There’s some scientology Fair Game activity underway in our neighborhood since Leah filed her lawsuit.
Some neighbors alerted us to a suspicious vehicle parked on the main boulevard of our community outside their house.
Two neighbors took photos of license plate of the vehicle at different times and locations:
Shortly thereafter Christie and I went out to the local store and just like magic – look who is right in front of us:
Of course, this could have been a coincidence and just someone who lives in our neighborhood – though sitting in their vehicle all day on the side of the street didn’t make that a likely scenario. But let’s give them the benefit of the doubt…
We followed him down the road for a bit and turned right into the parking lot of the shopping center. He tuned right on the next street (there are multiple entrances to the parking lot). We got what we needed and took a couple of “PI losing” maneuvers that made it seem like we were going out of the parking lot a back way, then did a U-turn and lo and behold who comes out from behind a building – chasing us in the wrong direction and holding his hand up in front of his face as soon as he realized his mistake!
Two hours later we went out again, this time we spotted him sitting in an empty church parking lot adjacent to the entrance to our community.
This video speaks for itself:
No doubt whatsoever after this maneuver that this is PI who does not want to be seen. Driving over the median to avoid a clear shot through the side window?
So why did they just start these activities again now?
Leah filed her lawsuit and Miscavige is paranoid about being personally served. He has no doubt issued orders that OSA is to know my whereabouts 24/7. He doesn’t want me connecting with a process server… or serving him myself. I was under similar orders when Miscavige was in Clearwater and Bob Minton was there. I would get calls from Laurisse (his “Communicator”) at any hour of the day or night for the exact whereabouts of Minton, and if I didn’t know, all hell would break loose. .
The craziest thing about this is it adds to the already huge pile of evidence that they do EXACTLY what it says in Leah’s complaint. They cannot help themselves from re-enacting their insanity over and over, while shouting “these claims are all disproven in courts over and over again and this is just bigots making up things about us.”
If they weren’t so harmful to so many people, they may well be a Monty Python skit on the order of the black knight. When both his arms have been chopped off, he acts as if it hasn’t happened: “it’s just a flesh wound, I’ve had worse.” As scientology continues their deranged harassment in front of the world, they pronounce “it’s all lies.”
I compiled this into a YouTube video with Christie that you can watch here:
Dave – You will never ‘intimidate us’. Mike’s family is surrounded by layers and layers of protection. We are invisible and strong and mighty. In the end, it’s clear that YOU have a very strong need for mental health care. Kinda ironic.
I hope this comes up in Leah’s Lawsuit against Scientology. Interestingly enough that license plate number is no longer valid with the Florida State Department of Motor Vehicles. That sounds very interesting in itself. I love how they jumped the median to avoid being recorded by you. Good for you two on being so diligent and showing what can be done if you are being fair gamed.
Mike, I’m so glad that you’re well enough to post and well enough to go grocery shopping. You are getting better! And what is it with these imbeciles?. “Noisy investigations”…revolting cult. Poor Tiny Fists, forced by cult “scripture” to be obsessed with your grocery runs.
What if you played with hm a little…sent him daily messages on his Facebook or something whenever you’re going out…”Hi Dave! Just a heads up for the gumshoe you got parked near us that my wife and I are on our way out to pick up the dry cleaning,after which we’ll be stopping at Home Depot for some stuff. Now once we’re done there if Christie doesn’t feel like cooking we might just grab a burger at that place across the street, and then happily home to cuddle together on the couch while we watch Aftermath’s Greatest Hits. Well, that’s the itinerary for today, Dave! Say hi to Laurisse!”
I have cross posted the third PI video on my Channel on YT w/the heading “Scientology Private Eyes stalk cancer patient.”
Mike, Congratulations on being effective in continuing to expose Davey’s toxic cult of greed and criminal abuse. Every action they take creates more bad publicity for them.
That looked like a rather dangerous maneuver…going over the median to make a upturn!
Here’s an idea: Since you have the video and also a picture of the license plate, why not send both to the chief of police or sheriff. Then they should be obligated legally to determine who rented the car and investigate the lunatic driver for reckless endangerment of others.
David Miscavige I am still in your bedroom watching you sleep postulating your liver shriveling up.
You too, Cat Daddy?
I knew I felt a another precence in the room besides Dave and me but I couldn’t place it, but now I know it was my lost friend Karl.
A very ecclesiastical use of their parishioner’s money, no doubt! So theta! I mean, it’s not like just doing an actual service to the community is an option. That would be out-exchange, or something. Meatball spasms, basically. Now, touch that bottle. Thank you! Now drink some sips and then call your non-scio relatives. Thank you!
The PI may be trying to intercept bluetooth phone connections in order to listen in. Proximity is important.
I would not use the car’s bluetooth-phone connection.
Happy you are on the mend Mike. Thanks for what you do. I appreciate the vigilance the SP Team Rinder, Remini, A-ARon. Scoby, Headley are all doing to continuously exposed the evil tactics of David Miscavige and his minions it’s Powerful and effective at exposing and destroying the fake church / cult of Scientology, Inc.
I love SPTV
Tick Tock .. the cult is going down
It’s happening
The truth is prevailing thanks to all of you.
