I know that people who enforce rules of conduct and give consequences may be seen as the bad guys when you don’t hear the full story. You’ve been kind to not list all the details.
You no longer have my respect or my support. What you did was beyond the pale and beneath you all. He deserved better. I will support Aaron. You don’t wish him well or respect him. Using a private and personal email in your publicly released letter is such a Scientology move. I’m so disappointed and really sad that you all chose to do this to someone thought you were his friends.
I owe you, Mark and Claire an apology. My reaction was purely emotional. The truth is the public will never know what really happened. To say you have lost my respect is not true, you and others have done so much to help people to get out of Scientology that alone commands respect. As far as my support goes, I will always support any organisation that helps to get people out of abusive situations. I’ve learned a lot from watching Aaron and will continue to do so, I also learned a lot from watching you and Leah.
It’s easy for anyone to get distracted by drama but at the end of the day it’s about helping people,and that’s what the Aftermath Foundation does, and it’s what I know Aaron will do as well.
I wonder what kinds of records and auditing files the cult keeps from the almost 10,000 people who made it onto the OT-7 level. Do they have to send all their notes to the Flag Land Base?
Mike, Marc, etc – please keep up your great work and content on YouTube! Each content creator hits a different demographic and experience. As a former Scientologist from the late 90’s until a few years ago, what you, Marc, et al bring to your channels is very relevant, interesting, and helpful.
I don’t personally care for the “over the top” sensationalized, “I almost buried the lead” content elsewhere – HOWEVER, that content does seem to resonate with the “never-ins” and creates quite a bit of buzz and public anti-scn support. Everything that comes with that may not be how the Foundation wants to be portrayed and I think that’s 100% within the rights of the board to determine.
Keep up the good work – and keep the content coming!!!
Exorcism is in effect what OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 aresays
Well spoken.
Very good. I haven’t even read or listened to the recent content, but just based on normal life comings and goings of everyone,
Solo NOTs might be better simplified as the high volume exorcism final of the five exorcism steps of Scientology.
OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 are the five exorcism steps of Scientology, and OT 7 is called “Solo NOTs” and it’s the highest volume release of these souls (body-thetans, meaning bodiless souls messed up by Xenu, which infest all humans still, and require the five exorcism steps OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7) off their human body.
Solo NOTs is OT 7, the final exorcism step of Scientology, and it gets rid of vast higher volume of body-thetans, supposedly, off one’s human body.
It’d be good for any former FESer (folder reviewer person) to go public and tell numbers. But it is generally considered that OT 7 exorcism results in the MOST amount of released bodiless souls (body-thetans) which infest Scientologists. (Body-thetans infest all of us, that’s what is believed in upper Scientology, and doing the five OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 exorcism steps, you rid yourself of all this infestation, and in the process the soul memories leaking from those bodiless souls also vanishes and has no effect on you any longer.)
Using the Scientology jargon names, always, just always stymies listeners.
It’s best to someday get up to calling Scientology’s OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 as exorcism, just because Hubbard failed to do this, and just because of the fears Hubbard instilled in the membership not to discuss OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 in terms of exorcism. The “E” word is most what the result of OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 is, it is like traditional soul release off of a human’s body.
This is a great episode, it really shows the difficulty how to correctly label the parts of Scientology, the Sea Org staff life, comparing it with words.
What I thought was useful about laying out people’s experiences in their books, would be to get to that level of providing enough material out to the smarter persons in the world who are literate enough to correctly describe Scientology.
Janet Reitman in her writings, her Rolling Stone article and then her book, which ought be read by everyone, has passages which are brilliant at describing Scientology.
Of course Lawrence Wright’s book also, must be read, for his passages which describe Scientology.
The early 1950s writings by journalists and psychologists and by Hubbard’s earliest critics, also, use descriptions that hold true to this day.
But I’d say the biggest two words which are not common yet, in the public’s mind, to describe Scientology and get it anchored into it’s core, are:
Scientology’s a soul memories pseudo-therapy and exorcism practice. The “tech” aims at a person’s soul memories, and on the exorcism levels, by doing the exorcism, the soul memories from the surplus bodiless souls that leak over onto us, are made to go away as the bodiless souls are themselves made to look at their soul memories which supposedly give great relief to those bodiless souls who are infesting us. “Auditing our BTs” is what the five exorcism steps supposedly essentially do.
