Here is what the hustling and bustling Nashville “ideal” org looked like at 5:30pm on Friday.
And this is the main parking lot immediately to the right of the shot above (which is the main entrance to the building — the one they show in their promo photos is at the left facing onto a highway that has no stopping or parking):
You can see the main vehicle is the “VM Van” — not out doing anything worthwhile in the community. To be fair, there were 7 other cars parked around the back of the building.
Now, here is their recent, and very puzzling promo piece:
They have photoshopped 3 floors onto the top of the building!!
As if they need more space…
Literally, there was ONE person visible anywhere in the VICINITY of this building, inside or out. And I did drive around the whole org and through the parking lot. Someone that appeared to be an older Sea Org member was standing in front of the building smoking. Probably there on a reg tour.
Not another sole anywhere to be seen…
This is “expansion” scientology style.
Ride by there all the time. Lots of lights on and no cars or people. I like to know what Celebs are at Celeb Center.
Thanks once more to Mike and His Moles – “burrowing into an org near you”.
It would be a riot to email this photoshopped pic to each of Nashville org public, and underneath:
“Win a free GAT II training package! Just tell COB, “What’s wrong with this picture?”.
OMG, still laughing, help…
Photoshop: enabling Scientology expansion since 1989. 😀
That’s funny!
That’s not photoshop. It’s a brilliant visualization of “straight up and vertical.”
Yeah … Expansion “Briefing” … uh uh … You know how you can test someone to see if they were a “never in” or if they were really on lines in Scientology? Ask them what a “briefing” is. No, it’s not any of the definitions you’ll find in the dictionary (ironic, isn’t it?)
I think all of us know by now what they mean by “briefing”, Joe: they’ll take everything from you including your briefs.
Espi, I thought that was the “debriefing”
Maybe Dave ‘Let Him Die’ Miscavige will add it into the new technical dictionary (which He will sell for exorbitant prices).
Scn. def: briefing: 1) telling a lie that you demand money for. 2) Giving a true believer a real screwing while at the same time withholding all lubricants.
The new admin dictionary must have come out already!
Not only does the COS practice alter-is, they also practice ignore-what-is.
On that link you gave to the cherch’s web site, they continually referred to “Mister” Miscavige and “Mister” Hubbard. Apparently these experts in green on white also ignore the fact that “Mister” Hubbard said in one of his policies that he did not wish the term “Mister” applied to him because the word’s derivation infers “Master”.
…But it seems that this doesn’t bother Master(bater) Dave one bit.
I like your inner Perry Mason.
You’re in fine form tonight, Esiritu!
That made me laugh out loud!
Thank you cos for calling my 90 year old parents to tell them I won a million dollars on training for some rundown and I have only been public Scio. They found my parents!!!
Cindy, there are two people named Cindy posting. Do you want to put a 2 behind your name to distinguish which one you are?
Sure, I will change to Cindy Lou- hope it works.
It worked fine… 🙂
What a coincidence? You will use “Lou” after your name and my middle name is “Louise” and I have often gone by Cindy Lou. Is that your middle name too? Maybe we should meet by private email since we have the same two names? Want to?
That’s funny. My middle name is Lou but my Mom and Sister have the middle name Louise. Sure, let’s meet by email or Facebook if you are on there. My email is [email protected].
Seriously, Cindy, WTF is that all about! They really called your parents? Hopefully your parents to them to fuck off (maybe using different words). So…is this supposed to intimidate you? Don’t think it will…
There are 2 Cindy’s and I am Cindy Lou or Cindy 2!
Old Surfer Dude, I was a public Scio at the Cincinnati Mission in the 70’s and was declared an SP by Brian and Barbara Wilson for throwing a book down while on course. Later I had a visit from two other Scio’s that the declare had been overturned. I said thanks but since I have already been through all this hell- I don’t care.
Several years ago I was contacted and started courses ( bad mistake) via mail/email from LA with Dan Sorreno and was on Self Analysis and THEN happened upon Jenna Miscavige’s book at the library, then I read the book by Lawrence Wright shortly after, That was it for me. I have had numerous phone calls and mailings every since from COS and the calls from all over even using the area codes of where my two children now live. I stopped answering numbers I did not have listed. Then text messages and emails.My FB had several attempted hacks but I can’t say it was Scio. I know this is small potatoes comparatively but it I still consider it harassment.
How they found my parent’s phone # since my last name is different I don’t know but why should I be surprised. Unfortunately my Dad was a bit confused and said he would pass on the message.
