Captain Dave the Hermit, isolated in his Truman Show world, is steadily becoming more unhinged.
The image of the letter below was posted on Facebook.
To begin, apparently he thinks a letter from himself is something of a work of art, all fancied up like one of those dime-a-dozen proclamations Mayors hand out. I can’t really tell if that image inside the “D” is supposed to represent an outline of his profile and bouffant? Whatever, it’s pretentious any way you cut it. Like this is some great work of art.
Then there is the “substance” of the letter itself.
Mr. Know-It-All as put into words by the Sherminator. The tell-tale silly wordiness: “Because, after all…” and “…still the stuff of legend” blah blah. But the arrogance of “Don’t worry, I won’t have any trouble in recognizing the return of a giant!” is pure Miscavige hype. He actually doesn’t have any better idea than the rest of us, but he is going to make it seem like he has super OT powers or some super secret tech from the Old Man. He just HAS to sound important and all-knowing. It’s a ridiculous assertion that is included to make himself look good in the eyes of scientologists.
But what is MOST remarkable about this, is why he wrote something to be published about Dan Agami — because his family remain whales, this little framed letter probably guarantees another $10 million to the IAS. Yet he never said a word about the passing of Annie Broeker, Lyman Spurlock, Maria Starkey, Phyll Stevens or any of the senior Sea Org members who gave their LIVES to scientology, not just some of their money. Ah, the true priorities of a “religious leader.”
And speaking of religious leaders. It has become increasingly apparent since 2007 when he launched the new “Miscavige version” of Hubbard’s books, that he no longer worries that the Commodore is following the Sea Org motto of “We Come Back.” Hubbard is way overdue at this point, one can safely assume that he isn’t ever returning (after all, Dave WOULD recognize the return of a giant). So, now the Ron’s Journals have been officially replaced by Special “COB Briefings,” and the transition from Joseph Smith to Brigham Young is complete.
Just wanted to just say ‘Hi’ to my new family and goodbye to the old one as it is my understanding that my old friends visit this site regularly to see who has been naughty. I just want to make sure you have my name right for when I get my own website, I don’t want any wrong versions of my name floating around, and it’s long one so here it is: Krzysztof Michal Kazmierczak. I was on staff at Sydney Org from 2010 to Aug 2013, was on EPF for 9 months in Canada at CLO and that sucked, Hi Cedrick, hi Sigourney, your org sucked and it still sucks. I’d like to confess that I drank the Koolaid, really disappointed with the organization results. I know you two gave me the poison ivy or knew about it. Not nice.
Dario, if you see this get out of Scientology. Sorry for dragging you into this, its all a scam.
Expansion would be if the dwarf grew another 6 inches, but the asmhatic prick can never do that LOL!!
The whole letter looks like it should be the end screen of a Super NES video game.. is there a reason the CoS persists with the dated 1990s aesthetic?
Maybe a mole will film the briefings and post them or maybe the C of S will do it themselves. Four or five hours of Shermanspeak. Wow
“Briefings”. Uh. That word. A decade after being out and I still get a mild yet discernible stomach-clench when I hear or read that word. A perfectly good, useful, illustrative word, alas! ruined for me forever
A question I often ask myself when it comes to DM is whether he really believes everything he says and does (including hubbard’s return).
Or is he just a very crafty one who has taken advantage of events and the blind faith of the members and that he actually knows that hubbard was just a storyteller.
From the lifestyle and the way he treats others I begin to think it is the latter.
I am wondering if Dan Agami is the son of David Agami, or if this is just another name for one and the same person?
(I was David’s auditor (counsellor) in the 1970s when he made frequent visits to Flag Service Org for Ls and so on.)
Yes. Dan is David’s son.
The iceberg to his Titanic Ship was Leah Remini and the Aftermath show , since then its taking on water at a rapid rate and he will be at the bottom of the sea , with the rest of his loyal crew who go down with the ship..
Hey Mike, there are questions that I considered so important that I felt like asking them Leah directly. I sent them to her on twitter but she apparently didn’t receive them. Is there a problem with her account?
Milton, I think she is very busy, and it could be – I try to suppose – that maybe she gets so many messages that she can’t answer everyone. What do you think about it?
How will DM recognize the return of just one more of the billions of thetans with taller meat bodies than he has?
