It’s Hubbard v. Farrkhan.
In the world of fringe beliefs this is King Kong v. Godzilla.
Who will come out on top?
Louis is making a concerted effort to get the upper hand.
For the “KSW” scientologists of the world, this must really rankle.
Calypso Louis is taking credit for “giving” the NOI “The Supreme Technology (Dianetic Auditing)”…
Not acknowledging or attributing Source is a serious crime in the fundamentalist world of scientology. It just highlights once again how bizarre this marriage is.
Under normal circumstances this would be a “Matter of RTC concern.”
Here are some of the listed scientology “Crimes” and “High Crimes” contained in the Introduction to Scientology Ethics book:
Under the normal scientology interpretation of these statements, Farrakhan is guilty without doubt of every one of the highlighted Crimes and High Crimes.
You can be 100% guaranteed that if a former scientologist put out an announcement saying “David Mayo/Bill Robertson/Jack Horner (or any of many famous “squirrels” subjected to Fair Game by scientology) has given us the Supreme Technology (Dianetic auditing)” they would be hounded, threatened, sued and intimidated into ending their “squirrel” activities with the full force of the organization.
Failing to adequately acknowledge “Source” in scientology is a huge crime.
Apparently what is happening with the Nation of Islam is NOT being shared with the sheeple inside the bubble. They only hear the “good news” Miscavige wants them to hear. Real scientologists would be aghast at this poster. Perhaps they have been so subverted at this point that they would even justify and explain this away, but then scientology in fact no longer consists of actual scientologists, just pretenders. Because in the world of scientology this is blatant blasphemy — the exact thing RTC was created to stamp out with hobnailed boots on.
“Like you, I am down with the basic guiding – light principles and values such as acting with compassion, love, patience, generosity, enlightened awareness, etc.”
Beautifully said! And thank you for attributing this kind of beautiful effort to me. I try. I don’t want to hate. Sometimes it grips me for a while…possesses me, kind of. The anger, the hate…sometimes it takes some time and effort to purge it out and just happy and calm again. Not agreement, mind you. Not necessarily agreement. But understanding is important, essential to me. Once i understand, I don’t have to hate anybody. It just dissolves. That’s why I try hard to understand – so I don’t have to hate. Hard to explain! Anyway, thanks again for saying that beautiful thing. You made my day!
The above comment got posted on the top of the page but it was meant as a another reply to Mark’s post somewhat below.
homunculus[ huh-muhng-kyuh-luh s, hoh- ]SHOW IPA
noun, plural ho·mun·cu·li [huh-muhng-kyuh-lahy, hoh-] .
1. an artificially made dwarf, supposedly produced in a flask by an alchemist.
2. a fully formed, miniature human body believed, according to some medical theories of the 16th and 17th centuries, to be contained in the spermatozoon.
3. a diminutive human being.
4. the human fetus.
oops – this belongs at the bottom of the page below Mark’s comment
When and if the NOI gets enough of its own people trained in scientology it could break free of the CofS and set up its own NOI/Scientology centers. It won’t happen soon because of the price of scientology but it might be a part of a master plan if there is one.
Brief Rant/Reminder:
You may find some dabblers, casual members, or ” under the radar ” members who do NOT buy into the whole cult enchilada, but…the above statement DOES apply to dedicated, hardcore members ” in good standing “. Per the Tilden Turd, if you’re a true scientologist, you are 100% on board, meaning you abide by KSW policy; you OBEY ALL of the policies, rules, ethics stipulations, etc. Which means you actively( more or less ) co-sign, endorse, and participate in the fuckery, fraud, and criminality that are essential activities of the “church”.
To make it personal: as a staff member, I was a member of an abusive, fraudulent, criminal organization. I was an active participant in the cult’s fuckery when I , as a
” director of technical services ” , made sure people ” were sessionable ” for their e-meter seances/ cult hypnosis appointments. I sold the scam. I enabled it. I “assisted” people in remaining duped, deluded, and conned. Sure, I didn’t really, fully understand what I was doing at that time, but I had an inkling that something was off about it and ignored and suppressed that intuution for over a year…and continued to participate in the charade. That’s STILL a tough reality to face, eight and a half years out of the cult…
Respectfully, I disagree.
I do think you can parse what you believe and practice as regards Scientology.
Now – wait! NOT if you’re IN the church as a “member in good standing”.
Absolutely not, because when all is said and done the cherch won’t PERMIT a person to cherry pick – I agree, its KSW all the way, you’re not going to be permitted to be “half-minded” about Scientology.
But, as a PHILOSOPHY, its possible to cherry pick, i.e., apply this as workable, reject that as unworkable.
In fact, I’d go so far as to say that, as regards ANY religion or spiritual practice, if you EXTRACT the philosophy out – you know, just isolate bits and parts of the philosophy from its shall we say “crystallized” end product – the religion itself, with all its “musts” and “must nots”, its set procedures and practices, etc. – if you just take the original philosophy that BEGAT the religion, I think you can cherry pick and test in the laboratory of life ANY religion or practice, to considerable benefit.