Thanks for asking as I realize now it was off subject but I am rather new to the blog.
Welcome to OUT, Cindy Lou. Glad you two Cindys are differentiated. Your story is interesting; I’m glad to hear that the books are having an effect and that you didn’t have to be traumatized with the “tech” and that you got out before losing too much money or having to endure one of the extortionistic style reg cycles. But you are right harassment is harassment. Hopefully it will stop soon.
The photoshopped image is a symptom of what’s called “melodrama disease” that the CoS suffers from. It’s also slightly creepy, because it reminds me of the tall, 1880’s red brick psychiatric asylum that stands in the middle of the city that I grew up in. Different architecture, but made me think of it.
If you think this fraud is brazen, it is nothing compared to the fraudulent claims the C of S makes on it’s internet sites:
_ The Volunteer Ministers Program, is the world’s largest independent relief force.
_ Under Mr. Miscavige’s stewardship, Scientology-supported social betterment and humanitarian programs have touched the lives of billions.
__ David Miscavige was a child prodigy.
__ “So forgive me for not managing the Church when it almost fell into hostile hands. It all came out all right. Why? Because real Scientologists made sure it did. My faith was justified.” L.R.H.
That real Scientologist L. Ron Hubbard spoke of was David Miscavige.
(Even though Hubbard said PLURAL ScientologistS, he was talking about David Miscavige. Hubbard never spoke of a “real Scientologist”, he spoke of real ScientologistS. His words get alter ised right there on the Church web site!)
__ Hubbard put Miscavige in charge of his personal affairs for the remainder of his life! (No wonder Dave needed the Brokers gone)
All of this,on just one page!
If one is to believe what Hubbard wrote about alter is and degraded beings, you would have to come terms with the fact that David Miscavige is a degraded being. The alter is is everywhere you see his name. The Freedom web site is nothing but alter is. The press releases are alter is. The reports they release to the public and press are alter is of facts. You find nothing but alter is coming from the Church.
Oracle, I had conceptually the same cognition as you did, phrased differently I was going to write that the only “logical” reason for the photo-shopped 3 extra floors was that Miscavige lies so much that its compulsive with him now, he can’t stop. Somewhere in SOS LRH writes that the 1.1 lies out of “some horrible, mechanical compulsion”. Honestly, what else could be the reason for these phony 3 stories, unless some hapless staff misduplicated orders about photoshopping, and did it for Nashville instead of for some other org?
Auquamarine, Nicole Kidman lives in Nashville. Whoever did the piece may have been thinking about her. The building clearly got an erection.
Oracle, I looked at those three photo shopped floors as more like a blow up air doll. They don’t get mad if you can’t get an erection.
They can’t even put a picture of this Org in Nashville with out alter ising it!
Soory for typo, should read They can’t even publush a picture of this Org in Nashville with out alter ising it!
I think I just had a cognition.
Golden Age of Tech, a total alter is.
I mean, Miscavige alter ises his own alter is! People keep trying to keep up with the alter is. He manufactures it at such a rapid rate…….. He think people can’t keep up with him. Yeah well,if he could stop alter ising for two minutes MAYBE! How long was OT8 released before he alter ised it? The books, the tapes, the checksheets, the Org Board, the berthing, his staff, his stories. People been led around by this little DB!
You don’t think it because you think of DB’s as being slow moving little mother f*&$%^s, but they can move fast!
Turned registrars into beggars! Turned OT’s into SP’s. Got OT’s doing objectives and inverted the whole bridge! That is one alter ising little mother f*^&%r!
I’ve read this load of dung for a long time. I can see David Miscavige writing this; he’s such a prodigy.
Here’s my question: What’s with the hands on the podium?! All the time! Hands on the podium. And everyone that speaks I believe must be instructed, “Keep your hands on the podium.” AAAAHHHHHHhhh!
It is so stilted and unnatural. Geez.
Message to Sheeple: Come unglued from the podium! Move! Wave your hands around when you talk! It’ll look way better than looking like you’re stuck to the podium.
If you leave this freaking church I promise you, you will become animated again – inside and out.
For you OSAbots it may take more time, but it will happen; life will come back.
Dave, stay stuck to the podium.
Oracle, I am so tracking with you on all your cogs here! He simply cannot stop. Obsessive change, obsessive alter is. He’s completely nuts!
Oh, but Portland is booming!
