Tony Ortega has another excellent expose of scientology’s spying activities on his blog this morning.
If you have not done so, read it there. He links to a recent article here written by my wife about another of these spies, which in turn contains other links to scientology spying pieces.
Scientology is a disgrace to humanity, not just the world. It was all started by a con man who participated in the occult and believed lies, both Satan’s and his own.
As an ex-SO member in for 25 years and who is being fair gamed 24/7/365 in Washington State, I have to ask: Did Cierra turn her spying “hat” over to anyone so they continue? I have a whole load of “Cierra” types right here in my apartment building. Or will she also discourage others from doing it too?
Mark, the church reserves that type of $ spend for major threats. Did you used to work high up as an exec in management? Or, have access to some kind of incriminating evidence on DM?
I was never an exec high up in Management. For a few months in late 1984, I was an assistant to Mark Ingber in Copenhagen during the Pubs Int Establishment but don’t remember much the traffic we handled (actually liked working for Mark Ingber) and I do not have incriminating evidence re: DM. I was at AOLA for 18 of my 25 SO years and 10 of those were spent typing dictated sec check KR’s including some PAC execs so was privy to all kinds of data.
There is a substantial Fair Game operation against me here in Federal Way, WA. There are “OSAI Bots” living in my apartment building and they are hiring people including those with crim backgrounds to follow me everywhere.
No Mark, I don’t think so they are hiring multiple people to follow you. There’s no point in it for someone like you.
If I didn’t know better, I would say the C of $ hacked your response to me. When you see hordes of the same vehicles with the same license plates following you everywhere you go outside every time, you think otherwise. But thank you for your response.
Even though we knew this crap went on and still goes on, it is refreshing to see these people finally act on their morals and speak out to aid in evidence/witness gathering. I felt filthy just reading the accounting of activities these people did on behalf of the cultdom. So pathetic the lengths they go. DM and his cronies have a lot to be held accountable for…the least of which is sanctioning this PI crap…. Unbelievable.
However, I laughed out loud when I saw the PI document she wrote listing the bad guys:
“Marty Rathbun – Ringleader”. Appropriate since he’s running in circles.
“Mike Rinder – Controlling”. …. No shit! And, I see this as a good thing… Lol! If he wasn’t, he’d likely still be in the bubble.
Problem is they waited too long. You’re supposed to call out this jackassery as its happening so it doesn’t damage families, finances, and futures of those being Suppressed by the church.
This falls right into line with Snowden and other whistleblowers. I am sure you can find a treasure trove about Scientology on Wikileaks too, and their tactics that were actually documented and written as policy. There’s a term that called ‘Haunting’ designed to enturbulate, that was disgusting to read the crap they can pull on people.
Whatever happened to some of those PIs like David Lebow?
Mark is correct the church of Scientology shows its a disgrace, its not servicing its purpose of what Scientology is, neither abiding by its well documented codes it promotes and its definitely guilty of unethical behavior which has nothing to do with religion.
hadley, scientology IS a criminal scam. By that measure it IS “servicing its purpose”.
I have to take exception with the statement that “Scamatology is a disgrace to the world.” That is just not accurate.
It would be far more accurate to say, “”Scamatology is a disgrace to every world – past, present and future.”
Far worse than a disgrace, it is a criminal cult.
To all FBI people reading this, I want to say this:
Back in the 70s, these criminals were at the height of their power. The IRS shamefully folded and allowed these criminals to obtain the status of a religion. But since then, their membership has fallen drastically. They are no longer anywhere near as powerful. They only have a very few members now and they are kept in the cult with illegal tactics such as: False Imprisonment, Unlawful Confinement, Kidnapping, Abduction and Unlawful Restraint. They are ripe to be taken down now.
More importantly, they have billions of dollars in cash and property and that money rightfully belongs to all the victims they have tortured and all the families they have destroyed.
Please, please, please. Get some search warrants and bust their asses. Seize that money before DM decides to get a few billion for himself and makes like Roman Polanski.