But the “E” word needs to someday become common public wordage for OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7.
…….and…….OT 7 is the highest volume exorcism step of the five exorcism steps of Scientology.
(It invites a whole lot more discussion, by people who believe in bodiless souls, like the first thing in the public’s mind relating to bodiless souls, is the various types, a la “Ghostbusters” as a movie I thought is a great one for showing various types of bodiless souls, which an average person who even gets into this zone of bodiless souls, thinks of various power levels of these bodiless souls, where compared to Scientology’s interaction procedures with bodiless souls being OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 procedures, the Scientology encountered souls are pretty tame and lame, LOL. Exception would be the souls that Hubbard was supposedly tackling at the end of his life, and how he did that, with whatever procedures he was self case-supervising himself, that is totally relevant to how the public’s image of what Scientology’s exorcism OT 3, 4, 5 6 and 7 aims to fix. How many other religions believe in powerful souls out there in the cosmos get directly into mystical/religious beliefs, and Hubbard’s Scientologists simply are not trained to delve into that, but someone ought to, maybe not ex’s, but someone who writes well.)
I’m atheist when it comes to all these bodiless souls, etc. Too much speculative possibilities that make Scientology’s Hubbard’s exorcism seem really lame and inconsequential in the human history of beliefs in big souls out in the universe out there with influence on events at our physical “meat body” level,, it’s just too must like a fiction world unprovable stuff to be selling to anyone, except at fiction.
Scientology Hubbard really are supposed to believe these bodiless souls which Xenu messed up and which infest all humans, and which get the final high volume OT 7 exorcism step, is begging so many questions compared to other human beliefs in powerful souls supposedly out in the cosmos influencing things. Fiction, to me. And then Hubbard’s voluminous creative fiction career prior to Scientology/Dianetics then really ought be remembered, he was a prolific fiction story writer.
Which is why I like to plug “One Was Stubborn” 1940 Hubbard fiction short story, as it has the guru, and bodiless soul activity in the crux moments when the hero of the book is in outer space with the bodiless guru, both of them bodiless, and the hero realizes he can do create now his own universe, like a God.
Hubbard had some soul ideas which need perspective, and are clearly not what average people spend much time thinking about, yet Scientology has their laid in stone OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 exorcism steps to remove the bodiless souls that supposedly infest us humans.
That’s how I talk about this to people when they ask me:
“What Is Scientology?”
I say it is pseudo-therapy and exorcism, and Scientology has a massively overblown staff multi cult echelons that are overstaffed and futile at doing their hidden past lives pseudo-therapy and their hidden exorcism procedures which they do on each other and at high prices and it takes them years to complete all the pseudo-therapy and exoricsm.
And I through in a little explanation of the soul memories alleviation theory, since the pseudo-therapy and the exorcism basically are meant to be soul memories alleviation beneficial.
Dear Chuck
I’ve read time and time again your relentless use of the word Exorcism as you describe the processes used on the OT levels. I find it inappropriate for the simple fact that Exorcize is used correctly as the ritual to remove a Demon who has entered and taken control of the host. The Demon has always ill intent towards the body and wouldn’t mind killing it. Auditing of BTs and Clusters has no such connotation at all. The entityes are trapped or stuck to the host, but it was not their desire to possess it that got them in and in no case can take control. They are very willing to leave with the help of a decent auditor, that cannot be said for Demonic possession. The correct term used is Blowing BTs and Clusters, whereas Blowing means allow them to leave by doing the steps. You can’t order or command them to leave because that’s not how it is done and would not be very pleasant if you tried.
I don’t see any problem with him using the word “exorcism” to get never members to understand better. Most Catholics have a muddled understanding of the word, and non Catholics might only know what they got from the movie. I’d wager most people think it means drive out, dismiss, expel, or purge a spirit. Not sure you need to specify “evil spirit” because what other kind inhabits a person when the person wants it gone? It’s not sacrilege or anything. You can see worse on any given Sunday during Mass.
OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 are exorcism, freeing body-thetans from infesting ussays
OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 spiritual procedures (I will continue to call them exorcism, per the Oxford University Dictionary definitions of exorcize and exorcism).
