Sure seems strange to me that someone so actively promotes that they circulate rumors as far and wide as possible!
And seems like they have to correct their “rumors” after each round….
Here is the latest:
From: Mike Smith <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Subject: June 14 Latest Juicey Rumors (#3) – and clarification of earlier
wrong data (on OT VII EP)-LRH Ref.Hi Everyone,
Another round of great rumors, but first clarification of earlier error re:
There are apparently edits in a new version of the Grade Chart, which I am
told is now posted in LA Org, in the hands of at least some of the FSO staff
and supposedly on the way out to Class V Orgs. The right hand column of the
Auditing Grade Chart remains “Ability Gained”, and it is in this column that
I have been told the new wording for OT VII ability gained is stated:
Able to begin the actual OT levels.Here is the data I got from a Flag staff:
Dear Mike, If you read the attached quote and you look at the Grade Chart
you will see it doesn’t say “EP” on the Grade Chart but it says “Ability
Ml, Ondrei Ronhaar, FSO Div 6“Anyone who is Clear but not OT III is to get through OT III immediately so
he can receive this special rundown. After OT III, one does New OT IV (the
OT Drug Rundown), then New OT V, Audited NOTs, followed by New OT VI (Solo
NOTs Auditor Course) and New OT VII (Solo NOTs Auditing). The EP of the
Most of these rumors are from people who attended Flag graduation last
night.Graduation is too big for the auditorium – the lobby, mezzanine, ballroom
and several other rooms are completely packed. And with over 170 graduates
on stage at once, (mostly Outer Org trainees on Golden Age of Tech Phase 2 –
GAT 2 study), the stage had to be reinforced in order to support all of them
at once.A video was shown of students studying on GAT2 materials, but the materials
were blurred to make them unreadable. Rumor is that when COB arrived at
Flag, he arrived with many 10s of tons of materials. All LRH writings now
would make a stack higher than the Empire State Building. (And I thought my
bookshelves and garage were packed! LOL!).There are over 800 Outer Org Trainees at Flag now. 170 of them are now
complete on the new Student Hat which takes an average of about 50 hours.
The Student Hat Lectures are not being done in 1/15 the previous time. One
sup with 10 years experience, and a great reputation in his local area, said
that “the New Student Hat changed his life”. There are new “tools” or
“aids” that speed things up. Speculation: the new dictionary? other?There are over 170 graduates of the new Metering Course, which takes an
average of about 70 hours. The speed-up is in part due to a new tool or
tools or aid or aids which give the student total certainty on operating an
e-meter, with no disagreements about a read or if it was instant.Superpower:
Scientology “Axiom 1: Life is basically a Static.
DEFINITION: A Life Static has no mass, no motion, no wavelength, no
location in space or in tome. It has the ability to postulate and
perceive.” LRHMy next briefing to you on Superpower will cover how the 12 Superpower
Rundowns, step by step, in logical sequence, restore one’s ability to
postulate and perceive.Getting yourself ready for Superpower!:
Would you like to get your pc folders reviewed to see what auditing you will
need to compete any incomplete actions and be set-up for Superpower? We can
provide this information to you through our lines to Flag. In this way you
can begin planning what you will do and when.ML,
Mike & Val Smith, FSMs, WISE Consultants, OT Ambassadors
PO Box 24216
San Jose CA 95154-4216
408 269 6999 office/home
408 499 1153 cell
[email protected]
“Expect Miracles”
He seems to have omitted the latest boondoggle that at least some OT VII completions are being told — that they have to do their L’s before OT VIII!!!! And the “Ability Gained” of OT VII is able to begin the actual OT levels??? You must have to wear waders to get through the bs that is spread around the “AO” these days. “New Grade Chart in LA Org” but nowhere else? Ability Gained is not the EP and the ability gained is then contradicted by the first reg that sees the person “ready for the actual OT level” (there is ONLY ONE).
Couple of other notes:
With 800 trainees at Flag, it is clear that THIS is the only thing happening in the RCS world right now….
Also clear that as the Flag auditorium seats about 800 people there aren’t too many public attending graduation.
“The Student Hat lectures are not being done in 1/15th the previous time” — is this a freudian slip? Probably they meant to say “now” not “not.” And if that IS what they wanted to say, I wonder if it means the State of the Art Sooper Dooper “Dissemination Center” has developed a 15x speed CD player that allows students to listen to lectures in 1/15th the time!! And they listen to this and just buy it. Critical thinking is not a strong suit of Mr. and Mrs. Smith… I know a 6 year old that would have stopped at that statement and gone “What? That makes NO sense.”
