This is right from the website under their “Frequently Asked Questions” answer on “What Is Disconnection?”
There is no policy in Scientology that requires Church members to disconnect from anyone, let alone family and friends who simply have different beliefs. To the contrary, the moral code of Scientology mandates that Scientologists respect the religious beliefs of others. The Church encourages excellent family relationships, Scientologists or not, and family relations routinely improve with Scientology because the Scientologist learns how to increase communication and resolve any problems that may have previously existed.
Well, I beg to differ.
There is absolutely FIRM, UNSHAKABLE “church policy” that REQUIRES scientologists in good standing to disconnect from anyone the church deems to be a “suppressive person.”
This is what it says exactly in Hubbard’s policy letter and in their handbook on all things ethical, Introduction to Scientology Ethics.
These are considered Suppressive Acts:
Continued adherence to a person or group pronounced a Suppressive Person or group by HCO
Failure to handle or disavow and disconnect from a person demonstrably guilty of a Suppressive Act
The result of committing a “Suppressive Act” is to be declared a “Suppressive Person” and meet the same fate yourself — scientology will order every scientologist in good standing to disconnect from you.
Here is an example of such an order. This is a MOTHER being ordered not to communicate with her SON. It is one of thousands of examples of this practice, though usually scientology is more careful not to leave any paper trail:
What is amazing is that scientology does not have the conviction of its beliefs.
Why not simply say “Yes, we require our believers to disconnect from those who are critical of scientology and anyone we deem undesirable, because it is our firmly held religious belief that it is spiritually beneficial, and if anyone does not like it they are free to follow some other belief system.” And of course, therein lies the crux of the problem. IF scientology made clear to people that they might be arbitrarily ordered to disconnect or might have others ordered to disconnect from them, or that their problems and illnesses stemmed from being infested by body thetans and the story of Xenu, a lot of people would head for the exits. And that would be bad for the bottom line.
Scientology stands on the conviction of its beliefs only when it helps the bottom line. They will fight to the death not to turn over pc folder data if it is damaging to them in a court case, and turn around and use it with reckless abandon if they think they can get away with it. The ONLY true conviction in scientology is to protect potential income. Period. All decision-making is oriented to that single objective.
But even in the face of that, it is still hard to fathom why they think it is a good idea to blatantly lie, in writing, on their official website, when it is so easy to prove the lie?
If they cannot be trusted with such a straightforward “fact” how can they possibly be considered trustworthy respecting anything they say?
They can’t.
Additional Note: An earlier post, entitled Why Do Scientologists Lie? is worth re-reading in conjunction with the above. It explains the motivation to lie.
Hmm, don’t we see quite a bit of double speak here?
It might be correct in a narrow sense that people are not disconnected “simply” (only) because of a different religious belief.
The gaping hole is the omitted explanation that disconnection indeed exists, however not directly related to belief but as a punishment for perceived disobedience.
The HCOB PTSness and disconnection of 1983 is not written by Hubbard according to Dan Koon and a firm testimony in an affidavit of Vaughn Young that he was ordered by Miscavige to compose a policy reinstating disconnection in 1983.
This policy is a fake Hubbard writing. Scientology is under the yoke of Miscavige. They lie to protect Miscavige who is an usurper and an imposter. In the 1970 never disconnection was used. The supressives acts policy was written in 1965, in 1968 disconnection was cancelled.
They lie as they are ashame of this policy. Like nazis saying concentration camp don’t exist. And it’s completly against their own belief.
With Miscavige they are under totalitarian yoke. Why do they stay? It’s an unsolved mystery as why did German continue to obey Hitler after it was obvious that he was a criminal.
FG, that sounds like the tired and thoroughly discredited Hubbard loyalist line.
A large number of people were disconnected and effectively declared in the late 1960s and 1970s, many over Hubbard’s personal signature, as attested to by original documents and the testimony of quite a few old timers. There is an extensive examination of the subject here, including in particular a confidential 1973 Hubbard policy letter titled Handling Disconnection making it explicitly clear that the practice continued except that declares would not be published:
I think that one of the most notable and telling examples is that of John McMaster, the supposed “First Clear” and Hubbard-anointed “Pope” of Scientology, who resigned in 1969 over the abuses that Hubbard was perpetrating including ethics and disconnection – and was then given a writ of expulsion that was an SP declare in all respects except name.
The 1983 policy, at the point that Hubbard was still trying to run the church from behind the scenes while maintaining plausible deniability, is just a reaffirmation of earlier policies carried out all along under Hubbard, whatever the circumstances of that particular issue. Miscavige may have put the policy on steroids, as the saying goes, but given Hubbard’s drift towards running Scientology under increasing totalitarian control, it’s not clear that things would have been much different had the old man lived longer and been more directly in charge.
PeaceMaker Regardless of Hubbard’s viewpoint about disconnection at this time, here is the link to the affidavit of Vaugh Young. READ POINT 29.
You’ll note that “PTSness and disconnection” was not the only issu composed by Vaughn Young. I also believe that all Ron’s Journal from RJ34 are all fake. Especially RJ 35 which sells non existing OT levels, and RJ38 with an actor playing Hubbard selling RTC to public scientologists.
I am not an “Hubbard loyalist”. I only say that the extend of Miscavige lies are also faking “source” on major issus involving politics of the church. In no way I mean Hubbard is perfect or that he is not also a totalitarian asshole. I just mean that Miscavige is a policy faker. And should be sentenced. I don’t want to reconstruct scientology, I want to make sure that Miscavige is finally exposed for his crimes against scientology itself and Hubbard, aside with his common crimes (human trafficing, etc.) Faking Hubbard if it is known amongst scientologist will cause his downfall. Not advertising it is keeping Miscavige in place.