CCN also serves parts of Kentucky too. My kids report their mom, (my ex,) still attends there on weekends. So if any of ya’ll taking parking lot snap shots, look for a Honda Civic with KY plates noting “Hopkins” County.
If there is any interest in doing a friendly picket/protest there, contact me through FaceBook.
Also some Tennessee/$cientology trivia…. The filming location for THE BRIDGE was just down the road in Memphis, TN.
I have watched “The Bridge” a number of times. I really like it.
Should have my daughter go check that out and take pics.
Looks like the whole building is photoshopping.
Just occurred to me that Scientology itself is completely photoshopped. There is nothing real anymore. All smoke and mirrors.
Funny. We have a catholic church down the road from us. They raised 3 million, built a church which has 3000 people every sunday and cannot cope with demand. This probably cost 10 million and its a morgue.
I smoked for 40 years. One book (The Easy Way to Stop Smoking) by Allan Carr was the best book I ever read. The author tells you on the first page to smoke a lot while reading his book. When I saw that I was sold on him. I’m now promoting his book along with Sir Richard Branson, Ashton Kutcher, and many others.
Opps… Misspelled first name: it’s Allen Carr. A British chap.
Thanks! I will read it.
🙂 Awesome.
And they are going to photoshop more floors onto the Nashville building upwards to infinity! They have the little upward arrows and the infinity sign there to let us know that.
Hey Al! Are the members going to have to have fund raising events for the 3 top fake floors? Would the fund raising be fake? OMG!!! A deep and disturbing thought just occurred to me! What if they just keep on adding fake floors! As many as they want! It just would be never ending fund raising. Fake or otherwise…
Yes OSD. That is correct. Fake floors are cheaper than real ones. And fake floors to infinity is the new game. It’s called Ideal Fake Floors. Better than real ones. And no extra charge. Just a few million per floor. And a fake ribbon is used at the grand opening. Just photoshop the fake ribbon and photoshop COB giving it a yank. Viola. Hip Hip….
What Scientology lacks in Super Powers they overcompensate for with Shooper Powers.
And Austin Powers too…
This photoshopped building looks like a ginger bread house gone mad . Ridiculous looking , out of proportion.
Ginger bread house gone mad. LAUGHTER!
Dave is doing a fabulous job handling P.R. since he had to take over from Mike Rinder. This is one of his latest word of mouth products. Scientology featured on the Young Turks show. “It isn’t a fly by night cult!”
This pretty well sums up the current word of mouth about Scientology.
TO, thanks for the link! They just eviscerate the cult.
All of you bitter defrocked apostates on the fringes of the Internet are religious bigots who are spreading lies about the World’s Fastest Growing Religion.
The reason that the building was entirely vacant when you stopped by and started snapping pictures is that everyone was across town at a gala celebration of expansion at the Nashville Celebrity Centre. And when you drove over to the Celebrity Centre a half hour later, the event had broken up and everyone was all back on post at the Nashville Ideal Org.
You people have been squirreling all the standard tech we’re delivering with the Golden Age of Tech Phase II for so long that you have completely forgotten about the “why.” In this case, the “why” of our deserted building was obviously due completely to our unprecedented expansion.
Karin Pouw
Except Karin, I think you forgot that CCN Nashville IS the ideal org Nashville. There is only one scientology org in Tennessee and it also serves Arkansas, Mississippi and Alabama…
“Clearing the South…. never.”
Scientology will never take over the South, I’m in Louisiana and have never heard one good thing about it, EVER.
I do know a few crew members who work in the movie industry, and heard the never ending jokes about the Scientology brochures that were continuously passed out on the set of a Tom Cruise movie that was filming in Baton Rouge a few years ago. It was a good laugh for everyone.
Nobody wanted those stupid brochures
The South will never be taken over by Scientology.
I know someone who walked into this building, took pictures of the empty bookstore, etc and was never greeted by anyone for the five minutes he was there.
That van has been in the same spot for at least 6 months!
That’s because the victims of natural disasters make their own way to the van to get a copy of WTH. They have a speaker and a soundtrack from an ice cream truck, and it sits there and plays music to attract those in need of a booklet. Distribution is straight up and vertical. 0 last year. One this year.
From zero to 1!!! Seriously??? Whoa! These folks are REALLY on a roll. Torrid pace. Exhaustion must be prevalent. Poor souls….
Ha! I was there a year and a half ago. It was in the same exact spot then too. It looked like the tires had flat spots worn into them.
