This came in a week ago, but there has been so much going on I could not get around to posting it (including this story about the state of London org).
Aaron is the epitome of the unthinking SO drone just doing his job. If you read what he actually says, he is correctly noting the orders of magnitude required, and then completely ignoring it, hoping that by being enthusiastic enough it will overcome the obvious shortfalls in reality (69 Million Thetans to Clear — actually a lot more if only you knew Aaron — at the rate of 2 or 3 a week and with increases in population it should only take about a million years….)
He just buys every line that is fed to him, as long as it comes from some “authority”. It is a sad state of delusion shared by all the other clubbed seals. Do you realise how close we are coming to the release of the full Bridge To Total Freedom, in our lifetime we will see the release of all OT Levels and not only that we will be the ones who put our Religion here for eternity with the creation of Ideal Organisations all over the world.
But the real surprise in here is that the UK Landlord — the guy who gets hammered to get “Ideal Orgs” done in the UK is pushing for people to give $100 to send LRH A Profile to “opinion leaders.” Really? After all this time they have not yet realized this is a massive waste of money and is merely a way for Pubs Orgs to increase their sales and unload deadstocks? They don’t have a SINGLE example of someone receiving this book and it accomplishing anything at all. Yet, here he is, the UK Landlord hawking The Profile “donations.”
Perhaps the greatest irony though is the quote he chooses: “The consideration that it takes a long time to building something is not true. That itself is an aberration, an effort to discourage destruction by pretending creation takes a long time”. – LRH So, why has it been more than 30 years and there is not one St Hill size org in the UK? In fact, HAPI is just building a sauna? According to this LRHED the proof of this datum was Boston org “built to St Hill size in a matter of weeks.” Aaron have you ever READ the LRH ED you are quoting?” Have you ever wondered — if Boston really was SH Size in 1972 as is described in that ED, how come the entire city of Boston and State of Massachusetts, hell, all of New England, isn’t Clear by now? Well, for that matter, London has been “Ideal” (and supposedly SH size) since 2006. They haven’t even made a dent on Queen Victoria Street, let alone a one mile radius not to even think about the entire 8 million in London.
Aaron — and everyone who gets this email — stop and THINK for a minute. That is what Scientology is supposed to teach you. Remember. Think for yourself.
Date: Sat, 01 Feb 2014
From: UK Landlord <[email protected]>
Subject: 103 Years and Planetary ClearingDear Xxxxx,
In just a few weeks from today will be the celebration of L. Ron Hubbard’s Birthday.
Do you realise how close we are coming to the release of the full Bridge To Total Freedom, in our lifetime we will see the release of all OT Levels and not only that we will be the ones who put our Religion here for eternity with the creation of Ideal Organisations all over the world.
In the UK we will have Ideal Orgs in all major cities and Scientology Missions throughout the rest of the UK. There are 69 Million Thetans to Clear in this country alone. We have a big job to do and it is not always easy. However it is easy when we do things as a team.
We have created Religious Recognition for our Religion in the UK, we have purchased 4 of the 6 Ideal Org Buildings, that leaves 2 more buildings to purchase and concurrently all of those buildings need to be turned into Ideal Orgs and that is Top Priority for us in the UK.
On an immediate basis there are a few things you can do to help make this happen:
1. Get onto your Golden Age of Tech II training and become the most effective Scientologist you can be. So you can change conditions in your area.
2. Donate to our safe pointing campaign to get L. Ron Hubbard, A Profile, book into the hands of all opinion leaders in the UK. ?60 per package per OL and that will help make a big difference.
3. Donate to move up in status and help us get all UK Ideal Orgs made a REALITY through your support. Now is the time to set a new standard for them all and get all UK Ideal Orgs made a REALITY.
“The consideration that it takes a long time to building something is not true. That itself is an aberration, an effort to discourage destruction by pretending creation takes a long time”. – LRH (LRH ED 339R-1 INT)
Thank you and goodnight
Kind regards,
UK Landlord
Nice photo – brings back happy memories of protesting the human rights abuses committed by the criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology.
