Kendrick (Rick) Moxon is an OT VIII scientologist and an “in-house” lawyer for scientology who maintains an office within the Office of Special Affairs International on the 10th floor of the HGB. He has been an operative carrying out scientology Fair Game activities since the mid-1970’s, and continues to this day.
His wife (Carla) is a prominent scientologist. His children are/were SO members.
Here is just a brief summary of what Rick Moxon has been involved in. The relentless and unchanging nature of scientology’s efforts to harass and destroy those it perceives as enemies is encapsulated in the career of Rick Moxon as a scientology operative.
Unindicted Co-Conspirator
In 1977, Moxon was the Legal Director of the Guardian’s Office in Washington DC.
Following the FBI raid he was named an unindicted co-conspirator (along with L. Ron Hubbard and 19 others) in the prosecution of Mary Sue Hubbard and 10 other senior scientology officials.
The stipulation of evidence signed by Scientology in 1979 includes that Moxon provided false handwriting samples of GO operative (and subsequent whistleblower) Michael Meisner to the FBI.
Carla Moxon was also named as an unindicted co-conspirator in this case for participating in the bugging of an IRS Conference Room at the IRS headquarters in Washington DC when they were having a meeting to discuss scientology’s tax exempt status.
In 1990 Moxon filed a lawsuit against the Internal Revenue Service in an attempt to gain access to information about Scientology held by the IRS.
Moxon, working with OSA, filed hundreds of FOIA requests with the IRS and when documents were not forthcoming, dozens of individual lawsuits were filed.
Moxon’s law firm hired private investigators to investigate the IRS. Private investigator Michael L. Shomers said he set up a dummy operation called “Washington News Bureau”, posed as a reporter, and attempted to collect material on Scientology critics. Shomers also said he infiltrated IRS conferences in attempts to collect data on IRS employees that may have been skipping appointments, drinking or having affairs. Shomers said he was either paid in cash or by checks from Moxon’s firm. Moxon said Shomers’ activities w ere legal, and that he and other Scientology attorneys used private investigators to counter falsehoods from “rogue government agents”.
Cult Awareness Network
Moxon assisted 50 Scientologists to file separate lawsuits against CAN, which led to the bankruptcy of the organization. He claimed “a number of Scientologists came to our firm and said, ‘I’m being discriminated against by CAN’” – a lie. It was a carefully orchestrated campaign to have individual scientologists apply for membership in CAN, be denied and then file lawsuits for “religious discrimination.”
Jason Scott of the Life Tabernacle Church in Bellevue, Washington was taken from his home in 1991 and subjected to “deprogramming”. Deprogrammer Rick Ross had been referred to Scott’s mother by a local volunteer for CAN, and Moxon represented Scott in a lawsuit against Ross and CAN pro bono (he was of course getting a monthly retainer from OSA Int). Scott won a jury judgment of US$5 million including $1.8 million against CAN which then declared bankruptcy.
Scott stated that he felt he had been manipulated as part of the Church of Scientology’s plan to destroy CAN. Scott’s mother said: “Basically, Jason said he was tired of being the poster boy for the Scientologists. My son has never been a member of the Church of Scientology. When he was approached by Moxon, he was lured by his promises of a $1 million settlement, so he went for it.”
Jason Scott stated he felt he had been a “pawn” in Scientology’s “whole game”.
CAN’s assets were bought in bankruptcy court by a Scientologist lawyer Steven Hayes.
It continued to operate as a scientology front group, dispensing “truthful” information about “cults”
Keith Henson
Moxon represented Ken Hoden in a filing against Keith Henson, after he protested outside Gold and posted critical comments on the internet about David Miscavige. The court granted a TRO against Henson – he was later charged with a hate crime.
Daniel Montalvo
In 2010, 19-year-old Daniel Montalvo escaped the Sea Org.
He took 2 hard drives of music, but they also had material from Bridge Publications, the place where he worked. The people who helped rescue him told him to return them, which he did immediately.
Daniel was flown to Florida to stay with Tom DeVocht whom he knew and had reached out to for assistance in leaving. His family found out where he was and pressured him to come back to “route-out”.
Eventually he said he wanted to talk to his mother and called scientology. He was put through to Moxon.
Moxon proceeded to lie to him that the hard drives were never returned, and made a convincing case (not difficult to do with a 19 year old who doesn’t even know the three branches of government) that he would be put behind bars for a long time, UNLESS of course, he returned and cooperated with Moxon and routed out properly.
Montalvo returned to LA to “route out” and was picked up by an investigator in a black car with blacked out windows. Instead of being taken to a hotel, where he could route out as promised, he was taken to the Century City Towers where he was interrogated by a church lawyer and then joined by a detective of the LA Sheriff’s Office. Montalvo was taken to jail, where he spent 70 hours on a charge of Grand Theft before he was bailed out by another former Scientologist.
Subsequently Daniel Montalvo filed a lawsuit against scientology, including the fact he had chopped off the end of one of his fingers while working as an minor without sleep in Bridge publications. Montalvo was eventually persuaded to settle the lawsuit by Moxon in exchange for an undisclosed settlement.
Dwayne Powell/Ron Miscavige
In 2013, Private Investigator Dwayne Powell was arrested on obstruction and prowling charges related to following Ron Miscavige. During the arrest, police found firearms and a homemade silencer. After his arrest, Powell claimed to have been paid $10,000 per week by Scientology and Moxon’s firm paid Powell $16,000 and kept Powell on the payroll two years after his arrest.