For example, there’s a lot of nonsense in the Bible that I reject, at least, if I’m supposed to take it LITERALLY. A guy being turned into a pillar of salt; talking snakes. Another guy swallowed by a whale and staying in the whale’s stomach for 3 days and then coming out, whole and intact. What else…Noah’s ark, with a male and female of every species of animal/bird/etc…water walking, feeding 5 thousand people with 5 fishes and 5 loaves of bread, the Virgin Birth, and then DYING for 3 days and coming back to life.
I don’t believe ANY of this. I just don’t.
And yet, there’s a lot of wisdom in the Bible. Jesus Christ said some profoundly wise and helpful things. And look, if you don’t believe there was a Jesus Christ, that’s fine, I don’t care. Because SOMEBODY said these things! And btw, while on the subject of Jesus, who cares if he was married and had kids? Married to Mary Magdalene, maybe, with a kid or two? Who knows and who cares? Not me! I don’t know and I don’t care. It wouldn’t make some of the things he said, and which I TRY to practice, less helpful. But then, I don’t need to make GODS out of people.
Anyway I don’t want to go on too long. You get my point I’m sure.
There are things in Scientology I practice because they work. Mostly what I learned on the lower bridge. Other stuff I reject as unworkable, just plain wrong, or utter nonsense. But i like to test something first, in the laboratory of life. It really doesn’t matter to me, at this point in my life, what the stuff I’m testing is LABELED.
Ditto the Bible, both New and Old Testament. I like how the Jews don’t believe its a SIN to QUESTION anything in the Bible. I really like that and consider it very sane. Do I want to be Jewish? No. I like that in the “purity” of the Muslim faith they believe that they should do good and NOT seek a reward. Christianity in its purity ALSO believes that goodness, good works is its own reward. I like that.
I read the I Ching sometimes and I throw the coins and get hexagrams to answer questions I have sometimes (yes I admit it, I do that sometimes). Ghandi was an AMAZING man who advised a number of policies on how to overcome adversity and evil that resonate with me strongly.
Look, I’m ALL OVER THE PLACE with philosophies. Talk about “mixing practices”, right?
Well, too bad
I’m the master (mistress?) , steward (stewardess LOL) of my life so why CAN’T I pick and choose as I like?
Indeed, why can’t ANYONE do this if it works for them?
Take and use something from this philosophy, something from that one…why must I, or anyone, accept the whole, rigid, proscribed and formulated religion?
And, of course, if someone feels better when adhering solely to one religion or religious practice, well, OK, that’s fine too, you know! (Except if its Scientology where it scripture to hurt and destroy and persecute SOME people.)
Well, that’s all and I’d better stop now! If you’ve managed to read this long thing all the way thru I’d be interested in your opinion, or anyone’s opinion.
False equivalence:

Scientology as a ” philosophy ” or ” religion ” that has ” useful bits “…
It was intentionally conceived as a con to dupe, degrade, defraud, and fuck up its adherents. REVIEW the Affirmations. Hubbard lied, stole ideas that he then corrupted and toxified, and purposely created conflicting and contradictory policies and procedures to keep his slaves overwhelmed, overworked, and stuck in a never-ending chase for a non-existent weenie. Oh, and he was Buddha returned, too…Thanks, but I’ll pass on pawing through that shit pile for some semblance of “wisdom”!
Study ‘tech’: false. “Ethics”: rules of enslavement, self-betrayal, and enforced criminality. Auditing: undue influence, corrupted abreactive therapy, hypnotic routines, and ritual emotional disassociation and cognitive corruption…to erase a non-existent reactive mind and invisible body thetans…
And so on…
We disagree. It’s okay, too. Thanks for your heart-felt, articulate post, really!
Cheers, respect, and hugs!
Addendum for Aqua:
I DO hear your point about seeking knowledge and wisdom from various sources and DO agree that you are free to do that!
Personally, I’ve had my fill of narcissistic, fickle gods who demand unrelenting praise and obedience and sacrifices and other weird rituals.
Like you, I am down with the basic guiding-light principles and values such as acting with compassion, love, patience, generosity, enlightened awareness, etc.
Wow. I’m just getting notification of your posts here, Mark. You’re welcome, and thank YOU for being the caring, candid, perceptive guy you are. We could disagree to kingdom come and it wouldn’t matter because of your ability to look from other viewpoints – a quality I admire A LOT, and try, not always successfully, to emulate. Yes, we can talk honestly with one another, no worries, and as re “cheers, respect and hugs”, right back at you with that :).

I’ve had a similar line of thought. All religions have have their fairy tale aspects and individuals decide how much they take literally and how much they take figuratively. As we know, in Scn everything Elron said is supposed to be taken literally.
Here’s something an ex mentioned to me which I find interesting. It’s called Enneagram which is a “description of the nine basic personality types.” In Scn Hubbard had a lot to say about personality types.
I find Enneagram a bit interesting but having been in Scn I can see how people who are “into it” might be a bit cultish by looking at all human interaction in terms of personality types.
I’m a “Type 5” haha
The Intense, Cerebral Type: Perceptive, Innovative, Secretive, and Isolated
Hi Richard,
Yes, from your posts I’d say you’re definitely a five.
I just printed this out and showed it to my boyfriend.
“Please read this.”
He put down his newspaper, looked it over, handed it back to me with no expression, and resumed reading his paper.
