But not just ANY old t-shirts. They are “designed by Giorgio Armani.”
I posted yesterday about the desperation. This is a whole new level.
I don’t think anything further need be said:
Public Officer FSO, Mathilde briefed us about the event this weekend on Saturday night. She said that this will be the Summer IAS Event like that which is usually held on the Freewinds at Maiden Voyage Anniversary week. Mathilde says there will be great entertainment at the beginning, a showing of the video “The Turning Point”, and SOMETHING VERY SPECIAL at the end. Doors open at 6:30 PM and the event starts promptly at 7:00 PM. She says it will be a spectacular event, and asked that we promote it to everyone. The target is to have 1000 people in attendance. Scott Superville, Dir Success FSO had us do a “5-minute call-out” to get some confirms for this event after a project with patter was distributed.Javier – from the IAS arrived wearing a really great-looking T-shirt, saying that it is one that was designed for this Saturday’s IAS Event by Giorgio Armani! He said everyone who comes to the event will get one. There is a target for fundraising for the IAS of $5 million – and he reminded us that we raised $10 million at the beginning of the year so it is very do-able. Javier also reminded us that the majority of those donations was from the many smaller ones, capped off by the few large ones. He asked that each of us get two donations for the IAS for this target.
“The target is to have 1000 people in attendance. ”
You know the entire activity has gone down into the enforce band. Establishing targets for your fans. Called “attendees”. What other celebrity / opinion leader / spokesperson does that?
Leah Remini doesn’t do that. She has more fans than David now. She has risen above him. He doesn’t have the rank to strike back .
If fact, out here, on this side of the fence, thousands upon thousands have already declared Miscavige a suppressive person in their minds.
I wonder who is paying the P.R. firm now to clean up David’s out P.R. and what that has cost the Church?
Hard to believe a grade zero with an education in the arc triangle can not speak for himself and they have to pay someone to do it for him. Someone who isn’t even a Scientologist! What the hell does he get paid for?
I find it so hard to believe that they could raise another 5 mill or even have the nerve to ask for it. This ridiculous fundraising for nothing has got to be so obvious by now. The T shirt thing is a new low. The IAS is so off purpose, that it’s not even in the same galaxy as the original intent of SCN. Shameful!
One used to get a cheap cotton IAS T-shirt for making a donation. Now one gets an Armani shirt and a free meal just for being willing to warm a chair during the event. Soon Scientologists will be sent an Armani suit just for answering the phone when someone from the “church” calls their house.
DM is going to have to tie a bone around his neck just to get the dogs to play with him.
Probably a knock off Armani as seen on the streets of Hong Kong. Or maybe as there are many armenians in LA is Georgi Armeni
Geeze, getting a tee shirt like that makes it worth going. I’m booking my ticket now to be sure I get a front row seat. Lets see, I think Patron Meritorious get to sit in front or at least near the front so I’m good there. But wait, there is this problem of an SP declare. Oh yes, but it was ordered for limited distribution and on a need to know basis so maybe the Flag ushers won’t know. Hmmmm should I risk it? I really really want one of those Armani Tees………………….
On second thought, Stick it Dave! I’m going for a Fruit of the Loom three pack! It’s a much better deal and the good feeling lasts longer.
This promo needs a matching Armani Thong autographed by DM & his BFF Tom Cruise.
Perhaps it would be good to get a custom Armani T shirt which says:
“Leah Remini Leaves Scientology After Questioning David Miscavige’s Leadership”
So GAT2 is the Golden Age of T-Shirts? How underwhelming.
Nice looking shirt. In an alternate Universe (the one where Miscavige isn’t evil) it would be kinda cool. But given the context and the desparation, it just comes across like “what new trick can we use to bring the ‘marks’ in this week.” I’ll bet the person who came with up with the idea was threatened if graduation attendance dropped.
Well they pretty much screwed up the tech, so they’ve really got nothing to deliver.
So now they came up with this “bright idea” to sell “free” T-shirts instead.
Cause you can bet these T-shirts aren’t going to be free.
As Heinlein said:
“There ain’t no such thing as a free lunch.”
Especially when your dealing with the IAS.
Since the “lucky” wearer of this T-shirt is going to have to drop a few grand to get one.
“Emporio” means department store in Italian.
It also say Armani.
The type a shirt that some silly status seeking consumer is going to buy which is better than free advertising for Armani since they sell the shirt and usually make a profit from it and it gets their name out there.
How nice to see that the Church is now helping poor struggling Armani out.
See link:
But I digress.
Anyway it’s nice to see that the IAS has finally progressed from those dorky preppy polo shirts.
