This is not a joke.
This is a brand new promo piece from Flag. Mailed this past week.
Of course, the “Bridge” was NEVER restricted at Flag. They were bringing in people from Class V orgs to do the Purif and TR’s and Objectives throughout the pandemic. It was the only place they COULD go.
But now, they have new protocols and they are announcing it loud and proud in one of their oversize, high-gloss mailings:
So, this is the new protocol. Enter “an ultimate safe and distraction free environment” one Day 1. Then for 2 days “Get in the loop.”
What exactly does this entail?
Watching these “intimate briefings” all day long. OMG!
He is giddy drunk on his own self-importance.
PS: “intimate” is code for “delivered at the Flag auditorium,” but they don’t want to say that as FSO and RTC are claiming they have no knowledge of the whereabouts of David Miscavige…
PPS: I wonder if they were deliberately trying to evoke an image of MTG to appeal to their MAGA crowd on the front of their brochure? Or was it a “Freudian slip.”
Two days of watching Lil’ Davey? More like Chairman of the Bored.
“intimate” is code for “delivered at the Flag auditorium,”
When I was a kid back in the 80s, I had this little language toy computer thingy. so I typed “INTIMATE” into it to see what it would say. It asked “did you mean INMATE”, and suggested “MASTERSON” and “CARDONE” as possible corrections. But what can you expect from toys from the 80s? I was hoping it would have its ethics in and say something about the bridge being wide open, but I guess it’s defective. Stupid machine thingy. At least it’s giddy. I think. That’s a plus, right?
Marjorie Taylor Greene parts her hair on the other side of her head, a dead giveaway that their promo is not MTG. Any real Trumper would know that.
– X Team Xenu alumni, 75-03
Chuck Beatty
Plus the person on the stairs is much taller and younger than Greene.
Couple of wonders – when was the last time Miscavige had or gave a session, was in the academy & what training level is he again?
It’s not a case of the blind leading the blind, it’s the truth and far more accurate to state the recording of a liar is leading the duped.
All hail the little man in a faux naval uniform! (wherever he is…)
My thoughts exactly until my thoughts were updated, so that today, comparing Miscavige’s orthodoxy to Hubbard orthodoxy violations, miss because Hubbard’s orthodoxy solutions which Miscavige fails to implement, only delay off of Hubbard’s deeper core Scientology insufficiencies and ultimate failures.
Doing what Ron says, won’t save them. It traps them. Outsiders are the wisest and see and saw this, all along, praise outsiders. And praise all the patient wise people everywhere.
Miscavige not doing what Ron says, is a good start. Lying like Ron lied, though, he ought to not do. But I guess that’s Miscavige’s predicament, he sees Ron’s downsides, but Miscavige is trapped with no options but do even more difficult wrong things, compared to high Scientology officials who quit, and get out of the Hubbard cult Catch 22 trap of bad options and lying.
Yes indeed.
It is always a wonder to me that the sheeple who buy Scientology without question, especially these days with so much evidence contrary to their dreams & aspirations in plain sight. All those empty buildings stand as testament to the unworkability of Scientology. They never seem to be bothered or observant enough to recognize that their almighty leader never touches the stuff he peddles, nor is the average staff member allowed to partake of it either. Yet he claims it’s so called “standard,” and that he went out of his way and professes he alone sorted it all out as Ron intended. Sort of like a clever heroin dealer never partaking in their own product – they know it’s addictive poison.
Hubbard was addicted to his own creation! Geezers, just trying to fathom how much he audited daily, wrote and spoke about it in volumes over decades makes me gasp! Then to follow the path he set out and find out it’s all crap anyway, no matter how good it may appear initially. It does not deliver what’s promised, it simply impossible that it can. The carrot and donkey of it all is remarkable, until you cut the string & throw the rotten, lie filled carrot away. The philosophical equations encountered to decipher it are anyone’s guess imo and should belong to anyone without ridicule as long as they don’t harm others with it. It seems to parallel political ramblings for many that sit on the fringe from what I have seen.
It’s a type of evolution to go through Scientology, pop out the other side with egg on your face, and, if you can be bothered, start putting the pieces of the puzzle together. Which ever way you go at it, all roads lead to Rome – it’s a trap, and an expensive one at that, in time, money & stolen integrity!
