The “March 13” edition of the International Scientology Nonsense (ISN) has just arrived in mailboxes everywhere. A bit tardy, but one could understand: 146 glossy, 4 color pages of Shermanspeak stream of consciousness is a bit of a task to put together. Though all it does is repeat the contents of the March 13 Event held at the Ruth Eckerd Hall (after 20 years, one would assume that the straight up and vertical expansion would have outgrown Ruth Eckerd Hall that only holds 2300 people…)
Of course, reduced to the written page this stuff sounds even stupider than when it is accompanied by loud crashes, music and CGI images. Unfortunately you also have a bit of time for the inane statements to sink in.
As a first obvious question: Why wouldn’t they take the event and simply put it on the internet or send out DVDs of it to everyone (a DVD IS glued to the back of the magazine “In their own words… A brand new world of wins from the Golden Age of Tech Phase II”) rather than the astonishing expense of printing and mailing a magazine of this size — let alone any concern for the destruction of the 6th dynamic. Of course, there are two reasons for this: 1. POLICY says to send out “magazines” and so that is what they do. It’s amazing they have moved on from mimeograph machines to photocopiers…. 2. More importantly, Miscavige does not want images of himself to be available on the internet as if there is one thing he hates more than anything in the whole world it is being ridiculed by lowlife, unemployed, DB bloggers on the fringes of the internet. So, he will spend millions of dollars to convert his million dollar audio/visual extravaganzas into good old fashioned pulped tree style magazines.
But what sets this particular edition apart is what it DOES NOT contain in its 146 pages. While omissions are not always easy to spot, even the most dimwitted couldn’t have missed what was NOT talked about.
Let me give you just a few highlights (lowlights?)…
The “rolling thunder” that Dear Leader always begins his events with (this is the endless stream of “stats” that seems to be one continuous 10 minute sentence, accompanied by CGI “graphs” that “explode”) was more akin to a rumbling fart, though no doubt the volume was cranked high.
I scanned part of the page that covers some of these amazing statistical accomplishments — though what you don’t see included here was the fact that there are 1.085,675 Ron Mags “in circulation” if recycling is redefined as in circulation, that there were 123 million Golden Age of Tech Phase II pages printed for release, 1,408 tons Golden Age of Tech II materials produced for release and 185,850,000 translated words of LRH tech. In the immortal words of Church Lady: “Isn’t that special.” Only someone with absolutely NOTHING to say would make a big deal of these sort of useless numbers (Mr. Miscavige, I used 9,653.5 keystrokes typing this masterpiece — impressive eh?).
But here are the “big hitter” numbers (you can click on the images in this posting to enlarge them):
100% Academy Course completions in checksheet time? EVERYONE knows this is just a baldfaced lie. If I could walk into Tampa Org tomorrow and look at the checksheet of the one person on Academy Training (anyone else is on Basics, Purif or Objectives) I bet you anything they would NOT be on checksheet time. Let alone if there is anyone on Academy training in Port Elizabeth or Kansas City or Bogota. But how absurd is this datum — no mention of HOW MANY auditors are trained, just that the ONE who is “in training” is “on time” — BUT 4 MONTHS after the release of GAG II there should have been tens of thousands of Academy Level 0 completions?
517,000 WDAH of course includes the dedicated seals doing 6 Solo NOTs sessions a day, as well as everyone else doing objectives or on the Purif. But if you break this down over 4 months, say 15 weeks, this is 34,500 hours a week. Divide that by 150 orgs (let’s not even count the missions and field auditors), this is 230 hours per week on average. That is maybe 3 people going Clear in each org each week (IF they were actually auditing anyone up the bridge). 450 clears a week would take about 200,000 YEARS to “clear the planet” provided the population didn’t increase at all.
And then there is ONE Student Hat Completion every 9 minutes or 6 an hour or 52,500 a YEAR. Good news, that will only take about 135,000 years to get everyone through the Student Hat.
