This is an interesting piece from the Auditor magazine, the official chronicle of all things scientology: “if it isn’t in the Auditor, it didn’t happen” is the their motto.
This is from back in the day before there was a conscious effort to distance Narconon from Scientology. Today, Narconon claims it is NOT Scientology. Scientology likewise claims all they do is “support” Narconon.
This Auditor magazine story reflects the true nature of the relationship. They are not just in the same family, they are siblings. Maybe identical twins.
Click on the image to enlarge:
Here’s a question for the CoS and Narconon: What is “the largest relief organization in the world” doing to help the Ontario First Nation of Attawapiskat where they have seen over 100 suicide attempts in the past 8 months and 11 this past Saturday?
“We recognize that there are serious and long-standing issues of mental health and addiction in some communities” quoted Health Canada spokesman Sean Upton as reported by CNN. Sounds like a job for a few VMs, 5000 TWtH booklets and a shitload of press releases – slaps hand to forehead – silly me, I forgot to mention they are an isolated community of 2,000 people in the Canadian north with few assets and few opportunities for photo ops.
The question remains, where is the CoS? If the “tech” was truly valid, if Narconon is “85%” effective and TWtH that instrumental in affecting change why aren’t there hordes of yellow shirts donating services?
I think we all know the answer.
So who is watching Hulu’s original show The Path? It’s a drama about a cult-ish movement The Path, with The Ladder that everyone must ascend, confidential levels (“this is 10R business, you’re an 8R”), helping people at disasters, a power-hungry pscyho charismatic leader who represents the original founder, Ignorants and Deniers, etc. It’s like Scientology with some new age and other stuff thrown in. Any ex-Scientologist will get a kick out of it and see it as a parody rather than a drama.
A grand Jury can indite a Ham Sandwhich so I’ve been told
by very good lawyers.
Whatever good luck charm narconon has should get extra polishing
and has been a part of Scientology since day one.
Ham SandWhich…Ummmmmmmmm. You know, I’ll take the sand!
Anyone who has had anything to do with Scientology over the past couple of decades, even longer knows for a fact Narconon is a Scientology enterprise. Now lawyers are involved as a matter of necessity for Scientology’s survival this sort of confusion is intentional and helps to serve their purpose in the current legal and court room climate imo. It is based on dishonesty and legal trickery and it’s kind of like, “catch me if you can,” type of arrogance.
It will eventually all fall down in a heap, especially when a precedent is set without someone being paid off or settling out of court, then the blood is in the water.
One day, hopefully soon that organisation will paint itself in a corner and the world can breath a sigh of relief as Narconon closes its doors. Then the Scientology Organisation will be fighting a more educated, better equipped enemy. The Achilles heel of Scientolog is its money, some smart lawyer will work out a way of getting it.
I hope Ryan Hanilton is reading this article. It may work his favor in the umpteen cases he has against Narconon right now.
Mark Jones is retired Marine Lt Colonel who was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross?? Marine pilots are awarded the Navy Cross. I think I smell a ‘Lron’ in action?
Aren’t the Marines technically a division of the Navy?
The Navy and the USMC are two seperate components of the Dept. of the Navy They are equal. The two senior officers of that Dept. are the CNO & the Marine Corp. Commandant. (both 4 Stars)
DFC and Navy Cross are different awards.
Marines are a division of the Navy.
That is why they get the Navy Cross. The Air Force gets the Air Force Cross.
And the Cult gives you the Double Cross. The most vicious of all crosses!
Hi OSD, Another perfect comment! Laughing all morning! XO,Annie.
Not only does the DSC stink to high heaven, byt what really waves the red flag is the Master’s from MIT. A marine with a Master’s from MIT? I don’t think so.
Sorry, that should be DFC. And, yeah, as a Marine he should have won the Navy Cross.
Why not Espiando? My uncle is a Marine Col with a Masters from MIT and a PhD.
