I talk with Sarah and Nippy who escaped the NXIVM cult and were featured in the HBO documentary, The Vow.
They now host A Little Bit Culty podcast shining a light on cult-like groups and environments, and helping victims recover.
Listen to the episode here: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2267616/15259600
I highly recommend Sarah’s best selling book, Scarred, and her Ted talk, How To Spot a Cult.
We did an episode of the Fair Game podcast with Sarah and Nippy
If not for watching The Vow when it came out I would have never fell down the rabbit hole of High Control Groups, since its release I have meticulously consumed as much info as possible on how these groups work, when they interviewed you and Leah for their podcast it made dive in even further to cults and look into the worlds most famous.. Scientology and I’ve been an avid supporter of whistle blowers and survivors of Scientology ever since— if not for The Vow I would have never went on to lean how tactics and practices used by high control groups are similar to my own experience in coercively controlling relationships, both romantic and friendships. I understand myself better now because of the information and content you guys have put your sanity and safety on the line to get out there for the world to see and hear. Nowadays im the first one in the Facebook, Instagram and Reddit comment section calling out people who have no idea how this stuff works but still give their uninformed opinions of survivors of abuse and coercive control et al. The usual comments I reply to usually say the dreaded, ‘this could never happen to me this only happens to idiots’ or the good old unsympathetic comments like, ‘X participated in the cult for 10/20/30 years and was fully complicit in the abuse carried out by the cult leader’ — my replies to these people usually go like this, ‘NO! That is not how this works and here is 10 verified sources explaining why it doesn’t work in the way you’ve convinced yourself it does!’
I firmly believe that without all of the stories, good and bad, told by the survivors of these groups and relationships we would not be where we are today being in a position to call the abuse out and get eyes on the crimes being committed all day everyday by these groups.
Scientology survivors and whistle blowers like yourself will have their day in the sun very soon, I know it. In the meantime Americans need to use their powerful vote for those candidates who stand on a platform of ‘religions shouldn’t be tax exempt in our non secular society’
Loved this episode Mike, I hope to hear you catch up with Mark Vicente at some point again too. Take care and keep fighting the good fight
NXIVM? Only read about them in the last couple of nights.
Unlike Erhard’s (Rosenberg’s)
EST and Forum under Landmark or The Process, and others, they don’t seem to have any direct connection with Fattyology.
More like a Bhaghwan Rajneesh revival with a different guru and a bonus pyramid scheme.
NiXIlliM does have overt occult assocations, unlike Fattyology, where the Crowleyite cross and some logos are the only really blatant occult symbols.
Would enjoy any corrections on those points.
Keith Raniere stole a LOT from Hubbard. Listen to my episode on ALBC or their episode on Fair Game podcast
Thank you Mike, I will.
stole a LOT from Hubbard
to me, as a never-in (except for the test and a sample auditing session), seems an odd way to state it. What did Hubbard ever offer that was worth stealing?
Except, of course, the vast fortune that he amassed, real-estate, expensive cars, etc.
The post directly following mine was from a ‘Lillith’, a name exclusively used by Kabbalists, Crowleyites, and Talmudists.
Sarah and Nippy are amazing people so are Mark and Bonnie! As well as anybon the NXIVM whistle blowers. I watched The Viw before I watched the Aftermath and when I look at you all you have the common trait that you want to help people. It’s very honorable to say the least. I admire all of you. Also the end of the podcast I felt was incredibly important you don’t owe anyone anything you do what you think is most valuable and helpful. You have put so much work into helping people leave.
Great episode. Sarah and Nippy are incredible guests to have! I love the podcasts that you have done with them. When listening to them I hear and see so many similarities to NXIVM and Scientology. Keith Definitely took somethings from Scientology ans well as other cults. I think that it’s nice that you can connect with people who have gone through similar things. It helps when you have something in common with others that you can process it.
This was an incredible podcast.You sound great. You all are doing great work by doing these podcasts. It helps people more than you know. I remember I watched The Vow when it came out and after your Fairgame podcast episode with Mark Vicente. I think both the Aftermath and The Vow explained greatly the truth about the cults and other abusive aspects of relationships like this. Keep up the good work Mike.
This was a wonderful episode of the podcast! The Vow was the first cult documentary series that I watched. I have been listening to Sarah and Nippys podcast since they started it. Whe. You where on their podcast I started watching the Aftermath soon after. I have also listened to Mark Vicentes podcast. I think it’s wonderful that you all can have a connection because of everything you went through with people wo understand in similar and different ways. All of yall are great people doing the right thing.
Excellent podcast once again Mike! Sarah and Nippy have always been great to listen to. I think this was such an important episode to have especially during the end when you where tlakinhmg about how you don’t have to feel guilty about not being able to help everyone and how people put so much pressure on outspoken survivors/whistle blowers.
I absolutely loved this episode! Sarah and Nippy are incredible people. I remember watching The Vow in 2020 and then following the sentencing of Keith Raniere. I also remember they had you on their podcast and Sarah was on your podcast. The similarities between NXIVM and Scientology are crazy. Keith definitely looked into Scientology and what it had done to make NXIVM.
This is fantastic!!! I love Sarah and Nippy two incredibly strong people! I remember watching The Vow and seeing alot of similarities between NXIVM and Scientology. You are all living proof that people can leave and survive such horrific cults.