I’m not an Hubbard loyalist. I want Miscavige punished for his crimes.
Wynski, I’m no longer a scientologist, I am only trying to be fair with the truth.
I also believe that all Ron’s Journal from RJ34 are all fake. Especially RJ 35 which sells non existing OT levels, and RJ38 with an actor playing Hubbard selling RTC to public scientologists.
This is just craziness. You believe things for which there is no basis to believe — other than it doesnt match your view of what you want to be true. Though I am sure it will make no difference to you, I know they are NOT fake. And even if “PTSNess and Disconnection” was “composed” by Vaughn Young, it was because Hubbard ordered this. ANd approved his composition. And directed a lot more draconian things than that in that era, including “taking out the SP and their connections.”
But I know I am wasting my breath telling you… It is really for the benefit of other readers.
FG uttered, “I’m no longer a scientologist, I am only trying to be fair with the truth.”
LMAO! So that means declaring that recordings (where you were NOT present and have ZERO actual evidence of them being fake) are “fake”. Also, THROUGHOUT the history of scientology Hubbard ordered people to write policies and bulletins at his direction and then he would APPROVE them as correct (as happened with Young) and you declare that is fake.
How the F CK does that square with “being fair with the truth”?
I’m sorry but that IS insane.
FG, I’m gald you are back. There are many new people on this blog that need to see how nuts a scientologist really is.
PTS and mandatory disconnection Policy PREDATES 1983. It IS LRH ordered. I’ve seen his actual sigs on SP declares for scamologists who refused that as a PTS handling. Derp!
Wynski: “There are many new people on this blog that need to see how nuts a scientologist really is….Derp!”
What do you think the comments you make, like the above – “nuts” and “derp” – are saying about you?
marildi, thanks for jumping in as an additional example for the new people.
How good and how valuable can something be when it has to be told and sold and couched in lies from end to end? How workable will something like that be ultimately? Truly a “modern day religion. The old world religions started with WE KNOW ALL THE ANSWERS. CoS seems to start with: there is so much BS in the world try our brand on and see if you don’t like it better…
Jen, I think it’s more insidious than that. Scientology believes that they have all the answers, just that people are not quite ready to accept the truth about what that really entails, and so the public have to be fed “acceptable truths” as Hubbard put it.
Part of that is of course also the lying to the public to keep the truths hidden when they start to become exposed. It’s a system that is internally coherent in a certain way, and self-justified, so that it attracts some people and then manages to keep many of them in.
Scientology is more like some of the old mystery religions, and fraternal and occult orders, where there are different teachings and different truths on different levels of initiation. Hubbard did have experience an occult initiatory orders, the OTO, which has a philosophy very similar to what underlies Scientology, that the end justifies the means (utilitarianism) and that individuals should be free to act however they wish – or can get away with.
Wonder how far in and at what point your mind starts saying ‘well this may be bad but the end result will be worth the little lies and harm done in the end’. The greater good and all that? Combined with the people who really don’t care and the bullies who “found a home in the COS army”. I guess you get your cult…
So damn true. This should be required reading. This blog post should take up a full page in the NYT and LAT. It’s absolutely amazing at how such an oppressive group is allowed to continue to go unchallenged by the government. They destroy families on a whim. A hunch. Out of fear. And for politics. Then again I know how they’re allowed to continue – they’re not being problems to the people that could make their lives a little harder. In fact, it wouldn’t surprise me if Miscavige has certain key palms well greased. Then again, why would people in the US Govt or LE worry about us whistleblowers when they are busy hunting their own whistle blowers (Snowden, Manning)? The answer is, we must persist. Keep putting the truth there and more and more will wake up. And eventually that evil can be purged or at least stripped of any fanaticism.
This post reminded me of a video I had seen one night a while back when having one of my late night YouTube marathons watching stuff about Scientology. It’s about a lady recording a “disconnection” session. I’m sure most old-timers here have probably seen this, but as a never-in who just recently started getting interested in this stuff, I thought it might be of interest to other newer never-in visitors. I just found it and watched it again.
This video was posted a couple of years ago by Tony Ortega (he may have written an article about it too, but I’ve only been on his site and Mike’s for a couple of months):
Basically, this video is audio that a lady apparently recorded when she went in to see someone from the church (an “Ethics Officer” or something I think). Some folks were apparently policing her Facebook profile and saw where she had posted on the Facebook pages of Aaron Smith-Levin and Nick Lister (mentioned in Mike’s post above), looked at some websites with OT materials, watched some Leah Remini and Lawrence Wright interviews, and remained in contact with some people even while knowing they were declared.
The guy (who sounded very young to me) called them “enemies of the church” and told her that since she didn’t disconnect from those “SP’s”, she engaged in what was considered “Suppressive Acts” according to CHURCH POLICY (which he said applies whether you’re a Scientologist or not). Therefore, she herself got declared a “Suppressive Person”.
Apparently, some people had written KR’s on her (which she said she had been asking for copies a few times, but no one had ever provided to her). She challenged these accusations by saying she wasn’t even a “church member” (just had “some connection”, which being in Clearwater, is pretty easy) and that she wrote something called a “False Report” (I assume this is a response to those KR’s). The guy told her that even though she wasn’t a Scientologist, that she “connected herself into the group”.
