I recently posted about the “book” scientology put on Amazon New Scientology Scam — Panic Over A Billion Years.
That one is gone, but they replaced it with a proliferation of others.
They seem to come and go with these fake books with some regularity…
It is indicative of how desperate they are that they continue to try this very lame “strategy”… Imagine putting this much time and effort into an utterly useless exercise.
You gotta love an “analysis and study guide” about a book they have not read!
And of course, it’s always good to see Lyin’ Ryan Prescott jumping into the breach. He is OSA cannon fodder, fired off like one of those clowns shot from a cannon. He couldn’t design and execute a cover like that, nor does he have access to the photos. It’s clearly an OSA production. And what a great pull quote he has from my ex-wife… Utterly meaningless. But in his mind it somehow proves something. He is always good for some comic relief and provides endless entertainment to the scientology Twitterverse. Stefani Hutchison has made a routine of slicing and dicing Ryan — you can see some of her work here:
In Which Ryan Prescott Attacks the Governor of California
Prescott Proves Fair Game Once Again
I did a couple of earlier posts about him myself, the first might help understand how he is so off the deep end;
Ryan Prescott’s Star is Fading
What Happened to Ryan Prescott?
If you look at the reviews on these books they all note that the book is a scam.
Then again, they DO have something to be worried about. The interest in A Billion Years is also generating more interest in other titles, only one in the category of scientology is a scientology publication and that isn’t even the Hubbard book. It’s the Audible edition of the scripted introduction to Dianetics.
Scamology at its best!
The thing is they (CoS) are so dam determined to undermine you Mike they can’t see they are showing the world their true colours and are lighting the fuse to their final destruction.
What vile people they are!
PS, can’t wait to read YOUR book here in Australia.
Goodness me, you’ve stirred the scammers up.
Napoleon once did say, “never disturb an enemy while they are making a mistake.”
Ain’t “Group Think” wonderful?
The pressure is on to come up with a good idea.
No one has any.
The pressure is getting ratchetted up.
“Clutching at straws” ideas can now be offered.
No one has any.
The pressure is like being at the bottom of the Mariana Trench.
Finally someone offers a wisenheimer (smart alec) idea.
Everyone gets a little chuckle, but wait . . .
We have an idea.
That’s what we’ll do.
The pressure is off and all of our problems are solved.
After repeating the idea back and forth a while, they’ve convinced themselves this is the greatest idea anyone has ever had. (Echo, echo, echo)
Now let’s implement this grand slam of an idea.
A lot of time, energy and money is expended.
Anticipation of great results, endless praise and honor grows.
Why are people mocking our idea and calling us stupid?
My favorite part of the Preview for the “Analysis and Study guide” (which is supposedly only 17 pages long on a Kindle), is this:
Nonetheless, Rinder couldn’t shake the pestering inclination that something wasn’t exactly correct — Hubbard’s responsibilities stayed unfulfilled after his demise, and his substitution, David Miscavige, was a wanton and malignant man who condemned many top Scientologists, including Mike, to a temporary prison known as the Hole.
That is some ridiculously flowery language, but it does not sound like a Scientologist wrote it. Too venomous toward Davey. Is it an Indie joke? Is that actually existing text somewhere else being stolen for this?
EDIT TO ADD: Looks like the Quick Review’s preview contains the same text. They be lazy.
On a side note: Not unexpected behaviour from the Dwarfen Monster.
He’s terrified of being paraded in public and letting the world see that he nothing but a vile, cowardly, bully and puffed up little scumbag.
“…nothing but a vile, cowardly, bully and puffed up little scumbag.” Keep in mind that he also has a negative side.
What happens when the Church bans a book or tells it’s followers not to see a certain movie?..
Book sales take off. Box office sales take off.
These people are so dull that they are not aware that their actions will serve to increase your book sales. This will put a dent on their recruitment endeavours.
Hope that someone writes a screenplay and makes a movie based on the book and your experiences.
Yes, yes, `1000 times yes.
Well Mike, I don’t think many people would know who I am without the insane scientology harassment I have dealt with – so take it and run with it, I say. My friends were protecting me from DM lies. IDK how if he is so smart, he didn’t see that coming. Also congrats on the book!
Can’t wait to read it!
All they are doing is promoting your book even more!