Photo is pre-2006 make-over, right? I’ve taken loads just like that one 🙂
For the people that understand German
Thee be a manifest master of metaphorical mayhem, multiply majestic and mundane.
Aaron was born and raised in the SO. He has probably never been in “the real world” beyond school. Therefore he likely has no frame of reference or contrast (aka datums of comparable magnitude) to understand how he sounds. He has impossible tasks put on him and no, even if he can think for himself and did learn critical thinking, he is probably too exhausted to do so. I feel for him. The public, on the other hand, do not have the luxury of that excuse.
He’s right about something. We are getting closer to having “the rest of the Ot Levels” released, because that’s Miscavige’s last ammo left, other than endless GAT updates, and the inevitable fixes to Super Power to “get it 100% on source and remove SP edits.”
All of his other ammo is now shot at this point, with the Ideal Org program failing, the SP building complete, and the pole running rundown released.
So I would expect us to see two things. First, the IAS is going to be making a lot of “grants” to finish embarrassing buildings. Second, Miscavige is going to compile some old crap and release it as OT IX and X. I think the odds are strongly in favor of him “discovering references” that lead to putting all the old OT levels back on the Bridge again after VIII.
That leaves the last of the 4 original OT levels, 4, 5, 6, and 7. They however do not correspond with the expected states to be achieved indicated on earlier pre-90’s grade charts. A lot of voodoo will need to be done to pawn them off as such even though these levels can produce phenomenal case gain. No matter what, I believe you are right, something will be concocted up one way or the other.
Yes he will cobble together some mish mash and call it OT IX, X, XI, XII etc. His recycling stats are straight up and vertical.
Pushing to get books into the hands of public leaders reminded me of an experience I had 10 years ago. I knew a woman who worked in the office of the Chief of a probation department. I visited one day and she showed me boxes of scio materials in her boss’s closet. She told me they had sat there for years. Only one of the five cartons had been opened and I was told the boss wished to throw it all away but worried it could be viewed as destroying government property. And so they all sat in a closet and were certainly never read. But book sales stats were straight up and vertical the week some sucker gave the money for them, that’s for sure.
“U.K. Landlord”! How impressive! I’m starstruck!
I mean, they get this guy to believe he is some landlord! He believes it!
I cringe when I read those letters.
I hope I was never that nuts when I was in, but chances are, I was.
It’s funny when you look back isn’t it – and see just how blind you were. Although most of us secretly knew these letters and “stats” at events were 95% bs – you just couldn’t talk about it openly. Although I rarely actually read the avalanche of cult junk mail that came through the door. My recycling bin was always the heaviest on the street.
If you have any wins or success stories you wrote up after O/W write-ups, I highly recommend you read them again. It may sound like a completely different person (and possibly you won’t undestand what you were saying at the time at all), but it would also show you how much you have healed. It did for me.
Good idea, Dollar morgue. I’ll do that.
Here’s a little tip, Aaron: if you really want to get ‘LRH: A Profile’ into the hands of all those opinion-leaders, don’t bother trying to dun the clams for copies at sixty quid a throw – just have a look on Amazon. There are at least 150 “as new” or “unread” copies available there, mostly at one cent apiece (plus P&P, but I’m sure Amazon will do a bulk discount for you).
But I suspect COB Mr. David Miscavige wouldn’t approve of you thinking for yourself, or of the environment (all those poor trees being turned into books that hardly anyone ever looks at, unless it’s for pictures of LRH to shoop) – or of not remitting every last brass farthing you make up-lines…
Pirate Dinner Parties,Bake sales, fund raise like there’s no tomorrow.
Who would have thought that this is a religion?
Interesting thought:
“The only way people will know what you believe is by the things you say and do, and if you’re not consistent in the things you say and do, no one will know what you believe.”
Thank you and good night. Don’t forget to turn off the lights.