Scientologist theory states our human bodies, you and me, until we have these invisible bodiless souls which infest us both, and all humans on earth too, of these bodiless souls, called “body-thetans” by Hubbard, we are subject to telepathic leakage of the “case” (debilitating memories from the minds of these “body-thetan” invisible souls to us).
Scientology is supposedly a souls memory alleviation subject. The first half through the “Clear” mid way point, addresses our soul memories we ourselves can remember, into our past lives soul memories.
The OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 steps of upper “secret” Scientology address these invisible souls, “body-thetans”, and the procedures are acts of exorcism, driving away these spirits, Scientology/Hubbard thinks by telepathically communicating to these “body-thetans” we are freeing them, and they leave our human body, and the leakage from them to us of their debilitating soul memories which are their memories, ceases thus influencing us.
That is Scientology, that is exorcism as close to the fundamental exorcize/exorcism definitions of driving off spirits which are in or near the human body.
Scientology uses their Hubbard “Emeter” device to supposedly detect a cluster or detect an individual “body-thetan” to then be “freed” by the Hubbard OT 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7 steps.
Scientology addresses invisible souls infesting our human body, to “free” or release those souls and make them leave our human bodies, and thus we lose any debilitating effects those invisible souls where leaking over to us.
There is nothing you’ve said to make me not cease calling this exorcism. Professor David Bromley has called it exorcism also, and others also.
BTs are figments of Hubbard’s not-so-clever imagination. Any concept used to describe their theoretical expulsion from a human body can never be correct if it gives the lie that they somehow not only exist but can be expunged.
One could use ‘wash’, ‘scrub’, ‘order’, ‘free’, or even ‘dust off’, ‘ignore’, ‘befriend’, ‘subsume’, ‘send packing’, ‘banish to Coventry’, or simply any choice of words at all.
The choice of words matter. Like some of my word suggestions, the choice of “exorcism” is wrong because it gives BTs a relationship to spiritual entities that another small group have a belief in, again without any proof they exist other than some sort of indoctrinated “faith” and the occasional anecdotal and unsubstantiated claim. “The Exorcist” was a movie, public entertinment fer crying out loud; all the green pea soup or special effects in the world will neither create or exorcise a demon, not now, not ever. Same with BTs.
I just imagined that BTs are similar to boogers. You dig them out, flick them away, scrub them off onto unsuspecting surfaces to annoy whoever next encounters then, and still the pesky beasties return day after day, a never-ending accumulation of nasties that need active and often surreptitious removal tactics.
Boogers and Solo Nots go hand in glove, or rather finger in nostril.
But this is all sad comedy, a scam that has far outlasted any usefulness for anything but lining the pockets of the top dog of a too-wealthy fake church.
BTs require no removal, since they simply do not exist. Anyone who claims otherwise is stuck in a prison of belief.
AA, BTs could be delusional parasitosis, as interpreted by Hubbard. It’s a mental disorder involving belief that the body’s surface is infested by something, which can result from alcoholism, stimulant abuse, or depression – all of which Hubbard suffered from.
There’s also a long tradition of belief in spiritual entities (including individual demonic possession), that I think must have some sort of origins in mis-perceptions humans can be prone to as well. Regardless, I’d peg Hubbard as just recycling old concepts with a bit of new spin, rather than coming up with anything at all new or original.
Very grateful for you all.
Mike, Christie, Aaron, Claire, Marc, et al.
You all have your sleeves rolled up and are in there doing the heavy lifting for me and for people like me who lost family and more while in or even still in The Church of Scientology.
Blown For Good was one of the first eye-opening books I read on my way out.
Before there was anybody else I could turn to, there was Mike. He was the only one who could, in his capacity at the time, provide support and helped me from losing my mind when the church declared me and I lost my son. There was no one else I could turn to that I was aware of.
Then Leah with all her love provided a broader audience for me to tell my story and in some small way help others. That’s all the fight I have in me.
I have been on Aaron’s channel twice. Aaron is and has always been great at listening and understanding.
There are now MANY of you who have a channel for people who want to get out and you all have your own ways you help. People who need help and want to leave have many choices to turn to and You all provide so much help, support and a great big safety net.
