He Who Shall Not Be Named made a stealth appearance at Flag Graduation. He took the stage basking in the glory of his “victory tour” of the City of Clearwater to con them into handing over yet more of downtown Clearwater to the first scientology city (at least by square feet of tax exempted property).
What is most interesting about the Graduation pitches is that there is no record of them. So, he cannot be held to his promises as they disappear into the ether as soon as the clapping and cheering has died down.
But we are fortunate to have a first hand report from one of our Special Correspondents about what he told the assembled sheeple. It’s pretty much same old, same old, but there are a few interesting tidbits.
He announced some more of his miracles of the Golden Age breakthroughs (back in the day they would have been called “technical degrades” nowadays they are “breakthroughs” and “streamlines”). To that end “GAT 2” has finally hit the Indoc. Pack for OT’s (whatever that means). And HWSNBN proclaimed to one and all that the OT levels have been “upgraded” and “put more on Source”. OT V now takes 5 intensives while OT 3 takes but 1 intensive now (love to know what happened to the handwritten LRH material that says this is NOT a fast level). And for good measure, so there can be more auditors without preOTs available to do call in, he has released a new Class 9 auditors courses. Faster than ever now. Though still no Briefing Course.
And then big news on Battlefield Earth. He is reported to have proclaimed it is now atop of the NYTimes bestseller list. Perhaps he knows something nobody else does yet. If it is, it’s stay there will be very short-lived.
And on the “ideal org” front, he announced that both AO Africa and AO Anzo will be opened this year. The latter is likely. The former has been promised now for decades and as far as I know nothing is happening in Africa to renovate that property. I guess he figures that if one of them opens everyone will forget about the other one (and the “AO” in Canada and Mexico, the Canadian one has been used as a hideout for offloaded SO Members from the Int Base like Marc Headley and Maureen Bolstad’s sisters).
And finally, Harlem “ideal org” has obtained its Certificate of Occupancy and will open soon; late July is what the whispers speak. In fact, you can predict Dear Leader will be heading up to Harlem this weekend or next to yank his ribbon and pose for the video teams so there is something to show at the next IAS event in October. He will want to do this trip while he is still on the East coast, so it will happen soon so as not to cramp his plans for the summer.
What is remarkable about this is how long this has been going on. I did a quick search – you can see they purchased the building in 2007.
In MAY 2012 they announced in Ebony magazine the opening was “upcoming.”
In 2013 they said it would open in 2014.
In 2014 they posted images of their new spaces on Facebook.
Last year around this time they applied for a street closure.
So, those in New York, be on the look out for this event.
Hmmm someone should tell them Prattlefield Dearth is on their list…
because they seem to have missed it completely…lol
more: http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/manhattan/church-scientology-builds-new-center-harlem-article-1.1438801
Re Harlem org: the area around the org is rather desolate..no place to hang out at…https://www.google.com/maps/@40.8033295,-73.9349215,3a,75y,180h,90t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s76mNVaTkBfEZaPCNR4drMA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 use rotation arrow to scan area.
Demento is channeling B.E. from the 1982 N.Y.T. bestseller list. As Demonic Misanthrope retreats more and more into his warped internal reality we will see less and less of him out in the real world. The fantasy will become so powerful that eventually (we can hope) he will either drink himself to death or cut ribbons in the rubber room.
OT III is only one intensive? I had a lot of fun on that level. (aaaaand now that means nothing) … of course it’s only one intensive now. It’s solo audited = free (once part A is done) … and of course OT V costs more! It used to be 50 hours or near-abouts. Four intensives. It was a hoot at the time. (now means nothing)
It was soooo hard to stay IN when I was hearing beforehand about upcoming GAT II and all the stuff on “speed”. It was so against Tech Degrades.
I was present at this graduation. It was quite good actually.
What did you find good?
The refreshments were top notch. 🙂
That’s good to hear. My son probably helped prepare them.
*sorry about the amends project, buddy.
Sign above the entrance to Dachau: Work Makes You Free. Scientology: Production is the basis of all moral.
Today’s post leads me to comment on yesterday’s subject of respect (as regards Scientologists).
How can I possibly, as a thinking person, have any respect for Scientologists, and Flag public in particular? These people have all read, star rated, M4d, M9d, etc Keeping Scientology Working countless times, have done the Student Hat over and over in various forms and YET … they STILL CANNOT DUPLICATE AND ACTUALLY APPLY THE MOST BASIC SCIENTOLOGY PRINCIPLES WHICH THEY HAVE ATTESTED TO OVER AND OVER. THIS is the condition that these people have postulated within themselves and fully agreed to in order to satisfy their craving for agreement and acceptance within their group (the exact OPPOSITE of what their basic text – KSW – talks about.)
