This was a comment on the recent post that I felt deserved more attention. It comes from long-time commenter Mockingbird’s blog Mockingbird’s Nest and was originally published in December 2015. Many of the quotes here are very important. I include the whole post unedited. Not every statement within it is the way I would have phrased it, but nevertheless, overall I find this to be an important addition to the discussion about scientology and how it controls people’s thinking/minds.
Mockingbird says:
I’m not making any claims about being smarter than anybody here, but I have written extensively on how language is used in Scientology.
I want to share a post, admittedly a long one, that really digs into the topic.
Propaganda By Reversal Of Meaning In Scientology
This article exists to present, examine and attempt to make clear some concepts related to how terms are reversed in meaning – often to their exact opposites – in Scientology to obliterate the capacity to perceive that they are even not true to any extent . This includes Scientology terms but also includes many English words as they are used in Scientology.
It has several basic concepts to introduce and review that are well known and often cited regarding propaganda. After those are reviewed to set the stage I will attempt to in great detail give explanations and examples for how these terms are used and which terms are used in Scientology. There are many more and they are much more covertly used than most people are ever even aware of . So , if you already have familiarity with these concepts please hear me out – I intend to very thoroughly dissect the lies by propaganda by reversal in Scientology to strip the cult’s facade bare.
Doublespeak is language that deliberately disguises, distorts, or reverses the meaning of words. Doublespeak may take the form of euphemisms (e.g., “downsizing” for layoffs, “servicing the target” for bombing), in which case it is primarily meant to make the truth sound more palatable. It may also refer to intentional ambiguity in language or to actual inversions of meaning (for example, naming a state of war “peace”). In such cases, doublespeak disguises the nature of the truth.
The term “doublespeak” probably has its roots in George Orwell‘s book, Nineteen Eighty-Four. Although the term is not used in the book, it is a close relative of one of the book’s central concepts, “doublethink“.
— Wikipedia
To know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully constructed lies, to hold simultaneously two opinions which cancelled out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them, to use logic against logic, to repudiate morality while laying claim to it, to believe that democracy was impossible and that the Party was the guardian of democracy, to forget, whatever it was necessary to forget, then to draw it back into memory again at the moment when it was needed, and then promptly to forget it again, and above all, to apply the same process to the process itself that was the ultimate subtlety; consciously to induce unconsciousness, and then, once again, to become unconscious of the act of hypnosis you had just performed. Even to understand the word ‘doublethink’ involved the use of doublethink.
The power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them… To tell deliberate lies while genuinely believing in them, to forget any fact that has become inconvenient, and then, when it becomes necessary again, to draw it back from oblivion for just as long as it is needed, to deny the existence of objective reality and all the while to take account of the reality which one denies all this is indispensably necessary. Even in using the word doublethink it is necessary to exercise doublethink. For by using the word one admits that one is tampering with reality; by a fresh act of doublethink one erases this knowledge; and so on indefinitely, with the lie always one leap ahead of the truth.
— Wikipedia
Another important point in Orwell’s discussion is closely related to “doublethink,” namely that in a successful manipulation of the mind the person is no longer saying the opposite of what he thinks, but he thinks the opposite of what is true. Thus, for instance, if he has surrendered his independence and his integrity completely, if he experiences himself as a thing which belongs either to the state, the party or the corporation, then two plus two are five, or “Slavery is Freedom,” and he feels free because there is no longer any awareness of the discrepancy between truth and falsehood. Specifically this applies to ideologies.
— Eric Fromm Afterword to 1984
The B vocabulary. The B vocabulary consisted of words which had been deliberately constructed for political purposes: words, that is to say, which not only had in every case a political implication, but were intended to impose a desirable mental attitude upon the person using them.
The B words were a sort of verbal shorthand, often packing whole ranges of ideas into a few syllables, and at the same time more accurate and forcible than ordinary language.
No word in the B vocabulary was ideologically neutral. A great many were euphemisms. Such words, for instance, as joycamp (forced-labour camp) or Minipax (Ministry of Peace, i.e. Ministry of War) meant almost the exact opposite of what they appeared to mean. Some words, on the other hand, displayed a frank and contemptuous understanding of the real nature of Oceanic society. An example was prolefeed, meaning the rubbishy entertainment and spurious news which the Party handed out to the masses. Other words, again, were ambivalent, having the connotation ‘good’ when applied to the Party and ‘bad’ when applied to its enemies.
— Appendix to 1984
This is a type of loaded language .
In rhetoric, loaded language (also known as loaded terms or emotive language) is wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes. Such wording is also known as high-inference language or language persuasive techniques.
Loaded words and phrases have strong emotional implications and involve strongly positive or negative reactions beyond their literal meaning. For example, the phrase tax relief refers literally to changes that reduce the amount of tax citizens must pay. However, use of the emotive word relief implies that all tax is an unreasonable burden to begin with. Examples of loaded language are “You want to go to the mall, don’t you?” and “Do you really want to associate with those people?”.
The appeal to emotion is often seen as being in contrast to an appeal to logic and reason. However, emotion and reason are not necessarily always in conflict, nor is it true that an emotion cannot be a reason for an action. Authors R. Malcolm Murray and Nebojsa Kujundzic distinguish “prima facie reasons” from “considered reasons” when discussing this. A prima facie reason for, say, not eating mushrooms is that one does not like mushrooms. This is an emotive reason. However, one still may have a considered reason for not eating mushrooms: one might consume enough of the relevant minerals and vitamins that one could obtain from eating mushrooms from other sources. An emotion, elicited via emotive language, may form a prima facie reason for action, but further work is required before one can obtain a considered reason.
Emotive arguments and loaded language are particularly persuasive because they exploit the human weakness for acting immediately based upon an emotional response, without such further considered judgment. Due to such potential for emotional complication, it is generally advised to avoid loaded language in argument or speech when fairness and impartiality is one of the goals.
In the 1946 essay “Politics and the English Language“, George Orwell discussed the use of loaded language in political discourse.
The word Fascism has now no meaning except in so far as it signifies “something not desirable.” The words democracy, socialism, freedom, patriotic, realistic, justice have each of them several different meanings which cannot be reconciled with one another. In the case of a word like democracy, not only is there no agreed definition, but the attempt to make one is resisted from all sides. It is almost universally felt that when we call a country democratic we are praising it: consequently the defenders of every kind of regime claim that it is a democracy, and fear that they might have to stop using that word if it were tied down to any one meaning.
