They are going to hold a “Ribbon cutting ceremony” for the “new program introduction.”
I wonder what the “new program” could be?
It’s one of three things:
- The new program is off Source as the existing one is “in tech”
- The new program is on Source and the existing program is “out tech.”
- It’s no different — after all, it’s just the Purif, TR’s and Objectives and some Life Improvement courses. How do you “revise” these things that are “totally on Source” as was announced earlier?
My bet is on number 3. Or perhaps option 4 — who cares because it doesn’t really matter what version this is.
And what is the deal with Narconon anyway? They seem to be killing more people than they are getting off drugs and have as many lawsuits filed against them each week as graduates of the program… Yet, they keep rolling on, pretending nothing is happening and that this is just “the squirrels howling” that is proving how successful they are.
Not to mention the fact that while scientology goes on promoting the astonishing, milestone results of Narconon as proof of their “public benefit”, they tell the courts and the media that Narconon is NOT connected to scientology and has nothing to do with it other than the “materials were developed by L. Ron Hubbard.” It is one of the more blatant lies in a sea of deception that is scientology’s PR strategy. Everything about the Narconon program is identical to scientology — from the materials, to the administration, to the organization to who they answer to. The only reason Narconon is NOT presented as a scientology drug rehab program is so it can qualify for government funding in the US (where the First Amendment prohibits government funding of religious organizations). And of course because of the terrible reputation of scientology possibly scaring people away from forking over $30,000 — though Narconon has done a fine job of late of destroying its reputation to almost scientology depths.
Narconon is suppose to reverse the decay in society by addressing the scourge of drug use. The use of opiates in the US has increased from 25 million in the ’70’s to 270 million in present day. And Narconon and Scn blow their horns to celebrate new facilities that take on 12 people. So much for addressing the drug scourge …..
help, how do I leave Scientology ? can’t stand it anymore, but they say they will come after me if i leave 🙁
What can’t you stand anymore and who will come after you to do what?
Just get on a bus, Gus; make a new plan Stan … there must be 50 ways.
Hi mike mike, If your situation is dire, you may have to devise a way to leave. They said they would come after me too after I blew the Sea org many years ago. Some tried but I am here and they are still there or gone who knows where. Courage, Ann.
Espi, when you talk about auditing, you sound like a Catholic priest telling people what sex feels like.
I only wish I’d thought of that comment! Extremely funny and I’m still laughing as I type. So spot on!!!
Hi Joe Pendleton, Thank you. ?Ann.
I went through talk therapy with shrinks, you know, real professionals in the subject. And since engrams and BTs are bullshit, that’s all auditing is, talk therapy. And talk therapy didn’t help me nearly as much as the meds I’m taking. So I’m a Catholic priest talking about sex who has been involved in Romanesque orgies. In other words, piss off.
Different strokes for different folks, Espiando. Having run out some engrams and seeing almost instant relief from what I’d been auditing, I’ll stick with the results of my “bullshit”. If you ain’t done it, you don’t know. And if meds do the trick for you, you’ll get no complaint from me. I prefer other resources.
I happen to believe there is value to metered therapy more or less in the fashion developed by Hubbard. The meter cuts out the aimless, meandering talk typical of psychotherapy sessions and directs the focus on the client’s thoughts which the client either intentionally or unintentionally avoids. Those are the unexamined beliefs, assumptions and conclusions that when examined, turn out to be false beliefs, assumptions and conclusions. The result is the client realizes there is no problem where he believed, consciously or unconsciously, there was a problem. That is experienced as a relief and sometimes euphoria. It is a temporary high but it can make the client more inclined to welcome his day to day reality rather than shirk from it. It can give one a “fresh start”. This therapy has its limitations. It doesn’t produce supermen and it shouldn’t constitute a way of life. Although there haven’t been any clinical trials, it’s doubtful in my mind it can be effective on people who require drug therapy.
The existence of “engrams” has, in my opinion, been demonstrated to be simply an interpretation of an experience that can be explained more thoroughly in conventional ways.
Falling into the “you’ve never experienced it, so you can’t comment about it” fallacy is pretty pathetic from you. You normally construct better arguments.
Great article
Why don’t they audit them ? Maybe they know it ‘may’ work. Or if they’re ‘honest’ they know it won’t work any way. I hope this new place doesn’t open or it shuts quickly.What can we do as a group to help stop this and all the other shit they do ?