Hubbard actually wrote some weird policy about “forwarding an enemy line”. Which they obvious don’t follow. They keep promoting all the bad PR themselves and creating it with fair game. They have well and truly dug their own grave.
The steam being created as the sheepbots keep the firehouses (scotch and not water of course) trained on the Tiny Tyrant’s anger and rage as it continues to build and build could power enough turbines to supply electricity to the entirety of Clearwater and it’s surrounds for months.
Addition for DM’s weekly stats…
I am a long term reader of Mike Rinder’s blog, but I admit that that I have been remiss in that I had not yet clicked on the link to preorder his new book… But that changed today when I read about D m’s ridiculous attempts to do whatever the bleep he was trying to do and to do. But that changed today when I read about DM’s ridiculous attempts to do whatever the bleep he was trying to do about Mike’s book, A BILLION YEARS.
So, I want to thank Mike Rinder for writing this book and for speaking his truth over the years.
I also want to thank Amazon for being the Gutenberg press of the 21st century.
And last, but least, I want to thank COB personally for inspiring me to make this purchase today!
I noticed some time ago that all those cheap copies of DIANETICS are gone from sale on the web! The Church must have bought them all I guess!
Great idea. Hold the next ex Sea Org convention at a volcano, and have everyone do a photo taking session throwing Dianetics books into the Volcano.
Xenu caused the Wall of Fire.
Xenu dumped zillions of surplus souls onto earth all of whom were implanted with Xenu’s nifty R6 implants, and these surplus souls (BODY THAY TONS, “body-thetans”) infest all humans and require L. Ron Hubbard’s Scientology exorcism steps called OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7.
L. Ron Hubbard died with some body-thetans still bugging him, despite Hubbard using his own OT 7 “Solo NOTs” exorcism on himself, he still failed, he did admit he’d failed, and he told one Creston Ranch Scientologist trusted follower Sarge Steven Pfauth that Hubbard wasn’t coming back to earth.
Scientology needs to hear the final pages of “Going Clear….” book by Lawrence Wright and receive the final “LRH Source Briefing”. LRH failed, admitted it, was in Treason, and he’s not coming back.
Ok, so he said he “was’nt coming back to earth”. Did Hubbard say where he was from, like which star system he was from, that he would be going back to ?
Don’t they realize how stupid this makes them look. They’re acting like spoiled kindergartners.
” I know you are, but what am I”?
“I’m rubber, you’re glue. Whatever bounces off me sticks to you.”
Great for P.R..
that is a slice of L. Ron Hubbard’s repeating mentality that is layered all through Hubbard’s Scientology.
The Arthur C. Clarke dismissal of Hubbard in a nutshell. Hubbard went crazy and made a lot of other people go crazy.
The Amazon algorithm will provide a link in the fake books’ pages to the real thing.
No matter what, it’s actually great publicity.
This should be no surprise.
After all, if everyone connected with this cult is forbidden to use the Internet, the surprise is the best plan they could conceive actually did stay up for a day or two.
I would have expected they would have created a cartoon starring Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Elmer Fudd, etc. where all of them tell the viewer not to buy any books except for that book with the volcano on the cover.
I always assumed the purpose of that volcano was to encourage people to take the book and throw it into a volcano.
Great idea. Hold the next ex Sea Org convention at a volcano, and have everyone do a photo taking session throwing Dianetics books into the Volcano.
Xenu caused the Wall of Fire.
Xenu dumped zillions of surplus souls onto earth all of whom were implanted with Xenu’s nifty R6 implants, and these surplus souls (BODY THAY TONS, “body-thetans”) infest all humans and require L. Ron Hubbard’s Scientology exorcism steps called OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7.
L. Ron Hubbard died with some body-thetans still bugging him, despite Hubbard using his own OT 7 “Solo NOTs” exorcism on himself, he still failed, he did admit he’d failed, and he told one Creston Ranch Scientologist trusted follower Sarge Steven Pfauth that Hubbard wasn’t coming back to earth.
Scientology needs to hear the final pages of “Going Clear….” book by Lawrence Wright and receive the final “LRH Source Briefing”. LRH failed, admitted it, was in Treason, and he’s not coming back.
ChuckBeatty. Great post! It’s so nice, I guess it just had to get posted twice.