— Wikipedia.
I recommend the essay Politics and the English Language and the appendix and afterword to the book 1984 to every Scientologist, ex member and critic. They reveal much of Ron Hubbard’s methodology and he admitted knowing of 1984 famously. And they are all very short articles.
“Therefore, we really do have the remedy before the assault weapon is produced. Did you ever read poor old George Orwell’s 1984? Yes, yes, that’s wonderful. That would be could be the palest imagined shadow of what a world would be like under the rule of the secret use of Scientology with no remedy in existence.”
— L. Ron Hubbard The Philadelphia Doctorate Course Tapes
And Hubbard certainly knew about this and had definite opinions on how to persuade people .
“‘Psychiatry’ and ‘psychiatrist’ are easily redefined to mean ‘an anti-social enemy of the people.’ This takes the kill crazy psychiatrist off the preferred list of professions… The redefinition of words is done by associating different emotions and symbols with the word than were intended… Scientologists are redefining ‘doctor’, ‘Psychiatry’ and ‘psychology’ to mean ‘undesirable antisocial elements… The way to redefine a word is to get the new definition repeated as often as possible. Thus it is necessary to redefine medicine, psychiatry and psychology downward and define Dianetics and Scientology upwards. This, so far as words are concerned, is the public opinion battle for belief in your definitions, and not those of the opposition. A consistent, repeated effort is the key to any success with this technique of propaganda.”
— L. Ron Hubbard, Hubbard Communications Office Policy Letter, 5 October 1971, PR Series 12, Propaganda by Redefinition of Words
“THE ONLY WAY YOU CAN CONTROL PEOPLE IS TO LIE TO THEM. You can write that down in your book in great big letters. The only way you can control anybody is to lie to them.”
— L. Ron Hubbard, “Off the Time Track,” lecture of June 1952, excerpted in JOURNAL OF SCIENTOLOGY issue 18-G, reprinted in TECHNICAL VOLUMES OF DIANETICS & SCIENTOLOGY, vol. 1, p. 418
So, Hubbard uses terms to mean the exact reverse of their true meaning often to confuse and overwhelm the minds of his victims (slaves really). It is critically important to point out that I am referring to a very exact method here – total reversal of meaning by a 180 degree contradiction. It is very effective for stopping thought and imposing an inability to even conceive the true meaning of a term. It is reliant on focusing the mind on a concept then rendering considering the term to mean the extreme exact opposite as absurd – it stops critical and independent thought regarding the term and surrounding concepts when effective. This method is so subtle and the tools needed so slight and few it is very easy to hide.
The method requires three things but Hubbard only needs to provide one of the three.
It requires that you have a definition for a word, a victim who uses the word and his new opposite meaning. The old definition already exists and is unchallenged and not objectionable. The victim already exists and holds the old definition and thinks nothing of the new one as it seems at first to be as plausible as the old one until one becomes very, very familiar with Scientology and exactly how and for what the term is now used . Only gradually is the reality of Flag or the clearing process and state revealed. If it were all shown initially much would be seen as absurd and having no benefit or merit but it is given away in tiny bits only after the earlier ones have been accepted, made part of one’s thinking and emotions and behavior very thoroughly and then integrated into one’s very identity. So accepting a slight shift to doublethink and double speak seems natural and logical. It is done in many, hundreds or thousands of slight advances in delusion and dependency very often too slight to catch one at a time.
Often even after being told about the reverse meanings a Scientologist or ex cannot believe or honestly look at the possibility of this being true. Other methods of freeing critical thinking must be used to extensively free the mind and strip away lies as much as possible before this reality can be comprehended. It is that deeply ingrained. So blaming the victim is entirely ineffective and unfair.
Some exes after decades out of the cult and having been well informed as to Hubbard’s lies and lack of results still wonder at the words and if they are fundamental truths to be looked deeply into for the secrets of life and the universe. Let me save you some time – they are all lies to confuse and enslave. That is the method Hubbard used, not revelation. If he found anything better he would have used it for himself but instead died a very sick, insane miserable wretch.
I will present for your consideration a brief list of terms he – and later others after him – use to create an effect of thought stopping and blind compliance regarding these terms. The thought stopping is often so total that even comprehending that the terms could conceal their opposites as realities in Scientology is found to be incomprehensible to Scientologists and often ex Scientologists no matter what evidence is brought forth.
Start at the beginning – the term Scientology sounds like a combination of science and technology – a doubly scientific idea if that makes sense – and early works proclaim the scientific method very often and loudly. Like the book Science of Survival. Upon careful examination NO actual science has ever been used in the formulation, use or validation of Dianetics or Scientology EVER. It is all fraud and lies to control others. Hubbard – like he did with virtually everything he ever placed in his doctrine – plagiarized the very word and then hid its true meaning from his victims – by reversing it for them but not himself. In 1901, Allen Upward coined Scientology “as a disparaging term, to indicate a blind, unthinking acceptance of scientific doctrine” according to the Internet Sacred Text Archive. As Hubbard’s cruel and perverse joke he knew Scientology serves as an unthinking acceptance of his false pseudo scientific fraudulent doctrine .
Okay that is one used to confuse people at the very beginning and never revealed to them the whole time .
Flag the happiest place on Earth – a slave work facility for thought reform.
The Freewinds – a ship worked by slaves who perform thought reform on their passengers. Often the slaves report having no way to leave and needing to plan extensively to attempt to escape .
The Bridge to Total Freedom.
“If you really want to enslave people, tell them that you are going to give them total freedom.”
— L. Ron Hubbard
“An endless freedom from is a perfect trap, a fear of all things … Fixed on too many barriers, man yearns to be free. But launched into total freedom he is purposeless and miserable.”
— L. Ron Hubbard, The Reason Why; 15 May 1956.
“We’ve got some new ways to make slaves here.”
— L. Ron Hubbard, Philadelphia Doctorate Course lecture 20, 1952.
“Scientology is a religious philosophy in its highest meaning as it brings man to Total Freedom.”
— L. Ron Hubbard, Religious Philosophy and Religious Practice, 21 June 1960, revised 18 April 1967.
