In celebration of LRH’s birthday, here is something to celebrate. The clearest expression of the future for all scientologists.
There is no end in sight. Fundraising will continue until there isn’t a single person left with a dollar or asset to their name who is still “with the program.” It will be a collection of bone dry skeletons, bled dry and discarded like used kleenexes. As each person realizes they have nothing left to give or that this is in fact a game where nobody wins, they will fall away and then distance themselves completely from the insatiable maw that is corporate scientology.
Drew and Maria Robb were long time SO Members. Like many others (David Wilson springs immediately to mind) they have jumped on board the “ideal org” bandwagon to try and curry favor and erase the stigma of being “ex-SO” by handing over money and getting others to do so. But though they get smiles and glad handing when they turn over their cash, the sneers behind their backs from Miscavige and Co never go away. And when the cash dries up so do the pretensions that they are anything beyond pond scum.
These two even look like victims of a vampire attack. Their lifeblood is being drained. They look almost as bad as I did in my last days before I walked out the door.
In scientology you cannot “think in futures” because the scenario is a nightmare. Here is how it is for Flag public (and it’s no different in any other org now with the new “Alliance” plan).
1. Repeating target every day: Give us your money for the IAS (and if you want to get onto L’s or OT 7 this means Patron status and if you are already a Patron then an equivalent “donation” recently).
2. Give us your money for the SP Building — “we are on the last push” and as soon as that was over after 15 years, it became…
3. Give us your money for LRH Hall. “This is the most important dissemination activity on earth” (WTF?)
4. Meanwhile, give us your money for Tampa Ideal Org. And then the “new” Tampa Ideal Org. When that was finally done and they are in a building that nobody could EVER claim they “outgrew”…
5. Now give us your money for Atlanta Ideal Org. “This is the big push” and “we are responsible for it.”
6. Add to that give us your money for the KCET studios “the most important dissemination step in history”
7. All the while, also give us your money for WTH distribution, Give us your money to fight psych abuse and big pharma — CCHR are the champions of human rights for those abused by the mental health industry., And give us your money for “books into libraries.” And distribute WTH. And for Winter Wonderland. And the Applied Scholastics School. And our drug education booklets.
8. And when Atlanta “ideal org” is done “fundraising” the next one will be Miami. It’s part of the “Flag Alliance” — only a few more million to go.
9. Then Orlando. A lot more million, but it’s the “Flag Alliance” and you ARE responsible for everything we tell you.
10. Then Puerto Rico.
11. Then the rest of the “EUS Org Alliance” — Boston, Philly, Detroit, New Haven, Long Island, Chicago, Battle Creek, Columbus etc etc
12. If there is anyone left to hammer it will be the “US Alliance”
13. Then the “North American Alliance” including the feeble outposts in the Great White North and the mini taco stands in Mexico.
14. Once done with that it will be the “Americas Alliance”
15. Then the NATO Alliance to include Europe.
16. Then the Northern Hemisphere Alliance to cover all the rest
17. And finally the Global Alliance.
This is predicted to occur in the year 2525.
If you really gave ANY thought to this, you would come to the inevitable conclusion that there is NO HOPE of ever having a win and actually achieving anything. The ONLY sure thing in the future is that there will always be the next demand for money (and there will always be new old things for you to pay to have to do over again).
The only real question in all this is at what point are they going to be broken financially and bow out of this rat race? Before the end of Atlanta? Before the end of Miami? Orlando? Puerto Rico? How long can they keep going?
And once they are no longer today’s flavor of the month, they will be forgotten faster than the last issue of Freedom magazine.
peggy2176il says
Being a Catholic, I always thought the church had a lot of money, but maybe DM can give some money to our wonderful Pope Francis who is doing wonderful things.
I truly feel sorry for those people pictured who should be enjoying retirement, working on their bucket list, and enjoying grandchilren. Any religious that takes but does not give back support, spirituality, fellowship, friendship, strength, and the inner light and love is not worth a dime. These poor depleated souls, I feel so sorry fòr them and. I hope they wake up before they die.
The Attorney General and the IRS need to wake up and take on DM and Scientology and REVOKE TAX FREE from them and have slander, liable, fraud, medical malpractice, failure to follow state educational standards, child abuse and endangerment, and a few others I forgot and more I don’t know.
For those who are out, I am grateful as I am sure you are too. I hope you can help others out.
I can’t wait to see the HBO movie. I read this site, Tony Ortega, Torie’s youtube as well as Karen’s and read a lot and am surprised if anyone dies of old age. Stress, abuse, and consistent torture daily are not healthy habits, nor is malnutrition.
Here’s hoping the end comes sooner rather than later.
Nickname says
Very well said.
David Barbakadze says
I think you, Mike, can end the whole thing very quickly. How? Simply make the “secret” Scientology books public. And that will be it.
pedrofcuk says
Drew Robb. It couldn’t happen to a better guy. He tried to impose Sea Org punishments on me at Saint Hill when I as outer org staff. I was absolutely stunned and shocked as I had no idea of what the SO was really like and yet it wasn’t a wake up moment for me, sadly. He told me that I was a robot, only capable of responding to commands and unable to lead others or do things on my own. Then he ordered me to move a huge pile of mouldy books from one side of the Great Hall basement to the other. I asked him, what was the point of that and he glared at me aggressively, saying, do what you are told. I pondered if I was dealing with someone insane and decided to go along with it, that seemed to be the best option, asking him for overalls to protect my good suit. He got me the overalls and I moved crap for a few hours. Happy days. Drew Robb, what a great guy!
cindy says
I hope they appeal it all the way to the Supreme Court
RolandRB says
It would be too expensive for them to appeal it and I am sure the judge knew that when he made his judgment.
Espiritu says
I think that the judge wanted to get rid of a pain-in-the-butt case that wouldn’t go away.
As far as I noticed, the issue of the existence of fraud was never ruled upon. Maybe they can appeal the idea that the courts can’t evaluate religious doctrine even when there is an issue of commercial fraud. I think that may have been an oversight and an error.
It would seem that a court should be able to investigate the existence of fraud without delving into religious doctrine. In other words, was the money spent on the things that it was promised that the money would be spent on?
RolandRB says
I think that anyone wanting a refund in that situation would need to go down the path of making a criminal complaint rather than suing. Anyone who sues to get their money back is “in dispute” with another party and then the “religious contract” aspect of that “religious dispute” come into play which courts can not become involved in. But making a criminal complaint would be a different prospect, or at least I would hope so (IANAL).
Nickname says
Espiritu –
“As far as I noticed, the issue of the existence of fraud was never ruled upon.”
Friend says
read PAB 5 ..
RolandRB says
I just read the Garcia case judgment. I don’t think the Garcia’s will appeal. This sets a precedent for all the IAS big donors. By this stage, in 2015, they will have all woken up to the reality that all along, their IAS donations were almost exclusively spent on just keep the Church running on a day-to-day basis which includes feeding, clothing and berthing 6000 or so Sea Org staff plus build and equip the offices they work in. Maybe 2% was genuinely spent on actual expansion and helping people around the globe, the actual purpose it was stated for. Now that might hurt the whales’ feelings. Some of them will have gone bankrupt through excessive giving to the IAS. But after this judgment, there is NOTHING they can ever do to get their money back. They could make a criminal complaint, of couse, but I don’t think that will stick after this judgment. They gave, some of them millions, for expansion and for helping people but they were lied to. The money was used by the Church and was effectively their alternative income to compensate the loss of income from the destruction of the Tech. There is nothing they can do to get back the millions that they lost. When they look at the trophies or certificates that adorn their homes that recognise their IAS contributions then they should regard them as prizes for the dickheads they have been, donating to this scam “religion”.
RolandRB says
The quicker they are all bankrupted, the better, because then there will be no more cult.
Espiritu says
Hi Alanzo,
“It’s when you finally realize that this thing you gave your life to, that you trusted with every sacred impulse that you have, was created to destroy you.”
Thanks for posting this. I think that I finally understand why you feel the way you do about the subject. I had a very similar experience at the same location. I didn’t give in either. While, as you know, I do not agree that LRH’s tech was created with the purpose of destroying people, I do understand how one could easily come to that conclusion based on the actions of many if not most people who we trusted there. They are a bunch of degraded beings dancing a mad dance choreographed by a criminal puppeteer. They are under continual threat of losing their careers, all of their friends, and what little they have in life if they do not “follow orders”. Same with public to a large degree.