And then, the next email is all about the Freewinds??? It’s “all happening at Flag” and you gotta be there, but absolutely the greatest thing is the Freewinds???
| From: Mike Smith <[email protected]>
| To: [email protected]
| Subject: A trip to the Freewinds…at Los Gatos Org! This SaturdayHi everyone!
Going to the Freewinds is the biggest Key-out in Scientology, in my humble
opinion. The Freewinds coming to us is the 2nd best thing, and I just
wanted to share one win which one of our guys in Clearwater shared with us
last week.They went to this same Freewinds seminar in Clearwater and got enlightened
on the contents and expected result of one of the on-board week-long
seminars. In that enlightenment, the realized a big long-term ruin which
they really wanted to get fixed which would be addressed with the tech of
the on-board seminar. But then later in the seminar, Emanuel Motl, the
main speaker, gave an LRH reference and drilled how to apply it, and that
handled the ruin!!! The were raving about the win.The Freewinds guys probably wouldn’t like me telling you that win (as they
would like everyone to go to the Freewinds), but I have to tell you, Emanuel
is that kind of speaker – one of the most inspiring in Scientology, and
along with Mick Davis, also that level of speaker, who delivers a large part
of the on-board seminars.This local seminar is from 1 to 9:15 PM, but it is actually a series of
seminars, so any part of that time you can come, you’ll get great tech and
great wins.See the promo below and please email me back with a yes or no so food can be
planned for. Or call the numbers below directly.ML,
Mike & Val Smith, FSMs, WISE Consultants, OT Ambassadors
PO Box 24216
San Jose CA 95154-4216
408 269 6999 office/home
408 499 1153 cell
[email protected]
“Expect Miracles”
And here is the promo piece for that Freewinds seminar:
I guess they haven’t postulated a spell checker into their life to help them deal with this PowerfulL LRH tech….
And to get this amazing information from the “top seminarist” will only cost you $30 (unless you “buy now” and then its worth $20). Or if you just show up they will let you in as they can’t deliver a seminar on postulates if their postulates for people to show up somehow don’t work out….
Poor Mike! Mike Smith, that is. I feel kinda sorry for the guy. I have always felt he owed me a huge apology for something I didn’t know about.
To Jana: What was the “Winchester House” and what took place there pls?
Transporter: It’s a local tourist attration in San Jose,
Dear Mr. Rinder,
I would be very interested in your insights regarding leaving the church, dealing with the guilt and depression and being able to muster enough motivation to create a future.
Read all the articles on this blog. It will give you a good idea.
Jasper, do what Mike suggests and then come over and read the stories of the many that have left at ESMB ( )
A lot said to say nothing, yet, it says everything one needs to know to know it’s still the old Brooklyn Bridge scam.
Sounds like the GAT II students are using the Mark VIII. Besides being there at the original briefing in (1999?) at Gold (14 years ago!) I have not inside tech intel, but it would seem logical that a computerized meter could flash a light when the read is instant. It can also probably count “3 swings”.
Really? I thought it would play Banjo Music for instant reads
No, but it plays dixie if you don’t call the read promptly
It is surprising (and not) that in 2013 e-meters aren’t digital with computer analysis.
It’s possible that a meter can be computerized to recognize the PCs voice at the tail end of a command. That however may not always be where the “Major Thought” lies, as some words are much longer than others, other noises interfere, etc. More than likely it’s a newer advanced computerized training aide not too dissimilar to the simulator.
Wow! Rather a shock to see Mick Davies on that promo. That man has worked like a slave for how many decades now? I remember Mick well from the base. He had a LOT of heart. Really, very, very shy. Always given more to manage than was humanly possible and always bringing it off with as much dignity as possible. Nobody but nobody wanted that post he held, for years and years. And I mean nobody. He was hugely sincere. Is he an F.S.M. now? I am just shocked to see him still on lines. I am thinking with the years he put in, your average person is expected to put in a 40 work week. Sea Org members double that. Add week ends and no holidays, Sea Org members triple that. So, 42 years of labor for a Sea Org member = 126 years of labor. That man worked for the Church of Scientology for 126 years. He was on post when David Miscavige was barely out of toddler phase. Geeeeeeze.
