(Note: this came in a few weeks ago and I overlooked it).
I have done a few recent posts about the state of the two best ideal orgs on earth — the artificial “model Class V” org in Los Angeles that is manned by 200 Sea Org members (who will be there regardless if they are doing anything that generates even enough income to support their $50 a week “wages”) and the other artificial “model Class V St Hill Size” org in Tampa that lives off the crumbs from Flag. The people who do not qualify for Flag services are sent there. The Flag public have their children join staff there to avoid them going into the Sea Org. Local scientologists do courses there so they can claim they are “progressing up the Bridge” when the Flag regges corner them. If Tampa org were located in Columbus it would look like Columbus does — a few lonely staff trying to cajole money out of even less numbers of harrowed public.
So, here we have the mighty Tampa announcing their “goals” over the next 7 weeks. (This post is a bit dated — just haven’t gotten around to posting it).
Remember — these are their GOALS. By definition this means something more than they THINK they can make and definitely a lot more than they are currently making.
20 more people onto their first major service?
3 per week is a GOAL???
This is the actual number of new people moving onto the Bridge in the biggest Class V org in the world.
This means they are likely getting 1 or less people per week onto their first major service.
And 25 Clears? Again, likely one or less a week.
This is “SH Size”? Not even remotely close.
And if this is the reality of Tampa — think what it is like in other “ideal orgs” like DC, Malmo, Basel, Perth. And beyond even that, how about the orgs that haven’t managed to “go ideal” after nearly 20 years? Albuquerque. Lisbon. Brighton. etc etc etc
The true state of scientology bears no resemblance to the PR presented by Miscavige at his international rah-rah events.
Ventura Ribbon Yanking
One of our special correspondents just sent in these shots of the preparations for the yanking ceremony on Saturday on the side of the 101 freeway in Ventura.
This is the front of the building — looks lik it might be a security camera on top of the light.
This is the side of the building where the yanking will take place…
The grand bow…
ShrubTech(r) already in place so the public cannot see what is happening or catch a glimpse of Dear Leader…
The other reason for the ShrubTech — the glamorous view of the property alongside the “ideal” org location. Apparently at night it is a perfect spot for bodyrouting…
Thank you for exposing this horrific group, Mike. My husband and I just drove by the Ventura grand opening today (we live in Ventura), and we were horrified to see this in our city. To calm our nerves, we came home and watched another episode of you and Leah on Hulu. We will certainly be spreading the word here that these people are frauds. Keep up the good fight, Mike!
I wonder how many years or decades it will be before the first Ideal org building has to be closed and sold off. To be a fly on the wall of Miscavige’s office…
A local should go and bring a drone for close ups of Dear Leader. Nothing he can do about it. Police cannot do anything either as only FAA has jurisdiction.
Hey! That’s a great idea, Wynski! Can you make it happen?
I”m thousands of miles away.
Wynski, California state and local ordinances do apply to drone flights – and law enforcement officers might well assert the authority to stop them:
Drone Laws in California (2020)
“AB 856 // 2015
This law prohibits entering the airspace of an individual in order to capture an image or recording of that individual engaging in a private, personal or familial activity without permission. This legislation is a response to the use of UAS by the press in covering celebrities and other public figures.”
While that might seem to not quite apply to an org opening, my guess is that Scientology would claim that Dear Leader (arguably a public figure, plus perhaps with actual celebrities present) is engaged in protected activity on private property, and use their typical persuasive tactics to get law enforcement to take action and worry later about sorting out whether or not they really did so with proper authority – Scientology has a pattern, and unfortunately a successful track record, of creating “facts on the ground” and getting officers to take action even when questionable. Someone could argue about that, but they might well end up having to do so in court after having been forced to cease using a drone under threat of arrest for failure to obey a lawful order, or obstruction (see PC 148(a)(1)). Anyone who wants to try such a thing should consult an attorney beforehand about how to deal with law enforcement officers in such a situation – and better yet even bring counsel with them.