And then the real nutball “stat” of hours of Objective Processing “52X” than the previous 63 years combined. Utterly meaningless. And a total lie. Even if ALL 517,000 hours of auditing were objectives that means on average there were less than 8200 hours of objectives delivered in a YEAR over 63 years by 150 orgs, or a bit more than 50 hours a YEAR or ONE HOUR A WEEK. But last year and the year before and the year before that Miscavige was boasting how the stats were straight up and vertical and higher in the last 5 years than the previous 50 years combined?
He then moves on to the “Top of the Bridge” and the story is even MORE pathetic, if possible.
Cause Resurgence completions “already exceed 260” — remember this is the ONLY place on earth you can do the Running Program and it has been promoted as the ultimate “OT Rundown” that even “non-OT’s” can do. 260 in 15 WEEKS? That is not even 20 completions a week… But more significantly, this is the grand total number of people they have managed to round up to do this from the millions of scientologists around the world?
But there ARE 400 Super Power Completions. Woohoo. Yet there were 2700 Cornerstone Members. Where are they all? About 15% have showed up?
Breaking News — the number of completions of Solo NOTs is more this year than last. Tells you for SURE they are not deducting those who are being declared, otherwise the impossible would be happening and the cumulative number of completions would be going down! BUt you gotta admit, it is really impressive to announce there are more people completed on Solo NOTs this year than last year. It’s sort of like announcing “2014 is a bigger number than 2013.”
And new OT VIII completions “run one every single day” — this is the massive surge of people up the Bridge? Sure there is bound to be some fall-off, but the numbers are pitiful. If the Freewinds, a ship DEDICATED to delivering OT VIII is delivering to 30 people at a time (averaging a month to complete OT VIII) then it is bankrupt. It is frankly the best reflection of the true size of scientology today. 7 people a week make it “to the top.” That is less than the number who are declared and WAY less than the number who slip away quietly into the sunset.
Then Dan Sherman gave a totally confusing, non-sequitur and ridiculous presentation about the “life of LRH” that bore little resemblance to reality. But this is just filler because Miscavige feels obliged to pay some lip service to LRH between what is really important. His programs.
So, Dear Leader soon returned to the stage to talk about the massive progress towards achieving His program of all orgs being Ideal.
But because he didnt have a SINGLE Ideal Org to talk about, he twisted this into a new vector called “Ideal Continental Bases.” Here is the write up on what He said in all it’s convoluted gibberish. To borrow a phrase from one of Tony Ortega’s writers at The Raw Story — this is word salad that has been put through a woodchipper.
Now, realize he says “Ideal Continental Bases” and includes “management and all sectors.”
He then launches into the “accomplishments” starting with “the Continental Base For Europe.”
But this turns out to be JUST AOSHEU and from the shots, there is NOTHING DIFFERENT about it other than some new carpet and paint. The place looks EXACTLY the same. It is accompanied by the mandatory shots of the Great Man at the ribbon yanking, with blurry images of balloons and a crowd that is no more than 300 in any wide angle shot, yet they claims “thousands assembled.” Scientology has its own tech for counting crowds that apparently includes demon circuits, ridges, ghosts and other entities.
But here is the real rub. The Continental Base is not AOSHEU. That is not management or “other sectors.” In the 20 pages devoted to this, they have tiny photos of the “future” CLO EU, the “future” Nordland Hotel, the “future” Sea Org Berthing, the “future” Ideal Org of Denmark and pronounce New Era Publications is “already a model of Ideal.’
So, right out of the blocks, the first “ideal continental base” is nothing of the sort. It is simply a ribbon cutting on a recarpeted and painted AOSHEU.
Next, on to “the Pacifica Bridge” with equally absurd statements of how 6,000 were present (noting that Los Angeles is the largest concentration of Scientologists on earth — wow, there are more people each week that show up on Sunday for the regular sermon in dozens of big Christian churches throughout the US) which everyone also knows is a lie.
There are then FORTY PAGES of empty spaces and shots of Dear Leader devoted to LA Org, ASHO and AO. They are proclaimed to be the “model ideal orgs” for their “type” of organization (even though there are no other SHs or AOs that are not combined?).
