Well, they have come up with MORE statuses.
Now you can be more than an:
You can give us money to become a “TERRITORIAL DISSEMINATOR” and you are then allowed to be a Scientologist in your State or Territory.
Line up for your CERTIFICATE NOW (just bring your checkbook AND credit cards, wallet and gold fillings)….
The poor asshole
And I know He is watching. Got 2 disconnected kids in last week.
Cece do you have an email where I can privately email you? I know you and want to get details on the disconnected kids. Thanks!
Awwwh shit 🙁
I’m just a lowly Patron (only 40K $ collected under false pretense – I was TOLD I was helping not buying motorcycles)
. Sob S.O.B. soooobbbbbbb
I would rather give it to the 711 guy then YOU
By the way GET YOUR MONEY BACK !!!
Borrowed beingness? Most I know who give big time for statuses put it on credit cards, which is borrowing the money. So if you give to gain a wonderful “Big Being” beingness, what does it say when that beingness is a sham because it was borrowed off a credit card?
Where else can one purchase status? It’s a valuable product well worth the investment. Imagine the feeling walking into a room of your peers knowing you are more OT, more able and just plain better than they are, as well as a god among Wogs. And it only cost you $100,000? A bargain at any price.
Poor man!!! He sounds totally duped! What a pack of wolves… They caught on to the help button again and took advantage in a disgracefull move… as is customary with this cult. Ugh!
I remember vaguely a time I had been a monk. Starting there I had been assigned a job in the kitchen. Years leater I still had been a ktichen worker. All my other brothers pulled up in rank and had better clothings. Me being still in the kitchen doing my work. Did not climb up to the next higher level. Every other day during those years my master visited me in my kitchen and we talked to each other. He told me stories. Still in the kitchen many years later he visited me a last time and told me that he is leaving soon. I asked him why he kept me in the kitchen all those years on that low level. He told me: you did arrive here and did have the wish to get wisdom no matter how hard it will be. Your brothers did want status. I gave them status. I gave you wisdom.
Schorsch, That was very helpful. Thank you for bothering. Taking the trouble..
Wow, oh wow. This night has been alive with the sound of entheta!
First, a news story on the local CBS channel and Leah Remini’s filing of a missing person’s report for Shelly Miscavige:
And just now in, Karen Black has dropped the body due to cancer. This is nothing to celebrate and is truly sad considering how much in the past she has done for the corporate “church'”of $cientology. http://www.sfgate.com/entertainment/article/Five-Easy-Pieces-star-Karen-Black-dead-at-74-4718686.php
“Karen Black, the prolific actress who appeared in more than 100 movies and was featured in such counterculture favorites as “Easy Rider,” ”Five Easy Pieces” and “Nashville,” has died in Los Angeles. Black’s husband, Stephen Eckelberry, says the actress died Wednesday from complications from cancer. She was 74.”
Sad, especially considering how much money she pumped into $cientology, and her PR work for the church, yet at the end of her live couldn’t afford the cancer treatment she so desparately needed.
I have concluded that what lies at the bottom of RCS’s obsession with status is a desperate need for identity. They are selling beingness. This single fact is evidence that they have abandoned Scn technology or can no longer apply it, since the tech was designed to restore an individual’s identity.
Interesting, and I believe accurate observation.
Yes, these statuses and all the “saving the world” PR are a substitute. People are looking for something in Scientology and it’s not there anymore so they buy into this. It’s sort of a bait and switch.
“Move up to your next status in Planetary Dissemination today!”
Once it was: “move up to your next step on the Bridge…” – these days it is: “move up to your next status…”. The beingness: status, more status, big status (with money and MEST).
Status, obedience, subjugation, sycophancy, – that is what a dictator needs; and money and territory (“territorial disseminator”).
The ideal status is COB RTC. He of course is all STATUS – nothing else left … from “BIG BEING” Number 2; or is it “BIG BEING” Number 1 now?