They have and checked out on KSW and Tech Degrades over and over and over … and yet they sit and applaud Davey when he talks about the NEW levels and speed of delivery (all put together after the death of L Ron Hubbard … what was that he said about having had the technology of clearing for some time????)
So what is my level of respect for these long time Scientologists who applaud LRH continuously and at the same time violate his most basic orders to them, because they either no longer have any free thought or self determinism left? NONE!
What is my level of respect for these long time Scientologist (and that most definitely includes their abilities and case gain) who do not have the PERSONAL COURAGE OR CONFRONT to apply the materials they have attested to over and over and over? NONE!
What is my level of respect for these long time Scientologists who have agreed to abandon old friend and family members including their own children and parents? ABSO – FUCKING – LUTELY NONE!
Next question.
And yet we can all admit to a sort of grudging respect for Drew Johnston, Arte Maren and Michael Robert’s ability to make a very good living for over forty years without having had actual jobs. Ah, to be in Scientology and to be “in bidness”!
Had I just known forty years ago how lucrative the religious biz could be! (instead of agreeing to the moronic state of mind to accept ten dollar “paychecks” when my org was cleaning up money wise …) I better end this post right now because I’m starting to lose respect for MYSELF! Ha ha. But the difference of course is that 45 years ago I was young and foolish (and ignorant about money and oh, so many other subjects) … kind of different for the people sitting at Flag graduation who have been in for forty plus years now. On the other hand, back in the day, I wasn’t as completely brain dead and “thetan senile” as these folks are.
I seem to remember that Flag’s and AOs (therefore DM’s) insistence was a minimum of at least a 100 hours to be spent on the solo level of OTIII (but which is of course also an arbitrary as it takes as long as it takes, although there is a NOTS HCOB which advises when one should end III). Now unless the observer at Flag got OTIII mixed up with OTIV (the OT Drug Rundown), which is however quite realistic to achieve in 1 intensive, if he did actually mean OTIII could be completed in 12.5 hours of (solo) auditing, then something is very definitely awry here.
The Game is not so much as whether you will go out with a bang or a whimper, but whether — as a sociopath — you will get a glimpse of your own vile foolishness (insanity) on your way out.
No, threefeetback, as a sociopath, he will never get a glimpse of “his own vile foolishness (insanity)” on his way out. The characteristic of a sociopath and an SP is that they can never see themselves and can never even conceive that they are wrong. And as LRH said, “how wrong can a thetan be? Dead wrong” or wrong up to the moment they draw their last breath, yet unable to see that they are wrong. DM will never be able to admit that anything he did was anything less than great and “for the greatest good.” But I believe in Karma and believe that he will eventually “go out,” either by an early death or incarceration, or by fleeing to live in exile, or by ending up in a psychiatric institution if he goes mad. Wouldn’t that be both ironic and poetic justice?
Poetic justice would be good. Isn’t ‘cosmic justice’ the generic term for Karma?
I think that ‘glimpse’ (or ‘fleeting thought’?) is a term borrowed from Martha Stout. Maybe ‘a taste of his own medicine’ is a better way to describe what Dave will experience in his exile.
After all. according to “Sarge” (see Tony’s blog), Hubbard got a heavy dose of recognizing his own dismal failure.
The current NY Times List of Bestselling Books has no mention of BE. None, nada, nichts, ingenting, ничего, 没有.
I call bullshit on this one.
All of the interior work on the Harlem mOrg was completed some time ago (January?). Only now do they get the Certificate of Occupancy? I hope they got that Cert in $cieno size. The original hold up was said to be a lack of trained staff. How did all the staff get trained up to GAT 2 ‘standards’ in only 6 months? Why because they can ‘exceed’ checksheet time, you silly rabbit. Speed limits don’t apply to clams.
Will the littlest Führer wear his ‘soul duds’ to the show? I really want pics of that.
Like this? (Courtesy of scientology411)
Yank a ribbon, tell a lie, yank a ribbon, tell a lie, shampoo, rinse, repeat, style pompadour. He’s so predictable. I’m a good wee searcher and found zero evidence of BE zooming up the NYC bestseller lists. No worries Harlem, even with the ribbon yanked, nothing will change… Look at SMP.
That ain’t the only thing Dave’s yanking.
If he can find it….