Clear – in Scientology and Dianetics one is taught they are “clearing” or removing permanently the source of unpleasant emotions and factors that lessen memory, intelligence and rationality. In truth Scientology and Dianetics auditing are additive forces with confusions via lies and contradictions and implants (hypnotic commands) being added to a person’s mind to create a progressive slide into total submission as the victim’s mind is covertly below conscious awareness changed with the original contents suppressed or obliterated and Hubbard’s additions being placed through repetition as a replacement for the entire identity to act as a copy or mental clone of Hubbard. Not exactly clearing – more like overfilling .
Here are a few quotes to help show Hubbard always knew he was in fact using hypnosis in auditing:
“you are putting in positive suggestion whether you want to or not, no matter how careful you are” (R&D1, p.336)
“positive suggestion means in hypnosis a suggestion which is given to a hypnotized subject which will result in some change in the manifestations and actions of that patient” (R&D 1, p.48)
“It is a suggestion by the operator to a hypnotized subject with the sole end of creating a changed mental condition in the subject by implantation of the suggestion alone. It is a transplantation of something in the hypnotist’s mind into the patient’s mind. The patient is then to believe it and take it as part of himself.” (R&D 1, p.237)
Hypnotism “reduces self-determinism by interposing the commands of another below the analytical level of an individual’s mind … It is the sort of control mechanism in which an authoritarian individual, cult, or ideology delight. People who indulge in hypnotism may, only very occasionally, be interested in experimentation upon the human mind … Genuine experimental hypnotism, strictly in the laboratory and never in the parlour, and done wholly in the knowledge that one is reducing the efficiency of the human being on whom one is experimenting and may do him permanent damage, and the use of hypnotism by a surgeon… should end the extension of hypnotism into the society. Submission to being hypnotized is analogous to being raped, with the exception that the individual can, generally, recover from being raped. To any clear-thinking human who believes in the value of people as human beings, there is something gruesomely obscene about hypnotism. The interjection of unseen controls below the level of consciousness cannot benefit but can only pervert the mind… The individual who would permit himself to be hypnotized is, frankly, a fool… It was thought by hypnotists that the mere remembering of … suggestions would relieve them, and that the power of the suggestion died out with time. These two ideas do not happen to be true. (SOSII, p.220f; see also pp.225f)
Next the term audit – in Scientology one is taught the auditor only listens and does not influence the victim – but that is false . COMPLETELY .
The auditor is in truth a hypnotist covertly hypnotizing and then encouraging and coaxing via repetitive questioning. Repetitive questioning and the framework of reality created by Hubbard’s language and doctrine entirely interpret the auditing experience. They tell the victim what their mind is, how the parts interact and how to evaluate all the sensations and mental phenomena in the auditing session. They pull a bait and switch wherein hypnotic phenomena such as age regression, hallucination and dissociation are redefined as “moving on the time track ” and “perceiving mental image pictures” and “exteriorization”. Being sleepy in session is defined as “running off unconsciousness” while the exact same phenomena in indoctrination where the “MU” is seen as the culprit is labeled “dope off” and blamed on not knowing the definitions of words. Curious how the mind changes by walking from one room to another to function differently.
The auditor is defined as not influencing the victim by Hubbard but this is entirely a deception to lower the guard of both the auditor and the victim.
I will present a few brief quotes from Wikipedia to introduce the idea of questions holding influence. I believe questions often influence more strongly than direct statements by controlling the attention and conversation more so and by having the ideas the question presents be in a form less obvious as assertion.
A suggestive question is one that implies that a certain answer should be given in response, or falsely presents a presupposition in the question as accepted fact.Such a question distorts the memory thereby tricking the person into answering in a specific way that might or might not be true or consistent with their actual feelings, and can be deliberate or unintentional. For example, the phrasing “Don’t you think this was wrong?” is more suggestive than “Do you think this was wrong?” despite the difference of only one word. The former may subtly pressure the respondent into responding “yes,” whereas the latter is far more direct. Repeated questions can make people think their first answer is wrong and lead them to change their answer, or it can cause people to continuously answer until the interrogator gets the exact response that they desire.
The diction used by the interviewer can also be an influencing factor to the response given by the interrogated individual.
Experimental research by psychologist Elizabeth Loftus has established that trying to answer such questions can create confabulation in eyewitnesses. For example, participants in an experiment may all view the same video clip of a car crash. Participants are assigned at random in one of two groups. The participants in the first group are asked “How fast was the car moving when it passed by the stop sign?” The participants in the other group are asked a similar question that does not refer to a stop sign. Later, the participants from the first group are more likely to remember seeing a stop sign in the video clip, even though there was in fact no such sign. Such findings have been replicated and raise serious questions about the validity of information elicited through poorly phrased questions during eyewitness testimony. Elizabeth Loftus stated that everyone is affected by suggestive questioning, and it comes from environmental factors instead of innate factors, meaning that everyone is affected by suggestive questioning.
Direct questions
Direct questions lead to one word answers when explanations are sometimes needed. This could include questions like “Do you get it?” and “Where did it happen?” According to Dr. Kathy Kellermann, an expert in persuasion and communication, direct questions force exact responses through carefully worded questions.
Repeated questions
Repeated questions elicit certain types of answers. Repeated questions make people think their first answer was wrong, lead them to change their answer, or cause people to keep answering until the interrogator gets the exact response that they desire. Elizabeth Loftus states that errors in answers are dramatically reduced if a question is only asked once.
Forced choice questions
Yes/no or forced choice questions like “is this yellow or green?” force people to choose between two choices when the answer could be neither of the choices or needs more explanation. This generates more “interviewer-talks” moments, where the interviewer is talking and controlling most of the interview. This type of question is also known as a false dilemma.
Presumptuous questions
Presumptuous questions can either be balanced or unbalanced. Unbalanced questions ask questions only from the point of view of one side of an argument. For example, an interrogator might ask “’Do you favor the death penalty for persons convicted of murder?”’ This question assumes that the person’s only point of view in the situation is that a person who is convicted must either get the death penalty or not. The second type of presumptuous question is balanced question. This is when the interrogator uses opposite questions to make the witness believe that the question is balanced when the reality is that it is not. For example, the interrogator would ask, “’Do you favor life in prison, without the possibility of parole?”’ This type of question may seem balanced when in reality it is still influencing the person to discuss life in prison and no other choice.