Please? I’m begging you.
Every day that goes by without a raid on scientology is just another day that your government has let you down. But it is coming. The timing has to be perfect.
I believe this too! I’m hoping that the wait is due to ensuring they have it “iron clad”.. Since the cult are slippery little suckers.
In addition to all money being seized, all their property should be simultaneously seized around the world and sold at public auctions.
Or maybe someone else has a better idea on what to do with the property.
DM needs to be locked up for a billion yrs.
All their money and property are ill gotten gains.
Non of it was gained without some degree of fraud, deceit, (bait and switch) coercion, entrapment, extortion, and what ever else.
More and more Scientology fits the bill as a “terrorist” organisation. Their agenda of hate has nowhere to go except to get worse. Truly hoping 2018 sees the end of that organisation. Miscavige can have his little piece of some Sth American jungle as far as I’m concerned. It’ll make a good prison and give justice hunters somewhere to holiday.
Dear I Yawn, you said it! Let’s face it: the word is terrorism and we can split hairs about definitions forever. What they do is terrorism and their lawyers should face charges under the Patriot Act. I know the rebuttals will ensue and that’s fine. Lynn Stewart (look her up! deceased now) went down via the Patriot Act. I met her several times and she was a noble lawyer, a radical lawyer by her own definition, but a kindly person. Why does Yingling get off defending and advising $cientology’s dirty deeds forever? Patriot Act for Yingling!
I’m looking this up…I’m intrigued…
Patriot Act was renamed. It is the USA Freedom Act now.
It’s a domestic spy program that primarily was designed to target and prevent lone wolves like the Las Vegas shooter or the guy behind San Bernadino. I don’t think there’s anything that would let it go after a Religion. They have constitutional protection under the First Amendment. I am sure this is why Scientology hasn’t collectively had a Psy-Op run like the FBI did to the KKK in the civil rights era.
Individuals might be put on a list, but not the whole group. I imagine it’s much like Scientology’s rating and identification of PTS and SPs.
And just think, these PIs made more in the average week than a church of $cientology “volunteer” staff member makes in the average year.
There just aren’t enough curse words in the English language to adequately describe my disdain for that group.
“The HGC needs staff auditors. Awful pay. Tough preclears. Impossible hours. BUT we groom staff auditors into the smoothest auditors in the world and you’re close in on the greatest push in the last 2500 years. Many apply, few are chosen.” L. Ron Hubbard
“Hire them (private investigators) and damn the expense when you need to.” Manuel of Justice, L. Ron Hubbard.
And now here’s a cultie, Miscavige maybe – applying these two policies back in the day:
“Hmm…AUDITORS… hmmm…per LRH, out of the MANY people who apply only a FEW will be chosen…and then, NOTHING like this planetary clearing goal of ours has occurred in the past 2500 years! Obviously its the trained auditors who’re going to make it all happen.. And as LRH said, we can’t accept for auditor training just ANYONE…looks like auditors will be not only VALUABLE but kind of SCARCE.. Ok, so to recap: valuable beings, important people, highly trained, decidedly scarce…so what should we pay them? And what should their hours be? Well, what does LRH say? Oh,yeah, here it is, here it is, yeah….”Awful pay… impossible hours”…PERFECT. Exactly right. We’ll work them to death and pay them practically nothing!”
But DETECTIVES, now, they’re something else…unlike auditors, they’re definitely NOT scarce… Thousands of them around, and they CHARGE a lot… yeah, and besides, unlike auditors, they have to be paid for EVERY little thing they do…hmmm… We MUST hire them so how do we afford them?… Well, again, what does LRH say? Oh, yeah, here it is, plain as day he says, “DAMN THE EXPENSE…”. Good! VERY good! Pay these mercenary bastards WHATEVER they want and don’t give it another thought! I like it! Totally workable AND 100% On Source. YES! Besides with all the money we save stiffing the auditors there’ll ALWAYS be plenty to pay the detectives!”