New Drill from the Golden Age of Tech version II “Basic Communication Course”:
Student: “Where is Shelly?”
Student: “I’ll repeat the question: Where is Shelly?”
Student: “And again … I’ll repeat the question: ‘Where is Shelly?'”
Lawyer: “She’s a private person.”
Student: “I’ll repeat the question: ‘Where is Shelly?'”
Lawyer: “She works at the Church as she always has.”
Student: “I’ll repeat the question: ‘Where is Shelly?'”
LAPD: “We are satisfied she’s not missing.”
COB: “This is harassment. I need you to become a TERRITORIAL DISEMINATOR.”
Does John know about Lisa McPherson? Just heard LAPD found Shelly. Strange timing – Kirstie Alley claims to be a public person, but she never responded to our questions
And has blocked us from posting. Maybe Brittany can pass on a message. Kirstie, do you ever question?
Sarah – you can create another fb page ~ LOL
I know several people from various Org’s that were completely bilked of large inheritances.
I noticed they did it for the admiration. They were “heros” for an event – after that – back to zeros!!
Very expensive admiration to purchase and the sad thing is – once the Church of Scientology got their money – no more love bombing.
Is there a link we can go to to find out about Shelley? How did the LAPD get involved in that? More details please.
One IAS status is for free though.
This one is below lifetime member and below nonex. In fact it is one of the oldest stati you can get.
It is called “SP”.
I wish John all the best. I’m sure he’s a great guy with a big heart but he would have been the Territorial Disseminator up in Montana at any level of donation because there is just nothing happening with Scientology in that area. John has to wear the hat if only by default.
I was raised in Montana and a couple of years ago I called both the Seattle and Denver Org to see if they had any Book One auditors or anyone at all I could contact to arrange some auditing for one of my family members who is still there. Neither of these two Orgs had a single individuals name or number they could give me.
So, let me get this straight. This guy buys DMSMH at an airport in the 70’s and “after reading it, he went to a mission and demanded to get Dianetics auditing. Soon afterwards he found he wanted to help others with this incredible tech.” And so, despite this realization snf high purpose, the guy TAKES THIRTY FREAKIN’ YEARS OFF until he gets a “phone call from a Scientologist” and voila, he’s totally handled, buys everything and is now swallowing it all.
Uhm, folks if any of you actually BELIEVE this story….. and now he’s gonna open up a mission in KALISPELL,MONTANA and really disseminate Scientology. Yeah, should be a ton of body traffic into THAT mission! But wait …. he’s gonna hook up all these “opinion leaders with source.” Yeah, right, the independent minded opinion leaders in Montana are gonna be REAL anxious to get involved with “source.”
I’m guessing it was moments after the LRH death event when Davey FULLY cognited on the depth of how low Scientologists had sunk in their ability to intake data, analyze data, think, or in any way act as independent self determined beings. Once he realized how brainwashed and brain dead his public really was, he knew they would believe virtually ANYTHING and agree to fork over whatever cash they had for whatever hokum and bullshit he offered – just as long as he hit the 3D, 4D and 7D buttons they had been implanted with over the years. He had an almost complete stimulus response group that had been created over time in the church of scientology just waiting to get fleeced …. talk about low hanging fruit!
So… do I even BELIEVE this ridiculous story about this alleged Montana dude? Get real.
It’s the Ripley’s Believe It or Not Edition of Planetary Dissemination News 🙂
Regarding the library Campaign: Every book that our local library has on the shelf is bought by the library. Any books that are donated are sold every few months at a ‘ basement garage sale type sale’ and books are purchased for 50 cents etc. or a bag full of books for $4.00. I see the donated Scientology books at these sales, never been opened, still in shrink wrap, and sold off for the above prices. Massive books, new and used are donated to the library and sold to raise money for the library so that a panal can decide which books to purchase. They never use the donated books. They always decide every book that goes on the shelf by the appointed library panel of people. Someone gets regged to buy these books for thousands of dollars to be donated to the library and these books never go on the shelf, they are just sold off in the basement sale. I also went to a library sale in the northern part of our state and saw the same thing there. I used to buy these books up for pennies, but now I realized they are there time and time again, never out of the shrink wrap and can be purchased for under a dollar. They keep regging people to donate these books to the same library and the books keep getting sold off unopened at the basement garage sale.
