The desperation is oozing out of the bubble as scientology becomes more frantic trying to salvage their dismal PR in the eyes of the world.
Because they don’t actually DO anything good that is newsworthy, they resort to sending out paid press releases to try to get some coverage. Within the bubble, they blame the lack of media coverage on the “Chaos Merchants” run by SPs — of course they are not going to cover the good works of scientology! They are blind to two obvious contradictions — you can find plenty of stories by those same chaos merchants about the Red Cross or Salvation Army or local good samaritans. And if the Chaos Merchants aren’t going to cover any good news from scientology — then why pay money to send them press releases?
This is a recent release and it is about as bizarre a stretch as they come.
The “Year of the Rabbit” is even LESS significant to scientologists than Christmas or Yom Kippur or Ramadan (they pay much more attention to the first two as almost all scientology organizations are located in Judeo/Christian populations — not a single org in the Muslim world).
What is SO laughable about this release is the inclusion of Mr. Mickiewicz in the second paragraph. With a link to his hagiographic web page.
These days, it is a big sin in scientology to put out propaganda that doesn’t credit Mr. M. Just as treasonous as not get including an L. Ron Hubbard mention. And the Miscavige mention had better be the first one. His PR is not in good shape and someone had better be doing something about that.
The few remaining beaten dead horses in the OSA PR division must be in a living hell. Every day there is “entheta” media about Miscavige and scientology. Every day they are no doubt being excoriated for being such dismal failures and told to “take effective action.”
The truth is, posting this on my blog likely gets more readers than they got from paying for the press release…
Here it is in all it’s magnificence, including ALL the links they include.
KAOHSIUNG, Taiwan and LOS ANGELES, Calif., Jan. 23, 2023 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — The Church of Scientology of Kaohsiung embarks on the Year of the Rabbit with the wish that the year brings happiness, prosperity, good fortune and peace to all.
They work to accomplish this wish, as they have since the Church’s dedication by Scientology ecclesiastical leader Mr. David Miscavige in December 2013, by seeing to the spiritual growth of their parishioners, honoring Taiwan’s culture, and addressing social issues that impact the lives of the Taiwanese.
In an episode of “Destination: Scientology” on the Scientology Network, staff and members of the congregation share their love of the traditions of their country and its values and goals.
“Chinese New Year is a time when all family members come together to wish each other good luck,” says one of the staff interviewed in the documentary. And 15 days later they celebrate Lantern Festival, where the lanterns symbolize a new beginning with the hope for a brighter future.
The Church of Scientology of Taiwan embraces its responsibility for preserving the traditional Eastern culture for the next generation while uplifting the family and society in the true spirit of Taiwan.
Scientologists volunteer in schools in Kaohsiung and throughout the island, educating youth on the truth about drugs, raising awareness of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and promoting values and life tools contained in The Way to Happiness, the common-sense guide to better living written by Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard.
Year after year, the Taiwan Ministry of the Interior has acknowledged the work of Taiwan Scientologists by presenting the Church with the annual Meritorious Religious Group Award.
“It’s really about giving back,” says a staff member. “It’s really about what I can bring back to the community, what I can represent for my family. I could say it’s ‘the spirit of Taiwan’– to put that magic touch in everybody’s life.”
Destination: Scientology is an original series airing on the Scientology Network at DIRECTV channel 320 and streaming at, on mobile apps and via the Roku, Amazon Fire and Apple TV platforms. Episodes take viewers inside Scientology Churches across the globe, where they discover what makes each Church unique, the diversity of Scientology Churches, and the cooperation that weaves each into the local community fabric.
PHOTO link for media:
CAPTION: Join the Church of Scientology Kaohsiung in its celebration of the New Year with their episode of Destination: Scientology on the Scientology Network.
News Source: Church of Scientology International
A paid newswire. Something absolutely no one is going to read. It will get more coverage here than at the actual site they paid for. All for the benefit of Mickiewicz. All so that some underling can load up the page and show it to him to try and pump his ego and help remove the boot from the underlings neck.
We haven’t heard much else out of Taiwan lately. I wonder if that means they’re crashing, as has always ended up happening everywhere Scientology has boomed for a while.
It seems to me likely that if things were still booming there, the CofS would be touting it as (one) example of actual “expansion.” Also, if it were then there should still be new missions and even orgs opening, and I haven’t seen anything about that happening, either.
Sydney org boomed in the ’90s, because someone established a link to Taiwan. I don’t know why Scientology appealed to the Taiwanese, but they went to Sydney in droves. I was out after the Taiwanese org was established. I’m sure that Sydney’s stats crashed.
My personal favorite of the day:
“The Church of Scientology of Taiwan embraces its responsibility for preserving the traditional Eastern culture for the next generation while uplifting the family and society in the true spirit of Taiwan.”
A US-America-centric “church”–better yet, one stuck in the 1950s–sweeps into Taiwan and pretends to now be the preservers of their culture? Better yet, of “Eastern culture” altogether. Even standard-issue colonialism and paternalism pale in comparison to such arrogance! And who exactly, assigned such “responsibility” to the cult to begin with?