The main thing you and I do not agree about is the identity of the puppeteer and the original purpose of the tech.
But I do feel your pain, Alanzo, and I respect your response. Thank you for telling this uncomfortable truth. It needs to be told. Bless you.
JennyAtLAX says
Movie Review: “Going Clear: Scientology & the Prison of Belief”
I, JennyAtLAX, declare and state as follows:
I have known Mr. David Miscavige, the leader of Scientology Inc. (“SI”), Chairman of the Board (“COB”) of Religious Technology Center (“RTC”) for over 25 years.
I must correct a previous declaration made in 2009 by stating that, without a doubt, I have experienced and witnessed atrocities between SI and COB toward others.
After watching the Alex Gibney/HBO Films Documentary, Going Clear: Scientology & the Prison of Belief, I am beside myself with the guilt and shame of ever having had anything to do with SI and COB. This “religion” is much more than a cult; it is an evil control-mechanism. Whatever spiritual benefits that members of the Church of Scientology (“CofS”) had under its founder, L. Ron Hubbard (“LRH”), have been swept under the proverbial rug by the tyrant that is COB.
Mankind’s “confront of evil” has not been high enough; SI needs to be lassoed and hog-tied. The power that COB has been given is like the power Adolph Hitler received as the head of the Nazi Party in Germany, 1933-1945 (kudos to the present-day German government for not recognizing Scientology as a religion). Without the weapons that the Third Reich brandished in order to spread their destruction, SI has been simply allowed to run amok, all in the name of “religion.” The harm done to someone spiritually cannot be properly measured in a science lab. Generations of mankind have been, are being and will be enslaved by SI and COB unless someone in authority steps in and gives a firm “That’s it!” to their antics.
I can’t stay in “The Hole” anymore; I can’t continue on as COB’s puppet. I can’t go on like this anymore, I just can’t.
I have admired Tom Cruise and John Travolta almost as much as I have COB, but Going Clear has tainted that affection forever. Going Clear has assisted these two movie stars by kissing their entertainment careers goodbye for them.
Because of SI and COB, I lost my love and compassion for others. Through Going Clear, however, I found my heart once again, yet it cracked in two as I watched heartbreaking after heartbreaking story of good people duped, tortured, enslaved, beaten and trampled on by SI.
If I could have but three wishes come true, they would be:
(1) The doors to Scientology Inc. close forever, and that no one should be fooled into signing any kind of contract or agreement whatsoever with them ever again;
(2) All contracts and agreements between parishioners, past and present, in Good Standing or not, with SI become null and void;
(3) COB be removed from post and held by the International Criminal Court (“ICC”) to face his accusers.
Going Clear assures us that if you are not a member of Scientology Inc., you are considered “the enemy,” and will be dealt with accordingly. Remember that always.
I declare that the foregoing is true and correct.
Originally Posted to “JennyAtLAX:”
From83 says
Jenny, thank you for coming out and sharing.
I want to say share something I cogitated on as a helicopter pilot. It’s okay to have been wrong. The Only thing truly wrong in the universe is to find out you are doing something wrong and then not try to correct it. In a Helicopter, you don’t have time to beat anyone for mistakes. You need to correct them and move on. Things just happen to fast in a helicopter to do anything else. The truth though is that things in life happen too fast to do anything else. DON’T beat your self up instead fix the problems to the best of your abilities that mistakes have created.
Al Brown says
“They look almost as bad as I did in my last days before I walked out the door.”
But Mike, you looked a little like Al Pacino then so that was OK.
Al Brown says
When they get to “the mini taco stands in Mexico” that is when I will step up to the plate and make my donations for ideal taco stands.
Ann B Watson says
Hi Mike, Years ago Ron wrote “I too love the dawn.” Well a new dawn is breaking. Thank you all who have written on this blog. Thank you Mike & Christie for standing strong. I admire what you do so much. It really has helped this old soul. Love on this day & ff Ann Watson.
iamvalkov says
My heart goes out to them. She is his treasure. He looks exhausted. They will likely go together when they go, married forever til death does them part, and beyond.
Here is a recent media update on the film:
Joe Pendleton says
What turns it on will turn it off. As I noted about four years ago in Marty’s blog … as long as the customers are still buying, the store will be open.
Personally, I love these stories of churchies donating all their moolah. Always rehabs me big time leaving with my own money, increases my havingness hugely. I’m using some of my “not IAS money” and my “not Ideal org money” and taking a three week vacation to Spain next week.
Hey, my message to any UTR folks who read this blog is (if there ARE any …. remember, these folks have to worry about sec checks every fucking day of their lives): If you get sucked dry of every cent you got, it’s your call, baby. Go to your tech dictionary and clear all the definitions of “reponsibility” … that is, if you have ANY confront left in life (which I highly doubt by the way).
Kronomex says
It’s a giant pyramid with only one winner at the pointy top: a massively greedy, psychotic, vicious demented dwarf.
Toot TO OT says
I don’t know either of them but they do look sickly (and that is after they’ve had some photoshop work done to remove the darkness under their eyes).
I hope they go to a doctor to find out how sick they are and begin taking care of their body. Soon.
Aquamarine says
“The insatiable maw that is corporate Scientology”. That did it for me.
overrunincalifornia says
Next time you hear how important and urgent it is for you to be on your next level, on course, donate money… etc, etc, think about this; If it is so important, (and who knows, it might be), to get up the bridge etc, then why is it made so impossible? Why is Scientology so non viable? If it’s so important, then why can’t folks train to audit and charge a reasonable fee? Think of how viable it would be if an auditor was allowed to charge $25.00 $35.00 an hr. Just think of how many folks would be auditing and how many P.C.’s there’d be. If I could make $35.00 an hr auditing, and I’m a NED auditor, I’d be doing it. That’s over 100 grand a year for me, and affordable for PC’s. Scientology is not a viable endeavor for most folks. That’s because it’s 24 karats at the end of that stick.
Sindy Sloan Fagen says
In so many of their promo photos, the faces look stressed and tired. You can see it a lot in the eyes — these guys are tired.
Idle Morgue says
Sindy – I remember when I had gotten out – I listened to your video. You called it a “pressure cooker grind” as an IAS Registrar.
Thanks for telling that story. No matter how much Scientologist’s fake their “VGI’s” – they are all under that constant grinding, constant pressure to give everything they have, constant “you will never be enough, do enough or give enough”…
Mike Rinder says
Funny – speaking of IAS Registrars.
I was just out to our Friday Night Family Dinner and who should be leaving the restaurant just as we were arriving.
Howard and Karen Becker.
I almost fell over.
Howard Becker looks like he had a stroke. He was hobbling/limping, leaned over to one side. I don’t know how old he is (70?) but he looked like someone had just fished him out of a REALLY old people’s home to have a weekly meal out and drool on himself. It was literally an arresting moment.
And Karen could be summed up in one word. Gray. Clothes. Skin tone. Hair. Eyes. One walking gray mass.
The is the result of the “pressure cooker grind.”
I almost felt sorry for them. But then I remember how many people he has screwed over in the last 30 years.
McCarran says
Wow, Mike, Howard Becker is around 60. Not 70. Wow.
I feel sorry for no one in the church of scientology right now. I just read Judge Whittmore’s decision in the Garcia case. I give up. Let them “die by the sword.”
Joe Pendleton says
Becker: dramatizing his next “OT level”? ha ha. Maybe he just got a new tech estimate for his purif redo, objectives and life repair.
From83 says
Dear Mike, Old Surfer Dude and I just saw the movie. I want to say that even you look younger and healthier after leaving. You looked much older when you were lying to John Sweeney then you do today.
I hope that more people can obtain this release state of free from suppression masquerading as a helpful religion. It really improves your health!!
Jose Chung says
There will be a sequel to HBO “Going Clear’ for sure.
I hope the Barber near Big Blue who gives a free roll of toilet paper to Sea Org staff
for every haircut he gives ,gets an interview.
jeffleebrown says
Geez, I would hate to run into Drew Robb on the night of a full moon. He makes Boris Karloff and Bela Lugosi look like saints!
