I don’t normally use my blog to simply promote other stories by scientology whistleblowers, but this morning is an exception.
First, last night, Mat Pesch put up a new YouTube video with the latest news from one of his inside sources at the FLB. He has a lot of information about specific individuals, but ends with a bombshell about Miscavige’s direct involvement in the “Chase Wave” and how he sent one of his personal staff who was directly involved out of the country. It is quite remarkable the level of detail Mat is getting…
Then this morning, Tony Ortega posted an update on one of the most heinous cover-ups in scientology’s history concerning a child care facility in the LA area.
One of the mothers, the ONLY one who refused to follow orders from the infamous Julian Swartz not to report this, has now come forward to tell her story — not just about this incident but how her family has been torn apart. She is someone very dear to me — I have known her since she was little, her mother used to babysit ME when I was a child. She has been refusing to buckle under to scientology pressure for a LONG time (they demanded she stop communicating with me and she told them to take a hike) and because her daughter is now of age she has come forward. It’s another round of the oft repeated “Scientology, it’s always worse than you think.”
it never ceases to amaze me. honest people come to the surface while the heavy dark crap sinks to the bottom. sad for those people who lost their lives

Carly Lipsitz actually had 3 abortions IIRC. I agree with Mat, it’s clear she didn’t want them. But she’s still there…it almost breaks my heart. She was a good kid.
Both stories – took my breath away. Many thanks to both. David miscavige has no one he can trust anymore and must be paranoid to the hilt. Although, dave, I understand, “It’s not paranoia if they really are after you.” Who to trust.
I wonder if the Flag Land Base is in sec check mode.
I have to wonder if Julian Swartz will be or already has been sent out of the country.
I also would like to ask, if these people who KNOW so much about the crimes committed, who have been sent out of the country can be subpoenaed to testify? I’m guessing not. (PS I know it hasn’t come to that yet but just curious.)
Wow, I recognized a few of those names. I feel so sorry for them to end up that way, with no life or gratitude for service or recognition – nothing but a prison sentence to go old with.
The Chase Wave thing is a shocker, true premeditated crime, but unfortunately no real surprise. Hope the banks can follow up on this with law enforcement.
What a bunch of sick fucks RTC is composed.
They truly are – Hard core soulless beings who lack ANY kind of compassion and/or remorse for the pain they inflict on others.
So glad to see you back on the blog, Mike. I will definitely check out these pieces.
Mat! Thank you very much for this detailed information about SO members I used to work with for about 10 years. Most of them are great people who are beaten down and decided to stay blind and ignore the situation, have nowhere to go, have their kids there… it’s just sad.
I have a question for Mat.
Can you please find out about:
Kathy Karhlee. She was AO5 CS
Kathy Wiegen Class 9 auditor, then Solo Nots CS.
Veronica Kunzie AO Cramming officer and her husband Franz Kunzie
He was a Class 9, then put as FESer in the AO. They had 2 sons in the SO as well. They are from Switzerland
Also what Matt said about Yevon, looks like he was talking about Therese Bloom Oliva. Who was a class 9 and left 2009. She was Lisa Marie Presley auditor and Kelley Preston auditor as well. Her mom was OT 8 from Switzerland
What happened to Yevon who was the Qual Secretary?
Also Travis Strachner? Class 9 who was JT auditor and TC auditor.
What happened to Lucia, Italian , was class 9 CS?
By the way Thyron Web is the son of Art Web who was the senior CS Flag Crew and his mother was Class 12 CS
I’m not Mat, but just tried my luck googling these names.
For “Kathy Karhlee” I don’t have any results. For “Kathy Karlee” (without the h) I get a few results on Facebook.You might try to check if they are the person you mean.
For “Kathy Wiegen” I don’t get results. For “Kathy Wigen” I get several Facebook profiles, one of them a memorial page (2012).
For “Veronica Kunzie” I also don’t get results. As there are some people with last name “Kunze” (without the i) in completions I tried “Veronica Kunze” where I did find some results, some of them on Facebook. The same for “Franz Kunze”.
Lots of results for Therese Oliva Bloom in completions, as recent as 2016.
I know it’s 7 years ago but might still be in?
‘Strachner’ looks like a German name. Can’t find anything on that. There is a Travis Stracener in completions however. Might be this person:
You don’t give a last name for Lucia? 226 Lucia’s in completions, not going to try and catch them all, lol.
Hope this helps in further research.
Oh my gosh Mike, I am house sitting for my parents and I was browsing the channels on tv and am SHOCKED to find that there is a Scientology channel available under AT&T cable. I doubt my parents even know they have this channel, they’re baptists. This blows my mind. Currently they have something on called “L. Ron Hubbard in his own voice” and it’s just him rambling about writers at a Hollywood studios in the 1950’s. What do you and Leah think about this ridiculous tv channel
There have been quite a few articles here about David’s vanity channel. If you look through the back articles you will no doubt find them. Regraded being has made a few comics about them too.
I mention this because there are always new readers on the blog, While Mike continues to recover, this is a great opportunity to dig into the archives here.
These stories are so important they need repeating from any mountaintop. Hopefully some ‘mainstream’ news outfit will assign resources to all of these. Yes, Scientology is always worse than you thought it ever could be. Make it a firestorm of correct information about the crimes of Scientology past and present.