Their paranoia is on display once again. It seems childish in this day and age. They play spy games like it’s the 1951’s. Old policies can never change and it will be their undoing. Like an old Ludlum novel
If kinda has the feel of a fun game of hide and seek.
But like a child being tossed in the air (“Do it again, Daddy”) a few times (“Do it again, Daddy”) it can quickly (“Do it again, Daddy”) lose the fun aspect.
Looks to me like they may be in violation of FLORIDA STATUTE 784.048 (Stalking/Harassment) and a call to the local police would at least get something on the record.
Best wishes putting up with the annoyance.
The neighbors called the sheriff department who said they were not doing anything illegal by parking and watching.
Good to know something’s on the record.
But since YOU are the target seems like –
784.048 Stalking; definitions; penalties.—
(1) As used in this section, the term:
(a) “Harass” means to engage in a course of conduct directed at a specific person which causes substantial emotional distress to that person and serves no legitimate purpose.
(b) “Course of conduct” means a pattern of conduct composed of a series of acts over a period of time, however short, which evidences a continuity of purpose.
– applies.
A call to the DA’s office may help(?).
Continued Best Wishes.
The sheriff’s department need to know what Hubbard said on to deal with opponents of Scientology.
Little troglodyte Davey has gone stratospheric in panic and paranoia and is starting to make Howard Hughes hiding from view look like a short vacation. Plainly and simply: he is absolutley terrified of being forced into the glare of the public arena.
David Miscavige is not a troglodyte. He is a South Philly Plug Ugly. And I’ll bet – this sounds like a stretch – but I’d bet money that he is in fact bored stiff with his life, and envies Mike Rinder, his intelligence, his communication lines, his freedom and his happy marriage.
Think about it. Miscavige has nothing but money. No love, no freedom, no ability to be simply and spontaneously himself – ever.
His whole life is a lie. He can’t go anywhere. He can’t travel and spend his money to see the spectacular beauty of this planet. He must always be guarded. He can’t just walk out of his house and stroll thru a town or go to a park. He must always hide. He can’t be seen. Isn’t he in his own kind of prison? No wonder he drinks. He exists in this sort of cocoon, all the time. Seriously, he must be bored out of his mind. I would be.
Scientology has two comments. It’s fair game! It’s perfectly fair! It says so right in the name!
Second, Scientology has never fair gamed anyone and denies the practice ever existed. Scientology will ruthlessly fair game anyone who says otherwise!
Good news you’re on the mend Mike.
However, condolences on being harassed once again. Being the target of such idiocy is far from a pleasant experience. But that’s the insanity Scientology festers. I guess as the walls close in on Miscavige even further now he clutches Hubbard’s insane policies tighter & righter to his chest. They are a fool’s protection. The bewildering wonder here is that he doesn’t realize he’s already in a jail of his own making, (or maybe he does… ) Doing nothing is not an option for him as he knows he has another enemy lurking in the shadows, closer to him, his own staff & parishioners.
Can’t wait until the courts get a hold of him to end his shenanigans once and for all and leave everyone alone.
Anything true or useful in Scientology was plagiarized from someone else’s unacknoledged work… eg: Charles & Anna Berner’s so-called “Study tech”, such as it is.
Mike and Christie are super sleuths!
That cowardly PI’s tone level is “Can’t Hide,” and way down Hubbard’s tone scale.
A process server literally threw a scientology-related summons at me one day. What a slimeball! He and another had been watching me for a while so that he would know when to pounce. What a nasty man. I’ll never forget how quickly he hightailed it out of the parking lot.
Can somebody down in Florida find out the owner of this vehicle?
Avis, Hertz or some other rental company. They never use their own vehicles
so glad the cough has cleared and continued prayers for you, Christie, and all your children.
In one sense, being a scio is simple and easy (albeit expensive). You don’t have to think, reason, or make your own judgments and decisions. It’s all laid out in scripture. The down side is that it produces acts of mindless stupidity that defy ordinary logic and common sense. But it’s what Ron says to do, so it must be rational. Well, no system is perfect.
“Not perfect” implies there’s something “good” about it. NOT wrt scientology, unless you’re Dwarfenführer, the beneficiary of all their evil gains.
Hubbard was such a piece of shit.
Mike your constant vigilance is truly an inspiration. It’s so amazing that they continue these practices despite the lawsuit. I truly hope someday soon you and Christie can have a peaceful and fair game free existence
It’s mind boggling – unless you’re a paranoid sociopathic Keebler Elf who’s trying to avoid prosecution.
Heh, Mike, it is so nice to see you.
Over the kerb at an intersection and everything, my god lol big bad PIs scared of mikey and Christie
Just attach the video to Leah’s lawsuit. Then in court it can be a please explain. Also why not send the video to the police. Crossing the median strip is dangerous and must be breaking the law. Its great to to see the hunter being hunted. Keep going Mike.
Let’s just hope that Leah can finally take those people down. The atrocities that they have been getting away with for years are beyond vile and despicable. Mike, hopefully you can continue getting better with the treatment. You’re awesome.
Only in Scientology could a falsehood be treated as a truth.