Now here’s the amazing part, particularly in light of Scientology’s claim that disconnection is a “personal choice” and (as shown in Mike’s post above) “There is no policy in Scientology that requires Church members to disconnect from anyone….. The Church encourages excellent family relationships, Scientologists or not,…..”. This lady who was being declared actually TOLD this guy that what her declaration means is that the following would happen to her:
– She would have to divorce her husband
– She would lose half of her clients
– Her own son either can’t be in a band with another Scientologist (they were about to make a big record) OR her son would have to disconnect from her
– She would be disconnected from her brother
– She would have to “move out” (I assume this meant that she lived in a place owned by Scientologists)
What is most amazing, is that after she told him all of this, he DID NOT DENY ANY OF IT. He just mentioned POLICY, and told her (at least TWICE) that she needed to “take responsibility for her actions”.
If indeed, “there is no policy in Scientology that requires Church members to disconnect from anyone”, then WHY didn’t this guy correct her when she read off the list of what was going to happen to her because of her SP declaration? He did NOT correct her or deny ANY of it. He just kept rambling on about “policy”.
So either there really is a disconnection policy that this guy actually knew about, or he wasn’t trained very well to reject her claims of what would happen to her. Regardless, either the church’s statement on disconnection or their training of this guy is a major FAIL (probably both).
She ended the meeting by telling him (sarcastically) that he “did his job well” and that his TR’s are “spot on”.
Just something I found fascinating a few weeks ago that applies to this disconnection policy (that doesn’t exist, of course) and shows that this isn’t some “BS” accusation made by “degraded apostates”.
I recall that tape. Emotionally wrenching to anyone with a working heart. She complimented him on not showing any signs of having one.
Maybe someday if COS comes to present time, they can replace ethics officers with those affect less Japanese robots I’ve videos of.
Thank You Mike. Outstanding article.
This hits the crux of the problem – bang – in the bulls-eye.
Disconnection has been “on-policy” since 1965.
Thank you Mike for this reminder on the subject of lies & disconnection (which never gets old btw) Hopefully this is still on topic.
The former Executive Director International, Bill Franks, wrote that in 1974 he and David Mayo, (who would eventually become Hubbard’s top technical aide) were let in on a big secret and possibly an even bigger lie. This from Hubbard himself.
…”Thirdly and to the point of all this preamble, on one night in 1974 I found myself in David mayo’s office in the tween decks of the Apollo.
It was very late or early in the morning. We were ,I believe in the port of Safi, Morrocco. A student of mine, I was currently D of T and Mayo was Flag Snr C/S, had blown. Hubbard was extremely angry with us due to this blown student of mine on the FEBC program. In an attempt to show Hubbard what we had done to handle this guy we collected up all the sec checking that he had received over the last 2 months, it had been a lot poor guy, and presented it to him along with an outline of this student’s progress on the courses he had taken. We had also wanted to show him how we had been careful that he hadn’t gone by misunderstoods, etc.
We waited and waited and about 0300 hrs a messenger came down with a Despatch written by LRH. My memory does not recall any folders being returned. The despatch was entitled Very Confidential underlined. “He went onto say that if you or Franks ever reveal any of this information that I am about to reveal, the consequences will be severe for SCN.”
He then wrote” a person does not blow due Overts or Witholds. He blows only due to ARC BKs”.
“However, If any of this information ever became public,I would lose all control of the orgs and eventually Scientology as a whole”.signed “LRH” …. ” …………….
Scientology is a strange bedfellow with “the truth” yet they insist with ferocity that the basics of auditing cannot work in the absence of truth, or the recognition of the exact time, form place and event. The whole of Scientology is based on the recognition of and the ability to get to the basic truth of ANYTHING.
Yet, Hubbard intentionally left in place a false explanation for “blows” (departures from Scientology) to cover up the real reasons, real instances of tech failure or human rights abuses, to cover up the real situation. This intentionally installed misdirector has caused untold heartache and suffering. This is a very real example of why I think L Ron Hubbard was also Scientology’s biggest problem. Since those early days when the PR was bad in New Zealand and the various issues that came out about disconnection, to cancel it, then reinstate it based on claims that people were misapplying it are bullshit. It was ALL BULLSHIT. Hubbard painted people with black and white brushes based on how much their difficulties traced back to HIM. He was selfish and a coward. He let his wife sit in jail and then disowned her. He condemned his son for how his suicide would reflect badly on HIM. When people left the organization he used disconnection as a weapon to ruin the lives of those who would turn away from him. Disconnection exists purely as an organizational dramatization that cannot stand the rays of sun light to shine upon the fact that Hubbard failed, that his experiment was an abject failure. I say abject because you cannot openly use one fragment of Scientology without incurring the wrath of the general population which has learned to dismiss the entirety based on the savagery of it’s suppressive evil policies.
Thanks for the very informative comment, Doug. I want to add that with second generation young people, they get recruited for SO, and if the parent doesn’t jump up and cheer and appear to be 110% onboard with their joining the SO, that parent now is under close scrutiny from the Sea Org Recruiters. And if they even sniff one little crumb of C.I., then the parent is labeled SP and the kids are told to disconnect from that parent. And the irony and shame of it all is that most of these kids don’t last long in the SO and route out. So for that short stint in the SO, they lost their mom and/or dad. What a waste of many lives and what a cause for untold heartache. If the Sea Org hadn’t been trying to recruit the kid, the parent would never have been declared and disconnected from. (At least in my case that is how it all shook out.)