I asked him, “So..what am I, in your opinion?”
“What type am I?”
He put down his paper and glanced up. “What type are you…that’s easy. You’re a Type 10.”
I said, “There is no Type 10”.
“There IS no type 10. There are NINE types. See?”, I said, shoving the list over his newspaper and in his line of vision. “See? Just nine!”
Handing me back the list and training his eye on his article again he said, “I stand corrected.”
SO…what type am I?”
“None of the above”.
“Come ON! Just off the top of your head!” I snatched the paper out of his hands.
“None of the above! You’re a Type 10!”, trying to snatch the paper back but I held it out of reach.
Laughing now, I asked, “And what is a Type !0?”
“You have to ASK? Type 10! Total Pain In The Butt! Now, give me that…” swiping the newspaper out of my hand and settling himself once more.
Me, demurely, “Thank you for your evaluation.”
Him, trying to keep a straight face, “Anytime”.
P.S. Aqua – I go with master and steward. Political and gender correctness be damned. For a million years in written language he, himself, mankind and so on has been considered gender neutral but it’s hard to get away with it these days. I need to go get the mail from my mailbox which the mailman (female) has just delivered.
Willigboro, NJ where the event is taking place is near where I live. I’ll drive over Saturday and take a look.
Google says Willingboro is a middle income 69% “Black or African-American” community of 37,000 people. Squirrel Scientology coming to a community near you soon!
Willingboro is located within an hour drive of several NJ cities and Philadelphia. Maybe a bunch of NOIs will take the drive and “get themselves some tech.”
Holy Smackdown! I’d love to see Hubbard and Farrkhan go to the mat in a no-holds-barred grudge match. I heard that MTV was planning on reviving Celebrity Death Match, their claymation (I call it Gumby-vision) series. I’d fork over pay-per-view dollars to see that.
Louis Farrakan Supports Dianetics and Scientology back in the day before he was SOURCED for the *technology*
There must be some monetary profit for miscabage iif he allows this NOI to do whatever they want.
NOI is also pocketing lots and lots of money with this dianetic auditing.
Same breed- Miscavige and Farrakhan: profit for themselves at the expense and abuse of others.
Well, at least they know they will be together in hell.
Does anyone know if there are different FSMs for any NOI doing bridge?
I heard a rumor once but wasn’t certain of it’s truth.
I believe NOI has their own FSMs such as Tony Muhammad and Sister Nayyirah Tivica Muhammad. There are others I’m sure but these two are the biggies. They both run their own seminars as well. Sis Muhammad just did a ‘Repair of the Black Family’ seminar. I have also heard that no one is to reg a NOI for anything…but I have no verified it.
I’ve heard that too, that NOI are off-limits reg-wise.
Off limits reg wise! Oh, just the dream of it!
Makes me think that if I wanted to still be in Scientology, I would change my name, and put on a bow tie and blackface.I
Of course, no more pulled pork sandwiches or carnitas tacos, but hey … to never be tagged again !
I mean REGGED agan, of course, not tagged.
Agreed, Joe. As a public and never staff or SO, to have been safe from all the crush regging would have made all the difference for me. I’d still be there. Very likely, without all the incessant demands for money I’d have been insulated within my cocoon of PretendCare and PretendLove from the staff. If I hadn’t been ever crush-regged. and with no first hand observation, I would have NEVER believed any negative stuff on the internet about Scientology! I would have thought they were crazy and/or Suppressive.
Dotey OT –Yes, NOI members doing the Bridge have different FSMs. Plus, there is a rule that they generally cannot be regged by Class V or regular Sea Org staff. They have special handlers. I say “generally” because I don’t know how resigns after completing a course are handled. However, they are not to be approached at events, etc. by regular staff.
NOI Mosques have been licensed to deliver Dianetics themselves. Scientology services have to be done in Scientology Orgs.
NOI Sister Nayyirah Tivica Muhammad is regularly a Power FSM. NOI Minister Tony Muhammad (now aka Abdul Malik Sayyid Muhammad) has been a Power FSM in the past, but not recently.
The NOI do non metered “Book One”, Dianetics The Modern Science of Mental Health style auditing. I don’t recall that being taught when I was in from 1975-1982. I wonder how they handle it if someone comes up with a past life incident. Maybe it doesn’t matter where you’ve been but it’s where you’re going that counts. The Mother Plane will be arriving soon to transport the faithful to safe have.
From the Wikipedia article on The Nation of Islam:
The Mother Plane and Ezekiel’s Wheel
Main article: Ezekiel’s Wheel
Elijah Muhammad taught his followers about a Mother Plane or Wheel, a UFO that was seen and described in the visions of the prophet Ezekiel in the “Book of Ezekiel”, in the Hebrew Bible.
Now as I looked at the living creatures, I saw a wheel on the earth beside the living creatures, one for each of the four of them. As for the appearance of the wheels and their construction: their appearance was like the gleaming of beryl. And the four had the same likeness, their appearance and construction being as it were a wheel within a wheel. When they went, they went in any of their four directions without turning as they went. And their rims were tall and awesome, and the rims of all four were full of eyes all around.