If Scientology was supposed to teach people to think for themselves, how come so few Scientologists do?
Scientology does not teach people to think for themselves – it never did and it never will.
Scientology teaches people to think with Scientology.
And that is the whole problem.
About 2005 I talked to an old friend and long time SO (but now public) that was auditing on solo NOTs. Anyway, he was totally convinced that when the Super Power building opened up that floods and floods of new people would be pouring in and the planet would finally change in a big way. When I was “in” I always considered such statements as over the top, hyperbolic advertising, but coming from my friends mouth, I could see he really believed it.
Now that this building and other buildings are finally built and completed…… and the floods and floods of people are NOT pouring in, my friend and others like him will either wake up or be harder and harder to club them into unconsciousness.
If you have not seen this video from Karen de la Carriere
at Surviving Scientology. It was also mentioned on Tony Ortega site.
It is an interview with a very inside guy, Chris Shelton, that just got out…
Disappointment is the difference between expectation and reality.
The amount of disappointment caused by empty Ideal Orgs is going to be BIG.
The Ponzi Scheme is rapidly coming to an end. There is nothing that can stop the implosion. Chris Shelton gives you a real inside view of the beginning of the end.
Hi Robert
I have a good friend who’s one of the very faithful. Last week she told me that AOLA built a solo course room for 170 people.
She said that the CO AOLA told her that the course room is always empty because the students finish the Solo course so fast now because of GATII. She then proceeded to tell me “that’s true.”
The org admins use people like her who are respected by public to disseminate this type of propaganda. It’s a good lie, one considered okay because it’s “theta” and supports GATII, renos and Ideal Orgs.
That’s what a Scientologist is now by altered definition.
BTW- I could have pointed out to my friend that the stats simply do not support what she is saying. I didn’t bother because I knew her answer would be another lie.
There’s no evidence of 170 students moving through the Solo course at AOLA, in a week, month or even year (I doubt).
It’s really dumb to say that they can’t keep the course rooms full because of the speed of course time due to GATII and think people will believe it.
The CoS operates by stats, so look at them and do the math.
Unbelievable Pepper!
Hard to imagine anyone believing this…
There is only one stat that Co$ cannot lie about: money. Of course these stats are never reported at all, but when they are down, you can’t manufacture more money by counting it twice, etc…
IAS and other income is down. All expenses are up.
New people in? Ouch. Forcing money out of current members is getting desperate: you must buy $10K of meters or else…etc…this will get worse: “give me your money or get declared an SP” will replace the “think for yourself” campaign. Ha.
Begs the question, where did the hundreds of new auditors go after graduating?
Robert – you’re right about the inflow of money, in which the true facts will not be revealed. That would be a real indicator of the crumbling of the church.
I neglected the fact that the CoS lies about the stats. Hello!
To see how far The Church of Scientology has veered from its original purpose by concentrating on fund raising instead of more freedom for the individual, I highly recommend reading ‘Start With Why’ by Simon Sinek.
Fabulous book! Fabulous speaker. I got much more from him than LRH. Also Bruce Lipton and “The Biology of Belief.”
“Mind” not “mine”.
Two words come to mine here: Pathetic and Sad.
La Quinta update: ‘Rifle’ is in quasi-pristine, unutilized condition. It is surrounded by the flourishing and prospering La Quinta Resort, owned and operated by Waldorf Astoria. Ironically, emulating the Waldorf Astoria in New York is what was ‘postulated’ by LRH for The Fort Harrison in Clearwater.
You’d think that the last thing they’d want opinion leaders to do is to dig too deeply into the Great Bloviator’s CV. But then again, providing someone with a good laugh can help to break the ice.