Confirmatory questions
Confirmatory questioning leads to answers that can only support a certain point. Here, the interviewer forces the person to make sure his or her answers make them out to be extroverted or introverted. If they want them to look extroverted they would ask questions like “How do you make a party more fun?” and “When are you talkative?” If they want the person to look introverted they ask questions like “Have you ever been left out of a group?” or “Can you be more hyper sometimes?”.
Elizabeth Loftus and John Palmer developed the Misinformation Effect. It describes participants witnessing an accident whose responses changed if questions were worded differently. They found out that people tend to exaggerate what they really saw. Twenty five percent of the participants claimed they saw broken glass because the word “smashed” instead of “hit” was used.
Some therapists are at risk of using suggestive questions on clients while discussing the matter of past traumatic events. Sigmund Freud’s definition of repressed memory is the mind’s conscious and unconscious avoidance of unpleasant wishes, thoughts, and memories. However, there has been very little evidence of this type of memory. Some therapists claim that repression causes people to forget frightful events of sexual or physical abuse as a psychological defense. Through improperly phrased interviewing questions, a therapist can convince their client to agree that there is such a thing as repressed memory, and therefore abuse had to have occurred, but the patient just does not remember it. Repetitive questions change clients’ answers from a reluctant perhaps to a definite for sure. The use of suggestive questioning by therapists changes perceptions and can cause entire memories to be created.
According to the psychologist Philip Zimbardo, Misinformed individuals can come to believe the misinformation in which they feel confidence.
This is most famously depicted in the McMartin child abuse cases where children were questioned over and over about abuse and rewarded when they confirmed and told extensive details about abuse. Unfortunately their tales where found to conflict with extensive evidence including some assertions of massive graves, the murder of hundreds of children and underground chambers for Satanic sacrifices that could not be found. The investigators realized only after quite some time that the physical evidence entirely contradicted the claims. The children’s bodies showed no signs of abuse despite allegations of thousands and thousands of instances of abuse by many individuals. Only after closely looking at the methods used to gather the allegations was the extensive grueling questioning used to create the claims focused on and discovered as the cause of the claims.
Also the course supervisor when confronted by a confused student is trained to repeatedly ask “what word did you just misunderstand or in your materials what word did you not get?”
The supervisor in fact makes the student only feel succumbing to the supervisor’s authority and then cooperating and forgetting their concerns about the contradictory and bizarre material will be acceptable. The student quickly learns that to “examine” Scientology they have to learn to “study” and “think” in a very controlled unconventional way – with complete submission to doctrine.
The supervisor is additionally defined as not telling the student the material but only ensuring they properly “study” it. Also false as the supervisor demands over and over with student after student that they react, “study” and think only in ways that accept Hubbard’s doctrine as infallible and perfect all of the time. By repeated commands and questions the supervisor holds tremendous influence over their victims. They enforce Hubbard’s ideas as the only ones to be accepted. They reinforce Hubbard’s redefined reality where contradiction in materials always is equated to a deficiency in the student – and never a weakness or inadequacy with the materials. And any materials that are nonsensical or contradicted by known facts or science are always likewise treated as correct 100% of the time and the student is seen as needing to clear words or demo or look earlier for something they did not understand. Understanding becomes submission to authority blindly and ultimately confusion. An exact reversal.
Suppressive person is defined as an insane sociopathic or anti social personality – a truly evil intended person who is equivalent to a narcissist and sociopath of the highest order in modern terms. Hitler and serial killers and mass murderers motivated by hate and dark insanity to destroy others are what this term describes, rapists, child molesters and the very evilest of humans are what Hubbard claims this to be.
The truth is much darker – Scientology upon close and extended examination reveals itself to be a cult that suppresses the very identity of members into blind obedience and submission. Some resist and object to abuses and injustice. Some even dare speak out despite many penalties and negative consequences for revealing the cult’s crimes. Some discover to some extent that Scientology is harmful and fraudulent.
Those people who actually have resisted the suppression of their identity are labeled suppressive persons to have the reality of their good character completely obfuscated (hidden) by the total reverse being what they are labeled as!
The freeloader tab is so audacious as to nearly defy comprehension when one understands the true working conditions of the Scientology slaves – for staff and especially Sea Org members – and the “benefits” the “enhancement ” they undergo actually delivers. This is a large bill charged to ex members who were staff and Sea Org members that accuses them of scamming the cult – for the thought reform they got while in! And usually they lived in extreme poverty while working 80-100 hours a week while staff or 100-140 hours a week if in the Sea Org .
The “elite” Sea Org. They are told they are far above all others. They have high ranks and fancy uniforms and titles. They are told their work is vital to salvaging this sector. They sign billion year contracts and are treated as” degraded beings” if they leave early!
Well, this is going to be crushing to hear for some. I am truly sorry. The truth about the “elite” is that in Hubbard’s caste system of covert slavery – the Sea Org member holds the LOWEST possible position usually. For the vast majority of Sea org members this is true. They have the fewest rights, work almost constantly and often sleep four hours a day for years with less than a half dozen days off a year. No weekends or holidays off. They get the most extreme abuse and the most extreme thought reform.
Their symbol is a five pointed star and it has a laurel wreath with thirteen leaves on each side. When one learns of Hubbard’s love and integration of the occult covertly in Scientology then the true meaning of the symbol can be found. Thirteen holds much power in the minds of occultists and the affirmations confirm Hubbard’s love of the occult and concern for the power of numbers. The star symbolizes power in the occult and the wreath symbolizes peace – it can be seen to show power or dominion through peace or without conquest. Slavery without war to conquer. Covert control.
