Yep, Oracle, that’s right. Let’s go talk about it like the psychologists do and throw in a little Dale Carnegie, “How to Win Friends and Influence People” for good measure. Oh, and a little LRH so we can still call it Scientology. Hip, hip, hooray.
Every waitress is every restaurant is a skilled people person. Most people on the streets are skilled people people. If you have to work with others you become skilled at it.
The Church does not like people as they are. They are seen as lice and only as good as their last donation. To get anyone in that place up to being a people a person they would need to go through weeks of false data stripping first.
This is an invitation to learn how to be even more 1.1.
Did anyone else look at the picture of David Miscavage? It looks like he had collagen injected in his face and cheeks. Only a week or so ago we saw candid shots of him without makeup doing a sound check and practicing his speech in America and now only a week or so later, in Australia he looks chipmunk cheeked like he had collagen injections, the same kind that women get in their lips to make them huge. What’s up with that?
Personally I thought anxiety, heartbreak and frustration were all excellent targets for auditing and training. You know, the heart and soul of what SCN is all about. But hey, let’s just talk about it.Toss out some humorous anecdotes and pass the plate. All so much easier when you’re not actually having to deal the messier side of life.
By the way, the ad itself is beautiful. Very nicely done I think. (Of course it doesn’t describe the ACTUAL experience one will have if one gets involved with the CoS, but that’s not its purpose.)
the catch is the only money they have is what they scammed
from some smuckenhiemer the day before.
The result is a more able slimy ROCK SLAMMER
Avoid L.A. Org at all costs unless propitiation seems really up tone for you
or you are a pathetic victem understudy in a War movie.
Well it shows that the top of the RCo$ and the SO are so inside the ever shrinking bubble they have absolutely NO clue what the real world is like or how the subject of Scientology in regarded by normal people.
Once I thought it can be done .. one of the best policy I found later, was about Letter Registrar .. write friendly, and address the persons questions and concerns .. sign it with your name .. never give promo ..
Maybe he needs just a lobotomy … too bad its illegal now. Or have him “fixed” like a cat/dog. It worked wonders on my cat – he went from being a vagabond to an incredibly lovable and kind fat cat.
What can I say than a little (odd) prayer:”May he always find a cactus to sit on.”
psh… a “people person” is just a buzzword from the wog world, they’re trying to trick business people into believing they can get ahead by coming to the church… good luck with that you won’t have a penny left when they’re done with you, probably no friends or family after you disconnect, or even your job you wanted to improve if you don’t watch yourself… better have a damn good job already actually if you think you can afford this church lol
“people person” is short for someone trying to cover up the fact that they have no technical skills, or that they think they’re good at manipulating people
miscarriage is already a people person, he has no skill other than manipulation
i used to wonder why doesn’t he travel to the orgs and talk to staff and public? what kind of leader has no clue what is going on? is he just hiding in a big office looking at graphs?
look at mike and marty and the rest of the ex staff, they are out here on the internet with confront, arc, responsibility, their thoughts, their confessions, their honesty, what’s miscarriage do?
hides his events behind fake plants, fake security, fences, under giant tents, in fake looking buildings, pretends construction to block protests, puts out some fake looking ads and websites using actors, can’t use actual scientologists anymore cause they all left
he’s a fake man, his stats are fake, his hairdo is fake, his tan is fake, his outfits are fake, he’s a fake scientologist, his marriage is fake, what a little faker
the bridge he made is fake, it’s miscarriages oval track, with higher tolls every time you go round, and the whole way jumping hurdles he puts in your way, and his pan handling ias fundraisers begging with their hands out needing some money for some fake reason and faking like they spent that last donation on something, acting like crackheads in withdrawal, hire some fake extras to fake some more
i feel bad for the staff and public that are either clueless or believe this fake bs
GREAT POST! I’m with you until the last line. I don’t feel sorry AT ALL for the staff and public. Miscavige only has the power that THEY allow him to have. They will either have that realization and stop flowing him that power …………… or they won’t.
“…and his pan handling ias fundraisers begging with their hands out needing some money for some fake reason and faking like they spent that last donation on something, acting like crackheads in withdrawal,”
I love this… the next time anyone in the church dares to call and ask me for money I will ask, “Don’t you ever get tired of panhandling?” 🙂 Now I really WANT them to call. “Don’t you ever get tired of pimping for the church?” Hmmm… guess I won’t go that far. Just “panhandling” is really good.