— Ezekiel 1:15–18 (ESV)
Farrakhan, commenting on his teacher’s description said the following:
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad told us of a giant Mother Plane that is made like the universe, spheres within spheres. White people call them unidentified flying objects (UFOs). Ezekiel, in the Old Testament, saw a wheel that looked like a cloud by day but a pillar of fire by night. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said that that wheel was built on the island of Nippon, which is now called Japan, by some of the Original scientists. It took $15 billion in gold at that time to build it. It is made of the toughest steel. America does not yet know the composition of the steel used to make an instrument like it. It is a circular plane, and the Bible says that it never makes turns. Because of its circular nature it can stop and travel in all directions at speeds of thousands of miles per hour. , , , etc.
Some of the NOI folks have been getting metered auditing for years. I personally witnessed the former minister of health of the NOI, Alim Muhammad, coming to the Hubbard Guidance Center of the founding church in Washington, DC, for metered auditing with black auditor Andrew Coates( yes, a black auditor ) in 2010-2011. He was regarded as a VIP and the HGC staff was reminded to reign in its usual liberal use of profanity around him.
Can’t wait until the NOIs hit OT3, Xenu and the Volcanos. LOL!
Some of them have already crossed the “Wall of Fire” and translated it into their own frame of reference. Hubbard was mistaken and the DC-8 he saw was actually the Mother Plane.

Yep, in-fucking-credible!
Some thousands of crackers have gone through the Wall of Fire and given it some credence so I suppose it’s reasonable to assume many NOI’s will do likewise. Some will bail out just like many crackers did.
Oops. Am I being politically incorrect? I should have said white folks.
Conversation (maybe) overheard, “Can the sailor talk around the Minister of Health and act like ladies and gentlemen.”
BTW Mark, I appreciate your intellectual approach. You keep me busy doing word clearing.
Whoah, Nellie!
“The Honorable Louis FARRAKHAN has given us ‘The Supreme Technology” of LIFE REPAIR????????
Holy Jumpin’ Out-KSW Xenu!!!!
Gimme an S!
Gimme a Q!
Gimme a U!
Gimme an R!
Gimme another R!
Now gimme an E!
Now gimme an L!
What’s that spell?
What’s that spell?
Lemme hear it!
Allah be praised!
Yo: All you NOI students in the Academy
Lets give a hand to Calypso Louie for the tech!
Amazing. Simply amazing!
So astounded I misspelled “squirrel”.
Umm, really sorry to point this out, but you spelled ‘squrrel’. It would seem ‘I’ didn’t want to be part of NO* or Scientolology!
No worries, you’re right.
Typos galore whenever I get emotional
“Allying Scientolog to a disrelated practice.” ‘Disrelated’ or disputed? or disgusted?
The cognitive dissonance boggles my little mind.
I concur.
Oh, hello, this corn-kernel-free piece of shit is the REAL, super-duper, VALID shit, as opposed to that turd over there with undigested bits of vegetable in it…
What in the actual FUCK…
Yikes – another variation of “poop”.
At Flag we were not allowed to read Harry Potter books because it was considered too close to mixing practices. That was because an FSO auditor used a comparison to something in the Harry Potter books when giving a success story. The fact that Miscavige is allowing the NOI to opening mix in Scientology is hard to understand.
Matt, Wow, I am just shocked that they would consider anything from Harry Potter to be mixing practices, as though a fantasy story IS a practice to begin with (ie the fantasy of Harry Potter and not the other fantacy.) So maybe this means the church believed that the powers and magic used in the fantasy book was real and doable and that it was stealing the thunder of Scn?
That’s insane.
“The fact that Miscavige is allowing the NOI to opening mix in Scientology is hard to understand.”
Anything for money. That’s what I think.
DM knows that the “tek” is bogus. Ergo he doesn’t get upset about “wrong source”.
Yup, once the semi-colon debacle was fully handled and the ‘tech’ was purified and the resultant money was raked in, it’s time to figure out how to rake in more money. Enter NOI and a ready group of new marks that don’t even have to be disseminated to. Doesn’t matter who is the “source” just so the is no interruption to the cash flow.
Agreed. I think it was our own Mike Rinder who stated that the biggest secret in Scientology is that Pope Davy isn’t a Scientologist. I’m paraphrasing here of course since I don’t have the actual quote…but it’s absolutely true.
I don’t think he’ll do a thing about the blatantly obvious squirreling going on with the NOI as long as it brings in the dough. When the heat gets bad enough and they try to usurp Scientology and I do believe they will (because of all that dough Pope Davy is rolling in) something will be done about them and then the war will be on. I don’t think that Miscavige has a clue how cut throat the NOI can be. He needs to remember Malcolm X and what happened when he spoke out against the NOI after being one of them.
Linear13, NOI has no way yo usurp scamology, the Church of. They will only accept black non-Christians in their cult. A SMALL pie in the USA indeed.
I agree that he won’t do anything about the “tek” if money is coming in as as Hubtard’s “tek” no longer delivers the beef.
I first thought that the NOI was just going to eventually take what it wanted of the “tech” and run with it once they’d learned enough, though in the last year or two there have been increasing signs of actual adoption of Scientology. But there are also apparently internal conflicts within the NOI about it, and it may remain to be seen what happens in the struggle for control after Farrakhan’s passing.
