A few things to unpack here.
First, their “accomplishments” are that they “remained open.” Typically, an organization like this would be touting inflated numbers of “lives saved from drugs” — clearly, they had virtually none. Instead, they announce the “success” of their podcast? 194 episodes for 250,000 downloads over 3 years? This is impressive? I think not. Now that I know something about the podcast world, this is virtually nothing. Fair Game podcast exceeded those download numbers the first week on the air.
But, let’s not stop there. They put out 16 “stellar, informative” newsletters (like the one you are reading above). This is an accomplishment?
They just had to drop some names — and of course, Pam Bondi is right up there given her prominence in the Trump administration. Want to keep putting her name out as a supporter of all things scientology. She is not uninformed about scientology — apparently they have offered or promised her something she wants? Marshall Faulk and Gerald Posner I have no idea about so given them the benefit of the doubt.
But, while crowing about their “accomplishments” and how they are saving the world, it turns out this tax exempt organization took MORE government handouts in the form of PPP loans — $125,000 worth. Normal Narconons charge $30,000 for their service, I suspect this one charges more. Even at those prices, they needed a bailout…
This is the entry from Tony Ortega’s blog where he listed all the scientology entities that got money.
I used to be an alcoholic but quit on my own after my mother passed away in 1989.I just suddenly realized that my drinking helped me with absolutely nothing so I stopped.I never did drugs.And if I had a medical problem,none of my doctors ever gave me painkillers of any kind.I just had surgery several weeks ago and received no pain relief for it.I was fully awake for the entire procedure.My husband thinks that because I am so thin,my doctors are hesitant to give me anesthesia.Fortunately the surgery went well,even though I cried all through it.I congratulate all those who by shear strength of will,quit alcohol and narcotics.It is not easy.But be wary of any program supported by Scientology.For those who need help,seek out a therapist or psychiatrist with a genuine medical degree.Thank you.
On third thought, maybe this gratuitous mention of Posner’s name, in some OSA person’s wishful thinking dream, or a dream of one of the OT PR Scientologists to get Posner to do his book on Scientology, and thus count in on their statistic of trying to influence society to see right about Scientology by thinking they are getting serious reporter journalists to come take a look at Scientology and do the right thing and mention all the good that Scientology is doing in the world.
But will Posner bite and edit down the type of book he surely otherwise would write, if he were granted full access to CST/ARchives full trove of Hubbard’s private writings that aren’t public?
Of course not. Only Tony Ortega is really up on all things Scientology, and Posner, were he even to bite and be swayed to start writing his book on Scientology, would be forced to quit that book, due to the omissions in that book which would even repel him from leaving out, should Posner try to gain Scientology’s continued support for the full length of the full book project.
I wonder if Posner is considered maybe the best candidate to do a repeat of the Omar Garrison effort book that got shelved.
Anyways, the big gratuitous mention of Posner, is what sticks way way out and needs checking into.
I hope Tony Ortega asks Posner if Posner’s got an eye on still doing a book on Scientology.
Gerald Posner commented prior to 1997 that he would like to do a book on Scientology, I doubt he wishes to do so today.
In March 2030Joni Siegel interviews Gerald on her Addition Podcast, about his book “Pharma”.
I highly doubt that he will be writing a book on Scientology. (If anyone ought write another book, it’d be Tony Ortega, if you ask me, not sure there is a market for another book though.).
He sounds no way likely by this interview with Joni Siegel, of taking up Scientology.
If you scroll up to page 52, Gerald Posner says he’d love to do a book on Scientology.
Question Mike,
Would OSA have done their homework and be on guard to Posner, or is OSA clueless to what Posner might mean?
Scientology lets in wolf reporters in sheep’s clothes, time and time again.
Re Gerald Posner
I suspect if he is doing his deep research into Scientology, then he might be in his reporter buddy buddy phrase, and later he’ll move more into the cast aside from Scientology’s help phrase, later, as he researches and seeks access more and more.
There really seems to be a reporter/author “cycle of action” relationship when professional journalists writers and media first meet up with Scientology, and then at some point their access and friendly helpful relationship sours and abruptly ends.
Here’s a link to Posner saying:
“…, I would love to research a book on terrorism, about the Iranian financing of terror groups, and I would love to do a book on Scientology……”
Good luck, if he’s in progress. It’ll take a new bit of guile to win over the OSA PR people who allow him access, and who will pull the plug on helping him, when he goes against Scn in any serious way.
It’s from a “straight talk” talk of him
I did a search on Gerald Posner and read he dreams of doing a book on Scientology.
I wonder if Gerald’s participation with the people mentioned above, if this is the start or continuation of his project to do a book on Scientology.