Within the 40 glossy pages are shots of the “Test Center” which was never opened. This is almost certainly because the church could not persuade anyone to allow them enough time to close down Hollywood Blvd to erect their fake forests and walls so nobody could catch a glimpse of Dear Leader. So it just “opened” with no ribbon yank at all.
But again, this is NOT an “Ideal Continental Base.” No mention of the CLO. No mention of the SO berthing. No mention of other sectors. And not a single photo of any of that in these pages.
And while there seems to be some new furniture in ASHO and AO (so they can route everyone onto the Student Hat, Purif and Objectives?) there is really nothing new at all.
And that is ALL THE NEWS on the single most important COB strategy in scientology. Not ONE “new” ideal org. Not even one continental base completed. A big fat zero turned into SIXTY PAGES of empty rooms, blurry crowd scenes and full page photoshopped glamorpuss shots of Pope On a Box.
In the history of March 13 events, this is the thinnest ever. Usually it is a bit of news blown up big. This is no news spread so thin it is see-through.
Then, he trots out “Guillaume Lesevre” (NOT ED Int) to present the “Birthday Game Awards”.
These have always been rigged, but they have become a complete farce now.
With silly descriptions of horses bolting from the gate, jockeys on the track, mounts in harnesses, long shots and sure bets, the only cliche that was not used was the only appropriate one. The fix is in.
Missions — not even worth mentioning other than to note the winning mission for the UK was New Delhi in India and the winning mission for ANZO was one in Taiwan and the world champion was Los Feliz.
Orgs — To fill in time (because there was no other news) they flew the “winning orgs” from each Continent and presented them all with their “racing silks”.
And surprise, surprise, see if you can spot the similarity between them.
These are the winners by continent:
Latin America: Ideal Org of Mexico City
Canada: Ideal Org of Cambridge
Africa: Ideal Org of Joburg
UK: Ideal Org of London
ANZO: Ideal Org of Melbourne
Europe: Ideal Org of Moscow
EUS: Ideal Org of Tampa
WUS: Ideal Org of Portland
Dear Leader said earlier in the event that “100% standard tech means 100% ideal” and he forgot to mention that “100% of Birthday Game winners are always going to be ideal.”
But the real kicker is this.
The Grand Winner of the entire Birthday Game — the MOST EXPANDING AND FLOURISHING ORG ON PLANET EARTH was….
See here for the reality of the Portland “Ideal Org.”
Sea Org — of course, the winner was the “Ideal AOSHEU.”
And the winning “continent” was the “almost ideal WUS.”
Phew, the suspense was incredible. Only exceeded by the bullshit.
Finally, mercifully, Dear Leader wrapped up the evening with some more woodchipped word salad “A Turning Point In Whole Track History” subtitled “Spanning The Social Blueprint Of This Planet’ (if anyone can interpret this for me I would appreciate it).
Here, in all it’s foolishness are his closing remarks, accompanied by yet another full page shot of photoshopped majesty entitled simply “Chairman of the Board Religious Technology Center Mr. David Miscavige” — as if 6 previous full page shots identifying him similarly hadn’t been enough to ensure everyone knew who he was (funny, the single shot of Guillaume Lesevre has NO caption at all).
And with that, I can take no more.
I bet the Cause Resurgence RD stats include all the pilots too, in LA and at the int base. And…oh jeez….LOL….all the Int guys who went out there for a day in their uniforms….I’m absolutely sure they EP’d with a totally standard result! ROTF……
“…our tech reaches ever deeper into catacombs across this civilization.”
Is this supposed to be a metaphor to illustrate how Scientology tech is reaching into pockets of the world where no -one has ever heard of Scientology or LRH?
Does Mr. Sherman or anyone know that catacombs exist UNDERGROUND? And can we now assume that the homeless people who live in the New York City subways and undergound in other global urban metro systems are now being reached with Ron’s tech?
I’m actually speechless, and this inanity is only one of so many others. So much to J & D, so little time. And my head is swimming, and I was a star on KTL.
Kudos muchos to you, Mike, for even reading this in its entirety let alone analyzing the outpoints and offering us your evalutation, which, as usual, is spot-on.
Hello Mike!
