She who shall not be named coughs up another $350,000 for the Valley Ideal Org.
You gotta admit, this is a pretty good thing they have going. Bart Simpson doesn’t realize he is the biggest sucker in Springfield…. HE is turning over bucketloads of cash so someone else can invest it in THEIR real estate scheme based on the false promise that this “ideal org” is somehow going to do something that the current non-ideal org is not capable of doing because it is located in an expensive building.
Apparently the approbation of titles like VALLEY SUPER ROCKSTAR OT GODDESS, is worth a chunk of change it seems.
Nancy — donate a half million to the “Families Split Apart By Cults” charity and I will proclaim you “QUEEN MUCKETY-MUCK OF ENCINO AND ALL AREAS WITHIN SIGHT, CLEOPATRA OF THE REALM OF THE VALLEY OF THE SUN AND BIGGEST LITTLE OT VOICE OF ALL THINGS GOOD AND WHOLESOME CAPTAIN OF THE FREEWINDS AND SECOND DEPUTY ASSISTANT BIG BEING ALMOST AS BIG AS TOM.” You just can’t beat a title like that. And for another $100,000 we will add a WHOLE LINE of exclamation points.
What all seems so strange about this is they just include it as another entry amongst the $9 and $20 donations and odd smatterings of some thousands… Why so bashful about it? She is giving more than everyone else combined by a factor of 10. So why not recognize her for what she is? The single biggest mark in Scientology.
But they DO have exclamation point tech in full force, so that’s at least something.
And pretty soon they will have enough money to pay for the phase one marble purchase — not just any marble, this is the finest marble hewn directly from cliffs overlooking the Adriatic by highly skilled Albanian children. It is planned that the magnificence of the marble alone will draw crowds of new people flooding onto the Bridge. That is of course, command intention, so it must be true.
Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2014
From: LA UNITED!!! <[email protected]>
Dear All Valleyites!!!!!!
The AMAZING VALLEY VIRTUAL FUNDRAISER is going FULL SPEED this morning and it’s ROLLING!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!! Los Angeles and beyond are going crazy to make this MV 2 target!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We are on a huge BLITZ in the next 30 min to get to 1,000,000 for the week towards our soon to be amazing new Valley Ideal Org!!! OMG!!! Can you believe that!!!??? THIS WOULD BE THE SECOND WEEK IN A ROW!!!!!!!!!!!!! This email will go out to all Valley Humanitarians, OTC Members, Valley Org Friends etc every few minutes to keep you updated!!!!
There have been over 2,500 donations and 180 statuses just in the last 12 days!!!!!! WHAT!!!???!! Is that even possible!!!?? YES IN LA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
See your name here???! If not call in and BE A PART OF THE WIN!!!!!!
Daniela Juskova – $200
Joyce & Carl Wallace – $300
Robert Harrison – $20
Oswaldo Cortes – $100
Blanca Miranda – $20
Trisse Badger – $50
Nancy Brady – $35
Susan Parker – $25
Matt & Brittany Bartilson – $1,000
Raven C. $150
David C. $150
Wendy Ellen $100
Brad Fox $150
John Chambers $100
Nancy Roland $50
Susan Monroe $20
Heather Colson $30
Chip Chipman $500
Anne and George Dinkel $500
Andrea Zastawny $100
Fred Reno $500
Angela McCollough $20
David Mauerer $25
John and Valerie Futris $20
Tony & Sharon Lonstein $10,000!!!!
Steven Grewall $9
Diana Banderas $6
Wyatt Fair $20
Marian Stryker $19
Roberta Perry $100
Jerry Albert $25
Norbert Bacsko $100
Christine Quinn $10
Bill Price $50
Rowan Schmaus $30
Marian Stryker $25
Janet Grenslitt $25
Tom Grenslitt $25
Perry Morse $10
Angela Sharp $20
Chuck Scheuermann $1,718 – Vanguard!
Ubalo Chavez – $50
Mary Elizabeth & Dean Glosup – $5,000!!!!!!!!!