Rinder: Caught your IAS speech on Tony’s blog today. Wow, you’re a great public speaker. Marty said that COB used to make last minute speech revisions for everyone else appearing on the dais, so they would be unprepared and stumble and look gauche. If that’s the way you sounded just out of the RPF and with last minute changes…
Glad you’re not spewing that bilge anymore.
The last time the Church of Scientology had good P.R. with the world was when Mike Rinder was handling it. David Miscavige has done nothing but burden the Church and every Scientologist on this planet with ill repute. he can’t maintain public relations with his own father. Or wife.
Or niece. And two of the three decided to write books about it! LOL
And I’ll bet Shelly would if she could, and will if she gets out of there.
When I was on staff and around Flag, when there was an event coming up, the public would always want to know if Mike Rinder was going to be there. The public LOVED him. He is a world class public relations person because of his ARC FOR MANKIND.
Can you imagine David Miscavige caring enough about the people in front of him to pull off something like this?
Never in a million years.
Never having met him, I’m having trouble even imagining DM! What an angry, dissatisfied twerp. He lives in his own Fuhrer Bunker. His day will come.
Hi The Oracle, I feel what you posted about Mike back in those days was spot on.From the instant I bumped into his blog, I felt here here was a huge spirit who was in forever it seems at the top of his game and look what he does for us now.Yes ARC FOR MANKIND- thank you he has that so strongly. Love U XXOO,Ann.
She only needs to ask me and I will be there! I ♥ Shelly! LOL
Scn like traveling magazine sales. Strip you of your money, dignity, tell you what you should think. Sleep 4 to a room in cheap hotels, work 14 hour days, 7 days a week, eat crappy food. You make faux friends and do as leaders say, constantly being beat down by verbal abuse and told how worthless you are. But at same time told how good you have it and that you are some of the most important people on earth. You are treated like children. Whoever sells the least during the day has to sit in the very back of the station wagon or doesn’t get chips with their peanut butter sandwich.You are dangled endlessly in front of you, a one day vacation to Las Vegas two years into the future for selling 1000 subscriptions.
It all starts so innocently. Scn taking a free test given by fast talking friendly folks. Magazines, interviewing for the job at a 4 Seasons Hotel room, sipping on a highball at 10 in the morning, by a beautiful seductive business woman and told how you will travel the country, go on exotic vacations, meet lots of girls and make tons of money, only to realize that when you are on the other side of country, that it is all a scam. You can’t go home because your embarrassed And no money to get home and no friends to go to, leaves you intwined in their clusterfuck and completely susceptible to being brainwashed and indoctrinated into something you really have no clue about. And the people they and you are ripping off.
THAT WAS AN AWESOME ANALOGY! ^^^^^ I still suffer from Levels of CRINGING never experienced by Homo Sap until Scientology!
I remember when people worked to warn the citizens of Warner Springs about these murdering Scientology criminals, what citizens could expect. The city people ignored all the documents, all the evidence, they ignored everything they were told and allowed these filthy, violently insane criminals to set up shop.
Everything we said, all of our warnings came true. Now the city can’t get these fucking crooks out.
Just – “perhaps” – serious money changed hands somewhere out of sight? 🙂
Maybe finally they will have “individual counselling”
(auditing) which has been one of the points lacking
in all the lawsuits against Narconon.
Many people lost their drug cravings in the church
just from some beginning auditing.
Of course then again they should just ack the fact
the program is Scientology based.
I’m curious what you have to back up the claim that “many people lost their drug cravings in the church just from beginning auditing.” How many? When? What was run on them to provide these miracles? And, of course, how much did they have to pay?
So, auditing can get rid of your BTs and DTs? Nonsense. Just like the theory behind so-called “auditing”.
There we disagree. I – and many others – got a lot out of it. Though most of it took place 30+ years ago. I wouldn’t trade a day of it for anything. But I had a different slant on auditing and it was applied very differently than back then.
It’s still talk therapy with a pair of woo-woo cans, no matter how you cut it, and that was true thirty years ago. You would have been better off talking to a shrink, and lost a lot less money.
Hi thegman77, A very wonderful 2016 to you! I agree with what you posted as to auditing 30-40+ years ago. I an not talking about sec checks but I had really bad auditors and then two really superb ones before sec checking was all that was run on me months before I finally blew. I know there are those who will laugh at my opinion totally but that is their thing. Between you and I we both knew the spirit that was Q you had him as an auditor and I had him as the most incredible friend for a short time. I can still see him mimicking some very important SO Exec as they realized it was he sitting with me and would become very smarmy with him.After the person walked away he would do the most spot on movements walk and expressions of the exec.I of course would be almost rolling on the floor. For me one time spent with him is worth any money paid to a shrink and I went that path too years ago. Not the path for me. Love U, Ann.