I know the publication regarding the LRH Profile is not the central theme here but I think by now most of the “opinion leaders in the U.K” have something called an INTERNET CONNECTION where they can fact check against the L Ron Hubbard Profile if they feel inclined to do so. I think sending those things out at this point only serves to open the door for closer scrutiny. Leave it alone already. Donating for this kind of thing only hurts the church, not helps it. LRH mentioned that lies in PR can be deadly. Oh wait, never mind I just realized, this all about another retail sales opportunity 🙂
Aaron belongs to the Journalism School of Capitalization. If you Capitalize it, you don’t have to Provide Any Evidence for it.
Same BS has been touted since at least 1984; no new OT level has been released since. Every once in a while a carrot-dangling mention is made of it, but NEVER any dates for release.
What is “our Lifetime” anyway? You’re 20 now, and you’ll be on it for sure when you turn 60? DM has until 2040 before he’s expired and no longer accountable for his lies. Instead of OT levels, we get hype and lies and regerama.
Yeah, that’s the bullshit we get instead of Scientology. No wonder it’s collapsing.
There is going to be a new release for dissemination tech. 80 % has been lost tech previously. This is a breakthrough?
Notice how Aaron attempts to shame the public with the out of context LRH quote at the end, by basically telling people that they are aberrated for not making the UK ideal and that it’s taking too long to do so.
He gets his dig in and then says “Thank you and goodnight.”
Thank you too Aaron…
Think for YourSelves.
DAVID MISCARRIAGE is just a man.
He is not even in very good health.
If TEN people got together you could put him in a little trailer, look the door and leave.
It’s that simple.
He is not god,
He is not your father.
He is not your mother.
He is just a man.
A flawed man, but a man nonetheless.
Think for yourselves.
Miscarriage is NOT the tech.
There are THOUSANDS of friends just waiting to help.
Do not be afraid.
Hi Outraged – what do you mean, not in good health? Can you elaborate?
The reason I ask is because there seems to be conflicting info on that. I hear that he works out all the time, eats the best food, etc., etc. BUT, when I see him in event footage, his hands shake like a leaf. Anyone notice this before? I think that’s why he holds his hands so firmly on the podium, to hide this.
One friend of mine pointed out to me, just the other day, that his wedding ring finger does most of the shaking. In the NLP circles, they interpret that as withholds concerning that body part.
But, all that aside, what can you tell us about his health? I hope little DM doesn’t read this and try to get out of court because of “ill health.” If he does, we’ll know where he got the idea.
well, he smokes, drinks and lives with a TON of stress. Not a good combination no matter how much he works out.
I hope he DOES read this.
If you are reading this, Mr. Little Man Who Couldn’t,
“We have created Religious Recognition for our Religion in the UK,” No you haven’t. The real goal would be to get the Charity Commission to recognise $camatology as a charity for the purposes of tax relief and that aint gonna happen. Every “opinion leader” who’s expressed an opinion on this has basically said “over my dead body”.
“Thank you and good night”. LOL
Yes, a sleeping pill for the “not yet ready to wake up”…!!!
Thank you for your donations – continue to dream sweetly…
How can people continue to swallow that?
And poor Aaron! maybe sincerely believing in what he says.
Sad state of affairs…
As virtual owner of Author Services Inc, Miscavige profits personally from all book sales without ever needing to reveal how the money is used. As we can see here, donations of books to the public are funded by members, not by the CoS or any of its entities.
At least he’s not using exclamation marks.
UK Landlord,
How about making ONE Clear in your Org for starters!
So, he writes: “Do you realise how close we are coming to the release of the full Bridge To Total Freedom”
Hello…the Bridge was fully released in 1964 and later on streamlined in 1978.
Yes, I know, he means the rest of OT Levels? Really? The ones invented by Black Heart to keep money coming? Very likely.
You are right Mike, the level of delusion is getting straight up and vertical and highest ever in the history of Scn. On this aspect they are really ‘upstat’.
At least he can’t get “creamed” for lack if enthusiasm. Poor mis-guided fool, he will never see the wirting on the wall. To put it simply “‘ain’t a gonna happen, period”
As for safe pointing, the rest of the wourld IS awake and thinking for themselves.
DM’s Dis-information Mania won’t work!