Aquamarine says
Yes, he’s right out of an Ann Rice novel.
SadStateofAffairs says
These poor sods looked like they have OD’ed on the Kool-aid. They are not only drinking it, but taking intravenously, bathing in it, and getting a Kool-aid enema at the same time. I wonder how many more orgs they will become “alumni” (haha) of, before they either go broke or die from long term Kool-aid poisoning. Doesn’t look like too many.
zemooo says
The conveyor belt of money grubbing can never stop, it is the reason CO$ exists today. Forget the Idle mOrg scam, forget ‘international dissemination, forget the grand ‘alliances’, it is all just another Amway sales target. A target on your wallet.
If the clams had any semblance of self-interest, they would have left long ago. Only family and cognitive dissonance are keeping them on the conveyor. Gibney’s Going Clear may generate enough WTF moments to get a lot of clams out of the chowder. Thanks to all who tell their personal stories, they forewarn and forearm all of humanity.
Laura Ann says
Ex-SO status never goes away. I was part of the first group of people through the solo nots certainty course in 1996. Gold was there taking pictures for the magazine. I was made to sit with my back to the camera because, I couldn’t be photographed since, I was ex-SO. I told them I wouldn’t do it and I walked out. That’s why my twin is in the pictures with someone else. You can give all your money and do all your asked to and you’ll still get treated like the degraded being SO staff are taught to believe you are and that includes SO family members.
Mike Rinder says
Now that is a perfect illustration Laura. And I didnt even realize you had ever been in the SO!!
unclepepin says
There is at least one scenario in which a Gold crew is willing to gloss over your ex-SO affiliations: it’s when the total of students snoozing in course rooms all across the AO is less than 10, throughout the whole weekend.
Wog extras cost money 🙂
I Yawnalot says
“Life is in you today…? Remember those words and the rest of the jingle?
$cientology within itself has morphed into the most blatant, expansive and detestable leach on the life, dreams and hopes of civilized men and women. Their system under the personal command intentional guidance of a true modern day spiritual gangster is now self perpetuating and robotic in all senses of the word.
What is it that is so magnetic and resistive toward the truth about the travails of living that a charlatan organisation such as $cientology can rise to such detestable heights and be in so many countries. It is the repulsion of the institution of conflicts and war, poverty or the aversion to the natural progression of the desire to hoard money and have power over others that make good natured people turn to and trust such monsters?
If there is an answer, why do so many have to suffer first before as a group of living beings we wake up to the damage and drive such organisations and people away from our society and children? Why does justice have to such a slow, blunt instrument?
$cientology will be defeated but what about it’s allure?
As much as I detest miscavige and the evil he is I detest similarly those in political and judicial power over us that could have stopped him when the evidence was sufficient but silently and legally refused. What are their motivations? The devil wears a suit when it’s appropriate.
Nickname says
I Yawnalot –
The mistake in my opinion (and I get an amazing number of deaf ears to this) is the misunderstanding and misapplication of Scn ethics tech. Ethics tech is designed to enable the individual to determine his own ethics along his own Dynamics and life his own life based on his own decisions. This is not hard to coach, You do so very effectively simply by explaining how an admin scale works, and having the guy do an example to get the hang of it, then take a look at very light very general ideal scenes he envisions for his life, and goals, and why. It’s very light. You can see the charge blow right in front of you as he begins to see relationships he never saw before. It’s something like some guy asking you where his hotel is, and you tell him it’s three blocks over – he gets it, and immediately he’s out of his confusion and happy. If he’s getting auditing and training, then you periodically review and update and expand to keep up with his awareness, and check to see that he isn’t stuck on “yesterday’s newspapers.” He’ll get the idea that things can be changed, or reviewed and improved. You expand so he sees the interrelationships of his own admin scales with one another, and also the interrelationships of his with others’.
All this is ethics. And an admin scale is just one piece of it. By itself, this is unlikely to be sufficient, but to only audit and train to audit without giving the individual his orientation to his own goals and purposes, did not work. I think the “Why?” of it was not clear. You get distinctly foggy notions like “Clear the Planet” “Be Pandetermined” without any reality on what that means. Unrealistic goals and ideal scenes yield unrealistic results. Eyes were not opened about what Joe-over-there has as goals and purposes and ideal scenes, and how those interrelate with exchanges with others. The church is testimony to that, the sons who disconnect from their parents are testimony to that. Abortions are testimony to that. Testimony to what? Again: testimony to the non-use of Scn ethics tech to establish the individual with his own goals and purposes on his own Dynamics on his own self-determinism. When you have someone who knows what he’s doing, and knows why, and has reached those determinations on his own and not by some “agreements,” you have a strong individual who is far less likely to be swayed by “opinion” and “peer group” and “authority.” He is much more likely to arrive at what is right, on his own. That / those are the goals of Scientology, and what auditing and training make possible. Self-determinism is up to the individual himself.
The institutions of society aren’t perfect, but isn’t blaming them abdication?
Mike Rinder says
Interesting philosophical discussion. And I have one for you Nick.
I have brought this up a few times and I am curious about your answer.
If a supposedly miracle technology has NEVER been applied to the result it postulates, is it truly a miracle technology? Or is it sham?
I speak here of admin tech. The supposed technology that will bring about constant expansion and affluence. Yet it NEVER has for any extended period of time.
Apologists say that it is because it is not applied correctly.
But if there isn’t a single person on earth who can apply it and get the postulated result, is it actually a technology or simply an unproven and unworkable theory?
This is a serious question.
And then it follows from there — can you claim that a system is a workable one if in its application it is unworkable (or in the case of ethics — is used to hurt people). Surely you cannot claim the tech is responsible for all good results but the failures of the person are wholly responsible for any bad results?
I Yawnalot says
Hi Nickname,
I hear you very well and do not disagree personally with you at all. If you and I were engaged in some sort of activity I’m sure we would get along very well and if we agreed to abide by what you outlined above we gave it a good go, more than likely we may succeed. But in a broader sphere something goes really wonky with Scn Policy.
Some months ago I had a discussion with Mike and had to rather begrudgingly agree not all is as it seems. Scn Policy looks great on paper. It makes sense, and if we just agreed it’d all be fine and the show would be on the road and successful yada yada yada.
The big BUT here is the workability and the statics of success in the real playing field of life. Re Scn Policy, they are dismal and heartbreaking. I bashed my head with that stuff for over a decade and even though I could see sense in it, the group I was in failed miserably to ever get their act together and this “make it go right with Green & White” was nothing more than a desperate gasp by those whose efforts were wasted and sought all sorts of wrong “whys.” The correct why solves the situation – right?
Anyway, if the stuff worked we wouldn’t writing on this on this blog per se. Maybe an officer is only as good as the troop he commands or visa versa, the troops are only as good as the officer that leads them. But Scientology Policy is a paradox. By sheer time and effort I look at it as Mike does now with his statement above –
But if there isn’t a single person on earth who can apply it and get the postulated result, is it actually a technology or simply an unproven and unworkable theory?
I’m not saying anything past the fact that maybe Hubbard did get results with Saint Hill stats and so slightly disagree with “no single person” in Mike’s statement but geezers… how many have tried and suffered to make it happen and failed.
I never thought I’d ever say something like this but after 30 years I’m finally seeing the elephant in the room. Mankind is mixed bag of intelligences and those with a bigger club or larger bank account seem to set the stats. I’m not saying I agree with it and my words here are only slanted toward Policy. I’m a rebel at heart but pick my fights with caution these days. As Indiana Jones was once told, “you may have lost this one but no-one said to have to like it.”
Good luck to you and yours…
Nickname says
Thank you for your considered reply. I hope I understood correctly. I love this subject of Ethics, and I see that it is very misunderstood amongst Scns. I do not mean to talk about organizational ethics, uniforms, SO, targets, expansion and all that, but about the reasons for which a person behaves as they do, and makes the choices they make. Ironically, this is a big barrier, trying to talk to Scns. Ask someone (I’m serious here – try this, ask this), your cab driver, your barber, or anyone you normally talk to for a bit about weather, politics, baseball or rugby scores: “Hey, tell me, what is ethics? What does that mean?” Answers I got were basically along the lines of “Isn’t that the difference between right and wrong?” These were fairly uniform all across the board. (But be sure you’re wearing a crash helmet before you ask a Scn about ethics, because you are liable to get a boat-load of charge in your face and get called a lot of names.)