Richard & Susan Stewart – $300
Clayton McBride – $100
Marilyn Doan – $100
Jinnie Rosales – $60
Talya Carroll – $20
Ashley Doswell – $25
Betty Lou Graves – $25
Trevor Smith – $15
John Cumming – $20
Darren Shearer – $100
Carol Loweree – $43
Nola Aronson – $100
Holleigh Taufer & Aris Gregorian & Keiran – $100
OMG!!!!!!! We are SOOOOOOOOOO close for the week, second week in a row we are getting to 1,000,000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is HUGE!!!!!!!! WHOA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Valleyites are calling in from all over the US to be a part of this!!!!!
So call into the org, call Quinn, or Kathy or Susan or any staff member!!!!!! We are here and waiting and want you to be a part of this epic Maiden Voyage 2 week for Valley!!!!!!!!
call 818-947-0600 or email [email protected]
or fax 818-947-0609
Stay tuned…….. and BE a part of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Much Love, The Official Scorekeeper of the Valley Virtual Fundraiser!!!!!
To my understanding of the latest talk within the bubble, is that no-one gets to go on the Freewinds unless they are exclusively invited to do so. Only the vetted, actively-contributing are invited to come on board. During MV week, only these types were able to attend by special invitation and not even public who completed OTVII could be on the ship that week to do OTVIII.
I don’t know if the photo of the ‘Rockstar OT Goddess’ and Co. was taken during MV week or not, or if this was a special convention consisting of hypnosis, mental conditioning and betrayal in the form of help for the poor saps.
Where did you get this photo of “Mrs Pattycake”?
I always wondered what she looked like!
I almost never pray but I’ll make an exception for all these idiots: God, its time, please make them wake up, please no more exclamation points, please?
I’m sure ol’ Bart the Queen of the Valley is getting lectured about how they have to repeat and strengthen the successful action for last week’s Big Stat, which was hounding her for $6Figures.
What a waste of money.
Nancy appears in a photo on a post on Tony Ortega’s site this morning. She is one of 27 people in the photo, taken on the Scientology ship Freewinds (more accurate name: SLAVEWinds), where she enjoyed non-stop crush regging.and begging to donate $ to the criminal COB and Co$. The Freewinds could only get 27 people, no doubt after massing phone calls – the criminal cult of $cientology is slowly dying.
And all this now “necessary” because Scientology has forgotten that “The Product of an Org is well-trained students and throughly audited PCs”. And what do we have – Ideal Orgs with empty Academies and empty HGCs and few if any staff and they are mostly untrained or mis-trained, and public being hit up and duped for “donations” in exchange for ridiculous “Statuses”. Ideal for whom is the question? Obviously someone who wanted Scientology to fail.
“The Product of an Org is well-trained students and throughly audited PCs”
This has not been happening for a good number of years because the dwarf is insane and so are these creeps who keep donating.
All it would take is one person with courage and and a good aim to sort this mss out
I stumbled over this sentence: “The AMAZING VALLEY VIRTUAL FUNDRAISER…”
Virtual fundraiser. Let us check the definitions of virtual:
1) “having the essence or effect but not the appearance or form of”
Maybe they do not appear to be fundraiser but they collect the money anyway?
2)”physics designating or relating to a particle exchanged between other particles that are interacting by a field of force”
This relates to physics but it fits. A field of force enforcing particle exchange between terminals.
Maybe they think as they use computers nowadays that anything having to do with those machines is virtual. But let us look at this computer definition:
“temporarily simulated or extended by computer software”
Does not fit.
So, I think a virtual fundraiser is something that does not exist in reality as such but is a force field that pulls in money out of a vacuum. The vacuum could be an empty bank account or an empty intellect.
The last def fits the Miscarriage to a tee, esp at His events.
I too think this large dono is incredibly irresponsible. There are so many actual charities or cool projects in the world that would be better to donate to. Fake fundraising for fake buildings for a fake church is a very low level of awareness.
