sea Org, so I can only speculate.
Correction! I didn’t get in until a year or so AFTER Miscavige took over.
Jim, you’re right to remind everyone about the fact that lack of demand for auditing is killing Scientology. That’s from people who are already loyal customers… “fresh meat” doesn’t know what auditing is, so they don’t have any idea what it might possibly do for them. (I’m a skeptic that auditing has any significant power to help, though I also believe people who say that their auditing experiences changed their lives for the better; my blog post here looks at why this is not a contradiction:
So when your established customers don’t want your bread-and-butter product any more, you’re in real trouble. Especially since they probably had some positive experiences in the past from auditing. Why wouldn’t they want to keep auditing? Because they’re constantly pulled to Flag for more expensive sessions with more inexperienced auditors instead of being able to audit with the auditor they like at their local mission, for one. Because they’re under the radar, just trying not to get declared so they don’t lose their kids, for another.
Any other reasons people still in wouldn’t go for auditing? I’d love to figure that one out.
Yes JPC,
The cherch now charges steeply with amateur auditors using inflexible patter (see my response above to Peacemaker). Who would walk into that?
JPC and Jim, this is just my subjective opinion based on my own experience but I think the 3-swing FN rule could have given bad experiences, and as such discouraged the still ins from wanting more auditing.
All my auditing was delivered BEFORE the first GAT and thankfully never at Flog and even more thankfully way before the 3 Swing FN rule was implemented.
I did, however get examinations after various course actions after this 3 Swing thing was put in place, i see that now.
I’d be at the Examiner either after a course or after some course action which required an Exam.
I would be asked a question, I’d answer right away, and then the examiner would not acknowledge or give ANY indication to me that I’d said anything – my answer was just ignored, like it was never even heard, let alone understood!
The Examiner would instead be staring at the E-meter!
This made me nervous!
Quite so. Thinking, “I just answered. Why is he staring at the e-meter?
And btw I was a good student. I liked my courses.
But I just found it odd to be asked a question, i.e., “Are you ready to attest to completion of so and so…?” , and to get NO reply, just the Examiner staring at the Emeter. Wierd! Or so I thought. It made me nervous and uncomfortable and slightly fearful.
Now, I can only IMAGINE the bad effect that would have had on me if I were being AUDITED this way! OMG. Really bad!
Just my 2, for whatever its worth.
It took awhile to get used to the lonnnnng longggg waits at exam. I used to FN quite quickly so having to wait was disconcerting and worrisome.
I learned to sit and think pleasant thoughts, think about the “win” I had in session, recall various bits….
I had to practice to keep from just sitting there getting bothered. I didn’t want to lose time and money taking off a red tag when the session was just fine.
I swear that after awhile I would get an ARCX FN and that’s what was indicated.
it’s interesting to sit back now and reflect and see the ways I worked around “outpoints” and got my mind right.
Thanks Aquamarine,
Yeah. That was just nuts. I remember being routed off OT2 (1973?) to do a drug rundown per Ron’s new Exec Directive. I told the DofP she could stuff the DRD up her ass, and that Ron had violated HIS tech orders re: non-interference areas and PCs running well on their level. Walking out of AOLA I turned back to the reg and yelled; Ron has gone f***ing nuts! They never called me on that, maybe because it was true.
Unbelievable, the picture with words they show, yet that’s what it is. Thanks Mike for you continued exposure.
Thanks Dee. Loved your article at Tony’s blog yesterday. You are a treasure.
Love you!
Yes, it was a great story Dee and scientology is of course insanely delusional for sending a letter of complaint to the pastor. With all of the pressure they’re under I have a feeling they will implode soon, but only if the pressure continues. The nerve of them comparing themselves to persecuted Jews, a bit paranoid as usual.
Thanks Dee!
It’s such a self revealing metaphor. Scientology is simply promoting empty buildings. Miscavige sees empty buildings as worthy of promoting Scientology success.
People? Who the hell needs em! We got cement.
Scientology: the worship real estate remodeling for the greater good.
Scientology: saving the universe one subcontractor at a time.
Scientology: the religion of MEST
Yo Dave,
Isn’t it about time to go all in for the Idle Ship? That old rust bucket is lookin a tad seedy these days good buddy, and it ought to be the most Idle of all the Idle things you’ve got. Well maybe the second most idle thingy you’ve got!
They should have sent that old rust bucket to Davy Jones Locker years ago.
Well said, to be IN is to be in an alternate reality. A world of LRH’s twisted mind fueled by greed and warped beyond any sense of decency or respect for others, even though he was a humanist. He saw himself as the higher power to his followers and as we know you can’t talk them down, they have to realize the illusion IS an illusion and decide to leave on their own. Sad but true.
“even though he was a humanist.”