Stacy Moxon
A Sea Org member at Golden Era Productions, Stacy ended her life in tragic circumstances due to not being allowed to see her husband who was in Los Angeles. Moxon participated in the cover up of the facts in order to “protect scientology.”
Armando Garcia and the latest effort to frame Leah
Garcia was arrested in May 2022 after he had passed out anti-scientology pamphlets on L. Ron Hubbard Way. Security Guards confronted him and told him to leave. He turned his car around and the Security Guard claimed he tried to run him over.
The D/A treated it seriously and he was charged with assault with a deadly weapon. He languished in jail for almost a year until his case came to trial in April.
That’s when things got really interesting.
Garcia’s public defender accused Moxon of trying to convince her client to say that he was motivated by Leah Remini to commit the crime, and if he was willing to do so, Moxon would recommend a lower charge be brought. As if he could.
The public defender brought this up before the Judge and it is absolutely shocking…
Judge Michael Garcia: (To Kendrick Moxon) The Court has been informed you may be a witness in the case. For the record, I will have you state your name.
Moxon: My name is Kendrick Moxon, and I’m counsel for the victims, the Church and the individual victim.
Judge Garcia: The only victim is the security officer. It’s been brought to the Court’s attention that you may now become a witness in the case, so you are excluded.
Moxon: For the record, I wasn’t a witness to anything. I don’t know why. It may not be accurate that I will be called. I can’t imagine why I would be called.
Judge Garcia: I don’t know for sure that you will be, but it’s been brought to the Court’s attention you may be called. I will have to hear legal arguments on the relevance of that, but in light of that, the Court is ordering that you are excluded.
Moxon: Thank you.
Judge Garcia: Let me, for the record, ask Ms. Gorgen [the public defender] and Ms. Ghazarian [the deputy district attorney] to state, for the record, what was brought to the court’s attention, and why the defense believes this individual that the Court has excluded may be a witness in the case.
Adella Gorgen, public defender: Thank you. The individual, Mr. Kendrick Moxon, approached me on I believe Thursday when we were sent here for trial. He approached me individually outside of the court doors, and he told me that he, in his capacity as the attorney for what he called the victims in this case, which he said was the Church of Scientology as well as the main complaining witness or the security guard, he indicated if my client, Mr. [Armando] Garcia, were to go on the record in some form or fashion to either state to the Court during a plea or put in writing, he initially asked my client apologize for being present and also to indicate that he was present on the date of the incident at the Church of Scientology grounds, and did what he did because he was “inflamed” by documentaries and a potential reality TV show that is currently airing or has aired on Netflix.
The specific individual who is producing or responsible for these documentaries is a celebrity by the name of Leah Remini, and Mr. Moxon wanted my client to state on the record that the documentary is responsible for his actions and the Church of Scientology would be able to go ahead and take these documentaries off the air.
Moreover, Mr. Moxon indicated that if my client were to make these statements on the record, he would then ask the D.A.’s office to reduce this to a misdemeanor or even less. He indicated multiple times that he did not believe that my client wanted to do what he did, but he was completely brainwashed or under the influence of these documentaries.
Defense has attempted to follow up with Mr. Moxon through other witnesses, other public defenders in my office as well as in writing, to be able to have some sort of documentation of the conversation. Defense believes this is relevant because it goes to the credibility of the statements being made by the complaining witness. It goes to a portion of our defense.
The conduct in this case, the defense believes is highly exaggerated. I don’t believe it rises to the level of an assault with a deadly weapon, with a vehicle. It’s clear that the Church of Scientology for whom the security guard is employed, has an agenda that is bigger and absolutely unrelated to Mr. Garcia, and they are using Mr. Garcia, in this case as a pawn in order to be able to get these documentaries off of the air.
These documentaries are critical of the Church’s alleged practices. And Mr. Garcia has become a pawn in this bigger scheme. And the defense believes it would become relevant if the complaining witness testifies. The church gets quite a bit of threats and they have security guards, and a number of surveillance cameras, as a result of the threats they have received.
Mr. Garcia’s non-threatening behavior which could be explained in other matters, is being exaggerated to a crime because they have a bigger agenda. That’s why the defense would like to be able to call Mr. Moxon to the stand potentially as a witness.
Again, unless the complaining witness admits or testifies differently, then defense would like to be able to call Mr. Moxon just for the very limited purpose. They attribute Mr. Garcia’s behavior to show in the documentaries, and they are willing to forego their rights or get a lesser charge in this case because they have another purpose.
This effort to frame Leah backfired on Moxon spectacularly.
The judge reduced the charge to a misdemeanor and sentenced Garcia to a year of probation.
This is fresh, direct evidence that scientology is using underhanded, Fair Game tactics to to try to frame Leah and portray themselves as “victims.” And that scientology continues to operate on the same policies of Fair Game today that resulted in their prosecution and going to prison in the 70’s. Even with the same people.
This probably doesn’t rise to the level of disbarment. So slimy lawyering will continue.
Kendrick Moxon is using Scientology to avoid going through the grieving process for the death of his daughter Stacy. He is stuck in a Theta trap.
I believe Tony Ortega posted some years ago that Moxon’s son, Bryan had quietly left the cult. Also Moxon was divorced from his wife Carla. I am prepared to be corrected,
Moxon tried to have his grand-daughter aborted as per church policy.