Yet again, the OSA trolls expose themselves and the Hubbard way.
One of the recently more active in bots stable, “Lory Guy” came out swinging with an “applicable LRH quote.”
Scientology frequently claims their freedom of speech is being denied because people are “telling lies about them.” In fact, they are spinning some of the tallest tales imaginable, repeating accusations that are completely disproven, in an effort to follow Hubbard’s policy of muzzling/destroying their denominated enemies (anyone who says things they don’ t like). Just one egregious example: they routinely state Leah and I have “incited over 600 incidents of violence, including murder” with not a shred of evidence, in fact the “murder” claim proven NOT to be true by court documents. But they keep saying it because they know they can get away with it (until Leah’s recent lawsuit..)
The “Lory Guy’s” of the social media universe are so lacking in self-reflection and humility they don’t realize that the more they post, the more they convince people that scientology is worse than anyone knows. It is a hallmark of a scientologist that they ALWAYS know they are right when they “do what Ron says.” Nothing could be better than directly quoting LRH when it comes to certainty of rightness.
Just to further drive home the nail, here is another one from the “big daddy” of scientology trollbots.
Of course, scientology is terrified of the truth. Hundreds, if not thousands of people have testified to the destruction in their lives caused by scientology. They just cover their eyes and ears and claim everyone is lying and it’s all made up.
But, even internally, they cannot admit to themselves that they are NOT clearing the planet, despite the statistics starting them in the face.
They lie to themselves about the state of their “ideal orgs” which are all empty failures.
About the “up statistics” of “expansion” when scientology is on a 20 year decline.
Their social betterment programs that are failing everywhere.
On and on. They are cowards about their own (lack of) accomplishments.
I leave you with these two, also from “Lory Guy.”
The troll bots and scientologists in general would benefit greatly from reading and absorbing these quotes and how they apply to THEM, not everyone else.
Oh my, someone in the CofS once again making statements concerning what is truth and what is lies? They’ve got to be kidding right? They have no idea what they are mumbling on about nor even come close to understanding what is written in their own texts. It’d be amusing if they were only 4 years old ranting over stolen ice cream, but they aren’t. Their hypocrisy stinks! I think this is appropriate:
“Identification is the lowest level of insanity. To identify Hubbard, his published data, and his church is insane. He is somewhat stuck in overts and withholds on that scale, in that he only understands dones. He has very low reality on help, so he cannot give or receive any.”
Sums up pretty well the CoS & its inmates imo. Those in that bubble truly need to sort out their own mirror image behavior of that man and stop with the lying to get a life of their very own.
Inmates. Hmm …. I must admit that is a very appropriate name to call people who have previously been called members.
This cult is very much like prison. Once you are in, it is very difficult to get out. People are really trapped in this “Prison of Belief”
From what I’ve seen, those who remain inside the bubble lap this stuff up – at least some, if not even many. The CofS seems to me to be down to a hard core of true believers who are conditioned to accept this sort of propaganda.
Scientology “tech” actually feeds ego and anxious attachments thus encouraging followers to become “better” slaves. The irony is you become proud of your own slavery in it while chasing “freedom”. What a brilliant scam!
Scientology is a losing proposition where the OSA wing spin lies for the Hubbard bag holders to be caught up supporting.
It’s a malicious trap for followers. It’s Hubbard’s playbook, getting his followers to viciously play their bag holder roles defending his scam.
Great analysis Mike.
Pop Quiz
A. Liars
1. Who wrote a book (or more than one) claiming multiple false, made-up credentials to deceive book buyers?
(a) elron
(b) Mike
(c) Leah
2. Whose book’s sales figures were discovered as having been systematically manipulated?
(a) elron
(b) Mike
(c) Leah
3. Who was decribed by more than one of their contemporaries as entertaining but largely untruthful?
(a) elron
(b) Mike
(c) Leah
B. Cowards
1. Who spent 6 years at sea in order to avoid criminal prosecution?
(a) elron
(b) Mike
(c) Leah
2. Who hid out in a house trailer, paranoid and Howrad-Hughes level crazed?
(a) elron
(b) Mike
(c) Leah
3. Who is currently avoiding all public appearances, for fear of process servers?
(a) “captain” dave
(b) Mike
(c) Leah
4. Who will categorically NOT face the media when asked to explain and defend their writings?
(a) “captain” dave
(b) Mike
(c) Leah
5. Who is petrified at the mention of their spouse and his/her where-about?
(a) “captain” dave
(b) Mike
(c) Leah
don’t forget who was determined by a judge in their ruling to be ”a man who has been virtually a pathological liar when it comes to his history, background and achievements.”
plus what group actually has a “Training Routine – Lie” for preparing operatives to convincingly give false information?
It is amazing how Scientology mouth pieces (including the tiny one) can not understand how a normal person views their “communication”. It is not surprising that a professional survey found the general public rates Scientology at the same level as devil worship. In contrast SP TV is exploding in viewership. People find it entertaining, interesting, inspiring and uplifting.
OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 being exorcism of Xenu’s supposed dumped body-thetans full of Xenu’s R6 implanted ideas, is a hard enough sell.