And once again, you are asserting certainty regarding things about which you are completely uninformed and entirely wrong – I catch it fairly frequently with legal and constitutional issues, but usually don’t have time to run down citations and case law to demonstrate it as clearly as here. Yet you can be unforgiving and even insulting when you think others are in error. Those are rather Hubbard-like habits that I’d think you’d want to overcome in recovery from your scientology indoctrination, so I’m going to point them out.
Peacemaker, California makes MANY laws that are illegal. That you don’t know that shows your lack of experience in law. And life in California in general.
Wynski, wrong again. If you check at the link I provided, all 50 states have laws about drones; “conservative” Texas has some of the most restrictive in the country:
https://uavcoach.com/drone-laws/\ vc
Constitutional scholars agree that they have a place, particularly when it comes to privacy issues:
Drone Regulations and Fourth Amendment Rights: The Interaction of State Drone Statutes and the Reasonable Expectation of Privacy
Your sadly all too typical response just makes my previous point. Seriously, I bet you could get a referral from Mike’s Aftermath Foundation, for some of the counselors who help people shake the cult mindset. Didn’t you get lured in to begin with, due to a desire to work towards being a better person?
That property next door, with those above ground storage tanks – that must be where they send all the harmful toxins
they drain off during the Purif. Right?
I mean, those toxins have to go somewhere – they wouldn’t just flush them down the sewer. Back into the public water supply. The wog public water supply.
No, they wouldn’t do that, would they? Just to save a few thousand dollars in hazardous waste disposal fees?
The Purif is pernicious nonsense. It’s just sweat. It’s like used shower water. Which goes through its own purification process before being sent into the water supply again.
The Purif is just another piece of the con. When you examine the subject of Scientology, it becomes apparent that it was founded by a man who based it not on scientific principles, but rather on an overactive imagination.
“Smoking doesn’t cause. Not smoking enough causes cancer.”
Lliira observed:
“The Purif is pernicious nonsense. It’s just sweat. It’s like used shower water. Which goes through its own purification process before being sent into the water supply again.”
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist – or a nuclear physicist – to realize that the purif never did do no one any good.
Yes, they WOULD do that, and have for years. (Whatever it is that ends up going down the drains.) But it’s actually nothing to worry about at all, because there’s no one ON the purif anymore.
Tampa org’s Life Improvement Center in St. Petersburg essentially closed around a year ago, and now is listed as being open just 1 hour a day Monday through Friday. Jeb, a local who posts over at Tony Ortega’s, reports that neighboring businesses recently said that there are sometimes people at the center in the evening, but that he no longer sees an old lady who used to keep it open during the day – that sounds like a typical story of mission-size locations faltering as the aging diehards who kept them going fade away. There is city paperwork in the window indicating that work needed to be done on the roof, but the permits expired in the middle of last year without being complete; I’ve seen hints that these locations may rely on “whales” to subsidize their operations, and perhaps they lost their financial patron as well.
Tampa’s other test center in Plant City has a website of its own that hasn’t been updated since it opened in 2007 – a cookie-cutter copy of St. Pete’s, which at least was updated in 2015 – so it’s probably in similar straits. Their barely-maintained Facebook page shows that they’re open several hours in the evenings and all day on the weekends, but as we’ve seen Scientology can’t necessarily even keep up things like that as they shrink and fail.
Your mentioning that “Tampa lives off the crumbs from Flag. The people who do not qualify for Flag services are sent there” reminded me of a friend’s experience.
She was Flag public for years when suddenly she was told she was no longer “fit for service” there. She was told to go to Tampa where she could continue. She got pissed off and decided to write to COB. She wrote that all of the money she had she’d donated to Flag and was on account there. She had no other funds now. So she needed him to authorize a transfer of it all to Tampa. Of course she never heard back from the asshole but oddly/coincidentally a few weeks later the MAA at Flag called and invited her back. Her gut told her the tech isn’t what’s important only money is.