The DFC may be (and indeed was) awarded to members of the US Army, US Navy, US Marines or even the US Coast guard.
As far as I know, the info on Jones is accurate.
“There is no connection between Narconon and Scientology the way you are characterizing it per se. Scientologists are free to recommend helpful remedies to the drug scourge that is decimating our planet. I think that’s patently clear. What you are doing is so derogatory and so offensive that I am mad, really mad. You wanted a reaction? Well, you got it buddy – right here, right now.”
Tommy ‘Two-Faced’ Davis, former Spokesperson for David Miscavige
Actually, Sleepy (I had an Uncle Sleepy), it was: “I’m angry. Real angry.” But if Tommy “The Weasel” Davis was ‘real angry’, why did that little shithead run away? Was he afraid of the BBC reporter, John Sweeney? Or, is he just a coward?
OSD: You had an Uncle Sleepy? Are you a descendant of one of Snow White’s
7 dwarves?
And I know your question about Tommy Davis is rhetorical but anyone who resorts to anger to make people back off, which is Tommy Davis’ MO, in my opinion is either so uneducated they are afraid to debate or they are a coward just basically. Just my opinion, but hey.
My uncle, Harry Conner, a ball player, got pick up by the Brooklyn Dodgers. He was so speedy around the bases, they decided to call him “Sleepy.” His career, though, did not last long as he went into the Air Force as a navigator. He got shot down over Germany and was put into a concentration camp. One day as the prisoners come out of their barracks, there were no German solderers. According to my Uncle Sleepy, the Germans got wind that Patton was coming their way and they wanted nothing to do with him.
or they are in Davie’s valence or are being coached by Davie as to what to say.
I audited for a Narconon in the late 70’s. It was in a separate location from the Org. I always found it interesting they tried to say Narconon was not Scn but hired Scn auditors to deliver Dianetics.
As additional confirmation of your premise about Narconon = Scientology, here is a sworn affidavit from Mark Jones, the retired Marine Corp pilot shown in the Auditor magazine article:
Jones is now apparently deceased and the last Scientology completion shown on “The Truth About Scientology” website for anyone named Mark Jones was in 2000.
You made that up. That never happened. Mark Jones is a bitter defrocked apostate. We’re NOT trying to distance the Co$ from Narconon just to get tax dollars and health care dollars rolling in. Oh, careful, duck, the sky is falling.
I know for a fact that mark passed away about a decade ago. So currently he is a dead s.p. i don’t think anyone is lying
An interesting post Mike has for us today. Reminds me of the old logic puzzle of what single question would you ask identical twins, one of which always lies while the other always tells the truth, in order to tell which was which. It turned out there are many questions which I’ve forgotten and which confused the hell out of me. It is also complicated by whether the lies are really the truth to the “liar” — the “if it is true for you….” LRH stuff. I hate to go through life thinking ill of my fellow humans on this planet but given the track record of scientology and the people at the top it seems almost fair to assume they are always lying.
Narconon and all the other front groups connected with Scientology do not exist, just like The Hole. Ditto, reason.
But, insanity still exists in the cult, right Sleepy?
OSD, Scientology is not a cult! It is a bona fide religion recognized by no less an august organization than the IRS. You obviously suffer from defrocked apostasosis which can be handled with 100 hours of sec checking. Cash or charge?
“Defrocked Apostastosis”. Good one 🙂
you should be put in a glass case
Either your the last of a dying breed or the only success
of completely MAD David Miscavige.
Nothing personal but are you in the Flat Earth Society
and promote the Moon Landings were Faked?
Really, Sleepy? You think surfers have money? Oh, that’s a good one! HAHAHAHAHA. We do have the waves, the sun, the breeze and living by the Pacific. But no. I’m looking for a large discarded box for the night…
“If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything.” ― Mark Twain
El Con & Scn violated this on an hourly basis. DM continued this policy from his Front Porch of Eternity.