Maybe its written sarcastically. He probably knows that a mess it all is and he’s writing this drivel so others might question whats going on. Just a thought.
Sure! Its a covert survey! This way, if people don’t like it, it won’t be done, and it was just a rumor, not DM, bla bla. And whatever indicates wide enough acceptance will get done. And before anything new is officially/POB released they’ll have a fairly good idea of what will fly. In the meantime, POB won’t put his stamp on anything. That’s how nervous he is. And Oh MY GOD, I just really got it: the Dwarf is surveying his own squirreled tech!! Tick TOCK.
Hey, Mike, is that little kid hawking the newspapers from “Spanky and Our Gang”? Cute!
I’d be curious to know whether OT IX to XV is still on this new Grade Chart. Is it being suggested no one was previously able to actually begin the OT levels for the last 28 years because that’s how long it took to find out one needs OT Objectives and study of the Basics? Even that were true, it’s merely testimony of utter incompetence. That then begs the question why anyone be stupid enough to let CO$ handle their cases.
Again, these “Rumor” messages are merely canned e-mails to “feel-out” membership consensus and handling any flack beforehand that might arise later after it’s been officially released.
The above statement is nevertheless correct. Battlefield Earth learning machine?
DM’s brand of speed-reading?
The meter flash-strobes when the end of a major thought has been reached?
Foremost, that’s pretty smart. Makes sense that the rumor-mongering is actually an ongoing covert survey to suss out what will and/or will not go over well with the sheeple, to find out as much as possible of what they are actually thinking and feeling at this point in time. This in turn would indicate a degree of nervousness of the cult, or why are are they indulging in all the rumor nonsense? They must be worried about something. This definitely indicates to me.
Its a wonder the religious torture that goes on on this planet and adheres continue their beliefs.
Rumor has it that a mic is attached to your throat with a wire that runs up and loops over each ear. At the exact end of the command an electric shock is given to the ear loops. You get the hang of seeing instant reads pretty damn quick once you eyes get used to refocusing (due to the electroshock) instantly. Speeds training by orders of magnitude. Also rumor has it that after you’ve completed the metering course you are qualified to purchase your very own pure copper grounding rods, and for 5K you can get a DM autographed set.
Wow you morons screwed it up again! The revised and corrected Ability Gained for OT VII completion is “Able to BUY the Actual OT Levels.” Once you have this ability gained, you know it. Its immediate, you can feel it. And this is a huge step forward for Scientology. None of you dimwits could ever achieve such a superior spiritual state. This is what Scientology is all about. The warm glow of satisfaction that you will get from achieving your next OT Status Level. Shortly we will be announcing the release of OT Status Level IX and X and OT VII completions will be able to start getting their certificates! The release of OT Status Level IX and X is here!! Cheer everyone, if you know whats good for you- CHEER!!
$30 (or $20) for an 8 hour seminar = what is the ulterior motive you want people there for? If it was free people would know it’s just an event and not show up. If they charged more, no one would show up because they won’t pay it. So they charge $30 (or $20) to give it the appearance of some value. So they can reg the hell out of you for the ship? The wise see right through that kind of crap.
P.S. I went to an event with Emanuel long ago and he gave this great selling pitch about some wonderful handling based on a particular LRH Reference that got a bunch of people to the ship and it turned out to be complete B.S. The ship staff was like “What are you talking about? No, we’re not doing anything like that. Never heard of it.” He’s an enthusiastic guy, I’ll give him that.
If there is no question mark is it still a question? Super-illiterate?
I see Mike the OTAFSMWISEC has a garage full of LRH books, and apparently is looking forward to shoving more in there after the release of GAG II – Hey, that ought to clear the planet!
Hey, it’s his title. I didn’t make it up …
OT Ambassador, FSM, WISE Consultant – what a guy!
“Able to begin the actual OT levels” … Isn’t it Hubbard that created these levels? Is this referring to new levels (the “actual OT levels”) that have been discovered since his death? Or have these been hidden from Scientologists until now? [Not a former Scientologist myself and am curious.]
So, Smith writes: “There are new “tools” or “aids” that speed things up. Speculation: the new dictionary? other?—Well, what about simple Supervisor Tech, clearing MUs, using demo kits, Sup 2WC??? These are the real pieces of tech that ensure a student gets through Courses. Yet they buy the idea that the “special tools and aids” is what will make a student get through? Who is kidding who!!!!!
More squirreling?? ” An auditing process that you have to do for 24 hours a day” This is definitely NOT LRH.