As a former Mormon, the Joseph Smith / Brigham Young line was was hysterical! Thank you for all your work!!! Cult survivors unite!!
How many giants has Davey witnessed the return of that makes him so sure? Do tell us more Dave.
I heard of a similar letter that was written to my ex Father-in-Law after his wife past away last year, let me nose around a bit.
Pretty sure that the selling of the family house in Tujunga for $800k+ (all equity) and moving to Clearwater “might” have had something to do with it.
I never thought that Hubbard was coming back. In the “death briefing”, It seemed clear to me that he was off to Target Two, leaving Target One in capable hands, and he would just keep going, so that it would spread throughout the universe. That made a lot of sense to me, because the tech was perfect, and he had no more work to do here. We were rapidly clearing the planet, and we needed him out there spreading it to other planets, as a backup.
I interpreted the Sea Org members’ “coming back” to mean “coming back to work”, regardless of physical location.
Nothing is consistent in scienoworld… that was the message at the event. But there are secret “advices” about him coming back. Miscavige invested $10 million to build a fully operational and staffed mansion for Hubbard at the Golf Base. And lavish houses at all of the CST properties. They are not for show. That’s a pretty good indicator that him coming back was taken seriously.
You’re right. I really stuck to “LRH’s words” from that event. I wasn’t aware of those investments until after I had got out.
Thank you both.
I watched that event as a staff member when it first happened and we all got that same idea.
LRH was gone, target two, the last OT levels told you how to drop your body and go join him.
He was never coming back, he was done.
It was vital that they assure of us of that, that everything is OK and we HAVE IT ALL.
It would have been a disaster if they went with anything else, imho.
I’ve never really understood the contrary chatter once I was out. (and never entered a fray)
I trust Mike’s statement. and it makes sense.
(class V orgs always ran into trouble with “secret advices” and “SO only FO’s”.
Thanks to both of you.
Isn’t it the Agami’s that own the condominium bldg that Tom Cruise bought himself and several of his family/entourage condo units?
Would pretty much explain the lovefest for the Agami Family.
Yes that is his brother Moises
I love this response!
I’m confused? Did Dan Agami die is this some kind of a memorial?
It was confusing because DM is writing as if they guy is still alive in order to push the reincarnation belief. Pathetic!
Two things in Hubbard’s 1980s final writings, besides the 21 years leave notice to dead Sea Org members which is borrowed for dead Agami whale as you noted:
a). 339R in that one LRH said the “hosannas” will someday be for “you” (meaning whoever were the future Scientologists who were being the winning-est future winners).
b) LRH gave Int Execs their own issue types to communicate to their down the chain of command staff/followers. Snr C/S Int bulletin, the IMEC Bulletin, the RTC ED, etc, and then ED Int was to have his communication line to followers like LRH of days of old.
So to me, this Agami whale pat on the head to the dead Agami, is a smush of the above LRH latitude and comm line allowed the “leader” of the cult.
Team Xenu’s rules, pretty much Hubbard endorsed.
Miscavige wiped out all his top execs competition for sharing the reigns, and so he smushes the LRH allowed comm lines to the movement lower members that used to be spread about per those 1980s Hubbard orders.
What Miscavige is violating, for decades now and which LRH would have removed him back 25 years ago, was violating the Danger Formula steps about putting someone else into the roles that had to be bypassed and which were failing.
Miscavige was good on executing people and blaming them for failing and removing them but he’s horrible about filling up the vacancies of the jobs he’s decimated.
LRH would have absolutely been all over Miscavige’s ass for failing to fill the vacancies.
No one is on Miscavige for filling the top management vacancies.
The Brigham Young model of running the movement wasn’t in LRH’s cards. That’s all on Miscavige for not doing HCO policy and doing LRH’s top management units vacancies filling job that LRH absolutely would have been doing.
Not to be insensitive to someone passing away, but, . . . “dead Agami whale . . . ” laughter
The D design is a head, facing left (right cheek shown), with a Graduation Cap (tassel right rear), a beard, and a white collar.
So Honorarium of Minister in exchange for Money? Where did the billion pamphlets go? What?