If it’s like most org parking lots, there are always some junkers that aren’t going to move without the assistance of a tow truck. No one is hassling people to move them because they make the place look busy (at first glance) and it’s not as if it’s hard to find a spot.
wow, is that an ideal void building ready to be resold after slaves work?
The fake 3 floors added to the promo is only the tip of the iceberg of lies.
Do those fake floors have fake staff? Fake stats? Fake food? Fake cogs? Is it all just a fig newton of our imaginations?
But what I’m REALLY confused about, Jose, is your statement that the fake 3 floors added to the promo is only the tip of the iceberg. You mean to tell me they’re hiding an iceberg in that two story building with the 3 fake floors? Is the iceberg fake too? Man, you’re blowing my mind. Why I just…ahhhhhh…my bad! Didn’t see the word “lies.”
It’s the first lie that’s bait to reel in public that more lie’s can be run on them
without blow back or fallout from David Miscavige. The product is lots of money
in Davey’s offshore Bank accounts. TR- L is where you drill telling lies flawlessly
and convincingly. Start with promo that is exaggerated with a few extra floors
and whoever shows up is ripe for more lies.
You will never see promo saying ” Come in to be lied too” But buildings with photo shopped
floors you will. The ice berg analogy was just that, from experience of being Scientology Staff
I can say there are lie’s that when there is one, there is two, and three, and four and so on
till you get to the COB.
So…I can sum this up as the: Church of Big Fat Unbelievable Fucking Lies. More lies than you’ve ever seen in your life. Layers upon layers of lies. Lies so insidious, you don’t see them coming. In other words, paradise for David “Let Him Die Miscavige.
How’d I do, Jose?
Not bad but not completely all lies. LRH did discover the tech that gets at the truth of the human condition.Unfortunately the thirst for money and power of David Miscavige
has moved the good to the back seat of the bus. Status and huge trophies have replaced tech . This where the lies are, all in the name of money.
Jose, that little clown dwarf hasn’t picked up the cans in, what, 17 years now? He has no need for auditing nor training. His one sole need is to dominate his subjects and become fabulously wealthy. St. Hell not even offering the St. Hell Special Briefing Course. Telling members they’re not really clear and must do the purif, student hat and objectives all over again. David “Let Him Die, Miscavige, is really the anti-scientologist. He has no interest in the tech at all, Jose.
Sorry, Jose, but I have a hard time rationalizing the phrase “the truth of the human condition” with OT3. Can you do so?
Basic on the chain of lies for the cult is perhaps this one ….. IMHO of course!
” LRH did discover the tech that gets at the truth of the human condition.”
Yo Dave(let em die),
What else have you got to sell that does not work?
Does anybody know if Shawn Bester is still the E.D. there, or moved on?
I didn’t meet anyone named Shawn on my tour…..if that helps. I was there on 5 occasions and mostly dealt with a lady named Margo. She was routed to ny apparently.
Tom, Shawn Bester left long ago, probably right after your declare. There isn’t anybody left from that era.
Well, their expansion is supposed to be “straight up and vertical”… Quite literally, in this case!
And to be fair, expansion that only exists on a computer screen is par for the course in the Co$ these days
The Nashville Celeb. Ctr. is where I got my 1st SP declare in Oct. 1993. It’s odd that 23 years later, I live only 2+ hours from there.
Straight flat and horizontal.
Also thinking the Church of Scientology is never going to make it onto Forbes list of America’s Best Employers:
With a small tilt towards the dirt going under ground…
Hmmmmm. Is there such a thing as “negative stats?”
That photoshop is hysterical. Can we sat “desperate and delusional”?
Can’t wait for the photoshopped St Hill Castle; multi-level castles!
Well, I certainly can. Here we go: DESPERATE & DELUSIONAL ON STEROIDS! Nothing reality based. It’s all make believe. It’s the same as what we did as kids when we would make up games to play. This cult makes up shit to do and thinks is actually real. Whew! Soooooo very glad I got out in ’82.
What the hell are the 3 floors for. The dilusional insanity is astonishing,I can’t believe I heard Kirsty alley actually say to Howard stern there are millions and expanding. How can these logical seeming inteligent ppl. Not see what’s in front of there friggen faces? Wasn’t she friends with Mimi,didn’t she see how evil they can be to people she loves?. Makes me sick these ppl think absolute conditional love even for there own children they birthed will save the planet. How,you hate your own babies,nevermind sad,hurt strangers.