Wow. Just the people I want teaching me about relationships and communication. Right on. All this disconnection crap and breaking up families and pitting children against parents and gestapo crap. Hmmm… just the kind of cozy communicating that I’m up for.
What are these people truly nuts? Totally out of present time. Bamboozled. Buffaloed. Bonkers.
And over at Tony O’s there is a promo piece with a bright eyed young staff member, Josh. I know him personally. It is so sad to see him give up his aspirations, his future and his very beingness for this false game. He used to look totally different, shoulder length hair, heavy 5 o’clock shadow always, a musician in a band, going to college, a cool dude. But the cult got him and washed away his individuality. When I hear him say, “The org is my family,” I don’t know whether to throw up or cry.
This is what the church does… tells the young ones they don’t need parents, that the group will provide all for them. It turns the kids against their parents. Josh lost is mother to cancer, and yes, she was on OT VII, so another VII bites the dust. And so you’d think he would be closer to his dad. But he pretty much told his dad to fuck off when the dad only said he wanted him to go to college so he could get a degree and support himself. And now to add insult to injury, Josh says that the org is his “family.” Such a waste of a life and a bright future and such a devastation of a family.
Yeah. He wants to be the “pope”, but he’s such a p#ssy he can’t communicate to anyone except church members, after they get their event security pass.
It seems like being a pope would be a good opportunity, and should be part of the job requirements to communicate to the world about your religion- you know, like an actual pope does.
He’s really doing wonders for church PR. It must be Ideal PR.
I guess some unemployed bums may show up at a 2:00 PM Wednesday afternoon lecture.
Yep, Oracle, that’s right. Let’s go talk about it like the psychologists do and throw in a little Dale Carnegie, “How to Win Friends and Influence People” for good measure. Oh, and a little LRH so we can still call it Scientology. Hip, hip, hooray.
Every waitress is every restaurant is a skilled people person. Most people on the streets are skilled people people. If you have to work with others you become skilled at it.
The Church does not like people as they are. They are seen as lice and only as good as their last donation. To get anyone in that place up to being a people a person they would need to go through weeks of false data stripping first.
This is an invitation to learn how to be even more 1.1.
People person? I would like to see DM have to work as a waiter for a day. I think it would take 45 minutes before he caved.
Tom Cruise has chipmunk cheeks too. Maybe they did it together and held hand! LOL
Did anyone else look at the picture of David Miscavage? It looks like he had collagen injected in his face and cheeks. Only a week or so ago we saw candid shots of him without makeup doing a sound check and practicing his speech in America and now only a week or so later, in Australia he looks chipmunk cheeked like he had collagen injections, the same kind that women get in their lips to make them huge. What’s up with that?
Personally I thought anxiety, heartbreak and frustration were all excellent targets for auditing and training. You know, the heart and soul of what SCN is all about. But hey, let’s just talk about it.Toss out some humorous anecdotes and pass the plate. All so much easier when you’re not actually having to deal the messier side of life.
Transform yourself into one of us – wear an ill-fitting uniform and raise money for our pope!
By the way, the ad itself is beautiful. Very nicely done I think. (Of course it doesn’t describe the ACTUAL experience one will have if one gets involved with the CoS, but that’s not its purpose.)
the catch is the only money they have is what they scammed
from some smuckenhiemer the day before.
The result is a more able slimy ROCK SLAMMER
Avoid L.A. Org at all costs unless propitiation seems really up tone for you
or you are a pathetic victem understudy in a War movie.
Well it shows that the top of the RCo$ and the SO are so inside the ever shrinking bubble they have absolutely NO clue what the real world is like or how the subject of Scientology in regarded by normal people.
Once I thought it can be done .. one of the best policy I found later, was about Letter Registrar .. write friendly, and address the persons questions and concerns .. sign it with your name .. never give promo ..
Maybe he needs just a lobotomy … too bad its illegal now. Or have him “fixed” like a cat/dog. It worked wonders on my cat – he went from being a vagabond to an incredibly lovable and kind fat cat.
What can I say than a little (odd) prayer:”May he always find a cactus to sit on.”
LOL! Perfect Yuki, he just needs neutering!!
once you understand that scientology is opposite land, it all makes sense.
I hope he never procreates.
Hey Dave, Where is Shelly?