Great one, I’m laughing, great one.
Scientology Hollywood was all boarded up during the pandemic. Pac Base (all Orgs); the HGB; ASI; the Test Center; everything.
The only thing FailCult was delivering was plywood to all windows and doors.
Makes me wish I were OT and could go exterior and cruise through their building like a drone and record their dismal emptiness.
I still remember when I was on the PAC RPF, doing various renos helper jobs, and I wonder about all the rooms and walls and pipes, and doors, and chairs, and cigarette urns I worked on.
Nostalgia for their dismal empty buildings which used to be “home.”
The correct phrase is “…pedal TO the metal”, not ON the metal… Someone needs word clearing. Minor point I guess but just more evidence of what happens when you live life out of touch with real society.
Funny and perhaps more accurate than they had in mind. Scientology and CoB have not powerful engine in place, so the pedal just sits on the metal, unchanging. He can sit in his booster chair behind the wheel and not worry about his foot reaching. He’s gotten so used to imagining the scenery that the fact his vehicle is up on blocks doesn’t slow his roll.
If the person can’t make it through all the palaver in 2 days he’ll be sent to cramming for many long days and if that doesn’t help he’ll be determined “unfit” for service. But wait! It’s Flag; the mecca of technical perfection where everything works. Gibberish is gibberish. Ah, Truth Revealed.
Drink at least 3 cups of coffee before you sit down to start watching. I used to “love” watching the videos, again, mainly because no one is allowed to disturb you mid a movie. it’s a guaranteed stretch of not being interrupted with some worse thing the cult throws at you.
Movie watching, like course room study, was to be inviolate, no interruptions. I wonder if they at least keep that “in”. Mid movie brainwashing, I could switch off the brainwashing part, and just watch the colors, sets, clothing, etc, and drift off. Compare the personnel to past personnel, etc, etc.
By the looks of this surveyed promo piece, the target audience is 30-somethings. “Old Scientologists” need not apply, possibly because they can’t be fooled (not fully, at least). Flag needs money, and it needs it now.
It is September, and in the U.S., that means “Back to School.” Scientology appears to be positioning itself with that annual event.
“Exclusive Briefings” put the “good works” of David Miscavige at the forefront. What Miscavige has done for the “betterment” of scientology has to reinforced, re-drilled into the skulls of every Scientologist over and over again, because there’s just too much noise. Outside forces want to nail Miscavige’s butt by serving him legal papers. If his flock is focused on repeats of his briefings, there will be a lot less time for a scientologist to spend in front of a television, newspaper or radio–or on social media.
DM is the COB of self-fellatio.
There are a number of attorneys who need to see that “Get in the Loop” flyer. That ‘COB RTC’ bit shows beyond arguement David Miscavige is an officer of RTC, which according to California’s ‘BizFileOnLine’ is incorporated there:
Initial Filing Date 01/01/1982
Status Active
Standing – SOS Good
Standing – FTB Good
Standing – Agent Good
Standing – VCFCF Good
Entity Type Nonprofit Corporation – CA – Religious
Principal Address 1710 IVAR AVE SUITE 1100
Mailing Address 1710 IVAR AVE SUITE 1100
Statement of Info Due Date 01/31/2024
Agent Individual
The important part is the ‘Agent’. That’s actually ‘Agent for Service’ for RTC and it’s officers. Which, as shown by that flyer, and the videos it pushes, includes David Miscavige. Under California law Mr. Hinks, as RTC’s ‘Agent for Service’, cannot refuse to accept a summons or subpoeina for RTC or any of it’s officers. He gets the summons and Miscavige is considered as being served under California law.
Is this true.
If so, can you cross post this on Underground Bunker, so this is widely known to lawyers concerned, for the future. Thanks if you already did.
This info if true, for process serving for the future for Miscavige, is vital info to spread.
Well, he isnt sued in his “corporate capacity,” but as an individual, because he is not actually a member of the Board of RTC in order to circumvent this sort of thing. If it was this easy, believe me it would have been done.
How can he not be a member of the board if he’s “Chairman of the Board RTC” like it says on the flyer?? And dollars to donuts he gave the harassment orders as COB RTC.