To something more fashionable or is it……..
more fascistable?
i obviously should write myself up and request several sec checks and an SRA. My goal in Scientology was spiritual freedom. I understand now this is incorrect. The correct goal is color coordinated demo kits and Armani T-shirts. Got it.
Speaking of the IAS is there any truth to the rumor that they are nothing but a floating no tax haven via the freewinds? In reality scientology could care less if anyone went on that rusted ship. All they really want is the money they don’t really need people?
Nope, no truth to that rumor. They don’t need a tax haven on the Freewinds. They have a better one in the United States.
So pitiful. Tee shirts by Armini for Sciendollary’s Elite. No doubt Flag publics are thrilled to their core. Mike, you were tongue-in-cheek about the Fruit of the Looms for the outer orgs, right? I nearly choked on my Poland Spring.
I wonder what Giorgio Armani’s attorneys would think about their allegedly “specially designed for the IAS” t shirts. I don’t profess to know everything about the IAS and it’s connections but I find the inference that this design house in any way supports the IAS a bit hard to swallow. If I’m wrong here somebody please correct me.
Paul — I bet you’re right that the House of Armani would not be too thrilled about the association.
No doubt they just went and bought a bunch of Armani brand T-shirts and had IAS logos put on them. They will try to somehow imply that Armani designed something for the IAS, but that is very unlikely…. And if he did, it would be for the exclusive use of Him — not to be given away to the riff-raff…
I think it’s all in how you say it. Armani designed shirts, specially made for the IAS- or something like that. That is another way of saying they bought some Armani designed shirts and had them silk screened. They look a little to fancy for me. I only ever got one shirt I liked a lot. It was an IAS mock turtle neck, I’m not sure the brand but it just fit me well. I felt like Tom Cruise, until I accidentally caught a glimpse of my reflection.
I can think of better ways to jazz up these insipid events: how about hot dancers in sexy attire?
Maybe after everyone is regged and have their shirts, they will have a Wet T-shirt Contest?
I’ll attend and donate big but, I want a sleeveless wife-beater edition of this T-shirt before I confirm.
Dave had me at Armani!
Damn, another shirt for the rag bin or another gift to the cleaning lady. She’s the only one I ever see wearing the stupid shirts.
Hahahaha! Thats totally true!
Another t-shirt for the cat to sleep on. Although, she may crap on this one even without encouragement!
You realize where this new Miscavige Retail Regging Program is going, don’t you? One night soon (around 1:00 am) He Himself will pound on your front door. You’ll be thrilled that COB came to reg you personally. He will drag you down at the hall to your kitchen table, whip out his gold-plated COB credit card swiper, and personally accept your donation. That way, he cuts out all middle men and qualifies for all sales commissions.
The IAS has moved up from Lands End to Armani! Impressive! I guess it takes an Armani souvenir to bribe people to watch re-runs so they’re willing to do re-dos Miscavige style!
WOW, a T shirt by Armani..
Armani designed a Tshirt, especially for this Saturday’s event, for the IAS???
Sorry, I guess I missed that great picture
What… no picture of the t shirt… damn
You’re being cynical. They are very nice T-shirts. It’s not like they’re just handing out Hanes that come in a three-pack…
The Fruit of the Looms are being handed out in the outer orgs. Flag gets Armani because that is the brand He wears. And He is there. They are also making Penta water available as that is His water of choice (but you have to pay for the Penta water…)
So…maybe the T-shirt should read: “I Donated My Life’s Savings To Scientology – And All I Got Was This Lousy T-Shirt”
“And COB Didn’t Even Autograph It”.
Love it!
Phew! Wow, that is a huge relief. For a moment there, I thought I was seeing desperation and despair. But now I can see everything is under control. Yup, as long as Giorgio Armani is designing the t-shirts, Scientology will be just fine.
The thing I am waiting for is the report of the dismal attendance I know donations won’t be found.
One has to think that a certain amount of desensitization has occurred with Him being there all the time.
Even the SO members must be getting sick of the hours his visit is costing them in lost sleep. I really do enjoy your view nice to see new stories every day.
Agreed however I doubt any factual reporting will be done on actual attendance other than over the top superlatives. On that note, If actual stats were made known over the last few DECADES or so it would have already occurred to Joe Blow Scientologist that a true SP is at the helm. Didn’t LRH say something about down stats and contraction don’t happen for no reason, and that they are intentionally pushed in that direction? David Miscavige has single handedly taken down what used to be a vibrant movement and turned it into a ever dwindling and irrelevant cult.