Maybe he should attend the Lectures and learn something about good relationships, subject which he indeed lacks.
ideal pr lol
psh… a “people person” is just a buzzword from the wog world, they’re trying to trick business people into believing they can get ahead by coming to the church… good luck with that you won’t have a penny left when they’re done with you, probably no friends or family after you disconnect, or even your job you wanted to improve if you don’t watch yourself… better have a damn good job already actually if you think you can afford this church lol
“people person” is short for someone trying to cover up the fact that they have no technical skills, or that they think they’re good at manipulating people
miscarriage is already a people person, he has no skill other than manipulation
i used to wonder why doesn’t he travel to the orgs and talk to staff and public? what kind of leader has no clue what is going on? is he just hiding in a big office looking at graphs?
look at mike and marty and the rest of the ex staff, they are out here on the internet with confront, arc, responsibility, their thoughts, their confessions, their honesty, what’s miscarriage do?
hides his events behind fake plants, fake security, fences, under giant tents, in fake looking buildings, pretends construction to block protests, puts out some fake looking ads and websites using actors, can’t use actual scientologists anymore cause they all left
he’s a fake man, his stats are fake, his hairdo is fake, his tan is fake, his outfits are fake, he’s a fake scientologist, his marriage is fake, what a little faker
the bridge he made is fake, it’s miscarriages oval track, with higher tolls every time you go round, and the whole way jumping hurdles he puts in your way, and his pan handling ias fundraisers begging with their hands out needing some money for some fake reason and faking like they spent that last donation on something, acting like crackheads in withdrawal, hire some fake extras to fake some more
i feel bad for the staff and public that are either clueless or believe this fake bs
+100 I like the way you put this!
GREAT POST! I’m with you until the last line. I don’t feel sorry AT ALL for the staff and public. Miscavige only has the power that THEY allow him to have. They will either have that realization and stop flowing him that power …………… or they won’t.
“…and his pan handling ias fundraisers begging with their hands out needing some money for some fake reason and faking like they spent that last donation on something, acting like crackheads in withdrawal,”
Your analogy is spot on.
I love this… the next time anyone in the church dares to call and ask me for money I will ask, “Don’t you ever get tired of panhandling?” 🙂 Now I really WANT them to call. “Don’t you ever get tired of pimping for the church?” Hmmm… guess I won’t go that far. Just “panhandling” is really good.
Love your forthright style man! Just like to add this; FAKE OFF, Faker!
Yowza! Called it like it is! Yeah—fake the fakin’ fakers..LOL…..
“Say Goodbye to Anxiety, Frustration and Heartbreak.
Leave the Corporate Church of Scientology.”
This would be an example of a “right why” being applied. But you know how an SP is. He always gets the wrong why.
Funny – they probably surveyed these as buttons but nobody could say WHY they felt this way – or they’d be declared.
Oh well, another day in the funny papers.
Wow. Just the people I want teaching me about relationships and communication. Right on. All this disconnection crap and breaking up families and pitting children against parents and gestapo crap. Hmmm… just the kind of cozy communicating that I’m up for.
What are these people truly nuts? Totally out of present time. Bamboozled. Buffaloed. Bonkers.
And over at Tony O’s there is a promo piece with a bright eyed young staff member, Josh. I know him personally. It is so sad to see him give up his aspirations, his future and his very beingness for this false game. He used to look totally different, shoulder length hair, heavy 5 o’clock shadow always, a musician in a band, going to college, a cool dude. But the cult got him and washed away his individuality. When I hear him say, “The org is my family,” I don’t know whether to throw up or cry.
This is what the church does… tells the young ones they don’t need parents, that the group will provide all for them. It turns the kids against their parents. Josh lost is mother to cancer, and yes, she was on OT VII, so another VII bites the dust. And so you’d think he would be closer to his dad. But he pretty much told his dad to fuck off when the dad only said he wanted him to go to college so he could get a degree and support himself. And now to add insult to injury, Josh says that the org is his “family.” Such a waste of a life and a bright future and such a devastation of a family.
If I was the Pope, I’d sue DM for defamation of character.
Yeah. He wants to be the “pope”, but he’s such a p#ssy he can’t communicate to anyone except church members, after they get their event security pass.
It seems like being a pope would be a good opportunity, and should be part of the job requirements to communicate to the world about your religion- you know, like an actual pope does.
He’s really doing wonders for church PR. It must be Ideal PR.
Miscavige should wash the feet of some scientologists who lost their houses.
“Transform yourself into the most skilled “people person” you know.” – WHAT????