“YES! Besides with all the money we save stiffing the auditors there’ll ALWAYS be plenty to pay the detectives!” And so therefore we will create the IAS!
Scientology is a CANCER upon the Earth . . . It must be ERADICATED !
Roger that, Dave F.
It is depressing to really get that money I gave the cult was used to fund vileness like this.
Thank you for this post Mike.
I am using this information to help someone else get out and stay out of Scientology. He has been “stalled” on the Bridge for a while and I think I have shown him enough to Keep him CLEAR from Scientology.
Thank you Mike Rinder and Tony Ortega. A fine job you have done to expose the truth about Scientology, the founder and leader.
Hey, CG, tell your friend we all thinking about him. It can be tough leaving.
Awesome work! Your compassion and perseverance in saving him will be thanked one day…though, I know thanks are not why you do what you do. We welcome him home and free!
Is there any risk they will start to use some really bad guys, FSB/KGB-style, with “untraceable” poisons and plutonium stuff? High targets would be persons like Mr Rinder and Leah for ex.
Even Miscavige isn’t that dumb. He actually nixed the notion of murdering someone who was a threat to scientology in a legal case.
Still, he is certainly despicable. He allegedly wouldn’t help as it was speculated his father was in distress, with the words “Let him die.” The PI who heard these words is mentioned in Ortega’s article.
You need to reverse your comment and I think you’ll start to see the world Miscavige resides in. He has to live in a bunker as it is… How much trust in the source of food & its handling do you really think he has to have before he eats something? Bullet proofing and line of sight scenarios would be high on the agenda at his security meetings. He knows better than anyone what he’s done to innocent people. He lives in fear, he truly does, but he has his insanity to comfort him.
You may be on to a basis for his paranoia. If every waking moment he see enemies and SPs in every shadow, one has to wonder if he fears for his own life. It must be a miserable existence, a gilded cage.
Look at the difference between Mike Rinder and David Miscavige. Everyone likes Mike. You’d want to have a pint with him and have a few hearty laughs, or go fishing even, right Marty? And then there is Dave, Mr. COB, whom everyone despises.
Bunker, boat, and eventually a SpaceX private DC-8 replica spaceplane.
It’s called his Safehaven. What else is a guy from New Jersey to do?
This s*** is too sick.
It confirms to me that the church is stuck in an Incident. This incident probably began in 1967, not 1984. The date 1984 is false and designed to prevent the true incident from being discovered and audited out. Similarly Hubbard and Miscavige use the term Big Being to avoid the association with and connection to someone known as Big Brother. The incident has POWER as it’s Goal, and it’s senior POLICY is that: “The end excuses any evil.” (Sophocles); aka ‘The end justifies the means.’ Poli-Dicks and Teck-Dicks, along with Dict-Dicks are used to control the populace. Enforcement by Seck-Chek-Dicks are designed to suppress any ANY free thoughts. The Valuable Final Product is Freedom from Freedom, unified Group Hubbard Think, and Deception on all lines and flows. The incident has as it’s one Purpose the fulfilling of Command Intention; with the leading Program to knock out of existence any insanities not matching our own insanities.. We are eternal, We are the Sea Org/Guardians Office/ RTC. We are watching you, and watching the watchers, and the watchers of the watchers, and watching ourselves watching ourselves.
I keep waiting for the Rathbun response to any of this, but he seems to have turned his site over to The Oracle, and a more hateful waste of DNA I’ve never come across. I have a feeling it’s no fun to be Marty Rathbun right now.
“I have a feeling it’s no fun to be Marty Rathbun right now.”
Timothy, does that mean that you think Marty is doing these things, betraying the truth and all these friendships, against his will? If he has a secret deal with CoS, could that even be binding in a court of law, especially since it illegally cuts out his own lawyers? I think this has to be an ongoing decision on his part to literally sell out.
The courts will not enforce any agreements that contain illegal acts.
For example, the courts would not enforce a contract that includes getting one party to kidnap someone.