I realize that it is probably too much to ask, but could you scan some of those pages and put them up? The 4 pages of Sherman-speak are the ones I’m truly interested in, moreover not withstanding and so it leads us to this and now, havingness, beingness, doingness, knowingness LrH hip hip!!
Mike, must you? It was such a relief when the mailman stopped stuffing my mailbox with this drivel. There is no escape! 🙂
If only they would send all of this mail to third world countries it could be recycled as fuel source. The famous inventor, Dean Kamen, whose inventions seek to enhance the condition of the people of Earth, has invented a device called the Slingshot.
This device produces clean water from almost any source and can run on any fuel. In some areas of the world the best fuel available is cow dung. Recycled bullshit should work too.
I’m laughing out loud Espiritu!
There’s a lot of that cow dung, or should I say, “Bull dung” around the church right now. Maybe we can start a campaign to pick it up and send it over to Africa. At least it would be helping someone. 😉
Dave’s the shit.
Espiritu, you gave me an idea. Hmm, I read papercrete is stronger and lighter than concrete. It’s your basic cement but mixed with shredded paper. I’m thinking if I ever want to build a house out of concrete blocks I’ll just get on a $cientology mailing list(s). I’ll have all the paper I need delivered to my mailbox at the jobsite.
Truly hilarious! Thanks, Mike!
“Our technology reaches ever deeper into catacombs across this civilisation.”
May I just be the Nth person to ask WTF? I wonder if staff was no hand to wave cards to the audience with “he is NOT insane!” printed on them…
The catacombs across this civilization is someone just trying to wax Shermanspeak. Ugh.
I don’t know if you read a previous comment of mine, Jens, but I was at an auditor’s day event a few years ago, in LA – where the Kool-Aid drinkers thrive. This was the very first event ever that when someone said, “And thank you to COB for keeping the tech here and pure,” only ONE person clapped in a room with 600 or so people.
I lauuuuuughed!
So they are definitely noticing. The signs just might call more attention to it. Funny!
And thanks to COB RTC for keeping the kool-aid pure. Burp.
I recently purchased a copy of the February 1955 edition of Spaceway: Science Fiction. In it is an article called “Van Gogt on Dianetics” by A. E. Van Gogt. It is an eye-opener, the first section is entitled “The Decline of Dianetics.” There are other sections explaining the trouble Dianetics had since the establishment of the original foundations and so on.
The Church’s current troubles don’t really seem to be unique in the organization’s history.
Yes, the 1950s, when criticism was allowed.
It is worthwhile to get and read “Fads and Fallacies” by Martin Gardner cheap on Amazon.
“With silly descriptions of horses bolting from the gate, jockeys on the track, mounts in harnesses, long shots and sure bets, the only cliche that was not used was the only appropriate one. The fix is in.”
That. Is fucking brilliant.
Didn’t that asshole Miscavige promise a Universe Corps like 10 or 20 years ago, for orgs that made Saint Hill size? That one was supposed to audit the staff to Clear. But He took it away. Now He’s promising another one to audit them through OT levels. Hmmmm…. I smell bullshit.
To Miscavige, an Ideal Org is one empty of all these cocksucking DB pieces of shit who all are just PURE CI and working him to death.
They’re all just SPs who end up blogging on the fringes of the internet anyway.
Yo Dave! HELLO!!!!!
Portland……….. wtf?
I live in Portland and when I drive by there I see no one. I used to think, “well, maybe they’re all in the inner part of the building.” But I’ve been by there many, many times at various times of day and night. i.e. when students would be starting courses and I see a few people wandering in. Certainly not the single most expanding Org in $cn. It’s a freakin Morgue.
They probably get less traffic than Cameron’s bookstore which is across the street kitty-corner.
The Sherman-speak is mind bending. Combine that with the Miscavige delivery and you’ve got a toxic cocktail of whacko. A memorable moment for me, when I twigged that $cientology is loopier than even I thought, was Dear Leader’s comment in 2007 about the 1,382,493 dust particles removed from the film. That was all-time Classic OCD nuttiness $cientology style. I still get a chuckle out of that one.
Two people from Portland here at Flag told me they have 400 people on service. Either they are dreaming or the people are in the basement.