SEA ORG SYMBOL, 1. the Sea Org symbol adopted and used as the symbol of a Galactic Confederacy far back in the history of this sector, derives much of its power and authority from that association. The laurel wreath represents victory. Used throughout the history of this planet to crown poets, artists, champions and conquerers, it not only represents the physical victory but the series of inner victories achieved by the individual, and the clarification and purification of his inner aims and purposes which lead to the outward victory. It is associated with the head, the traditional abode of the spirit. The five pointed star most commonly signifies rising up towards the point of origin; thus, it is a potent symbol of alignment to source. The laurel wreath and star, in combination, signify the victory of the spirit which is rising upward towards the point of origin or source. Its proper color is always gold. And note that the star is not trapped in its victory, but is in the open field towards the top of the wreath, allowing free exit, beyond its victory, and that is, in fact, in a field of blue, symbolizing truth. (FO 3350) [FO: Flag Order] 2. the star is the confederation and each one of those leaves is counted, it’s the number of stars. (6804SM-)[Taped lecture] L. Ron Hubbard
By pretending the Sea Org members are the highest and most free Hubbard hides the cruelest reality – they are the most abused, most exploited and hold the least rights and have the hardest time leaving the cult. They have a concentration prison camp system for intense thought reform and forced hard labor that grossly violates human rights every second of every day with impunity hiding behind false claims of being a “private spiritual retreat ” nothing could be further from the truth. Most prisoners in US prisons have more rights and freedoms than RPF members. It is designed to break minds and rebuild them as shattered submissive wrecks. It is often quite effective. It has its own methods of torture and a procedure called the truth rundown in which undesirable knowledge is eradicated as the victim is repeatedly pressured – sometimes thousands of times to recant any unwanted knowledge about the cult and convince their own mind that they did not see what they saw and that they did something evil prior to seeing the truth. They are told their evil made them see and hear others incorrectly. Curiously they are always found to see authorities in the cult incorrectly and to have those observations and that knowledge eradicated. This is done with a very elaborate covert method to make ever learning the truth impossible. All the details warrant an extensive delineation in their own right. It has a basis in other auditing to control and direct thought and methods of thought reform employed in communist countries as well.
Even if a Sea Org slave avoids the RPF they often have had other horrors that are not routine for free peopl. Many young girls and women have been coerced into committing abortions – some over and over to keep them available as slaves for the cult. A Sea Org member knows they may be sent to anyplace at any time with no notice and ordered to divorce their spouse at any moment. They can be promised a job when they enter and not given that and have no real recourse. They can be ordered to disconnect from anyone – friend, spouse, parent, child. Their personal liberty is far less than most people in society . This cannot be emphasized enough.
After the Sea Org member the staff of local orgs is the next lowest slave. They sometimes can even appear to have a a far better life. The Sea Org is really far and away the worst. Some staff are only marginally better off than Sea Org members and some have a relatively far easier enslavement. They get virtually no pay usually and so rely on family or another job to get by. If they have another job they are usually called “moonlighters” and “dilettantes” and given a lower near pariah status in the cult. If they are in an org that gets little attention from upper management and have a spouse with a very good income they might even seem to have the equivalent of a middle class life – on the surface. If they or their family donate massive fortunes to the cult the abuse may be mitigated to keep the money coming in. The staff is like the Sea Org member told they are significantly better and more able and aware than others – another reversal of truth. The staff member is far more controlled and abused than normal employees or members of actual religions.
The experience of public Scientologists varies greatly. The higher up the bridge one is the more restricted they are by the thought reform and the cult asks more and more – as they claim the person has attained more ability and therefor should use that ability to help others. It is a shackle that tightens as one progresses and thinks they are becoming freer. A complete reversal. This is true for both sides or methods of the bridge. A highly trained person is expected to totally devote their lives to Scientology and a highly audited person is as well but more often is expected to give an ever increasing mountain of money – into the millions by the end of the auditing. And the donations are to only end with death.
Disconnection – the name is meant to do one thing – dehumanize the victim, like terminal that treats a person as an object disconnection is really relationship annihilation and total character assassination as a person deemed socially dead is effectively killed as far as interacting with a group or a loved one in particular goes. Disconnection is meant to stop suppressive people – Hubbard claimed – but it really is meant to annihilate socially any who could free others. And terrify the other cult members into avoiding it at all cost. Who wants to lose all their family and friends forever with no recourse? The name is meant to strip the reality of destroying love and lifelong bonds and betraying those one owes the most loyalty to and replace it with a term for unplugging a TV.
Total reversal as the cult members family and their happiness are deemed irrelevant before the cult’s authority. And even questioning this tactic becomes unacceptable.
There are so many reversals when one thoroughly understands the nuts and bolts of Scientology and the cult’s true history for context it could fill several encyclopedias to list them all.
Auditing is putting in implants not removing them.
Clearing is putting in a series of mental barriers and difficulties not removing them.
Study technology is replacing reading and thinking with an entirely different total submission to doctrine and covert thought reform procedure on its own.
Course supervisors are implantation and thought reform enforcers.
Ethics is a special addition. In ethics one is pressured to conform when one has failed to from other indoctrination or persuasion methods. One can resist being submissive to Scientology or not show the extreme devotion required. Often this is because loyalties and obligations outside the cult take a members time and attention and money.
Family, friends and personal goals and career and other obligations are found by ones own morals to be priorities. And to help one attain happiness. In Scientology ones morals must be subordinated to the group.
Your own ethics must be eradicated and replaced by betrayal of prior loyalties and fanatical zealous slavish devotion to Scientology. This can require disconnection from loving and wonderful family members, quitting college or a job that you love to commit yourself fully to the cult. Giving up all your moral beliefs and loyalties is the opposite of ethics – and that is the reversal. It is not openly presented but hidden in complex formulas and long references and courses with many tapes and… but it is what it is. No matter how well dressed up – abandoning your family and submitting to totalitarian authority is unethical but routine in Scientology.
Ethics requires different things at different times and from different people as Hubbard’s caste system has assigned roles based on what a slave brings to the table. No money? Scrape up enough for a book then do very cheap intro services and then get pressured to join staff or the Sea Org as a full time slave. If you do not get money or join you are treated as virtually worthless. If you have a little money you can be strung along on intro services but will be a near pariah if you never buy major services or join the staff or Sea Org. Middle class with a decent job? You will get pressured to go up the bridge in earnest and use credit and go well into debt if needed. And disconnect from any family who would stop that. Total submission is the road to greater acceptance – but the honeymoon phase of being seen as a new member and proof of expansion quickly fades into a very dark and harsh reality.
The entire claim of being a religion, science, mental therapy, applied religious philosophy, philosophy, technology or any similar claim is a complete and total lie. This information is a misdirection from the truth that is the opposite of all those activities. They all have one thing in common: honesty at trying to study or understand something or several things.