The first Dynamic is the axle about which the wheels revolve. One might ask: has philosophy and the search for better ever worked? I believe I can claim as a good premise that good philosophy generally is responsible for all good results – but that is by virtue only of the individual who developed and implemented his philosophy (whether by deduction or by education, it is the person alone who is capable of understanding). It is the individual. I am not so certain I can claim that the failures of the person are wholly responsible for any bad results, as there is opposition of varying types to good intentions and good goals, and even to good actual results, but repetitive failures lead to replacement pretty much anywhere. Ultimately, any failure is that of an individual, but one has to consider the goals or measures of success set it would seem (e.g. “suppressive targets”), and one has to consider things like another try at it. What does seem clear to me is that the failure of the individual to set goals and purposes and products and exchanges and ideal scenes and the other points of an admin scale can be said to lead to a failure to achieve those.
Scn is “applied religious philosophy” the noun there being “philosophy.” Philosophy, of which Ethics is an integral part, like logic, relies upon the individual to make connections. Whether or not anyone has ever used all of Scn successfully or not is, for one, “he said, she said.” It’s not unlike arguing about whether the physical universe exists or not. Some will swear it does not, and you cannot “prove” it – I have tried, and you end up thinking “a 2×4 will work.” More fundamentally, success in general terms isn’t a black and white, but a gradient. One could say that if it were not Scientology, it would be another philosophy, maybe better, or maybe worse. My contention or deduction is that Scn is correct and carefully worked out, but that the gradient scale of failure of the church – as evidenced by many testimonials – stems from the non-use of the ethics tech to establish individual success in achieving the goals of Scientology the philosophy, and the resultant freedom of being able to determine what is right, and the difference between right and wrong. Look at the scene: most Scns do not even want to hear the word “ethics.” The lack of individual ethics development, I contend, left people directionless, and many have made, in a word or two, poor decisions as a result of that.
There is no disconnect between Scientology and the accumulated wisdom of classical philosophy and logic. In Nicomachean Ethics Aristotle is speaking about the many different walks of life of men of differing dispositions and talents at different ages in their lives, as well as differing products and the interconnections amongst them. It seems to me that he is speaking of goals and purposes and VFP’s. Hubbard cites Aristotle as source material, but as formidable as Aristotle remains, it took Hubbard to come up with the admin scale. I still wonder if he realized what he had accomplished there. In summary if one had eternity to kill, what kind of admin scale would one draw up? What goals, what ideal scenes? How would one go about achieving those? Buying a couple of cases of beer and a beach? (Aristotle discusses such profligate behavior.) By disconnecting from everyone in fear and abusing one’s neighbor? Or by taking a look at some achievable plans and such? (Aristotle gives other examples as well.) That’s Ethics, the subject, and imo, what Scn is all about, just like most philosophy. (But that’s not what ethics is to the ‘experienced’ Scientologist!)
Mike Rinder says
Hmmm. I was trying to get your take on a different subject. Admin tech. I wanted to discuss a philosophical question outside the realm of ethics because ethics is a far more complicated and subjective matter.
Jens TINGLEFF says
that’s one take on “ethics” according to L Ron Hubbard.
Another is Jefferson Hawkins’ book “Closing Minds: How Scientology’s “Ethics Technology” is Used to Control Their Members ” – the title of which says it all, really.
From83 says
The first problem with trying to even trying to apply Admin Tech is that it is given in a difficult to use from. LRH never really bother to put it into a concise easy to understand format. The next problem is he tells you that he’s probably pretty wrong. The ethics book has no basis on what was in the 1970s the go to policy for handling PTSes and out-ethics. Which was “Ethics and Executives.” Worse yet is KSW Series 2. In it you learn that you can use whatever version of the Tech Works for you. Basically an admission that admin tech as presented might not work so well so figure out what policies to use and which to ignore. AKA, squirrel your way to a working system.
The number 2 problem is that Scientology is stat driven. No Decent Company is Stat Driven. They are all product driven. Even worse The Church’s number one stat is money in. It should be Good PRODUCTS DELIVERED! Think about this way if people got a 1/8 of what auditing promises they would make sure the churches stayed open. If a Scientologist has a problem he looks at the stats. Not at the product. For example, if the people coming out of the course room stumble to their cars like drunks leaving a bar. You know things aren’t going well in the course room. But just ;ooking at the stats for demos, may or may not relieve the problem. Maybe the students are being forced to do the demos at break neck speed in-order to improve graduation stats. Maybe their told just mark down so many demos a period, etc. Scientology drives it’s bus by looking at the stats which is liek driving by looking down from the back of the bus and seeing the amount of road going by every hour and marking that down. They’d only be alerted to a crash by the fact that no more road is appearing from under the bus. An engine fire would appear as the bus slowing down, etc. Companies like this struggle and then finally fail in the long term…
I think the NUMBER 3 failure of policy is that it doesn’t address finding false stats and overt products in a simple fashion OR THAT IS THE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT THING YOU CAN DO. Ethics and Executives talks about people promoting a false scene, etc. You now know why the dwarf needed to bury that one deep. If you write an MAA and tell them Bill’s lying to people to get them to give over money. Guess, what the policy of ethics is stats are equal to in-ethics. So go after the complainer because Bill’s bringing home the bacon. And the most fun is when Bill’s lies blow up and the eventual stat crash comes. You’ll both be on the RPF together. You’er still a traitor for having written up the “up-stat”. Also, the policies are very self serving there is little to no talk of how the church needs to as an organization do a liability formula when it has hurt someone. Instead, it’s just we are the only ethical people because were the only one’s even attempting to produce an ethical product.
If people truly wanted the admin tech to work.They would need to go over much of the policies. Talk to people like Mike and Marty. Ask them how was this policy applied, Was that really what it said, etc. Work out what works and look at successful companies for comparable data. Align the data. Then write a bible on Admin Tech that was no more the say 120 pages not including the specific hat write ups. The Hat writes up need to take a form of generalized goals and products. and then on a gradient get down take to something like take two steps to the left when X happens. While giving people room to figure out how to work it for them. Maybe then Admin Tech could truly be a workable system.
Am also reminded of a story I heard that I never took the time to verify. One of early pioneers of the MBA degree said he was hoping to create better administrators because he saw this was lacking and thought that if administrators were better trained production would increase, etc. He says what he in fact created was a system for people who had no interest in running a company but were instead interested in gaining power and wealth. They thought they could run a company without taking the time to understand it’s products and how they where produced on even a rudimentary level.
Now How to Live Though an Executive is book LRH also wrote…
From83 says
I love to post so here is more!!!!
Another basic problem is there is no be suspicious of sudden up statics. You should always be suspicious of them. Doubly so when you see it isn’t feeding the other stats correctly. So say you have a sudden spike in book sales. You think great book seller most be on to something. But you wait a few weeks and you don’t see an indication of new members online. But he’s still an up stat, So you wait even more weeks and start to see that less people are signing up for their next courses. The Smart Admin knows what changed! He goes right up to the book seller asks him how he managed to sell so many books. He is almost sure of the answer if he’s been around the block. The book seller has figured out that it’s easier to sell ten books to somebody already onlines then it is to sell one book to the public. I am not super familiar with policy but I don’t think you can easily find ones that would tell you to do what I just out-lined but I think many people would agree would help the church enormously. With how I see policy it would take that the book sellers stats started to drop before you could actually seem him as the cause of the lower stats that were going across the boards. Actually, he could make a good case for that it wasn’t his fault because his stats had been up until the crashing wave caught up to his post.
This should also tell you why stat tracking is important. It will help find when a change occurred which will help you find the right why. The CHANGE is the important thing not the direction of the change!!!!
Nickname says
After reading I Yawnalot’s reply I realized it seemed I didn’t address your questions. The VFP of the church is awareness and personal ethics (certainty).If that is missing, public see staff doing things that don’t make sense and walk away.