The truth about LRH is out there thanks to www. He spent his life starting ventures and living in the legend of the imaginations of other people. He would never have the integrity to correct the imaginative fabrications of those peers that he endeared with stories from his own imaginative embellishments of his limited experience.
From trying to get a glider licence to being a world renowned aviation pioneer was a matter of fiction and innuendo.
His expeditions were a farce and his Naval career was such a disappointment this wannabe decided that he was going to buy his own Navy.
He was a sci fi writer who needed to be in power of believers of his manifesto and built rules to ensure the purity of his precious world through the use of orwellian principals amd the use of bullying techniques.
Wow, Mike, that drawing at the top of the blog post says a thousand words.
I apologize if this is stupid question, but are SP’s only former church members? Can anyone be declared an SP?
Anyone can be declared an SP.
The supposed criteria are laid out by Hubbard and you are supposed to go through them all and determine if someone is an SP or not. But this is just a theoretical exercise. In fact, anyone who is a critic or in disagreement with scientology is considered an SP (an “Anti-Social Personality”). The title of the Hubbard Policy on this is in fact “The Anti-Social Personality, The Anti-Scientologist.”
So, anyone can qualify, but the vast majority of “SP’s” are those who have left the “church” even if they still call themselves scientologists.
I remember a tape or a policy letter by LRH which – I don’t remember the full context – said that it was a mistake to not declare President Lyndon Johnson an SP.
“Can anyone be declared an SP? ”
YES. All it requires are powers of observation and the courage to say what you have observed. There was a course in Scientology at one time that costs $35.00 and required 5 evenings of study and it preached the benefits of living a life with clean hands and an open heart. Nowadays in Scientology if you observe someone getting screwed over you better not mention it, it will cost you minimum $3200 and possibly the loss of friends and family.
The one thing the management of the church never does is trust their own members. It is now so easily concluded by the overwhelming evidence that this practice of disconnection and it’s forced integration within the group are intentional. It was never intended for spiritual gain but rather as a managerial weapon to protect income streams, the chain of command and to rid the organisation of ‘troublemakers’. These principals and methods of operation are fundamental to lot of policy development to ensure compliance of its members and for them to remain on a set path. Disagree with Scientology or parts of it and out you go.
Take the criminality out of the Scientology organisation and what are you left with? “crickets..”. Hubbard chose an insane policy direction when he decided to take on the world singlehandedly. He gave himself no choice other than being an asshole when he put income above the welfare of Church members. His insatiable desire for further research had an underlying motive. He was the first one to violate KSW1 by writing it! Ever noticed almost immediately after writing it how the Bridge was altered, case states continually being redefined, new discoveries constantly being presented and it all continued to be manipulated on and on to dovetail into financial expansion. If one believes Hubbard’s own words, Scientology itself eventually needs to run out to ensure spiritual freedom, yeah right, if that was ever intended to happen. What he originally developed and demonstrated technically but later redeveloped into policy thereby causing him to oppose the original technology are bewildering. He engaged in the disturbing practice of inserting confusing contradictions, scattering them throughout key areas. Those methods of control were cleverly implemented.
I’m not opposed to all of Scientology but sure as hell the Cof$ is completely opposed to me. Anyone here ever get to feel that way too?
“I’m not opposed to all of Scientology but sure as hell the Cof$ is completely opposed to me. Anyone here ever get to feel that way too?” …..yes. The true mark of an insane entity is inability to distinguish friend from foe, so to be on the “safe” side, creates enemies out of everyone. Just to be on the safe side.
Is posting here a suppressive act? How about Ortega’s blog?
Well of course so post under a made up name if you are under the radar.
Posting is definately not an activity approved by The Cult. Nor is breathing if you have disavowed Them.
But who cares? From Dave on down to the lowliest of the low lifes on the RPF, the group has gone into hiding. Not Dave or any other member has the huevos to enter into a conversation.
The only exception might be a PI who is paid to do Dave’s bidding but who himself is not likely a member. Monique the Ding a Ling comes to mind!
Is posting here a suppressive act against the Cof$? It jolly well better be! Otherwise I wasted a lot of time. I do have a self image to maintain. Per my calculations there are more suppressive acts per keyboard strokes on the internet and utube minutes saying unsavory things against Scientology than socially nice ones. I just love being an upstat.
“What is true for you is what you have observed yourself and when you lose that you have lost everything.”
That ubiquitous quote has been used for decades to give license to scientologists to deny truth, not practice it. Yes, “what is true for you…” does have the distant echo of the Shakespearean, “To thine own self be true” but it’s a con man’s version: “Gee whizz, I never saw the church abuse anybody so it’s not true for me”.
However, as communal creatures, it is IMPERATIVE that we know what is true for others also, we need to be apprised of THEIR observations, not only our own! No man is an island, you know.
Even so, virtually every scientologist today is disconnected from somebody. Disconnection IS a personally observed truth. Lying about it means they have lost their personal truth and thus they have lost “everything”.
And that is per Hubbard.
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you ‘the most ethical people on the planet’.
” Ladies and gentlemen, I give you ‘the most ethical people on the planet’.” Indeed sir. Or perhaps it could be said that a “good Scientologist” is one who never rocks the boat or stirs the pot. Or does his own investigation instead of taking his slice of reality from authoritarian sources who are to remain invisible and unquestioned.
Observation is now a crime in the Church of Scientology. If you’re in, and observing, you’re in trouble!
“Listen, don’t look” is the way – the only way – to stay in Scientology.
Or should that read, “the most alternatively ethical people on the planet?”
Hubbard sure wrote a lot of ultimatums didn’t he? Probably needed a sec check.