Scientology and Dianetics are the opposite in that they are lies and cons and total frauds to lure victims, confuse by deception, enslave by thought reform and other cultic methods and then control the thoughts, emotions and behavior of the slaves covertly. The methods and doctrine are also used to retain slaves and discourage dissent. They are used to gain slaves and take their money and labor to help the cult grow and survive.
“Scientology…is not a religion.”
–– L. Ron Hubbard, CREATION OF HUMAN ABILITY, 1954, p. 251
All of the claimed religious nature is confusing to people as most people never learn that established organized religions use a reverence for God or abstract principles and personal interpretation combined with reflection to establish one’s own faith. Non-cultic groups allow individuals to have a far greater ability to make decisions for themselves and express individuality. The religious seeming content in Scientology is all there to control the slave with confusion and distraction. It serves to covertly deliver the changes in behavior, emotions and ideas that Hubbard desires. It changes the identity of the victim/slave to become a much closer mental clone of Hubbard than the victim/slave would ever likely sign up for if they knew the truth.
In rhetoric which Hubbard studied under Dean Wilbur is the basic method of persuading by telling a story and having persuasive language and methods be hidden within the story. That is the function the religion, science, philosophy and other ideas expressed in Scientology doctrine functions as – it is a delivery mechanism for covert influence.
It is similar to the Santa Claus story many Christian children are told – the story is used to try to persuade children to behave well or go to bed for their parents. The parents know the story is entirely false (I hope) and do not believe a word of it. It would be incorrect to call the story a science – it is a deception. Treating it as a science would be in fact wrong. This is what you are doing when you call Scientology a religion or science or philosophy or applied religious philosophy. And Scientology is several million times more harmful and controlling than the Santa story – and much more difficult to debunk for the indoctrinated.
And by merely calling Scientology a religion anyone who does so in fact helps spread the lies and accompanying confusion about what Scientology really is . And takes advantage of a general ignorance about what makes one group a cult and another a religion. It takes a prior confusion and ignorance and makes it into a fatally wrong idea. It literally has cost people their very lives to mistake Scientology for a religion.
The statements about thetans are entirely to take ideas that people like or wonder about spirits and take that established confusion and expand on it and give fraudulent answers to it. The thetan is rather than a spirit something quite different .
It is a promise of adventures in the far reaches of eternity as a God that is used to hide the reality of the present. In the present the cult member is asked to and over time then demanded to sacrifice more and more of their life. Very little at first as the promise is not believed strongly at first. The promise becomes stronger via the additive of auditing and indoctrination. The normal physiological , mental and emotional reactions to the hallucinatory guided imagery in auditing and self hypnosis in indoctrination are redefined with very scientific and religious sounding false definitions to reframe reality and make the victim/slave believe they are experiencing genuine miracles and improvement. The nature of reality overall and the specific phenomena experienced together being redefined makes a general framework of the universe and life and a specific experience to each be only capable of being interpreted in ways that agree with Hubbard’s lies. To disagree with either at all is unacceptable and all Scientologists quickly realize this.
Thetan is claimed to mean spirit but really means total abandonment of any spiritual values or ideals to serve Hubbard . When a Scientologist says thetan they are over time saying – Hubbard discovered all the secrets of life, spirituality and the universe and we can only rise to understand them in some far future by submitting our selves to him completely. A total reversal in behavior. An abandonment of all spirituality in a cruel bait and switch misdirection. Hubbard’s very generous empty promises and counterfeit dreams deliver true enslavement and degradation.
Not exactly my idea of spirituality.
Next up Hubbard’s wonder of wonders – his “research” into the mind, spirit and past lives and experiences quadrillions of years ago (a long time). This is a type of story to deliver more persuasion within and like classic pseudoscience is packed with unverifiable claims. By claiming to have personally and by himself found the means to recall such distant and unobservable times and events Hubbard makes examining his claims in depth impossible. His research has been shown upon examination to truly have been a complete deception – not merely made up but very, very nearly entirely plagiarized from Crowley and earlier cults and the Oahspe. Together they hold much of his OT levels and materials in virtually identical forms at many points. I suggest any who doubt this read my posts on Oahspe and Jon Atack and Arnie Lerma’s on where Hubbard stole his ideas from.
This realization completely invalidates Hubbard’s claim and title as “source” of Dianetics and Scientology. He is a conman and plagiarist. And to be clear what he stole and offered is entirely lacking in enlightenment and miracles and full of harm, confusions, lies and fraud.
Regarding sex Hubbard starts with one concept – that it is natural and healthy then reverses it completely into insanity and evil.
Here is the famous reference with which Hubbard wanted all Scientologists to equate pain and sex and see both as being artificial additives that make beings evil and insane .
With this reference Hubbard wanted to completely reverse the definition of sex as something that can be natural and part of a sane and happy life to something unnatural, evil and degraded. To have his slaves become confused and ashamed and go to Hubbard for purification from their sexual desires. It like all his other reversals of definitions is a trick to con people into being unsure about their beliefs and behavior and then – in a moment of vulnerability – turn to him for guidance and direction. Which turns to control and slavery. And obliterates their own understanding on the concept the previously understood word describes.
There are many other words Hubbard does this with and many are engineering terms he applies like terminal, relay point, comm, ack and many more. They primarily redefine human interaction and take all compassion and individuality out of this. Over time Scientologists have virtually all individuality of expression suppressed and then thought and emotion as well. They lose the very language and then thoughts needed to conceive and then perceive the world, others or themselves as anything Hubbard does not describe. And he leaves out or minimizes the things that do not make for devoted and efficient slaves. That are motivated by fear of failure ,fear of damnation for humanity, personal shame, hope of reward – in the distant future billions of years from now – and above all else unlimited blind love and fanatical faith in Hubbard himself.
I could include his redefining knowledge as certainty – encouraging faith without doubt or question – not exactly very scientific.
And of course his defining workable in a way that seems to mean something that works but shifts to blaming all failures on others and never himself or his doctrine or methods and technology which means a reliable and scientifically developed methodology – he uses it as equivalent to workable – the true opposite of its original definition. It has so many loopholes it means a method that never has to work but at the same time is beyond criticism.