The 3D ethics of the church was to address implementation. The 3D is not possible without a 1D. As I Yawnalot pointed to very clearly, you cannot have an organization of people working together towards known goals in rational manner if you do not have functional people there to begin with. What I’m trying to point out, is the matter of intent (purpose). Anyone who looks at an admin scale and says it’s fraud is seriously nuts, seriously self-contradictory
Mike Rinder says
Sorry, I have no idea what you are talking about at this point. I posed what I thought was a relatively simple question. But this has veered off into significances I am unable to follow and is taking time I don’t have.
Never mind.
Nickname says
Mike –
I appreciate that you don’t have time for this. I just want to try to clarify my position.
I know the tech works. The VFP of the whole thing is the individual, his first Dynamic as the operational center of all his Dynamics. If that VFP doesn’t exist anymore, then no amount of management is likely to “work.”
So yes, you/one can indeed say or think that the “admin tech” or “management system” doesn’t work, that it is a scam, and perhaps infer that one scam begets another, and so say that the auditing tech side doesn’t work either, by association. But I think that saying the management system doesn’t work may be the wrong target, the wrong approach, or a moot point, or whatever. If the VFP isn’t there, then you could have Jack Welch or Jeffrey Immelt and an entire management team drawing hundreds of millions a year, apply Sigma Six, or any other standard you/one chooses, and still not get a result. I have in the past thrown a hammer (far) away because I hit my thumb with it, and right now, I think it could well take Welch and Immelt both, and a ‘special ops team,’ just to unravel the catastrophe the church has become.
Both the auditing and the management sides clearly did work at some point, or the church would not have gotten worldwide, and I would not be sitting here saying that in fact all the data and tech are the most important thing in the world. Though not the only important thing. There are ethics to consider, like the other things in the world which are also important and which support Scn, like, for example, families, friends, electricity, food, and such(!). These work together. The church members seem to have lost sight of this almost entirely now, and to lose sight of the mutual support of admin scales is to lose sight of their personal ethics and their Dynamics.
To me, besides my personal gains, Scn is a matter of observation and logic, and I do not have a problem with it at all. Others do. Some, for example, apparently read “Axioms of Scientology” as “Axioms of Life” – and I can see how that would give them problems in addition to not being able to read. What I’m proposing is that the ethics tech – not the organizational ethics but the individual and personal ethics tech – may be the reason for which the VFP of the church somehow got dropped out. To me personal ethics seems to be the valuable and literally “final” product of all of Scientology, and I hold that it should be developed on a gradient along with auditing and training. A fully developed, fully rational, fully concordant with the rest of the world, set of personal ethics should be what one has after doing all the auditing and training. Saying this does not give anything away to the current church management, because if it did implement personal ethics development, likely the only thing you could hear inside the current “church” would be the echo of city traffic.
You and I and many others are on the same planet, but apparently in different locations and obviously with widely differing personal experiences. And we are operating on different admin scales – not different major goals necessarily, but certainly on different plans and programs. I trust the ideal scenes we envision are distinctly similar.
Mike Rinder says
Dude — way too much significance for me. Sorry. You’re right, I dont have time for this. Though you are certainly welcome to have your say, you are always polite and seem sincere. Sorry I asked. I thought it was a simple question.
Chee Chalker says
Wow…. Why don’t they drop the jargon and get to the point……..they are bankrupting themselves because David Miscavige told them to………
Valerie says
Off topic, but if you go to Google News and click on the Entertainment Section, Gibney’s documentary is trending in Google News Entertainment Section right now! Way to go.
Valerie says
When I was a teenager, I asked my Mormon Seminary teacher a question which got me booted from seminary and led me away from the Mormon church.
It was a pure question. “The Bible says ‘as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive’ and the Articles of Faith say ‘we believe that men will be punished for their own sins and not for Adam’s transgressions.’ – why do we die?”
If I was still in Scientology, I would be tempted to ask such questions as “why don’t all staff members immediately get trained an audited up to the top of the bridge so they are so able that no one would be able to say to their fundraising efforts if that is what they really want the staff to do.?” or “why can’t people who are supposed to be the most able people on the planet reach a fundraising goal?” or “why do people have MEST considerations when they are the most able people on the planet?” or other similar logical questions.
It doesn’t make sense to me that when you are supposed to be the “most able people on the planet” everything is such a struggle.
Pepper says
This is another terrific post with a perfectly true, inevitable conclusion. Congratulations Mike, you did it again.
It is the moment when you decide to be accepted that will forfeit your own observation and choice.
Expecting acceptance places you in a subservient state, practically a slave.
Sociopaths exist because someone supports them.
Fortunately not everybody is a slave, thus, we will keep talking, exposing, and acting.
Shelley says
Mike, you forgot about us here on the rim of the planet – “The Africa Alliance”. And we are the 1st “ack-choo-ahl” Ideal Continent DONE remember? That includes our R18 Million parking lot and the house of pleasure in Zimbabwe 🙂
Sabine Waterkamp says
This post makes me sad. Maria and Drew are old friends of ours. They saw many of the abuses in the church themselves while in the SO and still they support the church with all they’ve got. They actually sold their house here in LA to move to Clearwater and donated the money. They will probably end up penniless and maybe even homeless. It’s just unbelievable how far these nice people are driven to squeeze even the last cent out of them. Very sad.
Joe Pendleton says
Sad????? So these people saw many of the abuses in the church THEMSELVES and now they are donating money to essentially strengthen the church and allow the abuses to continue. I can think of many other words to describe what is happening to these people other than “sad.” They are just getting in their own karma, their own exchange, their own pennance, but also making the abusers richer. Well … penniless? homeless? Tough shit. Maybe if that happens it will be their best act, you know … a wake up call to some of their “friends.” I’ve really had it with these fucking major enablers.
Aquamarine says
“I’ve really had it with these fucking major enablers”.
So have I.
Doug Parent says
It’s a shame that people inside Miscaviges Money Grab don’t realize they can get services (better tech) outside of corporate Scientology. They should be aware that they can get their bridge for 1/3 or a 1/2 of the price, and bypass all the insanity, the vultures and out-tech sec checks etc. AND never have to deal with the threat of *disconnection.
*.”….. There’s no such thing as disconnection as you’re characterizing it…There isn’t any such policy in the church that’s dictating who people should or should not be in communication with. It just doesn’t happen.”-(Tommy Davis former spokesperson for the Church of Scientology.)
To any Scientologists lurking here….
Since it’s Hubbards birthday, I’d like to urge all people in Scientology to consider supporting those who are REALLY aligned with his intention to help mankind rise to greater heights. And those people are active in the Independent Scientology Field. No one is getting rich (Like David Miscavige) no one is being threatened with declares if you read this or that, or talk to the wrong person. People are simply studying what Hubbard wrote, applying it, and helping by delivering the technology that Hubbards organization was doing long before David Miscavige physically assaulted his pre-clear on his internship at St Hill.
Miscavige is personally benefitting by preying upon your allegiance to L Ron Hubbard and your appreciation to him for the tech and your wins. He is endangering your religion by outlandish and cruel behavior and illegal actions. He is committing human rights violations and doing it in the name of Scientology and L Ron Hubbard.
If you care to look you will discover there is a Comm-Ev in progress, and the upcoming HBO film based on Lawrence Wrights book is presenting data for your consideration. On Hubbards birthday, I hope you reflect on the fact that Miscavige did not personally write and research Scientology, though he is trying to take credit for “fixing it”. At this time when the bullets are flying (in the media) a Scientologist LOOKS where they are coming from and he does his own evaluation as to why. Good luck.
Brian says
So Doug, do you consider it human violation that Ron sought to destroy Paulette Cooper or that Ron pistol whipped, while asleep, his wife Sara because he was delusional and thought she was fantasizing about other men?
From83 says
One of the problems one faces as an ex. Is what to believe and what not to believe. If you try to just leave and disregard everything you learned as a Scientologist it’ll ruin your life because LRH does speak a lot of truths. It’s also very therapeutic to talk to someone about your problems especially if they just listen and help you find earlier similar problems. That being said LRH the man did what he did and a lot of it was out-right attacks on basic human rights! LRH* the myth tells you do exactly the opposite.
I hold nothing against people who still believe in Scientology, in or out side the church. I refuse to believe in a purely MEST universe, myself. Actually, I secretly pray that it’s only a MEST universe out there. Would be nice to think that when I die that’s it, game over. But yet refuse to believe it for various emotional reasons.