“…alternatively ethical people…” That’s funny!
Invertedly ethical people.
I can’t find it just now but hopefully another poster will be able to quote the section… Somewhere in the “Ethics” book isn’t there a stipulation that a declared individual’s “… ONLY terminal is the IJC (International Justice Chief)”? This stipulation works in tandem with the “failure to disavow…” is an SP act bit. “Terminal”, in scientologese is of course a communication terminal. So effectively, if I’m a scientologist friend, relative or associate of a declared person and I’m not the IJC, then I must not communicate with that declared person as that person is not permitted to comm with anyone but the IJC and I would then be subject to being declared also. This is insidious but not necessarily obvious to someone until it applies to their friend or relative.
This way the Ethics Officer need only direct them to the applicable section of the book to back up whatever else has been covered without having to specifically instruct anyone to disconnect. It becomes the person “choosing” to disconnect; in order to not be declared himself. So, not wanting to run contrary to the holy scripture of LRH and get himself declared, he cuts all comm with his former contact. No more phone calls. No nods of acknowledgement if encountered on the street. No Christmas cards. No nothin’. Those are all forms of communication. The declared person’s ONLY communication terminal is the IJC whether anyone agrees with it or not. This ensures that whatever the SP has found out or however he’s been wronged will not get spread around and put others at risk of waking up to reality.
Disconnection is a key component of the glue that holds the entire house of cards together.
Like a lot of other people today in the world the “general feeling” towards the Church of Scientology is not to disconnect but rather avoid them as they bring trouble into people’s lives that most people are not prepared for. Becoming “friends” with a member of the church does not always result in one going clear or OT or even more important becoming an auditor. An auditor will always be senior to a Clear. 🙂
“Disconnection is a key component of the glue that holds the entire house of cards together.” …..well FEAR of being disconnected from ones “eternity” might be the basic basic on all of that. As long as Scientologists continue to believe that lie they will likely choose their next trillion years over an elderly woman doing a brief stint as their “mother.” But soon she’ll be a distant memory and the scientologist can get the show on the road with zero distraction. Can’t let your dear old mom get in the way of our future monetary gains for the group now can we?
Yes, threat of disconnection is acknowledged to be the glue that binds the victims in the criminal organisation.
Tommy Davis stated as much to one victim he was trying to persuade.
And “failure to disconnect from an SP” is a known reason for someone to be declared an SP by the Co$, so you’re entirely right.
Yes this we know for certain. Scientology lies and lies and lies. Stay very far away from any Scientology Organization or front group. Save your self inevitable trouble.
As I’ve mentioned before, I have two friends I hangout with in the only 500 person little RV park I’ve lived in for 8 years who have both been damaged by Scientology. The rest I’ve spoke to over the years know to stay away. 3 out of 500 is a lot. This Scientology has done not much but leave trails of persons with unhealthy mental patterns and broken hearts. Stay away and warn your friends.
And OSA I don’t know how you sleep at night knowing you yourself is part of the problem. It takes a lot of confront to confront evil. Guess you just don’t have it in you yet. When it finally comes to you, pack up and leave. There is nothing like being your own think boss even if you have to start with finding a homeless shelter.
Thanks for getting the truth out Mike and friends.
” And OSA I don’t know how you sleep at night ……”
Short answer ……………. They don’t!
Sleep deprivation is a part of their culture.
Yes! Come out, Georgina Tweedie. FYI, Georgina has never said she would nor has she ever discussed it. I just wish should. <3
Ron has said,” Scientology is senior to life because Scientology handles life.” In that regard Scientology is senior to anything, including the truth.
“But even in the face of that, it is still hard to fathom why they think it is a good idea to blatantly lie, in writing, on their official website, when it is so easy to prove the lie?”
L Ron Hubbard was a congenital liar. L Ron Hubbard is their guru. With Scientology anything that makes Scientology look good is the truth because Scientology is the “only way.” And anything that makes Scientology look bad is a lie; even if it is the truth.
Any mind that can consider all critics have a criminal past has been hypnotized by Altitude Instruction.
Once a mind can go accept Hawaii existed 75 million years ago
Psyches are from Farsec
The emeter is infallible……………….
that mind has accepted imagination and falsehoods as truth.
Bubble heads lie but they do not call it lying. They call it loyalty to Ron and Scientology.
These two doctrines cause all sorts of mental distortion:
1) the greatest good for the greatest number
2) we are the last and only chance to save the planet
Once these things have been agreed with, lying becomes a religious sacrament. Because the greatest truth finder is LRH and the greatest road to truth is Scientology.
Therefore anything against these are a lie; even the truth.
A mind that has gone to these places of distortion has been damaged as far as independent free thought is concerned.
Mike, there is no mystery why they lie. We have all been on the other side. All we have to do is observe our mental state when we were in. Remember!
When I look back at my mind I see that I granted the term “truth” to Ron. Ron was the messiah, the truth teacher of freedom, the last chance for mankind.
When Hubbard and the emeter are granted infallibility, our very own power to differenciate between lies and truth have been study teched out of our ability.
Truth in Scientology, is really an authoritarian and tyrannical doctrinal enforcement.
When all critics become criminals; bye bye ability to see the truth.
Of course. I added a note to the end of the post referencing an earlier article about why ALL scientologists lie
That “disconnect” letter to Sara Goldberg that you posted made me curious about this mother and son so I looked up quite a bit of the story (I vaguely remembered her name). I won’t rehash the story due to the personal nature of a lot of it, but it was really eye-opening how this so-called “church” tried to use this guy to do something utterly despicable against a couple that CoS had declared “suppressive”, even though he was told to not engage with any “SP’s”. Then when he refused (good for him), they punished him.