Before I close with something that Scientologists wonder over and debate how to attain I will note that in my opinion several independent or Freezone Scientologists do unknowingly – the very same method – they are so heavily indoctrinated in double think it is automatic. Or they would not be Scientologists to any significant degree.
In their practice they have carried on the tradition, their terms freezone and independent and milestone one or two ALL are reversals of truth.
As long as one believes in or practices Scientology they are not free or independent. It is an impossibility. A pure contradiction. Additionally the milestone groups take their very name from an idea of “clearing” or some other significant “technical breakthroughs”. Well clearing is a lie and fraud – a harmful series of actions described as taking away something when in fact they put in many detrimental additives. As are the other “breakthroughs” in Scientology and Dianetics.
I am quite sorry as I have heard there may be one hundred thousand Scientologists outside the main cult but the actions they take are destructive of sanity and induce delusion. And much, much more mental harm.
I hope they will consider my words and look without using Hubbard’s terms or methods at what I and other serious critics of the technology have to say without bias. If he is right a little looking at both sides should not be able to tear down his wisdom.
I will close by saying I have figured out to my satisfaction why he defined happiness as he did and his famous two rules for happy living as well. He wanted to make happiness be sought by total submission to eager, enthusiastic work. A sacrifice of self for the group with no rights, personal boundaries or expectation of fair treatment. He wanted slaves to suppress their negative emotions and not seek positive ones. With his two rules he wanted slaves who would accept any abuse or demands and see it as their duty to satisfy their master: Hubbard. I consider the mystery of the two rules solved as they are in truth two rules for deluded and submissive devoted slaves.
I hope everyone is someday free from them and all of Hubbard’s influence.
HAPPINESS, is not itself an emotion. It is a word which states a condition, and the anatomy of that condition is interest. Happiness, you could say, is the overcoming of not unknowable obstacles toward a known goal.
— L. Ron Hubbard (Tape 8ACC-4,5410CM06)
“1. Be able to experience anything.
“2. Cause only those things which others are able to experience easily.”
— L. Ron Hubbard
Thanks so much.
I occasionally here from or about someone either in Scientology and on the fence about staying in or going back who reads my work and then realizes that staying out is the best course of action.
I hope that Scientologists, including members of the Sea Org and my OSA monitors, look at my work and it plants a seed.
They eventually, as I did, look at contradictions, lies, and crimes in Scientology and realize the organization is evil, it does harm and the technology is fraudulent and they leave.
I don’t honestly have any interest in blaming them for the rest of their lives and having them suffer. If they are in Scientology they likely have already suffered far more than anyone ever should.
I hope they leave, whether quietly and with no public announcement or they say whatever they want to about their experiences, that’s their right.
I just want them to do better and get free from the harmful ideas in Scientology.
A long read, full of excellent examples. Thank you.
The so-called modern science of mental health was a lie from start to Hubbard’s finish, and 34 years later his organization can’t, and won’t, stop the fraud while the money keeps rolling in.
Thank you.
I am glad whenever the material that I gather and present is beneficial to people.
I know we all have limited time and appreciate when people give me their time and get a benefit from my work.
Mockingbird, I’ve always loved reading your analysis. The way you took your journey and tried to process and unravel in a fashion you could share with others is very powerful. It takes those who can’t quite relate on that journey with you. For those who can relate, it helps to translate or fill in some of what they’ve experienced but can’t quite put a finger on why they felt something was so wrong.
Mike – thanks for publishing this here. This is such a great place for people to learn so many aspects of the experience of being a scientologist and also the deception that’s just under the surface of most everything. Yet in a way that doesn’t demonize all Scientologists and helps outsiders to understand how very intelligent people manage to get caught up within it. This article is a perfect example of that last point. Then you also provide additional resources for people who are impacted by respective posts and their unique expression on the experience of being in and getting out.
Thank you both for your continued dedication towards increasing awareness, educating and breaking down WHY it can be so dangerous and most of all, for continuing long after you’ve come to terms with your own involvement so that others will continue to benefit by avoiding altogether or gaining their freedom.
Thanks so much.
I just wish we could get a larger audience to help people recover from Scientology and help people understand Scientology and other groups and individuals that are similar.
You as the audience put in a lot of work to understand the subject and unless a person both knows there is a lot to learn and puts in the time and effort (like many people here do) they will remain uninformed and unarmed against many threats in my opinion.
I am not claiming perfect, complete, infallible, knowledge about anything, but saying that a bit of education regarding Scientology and similar groups is far better in my opinion than uninformed ignorance.
If I, for example, knew one percent of the things that I know now regarding Scientology and similar groups, I would have run away from Scientology on day one!
Fantastic share.
Thanks, Mike.
Your blog is good for me, every day, and this article is another one I’ve now shared carefully.
This was a very long read. My favorite part was the section about light hypnosis and how repetitive questions and directive questions can lead people to give the preferred answer.
I looked at his examples of how questions the sup is trained to ask, groom us to believe the tech even when it’s contradictory.
This also made me realize why being asked questions has some power to direct people.
Very thought provoking.
Really important analysis. Using terms like slaves when referring to Sea Org workers and Staff members and using victims to describe those who partake in Scientology services may seem extreme but it really forces you to look at the Scientology experience in a way that you normally would not. I think it’s impossible to see Hubbard as someone deliberately enslaving and victimizing people when looking at him from inside the church and impossible outside too without the knowledge of an insider.
This is the type of analysis required to see the Scientology experience as a whole and make obvious and understand how Hubbard created people who are oblivious and totally unknowing that they were even victimized and used. Remarkable considering the Scientology experience is delivered under the guise of helping people.
As a Scientologist Public, from the beginning I saw Class V org staff as slaves. That was my (secret) viewpoint of them – slaves.
Now, as regards the Sea Org members – and don’t laugh – out of my supreme ignorance of how rank and file Sea Org members lived, I thought of them as the MASTERS. I knew nothing of Sea Org life; ALL I saw was them coming into my org and… well, you know
So my viewpoint of them (highly negative) was based on my own extremely limited information about them.
If you really want to dick up a fuckhead… Here is the link
1984 was never about surveillance but all about the meaning of words (Semantics) If you want to predict the future, Look or read “A brave new world” That would scare the shit out of you.