If you ever want to see what the Scientologist wants to be. You should look up a Marry Freeman Video where she talks about joining the church and being kicked out. I think we all wish we would have had her level of self-integrity and less agreeableness which the Church was telling us it was helping us get.
If you want to go up the bridge give the FreeZone a try. I really like Dexter’s take on power processing.
Remember the truth is the truth regardless of who told it to you…
Hell, the Nazis did a lot of bad but they still had some truth. You can’t refuse that truth just because it came from them…
Aurora says
As a never-in, I don’t understand this comment in Mike’s opening: ‘erase the stigma of being “ex-SO”’…
I thought the SeaOrg was the highest status one could get, dedicating ones life/lives for a billion years and being regarded as ‘clergy’?
(No snark intended with the question…)
Pepper says
When you sign a billion year contract and then leave, you left the only group who is “putting ethics in on the planet”. It’s a violation of the ethos of the S.O., even if you routed out properly and didn’t “blow”. People who are ex SO cannot be staff members at the public orgs either but are allowed to work at a mission, do volunteer work and shill for the Ideal Orgs as in the example above.
Bob Eckert says
Which is why being EX SeaOrg, having made the dedication and then washing out because you couldn’t hack it, is a terrible stigma.
Aurora says
Got it…thank you.
Joe Pendleton says
By the way, this “ex SO stigma” is something that is completely within SO culture (current and ex). I was never in the SO and in 36 years in Scientology, I never heard a comment (not even ONCE) putting down ex SO members. And … y’all may find this hard to believe, but I also never heard even once, fellow Scientologists in private conversations saying anything positive about the Sea Org (their dedication, their performance, etc). I did though hear negative remarks about the SO, which is a subject for another time. My gut feeling is that most Scientologists wish the SO would completely disappear. But of course since the vast majority of Scientologists communicate in the tone level of fear, you will not hear them say this.
Steph says
There is a reference where LRH says people who leave the SO are degraded beings. This is a very derogatory remark among the faithful. VERY BAD.
Aurora says
So, them staying in the CoS and continuing to turn over money year after year, is an attempt on their part to ‘make up’ for what in that community would be perceived as a personal and spiritual failure?
Very harsh…
Idle Morgue says
Good point Steph. Didn’t we just have a post about this? Shit rolling downhill? LOL
The hierarchy of BEANS ( “Beings” ) in Scientology.
First, you have LRH – Jelly Bean
Then you have COB, David Miscavige – Castor Bean (poisonious)
Then you have Tom Cruise – Cowpea Bean
then you have Sea Org Slaves – Mung Bean
Class Five Staff – Pigeon Pea
Mission Staff – peanut
Public – castor bean
WOGS – LL Bean – not even worthy of being on the Scientology Bean Wall of Shame
Fred G. Haseney says
Re: “As a never-in, I don’t understand this comment in Mike’s opening: ‘erase the stigma of being “ex-SO”’…
Hi, Aurora,
Here are my two cents as far as erasing “the stigma of being ‘ex-SO’: I signed a Billion Year Contract with the SO in 1977; I left in 1978 and reentered under an amnesty in 1980. A year or so later, I left the SO (this time, for good). It took a lot of time and hard work to pay off the SO debt (they called me a “Freeloader,” for which I had a “Freeloader debt,” meaning I had to pay back the cost of the auditing and training I had received). While I handled the debt and reentered Scientology as a Public Person, I received along the way all sorts of evaluations and invalidations from Scientology staff (Class IV organization and SO). People who leave the SO are “degraded beings” (or so I thought, as that statement is a generality and is proven wrong by policy; read on).
After the SO, I worked at the Office of Special Affairs (“OSA”) as a public person, helping them get their financial books in order for the old Church of Scientology of California. During my tenure there, I helped other Scientology organizations prepare their financial books (Narconon in particular). I had an opportunity to travel to San Francisco to assist a Mission of Scientology prepare their records, but someone at OSA absolutely forbid me from accepting this opportunity because, as she put it, “ex-SO can’t work at Scientology Missions.”
After OSA, I worked about eight years for Sterling Management Systems (“SMS”), a Scientology Front Group located in Glendale, California. A “Front Group” is a business owned by Scientologists who lure unsuspecting people in to do their program and then turn around and send those people to Scientology for training and auditing. SMS spent years as the top Front Group, and this drew SO Recruiters to SMS every week, like flies to… honey. When the Recruiters arrived, I fled and hid, because once they found out that I had been in the SO, they tried to get me back in, time and time again. I suffered their attempts more times than I can count.
One day at SMS, C.P., one of the sweetest and most productive fellow staff members I’ve ever met, took me aside. C.P. had observed how I had fled from SO Recruiters and helped me sort this out completely. I was not a degraded being, she told me. Actually, she showed me a policy from Flag (called a “Flag Order”), titled “Sea Org Recruit Versus Sea Org Member,” or something to that effect. When you join the SO, you become part of a program designed to get you through all the training necessary in order to be competently posted as a SO member. That program is called the Estates Project Force (“EPF”). I had been “posted” as a SO member, but I had not properly graduated the EPF; in fact, I had been cornered in an empty office by senior American St. Hill Organization (“ASHO”) Day staff members, Alan and Debbie Hansen, and “forced” or “coerced” into being “posted” as the Director of Promotion and Marketing, something I officially protested in writing to the Ethics Department at ASHO but to avail.
Because of the kindness of one individual (C.P.), I never again had to flee a SO Recruiter and hide, nor did I ever again have to worry about where I “could” and “could not” work.
In closing, I want it to be known that just because a person graduates the EPF and is posted as a SO member yet later leaves the SO does not mean that that person is a “degraded being.” I’m not in agreement with that.
John Locke says
The two pictured look like future Darwin Award winners to me. They couldn’t figure it out when working inside the insane asylum and now once outside looking in, still cannot see it.
1984 says
They are not out yet.
threefeetback says
Good morning.
Starting today, the world is on the path to a much better place.
Skydog says
Run right, run left, run up the middle, then punt. It was the game plan of our college football team. The coach must have been a sceintologist because despite the total fail, nothing changed. But as Napolean once said, never interrupt the enemy when he is making a mistake.
Shamanarts says
I wonder if they know this guy?
Old Surfer Dude says
Holy vampires, Batman! Seriously, when I scrolled down to those two faces, I actually jumped up in my seat. I’m a fan of the “Walking Dead” series and those two Kool-Aid drinkers are almost there. There’s no life force left in them. They’ve been sucked dry. They’ll continue to roam the land in their trance…
Michael Mallen says
Perhaps they should consider being on that show – they could sign over their residual checks to fund the morgues.
How about a Church Halloween party with Michael Myers and Freddy Krueger as reges: Trick or cheat?
WhatWhenAllWho says
These people look tremendously ill and scared shitless.
Lawrence says
I was in a Church of Scientology and finally got to meet the INT Management people (the one’s “holding the whips” on the fund raisers) I said “Oh, is that who you are? I thought you were a private banking institution inside the church!” 🙂
Idle Morgue says
For those of you that don’t speak Scientologese….let me help interrupt the WINS from Maria and Drew Robb:
We don’t live in Atlanta and am not sure if we have ever been there. We went broke and bankrupt for our City and now that we have Social Security checks rolling in – we signed over those checks so the people from Atlanta can have the amazing wins we had.
There is spiritual freedom in “being nothing” and it is the duty of every Scientologist to “have nothing”.
We are on OT VII; one of the highest levels of the Scientology Bridge to Total Spiritual Freedom:
Sick, Shattered and Broke
In order for us to complete this Level of Awareness, we were kept up all night by 5 Sea Org Slaves who have nothing and wanted us to have those amazing “wins” as well.