Going into the “trash can of eternity” soon. Ron Miscavige’s book is coming May 3, and there will be an interview of him on ABC’s 20/20 May 29. Get your recorders ready, and popcorn too. It will blow the lid off that TCoE! And if you want to buy the dynamite, I mean book, go to Amazon through the link on Tony Ortega’s page, and Saint Tony will get a percentage. Hallelujah!
Interview is April 29
Nice birthday present for David Miscavige. 🙂
Yes, and Father’s Day is right around the corner. I take it li’l Davey won’t be sending Ron a card. ?
“Nice birthday present for David Miscavige”.
I had been away from scientology for over 30 years and would have stayed away from caring what happened in it forever if they hadn’t started stalking me in an attempt to “recover” me.
Once I started investigating scientology’s current state of affairs, I was amazed to see that scientology claimed no ties to narconon since when I was in, it was very common knowledge that narconon “the best thing since sliced bread” was a direct offshoot of scientology. Same way with CCHR.
It seems as though none of scientology’s social betterment programs will claim any attachment to their mother ship any more. Almost as if they are ashamed of it.
The CCHR is still trying to get some respect for its brand name in Florida and other states.
From the pr handout that satprnews published:
“According to the 2014 Annual Report of Baker Act Data prepared for the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration, over 17 percent of the 181,471 involuntary examinations in 2014 were initiated on minors. That means more than 30,000 youngsters were involuntarily committed.”
No, you lying bastards, 30k may have been examined, we don’t know how many were committed. Lying bastards who lie indeed.
The clampire is doubling down on safe pointing and influence peddling. Having rented the Florida Attorney General, Pam Bondi and having a tame congressional candidate, Dave Jolly, the clams try to sneak in the back door. This is why we have lock our houses, too many riff-raff trying to sneak in.
Yes. There is absolutely no credibility with being associated with the Church of Scientology. The Scientology Organisation proves absolutes are obtainable – it is absolutely corrupt.
Its offshoots have no choice but to distance themselves from their source. Deception and slight of hand are their only options to keep their game alive, albeit somewhat ridiculous as some fool will always be found to have their money parted from them. No offence to fools in general, I’ve had my fair share of being one, but to remain in Scientology, let alone give it money paints you as a completely gullible blind fool – a BIG one.
Bung from the Wizard of ID was a cool guy though, don’t think he’d like Scientology, then again the dwarf King does resemble Miscavige.
Off topic but I just read an article on the IRS and a new law/bill stating the IRS should recognize same sex marriage in religious groups in relation to their tax exempt status. IRS will have to enforce this law/bill in relation to allowing religions a tax exempt status. Wonder what Miscavige will do with this?
What does that have to do with Miss Cabbage? If you think that the law will force something like a Church to allow same sex marriages in their church or be stripped of tax exempt status you are taking drugs that are WAY too strong to be healthy.
Is that your way of saying you don’t agree with what I wrote? All you can basically say is that I’m a drug addict…stupid? I read what I read and commented on it. How I feel it will be enforced or not was not part of the comment. What you say is probably correct but your method of delivery leaves little to be desired. I welcome your responses to my comments sans the antagonism and references to doing drugs to an implied state of stupidity. Actually the comment was meant to possibly bring up funny scenarios on how Miscavige would handle such a law if enforced…..Wonder what Miscavige will do with this?
It’s my way of saying that a bill like that won’t survive if it dictates that to a church in the USA.
See 1st Amendment for more info.
If the IRS was enforcing the law in regards to scientology’s tax exempt status, it would have already been revoked. IMO they,will continue to look the other way until the din becomes so loud they have to take action. No change in law will fix that.
Hi Valerie, I am so with you re: your post.Way back in 79-80 I had to visit both the FBI and the IRS in Boston about my time in Sea Org etc. What a joke, the pair of agents in each case made jokes at my expense, said I was too good looking to have voluntarily joined SO I think I am just me so I could not understand that logic.They made me feel at a time when I still had unemptied KoolAid in my veins,as if I had become three years old and never went beyond 8th grade.It was pathetic.