Of course, this whole “saving your culture” bit gets even more absurd and obscene if one considers the disdain the cult holds any culture in that fails to bow to hubbarf and his answers for everything, It makes no difference whether that culture is located in Taipei or in Clearwater. The cult’s only interest, and elron’s fervent dream, is dismantling and superseding any such culture; certainly not “preserving” any of it.
Even so, elron’s writings held a special place for the East in his written observations of how insufferable its denizens, particularly the Chinese, were. To the point where he labeled degenerates failing to see his wisdom by the term “wog”, essentially an n-word for “Orientals”. Of course, one could assume that by now the cult would have repudiated elron’s anti-Chinese racism and discontinued the use of this term. Alas, one would be wrong! This term has become part of the cult’s “Scriptures” and hence lost no popularity in the cult to this very day. Nor will it ever be allowed to!
Case in point: The cult’s tireless work in “uplifting the family.” Many shining examples could be given: elron, miscavige, cruise, or Lisa M Presley/Michael Jackson. Along with countless Sea Org members who don’t get to see their spouses and children/parents. Families destroyed by disconnection. Family members pitted against others and slandering each other publicly by cult orders. Families becoming complicit in covering up rapes and other crimes against their own. Even unborn family is not safe as cult-ordered abortions demonstrate.
Legitimate religions indeed hold the idea and practice of “family” in high regard. Trouble is, scientology is the furthest thing from a legitimate religion!
And of course, no mention of Ron’s assessment of Chinamen/chinks after his few-day tour of the tourist areas would be mentioned.
Year of the Rabbit. Good one.
In the C of S that might just be prophetic.
Captain Mickiewicz certainly is doing a great Rabbit impersonation — or should we say squirrel impression?
“Meet Xenu and Discover Your OT Case of Xenu’s Dumped Body-Thetans. Come In. We’ll Explain Why You Are Messed Up and Need the Hubbard Scientology Exorcism to Remove the Body-Thetans (spirits) Attached to your Human Body. You’ll Need a Hubbard Emeter to Detect Them. Buy Your Emeter Here and Get Started!”
I prefer calling them xenu’s invisible space cooties😱.
Steve Hassan interviews Ira Chaleff. Is this the same CO of Asho from way back when? He mentions his experiences belonging to a group, but in the 18 minutes I listened, didn’t name it. Chaleff’s comm cycle was very good and for some reason, so was Hassan’s this time, without the constant interrupting and constant “mm-hmm. mm-hmm’s”
Yes, same one
“Chinese New Year is a time when all family members come together to wish each other good luck,” says one of the staff interviewed in the documentary. And 15 days later they celebrate Lantern Festival, where the lanterns symbolize a new beginning with the hope for a brighter future.”
Just to clarify something here and that is the definition and Hubbard’s thoughts of others using and believing in the term “luck.” Here is the definition in the Scientology Technical Dictionary.
‘Luck, 1. by luck we mean “destiny not personally guided.” Luck is only necessary amid a strong current of confusing factors. 2. the hope that some uncontrolled chance will get one through. Counting on luck is an abandonment of control. That’s apathy.’
Take that as you will, but think about it for a moment in the above context of this post. Hubbard once again throws his dictatorial (pertaining or suited to a dictator; absolute) weight around. One thing for sure about Hubbard and of course Miscavige, they have no idea of what fun is or how to make light of something and instead assign contradictions and confusions pertaining to everyday human interchanges and beliefs – such an ugly thing to do. Is anything NOT serious in Scientology? Oh, btw, Hubbard’s definition of “serious” – ‘when interest is important because of penalty’. (Scientology is one of the most penalizing of belief and life systems ever devised).
Aren’t you glad you’re out of that mind fuck of an organisation?
“Aren’t you glad you’re out of that mind fuck of an organisation?”
· Damn right, yawn!
Dear Mr MisCaviler,
We have searched the entire output of LRH, and all his sycophants, and can inerringly conclude there is no Effective Action that can be taken, except to continue to bamboozle that tiny percent of our most ignorant and stupid and undereducated membership who haven’t yet wised up to our scam.
OK, OK, it’s Your scam. Well exc-u-u-se me! Now will you please take your thumb out of my eye?
Also, our dwindling supply of ignorant blockheads are dropping the bod like Hubbs flicking ashes.
Flash! Our best minds have just come up with the idea of forcing scilons to take out life insurance, with you as beneficiary! That will make sure you never run out of money to buy chits to spend at the prison canteen. Whaddaya think?
Please, don’t give it any ideas.
Why don’t they just give up?
Otherles asked:”Why don’t they just give up?”
A: They did, decades ago, leaving the field open for MustSavage.
” — not a single org in the Muslim world).”
I like that statement. Why? could you imagine what would happen if they opened a “Cherch” in a Muslim Country?
It would not be pretty. No, it wouldn’t.
yeah. The show after they tried to establish themselves as a “cherch” in any muslim country would be one to watch — for the short time the battle lasted. I doubt their affiliation with NOI would count for much in that part of the world. They’re even more prejudiced and ignorant than Hubbard was.