This is another unintentionally revealing look at the true state of affairs with GAG II.
It makes a graveyard seem like a bustling hive of activity.
First — 90 Student Hat Completions (supposedly a GUARANTEED two week course) means that this is the size of the existing active AOSHUK field. Everyone had to redo this course (you can bet that the 90 did not include any NEW comps as they admit they didnt do 90 in the 7 previous years). Funny how this is what they hype — at an AOSH they are proud of their Student Hat Completions and that this is 30X. They have 30Xed something that didnt even need to be done by anyone at an AOSH since the dawn of time as nobody would arrive for the BC or OT levels who had not done the course at their local org when they first started. Woohoo! In 3 months they have scraped together 90 public from the entire UK. (You can almost guarantee there are staff included in these figures too — though not many as staff in the SO traditionally do very little study, their enhancement when it occurs consists almost exclusively of sec checks).
And 53 Pro TRs completions — more than in the previous FOUR YEARS! At the “Academy at Ron’s Home” no less. That is 16 Pro TR’s completions a YEAR over the last 4 years. Just a little more than one a month. And this is the “Golden Age” of Organization, Knowledge and Tech (until GAG II replaced the original Golden Age of Tech)….
And OMG we have produced 18, yes count them, EIGHTEEN metering course completions in 3 months. 6 per month. To paraphrase Shermanspeak(r) event mode: “Now THAT’S Planetary Clearing for real!!!!!!!!” (Standing Ovation) [That is what it says right in the teleprompter Miscavige reads from – “Standing Ovation” – where he expects to get a big round of applause after a “punch line”] These are all people who are already auditors, required to redo this course with the new Warehouse VIII. Definitely worth shouting about.
This is the REAL, and sad, state of affairs at “Ron’s training org” and they are proudly announcing it as if they are conquering the world… Or Clearing The Planet… Or at least Clearing the UK… East Grinstead? St Hill Green?
Date: Thu, 20 Feb 2014
From: AOSHUK <[email protected]>
Subject: From: Liza Riley – AO Tech Sec AOSHUKDear Xxxxx,
There has never been a better time to train as an auditor!!!
In the last 3 months the Golden Age of Tech Phase II has taken the Academy at Ron’s Home to a whole new level!
We have made 92 Student Hat completions just since November. That’s over 30X the number made in the 3 months prior to the release, and more than were made in the previous 7 years combined!!!!
Same goes for Pro TRs, where 53 completions have rolled off the line since the release, which is more than were made in the last 4 years!!!
The achievements continue with 38 Upper Indoc completions, more than in the last 3 years combined!!
And to top it all 18 Professional Metering Course completions in three months, which already equals the 18 completions made in the 8 months prior to the release!
As I said, there has never been a better time to train!
Wherever you are on the processing side of the Bridge, it has never been easier, faster or more fun to train!!!
AO Tech Sec Saint Hill
So sorry about your cat 🙁
Not sorry to hear about the “church” tho’
The next earth shattering breakthrough to sell to these sheep will be the re-release of the Briefing Course, authored by DM, of course. Huge applause! Standing O!!!
…I wish I were being sarcastic, but I can see it coming. uugghh.
The exclamation marks are back. I think we should get a grammar pest control service in there and spray for exclamation marks again.
Love the introductory pictures, Mike. They are spot-on and give the right “mass” and expression to your excellent analyses of the respective scenes.
How do these numbers compare to the early 90s? Were there 10 times as many then? 100 times? Also, how does it compare to the number of auditors, etc. who quit? I think the Cult is shrinking.
Ron’s Orgs [ CBR guys ] have 25 L’s auditors in around 6 months.
If you really look at the numbers they decrease as the courses go on:
– St Hat – 93
– Pro TS – 53
– Upper Indoc – 38
– Metering – 18
So, are they having monumental numbers of blown students? Or, did some realize it is all a joke and stop on their tracks just on time? Whatever the reason, the numbers do decrease….
Very astute observation. I am glad you pointed that out. Seems they are getting the GAT II message and leaving after a few re-treads.
I am willing to bet that none of those “completions” were the first time through. I say they were re-treads and not really completions, since they already completed once before.
Gotta love those memes or catch phrases like “whole new level” and “straight up and vertical”.
Yeah I’d say the stats are at a “whole new level” but they have nothing to do with being “straight up and vertical”. More like pathetic.
Back in the day when they used to issue the International Stats before they became TS/SCI and issued on a “need to know” basis only.
You’d usually see stats like this coming from some Hoboken Org or maybe Buffalo or some other Org that was tenuously hanging on.
I fondly remember telling some idiotic “execs” that an “ups an up” and “you shouldn’t nag a rise” etc. when we didn’t make some deluded “quota” that the morons aka “Exec Council” used to agree on who we used to think were DUI that is “Directing” under the influence of something or maybe having a flashback.