From the F.B.I.’s web site:
Pressured to buy something or give information without time to think it through;
Above is one of the lines from your link. Scientology is very good about pressuring one to buy something via credit card (often maxed out) without time to think it through. Thanks for posting the link–good information.
Oh, yes that too. I meant to post this link too:
“Mass Marketing Fraud is defined as fraud committed via mass communication media using the telephone, mail, and the Internet. Provisions under the criminal regime of the Competition Act prohibit materially false or misleading representations made knowingly or recklessly, deceptive telemarketing and deceptive prize notices.
False or Misleading Representations
Under its criminal regime, the Competition Act, prohibits knowingly or recklessly making, or permitting the making of, a representation to the public, in any form what ever, that is false or misleading in a material respect.”
Mass marketing fraud is when you receive an uninvited contact by email, letter, phone or adverts, making false promises to con you out of money.
Mass marketing scams are also known as consumer frauds. They could involve:
Someone pretending to sell something they don’t have.
The fraudster takes your money without giving anything in return for it.
A fraudster supplying goods or services which are of a lower quality than those paid for, or failing to supply the goods and service bought altogether.
Someone trying to persuade you to buy something you don’t really want using oppressive marketing or sales techniques.
The FCC (Federal Communications Commission) is charged with regulating interstate and international communications by radio, television, wire, satellite and cable. So if this was sent out via email, to anyone, this would be under their jurisdiction.
Seems to be directed towards Narconon, eh? 🙂
Mass Marketing Fraud. Lord have mercy!
I love seeing the actual evidence of expansion. Appears the public is “staying away in droves.”
I can’t believe that none of you seem to understand why they need twice as much (empty) square footage in that building. The name of the state produced by OT IX is called “Orders of Magnitude.” That means that when OT IX is released, Orgs will be flooded with public. Between OT IX & X and the scientology broadcasting network (pointless building), scientology will have more public coming in than ever before (super power and GAT 2 were also supposed to do this, but they need the other missing pieces of the planetary clearing formula to be in). It’s imperative that this and all Orgs are fully Ideal because “the only thing we can be upbraided for is no results” (KSW #1) and that is what will happen if Orgs cannot handle the demand from the flood of new public.
We must HAVE the Orgs BEFORE we can DO anything but fundraise (hypocrisy), says scientology from the top-down. And it’s also essential that they also HAVE more space before they DO anything that can serve as evidence to all of scientology’s claims. Why do so many OTs die of cancer when LRH has said how to handle it? Why are so many OTs hypochondriacs who get involved in all kinds of health fads instead of just “handling it with auditing” if it works such miracles? These questions about claims made in scientology scripture cannot be answered, but scientologists are expected to keep giving everything they have to achieve another one of their unfounded claims (as the Ideal Org strategy shows less and less hope of expansion or planetary clearing).
LRH definitely knew the power of the R in ARC being about agreement. That’s why people in the bubble don’t think or question and just follow it blindly – “everyone” agrees. And one thing everyone in the bubble agrees with is that it’ll be awesome to get that cumulative stat of “Empty Square Footage” up into a new range (and of course if someone DOESN’T agree with hoarding more empty real estate, having to pay for it through literally endless fundraising AND have so much time, staff & public man-power, energy and money spent on all this empty square footage, AND if they say in an effort to problem solve, that maybe there’s something about the program that needs to be fixed because the Ideal Orgs are empty, then of course they are disaffected).
I really do hope that cumulative stat figure of scientology owned empty square footage gets mentioned at the next event, where the “chairman” will also tell us about the amount of CDs manufactured (why?) at Bridge and the amount of pages of print media where scientology was mentioned u̶n̶favorably this year. Note: parts of this post are the sole property of Scientology’s party line and are communicated when soliciting donations.
Your comment brought to mind a snapshot of the near future. DM standing in the big tent in East Grinstead with 20 foot screens, phallic symbols all around, ear splitting “music” – and about 50 people sitting in front of him. “…And if you think 2020 was stratospheric out-of-this-world expansion, 2021 will shake the rafters of the universe and, notwithstanding the hitherto unparalleled …” etc etc.
Good to see the staff are still busy doing what hey do best, taking smoke breaks. Nothing clears the planet like cigarettes.