Well, I’m not complaining. It’s a fine idea.
Nice fresh evidence of the veracity of your tales, ready for your book tour interviews.
It’s clear that little Davey did not read Hubbards policy that includes the concept of “glutz PR”. Which means don’t call more attention to that which you are trying to discredit. Don’t forward the message more.
He’s given you great free publicity.
Hubbard endorses glutz PR via Hubbard’s Mission Earth books which extoll the comic PR man who does non stop glutz PR and gets his client promoted. The Mission Earth books Hubbard bad guys are really Freudian slips of L. Ron Hubbard himself.
Geoff – I agree. These steady antics are “off” from one or more LRH policy(ies). Surely the C of S team is doing Mike’s book and his global brand a great service right now.
For fellow Former-Ins, do you recall the LRH policy around “Do not respond to an entheta comm,” for you only succeed in making it larger? The rationale from Ron himself is that “entheta communication lines” [as Scientology deems such] do not—on their own—have much power. If Scientology takes that source seriously and responds, Scientologists are then adding their own energy, which according to Ron is very powerful. The entheta source, as a result, becomes much bigger than it would be on its own.
The example Ron gives is Founding Church staff fueling an entheta comm arriving from a U.S. federal agency (like Food and Drug Administration) to them in Washington DC. By taking up the “entheta” (responding to it), as Ron explains, the staff rendered larger this entheta. Had they done nothing, LRH posits, the attacker slunks away in defeat. This might be the same policy letter where Ron introduces org policy around not accepting any “certified letters” arriving, that such is a clear signal someone is trying to lob entheta at the org or a staff member.
Of course, it is an egotistical view, as Hubbard is known for. He provides the idea that, on their own, an operation such as the FDA has no power. It is only when Scientologists unwittingly add their own POWER that an agency such as the FDA has any useful degree of force.
All these years, according to this wisdom laid out in an official policy letter by Hubbard, C of S should have directed zero energy toward Marty Rathbun, Karen de la Carriere, Tampa Bay Times, Mike, Ron Miscavige Sr., Leah, etc. I mean, that is ONE valid policy interpretation.
I consider this directive to not fuel an entheta comm line an example of a Hubbard technique that often is workable. Didn’t your mom or dad tell you to not engage with a bully as that only incentivizes them to keep after you? I find this to be true: in many situations, the choice to not engage works beautifully and, just as Ron describes, that source slunks away, having seen you are not a target.
Back to the matter at hand: If C of S was not so functionally bi-polar, they would stick to their knitting. Stick to doing their purported useful deeds of helping individuals improve mental health, increasing IQs and sanity, bringing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights into awareness and full operation around the world, etc. Do this, instead of investing in “adding their own energy” to each thing they perceive as an “attack” coming at them.
The Greek tragedy continues to play out: C of S in Self-Destruct mode.
And Mike moves steadily forward in Triumph Mode. Mike will continue to do this with or without any C of S responses, wacky social media posts, bizarre rush-to-the-press counter-attack trashy booklets, etc.
Once upon a time, Scientology flailed like an overloaded old horse pulling uphill.
Their hooves were skittering noisily with little progress across the asphalt, their cargo-load of bullshit Kindle offerings, teetering like poorly packed hay bales.
They thought they were the big bad wolf and they could blow Mike Rinder’s book off the bestseller perch with a blizzard of words.
They undoubtedly spent a ton of money and SO members lost a lot of sleep in service to their star high goal of crushing Mike Rinder’s credibility.
Alas, slamming the barn door after unwanted truths escaped into the public’s consciousness has proven to be a useless tactic.
It’s quite pathetic how various unknown names “published” unreadable dreck. They were not authors, even if they were temporarily on Amazon. They were wannabe authors, hoping to gain attention and validation for themselves. Their only game was to hitch their wagon to the stars. Leah, Mike, et al.
But sadly, their wagon was already overloaded with pandering to Scientology handlers.
Perhaps Scientology handlers held their noses while helping those sad sack hacks attempt to drag ex-scientologists into the muck.
But lo, OSA stats went up. Number of words on Amazon against apostates! Bonus time!
But no, the horror, the world and Tony Ortega, Mike Rinder and other ex-scientologists who publish, quickly picked apart those same lame words. (Looking at you Ryan Prescott)
Bonus retracted. Another OSA staffer whisked off to the RPF ranks.