Thanks, Ann. I never saw that particular side of Q. But we sure laughed a lot during my sessions with him. Incredible auditor. Truly cared. You can always tell the difference. Fortunately, I only had one really bad auditor and he was so “mechanical”, I put the cans down, said “this session is over” and walked out. You should have seen the expression on his face. LOL
I valued knowing Q greatly. Would that I have had the opportunity to know him better.
I really dug your final line. I use that word a lot. Love. It really is the top of the world. I’m also an inveterate hugger. Anyone. Any time. I love you, too. You caring shows through one your every post.
I’m beyond thrilled that here in Ontario, they failed in trying to get zoning for a facility in Orangeville and are striking out in their attempts in Milton also. (Both on the outskirts of Toronto) The community meetings were well represented by rightfully concerned citizens, I’m sure in no small part due to the PR blitz from the Trois Rivière fallout and the efforts of David Love. The world has shrunk for DM and his scams, the public is getting savvy!
Maybe the “new program” includes some of COB’s new tech. Since death seems to be par for the course at Narconon, maybe DM is calling it “Graduation” instead. Exteriorization in the sauna. Then maybe throw in a new auditing process called, “DM-ART” (Assuming Room Temperature) after the sauna. Instant completion of the program. The person no longer has a drug problem (or any other problems for that matter).
All inmates get an Instant Hat on picking up a new body for their “fresh start”. And, they are provided with a map of all hospitals within a 50 mile radius.
Does anyone in any official investigative capacity have the conhonies or reason to actually follow the money?
If scientology is NOT involved with Narconon where did all the dough originate to acquire all those buildings and to pay for the technology they ply. Surely there’s a two-way flow of money on the time-track from its inception to its messy lawsuits filed against it up to and including where did the money came from to pay the lawyers defending it?
Once again the only people really winning with scientology are lawyers and security agencies, except now maybe the media is awakening from its tc and other celebrity induced seduction to see the potential newsworthiness contained within the cult’s tendrils. A slimy, money and corrupt ridden mystery of epic proportions awaits to be fully exposed with lots of egg on face to go around for all the card carrying scios funding the cult. There’s some really big juicy names in the shadows too.
One can only hope the groundswell created by Ortega, Mike, Marty, Steve and all the others with close and personal knowledge of dm and RTCs true history tips the balance of the justice scales. Maybe 2016 is the year of the demise of scientology on legal grounds. What an interesting year it will be.
If scientologists were smart enough they’d make preparations for some really bad news but they aren’t, it’ll come as a huge shock when mere wogs take down the church and they are forced underground to fight their good fight. The only self induced cleverness in the group mind of scientologists is the comfort of justification that LRH is always right, it solves everything! Like the Phoenix living among the ashes of eternity, we’ll have better luck next time hey?
Right now, it’s tight budget, long governmental memories regarding torts, first amendment issues, and lack of witnesses willing to speak out immediately upon rescue due to current brainwashing.
So, it’s little bit by little bit and the slow wheel of justice, will some governmental agency get the nerve to actually complete an investigation. Public outrage, especially sustained, will go a long way. This last part is our job: to keep the public from being blinkered and to carry our outrage to our government.
I don’t know how they can say, with straights faces, that narconon is not scientology backed. My friend, a still in scientologist, has told me it’s a program started by scientology run by scientologists. It is well known among their public members and seems to be a badge of honor!
The new version will be 5. The one that has new contracts for both NN sudents and centers that indemnifies ABLE and anyone above the local center, shielding them from suits.
Interesting, the event schedule was only 2-4pm. Only 2 hours for such a grandiose scam, sorry, good news of expansion?
Laughter! 2FF!
A Google News search will reveal another recent smarmy press release that explains the “new” aspect is ideal-org style video kiosks have been added to the program. And the sneaky buggers are touting it as one-on-one counseling (something they have been nailed for fraudulently claiming they provide in the recent lawsuits, and most if not all instances where that claim has survived the prelim motions to dismiss the cases have now gone into mutually agreed upon settlement + voluntary dismissal status).
“Yet, they keep rolling on, pretending nothing is happening and that this is just “the squirrels howling” that is proving how successful they are.”