I love you all and am very grateful for you all.
To: Mary
From: Office of Chairman of the Board Religious Technology Centre.
Re: listening to Suppressive Persons.
Our beloved COB has learned that you are in communication with harmful persons seeking to destroy our most beloved tech which is the only tech that can save the planet. It is out of the goodness of his heart that he wishes to spare you the heartache of associating with such despicable individuals. So kindly remove yourself from this blog and return to the Church of Scientology where you will be guided by our beloved COB.
Office of Chairman of the Board Religious Technology Centre.
To: Office of David Miscavige CON more money blah blah
From: Alcoboy
Re: despicable individuals.
You wanna talk despicable? You wanna talk despicable?! Here! Clear this list of words using Method One Word Clearing:
Out of kindness I won’t require a Star Rate Checkout!
I know that people who enforce rules of conduct and give consequences may be seen as the bad guys when you don’t hear the full story. You’ve been kind to not list all the details.
I’m missing the Rinders and the Headleys. Just say’n. 💚🙏
You all do a great job! Keep on keeping on. God Bless!
You no longer have my respect or my support. What you did was beyond the pale and beneath you all. He deserved better. I will support Aaron. You don’t wish him well or respect him. Using a private and personal email in your publicly released letter is such a Scientology move. I’m so disappointed and really sad that you all chose to do this to someone thought you were his friends.
You have the right to do whatever you wish based on the information you have.
I owe you, Mark and Claire an apology. My reaction was purely emotional. The truth is the public will never know what really happened. To say you have lost my respect is not true, you and others have done so much to help people to get out of Scientology that alone commands respect. As far as my support goes, I will always support any organisation that helps to get people out of abusive situations. I’ve learned a lot from watching Aaron and will continue to do so, I also learned a lot from watching you and Leah.
It’s easy for anyone to get distracted by drama but at the end of the day it’s about helping people,and that’s what the Aftermath Foundation does, and it’s what I know Aaron will do as well.
Thank you
I wonder what kinds of records and auditing files the cult keeps from the almost 10,000 people who made it onto the OT-7 level. Do they have to send all their notes to the Flag Land Base?
Mike, Marc, etc – please keep up your great work and content on YouTube! Each content creator hits a different demographic and experience. As a former Scientologist from the late 90’s until a few years ago, what you, Marc, et al bring to your channels is very relevant, interesting, and helpful.
I don’t personally care for the “over the top” sensationalized, “I almost buried the lead” content elsewhere – HOWEVER, that content does seem to resonate with the “never-ins” and creates quite a bit of buzz and public anti-scn support. Everything that comes with that may not be how the Foundation wants to be portrayed and I think that’s 100% within the rights of the board to determine.
Keep up the good work – and keep the content coming!!!
Well spoken.
Very good. I haven’t even read or listened to the recent content, but just based on normal life comings and goings of everyone,
Solo NOTs might be better simplified as the high volume exorcism final of the five exorcism steps of Scientology.
OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 are the five exorcism steps of Scientology, and OT 7 is called “Solo NOTs” and it’s the highest volume release of these souls (body-thetans, meaning bodiless souls messed up by Xenu, which infest all humans still, and require the five exorcism steps OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7) off their human body.
Solo NOTs is OT 7, the final exorcism step of Scientology, and it gets rid of vast higher volume of body-thetans, supposedly, off one’s human body.
It’d be good for any former FESer (folder reviewer person) to go public and tell numbers. But it is generally considered that OT 7 exorcism results in the MOST amount of released bodiless souls (body-thetans) which infest Scientologists. (Body-thetans infest all of us, that’s what is believed in upper Scientology, and doing the five OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 exorcism steps, you rid yourself of all this infestation, and in the process the soul memories leaking from those bodiless souls also vanishes and has no effect on you any longer.)
Using the Scientology jargon names, always, just always stymies listeners.
It’s best to someday get up to calling Scientology’s OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 as exorcism, just because Hubbard failed to do this, and just because of the fears Hubbard instilled in the membership not to discuss OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 in terms of exorcism. The “E” word is most what the result of OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 is, it is like traditional soul release off of a human’s body.