While we were at the Mecca (where you check in but can’t check out) on our 1,548th Security Interrogation Check to see if we had blown up planets 76 Trillion years ago or had a bad thought about COB, Captain Black Heart David Miscavige, we were pulled out of our Hotel Rooms at the Fort Homicide (Fort Harrison) in Clearwater, Florida, FLAG – Scientology’s MECCA of Technical Extortion – in the middle of the night to do an amends project…
The Scientology MAA had determined on her own “STAT determinism” that on Wed. at 12 midnight (the night before her stats were due) we had filed bankruptcy and lost our home to foreclosure one year earlier due to making donations to the IAS AND….we also had masturbated to porn and questioned the constant fund fraud raising for empty buildings including “Stupid Powerz”…
We had previously moved up in Status for the IAS and became “Meritorious Gloritorious Homelessorious”
so that COB could have his 10 meals prepared daily by a special Sea Org Slave CHEF, drive his luxury autos and build villas that sit empty so that he can woo the hearts of $ellebbrities and lure them into the Scientology trap…Remember – KSW is “Keeping the Show on the Road” – LRH
We cognited over and over – nothing comes between COB and his John Lobb shoes….NOTHING.
And we have to convince ourselves that it is all so THETA because dealing in reality was something we were willing to give up when we gave up everything (our family, our home, our IRA account and our sanity) so that we can be right about our Cult – Scientology.
We want the good folks of Atlanta to have those amazing wins too!!
So – we are now living under a bridge and “are nothing”, “have nothing” and have obtained “total spiritual freedom”….
THANK YOU SIR for the tech.
Beryl says
Idle Morgue, awesome post.
Idle Morgue says
Thank you Beryl…one has to “Speak Scientologese” to really know what these clubbed seals really mean~!
Alex De Valera says
Pepper says
OMG Idle Morgue – I burst out laughing reading that!
Idle Morgue says
Thanks Pepper – it is healing to laugh about the entire scam called Scientology.
I spent a shit load of money and many years on the “Scientology Training side of the Bridge to Total Spiritual Freedom”. Without my “Knowledge of Knowing How to Know – Scientology Style…I would not know how to interpret the “wins” from Scientologist’s….
I appreciate the opportunity to use my “training” to help others.
LDW says
All that’s left now is the salesmen and the suckers.
thegman77 says
Every time I see the initials WTH, all that comes to mind is “What The Hell?” These pitches become more dreary as the days roll on. Hopefully, one of these days some untouchable whale will twig on the scam and publicly back out. That’s hopefully, not likely.
Hope you’re well again, Mike.
cathy from encino says
Now which stage of Atlanta are they working on? One thing about the Idle Morgue program, those endless millstones, I mean milestones. Is the next one the End of Fundraising for Construction Fundraising Planning Program and next set of regging is for Construction Fundraising Planning Execution, then Construction Fundraising Pre-Program, and then…
Happy birthday to LRH, enjoy the film!
Lisa Tighe says
Words I do not miss: “Command Intention.”
Mike Rinder says
Michael Mallen says
Code for give us your fucking money you CICSMF.
zana says
Yes… “Command Intention” rang a weird bell for me as did “done, done, done.” So maybe this was written by the illusive Karen Pouw or her puppeteer?
Pepper says
I agree Lisa. When I read that phrase “Command Intention” in the Robb’s testimony, I immediately felt sad for them. Maybe I shouldn’t, but I do. It’s really pathetic.
McCarran says
I actually get a visceral reaction when I hear/read those words.
unelectedfloofgoofer says
I think this ad is a bit passive aggressive in a stressed out way. They no longer care about filtering the extreme cultspeak for public consumption.
whaler says
Meanwhile, there are other legitimate humanitarian efforts that can’t benefit from the generosity of people such as Maria and Drew. (Provided Maria and Drew are actually people and not a PR construct)
roger [email protected] says
Alas, it’s elron’s main legation: make money, make more money, get others making more money. The main LRH’s Policy, to put together with the senior Policy: “quantity, not quality of comunications particles determine the income” (or something conceptually similar).
Both are as wrong as can be possible to become happy and to help others to become happier.
Idle Morgue says
Lawrence Wright and Alex Gibney – a suggestion for the next Movie:
“Going Bankrupt”
or another popular “way of being” in Scientology….
“Going Homeless”
How about this one…
“The Bridge to Financial Ruin”
or another popular win from Scientology….
Michael Mallen says
Scientology and the poison of the thieves.
zana says
Maria and Drew look so drained. Forgive me for saying so, however, they are at the point where she can’t afford a decent haircut or makeup. They look exhausted. These guys don’t look like whales who can afford to give a lot away. And she has such a sweet face. As I look at the photo and contemplate her looking rested and well put together I suddenly get a full picture of how generous, well-meaning people are being milked for their last bit of energy. For what? So that DM can have 2 meals to choose from at every meal?
I remember when I was at AOLA at a class about how to make money. The man teaching was in a suit that didn’t fit quite right, but I was willing to go along with it until his wife came up to share with him. She was missing teeth on the side which, when she smiled, showed as blank spaces. Her hair was very scraggly and I wondered why, if they were so qualified to teach people how to make and manage money, did they look so poverty stricken?
I think I know now.
Forgive me for this comment. I don’t judge books by their covers. I have a number of brilliant friends who don’t care about money (and therefore don’t have any.) I used to be the same. I have 3 friends who were literal geniuses…so much so that they were more interested in the inventions and accomplishments than they were about money. They all died of poverty because they couldn’t afford medical attention. That was a wake-up call for me.
To me, this is a very sad photo of Maria and Drew.
Valerie says
@zana. That’s all I could think when I looked at that photo too. There is no joy in those eyes.
cre8tivewmn says
I thought they looked like their house just got hit by a tornado.
It’s just terrible!
Aquamarine says
He looks like the un-dead and she looks utterly exhausted.
scnethics says
So much ugly truth in a single post! And while this idea of making everyone responsible for every ideal org might work on some Flag public, the people who endured years of fundraising to make the ideal org in their own city a reality are going to “ridge” on the idea of paying for someone else’s.
chrismann9 says
The last time I was at Flag a woman from our Org saw us and said “Pretend we are talking so they leave me alone”. So we stood there and she explained the situation. The reges found out that she had some money. I don’t believe she was what you would call rich, but she had money in the bank. She pointed out three reges lurking like vultures in different parts of the room- we were in the area just outside the Flag auditorium. Superpower, IAS and I forget what the other was regging for.
Apparently they had been following her around and “regging” her and were competing with each other (like vultures). She was waiting to get on service and didn’t want to give away all her money, but she didn’t want to get in ethics trouble by shooting in the air to scare them away (or whatever you do to get rid of vultures).
For a few minutes the reges acted like they didn’t want to interrupt our conversation, but it didnt last long. I think one of them must have realized the rest of us were Outer Org Trainees and were therefore subhuman with no rights at Flag, or his fear of the other reges stealing his scraps motivated him to interrupt about “wanting to talk with her about something important”.
All the regging seems like a bad business practice, but what do I know. Pouring more and more and more money into an activity that is not working doesn’t seem like the right solution.
Gimpy says
Disgusting behavior isn’t it? I used to avoid going to the AO as much as I could as the IAS regges used to come looking for fresh meat at break times and had no qualms about interrupting your dinner break. The other thing I was always very aware of was getting away from events quickly, my policy was arrive very late so I sat right at the back and get out as soon as possible. I even worked out the safest route off the premises to avoid being seen. It is amazing when you come to the realization that nothing you might have gotten out of the subject is worth this amount of harassment.
chrismann9 says
Ha. The last even I went to was at Nashville CC- the LRH birthday event in 2011. We had a babysitter and really did have to leave a little early. We thought we might have enough time, but the event was pretty long.
When we left there were people at the door. We explained why we had to leave and they let us pass. But then there were people AT OUR F-ING CAR preventing us from getting in the car. This was really weird and creepy.
I didn’t think of it at the time, but how did they know? I assume if we had gotten in the car at that point someone would have been in the back seat? Maybe they pulled our plug wires? I’m not sure how far it would have gone., but we agreed to go back in “for a few minutes” or something like that.
Then we snuck out a different way and I believe we were confronted by one person, but we said no we ARE LEAVING and left.
!From83 says
What you listed above is pretty close to why no one in my family could recommend The Church to other people. Heck, most people I know still in the church refuse to Dism. it to others. Pretty telling. It became a sort of double-think. It’s okay for me to be here because I know the game but I can’t let other people who aren’t wise to it fall victim but maybe things will get better in the future, etc. One day, you just realize why am putting up with shit I wouldn’t wish on my enemies???