Perhaps that lowly SeaOrg officer is smoking to “channel” Davey Miscarriage’s insight and charisma? After all, DM is a chain smoker himself (chain smoking must be part of the highest OT level regimen, not known to others…after you clear your lungs running around a pole…the next step in the grand bridge is to light up and feel the “insight” of higher OT SooperPowers expand within you)
When I was on staff in Hawai’i, EVERYBODY smoked! AND, they all smoked Kools menthol just like Hubbard.
From Kools to kool-aid was only a short step.
Too funny…touche’
There ist someone wrong with the picture. It Looks like it was made that way with fully Intentions. See this arrows? Why You Do not Post the whole flyer? Lets see the written text to it. Hey, i am not a friend of Sc, they lied to many times to me, and i would hate to find out, that it is the same in here.
Well now, LRH did say that “smoking doesn’t cause cancer Not smoking enough causes cancer.” Maybe its a way of thinning the herd…
Good one, OSD! I can’t believe they would photo-shop 3 stories on top of the building. Don’t they know that this is so easy to prove it was photo shopped? Don’t they think ahead on these things? It just makes them look so much worse to have them caught in that photo shopped lie.
Cindy, they don’t know because the Kool-Aid is strong in these people. It’s what they live on…
I find it interesting that the primary past time for staff and seaogres is smoking. The fenced lot across the side street from soopah powah is a smoking corral, with herds of them out there for their allotted breaks. That and coffee is all they’ve got.
But the ironic part is they have to smoke outside the only buildings left in America equipped with ashtrays to yell at, but not use.
@ ‘But the ironic part is they have to smoke outside the only buildings left in America equipped with ashtrays to yell at, but not use’. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
First of all, Hi to everyone, and a big thanks to Mike Rinder for the blog. This is my first message here, but I have been reading/lurking along for a while.
Never been a scientologist, but I have been studying and investigating it for some years (I hold a Ph.D in History of Religions).
I am currently living in Copenhagen, Denmark and I am experiencing almost the opposite of this post. Here in Copenhagen the church has a AOSH, New Era publication HQ, CLO EU and I very often bump in to Scientologist on the streets downtown, selling books, offering personality tests etc. And Denmark is a tiny country with only about 5 million people.
I have visited the AOSH several times (mostly the bookstore) and there are always tons of people in and around the building. So when I read about big empty scientologybuildings, it’s sounds almost exotic.
(The Copenhagen Ideal Org is a different story. The building as been standing abandoned for years)
Well, there is an obvious explanation to all this. The times I have visited AOSH in Copenhagen, almost nobody there speaks danish. English is the language for everyone speak (English with heavy eastern european accents). And there are tons of Sea Orgs all over the place.
I have tried to get a fair view of how many actual members there are in Denmark. Judging by the activities and how often I met scientologist, there should be lots of them. The church says it has 4000 members in Denmark. The scholars say 300-400.
I was thinking if there could be a bigger plan behind this. Taking the smallest country in Northern Europe, placing AOSH, New ERA, CLO EU etc, and practically flooding the place with Sea Org from eastern Europe and creating an image that Denmark is Scientology-land, even though the church always have had a terrible reputation here.
The last time I was at AOLA in April, 2014 there were a fair number of public around, waiting for service, going into session, etc. It makes sense because the public at the higher levels of the bridge logically are the most dedicated and have the most invested in continuing.
I don’t know if you follow the Underground Bunker, but apparently there’s a Danish documentary in the works about CoS both domestically(in Denmark) and abroad. Here’s a link about an encounter the director and crew had at the Int Base earlier this year.
@Jenni. Yes, that would make good sense.
@Dark Avenger. Thanks for the info. I wasn’t aware there was a new danish documentary in the works. I can see it involves Robert Dam, who is probably the most famous ex-scientologist in Denmark. His book has received good reviews. It will be interesting to see who is making the documentary and how it will be broadcast.
There has been a higher public interest in ex-scientologists here. Robert Dams book is still selling and being mentioned in newspapers. Last month there was a long article in one of the biggest newspapers about a young woman who had left (it was mostly about how much money she had lost) and not long ago there was a tv-show where viewer could call in and ask a former member anything about his experiences in the church.
And actually today, one of the government run public service tv-channels is showing the HBO documentary ‘Going Clear’.
So there is actually pretty much room here for ex-members and critics to share their view.
But the timing is not very good. Election year and the only religious topics that really get noticed is the anti-islamic propaganda.
Back on topic. How bad is the Ideal org situation? Anyone know the current status of the Copenhagen Ideal Org?
If there is need for pictures, I could easily take some.
“Nothing clears the planet like cigarettes.”