Thet are so swamped by MUs, False Data, Fixed Ideas, OWs and definitely messed up due to the out tech run on their cases to the point that, if they are told a magic new process will handle everything, they would not just believe it but will go ahead and do it. Their choice, after all…
The 24 hour thing is probably just the postulate ‘to be’ or some such thing. “New materials, new tools” just mean that something has been repackaged, or that something that LRH wrote that he knowingly deleted from the training lineup is now being sold by DM, like all those stupid patter drills, certainty drills, etc. LrH gave what was necessary to learn to audit, and all that other stuff he didn’t put on the lineup because it was devt and took too long. I can’t believe that people bought GAT 1, and now they think that GAT2 is the real deal, which is probably is since they are deleting the stuff they added. It’s so crazy that my head spins. Also, the whole idea of a seminar on postulates is stupid. According to LRH, a thetan postulates and perceives. Adding significance to a postulate is a sure way to sink into the effort band. Mike Smith has always given lectures on LRH materials and I personally find that ridiculous. Why can’t scientologist just read for themselves! What will DM think of next???
To attempt to answer my own question as re continual, obsessive change: simply because there are no OT levels to deliver above VIII, and he has to keep everyone busy/ worried/ distracted with having to buy/do all the new, required stuff – is that it?
Aquamarine, your answer is in Marty’s new book.
Mike, thank you for this latest fascinating data! It occurred to me the other day, could the Dwarf be frantically changing things all the time in order to (he thinks) survive? There appears to be an obsessiveness to all of this. Everything needs to be changed, continually, changed products MUST roll of the RTC assembly line, constantly. What’s up with this seeminly obsessive change of, at this point, nearly everything LRH ever wrote?
I love how vague that “win they wouldn’t want me to tell you” is. “Some guy went to the freewinds and did a seminar and handled some ruin that he had at some point in his life and he’s doing better now.” Sounds like a generality?
It gets more bizarre all the time. As I understand it, I’m not “really” Clear nor “really” any of hte OT completions. It’s a bloody circus and it’s actually beginning to be funny. Those still in are like disomaniacs, so drunk on whatever they believe that they’ll believe anything else they’re told! I’m just glad I’m far away from it all now.
That was “dipsomaniacs”. 🙂
Mick seems to be stuck on the Freewinds. He has no other means to support himself, does he? Where would he go? How would he get off? At some point it seems as though these guys just fall into apathy about ever having their own life. IMHO.
Holy mackerel!! What a mess! And is that really Mick Davies? Yes it is. I recognize him.Used to be married to Laurie I think. Where the hell did they dig him out from? His native country Australia?
Once upon a time in Clearwater I was in the RPF at the FH garage.I was Bosun, Mick Davies was CO Estates and he used us RPFers as his slave task force to maintain the wreck that the FH was then, including catching a large population of roaches, rats and mice. He would not approve hiring exterminators because it cost too much, hence the famous Rat Patrol was created. Do you remember, Mike?
On the day when LRH issued an amnesty that covered ALL Sea org members, I instructed everyone to just walk out of the FH and return to their HCOs and report for duty. Soon enough Mick appeared with a goon squad and attempted to stop everyone from leaving the RPF because”the amnesty didn’t apply to the RPF”. He was about to lose the slaves who kept the FH more or less clean, did the dish washing etc.
Many just stayed after being intimidated, but I told Mick to FO and walked away. From what I can remember, the guy was a complete shmuck and didn’t have any training. And this is the SO “celebrity” they are using to attract people? Sheesh! This is one who never managed to IMPROVE HIS ABILITY TO SUCCEED!
Alex, you make it sound as if Mick Davies designed the RPF as his own work force by choice. The RPF was very important to Mick or any estates execs. But lets not make it out as if he has any control or say in the matter. He was never given staff. If he lost the RPF, he was gonna be screwed as far as getting his assignments done. I don’t recall the man being a schmuk, let alone a complete schmuk. His wife at one time was a girl named Soyina. There was a Laurie(Englehart) who was his deputy. Maybee that is the Laurie your thinking of. Then again, maybe he was married to a “Laurie” as well. I too , however, was struck on his being touted as an attraction, as he was low key as I recall and his claim to fame seems to be longevity in the SO. 42 years. I feel sorry for the guy. But if this is the 15 minutes of fame he gets after 42 years, I hope he enjoys every second of it.