Come to think of it, this still looks as if it could lead in the direction of the NOI co-opting the “tech.” Isn’t Scientology allowing their trademarks to be diluted, such as being used on that PR piece without any attribution, so that it would be that much harder to object to the NOI going rogue on them in the future?
This is to me great news. Hubbard being thrown under the bus by the NOI. I hope the trend continues. Eventually, the Pope will need to deal with the issue and it will be ugly.
. . . throw Hubbard under the bus – laughter
Darn near a full lifetime of hard work by Mr. Hubbard and along comes the NOI and throws him under the bus. Second fiddle – who needs him?
I have been following recent events concerning TC and his son Connor. News reports suggest that Connor loves his father and the two of them travelled to London to attend some conference hosted by The Scam. The news reporter was surprised because The Rat also attended and the expectation was that he would never again appear in public because he feared getting served and he would then have to appear in court and answer questions. There are currently many lawsuits against The Scam that name him and apparently, there are several process servers who are actively trying to find him in public so that he can be served.
My guess is that if someone is served to appear in a civil court case, they must be served in the same country as the lawsuit will be held. Does anyone know if this is true? If he is served in England, would that compel him to appear in one of the many civil lawsuits he is facing in the USA? I’m just trying to understand how he can appear in public in England and seemingly have no fear of getting served while he has not appeared anywhere in the USA for quite some time now. I could be wrong about this. But that is just my guess as to why he is not afraid to appear in public in England.
I never knew that Connor (who is the adopted son of Tom Cruise and Nichol Kidman) is black. Given that so many of LRH’s writings shows flagrant contempt for people of any race other than the Caucasian race, does anyone know how it is that TC and his adopted son are able to have a seemingly good relationship and attend events hosted by The Scam when The Rat is also present?
I would have thought that would cause friction and problems. TC had no problem insisting that Nichol was declared an SP. I’d like to know how these people manage to get along given the strong prejudice held against all people of any race other than Caucasian.
Can anyone explain how they can seem to have a good relationship with each other considering that The Scam has repeatedly stated that all other races are inferior beings?
For US courts one can be served anywhere. Otherwise one could escape civil courts by simply leaving the USA.
Why the emphasis on Connor’s darker skin? Times change, so today the situation in the COS may not be the same as it was in the 50s when Hubbard was an uber-racist pretending to be the next Cecil Rhodes, savior and master of South Africa. Daddy Cruise is a Big Being second only to Miscavige, so that would protect Connor from criticism even if there were any.
Besides, we all came out of Africa, so all of us have black many-great-grandparents if we could only look far enough into the past. Any differences in white vs black features in general, such as lack of melanin, are adaptations to thousands of years living in colder climes with less sun. We are all homo sapiens. IMHO, race doesn’t exist except as a set of perceived differences invented by ancient tribal peoples to make sure “fear of the other” remained strong, because in our tribal eras fear of other tribes was a survival tactic.
Skyler is a Never In who only recently began following this blog and posting here. He’s picked up quite a bit about the cult in a short amount of time but there’s a lot that he still doesn’t know. I believe what he’s attempting to puzzle out is, given that LRH in print had racially slurred African Americans and other people of color, how or why TC’s adopted son, who is African American, is so warmly accepted by the cult and Miscavige. I don’t believe he intended to communicate any particular emphasis on the importance of skin color per se.
Skyler, the answer to why Connor Cruise is one of the cult’s fair haired boys if you’ll forgive the quip is, bluntly, money, and his father’s fame and high status within the cult and friendship with Miscavige. Also, I read somewhere that TC’s ex-wife Nicole Kidman remarked in an interview about her adopted kids that “One day that story could be told”. This triggers my Sherlock Holmes gene to posit that perhaps Connor was the inconvenient pregnancy of a Sea Org member. Or else, why not say where Connor came from? Movie stars adopt children all the time. But I digress.
I’m not a lawyer, and have never played one on TV, but my understanding is that he could be served anywhere in the world. The reason he feels so comfortable going to Stain Hill is that he gets helicoptered in and out and surrounded by security fit for a head of state. Appearing on stage at Stain Hill is the very opposite of ‘appearing in public’.
I think you are a little over the top here. Although Hubbard had a grand case of racism (see selected quotes about Chinese, Black people, taking over government of Rhodesia, et al), I don’t think it is codified in $ci policy anywhere. (All other races are inferior beings? Can you dox that in $ci policy?)
Although the demographics show a vast statistical underrepresentation of people of color in $ci, there are many prominent members including such people as Pat Harney, Michael Roberts, Alfreddy Johnson, Chili B, many staff. Tony Muhammad seems to be raking it in as a FSM and spokesman for both $ci and NOI and then there is that whole unholy alliance between $ci and NOI. Jesse Prince, who is now a SP supreme, was a right hand man near the top of the organization.
Although you seem to be late to the awareness of Connor Cruise (he is 25 years old and his color has never been a secret), I have never heard of any issue of race being a factor or contradiction in the relationship between father and son and $ci. This feels like you are just making something up out of whole cloth.