The last event I “attended” was in 2011 at the centenary of LRH’s Birthday. It was horrid – the sound system was faulty, Sherman droned on and on inaudibly for ages. My entire family and many others just blew halfway through the event with Sea Org members physically trying to stop us from leaving.
I was “done” on events. Even though I later joined staff, I somehow managed to avoid seeing ANY more events – in hindsight probably one of the ways I was finding my way out of the matrix. These events are nothing other than implants – just watch the people’s expressions watching the event and afterwards, it’s something to behold – they look like Universal Soldiers who have just been downloaded with their latest orders. Creepy doesn’t begin to cover it.
“Never use lies in PR”
I have listened to the entire available library of LRH tapes, read all of his books and completed over fifty courses, including KTL.
I have read but not checksheet studies the OEC FEBC course (for interest as out of the church then) and the Class VIII pack.
I may have unflat straightwire as I cannot recall LRH ever mentioning his vision of “Ideal Orgs”
I would be most grateful if anyone can refer me to the HCO Pl, HCOB, Book or Taped lecture that this fantastic data is in.
But there ARE 400 Super Power Completions. Woohoo. Yet there were 2700 Cornerstone Members. Where are they all? About 15% have showed up?
I know one of those Cornerstone Members….He knows he
has been duped. No way will he give more money for Super Power,
any COS services and any of the other money grabbing groups.
This is after he finished OT8… thinks the level didn’t meet
up to his expectations.
Maybe the reason so many Cornerstone members have not arrived to do Super Power is because half or more of them have been declared. I wonder if they put those contributors’ names on a plaque or on a corner stone and then once they leave or are declared, they get a stone mason to scratch out their names on the cornerstone, or etch a line through their name on the gold plaque? With all the etching out and scratching out, methinks the supports of the building will weaken and the building will crumble. And there will be nothing left to read on the pretty plaque. Are we Ideal yet?
Cindy – maybe DM will have to get Mr. Clean on the job with one of those magic sponges!
You’re right. It would be interesting if someone took a pic of all of the plaques on the wall and we could see how many are out now.
You so funny.
I couldn’t even read it all. Last year Guillaume came out too – looking completely gaunt and stooped.
It’s hard to stand straight when Dave is on your back all the time.
New OT VIII completions do NOT run one for every single day (notice they qualified that statement). There were 40 completions in the latest Freewinds magazine and 32 completions in the one prior. Freewinds is published every two months. So they averaged just over half an OT VIII per day for the most recent four months. They are broker than broke!
Maybe he misspoke and really meant to say “WE ARE MAKING TWO QUARTER OT VIIIS EACH AND EVERY DAY” or “5 DECI-VIIIs EACH AND EVERY DAY”?
Semi-annually for each fiscal period ending in odd years as adjusted for 2 1/2% inflation in the new trimester.
I’ll see your Golden, and raise you one Platinum.
Ladies and Gents! Step right up! I’ve got all your Platinum accessories right here. Platinum Age of Miracles. Platinum Continental Schmearing. Platinum Toilet Seats. Platinum Orders of Magnitude. Better than Golden every time!
Right on! – Diamond Dave
Imagine doing these events six times a year for 30 years. Maybe this is what makes DM so crazy. He has been hoist on his own petard.
We need an MTV reality show called Dave’s World.
Poor Dave.
So many adjectives,
so little time.
If all this is true, why doesn’t he want to be deposed in any of his lawsuits?
I am kind of surprised any of the “stats” would be published. I think this kind of exaggeration is what is going to sink Narconon once and for all. The rest of the Co$ can’t be far behind.
When I read your post today, I was transported back to a time almost exactly 30 year ago when a friend of mine obtained a book, which he shared with me. My friend had gotten this book from an old German machinist in upstate Pennsylvia. The machinist, Walter Good was his name, had competed in the 1936 Olympics as a wieghtlifter for Germany. He had been given a coffee table sized book which was liberally filled with pictures of happy children and men and women blessed by the wonderful philosophy of National Socialism. The book was a PR book extolling the benefits of the Nazi way of life. It had pictures of the “dear leader” of the time firing up the crowd with statistics of economic, moral and cultural success and the prose could have been written by Sherman. No mention of the SPs of the time (read Jews), only the glorious happiness being experienced by the people. I remember thinking at the time that this was a manuscript written by truly evil men to delude a populace and that it worked. I guess our capacity for delusion has endured. Thanks for the work you do.