Well stated (and appalling).
Hi Mak.
I would like some of those books back I sent to the incinerator.
The last person I know that questioned ‘status’ in the church by mentioning that he never saw Ron use the ‘ status levels’ and he didn’t see how ‘status’ was Scientology, and that he didn’t understand why they were buying an Ideal Org for several million of dollars when there were only a couple of people in the Academy, – and one of the two students was staff. He mentioned that there were packed academies in the 1970s in moderate priced buildings, or even homes, with great success. He just mentioned this in the Org and he was excommunicated from the church without even being sent to ethics or any kind of handling. Just called up and told not to come into class ever again. When he tried to call back, the receptionist hung up on him. The org completely disconnected from him. Even the justice chief and international justice chief would not communicated with him, (which is so very off policy) all because he mentioned he never saw Ron mention the status levels and asked why are they buying a church for millions when there was only a couple people in the academy. He was told he was cut off from the mailing list ( yeah! finally – an unclogged mailbox) , and was excommunicated from the church without any handling at all, – just disconnected from completely for only asking the question. So, he is now in the Indy field happily getting auditing, finally moving on the bridge again. Not only are people leaving the church, in some cases they are being shoved out. No wonder people are scared to communicated anymore in the church. So sad what has happened.
Is that a horses ass on the medal? Perfect!
My first impression was seeing a penis on the medal. Sorry, it is just a freudian slip of a “1.1”. I probably should not mention such here 😉
Would be funny if DM chose such medal. Unfortunately this is just a picture to design the web page.
No BareFaced…..that’s a new EP for gat II. “The ability to see penis’ everywhere” You’re just really smart.
hahaha!!! Biggest laff I have had all day!!
Thank you, Hallie J. 🙂
Hallie Jane asks, “Is that a horses ass on the medal? Perfect!” LOL. I hadn’t even looked at it.
I started thinking about how Scientology has all these new buildings but very few customers. How are they going to keep the money rolling in when they run out of levels of donationess.
Monks in the middle ages began to make brandy and it became a real moneymaker for them. So I figure, today with all the great microbreweries, maybe Scientology could make their own beer. Here’s a few names I think would work….
Hill Ten Ale: when you feel like you’re the only one doing anything right you bleepin morons.
Rock Slam Lager with the bitter flavor of hops and evil purposes.
Serenity of Beeriness: (no explanation necessary)
Golden Rod: “We declare this beer SP (Sweet Pilsner).”
List-One: You will not have bad thoughts about this ale.
Op Pro by Brew: Look at that Beer. Walk over to it. Pick it up. Drink it.
Tone 40 Malt Liqour: When you want it now with no counter intention.
Kha Khan Stout: will clean your slate.
COB 7 Ounce.: It may be small but this little beer will slap, punch, kick, choke, grab you by the neck and throw you to the floor.
Peter M.
Hey Peter M,
Loved it! I’ll take a Kha Khan Stout, please!
Hey Pete old friend,
Glad to see you haven’t lost your sense of humour!! Good to see you are about.
HI Alex, thanks.
Tech Light Laggard, for those who study GAK II
24-proof Kool Aid for those affixed to the Co$.
SecCheck six-pack, to get over the $30,000 bucks you just blew to be interrogated on a) how frequently you masturbate, c) having sex with a sheep, and c) whether you disagree with current management.
R2-45 for the strong stomach
Three Swings (Mexican bootleg brew)
Pabst Blue Ribbon, for those still remember the real stuff.
Or how about “Near-Clear Clear-water Beer”??
Hahahaha! I got a delightfull laugh out of your post. Not a bad idea maybe! I mean theres always room for new kinds of ale in this world!