Although I can appreciate your contempt for $ci, I think that hyperbole and personalizing insults are counter productive. $ci fires enough foot bullets and practices enough abuse and idiocy that stand on its own without over the top conjecture. What they do is so outrageous and egregious that there is no need to add a layer of semi-fiction to the mix. I think that approach only diminishes legitimate criticism.
No offense to you intended here.
Hello Glen. Please do not worry about my feeling offended. For the most part, I feel embarrassed because I appear to be so ignorant of so many of the facts.
I thank you for giving me much to ponder.
You shouldn’t feel embarrassed, Skyler. Really, not at all. You’re interested and concerned and you’ve learned a lot, and you know a lot about the cult for someone who’s never been in, and its all due to your reading and posting and paying attention. That’s no small thing and it is appreciated. Btw, read up a few posts and I answered a question of yours as part of my answer to Ammo’s comment.
Yes, racism is ” codified ” in scientology; meaning, it’s in ” code “, but it’s there. It takes some minor digging, but it’s there to be found. See Hubbard’s comments about “African tribesmen” , as well as about politics and apartheid in general in South Africa during his time in what was then known as Rhodesia. Note the ” have you ever slept with a person of another race” question on one of the security checklists( Joburg? ) Note the racist comments that have been deleted from his recorded lectures and books. Note the cynical co-opting of the civil rights and anti-apartheid movements in the late 60’s and early 70’s that Hubbard engaged in from a ” protective white daddy ” viewpoint( yassah, us po’ nigras can ” take our place in the sun, too ” ). Note the history of overt racism in the South African scientology organizations then. Remember Jesse Prince’s recounting of his experiences of often being called ” nigger ” as an executive in the cult in the 70’s and 80’s. The cult culture, for lack of a better phrase, has a baked-in, generic racism. I saw and heard it when I was a staff member. That’s my take on it, anyway. As I stated earlier, the actual examples of written and spoken utterances of Hubbard, both personal and “church-related”, that are racist, are numerous.
And…any Hubbard apologist who wants to argue that his life-long racism was just a part of ” the culture of that time” can kiss my hairy, black ass!
Hubbard was a racist to some degree or, more likely he realized how bad it looked. Witness his appointment of Jessi to RTC at its formation. In any case, rank and file staff were not racist.
So…Wynski…in MY experience, a significant portion of the rank and file were racist, along a spectrum from lazy and ignorant racism to rabid, frothing racism.
Scientology has always been a predominantly white universe, with a kind of blindness to its own racism that fits into that pervasive aversion to honest self reflection that is typical in cults.
Rathbun: ” Miscavige’s whole thing was the ghetto is hip…In order to make us hip, we are going to infiltrate that sector.” That was the rue canoer’s assessment of Miscavige’s recent (last 15 years) moves into the black community.
How well does Scientology reach into African-American communities, and into (ex?) Muslims, compared to other ethnic and cultural groups? If NOI and CoS are targeting different groups then I’m sure RTC will be very happy to overlook such high crimes.
I, like several people here, know and have known many Scientologists. The people for the most part are good people trying to make the world a better place but they have fallen into the worlds biggest trap. This isn’t 1950 anymore and even though Scientologists stick to ‘Source’ for many things racism isn’t one of them. Hubbard even seemingly out grew some of his racism as the 60’s progressed after all Jessie Prince was as close to Hubbard as any living person who was with the old man in those days (he is of course a declared SP – read his book for excellent info). I am in no way sticking up for Hubbard here I’m just pointing out the obvious. Scientology as a religion is not a racist organization. Are there racist Scientologists? I’m sure there are but the group as a whole has moved with everyone else into the 21st century and wants to see racism stopped. Miscaviges whole thing with the NOI is to try and get more African Americans involved…as usual he went about it the totally wrong way but that’s a whole book into itself. To try to cherry pick certain things Hubbard said and paint everyone with that brush is disingenuous.
My whole thing with Scientology is like any religion. I don’t care if someone believes in gods, a god, an alien being, a spirit or whatever. My problem is with the ABUSES of said religions. I don’t want to see Scientology as a religion destroyed. I don’t want to see any religion destroyed as I believe we have a right to believe in whatever we want and it’s when someone starts telling people what they can and cannot believe that we get wars. I just want the ABUSES of the current administration to end.
That’s my rant. Sorry it’s a little long winded. You seem like your heart is in the right place in wanting the abuses of this organization to stop but your going in the wrong direction with the racism thing. Hubbard was an asshole. He said a lot of crazy shite that those currently in have never heard and won’t hear until they leave.
Well said, Linear 13
Thank you to everyone who replied to my post.
I didn’t understand several things and I am embarrassed to think I might have left you with the impression that I had something against Connor or people of any race other than Caucasians.
You all left me with several things well worth thinking about.
Check out my comment above.
Scientology is racist, in my opinion. The written policies and lectures
reveal numerous examples of racism. A lot of the white scientologists I dealt with in Albuquerque, L.A. , and DC were racists, often without having the slightest clue that they were. The group, historically, has been predominantly white. And note the current, generally segregated state of interaction between the NOI and the church now; it’s INTENTIONAL, and it suits both Farrakhan’s and Miscavige’s racist predilections/viewpoints.