Another example? The courts would never enforce any contract that ran for a “Billion Years”. That is just a ridiculous joke. Unfortunately, it ceases to be a joke for the poor souls who ever signed such a thing.
I think Timothy means that whatever his motives its no fun to be Marty right now.
I have no inside info on why Rathbun is behaving as he is — he and his wife were subjected to some of the most fearful and unforgivable harassment I can remember, and at that point he seemed to be holding his own. Then his lawsuit magically went away with no clear outcome (or at least, none that doesn’t seem to sealed_, and ever since he’s been picking away at the “anti-Scientology cult” as it it paid dues and were organized like — well, like Scientology. And he seems to have turned responses over to the deeply cracked individual who signs him/herselt “The Oracle” and specializes in Sciento-style character assassination, or seems to when his/her sentences are coherent enough to yield up any sense at all. So, yeah, seems to me that he’s done a major, mysterious back-down and he doesn’t seem to be very happy or very energetic about it. Glad not to be Marty these days,
Cat, I thought about that the other day too. But then I thought, those weren’t “Marty’s” attorney’s. He wasn’t a complainant. If he didn’t tell his wife (wink, wink, nudge, nudge) there would be no law broken perhaps?
Any lawyers in the house who could expound?
Excellent article. Proves they still do this. I had a ‘friend’ similar to Cierra for some years.
Besides the other horrors about this cult, this story is just another reason why they need to have tax exemption revoked. Needless to say these operations cost a lot of cash.
Someone over at the bunker said “I wonder if Miscavige will now assign PIs to watch the ex-PIs who are now speaking out?” LOL – but he hit it on the nose, I’m sure this is exactly what’s happening. Can’t wait to read about all the other PI’s that are about to come forward.
Infuriating! So much in tax free dollars spent to spy and harass those who speak out against its atrocities – AND YET! – it goes on. I am so fed up with our justice system.
Mike, sorry to be OT but I have to say, I watched you last night on the John Cedar show on youtube and you were great. I could listen to you for hours. And gotta say Lloyd is a great interviewer with great questions. You truly are a class act when you answered about Marty. I didn’t know that the Jehova’s had so many similarities as scio. Now I’m fascinated, hopefully this will be covered on the next season of Aftermath. For those who haven’t yet, take a listen.
Mrs P, I’d love to hear or see the show you said Mike was on. Is there a link to it? Or the name of the network and show?
Here you go.
I know Hubbard said absolutes are unobtainable, but could Scientology PR get any worse?
🙂 Maddie.
Yes …… and it will as the desperation to retain the still-innies intensifies against the barrage of truth flowing out. There are many broken families and broken people still attending daily musters. They have yet to face the disaster that their lives have become.
True. Talk about a wake up call!
Could it get any worse…
Absolutely! ?
I like your style!
All of you ex Scientologists are so brave, and you all seem to be lovely kind people, even after all the horror, you and Leah will be the ones to bring this cult down.
You have given people a chance to speak out.
Be proud of yoursevles, you have a lot of support.
Thankyou, they are awesome people.
Thank you, Sue, for your kind words, and for being here with us.
Office of Suppressive Affairs (OSA). “Ineptitude is our motto.”
Now that’s a motto! And a damn good one at that! Very well done, Maddie!
Office of Sinister Affairs wil as per direct place lifesize Wil E Coyote statues in their dungeons.
New Motto :We limp back (to shoot ourselves in the foot again)
Office of Slimy Activities.
The “Church of Scientology”. Founded by a violent felon, run by a violent criminal. From inception to now, run for criminal purposes.
The entire organization is criminal…from top to bottom.
Wynski , you have always been my favorite poster . I agree with almost everything you post . Keep up the fight my friend .
Thanks Gary
It was such an intensive spy effort, and so intricate in it’s planning. They were really afraid of you, Mike.
I suspect they still are.
They are still waiting to “get the goods” on you & Chris…..I guess they’ve got nothing better to do….
Except the rest of the world are also watching.
They don’t give up easily, do they?
^^^^^ your comment, Mike. Yes, they are still very afraid.