Hi Peter!
Very very cute.
How about:
False PTS Pilsner: When you really aren’t PTS.
OT Ale: When you feel a little low on horse power.
Hung up in doubt twin pack: The one additional step.
Laughed out loud Peter! I”ll drink to that!
My prediction for the day – within a year or two, John will be penniless and wondering what the hell he did. The demands on him to donate are just beginning. The good news is he won’t be bored with being comfortable. He’ll be tryng to dig himself out of the financial mess he’s stuck with. As far as booming Scientology in Montana goes, he’s going to get a first hand experience of the complete ineffectiveness of the DM dissemination strategy. What a waste.
Nothing about the IAS in there.
A newly incepted donation racket standing on it’s own?
I guess later on we can keep track and see if the books really were “flooded” to the schools and so on. It says “books”, means plural and I guess he expects tons of books. We shall see.
And what an interesting out point, he has been off lines for 30 years??? It does not make sense that this promo pice promotes such an outpoint…ah, but they got their money, so who cares??
At least they could come up with something that didn’t sound so feral — territorial —
Karen Black died yesterday from cancer.
OMG. I hadn’t heard. I met her once: she was gracious and kind and a little ditzy, but didn’t have a mean bone in her body. She was very real in her own special way. Godspeed Karen and may harmony find you.
Sorry for the loss. She was important and special.
A couple of years ago I realized a surprising number of my OT friends had died of cancer and I decided to list all the cancer cases among just the OTs I knew or had met personally. Karen brings the total to 22. By comparison, I can think of only three cases among my relatives and non-Scientology acquaintances, and two of those are still surviving. The odds regarding cancer at the top of the Bridge are not good, and I suspect the case interference from all those sec checks twice a year might have something to do with it.
So sorry to hear about Karen!! She was such a delight to watch on screen. I agree Aeolus, I know of OTs who have had cancer, diabetes, heart problems, broken back, twisted bowel, I could go on!! Personally I dont think davey would recognize an ep if it hit him in the face, so alot of people are overrun. Put together with sec checks the enormous pressure to donate and contribute the cost of getting up the bridge in the first place the inval and eval flag terminals seem to be so good at now, and the unreal ethics level dave requires of those getting up the bridge, it wouldnt suprise me if many OTs are just wanting to get the hell out of Dodge.
Yes, maybe that is the only way to escape it! It worked for Richard Reiss. That’s a horrible and sad commentary that the only way some staff and public can escape is through death. Wonder how many look up Scn and join up again in their next LT? Hopefully they wised up enough not to.
On the subject of unwell and/or downright sick with chronic body problems RCS OTs, I would add that I have seen my share of them, and it used to confuse me that they were so physically unhealthy. Contrary fact, you know? I also used to wonder why some of them always seemed to be wound very tightly – trying to be uptone, acting uptone in a kind of deliberate, vociferous manner, saying all the right words, punching the air with their fists, calling themselves “kick-ass OTs” and trying mightily to put this tone level across, But it didn’t come across, not to me. To me, they almost always appeared somewhat pissed off, antago, or, kind of sad and weighted down. This used to puzzle me. No more!
Dear Aeolus, I am not aware of your geographical location but regret to inform you that your cognition is quite correct. A similar situation pertains in the UK and other countries of the world.
Some time ago I chanced upon some precise figures, on the internet, that show the incidence of cancer amongst Scientologists of Clear and above is greater than in the rest of the population.
I would refer you to the discoveries by LRH which indicate just what will cause cancer and also the web site of Robert Dam, a Danish man, who compared the original ‘LRH’ OT materials with the squirrel editions as currently issued by the C of m.
My apologies for not having the exact references to supply.
SW, I’m currently in Portland, Oregon but most of the 40+ years since I first became involved in Scientology have been spent in Los Angeles. That’s one of the two places on the planet where this trend might be readily apparent from casual observation, but if you’ve seen it in the UK with only 2000 or so Scientologists, it may be even more pronounced than I thought.