Is Posner doing a book, or has one going, and he’s just not got it on the front burner in his life?
He loves being the standout against the grain investigative journalist author, so I wonder if he’s found a new subject, Scientology?
I read his “Case Closed” book, and he was willing to take on that whole conspiracy genre.
I wonder if Scientology whets his appetite.
It seems that the”while other businesses closed down” is admitting that cos is a business! This should be sent to the IRS
I am a recovering heroin addict and I remember when I was 16 years old I was going to a therapist who recommended narcanon to my family. Thank the universe that I was not ready to get sober at that time because after listening to the Narcanon episode on Fair Game I am certain I narrowly missed much worse than my addiction being involved with scientology in anyway. It took me a long time past then to get sober but I celebrated 6 years in September. Thank you all for all you do. Also, I heard Leah say that she liked Montana, but Wyoming is also pretty cool. Bonus: many people do not think it is a real place so coming here might be beneficial! Haha. You all are the best. Keep up the great work.
Congratulations Shelby! Six years sober is quite and accomplishment.
Thank you so much Mary ❤❤❤ Sending all my love your way. Happy New Year
An internet search of “Narconon” immediately shows its link to scn so most people would be forewarned. I guess a limited number of people or their insurance companies willing to pay $30,000 would keep the doors open.
Shelby – Keep coming back 😉
Absolutely, they would be, hopefully! I went to a sliding scale fee place that in total cost me about $3,900 and I was there in inpatient treatment for 13 months. It changed my life, and I am grateful to be here because of it. Damn psychologists, knowing what they are doing through years of evidence based research, changing my life 😂😂. I now work at the same treatment center and am going to school to become a social worker.
My story aside, these insane amounts of money are not what shows the efficacy of a treatment, it is the people whp work there that truly care.
My podcast is about getting out of scientology after 4 decades and has 30K in downloads so I guess it’s pretty crappy.
I didn’t get any PPP help, I did get a random $25 tip unexpectedly which I thought was pretty cool.
Maybe Zee Moo’s thought is accurate and 15K of them are scientologists! I can only hope. I’m focused on a few family members I hope to wake up and that they get OUT.
These narconon “newsletters” are mostly. written for cult members. The term “upstat” is the tell.
Many of the scientologists I knew were impressed with those kind of statistics. Number of newsletters, number of downloads etc. because most sciemtologists are discouraged from visiting social media sites.
And most scientologists are starved for anything that looks like good news, even if it is not important in the real world.
400 YouTube subscribers…that should tell all you need to know. Why even bother putting that out there? I’ve seen kids playing video games with more subscribers.
So let’s see if I am doing my maths right. We’ve got 272,000 total downloads of 194 ‘episodes’ for an average of 1402 downloads per ‘episode’. That 1402 download average per episode is over 3 years for an average of 467 download average per episode per year. These numbers are all rounded off and are averages. In real life some episodes may be more popular than others but for the numbers sake I’ll stick to averages as I don’t want to actually hunt down their podcast and add all the numbers. So a little better than one download a day per episode. Something an enterprising SO person can do everyday…Download one or more episodes a day.
I think stats are crashing all across the board. How can any Scientologist even trick themselves into believing they are clearing/salvaging/saving the planet? The more they fundraise the more people quietly leave through the back door.
Those 15k viewers may be a good count of every active $cientologists in this world. We don’t know how many are on Mizar 5.
I do wonder how many ‘patients’ the Ojai NarCONon has actually had over the last 3 years.
O/T. It looks like we can look forward to a new book about Scientology by Anne Hill.
My Scientology Story: How writing a book about scientology chilled me the f*** out.
* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *
Anne Hill
Recovery, Scientology, trauma
December 29, 2020
I’ve been writing my book for the better part of this pandemic-filled year. It pulls no punches on my experiences before, during, and after Scientology. It was also the hardest thing I’ve ever had to write — and I used to write up to 18 hours a day about the glories of Scientology when I was in the Sea Org, so that’s saying something!
There were some chapters that were so tough, I could only write a few sentences before having to get up and walk away. Those were the ones that took the most time. But they were also the ones I really needed to write for my mental health.
Now, I’m on the third draft of the book — editing is basically rewriting, you know — and I’ve noticed something interesting: I’ll go back through a super tough chapter and start editing it, and realize that I feel just fine as I’m reading through what I wrote. Understand, these were chapters where I would get physically ill while writing them. Now, I was just looking at them and reworking them with a detached viewpoint. No pain, no grief, no nothing.
* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *
To throw pearls to svines gives the pearls a life in the mud. Be careful to give it to professionals in Candid camera and to others in the media circus.