Oh for gods sake, the desperation oozes from every word. He’s really clinging on hard to the end
Thanks Mike for showing us more from the exalted leader. Miscavige touting Study Dreck makes sense. It is one of Hubbards greatest brainwashing tools. “Look up your misunderstood if you don’t understand what Ron is saying”. Now it goes the same for the tiny tyrant.
Are you kidding me?! COB has really lost all his marbles at this point. Well where is the return of the biggest GIANT of them all? The mighty Thetan LRH??? I have no words SMH!!
Though Tubby didn’t say it in just this way, he was a strong proponent of the “Fake it ’til you make it.” school of thought. Just look at the instructions he gave for new “clears” and “OTs”. Davey’s still in the “fake it” phase; doubt he’ll ever make it, as he’ll never change from the immature little brat we all know and loathe.
Anything for a million bucks Miscavige
One of Hubbard’s numerous orders to Author Services Inc, was that each ASI staff member was to make for the LRH estate, one million dollars per year, per staffer. By means of selling the LRH products of various kinds, to acrue the million dollars per year.
That is one order Miscavige I believe still does, yearly, and tries to outdo this.
For example of how Norman Starkey tried to make his million dollar quota for the LRH estate one year, what Norman did, was sell Titanium capsules and sets of archival paper printed OEC and Tech Volumes fitted within the Titanium capsule. Models of what is in CST/Archives for the archival LRH preservation project.
Norman got in trouble that year for doing this, as it would set a bad precedent. But already the Feshbachs and the computer guy couple got their Titanium capsule, and I think Tony O showed what one disgruntled ex who also paid and got his capsule, what his looked like.
The ways ASI staffers, and Miscavige takes all the ASI LRH orders personally, and those orders to ASI do explain more of Miscavige’s behaviours, including why it is that he retained the senior approval job for the movement, as LRH gave him the job of deciding where the placement of the AVC (editor/top approval job) was to be located in which bureaucratic entity.
No one knows this, except those people who’ve read the ASI final traffic from Hubbard.
Sadly, these fine point details of the top decision making swings Misavige does, and which he also violates some of these final Hubbard orders, plus as all well versed policy in the know ex members know of Miscavige’s policy violations (the most atrocious is the Miscavige failure to fill the vacancies in the top management units that LRH wished to be running the movement).
It’s all for nought, since it’s difficult to sell the exorcism OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 “body-thetans” quackery and OT 7 was failing LRH even when he died, so he admitted to Sarge, as told in the final pages of “Going Clear…” book, another huge piece of info of the whole nasty L. Ron Hubbard life saga.
(I had to proofread the ASI traffic for a project of cleaning up all the typos in them, when I worked at ASI 1992-1995).
Davey Mustsavage/DM/COB/Dwarfenführer is SUCH an easy target to mock. It’s as if he’s daring us to do it.
He writes “uplift 7 billion souls with study technology” but doesn’t mention clearing 7 billion people. Has disseminating study tech replaced clearing the planet as their main goal?
His one and only goal is money into the coffers he controls. He’ll do ANYthing he thinks will increase the ‘flows’. His morality: Is it good for HIM?
Yes that is apparent. And I doubt if he ever really believed clearing the planet was possible, but was just wondering if he was taking the emphasis away from that impossible goal.
He looks like Davey as well, dont you think?
scientology unfairly got ‘religious’ status because it CLAIMED to be a religion after 35 or so years of its flounder asserting time after time that it was no such thing. Finally, they HAD to resort to the “religion angle” for the group’s continued existence. That, and a scorched Earth strategy or suing everything and anything that correctly recognized scientology’s actual nature got scn its coveted prize. After all the real purpose of a suit is to harass and destroy, not to win.
And looking at their most recent suits, they got the not-winning down pat.
It was like any other byproduct of cold War era which is now on its journey towards oblivion from 2025 ( World Bank Covid 19 restrictions ) to Grand finale in 2046 ( end of copy right restrictions on original editions).
During next 3 decade we may see several skits like the one Mike mentioned in last line of his post beautifully ” …… and the transition from Joseph Smith to Brigham Young is complete.”

It’s been said that money is the worst motivation. To Dwarfenführer®, finding new financial schemes is the highest achievement he can attain. ANYthing to enrich the Tiny Tyrant’s™ coffers.
Dave, I wished you adios on the Freewinds in 1989 when I almost dropped you into the bay
from the ship. Seems you had on the same uniform.