Didn’t Miscavige in the videos posted at Tony O the other day claim that the events leading up to the manslaughter case of Lisa McPherson “never happened” too?
When I was 16 the Church of Scientology of New York’s then Ethics Officer Sally Allerdice, for some reason, notified Narconon I was in need of their services even though I have never been addicted to drugs. I was then contacted by Narconon to come in and get handled when I was in 10th grade. A woman from Narconon called me at home and was reading me the Cal-Mag formula over the phone to apply at home. I hate to say this but “WTF?” 🙂 Today it seems people that sign up for Narconon may never live to tell anyone if anything went wrong, so Narconon leaves this task up to their families because after all who would believe a junkie? 🙂
Is “Fresh Start” your all new front group for — “The Hole”? When government agencies finally start poking their noses around Int., you can buss all of your prisoners down Hwy 79 to Warner Springs. Looks like your new half-way house for Int rejects. Have you selected rooms for Heber, Ray, Marc, and others? It will be good to have those schlubes out of your space. Have you been busy perfecting the Lisa McPherson Rundown?
BTW, are you planning to sell off the Gold Base, now that you have KDM Studios in Hollywood? Tom is selling off his So Cal real estate and heading to Florida. White Elephant Self Storage, Inc. will be sending you a low-ball offer in the near future.
It is not easy to communicate to a person who is heavily into drugs. I audited for a Narconon in the late 70’s. It was nothing short of a struggle. I should have never even tried. But what is most interesting is Miscavige would be equally as hard to audit as a heavy druggie. He actually fits the category of a “drug personality”. His obsession for power and money has no bounds and he will stop at nothing to obtain them. And to add to that he will stop at nothing to cover his ass so he can continue with his obsessive behavior. The Scn tech on contrasurvival actions means nothing to him except to use against others on his pursuit of power and money. He then uses that money to legally protect himself from being found guilty of his criminal activities (Lisa McPherson comes to mind). Most heavy druggies will stop at nothing to feed their habit. They make mistakes and run afoul of the law in their pursuit of the next high. Miscavige’s current Narconon push in light of all the problems and lawsuits can certainly be confusing to some but to me it shows his obsession for power and money. It shows he feels he is above the law and will stop at nothing to feed his “habit”. He is getting a bit sloppy with this new Narconon push and like several other things going on this will be one of those mistakes that comes back to bite him.
Make sure that there is no cell phone signal at the old Hagman place in Ojai. Some high profile entertainment or political person that you incarcerate may rat you out.
*smack my head!*
You’re right! And I shoulda known! Hadn’t thought about it.
I’m a disabled RN but I’ve had too much experience with withdrawals the required hospitalization (big secret: back then, DT’s mortality was 10-35%) and had to keep these folks in locked and monitored security rooms. You’re right. You can’t talk to them, and they don’t remember anyway.
Also right, FFT is a drug personality. I’d once gotten to a point where I could pick this out instinctively in people I meet. I once put my finger on what it was that made me think I could do so: a preponderance of using ‘artificial’ means of tripping their pleasure centers in their brains and a high frequency of doing so. For most of us, just getting work done, having a good meal, a good rest, nice conversation is all we need to feel pleasure. Drug dependents use stronger, more focused means and frequently. Including self aggrandization, bragging, putting people down, large alcoholic beverages, drugs…you get the picture.
FFT fits the bill: his expensive brandy, thievery, associating with TC, beating and demoralizing people, spending money, personal chef, security guards…again, you get the picture.
Here’s where I put my finger on as to why FFT does all this: it’s fun and feels good. He wants it ALL the time and he’s not sensible like the rest of us, who feel that moderation of the pleasure center is a GOOD thing!
If Narconon were a person I’d advise it to find the nearest bridge and jump.
Pity you can’t take your own advice
Why so Glib?
Narcolepsy, that’s a very unsporting thing to say.
So you can face the entheta?
Narc, you go first.
Who are you talking to?
You ain’t no Muslim, bruv.
Someone got up this morning and put their cranky pants on.
what is the beef, Narco?
No reply necessary, let’s just call it… a rhetorical Q.
as your supply of dignity is rather limited and speaking has this tendency to drain the remainder.
I find it both curious and disgusting this tendancy scientologists have to advise that people (actual people, not anthropomorphized, evil organizations) commit suicide.
It’s as if it was something they are explicitely taught to exploit a person’s weaknesses in the most despicable and damaging way possible. You know, like sociopaths.