Hey Mike,
I just want you to know that I fully support you. I do not care much about the way you dress or the way you appear. That has nothing to do with the way I feel about you personally and the way I feel about This horrible scam. I will be so elated on the day when this criminal scam is finally eradicated and disappears from the public view for once and for all. I gave you my word that I would not address the issue of your appearance again and I stand by that. As far as I’m concerned no matter when that day may come, it cannot come soon enough.
All I really have to say to you can be summarized as follows, “Keep up your great work!” Your work is very important and the day on which this scam is eradicated will be a very happy day indeed. You will go down in history as a very great man!
Cheers Mate!
P.S. Best wishes to Aquamarine as well.
Did you feel that back-handed compliment, Mike? Wtf?
Skyler usually I’m a lurker here and not one who comments. But as someone young who knows her way around fashion better than most- I would have to respectfully disagree with you. Mike and Leah both wear beautiful clothing on tv. Well-tailored modern suits look great on Mike with great neckties. But all that aside- it’s so strange to me that you would fixate on that in this forum and continue to bring it up. Imagine if someone repeatedly told you they don’t like how you dress or how you “appear” to them. Like if you’re proud of the work he’s doing maybe just leave your personal taste for fashion out of it and let the man live? I just wonder how you’d feel if someone was so brazen to criticize your appearance all the time. SMH
I am very sorry if you believe I had brought this up again. I said that I would keep my word not to bring it up.
I sincerely apologize to anyone I have offended and I would implore everyone here not to bring this issue up again and I give you my word that I will do likewise.
The thing on top of the streetlight might be a light sensor – we have streetlights like that here (UK), But, this being Scientology, I wouldn’t rule out the camera idea! Keep giving them hell!
I agree it is a sensor I think to tell the light when to come on.
Mike I think you have the entire Ideal Org thing wrong. They are not meant to bring in new meat. They are meant to get every $cieno in the area on staff and safety ensconced in their Alamo like edifice. It is hard to run away when your ‘friends’ man the battlements behind you and might shoot you in the back if you run.
I suspect some of the audience here is doubters or UTRs who still haven’t fully realized that the internally hyped “expansion” is not actually working out as claimed in all the propaganda. They may first need to see it demonstrated that “raw meat” is not coming in anywhere, not just their failing local org, before starting to grasp more of what is going on.
To handle the blood loss from the hemorrhaging of former members leaving the cult, the Tampa Ideal Org will need an ideal tampon.
Thank you. I am rolling around on the floor laughing my ass off.
I had blood loss once. I’m still looking for the rest of the blood.
Malmo became an ideal org? Wow! It was one of those small orgs always on the edge of disappearing from the map because of few staff and dilentatism.
I need to apologize indeed.
Does anybody knows from where they got the staff to show at the grand opening event? Please don’t tell me CLO EU.
“Malmo, Basel and Perth. How many I direct your call?”
” Lemme speak to Basel”
“Will that be Basel Marinara or Basel Metabolism, sir?”
” Basel Rathbone … No wait a minute, gimme Basel Fawlty”
“Sorry. Mr. Fawlty is on course today at the Torquay Ideal Org, helping to make this year’s auditor, getting his twin Manuel through his GAT2 drills.”
” Dang! I knew I shouldn’t have waited to call on Thursday morning … “
Rather stay at Fawlty Towers than Camelot Castle…
CO$ sets endless “Now-We-Are-Finally-Doing-It-For-Real” quotas and targets. Never meets any of them, but makes ridiculous unachievable Goals/Objectives endlessly. It’s all just hype, Over-The-Top nonsense.
Foremost, nothing scientology says has even a nodding acquaintance to reality. That’s appropriate since nothing about scientology had even a nodding acquaintance to reality when Tubby pulled it out of his flabby … whatever….
All I can say, Mike, is that the Runt Must be reading this blog in the Bathroom (if you catch my meaning)!
Shit, you’re right!
Marne, he’s too deep in his cups to do any reading these days. On or off the pot.
Oh, Mike, you’re such a thorn in their side. 🙂