Hubbard was the furthest thing in the world from a humanist. Humanism means valuing human life and the here and now. It doesn’t mean DE-valuing all human life except your own or teaching people about a world-to-come when they reincarnate. That is anti-humanist in the extreme. As a humanist, I strongly object.
A humanist vs. someone with faith in God, Jesus.
From the Cambridge Dictionary:
noun [ U ] US /ˈhju·məˌnɪz·əm/
A system of thought and reasoning based on human values and interests, often without accepting the beliefs of religion.
Scientology isn’t a religion, it’s a business and always has been.
“A system of thought and reasoning based on human values and interests, often without accepting the beliefs of religion.”
Are you suggesting that Hubbard had or promoted a system of thought and reasoning based on human values or interests? He was the furthest thing in the world from a humanist. A humanist believes in collective human value and collective human interest, not one person’s value and interest over all other humans’. That’s narcissism or anti-social behavior, not humanism. Just because someone doesn’t believe in God does not make them a humanist.
Rod, I have to second what Cat wrote – Hubbard was not a humanist, though he may have pretended to be one. Just look at his “Affirmations” from only a couple of years before he started Dianetics, those express a psychopathic desire for personal gratification and worldly success at the expense of others – including having “all men [be his] slaves.” It’s actually one of the traits of psychopaths that they are very adept at presenting themselves as trustworthy, and they use that to their advantage to manipulate people and even to disarm victims.
I don’t mean humanism in a nice way, I meant that humanism is believing more in humans than in God. Humans have not had a good history of high values or respect for anything but themselves. At least with a higher power (for me that’s Jesus) there is faith in something or someone beyond human limitations, who does perform miracles and forgive us of our sin. Hubbard was more like satan, the deceiver and father of lies, Hubbard – like satan wanted to chain and enslave humanity, Like satan – he lived to steal your wealth, your family and eventually your life. Hubbard ranks right up there with hitler, stalin, hopefully he’s burning in hell with the rest of them. That’s where Davy is headed as well, you hear that David Miscavige? You piece of crap!
I see where you’re coming from, he pretended he was a humanist but only because he was in reality a narcissist. He was indeed a very sick and twisted character. His involvement with Jack Parsons (a satanist) and his curiosity about black magic and spirit conjuring proves much of this distorted reality.
I was watching an episode of Ghost Adventures on hulu, the title is “Secret Scientology Lab”. It’s about the Casa De Rosas compound that was a center of operation in the 1950’s for Hubbard and Dianetics. Jeffrey Augustine stated that his wife Karen left the. scientology sea org in 1990 because of abuse. Jeffrey said scientology was a culture of punishment and abuse that Hubbard developed at this compund. Hubbard was involved with occult energies and sex rituals, and the “Babylon Working” was the basis for scientology. He was trying to create the moonchild which is the antichrist. Hubbard’s fundamental discovery was power over people and mastered the works of Alister Crowley. Crowley studied “bending entities to you will”. In Hubbards affirmations he supposedly wrote “all men shall be my slaves”. Hubbard learned that he could capture control of a persons “will” through a repetitive process like having you touch something then he would say thank you. He would have the subject repeat this process and he’d say thank you for several hours and he found he could make people submissive to “his will” (mind control).It would appear that the auditing process is where the “mind control” is implemented, and through repetition reinforced. If Hubbard could get you trapped he believed he could get your spiritual energy, he thought by doing this he could magnify himself as an oracle.
“…and furnishing a torrent of new names for CF.”
That’s it, Div 6 was SO successful that it caused all org staff to be sucked into CF all hands and scamology collapsed!!!
…a torrent of new names for CF? Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! Now that’s some funny shit!
I remember in the early 80’s looking at the ASHO/AO NNCF stat (which was any NEW person in the entire Western Hemisphere who started a Div 4 service; Student Hat, ARC S/W type thing.)
30-50 was a good stat. Out of a population of ~800,000,000 people.
It is probably single digit now.
I have it on good authority that davy wanted to publish their expansion thusly:
We have 800,000,000 new starts out of a population of 30-50.
As someone who spent their life studying Russian history; with a slight colour change that top picture STRONGLY resembles an old meeting chamber of the Soviet Politburo.
At least they have a future renting the places out for funerals.
Yea. It’s just amazing. Blinders on top of blinders. I really feel that most scientologists that are still IN these days would truly see the clothes on david miscavige’s naked butt if they were told to see the clothes. THE EMPEROR HAS NO CLOTHES PEOPLE!!! WAKE UP!!!
I imagine they’re too dazzled by his new hair plugs to notice his clothes.
Or his weiner
Not there Mary ………….. He is a neutered male ……….. and even the male aspect is questionable!
Que up Anthony…
You really want to see the dwarf naked??? There’s a good chance you might go blind.
Thanks, all of you, for these mental image pictures of our beloved DM…thanks ever so…
You make me laugh, Aquamarine! And laughter is always good!
🙂 Backatcha with that OSD.