As if they wanted me to not talk about my SO journey. Today I hope some of this would be different,but unfortunately the climate being what it is with political stuff I am still waiting to see if both agencies have any balls(Ann!) smile when it comes to shutting down this scam-cult!
You know I love your posts.xxoo Ann.
Had a horrible dark thought with that post of yours Valerie. The powers that be, that could if they wanted, dissolve Scientology by tomorrow afternoon, don’t want to. Having Scientology forced underground is not in their best interests. It would attract too much attention to legally shut the group down, Tom and John would become victims of Governmental religious harassment.
Better to keep that type of technology and its potential followers/believers/whatever, both official and unofficial in the open for all to see and eventually create by attrition, negative opinions concerning that type of “off the wall mental health & spiritual stuff.” Stick to the mainstream is their motto. More options of maintaining control and ridiculing the whole shebang if it’s in the sunlight. Sheeple is a good product and easy to fence – baaaa.
Actually, the US gov lacks the authority to “dissolve Scientology by tomorrow afternoon”. The MOST that could be done would be for the IRS to yank tax exempt status on one or more of the corps. Since that would NOT be retroactive, it would not have a huge immediate effect.
It WOULD effect donations moving forward though.
You know what he’ll do? He’ll allow same-sex weddings in orgs, then say thatthe happy couple is out-2D and require them to audit the gay away. He still won’t allow the couple to progress past Clear or qualify for Flag. And he still won’t revise Dianetics or Lie-ence Of Survival to eiliminate, quietly and without sorrow, the lines that condemn that couple to death if they don’t “raise their tone level”. And the sheeple won’t ever see the hypocrisy.
Yes I know what he will do…..he will marry Tom.
I hope they’re happy together. They certainly deserve each other.
Hi Espiando, Thank you for a excellent post on the Terror of Cos dm himself! xo Ann.
Marry Warren McShane.
McShane was the one, I think, who confirmed OT III was part of their “religion.”
Well, it is and it isn’t. Who wants to know?
Inquiring minds want to know. You gotta problem wit dat!
Oops…another truth revealed.
Narconon uses Scientology methods yet lawyers and Miscavige keep denying it, go wonder man!
HA! Narconon = Scientology! In fact, it IS scientology. And denying it won’t change one damn thing…
I think it was in 1992, I was sent, as the DSA PHX to go to William Benitez’s house to pick up a headshot for the new WIS book. I was told he was not a Scientologist. That he “didn’t know about Scientology”, and that I shouldn’t mention it. I inferred there could be a problem if I mentioned Scientology and wondered why.
I went to his house and a woman, I forget who, probably his daughter was happy to give me the picture.
I think they ended up not using it in the book though. It was this one.
Such old lies keeping on to be advertized by stupidified liars and cretinized “belivers”!! I can’t believe it!!
Believe it, Roger. The Kool-Aid is strong in the remaining stooges.
Rumor has it the Kool Aide dissolves bone tissue resulting in a bunch of spineless whiners and biters.
Gosh, Coop! Do they slither on the floor? Can we put them in Terrariums? I’d like to keep one as a pet…
The front groups are often so effective, avid adherents will deny and even revile Scientology. Nation of Islam, CCHR and Dianetics devotees will say they have nothing to do with Scientology. That’s some powerful denial and compartmentalization!
They could even read this article while holding cans with a worn Hubbard book open in their lap, and say Narconon is non-religious and not Scientology.
The front groups are powerful, seductive tentacles of Hubbardian evil.
Hi grandcletus, A powerful post.Thank you.Always,Ann.
Hi grandecletus,Sorry Siri would not spell your name.Ann.
grandeclectus, the adherents are ALREADY effectively denying, if not, as yet reviling Scientology.