The new Church of Scientology planned for Harlem looks just like the one on West 46th Street downtown. What is this the Match Game? As Ron would say :”Bank Think”, meaning “All Orgs Are Alike. All Orgs are the same”. 🙂 Anyway, the old Harlem Org front entrance looks like a fried chicken restaurant. I know, because I live 16 miles from Times Square. 🙂
can you imagine how awful and empty it’s going to be? They better f*cking pray for global warming – there ain’t gone-be no money for a NY winter heat bill. Maybe the staff can go to the NY org and all huddle together for warmth.
Flag graduation – been forced to go to a couple of those. What a boring evening they were, even though I was drinking the cool-aid at the time. In retrospect it was more like group masturbation than anything else, they got all hot and bothered over self induced hysteria and delusions of grandeur.
The sooner Flag disappears the better, as it is they are as-ising themselves pretty quickly.
Just for the record, Yawn, when I masturbate, I never induce self-hysteria (ok, yes, I will admit to occasional delusions of grandeur) … but a whole GROUP doing that in front of COB himself! … shameful, absolutely shameful …
Whatever floats your boat Joe. I think some things should always be considered personal, masturbation being one of them. Extroverts will disagree which is fair enough as well if that works for you and your ‘best of friends’, but a whole bunch of Scios all wanking over the same hypothetical nothingness is indeed shameful, very, very shameful.
I once went to a Flag graduation. It was so disappointing.
Ho! Shortarse the Supremely Self-Important deigning to mix with mere parishioner plebs? Either he’s getting desperate as his shrivelled empire crumbles around his Botoxed ears, or even the few remaining whales who can meet him without vomiting have tired of his incessant bleating.
While Scientology is getting smaller and smaller in the real work, it expands in Dave’s mind to monumental proportions. How does one measure that megalomania?
Not measurable — absolutes are unobtainable according to a leading authority on the subject.
Defintion: snarky. 1 : crotchety, snappish. 2 : sarcastic, impertinent, or irreverent in tone or manner
I wasn’t feeling the least bit snarky before reading your post.
But now…well…I just have to say that HWSNBN is truly a brilliant con-artist. He has successfully rid himself of anyone who actually cares about helping people while energizing those who are compulsive doners and enriching those who are more than happy to collect the money (for a small commission, of course)
Kudos to a Special Correspondent.
Dave’s got chutzpah. For those not familiar with the term, it is that quality enshrined in a man who after having murdered both his parents, throws himself at the mercy of the court because he’s an orphan.
I just checked the NYT bestseller lists for July 10 and July 17. Battlefield Earth is not listed despite Miscavige’s false claim.
No man of a woman born…oh wait…that’s a different story.
Miscavige said that Battlefield Earth was on the New York Times Best sellers list? I can’t find it there.
Am I looking in the wrong category? It looks like there are sub-categories for Fiction. Can anyone help me find Battlefield Earth’s ranking? Thanks.
‘COB used to s….c……on Adam Clayton Boulevard, now s…..c……on 125th Street between Second and Third Avenues’
Amazing, no evidence whatsoever that Battlefield Earth has recently made the NYT best seller list. Nor Amazon’s. The sheeple are constantly deceived. Really should be illegal.
I just checked amazon and the reviews were so orgasmic, I had to read down the computer screen holding on to a handkerchief. Now, seriously folks … Scientologists, just for credibility’s sake, when you write your glowing reviews, you just might not want to intimate that BE is Don Quixote, Gone With the Wind, War and Peace, Shogun and The Dark Tower Series (Mr. Stephen King) all wrapped into one. You know … the overkill when someone reads five of these in a row and may, just may, get a tad suspicious …
My favorite review of the ones I read was a one liner from a guy who gave it one star and said … “In my opinion, the movie was slightly better than the book.”
Small and getting smaller.
Except for their real estate holdings.
Scientology’s Exchange by Dynamics is to the 5th dynamic, MEST, buildings, and thus inadvertently to the 4th and 3rd dyanmics of the people in the cities where the renovated Scientology buildings stand (and when Scientology turns over those buildings back to the cities for repurposing later on).
No religious Exchange by Dynamics going on that is filtering back to the downtrodden in society at all.
Hubbard’s Int Landlord strategy has inadvertently turned into the only good Scientology is exchanging back to society and the world.
I always thought the money ought to go into a huge pyramid in Hollywood of the ARC Triangle or something world history tourist attracking like other world religions have done.
The Flag Building with the Running In Circles Rundown running track, is not open to the tourist public of the world.
Some missed opportunities along the lines of real estate religious architecture tourist attraction payback that Scientology OUGHT to be thinking about, minimally! Then people who threw big money at Scientology can have a tiny bit of payback by having their names on some of those real estate renovated buildings’ cornerstones at least.