Thanks, and last sentence is gold wisdom. Scientology Cult been-there/done-that accumulated wisdom is nothing to sneeze at.
Mike, your resume of having been PR Man and OSA Boss for so long, truly puts you in a class of hireable troubleshooter problem facing/dealing individuals, way up there.
I remember the old New Yorker cartoon, of an HR person asking a potential hire person if the person was a “team player?” The potential hire person responds: “Team player! I was in a cult for gosh sakes!”
You Mike, were PR and OSA boss man, for gosh sakes! Qualifying you truly for horrendously difficult similar jobs.
I’m sure your book will prove this point, of how difficult your PR Boss, OSA Boss jobs were to hold such untenable co positions as you did.
The extreme most difficult of the “left holding the Hubbard empire bag” jobs.
I can’t wait to read the book.
You deserve a lifetime of free therapy/counseling. NOT more BT exorcism. And certainly not more fair gaming to get you to “stop” committing suppressive acts.
Scientology is a tragedy of devious Catch 22 proportions to the followers trapped there. John Sweeney’s acknowledgement writing of your book is sobering.
And the wife Cathy cry wolf deflection ploy against you, to me, that smacks totally of Miscavige’s horrendous beatings record, which you are truly the world’s firsthand expert of those Miscavige violent beatings.
Miscavige’s beatings violence history is grounds for him to step down, in any sane group in the world. Any mature group would have forced him to step down, but Scientology is no sane and no mature group.
One has to wonder if these new arrivals will have to ‘word clear’ any of the Miscavige uttered Shermanspeak because they are nodding off from the shear boredom of enduring days 2 and 3 of their exciting stay at The Mecca of Technical Perfection.
I would volunteer to go to the Flag Auditorium to hear COB speak, if he were live-streaming a podcast from his prison cell. I would even act horrified at his confinement, while giggling like a schoolgirl inside.
Yes, Virginia, what the world needs is COB in a CELL.
No re-showing of The War Is Over?
Nope. Since War Is Over has Marty all in it, and Marty’s a bad guy, publicly unfixable as someone prominently anti Miscavige, even though Marty’s been good to Scientology when Marty turned on people.
It’s been shown with Marty edited out of it.
Great! Scientology censorship lives on.
Well, the upside to that, is someone in Gold did the editing of Marty, meaning someone there is liable to become the defector with censorship stories firsthand to tell someday!
The positive on Scientology’s downsides, are that people in Scientology finally get fed up with the nuttery, and quit, and tell what they did and saw firsthand.
It’s never ending, the Hubbard “keep the show on the road” upkeeping they do.
Scientology is forever educational in a negative way, of how a group of people should not act.
Learning from the mistakes of others is a hard thing to do. But it has to be done.
Then if it’s not Marty now, then it’s that red background which ought to have been blue background, LOL.
Or maybe the tawdry “Welcome to Church!” with fireworks.
In The Matrix a woman in a red dress was a cover for an agent.
I also heard The Matrix was a remake of an obscure East German film Wirklichkeit ist eine Illusion, also lassen Sie uns sprechen Rätsel, Eintragfaden-Polizei und Tanzkampf (“Reality is an Illusion, so Let Us Speak Riddles, Shoot Police and Dancefight”).
A women in a red dress didn’t do John Dillenger a lot of good either.
Not only Day 2 but Day 3! Two days! Two days of miscavige and a little bit of LRH. He really is positioning himself more and more as “Source.” And if one doesn’t get through all those materials listed, then I’m sure he or she will spend Day 4, 5 etc until they get through that crap.
One thing when you get ordered to watch “movies” is that no one is allowed to interrupt you while watching them.
It’s a cult positive respite hiatus like moment of safety from other cult unwanted worse cult membership interruptions.
The movies you watch on the RPF, were that type of uninterrupted respite moments, even if the content of the movies was nutty weird.
Flag public watching COB movies at least can’t be pulled out and crim regged in the middle of them, LOL. (And when in a COB movie, if you are clever, you can plot how to exit at the end of the movie(s), plot your escape route so you don’t get crim regged ambushed.)
Ahhh. Yes. The bright side.
I imagine it would be easier to not exit, instead loudly pronouncing one’s readiness to watch the next, inviting any reg ambusher to join you since these are such vital briefings.