Yes. You’re right Hallie Jane! Good idea! They could fundraise to free their OWN slaves.
There are people in the world who are being trafficked across borders to be used as slaves. There are children who work under duress in filthy conditions without pay for the benefit of the business owners. There are young girls who’s bodies are being sold for profit. There are Kenyans and Tanzanians who’s children die of starvation due to overwhelming environmental and political oppression. There are teenagers in your own city being taught that the way to financial freedom is through thievery.
You can’t cut a check and pretend that it’s all “getting better” because someone told you so. It’s not a matter of religious beliefs at that point, it’s basic irresponsibility.
Do y’all realize that if Nancy donated ANY less next week that HER STAT WILL BE DOWN! If so I expect her to apply the correct condition step by step. No Stat rationalization will be tolerated. She needs to come up with AT LEAST $351 Gs next week. This is LRH standard admin so I demand full KSW or I’m calling up Tom Cruise who is quite unreasonable about these things.
But … wasn’t Nancy’s last dono for 500 g’s … so strictly speaking her Stat is already down …. stiffen ethics … change operating basis … MAA needs to get her THROUGH any condition below normal FAST … ALSO strictly speaking per LRH policy, if at this same time Perry Morse upped his dono from $10 to 15, HE would be in Affluence and at the same time Nancy is getting her ethics in, Perry would be an ethics upstat and continuing his successful actions by donating $25 the next week and staying in Affluence while Nancy would have to up her dono to $400 g’s to get to Normal. Bizarre? Yes ….. BUT TOTALLY ON SOURCE. As one Mr. Casey Stengel once said …”you could look it up” ..
I think it is already down from last week. This will be noticed. There will be ‘that look’. Possibly a frown or was it just the way He said good fucking morning?
Joe P, you beat me to it. Notwithstanding all that money, Nancy Cartwright is downstat.
Wow!!!!!!!!! Is this real????????????? Can I Have my golden rod now please I understand it’s Free!
Short version:
!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!! !!!!!! !!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! ! !!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!! !!!!!! !!!???!! !!!?? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!! !!!??? !!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!! !!!!!! !!! !!??? !!??! !!!!
Valley Humanitarians
Valley Virtual Fundraiser
Those that donate and keep doing so are PTS to the eye ball
Obvilously cant even look back a bit and re-eval the reason why they are sucked into asking to donate all the time . Theirs just no hope to reason with them, they are idiots really in the long run. and don’t have a clue of the real scenarios around the world and within the small minds around them .
You would have thought after all this time with them seeing ISA asking continoulsy for funds theirs some outpoint and they just cant see it, Blind as they are. It becomes and is A No win therefore time waster tand they become vegetables for DM .Some one out here should send those that donate if your able to get these data if true ,You then are able to send out some idea to make them aware to get their heads screwed back on before they find them selves with sweet nothing and living off the doll and in card board boxes, or with severe handy cabs to progress further if they remain sucked under the dictator, and they are victims and enemys to themselves within that game.
Scientology Sad Mathematics
A big important week, where the MV events are playing and the shills are whipping up a frenzy of excitement. And how many frenzied donors did they get? Fifty nine.
They had two famous whales that donated $400,000 by Thursday afternoon – when they close their week.
However in total there were only 57 other people who donated, and those 57 people donated $33,615 dollars to the 11 million outstanding on the new valley building.
Somehow this made them SOOOOOOO close to making their 1 million dollar target.
This is sad math.
Presumably Nancy Cartwright and Bob Welch are comfy with the idea that they will be donating 10 million more over the coming years, and the other 57 people involved in this project will come up with the other 1 million.
The other sad math thing about this is that when people are allowed to just give $6 or $9 to the cause, it means that your list includes absolutely everyone who is going to participate in this clusterduck.
The Valley OT Committee boasts an active membership of about 50-60 people a week. The weekly donor list is about 50-60. Somehow these people have spent the last 10 years and raised 10-11 million out of the 21 million needed.