Scientology is also “racist ” in the ” master race ” sense, referring to Homo Novi and their alleged superiority( that includes the marginalisation of
” wogs”[ a racist term in itself!]) , that Jeffrey Augustine has commented on so eloquently about…
Typo, sorry: strike off the word “about ” at the end of my comment
Mark – I always love your input on this stuff!
So to give feedback to Skyler’s OP but bearing in mind other feedback since (Thx Aqua for speaking in… a lot of people may not realize how new Skyler is to the subject because he’s learnt SO much so quickly!).
Before Connor was an adult and promoting his own DJ career, both kids kept or were made to keep fairly low-profiles. Also, until they split and then Suri was born, TC & NK actually did go to lengths for some time to shield their kids from press. (OT sidenote – anyone remember after Suri was born the rampant rumors that she didn’t exist or was secretly adopted, until Jada P-S commented on having seen her and then the big VF spread w/her pics?)
Back to subject… many of “us” white peeps do not see/experience codified racism. When it does occur in front of us, it may not be recognized as such. Jesse Prince talked a LOT about the racism he experienced, even from the old man.
I have a unique perspective in that my fam is very racially diverse and I have very typical Lithuanian coloring. However, when I’m super tan, don’t straighten my hair, I am often mistaken for a mixed-race POC as my cousins are. And it was quite an education to experience the shift in behavior depending on how my race is perceived. So, while Scientologists in general may not see, believe or practice a racist perspective in their day-to-day dealings as co$ members… ex-members who are POC have definitely reported a different experience with regards to race. Like anything, there are ignorant people who exert their own prejudices but it cannot be denied that LRH incorporated blatant racism in his writings and recordings that grant license to those who are racist to do their thing without impunity. Though that does not make every Scientologist racist by any stretch.
Similar to co$’s sexual improprieties and abuse cover-ups. While it may not be formally institutionalized for every member, it provides/creates an environment where it can propagate so certain groups will have had a vastly different experience.
And Skyler the singular rule at play here, as in all things scientology… money/celebrity changes the rules nearly always.
A very big and very special thank you to both Jennyfurr and Aqua. Your kind words meant an awful lot to me.
Thank you to everyone else as well.
God, what a relief, for me, to read J-furrr’s commentary!
Someone else gets that I’m not just ranting or being overly sensitive and paranoid, or,pardon the pun, seeing ghosts!
The phenomenon of racism in the cult was real, pr and tr’s
and kumbaya smiles notwithstanding…
Hi Mark – coming to this late but I wanted to express my agreement with you and Jenyfurr. I am also a very concerned Never In who has done a lot of reading and research, and I was struck immediately by LRon’s use of the word “Wog” to describe non-Scientologists. The word itself is inherently racist and was from the start, and to me it is an undeniable tip-off to his basic state of mind. Also, Jenyfurr is correct, most white people (like me) have little to no understanding of what it’s like to live with prejudice, both blatant and subtle, from day to day. I had my eyes opened by studying a fantastic article with my fellow teachers back in the 1990’s. It’s easy to find online – “White Privilege – Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack,” by Peggy McIntosh. Very enlightening.
Sorry to go off-topic but this one is also very, very important imop.
Briget, good points, thank you!
My sister and I were the first black kids in a middle school of roughly 600 kids in an all-white neighborhood; we were the first black family
to move there. It was quite an educational and traumatic experience. My 360° threat radar was on at all times…at 12 years old. Anyway, a few years ago, a guy that I went to that school with contacted me and, as part of an AA exercise in addressing past transgressions, wanted me to forgive hjm for calling me a ” nigger “…which I did withoit hesitation, as I was called that name so often that I forgot many of the people who spat the word at me. He also reminded me that he felt particularly bad because, previous to the name-calling incident, I had physically interrupted a person bullying him at school. Mind you, I had forgotten ALL of that…
The reality was like this: Walk down the street: ” Hey, nigger!” Go to the mall: “nigger !” Go to the fair, holding a white girl’s hand(gasp!): ” nigger!nigger lover!” That shit was routine. Normal. Standard.
People think this shit is unusual or rare; it’s not.
In scientology, it was waaay more subtle and on the down-low, but it was there…
There is something subtle but important going on in this promo, and it has been for a long time. That is the mischaracterization of “Life Repair” as Dianetics. “Life Repair” is not Dianetics. “Life Repair” is Scientology. The deliberate mischaracterization of “Life Repair” as Dianetics is part of the Church Scientology’s efforts to initially deceive Nation of Islam members into believing that they are not performing Scientology religious practices, but instead are doing “only” Dianetcs.
In any event, any attempt to draw a meaningful distinction between Dianetics and Scientology is completely without merit and disengenuous for two reasons.
First and most fundamentally, as a matter of theology, Dianetics and Scientology have been unified since the Unification Congress in 1955:
Second, and probably far more important as a practical matter, the standard “Church of Scientology Religious Services Enrollment Application, Agreement and General Release” provides, “The term “Religious Services,’ as used in this Contract, means and refers to the beliefs and practices set forth in the written and spoken words of LRH on the subjects of Dianetics and Scientology….”
“‘Life Repair’ is Scientology. The deliberate mischaracterization of “Life Repair” as Dianetics is part of the Church Scientology’s efforts to initially deceive Nation of Islam members into believing that they are not performing Scientology religious practices, but instead are doing “only” Dianetcs.”