This is a great episode, it really shows the difficulty how to correctly label the parts of Scientology, the Sea Org staff life, comparing it with words.
What I thought was useful about laying out people’s experiences in their books, would be to get to that level of providing enough material out to the smarter persons in the world who are literate enough to correctly describe Scientology.
Janet Reitman in her writings, her Rolling Stone article and then her book, which ought be read by everyone, has passages which are brilliant at describing Scientology.
Of course Lawrence Wright’s book also, must be read, for his passages which describe Scientology.
The early 1950s writings by journalists and psychologists and by Hubbard’s earliest critics, also, use descriptions that hold true to this day.
But I’d say the biggest two words which are not common yet, in the public’s mind, to describe Scientology and get it anchored into it’s core, are:
Scientology’s a soul memories pseudo-therapy and exorcism practice. The “tech” aims at a person’s soul memories, and on the exorcism levels, by doing the exorcism, the soul memories from the surplus bodiless souls that leak over onto us, are made to go away as the bodiless souls are themselves made to look at their soul memories which supposedly give great relief to those bodiless souls who are infesting us. “Auditing our BTs” is what the five exorcism steps supposedly essentially do.
But the “E” word needs to someday become common public wordage for OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7.
Chuck Beatty
ex Sea Org 75 to 03
…….and…….OT 7 is the highest volume exorcism step of the five exorcism steps of Scientology.
(It invites a whole lot more discussion, by people who believe in bodiless souls, like the first thing in the public’s mind relating to bodiless souls, is the various types, a la “Ghostbusters” as a movie I thought is a great one for showing various types of bodiless souls, which an average person who even gets into this zone of bodiless souls, thinks of various power levels of these bodiless souls, where compared to Scientology’s interaction procedures with bodiless souls being OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 procedures, the Scientology encountered souls are pretty tame and lame, LOL. Exception would be the souls that Hubbard was supposedly tackling at the end of his life, and how he did that, with whatever procedures he was self case-supervising himself, that is totally relevant to how the public’s image of what Scientology’s exorcism OT 3, 4, 5 6 and 7 aims to fix. How many other religions believe in powerful souls out there in the cosmos get directly into mystical/religious beliefs, and Hubbard’s Scientologists simply are not trained to delve into that, but someone ought to, maybe not ex’s, but someone who writes well.)
I’m atheist when it comes to all these bodiless souls, etc. Too much speculative possibilities that make Scientology’s Hubbard’s exorcism seem really lame and inconsequential in the human history of beliefs in big souls out in the universe out there with influence on events at our physical “meat body” level,, it’s just too must like a fiction world unprovable stuff to be selling to anyone, except at fiction.
Scientology Hubbard really are supposed to believe these bodiless souls which Xenu messed up and which infest all humans, and which get the final high volume OT 7 exorcism step, is begging so many questions compared to other human beliefs in powerful souls supposedly out in the cosmos influencing things. Fiction, to me. And then Hubbard’s voluminous creative fiction career prior to Scientology/Dianetics then really ought be remembered, he was a prolific fiction story writer.
Which is why I like to plug “One Was Stubborn” 1940 Hubbard fiction short story, as it has the guru, and bodiless soul activity in the crux moments when the hero of the book is in outer space with the bodiless guru, both of them bodiless, and the hero realizes he can do create now his own universe, like a God.
Hubbard had some soul ideas which need perspective, and are clearly not what average people spend much time thinking about, yet Scientology has their laid in stone OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 exorcism steps to remove the bodiless souls that supposedly infest us humans.
That’s how I talk about this to people when they ask me:
“What Is Scientology?”
I say it is pseudo-therapy and exorcism, and Scientology has a massively overblown staff multi cult echelons that are overstaffed and futile at doing their hidden past lives pseudo-therapy and their hidden exorcism procedures which they do on each other and at high prices and it takes them years to complete all the pseudo-therapy and exoricsm.
And I through in a little explanation of the soul memories alleviation theory, since the pseudo-therapy and the exorcism basically are meant to be soul memories alleviation beneficial.