Mr. Cruise has clammed up about it to the general public to the extent that interviewers are now FORBIDDEN to ask him ANYTHING about the cult. Elizabeth Moss made her religion off bounds in a recent interview. I haven’t heard a whisper about it from JT or KP. I haven’t heard any “never defend always attack” type crap from ANY cult whale or celeb for many a moon.
Someone correct me if I’ve missed something and some prominent Scn actually HAS said something, but what this refusal to discuss shouts to me is that these people have been INSTRUCTED by Der Dwarfenfeurer to keep their traps SHUTabout Scientology – BECAUSE (I think) Himself KNOWS that his brand is toxic and he doesn’t want these guys’ INCOMES harmed by association with HIM, because that would mean not only less money for him, but would open the door for these guys to leave.
In brief, I think the sounds of silence we’re hearing from the elite Big Beings in the cult are its whales, celebs and David Miscavige, crying “Uncle”.
It’s like when I was selling books for the org that we always told our stress test victims that dianetics wasn’t Scientology . This made no sense as the back of the book said that dianetics seminars were offered at churches of Scientology everywhere.
That’s because the cult makes absolutely no sense at all! It’s all just gibberish, science fiction & lies. And it’s been this way from the very beginning….
Yep. OSD speaking the truth once again. Sums it up nicely.
Remember back when we used to pretend we understood?
Yep, I certainly do. I consider myself soooooooo very lucky to have gotten out in ’82. Whew! When I was on staff, a SO contingent came to the Honolulu Mission and they sold me! I mean, I was loved bombed using nuclear weapons. They had me sold! I thought it was going to be so exciting. The she asked me if I had ever taken LSD. When I replied in the affirmative, I became a non-person instantly and she focused on someone else.
LSD. Who would have thunk it could save me from a fate far, far worse than death.
Ahhh, acid. Is there no limit to the wonders in can do OSD? (DISCLAIMER – I am not promoting, romanticizing or deifying the use of Lysergic acid diethylamide or the wondrous effects 2 hits of Green Pyramid had in 1979 at an otherwise bland Pat Travers concert)
Hi OSD, Your post is amazing.Just think you would have been a Sea Org member for one billion years and no surfing! You are one powerful being and I am thrilled you did not sign that paper.Love,Ann.
I wonder if they still give a damn about acid. Something tells me they’re longing to waive that rule, if they haven’t already.
Maybe Miscavige can find some Lost Tech on LSD in which Ron says its actually no big deal . Right! I think I’m ONTO something…
Miscavige can find some very important “Advice” which a Suppressive long ago BURIED because he/she was frantically trying to keep people from joining the Sea Org and getting the planet cleared…RIGHT!…TOO MANY PEOPLE WERE SIGNING UP, you see, and this SP couldn’t HAVE that, and HID that very important advice which would allow so many people to join…until Miscavige in his tireless efforts to save mankind, all by his lonesome, found it…Ah, grand stuff! Think of the applause, the adulation, the standing O’s he would get! Ex Acid Heads can now join the SO! Planetary Clearing is a reality in our lifetime! The time is now!
The question is, WHO could this evil SP be?
Mike, would you care to claim this honor? Marty? Karin?
Of course I’m funnin’ with y’all but the truth is if the cult waived this rule there would be plenty of senior citizens who back in the day dropped acid once or twice now all of a sudden qualified for Sea Org! I can see their faces now…”Holy Shit”…!
Hi Aqumarine, Thank you a great and funny-true post.Speaking of Narcanon, I had jury duty in the 19th Judicial Court here( State) in 2012, Federal in 2013 and now I have state again the last week of April.Oh joy can’t wait,but the Narconon Trial here is to be heard in that courthouse.I’ll let y’all know if I can dig up some good stuff.The whole jury duty process is so boring and in dear old backwards at times Louisiana the jury pay is still $15.00 a day.Still higher than my weekly Sea Org pay.I may come out of the whole week dazed and confused at least I won’t still be in “the prison of belief!”xxoo,Ann.