Lying and dodging and smearing ex’s and malicious fair gaming by Scientology’s OSA branch, just boomerangs.
Scientology ought to evaporate the OSA branch, and a few simple steps, like do one of the old LRH Amnesties way way back, when he cancelled all his penalties way back in the early 1960s amnesty he once did (not repeated), but doing a full blown amnesty, and just cancel disconnection, that’d be such a positive step.
Scientology could change, but Hubbard’s sporadic freeing up things, which Hubbard always unfreed up all those freer moments.
There’s almost no beating LRH’s final nasty unfree regulations.
A bunch of Scientologists have to do an massive exodus like in the 1980s when people quit official Scientology enmasse.
There are so many difficulties to this Hubbard pseudo-therapy/exorcism operation.
It’s such a mess.
Stopping the hated OSA branch and doing a wholesale amnesty, cancel SP declaring, undeclare all past SPs, etc, would be so easy to do, but the accumulated Hubbard regulations prevent that, not unless Scientologists just wholesale jump ship together.
Scientology is such a slap in the face religion, and not a “turn the other cheek” religion.
Scientology has essentially the same credibility as Herr Doktor Goebbels : none at all.
I think if you could distill the actual results achieved in Scn into a single phenomenon, you might describe it as “cleared from any and all effects of cognitive dissonance.” Their bubble world can only filter out so much reality. They don’t live in caves on remote desert islands, after all. When encountering the occasional and unavoidable discrepancies in truth, fact, and observation, it just flies past them as if it wasn’t there. One must at least respect such ingenuity. Dr. Evil and Mini-Me could have learned a lesson from a similar internationally known criminal genius and his dwarf.
Funny. That is one way to try to make sense of the Scientology nasty PR spinning smearing.
But it’s crazy talk, and really, that crazy smearing is so vile, like Mat says, those who write that vile smearing don’t realize it only harms their image worse, and they can’t see it.
Mike says the audience is only Miscavige. The audience to this smearing is not the public.
Moar Xenu will defeat Scientology’s regulations to keep out the truth from their members.
OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 are only because, supposedly, Xenu dumped zillions of R6 implanted body-thetans onto year which require the OT 3 thru 7 exorcism procedures. That info is now out, and no regulations can prevent all Scientology’s exorcism procedures from being understood by the public non Scientologists. Scientology’s “upper levels” are a whole lotta exorcism.
Moar Xenu.
Hubbard’s Scientology simply is geared to collapse, like Hubbard. Hubbard wrote the game plan.
“THE ONLY WAY YOU CAN CONTROL PEOPLE IS TO LIE TO THEM. You can write that down in your book in great big letters. The only way you can control anybody is to lie to them.”
– L. Ron Hubbard Lecture: “Off the Time Track” (June 1952) as quoted in Journal of Scientology issue 18-G, reprinted in Technical Volumes of Dianetics & Scientology Vol. 1, p. 418.
Isn’t it amazing how lying has become the new truth? Tell a big enough lie enough times and some people will believe it. I had the misconception that Sea Org members were ethical and truthful, until I caught them in blatant, provable lies. Even then I was shocked when I found out about what was done to Paulette Cooper and how rapists and child molesters were protected. Then add in all the lies Hubbard told, besides not being a war hero, being a wife beater and it is truly amazing how lies created a whole fake religion. Considering what Hubbard’s first 2 wives reported, the hypocrisy is amazing when they accuse Mike of spousal abuse when Cathy and the rest of her group were attacking Mike (she is another foul mouthed scientologist who knowingly lies and justifies it based on “greatest good for greatest number of dynamics” which is scientology’s way of excusing all sorts of evil). There needs to be enough media coverage so even those scientologists who refuse to look at anything they consider “bad news”, can’t avoid seeing news about scientology’s crimes. I think most scientologist are decent people and would leave if they really knew the truth.
It is very interesting that OSA are using Orwell to make their points.
Even back in the day, one of my fellow staff members made the observation that in some ways, Scientology was like a Communist cell.
The parallels between Scientology and Nineteen Eighty Four had occurred to me even when I was still in.
It came up in my sec checking a couple of times that I considered some of Scientology’s actions to be Orwellian.
Back in the day I stayed in Scientology despite all of this, not because I approved of it. I thought that Scientology was so important that I must overlook these obvious outpoints.
I was wrong!
COB didn’t beat you hard enough.
That is one outstanding post. All Lory Guy had to do was write down what David Miscavige dictated, while David Miscavige looked in the mirror. The thing is: It’s not parody it’s the real David Miscavige. “Truth Revealed” ™
If the ultimate survival of mankind was so important and such a high sacrosanct ideal, a benevolent religious organization wouldn’t place access to achieving this eternally life-changing process behind an extortionate paywall.
The biggest lies were told by LRH. The continued lies by the “organization” only go to show that ethics have no place in scientology. I hope more and more cases are filed that lead to more truth coming into the light of day.
The lack of self awareness in the bubble may qualify as astounding.
Wow. The truth is so obvious.