I am pretty sure they only got those big donos this week in honor of the Maiden Voyage events. They have been collecting for about 10 years. They are going to be at least another 10 years to get this wrapped up.
Those 57 people will have their grandchildren asking “grandma, why do you eat beans every day?”.
More sad scientology mathematics will be involved in answering that question.
Roy M,
Thanks for the good laugh re the ‘beans’. Let her have some rice too…..
With them all eating beans, at least they’ll have enough hot air on tap to keep the Idle Morgues fully inflated. And inflated morgues produce inflated stats.
What a dumbfuck. They told her she would be a “humanitarian” if she forked over more money. Stupid idiot.
When I think of how many homeless people and victims of domestic violence these funds could help right there in the valley I’m truly sickened. Shame on Nancy Cartwright for her proud and willful ignorance.
Uh oh, they found a new way to fund raise without having to have anyone present. This is a scary paragraph. “We are on a huge BLITZ in the next 30 min to get to 1,000,000 for the week towards our soon to be amazing new Valley Ideal Org!!! OMG!!! Can you believe that!!!??? THIS WOULD BE THE SECOND WEEK IN A ROW!!!!!!!!!!!!! This email will go out to all Valley Humanitarians, OTC Members, Valley Org Friends etc every few minutes to keep you updated!!!!”
The long arm of Scientology will reach in and grab you where you sit.
Why doesn’t Cartwright just buy Scientology?
AS Homer would say, Dhooooooooow !!!
It does not matter how much money you give the churchies,
the word get spread around like butter in a microwave oven
and they come back for more. Any amount is fair game.
All Scientologist’s should spend 5 years in Bangladesh
or the the French Foreign Legion or BOTH !!!!!!
Disgusting.. They do need to donate to the families they ripped apart, including mine! So ignorant they all are and think they are the elite! Barf!!
I came to know Nancy when she was receiving some repair auditing and I was on OTV at AOLA in the late 80s or early 90s. At that time, Nancy was a down to earth person and it she really put forth an effort to “fit in” and be liked by the group. (the bunch of us who sat around in the waiting room BSing about anything and everything, while waiting for session) We talked many things but the thing I recall most was a private conversation between her and I about wanting a stable 2D which just kept evading her. She said she was living with a guy but there was a problem with him committing to the relationship. That left her with this nagging PTP which just seemed to be unsolvable. Then, years later I read where her 2D committed suicide by jumping off a bridge, after diverting a wad of money to Scientology, then filing BK or some such nonsense. I would surmise that “the church” has her by the “short hairs” on the 2D ruin and simply pulls the string whenever it feels the need to wring some $$$ out of her.
Right on. Kind of like the way Nurse Rachett in the movie, “One Flew Over the Coocoo’s Nest” always yanked Billy’s chain to throw him in his ruin when she wanted to control or to degrade him.
Giving $20 is far cheaper than having to explain your absences from “EVENTS !!!!!!!!!!” to the MAA. It’s called buying off the executioner. While pretty much 99.99% of all beings on this earth can quickly recognize the Cult of Greed for what it is, the voice of Bart Simpson no less stands as one of the cults softest dumbed down money bags I have ever heard of. When she wakes up, (IF) she is going to be royally pissed.
(IF) she wakes up she’ll sue the pants off of RCo$$$.
And she’s got the money to do it.
There’s a local charity that I donate to monthly. I can actually drive down to the center, walk inside and see what’s happening there. Once a year, they print a simple but nice magazine which details their activities and programs. In the back of the magazine the donors are listed. There is a certain dollar amount that one has to donate within a year to have their name appear on the donor list, which is $500. They don’t list contributions smaller than that and in reverse, they don’t list large amounts either. At a certain point, something like $10,000 and over, the detailed amount of the donation is not stated with the person’s name. I always thought this was a respectful and polite way to honor the donors and yet keep the perspective on the work of the charity itself.