Mike Rinder says
Well put
Alanzo says
Mike wrote:
“If you really gave ANY thought to this, you would come to the inevitable conclusion that there is NO HOPE of ever having a win and actually achieving anything. The ONLY sure thing in the future is that there will always be the next demand for money (and there will always be new old things for you to pay to have to do over again).
I had just gotten off the cans in the Advanced Organization of LA course room where I had been pestered for months. I had just agreed to come in to be on course over my Christmas vacation. I had been resisting this over and over, and now I had just agreed to it during an interview by the course supervisor on the emeter.
This was also while resisting constant high pressure sales to go an additional $25,000 in credit card debt (on top of my existing $25,000 of credit card debt for Scientology) to pay for my “OT III package”. I was telling them that I can not go any further into debt as I am on the verge of bankruptcy now. That’s when my salesman, AOLA registrar Tim Edwards, told me that I should take out another credit card which he could get for me – despite my abysmal credit rating – and then I could just file bankruptcy.
He said to me, “Picture that you are dead, Alanzo, and looking back at your life. Yes, you went bankrupt, but you also went OT THREE!”.
This “Picture You’re Dead” close had been applied to me a couple of weeks before, and I had completely blown up in his office. “Picture you’re dead???? Picture you’re dead??? Where is that from “Big League Sales??” He physically tried to prevent me from leaving his office and I elbowed him in the chest. I plowed out into the AOLA foyer and yelled back at him, “FUCK YOU!”
And so now, a few weeks later, I had just given up a christmas vacation that I had not had for the last 16 years. Since I been in Scientology.
That’s when I realized what you wrote above, Mike.
That’s when I realized that it would never stop and that if I was going to survive, I had to get away from these people.
So, sitting there in the course room, realizing that I would need all my courage for this, I waited for everyone to leave on lunch break. Then I cleaned up all my belongings and walked out, never to return to Scientology ever again.
Here, reproduced verbatum, is one of dozens of voice mails I received from AOLA staff trying to get me to come back in:
I posted this on the Internet in the forum “alt.religion.scientology” in order to warn people about how they operate.
You’re right, Mike. It’s when you finally realize that this thing you gave your life to, that you trusted with every sacred impulse that you have, was created to destroy you.
That’s when you are finally free from Scientology.
Idle Morgue says
Thank you Alanzo – for posting this. I am glad you made it out of the madness and are helping others go free. VWD!
Michael Mallen says
Wow Alanzo, quite a story! Have yourself a merry little Christmas!
DollarMorgue says
A stroke of genius to transcribe the call. It’s scientology tough love, exhibit A.
Zana says
OMG! Thank you for sharing this. It’s important.
Robin says
Your reason for leaving was #5. You probably got into Scientology for training and auditing … then you got crush regged to the breaking point. Well done on leaving (and for posting what Lorna had to say. Based on this, she appears to have forgotten the ARC part of her hat.
Michael Mallen says
Number 6: Found better answers elsewhere.
NOLAGirl says
I echo the others sentiments Alanzo, thank you for this comment and for re-posting the transcript of that voicemail. I hope more people will do that.
It is time to put all their nonsense out there for everyone to see the lengths they’ll go to.
Valerie says
Way to go Alanzo!
#6 When you gotta go you gotta go.
Pepper says
Great post Alonzo and excellent on posting Lorna’s communication to you. This gives people an idea of what it’s like inside the orgs and being a Scientologist. I hope that things have gotten better for you financially since you left. I’m guessing they most likely have…
cre8tivewmn says
Well at least you never paid for OT 3,!
hgc10 says
It’s number 4. Personal out ethics resulting in a withhold.
You lifted your ethics out of the sewer and decided to withhold your money and time from Scientology.
BlondesAreDumb says
And don’t forget the power of loved ones who never give up trying to save their special person from the grips of the cult. They work consistently, constantly, subtly, and doggedly with open arms and no judgment. Some blown will be blessed to have this experience.
From83 says
Alonzo, Thank you for writing your story. I know it’s true because I’ve seen it happen to too many people close to me.
I just wanted to also say to those that are still in the Church. How do they justify you taking on a debt??? LRH hates debt and he hates banks! LRH’s Dianetics went bankrupt, so he decided of you don’t have debts, you can’t go bankrupt. Just ask’em why doesn’t the Church just take out a loan if it’s that important and since the ideal org will make loads of money giving services then it’s be no problem to payback the loan?? Oh, because it’s a violation of at least half of the finance policies. Quotes, like when you borrow money from a bank you become property of the bank, ring a bell??? So if you borrow money from a bank that you haven’t or won’t payback for case gain, who owns that case gain? Oh, the banks. No Wonder the SP Banks are doing so well, they’ve bought and paid for a lot of case gain and statuses. Why I’d wager all the execs are by now are OT15 with gold plated platinum meritorious bankerious status!!!
Of course, I am guessing that they’ll say those debt rules only apply to the Church and are not to be used by it’s members! I remember one of question you fill out as part of joining the SO which is something like is there any reason not to apply sane policy to the letter?? The correct answer is of course? NO!!! So just tell them that and try to leave.
Remember Scientology Ethics is getting stats up therefor it’s okay to lie and steal (Taking out debt you can’t/don’t intend to pay back is both lying and stealing.) and to violate or force others to violate policy if you believe it will lead to up statics this week!!! Wog Ethics is honest, integrate, looking out for the well being of others, etc I like Wog Ethics a lot more…
From83 says
I also want to point out that the secrete FEBC (Flag Executive Briefing Course) tells SO to utilize the public 100%. That is the real reason they can ask you to do anything regardless of how bad it is for you. They have the order from LRH to utilize you 100% or more…
Aquamarine says
from83, thank you for these very insightful and helpful comments.
iamvalkov says
All thumbs up for your post, Al! Thanks! Tells it like it is.
Jethro Bodine says
Well, if that’s the same Tim Edwards that used to work at Celebrity Center, he’s a real slimeball. He sold me two months of accommodations, paid in advance, that I didn’t need and it wasn’t my highest priority. I could have stayed in a friend’s house for a lot cheaper if I had intended to do services at AOLA. And even when I did stay there, he tried to reg me almost every day for more accommodations that I didn’t really need. As long as reg can smell a credit card that isn’t maxed out to its credit limit, well, it’s bit like a vulture that can smell rotting meat. What legitimate hotel gets people to pay in advance for accommodations that they might not even need? It’s the $cientology vulture culture that drives people away more than anything else. Have you EVER seen a reg that didn’t look like a hungry and desperate vulture? Why is this behavior not only tolerated but even encouraged by senior management? It’s all about the stats and money…
Richard Grant (@richardgrant) says
I’m not sure of the correct terminology for this, but there seems to be an effort in many of these recent fliers to inject a measured dose of Reality into the “Why I donated” testimonials. There was the guy who sold his “beloved Jeep.” There are people who say things like “This wasn’t easy” or “We had to make some sacrifices.”
Now we’ve got this seemingly frank admission: “We do not live in Atlanta. We have very little association with Atlanta. And are far more passionate about Ideal Orgs in other parts of the world.” (Which is a way of saying, “We actually don’t give a shit about Atlanta or about putting an Ideal Org there.”)
I guess this is a way of brushing aside excuses before people even have a chance to make them. Like, “Don’t even bother, we’ve heard it all before.” Which is sad and sobering because it’s more or less an official acknowledgement that yes, we know you’re broke, and yes, we know you’re disaffected, and yes, we know this donation will be personally harmful to you. And we don’t care.
When the church finds itself sending *that* kind of message in its official mailers, the end has got to be near.
McCarran says
Yes Richard, it’s a way of making wrong for not wanting to donate. It’s a covert way of pushing that ole “duty” button.
Michael Mallen says
Welcome to the Church of the Cosa Nostra. We welcome and accept all denominations of cash. Make a donation today or else.
Rick Mycroft says
“You’re going to make us an offering you can’t refuse.”
Nickname says
Youse goine ta’ do usa favah we won’t never retoin.
john johnson says
Miscavige is using an extreme form of capitalism called KITA :
john johnson says
Why don’t they reg with the stated purpose of raising cash to continue to bribe LE, elected gov’t officials and judges? lol