I agree completely.
And the book you describe is maniacally insane.
In keeping up with the times, COB has resurrected his world famous Golden Era Musicians to produce a video using a Sara Bareilles song as inspiration. I can’t say much more, but here’s a snippet: I JUST WANNA SEE YOU BEHAVE.
I give it 10 years to total implosion. That long only because of the huge war chest that IAS has “collected”. Not considering that money, scientology is simply now a corpse with some momentum giving the appearance of life.
I just saw the picture of DM and Tom Cruise on their motorcycles posing together. The article said it was sent to a TV station when they were putting together an expose of the church and DM, and that DM himself sent that pic, along with his letter to try to get them not to do the expose. The author wondered why DM would send a picture of himself with Tom to the media?
It hit me and I literally shuddered at the evil. Per the PTS/SP tech, an SP likes to siphon off glory and admiration from others such as artists and “big beings” around them. The SP is a narcissistic personality and has to soak up the glory meant for someone else, since they have none, hence the term, “vampire personality.” DM sent that pic of his bro Tom Cruise and him so that the media would publish it and the world would see what an important person DM is to be Tom Cruise’s BFF. Instead of “guilt by association” he is hoping it will be “adulation by association.” Sick.
Cindy — it was for the LA Times not TV. This picture appeared on the front page of LA Times for a story bylined Kim Christianson. Your assessment for the reasoning is pretty accurate.
Dear Leader loved to bask in the reflected glory of the star that was once Tom Cruise. Nothing much to bask in any more. These days it would be the subject of much ridicule for both of them if they sent a shot like this to the media.
Those were the heady days when Mr. Cruise was a big hitter in Hollywood that studios still wanted to work with.
Cindy, Vampiric is a good descriptor of DM. He himself produces nothing worthwhile..
Have ya seen the trailers for Tom’s latest
movie? He looks like a mini Transformer.
I wonder if it will take 10 years. Litigation is piling up. The IRS smells money. The cheerch has made a lot of enemies over the years, defrauded (and worse) a lot of people. The chickens are coming home to roost.
I agree…won`t be 10 years, at least not with all the buildings and MEST intact. Not enough income, too much outflow (both money and people)
I`d say 3 years, unless something startling happens (IRS does something, sudden felony evidence actually gets Li`l Davey arrested, Tom Cruise freaks out in public and the major media get into a feeding frenzy.) It`ll end a locked down compound with a small number of KA-drinking slaves and hired guards. The end will come as soon as someone freezes accounts.
Hey Dave and all you IAS reges out there. I’ve got a sing-a-long for you.
Jessie J – Price Tag ft. B.o.B:
I liked that Mike.
I thought it was funny, dm saying that they were going to get everyone to FULL OT. First of all nobody has EVER made it to full OT so what gives them the idea that they can even do this?? Sounds good though I guess.
They’ve descended from Golden Age to Iron Pyrite Age. Next stop: Rocks Covered With Rust-o-leum Gold Spray Paint Age.
Hey Davey boy, a little Shakespeare for ya:
Therefore, to be possess’d with double pomp,
To guard a title that was rich before,
To gild refined gold, to paint the lily,
To throw a perfume on the violet,
To smooth the ice, or add another hue
Unto the rainbow, or with taper-light
To seek the beauteous eye of heaven to garnish,
Is wasteful and ridiculous excess.
“Every sector ….. FULLY ideal” …….. Why do you need to put the word “fully” there? I mean, if something is “ideal” …… by the way, is word clearing part of the new Student Hat? ….. just wondering …..
The ultimate in ideal perfected perfection!!!!
Yes Joe. Every word is FULLY CLEARED to FULL CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING and the FULL EP is reached and there is a three swing f/n on every word. This is all videoed and reviewed by RTC where they have a meeting and vote on whether it was a three swinger or just two and a half….