I remember reading in Jenna Hill Miscavige’s book about how her mother was punished and sent to the RPF for having an affair. Yet this same “church” was trying to get this guy to engage in the exact same type of conduct (out 2D) just so they could try to hurt one of their perceived “enemies”, which is a perfect example of nothing more than just ad hoc rationalization to justify their actions. The absolute hypocrisy of this group is just fascinating.
Can you trust the words from this “church”? NO! They spew lies, lies, lies.
That’s what happens whenever a Scientologists starts to speak.
That’s the first thing they do after waking up in the morning too, even before coffee! ie Having “alternate thoughts about things.” They see the world and everything in it as dishonest.
Mike, I’m puzzled here. I thought LRH told people to handle, then disconnect. What happened to the ‘handle’ part?
Better ask Dave and his worldwide farce (I mean force) of teenage and twenty something MAAs!
The handle broke off.
Superglue is good for that.
Where Dave is concerned, it is a humpty dumpty affair.
None of His Men can put it back together again! Dave is a broken piece …………….. and you know where to look if you are searching for that lost handle! Don’t look where the sun is shining!
There is no “handle” when a family member comes to their senses and walks away. The Scientology term for “handle” actually means, in reality, to convince others to accept lies in the place of truth. Lies about what Scientology is really doing, or that they have been printing falsehoods. Handle used to mean, talk your friends down so they stop asking you about things that are controversial. Scientology speak for “handle” actually means that the Scientologist overwhelms the critical party with false information until they give up or back down. Or it means threaten to never speak to them again. Either way, the result is a perversion of reality or an enforced break in reality affinity or communication. (making enough threat to get them to shut up) In this wise Scientology is abberated, not a straight line at all. $5000 for a plastic e-meter is extortion but you’ll never keep your Scientology friends around if you tell them that so you learn to never speak openly to a Scientologist about Scientology. And THAT is the result of todays Scientology. Just be rude and foul enough to critical people and they will eventually hate and despise you enough to disconnect for you. Problem solved using Scientology. Just ask Kirsty Alley or Jenna whats-her-face.
Their entire “handle” scheme is no longer possible. In the old days I think if one was connected to an anti-SCN person (antagonistic to SCN), you could possibly handle him and get the relationship to fair roads, good weather. LRH then evidently stated in ’83 – “when you take out an SP you must take out his connections” or words to that effect. So, it is all about the connections. They wanted Lois and I to handle our oldest, never-in Son who was against SCN and make him disconnect from his parents in law as they were SPs. He was never going to do that. How and why would a never-in disconnect from his wife’s SP parents? So, even if we could “handle” our son so we could do SCN without harassment from him, he still had these connections.
The cult has instituted a system that will eventually bring it down. “Handling” is no longer a workable proposition unless the person you are attempting to handle lives in a cave by himself. Everyone has connections and 90% of the people not living under a rock, knows SCN is an evil, bogus cult.
P. S. Mike I love you! You put the BIG in BIGOT!
On the one hand, Scientology makes you stronger, but on the other, a few critical comments about the CHERCH or its founder is enough to undo spiritual gains? I should have put that together long ago!
Maybe that’s the reason why so many of Scientology’s former-spokespersons have fallen. Tom Davis and Mike Rinder both had to listen to the SP John Sweeney. Likewise, part of their job was talking to journalists who inquired about the darker aspects of the cherch. Today Davis is no longer a spokesman. I don’t need to mention what happened to Rinder. This prolonged exposure to SPs has made them wogs again!
Not Tommy D. He is as devout a scientologist as ever. He toes the party line like a good sheeple.
I know he’s still in the cherch, I merely said that he’s no longer a spokesman and jokingly implied it’s due to a loss in spiritual gains. Here’s a serious question; was there any concern amongst cherch spokespersons that exposure to SPs as part of their job will lead to loss in spiritual gains? I have seen clips of you and Davis representing Scientology in the media. You two were asked about such things as disconnection, DM’s violent behavior and the death of Lisa McPherson. Are Anderson Cooper, Martin Bashir and other journalists considered SPs for having inquired about those subjects? If the answer is yes, weren’t you engaging in acts that according to Scientology beliefs were putting your spiritual progress at danger? Was this ever a cause of concern for you or for any other spokesperson? Were any of the celebrity Scientologists who talked to John Sweeney in 2007 concerned about the potential impact of this encounter on their spiritual gains?
Yes, outandabout, Scientologists can be fragile. They are hothouse flowers, mostly. You’d think being up the Bridge with all their abilities gained as regards communicating on any subject, making problems vanish, etc. that they’d be tough with high confront but in actual fact I’ve found most of them susceptible to being easily upset, their realities quite easily shaken. It doesn’t take much. Boo! Forget about “confronting and shattering suppression” – most of them can barely handle a differing viewpoint without cowering and running away. Fragile people. Treat them with great care.
It’s a funny thing. The cherch of Scientology and Scientologists know what is socially acceptable and how they should act. They are routinely drilled to give the acceptable answers when asked questions by non Scientologists. They will convincingly say that they accept all religions, that there is no such thing as disconnection, etc. This applies to recruitment, taking a persons money, what the individuals gain from each of their services, etc. There is just this huge built in lie machine that is the heart and soul of Scientology. Some how the individual Scientologists are convinced that by following the script they are helping themselves and others in the long run. Because of this, it isn’t really wrong and it isn’t really lying. It would be really wrong NOT to lie and follow the script. A GOOD Scientologist lies. A BAD Scientologist tells the truth. The more you see and tell the truth , the harder it is to survive in Scientology. Take it too far and you will be removed from Scientology and its members will disconnect from you as you threaten their lie. Represent too much truth and Scientology, by its own policy, will try to destroy you.