There once was a bird named HUBB BIRD.
Crooked feathers twisted into the absurd.
This Bird could not tell heavy from light.
Thus could never achieve flight.
Numerous others saw the fraud.
Only a very few like Miscavige went insane
He shows weakness now as he abandons viscous oil
There was once a document signed by Adolf Hitler on display at the Infantry Museum at Fort Benning in the spring of 1982.
Comparing Dwarfenführer to Hitler is a considerable stretch. 70 years from now, “Davey-WHO”?; “Scien-WHAT”?
Lil’ Davey won’t rate even a footnote in the histories to come.
I think in terms of psychopathy and malignant narcissism, the invoking of Godwin’s “law” in this case is actually somewhat apt—Miscavige’s despicable deeds are no less unconscionable for simply being enacted on a smaller scale. And the control he wields over his mindless worshipers is no less harrowing and dangerous.
One of the sociological scholars on Remini/Rinder’s show made an excellent observation on how Scientology’s “technology” is particularly suitable to fervent obeisance, due to its ability to eliminate both a sense of guilt/morality for miscreant behavior and empathy for others. This is the stuff that sets up a perfect incubator for murderous blind allegiance to fascist ideology—and if Scientology didn’t cost such a fortune who knows how many others might be seduced into this paradigm of guilt-free savagery…
It really makes me very sad. Ppl are giving their lives to something they believe in and then the organization just pretends they no longer exist. It’s absolutely heart breaking.
That reminded me: Anyone know what happened to Darby Simpson of CCNY (slight) fame? I was there as she was trying to get the CCNY idea off the ground, but then lost track of her. Google brought up her doing the Ls in ’76 at Flag, but nothing else. I didn’t hear of CCNY doing anything, so I’m wondering if she did eventually achieve her goal of being in the grind of running an official scn org, with all its insanities.
Briefing #4 1hr 34mins, and not a second longer! No time limits on regging after defendant Miscavige slips out the back.
That’s IF the demented dwarf even showed up, which he probably won’t, having sent the audio tape on ahead. or maybe reel-to-reel or wire tape, in keeping with the ’50s aura maintained by the group calling itself scientology now.
Jes sayin’…………..
jes saying………
I can’t imagine being FORCED to sit through one of his “meetings”…..or one of his rants/lectures without falling asleep…………..zzzz……..zzz…………yawm…zzzzz.
For everyone who found the STRENGTH to LEAVE/ESCAPE/BLOW/ EXIT/RUN AWAY/ or take a permanent HIKE…………………….
FEAR is a great intimidator to remain under his tiny thumb………………it took GUTS to turn your back on the only thing you knew………….
KUDOS…………you are braver than you will ever know.
Scientology is the ISIS of America!
Please help me understand how an organization like this can not only exist in America but have tax exempt status! Everyday they control present and past members thru fear and terror! They destroy lives and families! And they are allowed to get away with it because David Miscavige is WHITE and WEALTHY! Let’s not kid ourselves, if scientology was headed by a person of color, this would have ended years ago! SHAME ON YOU law enforcement and federal government! ! How dare you in MY America allow this self important anti-christ too create such a kingdom unchecked! Screw down your fear, because they will come after you and take this bastard down! Show America why we put our faith in this government everyday. Make no doubt about it. Scientology is a terrorist organization!
Slight disagreement: ISIS is making an IMPACT, for good or ill, while scientology is only noticed by we who are watching Davey’s little fiefdom crumble under its own weight of overts.
I agree that Scientology needs to have its tax exemption re-examined, and pulled. But there are only a couple of people in the entire government who can even raise the subject within the IRS. Check prior blog posts from Mike and from Tony Ortega for the details.
Scientology does not work just because Miscavige is white or rich. First, he is not really wealthy. Net, make the founder, LRH, a dark-skinned person running the same scam, and nothing changes, we end up with the same horrid Scientology. You can look to the successes of dark-skinned swamis like Bogwhan Rajneesh and a couple of others. Or carefully look at the career of the mostly-white Mother Theresa, who was made a Catholic saint despite insisting on furthering the suffering of the dying people in her charge, refusing them so much as an aspirin or a good blanket or a ward in a building with heat and air, despite having millions in donated funds readily available, all because she believed suffering was good for them. Then as she got older she made claims that she didn’t really believe in god.