Also the size of the swing per the soon to be released Golden Age of Arbitraries.
“Fully Ideal” … a tactical redundancy … or some grammar deal of sorts great for marketing such as “Kills bugs dead”.
Fully ideal, like totally dude!
Fully, absolutely and perfectly Ideal!!! Even our toilet paper is Ideal. We have closets full of Ideal toilet paper so we will NEVER, EVER run out of toilet paper again. This point alone will guarantee planetary clearing!!!
Just wait for GAT 3. It will be 100% fully ideal, then.
All these Golden Ages. It’s hard to keep track of them all.
After the golden shower you get really pissed off.
“Despite all you have thus far seen” (I’m still spouting unadulterated BS)……Way to go Der Leader….
It’s been the same shit diffrent event for years.
Boy, this is dense, really dense. OT VIIs-VIIIs of course they have to be rushed as otherwise there is not new public to slam through the Super Power. Sooner or later they are going to run out of public at Flag.
2,300 in attendance at Ruth E Hall – staff alone amounts over 1,100..
GAT for “OUR” Social Betterment Pgms? Better hurry, Narconon is being sued left, right and center.
How many ‘turning points in the whole track’ have been mentioned at events? Well, between the fart and these turning points they must be really, really dizzy.
I am glad and thankful Mike for your detailed description of all this as it does provide a real picture of the lies and lies being spouted out at events. Enough said.
The GAT for Able when all continents are fully completed will be called The House of The Seven Gables. Apologies to Nathaniel Hawthorne.
I love COB’s carrot of The Universe Corps – right up there with OT IX & 10. Reminds me somehow of the Philip K. Dick novel ‘Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?’
Hmmm…seems to me we are achieving the turning point in whole track history at least twice every year…according to his majesty’s pronouncements. New stat: Number of Whole Track History Turning Points Achieved.”
Good one! 🙂
Let’s not forget milestones per minute.
Yesterday I received the latest edition of Impact Magazine. There were several articles that made me extremely sad. One was the picture of 50 young volunteer ministers — all school children at some scientology Applied Scholastic school in Clearwater — young, happy and being unwittingly programmed. Unless their parents leave sometime soon, many if not most will join the Sea Org.
The other was seeing Terry Novitsky, her husband and 4 adult children and a spouse. ALL of her children are in the Sea Org and the Novitskys are mega IAS donors — mega. They won’t be leaving anytime soon with 4 kids in the SO. Terry was my junior hundreds of years ago at CCLA.
And then the coup de gras — Narconon in Kathmandu — a gorgeous looking monastic type building … interestingly all the participants of the program are men. I didn’t realize Kathmandu had a drug problem — I guess it’s everywhere – just wish it wasn’t narconon that was providing the help.
Scientology is being perpetuated the old fashion way. Have children. As many as possible. Indoctrinate them and get them to continue the religion. Those children will have children etc etc
Sad — and so glad when a second or third generation scientologist is able to step OUT of the box and start speaking out.
Well done to you Mike and Christie and to the many other second and third generation who got out with their lives … able to start again …
I share your sadness, Windhorse. As parents drinking the KA, you think you’re doing the right thing to send the kids to a Scn school. But then you find out later it is the recruiting grounds for SO and even the teachers push the kids into the SO instead of off to college. These kids have their chance at their own life taken from them at a young age and are inducted into service and brainwashed. It’s is very sad.
When I tried to get the truth to my two kids, I asked where are the Int Management Execs? Where is Heber? Guillaume Lesevere? Norm Starsky? Ray Mitthoff, Mark Yeagar? and other Scn Execs. I told them they have been imprisoned in the Hole.
My kids then went back to their org and got “the true data” and came back and told me that “Heber is happily on post at Int and spends his time on post and writing.” (Ha! Writing endless O/W’s for gang bang Sec Checks). And the kids told me that Guillaume “appears at events now and then.” Yes, BUT when he is trotted out of the Hole for these short appearances, he is never introduced by his title, E.D. INT. Very telling omission.