Scientology even has a service called “The Truth Rundown”. This is when you see something inconvenient to the cherch. Lets say you saw Miscavige punch, kick and choke some poor dope. This would be addressed with “counseling” called the “Truth Rundown”. The product of the “counseling” is the person now believing and saying that the event they witnessed was not real, was not true. LIES ARE TRUTH. TRUTH ARE LIES.
It’s 1984 in Scientology.
Wow, no longer stuck in the 50s?
Holy Cow, Matt! THAT is the purpose of the Truth Rundown? OMG! I’ve always wondered but somehow never bothered to find out. Amazing!
Somewhere back in the dim dark days I remember around Level 2 Hubbard explaining what an overt act was. One description was an example of a pirate, when he didn’t slit the victim’s throat and throw them over the side but instead felt sorry for them and let them go. That then became “missed” by his comrades and so the dwindling spiral of their moral code begins and their behavior & trustworthiness gets eroded etc.
Same thing with Scientologists, if one of them actually told the truth or reported what they actually saw or felt, it would be considered an overt against Scientology. What you resist you become sort of dribblily thing.
The social intercourse between Scientologists, is as the words imply, completely fucked! If they ever told the truth about the Church it would no longer exist for them. And don’t think for a moment that they don’t reactively know that! It’s a Bridge to where again?
This is so true. Scientologists are always trying to keep their PR in and scientology’s PR in too. It’s all a nice little show, an act.
Once a person joins they’re slowly introduced to the real scientology shit show.
One of my first realizations after leaving the church was how much I lied all the time. How it was demanded of me!
You are so right Gail. I did a post about this a few months ago “Why Do Scientologists Lie?”
I feel I should probably republish it every quarter as a reminder to everyone what it is they are dealing with.
I had to lie constantly to my family about where all the money was going, this could not have been helping me obtain ‘spiritual freedom’ but despite asking about it repeatedly I was told to tell my family an ‘acceptable truth’, something which was real to them. Only after I left did I realize that my only importance to the cult was how much money I handed over, they didn’t care what it did to me mentally, constant worry about 40-50K of credit card debt, having to quickly tuck statements away so no one else saw them. I’m so relieved to be rid of scientology.
Hmm, a pathological liar & criminal (Hubbard) builds a religion based on almost nothing but lies and its membership ends up lying.
Who woulda thunk?
Mike, seriously, lying is a way of life for Scientologists. It’s the greatest good…
Sorry I forgot about that OSD. My bad. (never fear to hurt another…”
Deceit and lies run through the DNA of the church of scientology.
And it always will. It’s impossible for them NOT to lie.
Mary, I did the personality test at the Pasadena Idle Morgue, about 5 or 6 years ago. I commented on test that it seemed to have been written in the 50s. The young man said, “We made it that way on purpose.” Could that have been a lie?
Absolutely! Cherch lying is always done with a purpose and tone 40 intention. That makes it true ….. for them and if it’s true for the cherch it is true for the universe. Get with it man!!!!
It is bizarre. Is there any other religion on earth that has a better understanding for lies and open deception. You have believe this because I told you it is true in all religions and that goes with the day to day life control status as well as the fable at he center of the tootsie pop, but to openly have text on lying and it’s usages. To openly mention how much lying must needs be done to further to goals of the church (always for the best) is insane. “A lot of this isn’t true but you have to believe it and do it and sell it to new parishioners just the same..” No wonder Scientology attracts so many paranoid narcissists and con artist types. What more could they ask for. We are well past condoning a necessary evil here we are into open sales policy level of dishonesty and graft for gain/wins.
Church Monger Update:
The Christian Science Reading Room on Vermont near Franklin displays the phrase: “All are welcome”. Your Information Center on Hollywood near Highland displays the phrase: “All are welcome”. Are you resorting to Hubbard’s old tactics of Cherry Picking Philosophy? Your intentions are clear.
Cherch of Scientology sign: “ALL ARE WELCOME”.
Very tiny type: “Certain Restrictions Apply. Not applicable in Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, and 47 other states; Not applicable in District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, United States Virgin Islands, Guam…”
“This does not apply to Suppressive Persons, down stats, members of the press, psychiatrists,
those taking psychotropic medications, those who comment on anti-scientology blogs and former scientologists. We reserve the right to rescind welcome status at any time and without notice. Certain actions may be taken against you in domains including, but not limited to your neighborhood, work place and internet in order to preserve religious freedom should you be deemed a threat to such freedom. Please refrain from argumentation based on logic, rationality and common human decency or you will be escorted off the premises.”
Miscavige failed to produce an accurate clay demo on “lying”. He must have blown the course.
Ha ha ha! Bet he never even did it.
It is one of the main things that is SO CRAZY about the cherch: they have provable b.s.
If they are lying about not forcing disconnection, what else are they lying about? Obviously, they will lie about anything to try to make themselves look better.
That technique is so passe in today’s internet society.
Sara, given the choice between her 2 children, continues to incur dastardly ramifications. Her daughter delivered a beautiful baby girl a couple of weeks ago, that we will probably never meet.