And you call yourselves “ethical”. Ethics my ass. You should be kept away from polite society.
It’s not only unethical it is against the law to promote suicide in any way.
Hi Kemist, Your post really does occur. Thank you. Many years ago an Intel individual who at the time was in charge of my situation, got pissed that I would not agree to being a rock slamming DB etc. so he said, why don’t you just go and do the R2.45 Rundown? So I said sir I know what that is and if does happen to me it will be murder. He was not a happy camper with me. I still do not see why scions go there when challenged either.Love, Ann.
The problem is Ye Old Cult within a Cult within a Cult.
Start with the Narconon location and work backwards
by following the money.You get Friends of Narconon,
then ABLE,then the Scientology command lines
and then David Miscavige.
Normally I have snarky or low brow things to say
at this point but to honor the dead , sexually abused
and further addicted but choose instead a minute of silence and prayer
Hi Jose Chung, Thank you. I send my prayer up and out to honor all who have crossed paths in the deep woods with Scientology and were promised as with joining Sea Org that Scientology had the only map out.Wrong map and very bad directions on it Love, Ann.
Scientology = Deviousness Knows No Bounds.
What confounds me is no governmental organization seems see through it all and take some action.
seems TO see (blushing)
I am pretty sure that all or most government organizations see through this. But the cos is so diabolical, so covert, so slippery, so corrupt, so evil, such liars, so litigious that they do not want to touch them. At least so far. Such legal battles are too draining of time, people and money. Many governments have experienced legal actions with them, and know what kind of beast they are. I think the governments have left it up to the general public to bring them down. I think DM and his goons will succumb sooner or later.
Governments don’t have very clean hands to deal with dirt like scientology. It’s a messy system but I’m ever hopeful a Capone like demise awaits miscavige real soon.
I do like nice surprises though!
French courts won against them to such an extent that the European Court of Human Rights dismissed the cult’s howling about religious persecution. Too bad the Russians are so heavy handed and don’t follow the example. Miscavige and his goons will sink maybe one day, but they have quite a heap of cash to slow the process in the meantime.
One of my houses is in the vicinity of Warner Springs. They had new paint colors on some of the buildings when I drove past a few weeks ago. I’ll take another look soon and put some photos up on Tony’s blog.
The “new program introduction” is that they’re scrapping the Narconon name and calling it something else, maybe just “Fresh Start,” which sounds like the name of a chain of salad bars.
Of course, this flyer is proof for some future lawsuit that it is the same shit packaged up differently but is still tied to Scientology, since it mentions Narconon at the top. These people are worse than Wile E. Coyote for cooking up schemes that backfire with comic ineptitude.
Hi John P Capialist, I was a little down today and then I saw your suburb take on Fresh Start, and it does sound like a chain of salad bars! No wonder as letter reg I was not allowed to see letters from Narcanons, Criminons or prisoners. That was all fine with me because I was drowning in answering the stuff I already had. Now from your post I see why that was. Sci says Narcanon is not part of the cult, but of course it is. They get the triple gold medal for mastering their fine art of lies! Always, Ann.
Hi John P Capitalist, Sorry my fingers won’t type correctly today. Ann.
I sympathize, Ann. My fingers conspire with my iPad against me on occasion. Especially on cold days, when my patience is at low tide( I’ve RA).
Have you ever put your fingers and iPad in to condition of ‘treason’. Lol!
Hi James Morris, It is good to meet you. I understand RA in that it is not easy. Well I have terrible osteoporosis which I now get a twice yearly injection for and yes purple hands and feet. I know now I cannot stand super cold Boston, Mass winters I grew up with. Probably why hubby and I ended up in Baton Rouge LA 20 years ago! Never thought we would be here that long!But I have to say the more the body does strange things in my 64th year, hopefully the more the spirit will shine. Actually since even after all the years yup those conditions sure come in handy when handling my IPad. We have a love-hate relationship and I have put her in Treason a bunch of times.Laughter! Always, Ann.
Ann, contact me at thegman at gmail. com Might have some help for the condition.
Isn’t Acme Co.,one of Dave’s front groups, listed on the NASDAQ? His failed technology has been milking Wile E. for decades, right?
Coyote tech? oh my…
Well he’s got to have a video to show in the sectors section of the New Years debacle (I mean event) to convince the sheeple they’re doing great.
So that in his close he can hard sell and give ammunitiin to the reges, no wonder attendace is “downward expanding”