David Misavige may be white, but he is not exactly wealthy. He just controls a lot of money, and gets the cherch to buy him a few luxuries, but he is scared to death to spend hardly any of that money on himself, because if he does and the IRS finds out, they will call it “enurement” and use it to end the cherch’s tax exemption. The IRS already did that enurement bit once with Hubbard, and it took 2500 nuisance lawsuits against the IRS and individual employees to get the leverage they needed to regain their tax exemption.
Losing that exemption would surely end Miscavige’s sweet run as top dog of Scientology. So despite being head of a three billion collar organization, his wealth is limited to a middling salary, a personal chef and assistant, custom clothes and custom lift shoes, hair plugs, apartments set up inside cherch properties, and an annual diving trip using the fleecewinds as a base, if it is operational. He doesn’t have a private airplane, a yacht, a Ferrari, or a mansion in Hollywood Hills, and he can’t donate millions to his own money to the IAS because he doesn’t have much cash available since his salary is not large. He used to demand birthday presents from cherch members, and that is where he got a few nice things like a fancy watch, motorcycle, etc. He can’t use cherch funds to play the stockmarket and make himself a billionaire… No, Miscavige is not rich. Kick him out of the cherch and the best he can hope for is whatever golden parachute he already has set up using smart lawyers paid by the cherch.
Is it a terrorist organization? It certainly did terrorizing actions against individuals and families and against governments and employees of the US and Canada and perhaps other states. Scientology members have never had a conscience enouigh to know that they should tell the truth under oath; instead, they are trained to make up a shore story that puts the cherch in a good light, if they can get away with it. A Scientologist in good standing can be defined by whether or not they will lie under oath in a court of law, just to benefit the church.
Please pardon the rant. I just wanted to clarify some things, in my own head mostly.
Incorrect T Gerrard. There are people of “color” that run huge groups that gun people down in the streets of most major cities in the USA and the gov doesn’t shut them down even though far worse crimes are committed by them.
It is the MONEY that keeps the gov’t off off all of them NOT the color of skin.
Please, these interpretations and comparisons are totally off the rails.
Does he consider himself quite the writer because of his use of very purple prose?
He also considers himself quite the video editor since he had a hand in the crazy Tom Cruise-in-black-turtleneck video.
He is as bad a video editor as he is a writer.
The end can’t come fast enough for this cult.
The end of scientology is nigh; we’re watching it in real time, after all.
Infact it could be any day , two scenarios
1) US Congress repeals the amendment made decade back and restore to its original status; copy right laws applicable till 50 years death of the author.
So from 2026 you may have your style of Scientology, be it English Scientology or Irish or Australian or Yogi Indian or Kabbalist or Zen Scientology.
Its not different from other religions like Greek Orthodox, Church of English , Roman catholic, Russian Orthodox.
2) Some one petition US Supreme Court or at European Court challenging Tax exemption status of religious organizations
A issue which will ask court to justify, it is either their involvement in Philanthropic activities or is it because it’s free stuff , considered as free as human urge for survival and religous organizations knowingly take this task voluntarily.
Remember the literature on this subject and legal cases were centuries old when Water was free ,land were free etc .
So if Religious organizations are Tax exempted as they were involved in activity which is free in nature then all texts related to that religion is also free from copy right restrictions like all other main stream religion, ( Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and Sikhism).
It’s just matter of time if this issue raised at US Supreme Court or at Capitol Hill or European Parliament or European Court of Justice
As I said repeatedly in my earlier posts, Covid 19 is game changer in challenging many established practices. So let it be Tax Exemption status this time.
Mark, individuals cannot petition SCotUS like that.
I avoided the technical aspects and focused on possibility keeping in view past precedence.
Mark, Apples and Super Novas. That decision doesn’t allow you or I or even our tax advisors to petition the SCotUS US to review the tax status of Scamology. Of course because of no standing.
He obviously thinks he’s an expert in anything he even thinks about for a minute, be it writing or dreaming up new scientology or conquering women, slaying SPs, or whatever. A typical narcissist “legend in his own mind”, in other words.
You assessed the true motivation behind DM’s letter. No surprise. You knew the tiny asshole very well.
If it doesn’t have to do with extorting money from innocent marks, it isn’t Davey’s version of scientology.