I was at a New Year’s event a few years ago that Heber was brought out of the Hole to speak at. He had no less than 4 handlers (body guards) with him. My table was close to his and I saw how nervous and uncomfortable he looked. He did not look well. He kept looking down at his paper or note cards reading with lips moving, obviously trying to memorize a speech just written for him. As soon as he did his bit on stage, they all left. Didn’t even wait to see in the new year. It was back to the Hole for Heber.
Yes, indeed David Miscavige is a real piece of work. I was going to use another word for work but I’ll leave it to the reader’s imagination.
Thank you Leonore and MJ. My hope is that the house of cards comes down soon so that families can be reunited and the healing can begin.
Hmmmmm….piece of……hmmmm.
Does it have anything to do with a Bull?
Here’s a clue Potpie. First letter is S and last one is T.
Thanks for sharing your glimpse of Heber, sad as it is. What you describe is so unlike him. Few kids today have enough familiarity with who these Execs were – especially Heber – and they miss the outpoints.
I am sorry about your kids, too.
Thanks MJ….I think I got it.
About as subtle as a freight train, right.
What a great post. Many thanks for reading through their drivel. Did you do it on a full stomach?
Given the tortured writing used by Scientologists, I wonder if the word processer they use (such as Microsoft Word) suffers a fatal error every time it runs a grammar check?
I read it all the way through. The most pedantic, turgid, meaningless (social blueprint???), garrulous and garbled hash of words I believe I’ve ever read. Shakespeare commented on such far better than I: “This life, which had been the tomb of his virtue and of his honour, is but a walking shadow; a poor player, that struts and frets his hour upon the stage, and then is heard no more: it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.” And that goes for both the speaker and the author of such dreadful prose.
David Macbeth Miscavige or should we say Macdeath.
I’m still laughing at “…word salad put through a wood chipper…” My cats are wondering what’s going on with me. The upstairs neighbors must be wondering if I’m off my rocker. And then reading that junk!! LOL !! I’m still laughing. And sheeple are actually trying to decipher it. OMG! It’s getting sillier and sillier. Still laughing…. :-))))
Sheeple, sheeple who need sheeple, are the most gullible sheeple in the world. Thanks Barbra.
“… our technology reaches ever deeper into catacombs across this civilization.” Yes indeed COB, your ‘technology’ will soon be buried as the world watches you being consumed by the flames of your own ignorance as did Icarus in days of yore. Highest ever stat will be: Number of pages of golden age of dreck incinerated. Happy Burning Dave!
Yes, did he not word clear “catacomb” — which is a type of cemetery, usually underground.
So they are reaching the cemeteries around the world?
No wonder the stats are down. They need to focus on live people.
Nah, Dave likes ’em closer to death – easier to manipulate. He’s an expert at controlling bodies. It’s just that those damn, frisky, mischievous thetans who refuse to be subdued drive him into a foaming frenzy. What’s a little ol’ cob to do?
MJ – an answer to your rhetorical question is, “demolish standard tech and reprogram it so that the thetans who are alive are weakened and subdued.”
Oh, wait. Sorry. That’s already being done.
CofS is like the Hotel California except if you grow some balls you can leave.
I’ve done my own eval and the C of $ will vanish for things not examined
at all . The stats are pumped up ( camoflaged hole) more basic issues.
The Golden Age of using beating the term “Golden Age” – to death.
Side effects include, nausea, vomiting, boredom, apathy, hopelessness, disbelief, doubt, sadness, grief, anger, hatred towards Scientology for never delivering anything of value, self abasement, guilt, shame and cynicism.
If you are a Scientologist and experiencing any of the symptoms listed above or others not listed but not desired, the remedy is to JUST LEAVE and stop contributing to the Lying Cult of Greed!
Could it be that Sherman has been suffering those side effects more than the rest of us? His goal is to make it crystal clear for us. He has a formula, a method for making it crystal that thereafter elevates the awareness of the heights to which the ideal formula elevates. His method revolves around using the purest word ingredients and precisely timed phases between the ideal components. Notwithstanding the continually increasing output, he continually looks for continual improvement of his method.
He has become an addict to the fix of his method. An addict, a crystal method tweaker.