OS — I agree with you about Mick. Nice english guy who was a cook on the Apollo and then Chf Steward (a tough job at the best of times). Flag crew was chronically undermanned. And for the most part those staff did an incredible job of trying to deliver “4 star hotel” standards (that was what was promoted) with a 1 star level of staff. Flag Estates was ALWAYS low man on the totem pole to FSO (“they made the money”) and junior to the management orgs, so if there was ever anyone who was decent or qualified for some other posting they were invariably taken from Flag Crew and they were simply told to “work harder” and make it go right. Mick is a sweet natured guy caught like a fly in a spider trap.
It seems that GAT 2 also cancels a policy titled Hidden Data Line, thus empowering FSM/OT Asses, to rumor monger in Sciendollargy. But that again is the usual for DM perhaps as a CYA (cover your ass) mechanism to say later it didn’t come from him. It actually is no surprise as there is no real hats and the favorite game is Musical Chairs.
Spot on, Sinar. None of it is actually coming from him! What a mess! And the nerve of Mr. Smith to keep on keeping on with his rumor mill. How I would love to get one of his e-mails so I could tell him to save his boring blather for when he has some actual facts. This is both disgusting and pathetic.Perhaps the walls really are crumbling behind the shiny, slick PR facade.
Ability gained on the new grade chart may be 15X Vultures’ Wallet Emptying Ability. More wallets emptied in less time.
Mike Smith is perfectly capable of graduating from this kind of horse shit.
What would LRH say about someone changing the Grade Chart? Would that be an act of Treason? How about changing the Ability Gained? This gets more and more bizarre as it goes along.
Thank you for your fine reporting and reflections. I’m at the point now where I’m still deciphering what to keep and what to throw out in all this. It looks as thought the Co$ has COMPLETELY blocked off the Bridge. It is now non-existent as a Bridge….it’s like the Winchester House in California.
Yes, so true. And if the new EP of OT VII is “able to do the next OT Level” then let the regging begin! Your only ability to do OT VIII and above is to be able to pay for it. So who needs C/Ses? Who needs Tech Estimates? Who needs any of that? All you need is the almighty buck and if you can pay you can play! Whee!
That’s what I was thinking… Isn’t this so-called “squirell”?
By the way, can anyone who attended the Los Gatos seminar tell me what the auditing process that you have to do TWENTY FOUR HOURS a day is? I missed that process in my training. (can I still go to sleep?)
Also how can I turn the vacuum phenomenon off? (wouldn’t you have to turn it ON to clean up your act?)
Do these people, i.e. the captain of the FSSO and staff just sit around making this shit up? Oh I have an idea, lets tell people…….!!! For Mike and Val to not even question this shit is beyond me…but then Mike has always been (in my opinion) a do gooder!!! Hurray for whatever!!!!!!
“Do these people…just sit around making this shit up?” 🙂
Let me get this straight ….. OT8 is now the first ACTUAL OT Level??????????????
So that means that all of the levels that LRH called OT Levels were not ACTUALLY OT levels.
And that means that all of the folks who have finished any OT Level from 1 -7 are not ACTUAL OTs. (Even though they have been referred to a such in the CoS for over 35 years).
Once again …. my thesis that these people have been rendered clueless to the point that they will buy into anything they are told without questioning.
As chairman dave Is so fond of saying …. “Factually ………………….”
Joe, I think what they mean to say and didn’t say is that OT VIII is the first positive gain OT Level. The OT Levels below that are negative gain, meaning that it is taking away negatives (blowing case etc) and that OT VIII is not taking away negative case but is “flexing OT muscles” and is “gaining OT abilities.” At least that is how it was always explained in the earlier days. Who knows what they have change it to mean now since the corporate church is into changing definitions.
In the OT VIII brochure Tony Ortega posted on his blog Sunday, it said the same thing. Apparently all the other OT levels prepare you for the real OT level viii .
Dear Joe,
The terms Pre-OT and actual OT Levels, starting with New OT VIII, appear in Rons Journal 35, From Clear to Eternity, 9 May 1982. So, this is not a newly invented concept. A reprint of that reference can be found in Scientology 0-8, The book of Basics (both, old version and new version).
Flag has all these grads because they are ripping public from the class5 orgs. Everyone has got to go to flag for everything. Re: 8, I wonder what DM has lined up for OT9 etc. What ever he mocks up, it will be scary, but first all those 7’s will have to do Power Processes first, I betcha.