If anyone knows the Robert Dam website address, please post it.
Dear Aeolus, Thank you, the Robert Dam address is below.
LRH spent a lot of time and risked a lot to provide a safe passage through
the OT levels. He was not bluffing when he spoke of the mortal dangers
for not following the correct route. The little toad has carefully removed the safe
route and installed most of the dangers
The good news is that the safe route is still available outside of the toads
Yes, sorry to hear about Karen Black. She was and is a good hearted being. A moment to pay some spiritual tribute to her, please.
Sorry to hear this. She seemed to always have a big, bright, warm smile for everyone. Wishing her the best.
I’m sorry Mike, but I actually laughed out loud at your really hilarious “award name”! Especially the part “with knobs on”. It’s perfect and it does look like they are using Amway’s play book. At least Amway was selling something somewhat usable. An idiot by any other name is still an idiot. I’m just sayin…
Seems what they lack in technical know how they make up for in gimmicks.
“Territorial Disseminator” that one is about as hokey as the “Master Bate …er Builder” for the Super Power Monstrosity.
Who makes up these names anyway?
Here’s one…
How ’bout ‘Status Happy Moron’.
30 years in Scientology and he decides he’s going to get trained.
For someone who lives in Montana that’s kinda slow on the draw.
I’d say it was better late than never but the way they’ve structured training over there it’ll likely be never and that training package he bought will probably go to the IAS or some other not so worthy cause.
The RCS is a very interesting trap.
There is a lot about the philosophy to be interested in and it is good to help people. Then a sadistic madman can package it all up and sell it and start to put the blinders on a person and then start putting the screws to him or her.
It is truly disgusting to watch someone in the initial stages of entrapment. I hope this guy wakes up quickly before he is hurt too bad.
You’re a good guy Tony! 🙂
Thanks Hallie. Even SP’s can care. 🙂
He may have had a sip of GAT II Cool Aid. That stuff id strong. Avoid strawberry.
Yeah Curt, they gave him a good strong slug of the strawberry flavor. Then they gave him some more mixed with cherry flavor. The boy is hooked, and then they threw the status’s at him and played to his sense of wanting to be a “big thetan” They get him high up on a hot air balloon. Then the poor victim fills the balloon with more hot air with his head getting bigger and bigger. Then they can ask the poor sap to do almost anything for fear of that hot air balloon popping and the painful plummet to your apparent death. Little does the unsuspecting victim know that the flight down is the drop “back to Earth” where true life can sustain itself.
Yes, Tony – that is exactly what it is – a trap. And this poor guy – along with many others, just wants to help the “helpers”, but what he is doing is providing oil to make the trap run smoothly. Wait until he finds out that he has been victimised. That is something to get emotional about. He is made to believe he pulled in this attention from regges after 30 years. More likely victims are becoming scarce, and so the RCS has to dig to the back of the lines to find someone. Poor guy. Yes, he does want to help. But he is helping Miscavige run the Int base into sleep deprivation, fear, and prison “holes”, helping to run the RPF’s, helping to run all SO and staff on the idea that they are achieving something with no exchange for them except a false idea that there is some kind of grand scheme to make the world a better place. At the end of the day – where is the product? The product that is there comes off the back of the few who can do their jobs uninterrupted by Int Management. But there is no Int Management product – bar a well-oiled trap – false stats and all.
It’s a time-tested, honored approach to reeling in suckers:
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“Give a Rat a Cookie and he will want a Glass of Milk”.
The Drive for Status is just the “Hook” to get sheeple on the D.M. Radar screen.
Spot the hell on.
“When I see what is going on in the world, people being hurt, people being victimized, I really get emotional about it.” If he only knew this is exactly what David Miscavige has been doing to people under a very carefully orchestrated camouflage which has effectively turned off perhaps millions of people to this philosophy.
1997 called–it would like its cheesy photo frame effects back.