Sarah Mole was the BBC Panorama producer I came to know through her work on their two scientology episodes. In the first, I was a spokesman for the cult, in the second, a whistleblower. We discuss what impressions the organization and I made on her and the strange journey we have traveled from antagonists to friends.
You can listen to the episode at my Buzzsprout site or wherever you get your podcasts.
You can watch the episodes here.
Scientology and Me, 2007:
The Secrets of Scientology, 2010:
Every mention of Bob Keenan/ Rob Swan makes me want to go on a little mission as all the addresses I could find online were very close to me, one about a 10 minute walk away lol. I always found it interesting that the correspondence address for him for one business on Companies House was Stanmer House which at the time was owned by Mike Holland, who I believe was a whale for either some kind of Narconon centre in Brighton, or perhaps for the main uk facility, many years ago. Seemed quite the coincidence that his address was that of someone with Scientology connections. Anyway, I digress.
Bob/Rob, I wonder if you’re still one of my neighbours or whether you’ve moved away…
Marvellous interview!
This was a wonderful episode of the podcast Mike. You and Sarah were both hilarious at many points in this episode. It was interesting to know how she got involved with being a major part of speaking out against Scientology. It was also nice to hear her point of veiw of things that you have mentioned over they years.
I absolutely loved this episode Mike! Sarah has a great sense of humor. It was nice to get her perspective on Scientology when she was working on the documentaries against it.
Thank you for the podcast – very informative and interesting to hear the same story “from both sides”.