But then again, the Valley Ideal Org is not charity either. The CoS does not believe in “charity” and never has.
Donating anonymously is also dignified and classy, something missing here.
Don’t you mean Bart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
Love those $10 “F.U” donations and then, public postings. It goes both ways; first from public to “here ya go”, Scorekeeper and then from Scorekeeper to “I’ll let everyone else know how little you gave” public.
I’ll give a different viewpoint here. Unlike the poor suckers who are upping their statuses or throwing away a hundred bucks they could use on something else, I don’t think Cartwright IS a mark. She is tremendously wealthy with millions rolling in regularly and probably wouldn’t know what else to do with all that money. She probably got a HUGE win in Scientology years ago that is still very real to her and that she credits for part of her great success. She no doubt enjoys her status and participation in the CoS ENORMOUSLY. SHE is actually getting an exchange she values. Which of course is not the case for the poor schnook who’s shamed into maxing out his credit card so that he doesn’t risk getting thrown into ethics and potentially losing his job and family. NANCY probably really FEELS like a humanitarian.
Well why drag it out? Why doesn’t she just buy Valley their new morgue and get it over with? Maybe she likes the attention she gets in the process.
Buy the building in her name, her ownership, and lease it to the Co$. With the amount of moola she’s donated, she could have done that already – you know, 10% down, mortgage, all that (revolutionary concept). BUT she should insist the “church” already have the bucks for renovations, and insist that those be completed on schedule with her pre-approval, non-completion penalties. This isn’t complicated stuff. Maybe I’m just disinterested, but which building are they planning on buying? Is it listed for sale, or do they just make such a generous offer it would be foolish to turn it down?
Will someone please explain all those nice round numbers, you know $60, $100, $350,000 and this one, “Chuck Scheuermann $1,718 – Vanguard!”
One thousand seven hundred EIGHTEEN dollars? Did they get his entire tax refund or did he rob the kids’ piggy banks?
And emptied his wallet.
And turned his pockets out.
There seem to be few others who emptied their wallets out! Donations of $6 and $9. Either it was all the cash they had on them, or they are making a statement. I bet it was one of these events were everyone has to do something, which means that you can also count up the event attendence from the list. Not a packed event then. 🙂
How about the one that donated $6. Must have been her lunch money.
I wondered about that too. The ones who do $10 or $20 and they list it… is this to shame them into giving more? I think I’d skip it until I saved up enough to pay more than $10.
Does anyone know if FSM commissions are paid on these donations?
What are they down to for next week? They need about $10,000,000.00 more to complete the target for the Morgue?
By the end of this thing I’d say Nancy is going to be punch drunk, if not from the incessant requests/demands from Quinn then the stuff in the bowl.
So the party line from Quinn must go something like “we (Dave and I) will bust our ass to get everyone else shamed into giving every last scrap of cash and you agree to fund each weeks balance up to $1,000,000.00 and in exchange we will like you and Dave will let you shake his hand……… time………….. when it is over.”
Why do we never see Tom Cruise’s name on any dono list? How much has he given, being the Big Bean that he is?
Is that lima or pinto? 🙂
He is too busy with Dave working out the details of finding his next squeeze.
If my recall is correct, from what I read in an Impact mag a number of years ago, Cruise made one of the largest (possibly the largest) donations to the IAS ever. His IAS status was in the stratosphere.
Is Bart going to re-do his Bridge at the Valley Ideal Org? I carumba!!!
As Bart might put up on the chalkboard: I will not go down the bridge, I will not go down the bridge, ad infinitum.
“Much Love, The Official Scorekeeper of the Valley Virtual Fundraiser!!!!!”
So it’s not a real fundraiser, just virtual?
Virtually fucked at a valley girl fundraiser.
She asked “Was it (virtually) good for you too?, “
Hey Scorekeeper, You are bumping up against some competition outside of the bubble. The Orange County Fair opens this weekend and the name of one of the new rides is: “OMG!”
The name has been changed to protect the innocent ……………..”OMFG!”