Language is operating system of Human thought. In the ultimate version of Newspeak Human thought becomes impossible and thus Human life becomes impossible.
Thank you to Mike Rinder for publishing this. I know it is pretty long but really felt that the way Ronald Hubbard used language in Scientology deserved a long look.
I think this is a great place to put articles on Scientology as many exes and critics come here. I appreciate the opportunity to share my work with the audience here and have enjoyed many of the articles here myself
In my view, this redefinition of language by Hubbard illustrates the problems that I have had with all of the religions in the United States. Religion gets this constitutional protection and the courts have been reluctant to delve into some of the insanity that is presented to us as religion. For example, the JW’s have called on my houses at least fifty times. They follow Mark 16:15 in which they are told to go out into the world and teach the gospel to all living creatures. So these people come to my door with the “Book of Revelations” which is surely nothing but an occult document and can hardly be considered “gospel”. It is the same thing with Scientology. They redefine the language and bump into me in the street with some weird science fiction that they have defined as their gospel. The problem goes on an on. Yeungling the Scientology lawyer goes into court and pleads the first Amendment protection of Scientology and shuts down the Court! In the end, I wasted hundreds of thousand and tons of time on worthless religion. So big deal say the courts. You have the freedom to choose and they have the freedom of religion. But in the end it all total BS. In reality, they have freedom to distort words and to try to convince you of their wisdom. In my view freedom of religion should be freedom to privately believe. It should not be a freedom to go into public.
JW came to my door one time 5 years ago but have never come back. I told them I’d been a Scientologist for 40 years, was ruined and duped out of most of my money so I have had it with cults. That worked. They’ve never returned.
You have nailed so many times. High fife from here.
I underestimated the power of redefined language in Scientology.
It’s interesting that Reckless Ben, despite knowing that auditing was deceptive, was nonetheless the victim of being given false memories in his own session. If you haven’t been following his Scientology videos, I highly recommend them. This is the latest episode, where he receives auditing:
Doublethink, as described by Orwell, is the perfect thought construct that explains the way Scios must deal with the cognitive dissonance of their Scn experiences. Their bubble world is a labyrinth of conflicts, inconsistencies, and deception that they must navigate through, while maintaining the illusion that their integrity hasn’t been compromised. It’s the only way they can live with themselves.
I agree wholeheartedly.
Absolutely excellent article. Like G.MW, I read/skimmed but I know I will keep coming back to re-read in more depth. If only those caught deep within this cult could read this – really read it and understand it. *sigh*
Thanks so much.
I occasionally here from or about someone either in Scientology and on the fence about staying in or going back who reads my work and then realizes that staying out is the best course of action.
I hope that Scientologists, including members of the Sea Org and my OSA monitors, look at my work and it plants a seed.
They eventually, as I did, look at contradictions, lies, and crimes in Scientology and realize the organization is evil, it does harm and the technology is fraudulent and they leave.
I don’t honestly have any interest in blaming them for the rest of their lives and having them suffer. If they are in Scientology they likely have already suffered far more than anyone ever should.
I hope they leave, whether quietly and with no public announcement or they say whatever they want to about their experiences, that’s their right.
I just want them to do better and get free from the harmful ideas in Scientology.
Mockingbird is guilty of that highest of Scientology crimes: “being reasonable.”
I just discovered this response, I will take it as a high compliment! Thank you!
Very comprehensive analysis. Thank you for posting. I read as much as I could but this document requires more study.
I reached the same conclusions about Hubbard in my studies of Blavatsky, Oahspe, and John Milton’s “Paradise Lost’. It is so obvious that Hubbard was basically a Satanic personality. Milton expresses the deception in poetry and it is very easy to follow. In the end, it was like cutting out the tiny roots of a gigantic palm tree one at a time until the tall tree fell.
It was very hard for me to accept that anyone could be as corrupt and evil as Hubbard. As you pointed out so well, he was lying from the start with his definition of a thetan. Somebody pissed off Hubbard early on and he used his twisted mind to create an alternate reality
Thank you.
I would love to get more information on the discoveries you made in your own journey.
I know that you have a book.
Does it describe the similarities between Hubbard’s work and others? I am one of the people who has taken on the laborious and thankless and generally unpaid task of collecting information on the abundance of plagiarism in Hubbard’s work!
Any help in that effort is greatly appreciated!
I wrote the book in 2015 and it contains very simple comparisons of Scientology. Some of them are outright out of date because of the massive work that has been done on Hubbard. If you can get a used paperback, it might be worth it. For your needs, I would stay off the PDF internet version as it is shorter. Tony Ortega never liked my book and heavily criticized it as “nothing but a personal interpretation.” Tony also refused to back the circle of scholars that I set up with Hugh Urban as leader. At the time I was heavy with cash and I was going to start the money flowing. Perhaps if he knew that it might have made a difference. Tony also refused to back my work on Blavatsky. I think that as a reporter he wants what sells books. Serious crap about HUbbard is not important and will never be carried in the blogs. I could write a very updated book now but my health is failing. In the end, it does come down to personal Interpretations as Tony says. But you cannot change the fundamental truth that I discovered. Hubbard was an idiot and all of his theories are the product of a dependent moron.
Ugh, I think that you have in my opinion invaluable knowledge from both your journey up the bridge, including the Lucifer’s Bridge original OT VIII Antichrist edition AND your journey out of Scientology in which you examined the extensive research materials you somehow, almost miraculously, found that quite likely were plagiarized by Hubbard and the long time tradition of people like Blavatsky and Hubbard and Crowley of habitually taking these ideas and representing them as their own discoveries and inventions.
It is a very rare combination for a person to have the firsthand experience of going all the way up the bridge AND the drive and patience to look for the precursors of Scientology AND succeed in finding them AND understanding what Hubbard did!
It’s certainly something that I cannot do, and I spent twenty five years in Scientology!
I feel like the knowledge you gained is perhaps unique and a vital resource to help people untangle the web of lies that all too often holds them in a prison of the mind from which far too many never fully escape. (Apologies for mixing metaphors)
I wish that the opportunity for your whole story, including your own research and discoveries could get a chance to see the light of day, whether through a book, blog, video series or some other form of media that can stand the test of time and provide an invaluable resource for current and future generations.