Bingo. It’s what the church of scientology does best – lie and deceive.
Sooner or later someone will be attesting to OMVIII, Operating Muslim VIII.
A sight to behold. What a Success Story that will be.
Yes! YES! That also blew my mind! “Life Repair” is NOT Dianetics, it is SCIENTOLOGY. It is metered, Scientology auditing, sold in INTENSIVES.
That NOI promo is BEYOND squirrel! As Mike points out, can you IMAGINE if some Indie auditor or, say, Dror Center in Israel, put out that promo?
Xenu forbid, the cult would be on them like a duck on a june-bug. legally harrassing them, suing them out of existence!
MOVE OVER DAVID MISCAVIGE! The big boy is in town!
This isn’t just a huge no no, it makes why I got declared an SP look like child’s play. (Well, actually, reading the internet IS child’s play.)
This church is so full of shit these days! There is no way someone like Ben Kugler (a local scientology in good standing) could put out a poster like this for his “Relationship Course” using LRH Tech and claim to be the source of it! He would be hauled in and racked over the coals for it. But miscavige and his minions don’t have the cajones to go after Farrakhan. Farrakhan might as well declare himself the leader of the church of scientology as well as the leader of Nation of Islam.
Miscavige made a deal with the devil, or more accurately, with another devil. Now it’s coming back to bite him. He sure as hell doesn’t want run-of-the-mill vanilla clams to see this poster. It was great PR for the ailing cherch – having so many people of color drinking the “dianetics” kool aid, but Calypso Louie is making his move, and it’s got to rankle. It’s going to be interesting to see how this plays out.
My money is on NOI.
Mary — Beyond that, could you imagine the COS reaction if a Scientologist other than Louis Farrakhan, Tony Muhammad or another member of the NOI publicly said *any* of the anti-Semitic or racist crap that they have said? Instead, Tony Muhammad in particular is just invited to headline another Scientology event.
Excellent point!
KEEP shining the light on those skeezy, grinning, two-faced turds:
Alfrauddie and Tony “racist rhetoric” Muhammad.
The leadership of the NOI and COS is a cabal of hateful, heartless
hustlers. FUCK all of ’em.
I will find it extremely amusing 15 years from now if NOI is the only group left practicing Hubbards quackery.
Ha! Life is stranger than fiction, eh?
The irony meter exploded long ago…
Oh it’s a thing of beauty to see what happens when one cult tries to outsmart another cult, especially when one has more experience and backing isn’t it? My money isn’t on this turning out well for DM. I have a feeling he’s going to get bitch slapped.
“I have a feeling he’s going to get bitch slapped.” GOING TO? He Already Has Been . . . Only, he’s too Stupid to know it!
LOVE that you have posted this!
The Homunculus and The Greasy “Prophet” : The Great Grifting Fuckery Duo.
Compound Stupidity, Dynamic Delusion, and A Plethora Of Culty Hustles with these two ” master race ” groups.
In The Name of The Sebaceous Cyst, The Thinning Greasy Conk, and The Macallan-Lubricated Pompadour, may they reap what they have sown,
“The Thinning Greasy Conk, and The Macallan-Lubricated Pompadour” Love this description!
Love it! Love it! Love it! As usual Mark nails it on the HEAD!
Homunculus – interesting word
A homunculus is a representation of a small human being. Popularized in sixteenth-century alchemy and nineteenth-century fiction, it has historically referred to the creation of a miniature, fully formed human. The concept has roots in preformationism as well as earlier folklore and alchemic traditions.
There is a page named “Homunculus” on Wikipedia
so the homunculus has correspondingly large lips, hands, feet, and genitals. The motor homunculus is very similar to the sensory homunculus, but differs
18 KB (2,126 words) – 22:27, 21 September 2019
Cortical homunculus
A cortical homunculus is a distorted representation of the human body, based on a neurological “map” of the areas and proportions of the human brain dedicated
9 KB (1,158 words) – 04:19, 17 September 2019
Homunculus argument
another homunculus inside the first homunculus’s “head” or “brain” looking at this “movie”. But that raises the question of how this homunculus sees the
6 KB (880 words) – 05:53, 2 September 2019
Homunculus loxodontus
Homunculus loxodontus is a statue by Dutch artist Margriet van Breevoort (nl). It was made for the Leiden University Medical Center and installed in the
5 KB (293 words) – 00:59, 2 October 2019
Homunculus Nebula
the Homunculus is a smaller Little Homunculus, and within that a shell of shocked material from stellar winds that has been called Baby Homunculus. In
16 KB (2,155 words) – 15:26, 23 August 2019
Homunculus (film)
Homunculus is a six chapter German science fiction film directed by Otto Rippert. It was released in 1916 Olaf Fønss – Homunculus Ernst Ludwig – Prof
2 KB (89 words) – 09:08, 8 February 2019
Homunculus (disambiguation)
functioning of a system. Homunculus may also refer to: Homunculus patagonicus, a species of prehistoric New World monkeys Homunculus Nebula, a part of the
1 KB (153 words) – 18:35, 9 October 2019
and so on and so forth