(The Flag Buildings lack of a tourist thing, really only the LRH Life Exhibition in Hollywood is the only tourist visitable thing, and the ASI walk through space that is occassionally allowed, are exceptions, but they are NOT Taj Mahal or Pyramids or Mormon Tabernacle Cathedrel nor Notre Dame, etc, etc.)
(Miscavige ought to secretly reg Tom Cruise to pay for something really human history monumental if you ask me!)
I wonder if HWSNBN has removed “Technical Degrades” from the start of every new course one does. I’m sure that’s what LRH intended anyway. I guess He will rename “Keeping Scientology Working” to “Keeping What-Source-Really-Intended Working.”
Mary, HWSNBN? I haven’t a clue….
He Who Shall Not Be Named
That guy gives me the creeps.
but the rubber-head guy (above) with the beady eyes ‘n all …?
at least he’s not so bad…wait, tiz it cousin Bob? Hey, shout-out for all my peeps!!
Bugs rule.
Thanks, Mike!
NYT Best Seller List? The only reference I can find about that is from Wikipedia and deals with the original publication. And it tells the whole tale of how the scios bought and rebought the same books! It was a farce quickly revealed. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battlefield_Earth_(novel)) As for the current situation, there is no evidence of the book on any current NYT list. Lies, lies and more lies.
Sc-ngy, the church of Deception. Every god-forsaken word coming out of this cult is bent.
They rig the game to set themselves up as Controller, the.
As in “The Controller of You”.
Control, the word, they give a nice definition for, makes wonder-sense, then they systematically remove the control of self from your hand and into theirs, beginning with signing a few legally written documents.
Well hell yes, deceit.
They say your ability is being restored, that scn-gy is a discovery and not an invention.
They say it is all about you.
They say it is for world sanity after your own. And then they drive you crazy, or until crazy…
They say knowing what’s on “The Bridge” before you get there would ruin you.
They say Ron left in order to complete his research. Where exactly is just another secret.
They say ANYTHING but the Truth when they are talking about themselves. And they just don’t quit, never stop talking no matter how miserably or for how many decades, they work to prove themselves a complete and total failure, they will change the story whenever they have to, just to allow more and more empty promises and false words, forever reaching the sum total of zero net worth, the end.
Why doesn’t Dave the Leader, dickless, get back on 20/20 and straighten everything out?
Well, that’s easy. Every damn word out of his mouth would then prove the great fraud, proven by the seemingly endless resource of evidence that surrounds him… you know, the stuff he does not talk about, the reason he remains perpetually silent. T-H-E human zero. Social disease, sociopath in person. Food for worms. At least I count for something. I am bug, and yes I do talk.
One intensive OT 3 ??? Five intensive OT 5 ???
I wish was there to hear the Little Fuhrer speak to the Clampire.
There was Quickie Grades which destroyed the Church way back
when Moby Dick was a Minnow.
This smells like a clone of pure disaster.
I did ot 3.Look at your arm..Get a meter reaction.Now direct this space cootie through a vulnano incident.Does this make sense to you?You paid about 100-000 at this time.
WOW, 100,000 dollars this in Ron’s handwriting with corrections or a Miscavige
knock off. This is pricey so it is most likely a Miscavige knock off.
A vulnano. Is that like a nano volcano? Cuz if it is, that’s really bitchin’.
Volcano. Big ones, I did OT 3 and it took a long time,no one intensive deal.
OT 7 was better and handled long term pts’ness. OT 5 I breezed through
and 3 OT 8’s. Ive done stuff not on the current bridge that I’m aware of
but an EP to something. D.M. has no idea what he is doing.
Jose Chung, you did 3 OT 8’s? Was it a different EP every time? Were you asked to re-do 8 because of a wrong ep or did you choose to re-do it after some years? Interesting!
Ha! Making “OTs” is now faster. I wondered when he’d figure that one out. It was such an obvious thing to do to increase $ in without any negative consequences.
wow! The new Harlem org is just a bus ride away from my place. PS; The traffic along 125th st. is brutal.
Perfect — perhaps you can swing by Saturday morning and see what’s shaking. My bet is on this weekend….
I must be reading a different New York Times… Lol.
Perhaps he is thinking of the New Yorkshire Times published in Kirkby Malzeard…
Yea, it’s not at the top of the list, the middle or anywhere else on the N.Y. Times bestseller list.
Or maybe this:
It on the New York Times best seller list on Target 2. In a country called USA (United Scientology Amalgamated) near the foreshore of Saint Hill Ocean where the breeze is always fair and doesn’t sigh anymore. Dave’s already fired a couple of missions there, he knows!