The (happy) End
If Xenu became the predominate result when someone searches for Scientology, then that’s on Hubbard.
Hubbard’s pulp writer mentality and goals for fame and fortune, getting his own captive audience who have to buy his books of “serious” soul therapy and exorcism procedures, which the audience of Scientologists cannot criticise nor even define Xenu and body-thetans due to Hubbard’s rules, it’s just a long backfiring L. Ron Hubbard life on display.
I truly hope Xenu upstages L. Ron Hubbard, as that’s all one needs to know of L. Ron Hubbard, is the Xenu story which explains why Hubbard’s exorcism steps OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 are the supposed solution to earth’s ills (not).
Hubbard wished for such a tied up in knots captive audience, he created it, with the Scientologists who cannot tell their Xenu story, and cannot detail their OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 exorcism steps.
Hubbard achieved a backfiring operation that muzzles the members from even explaining their Xenu’s “body-thetans” exorcism efforts (which are bogus, the Scientology massive amount of exorcism is snipe-hunting factually).
“Another OSA staffer whisked off to the RPF ranks”
I think you got that all wrong. IMO, the accurate version is:
Another OSA staffer whisked off to the HOLE!
Nachem, when you’re right, you’re right!
I wonder how they are going to state their book sales. That is if they dare, since only SOURCE is allowed to print books for in-good-standing scienos consumption?
One group stat, or individual edition book sales? Will they ever state that ONE version is the correct tech, and all the rest are squirrel?
Which scieno entity gets the stat? Book sales? OSA attacks? Technical bulletins/advisories? SP Destroy and Shatter Department?
Dare they promote the uptrending sales of their books, while having to tell good-standing scienos to NOT read the source book (yours). These books will be their only uptrending sales.
With their 47X multiplier they might try to exceed your book’s sales. Maybe they will have to pull out the 47,000X multiplier. ( I hope)
Will they claim ‘OTs in Action’ when your book goes public and they can ‘claim’ that what they wrote was true, even before they read the print? Come to think about it, will they even be allowed to read your book?
Will the mindless midget publish a correctly revised edition of your book? You know, one with the commas and semicolons removed plus a ‘few’ alterations?
Enquiring minds need to know.
Reality isn’t real to these people.
Great statement.
David miscavige is creating even more interest, curiosity and sales in your book Mike. He is the master of foot bullets.
First thing that came to my mind; “How can they have a ‘summary’ for a book that has NOT come out yet?” Answer; they can’t. They just strung some Scientology blather together and regurgitated it back out.
Excellent point. No one has read the book yet because it hasn’t come out yet.
So they are just making stuff up. As usual.
There’s nothing quite like this particular “Summary” book scam:
A. The book purportedly summarized has not yet been released, and
B. The true author and publisher have not issued Review copies, and
C. The author of the fake summary is expressly forbidden from owning, reading or discussing the genuine book when it is released, and
D. The author of the fake summary is no doubt an OSA shill, and
F. This ‘Summary’, fake and scam as it is, doesn’t even rate this letter grade, even if it were a sixth grade book report.
It proves that Scientology is foot-bullets all the way down: while trying to be negative about Mike Rinder and his new book they only succeed in giving the man and his book reams of free publicity.
Many thanks to COB and his sycophants for the laughs. BTW, if anyone was on the fence about whether or not Scientology is an abusive scam (and not a religion), and one that teaches members to lie, cheat and steal, these several ‘Summary’ fake books should pound the nail in that coffin for good.
The church of scientology has become unhinged!
Some people have ABSOLUTELY no credibility.
I changed my operating basis. It used to be when people would ask if I had kids, I would just give a stock answer: yes, two, ages such and so. But the last person who asked me about my kids was the woman giving me a massage. (Hadn’t had one in 6 months or more and needed it.) I decided to give her the truth so as to spread the truth about Scn and DM. So I told her about disconnection, about the cult, about how they forced my kids to disconnect when I left the church.
She was horrified. And then she said she had watched Leah Remini’s show, “Scientology and the Aftermath.” She knew a lot about things from watching that show. I am always amazed at how many Non-Scns have seen that show and the deep effect it has on them. So now when asked I tell the whole story to get the word out about disconnection,