For all of you that don’t know Sara, I can attest personally that she is a fabulous soul and exhibits absolutely zero characteristics of LRON’s “anti-social personality.”
How can any organization that bills themselves as the “only hope for mankind” be so uncommonly ruthless and evil?
Sheldon Goldberg
It seems to differ across cultures what level of dishonesty is acceptable; I myself am from a culture that finds aggressive requests much more offensive than the white lie told to foist off the request (ie: it’s okay to say you’ll be out of town when your neighbor refuses to read the social signals you have sent him indicating that you have no interest in socializing with him; he deserves to be lied to because he persists in aggressively inviting you, and this is way more rude.)
But at some point, all cultures reject dishonesty as something undesirable. If you look at the particular strata of society that is attracted to religion, and is seeking a higher power to provide answers, these people may value honesty at a greater rate than the general population (Although some of the most intensely honest and self-aware people I know are atheists; let’s put that aside for now)
Game theory supposes that lying to prospects is not a stable strategy because when they find out the truth, they will leave the group. I’m not talking about unveiling obscure doctrines previously unknown to the novice; I’m talking about a complete reversal of what you’ve told them before. You told them A, and now you’re telling them Not A.
Scientology’s strategy seems to be a direct lie, then convince the novice that lying is not a bad thing because lying leads to a much greater good. It’s the exact parallel to my cultural tale of how lying to my neighbor is acceptable, because there is a much more important value than honesty, and that value is saving the planet. Except Scientology teaches its members to not only disregard the small lies, Scientology teaches that all lies are acceptable. Dishonesty is an utterly disposable value.
Imagine a population where everyone is playing by a general principle (here, that honesty is desirable). Those who don’t play by this rule (Con men, etc) can achieve small gains by victimizing others– until their reputations are unveiled. Scientology has learned that this strategy is very effective in obtaining members and other kinds of gains in a society where others are not regularly using dishonesty. First the bald faced lies, then the inculcation that lying is not a bad thing; it is virtuous when used in saving the planet. Hopefully the effect of the latter swamps the inclination toward the social norm of honesty.
This strategy was formulated prior to the internet and widely available information; it doesn’t really work any more. As many others have said, the light shed by the internet is crippling the strategy long used by the Church.
I’m not interested in savoring the coming demise of the Church with delicious glee, I am keenly interested in how good, righteous members of Scientology deal with the two conflicting values: honesty vs. KSW. I imagine that this may be a litmus test: if they can accept KSW over truth and keep their inclination to be honest at bay, maybe they can participate in other thought-stopping patterns neccessary to remain a member.
Thoughtful and interesting comment. Thank you.
It is this sort of input that I find so valuable because I gain insight and perspective I might not have otherwise achieved.
Over 330 documented disconnection cases here:
Apart from those there are thousands more.
FY David Miscavige. 🙁
Once again Mike hits it out of the park. If someone is willing to lie about a “little” thing they will surely lie about a “big” thing. As I e-mailed Mike as a “never-in” I can’t imagine what you have personally gone through but I have so much respect for everyone who shares their story so people like me can understand and know what goes on. You are survivors and I appreciate your dedication to exposing the truth.
It’s been said that “in order to be a successful liar one has to have a GOOD memory”……..i.e….. got to remember what LIE you told and to whom you told that lie……..
“If someone is willing to lie about a ‘little’ thing, they will surely lie about a ‘big’ thing”.
I do not agree. This is just me but I believe certain things, certain “big” things, should never be lied about. Now, how you would define “big” and how I would define “big” might differ, but for myself I know what “big” would be, and how lying about such things would actually be detrimental to my own mental and emotional health, and detrimental to the relationships I have with the people I’d be telling such lies to, including myself.
Small lies, though, are another story, in my view. Some examples: a gift I’m given, and I hate it, will never wear it, from a dear person I like a lot – what am I going to say – “I really don’t like it, can it be exchanged?” Of course I wouldn’t say that. I’d lie a little and incorporate as much truth as possible into my answer. “Thank you, that was very thoughtful, I;ve always liked this shade of green…”
Small lies. We tell them all the time. You’re leaving a party: “Nice to meet you, I enjoyed hearing about your day at the mall…” What are you going to say? “I can’t wait to get away from you. Its been quite a while since I’ve been so completely bored?”
We don’t hurt nice people, well meaning people. Instead, we lie. Frequently, not always, but frequently, this sort of lying comes under the heading of “manners”. I’m sure I’m not the only one who does this!
But big lying is foolish and puts one’s integrity, ones’ living, one’s relationships at risk.
That’s my opinion.
It is difficult or next to impossible to believe anything said once obvious lies are uncovered. If the CoS will lie so casually about disconnection they will surely lie about tech and level EP’s!
And Oh Tea Ate and Nine and Ten.
The real EP of Oh Tea-ness ($cientologyy’s ultimate goal); A fully controllable and malleable worker bee that can give 100% of their time, their money, their kids and their eternity to a belief system based on ideas that were harvested from others and falsely purported to be those of the Con …. El Con and the Usurper Pope on a box.
Glad to see that bit of Hype finally unraveling in a big way. Stand back folks, the shrapnel is spreading far and wide.
Yo Dave,
Speak oh wholly one. Tell the world how it is going to bee.
Are you guys and gals beginning to see a trend here? Yep, that is cold icy water coming up over the bow and it is coming straight for you …… along with the icy grip of Dave around your throat. This will NOT END WELL for you folks clinging to an apparent life inside a cult. GET OUT NOW and TELL YOUR STORY!
+1! Outstanding post!
Too true and too sad.