But , this wouldn’t apply to an AOSH which is supposed to make Saint Hill grads and OTs.
Yet not a one is mentioned here which I’d say was a major out point.
Also they cover three months since the Golden Shower the sequel arrived which could mean that there was a sudden burst of activity in the beginning which is now leading toward a shallow grave (in keeping with your metaphor Mike 🙂 )
“Whole new level” = six feet underground.
“Straight up and vertical” = how the tombstone is positioned.
Bloody Pathetic
I don’t know anything about all this, but 92 (a pittance of a number) being more than the prior 7 years combined?!?
Good things these emails are kept sooper seekrit.
During SEVEN years they “managed” to produce less than 92 Student Hat Completions….In Saint Hill….
Wow, that is for REAL! Real NANO-production!
Small surprise. Go to St Hill and you’ll be welcomed with open arms – then murdered and looted for money by tha MAA and IAS reges. What’s not to love about Ron’s Home?
Chaz Kember and Frank O Sullivan would have been embarrassed with these stats when they were running the Academy at AOSH UK in the mid 80s – till they were both busted / quicksilvered off post. Ironic then that they are both still in the SO no doubt parroting the “unparalleled expansion” nonsense.
“There has never been a better time to train as an auditor!!!”
What can I say?
I can see the line up of rereredos passing back the jar of vasiline now!.
Didjeridoos … Dm’s new ‘blow hard’ wind instrument for the GAT II. Didyouredo?
good one! funny, Mirari
It appears that the Tech Sec of Ron’s home org is every bit as enamored with the art of “glowing but false reports” as his fearless leader is.
I wonder how many of the faithful are starting to wonder, “what the F are we actually doing here?”
My 18 year old cat just passed away. Every once in a while over the previous month or two he’d jump up and show signs of recovery and life. Then he’d slump back down into the despondent knowledge that he just couldn’t get it up anymore.
Miscavige has rallied the troops and they’ll pretend to be upstat over the next month or two. Then they’ll be in the deep, dark cave of the danger condition that looms ever darker over their dashed hopes and dreams.
They’ll show some signs of life from time to time, but alas, the church is dead. The faithful will keep up the struggle, but really they should just take the whole operation to the vet and put it out of its misery.
Honestyl, what are these cultists thinking? 99 percent of the world could never come up with the money to pay for this ridulous cult “spirituality.” My in-law has spent upwards over 40 years, 1,200,000.00 and has not reached above an OT3 level. Yes that number is correct as it corresponds with monies that my in-laws gave her. She also works and who knows how much of her working money she has spent. For the hundreds of thousands of dollars it takes to “move up the bridge of slavation and misery, who on earth decides this, and most people simply will never be able to afford it. So how can these people think that they can reach the masses with these insanely high dollar amounts? You people, who spent years in there, never thought that converting people into clams could possibly be cost prohibitive? In what religion or spiritual enlightment has it ever costed cold, hard cash to reach the particular nirvana? NONE!!!!!
While I don’t disagree with your overall sense of things, I do have to say that a number of religions have charged money and made a mint:
1. Televangelists, Christian: for example, the Bakers.
2. Catholicism, Christian: for example, selling indulgences.
3. Mormonism / Latter Day Saints: tithing; 10% hit on your income for life. Some Christian sects do this as well.
4. Jim Jones, Christian: fleeced his followers.
5. Islam: blood money to settle scores.
6. Hinduism, and other religions: huge dowries for brides.
7. Billy Graham and his son, Christian: perpetual fundraising for many decades — half century or more.
8. All churches, fleecing the American taxpayer by being tax exempt, and getting class vouchers to indoctrinate the kids.
I’ll stop there — one comment for each of Scientology’s eight dynamics.
Soon they’ll be instructed not to send any stat data out at all via email!!!!
“It’s sad, so sad, it’s a sad sad situation, And it gets more and more absurd.”
Oh Mike!
“As I said, there has never been a better time to train!
Wherever you are on the processing side of the Bridge, it has never been easier, faster or more fun to train!!!”
No kidding, this must be the perfect time to get to Ron’s home for some course work. Sounds like there are plenty of empty seats to choose from. No scrambling to get a demo kit, clay table, dictionary, etc. there’re plenty to go around. If you need a twin and there is no one in sight, no problem, the course sup or word clearer will be happy to help you rocket thru your course work. Come one, come all, PLENTY of empty seats to fill.
Further investigation of these claims are needed.
What was promised, what was paid for,what was delivered.
Who donated ?, and how much?How much service paid for was rip off.
Book donations that did not purchase books, where did the money really go?
Let an independent CPA firm auditor see the books.