Dear Chuck
I’ve read time and time again your relentless use of the word Exorcism as you describe the processes used on the OT levels. I find it inappropriate for the simple fact that Exorcize is used correctly as the ritual to remove a Demon who has entered and taken control of the host. The Demon has always ill intent towards the body and wouldn’t mind killing it. Auditing of BTs and Clusters has no such connotation at all. The entityes are trapped or stuck to the host, but it was not their desire to possess it that got them in and in no case can take control. They are very willing to leave with the help of a decent auditor, that cannot be said for Demonic possession. The correct term used is Blowing BTs and Clusters, whereas Blowing means allow them to leave by doing the steps. You can’t order or command them to leave because that’s not how it is done and would not be very pleasant if you tried.
I don’t see any problem with him using the word “exorcism” to get never members to understand better. Most Catholics have a muddled understanding of the word, and non Catholics might only know what they got from the movie. I’d wager most people think it means drive out, dismiss, expel, or purge a spirit. Not sure you need to specify “evil spirit” because what other kind inhabits a person when the person wants it gone? It’s not sacrilege or anything. You can see worse on any given Sunday during Mass.
OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 spiritual procedures (I will continue to call them exorcism, per the Oxford University Dictionary definitions of exorcize and exorcism).
Scientologist theory states our human bodies, you and me, until we have these invisible bodiless souls which infest us both, and all humans on earth too, of these bodiless souls, called “body-thetans” by Hubbard, we are subject to telepathic leakage of the “case” (debilitating memories from the minds of these “body-thetan” invisible souls to us).
Scientology is supposedly a souls memory alleviation subject. The first half through the “Clear” mid way point, addresses our soul memories we ourselves can remember, into our past lives soul memories.
The OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 steps of upper “secret” Scientology address these invisible souls, “body-thetans”, and the procedures are acts of exorcism, driving away these spirits, Scientology/Hubbard thinks by telepathically communicating to these “body-thetans” we are freeing them, and they leave our human body, and the leakage from them to us of their debilitating soul memories which are their memories, ceases thus influencing us.
That is Scientology, that is exorcism as close to the fundamental exorcize/exorcism definitions of driving off spirits which are in or near the human body.
Scientology uses their Hubbard “Emeter” device to supposedly detect a cluster or detect an individual “body-thetan” to then be “freed” by the Hubbard OT 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7 steps.
Scientology addresses invisible souls infesting our human body, to “free” or release those souls and make them leave our human bodies, and thus we lose any debilitating effects those invisible souls where leaking over to us.
There is nothing you’ve said to make me not cease calling this exorcism. Professor David Bromley has called it exorcism also, and others also.
Chuck Beatty
BTs are figments of Hubbard’s not-so-clever imagination. Any concept used to describe their theoretical expulsion from a human body can never be correct if it gives the lie that they somehow not only exist but can be expunged.
One could use ‘wash’, ‘scrub’, ‘order’, ‘free’, or even ‘dust off’, ‘ignore’, ‘befriend’, ‘subsume’, ‘send packing’, ‘banish to Coventry’, or simply any choice of words at all.
The choice of words matter. Like some of my word suggestions, the choice of “exorcism” is wrong because it gives BTs a relationship to spiritual entities that another small group have a belief in, again without any proof they exist other than some sort of indoctrinated “faith” and the occasional anecdotal and unsubstantiated claim. “The Exorcist” was a movie, public entertinment fer crying out loud; all the green pea soup or special effects in the world will neither create or exorcise a demon, not now, not ever. Same with BTs.
I just imagined that BTs are similar to boogers. You dig them out, flick them away, scrub them off onto unsuspecting surfaces to annoy whoever next encounters then, and still the pesky beasties return day after day, a never-ending accumulation of nasties that need active and often surreptitious removal tactics.
Boogers and Solo Nots go hand in glove, or rather finger in nostril.
But this is all sad comedy, a scam that has far outlasted any usefulness for anything but lining the pockets of the top dog of a too-wealthy fake church.
BTs require no removal, since they simply do not exist. Anyone who claims otherwise is stuck in a prison of belief.
AA, BTs could be delusional parasitosis, as interpreted by Hubbard. It’s a mental disorder involving belief that the body’s surface is infested by something, which can result from alcoholism, stimulant abuse, or depression – all of which Hubbard suffered from.
There’s also a long tradition of belief in spiritual entities (including individual demonic possession), that I think must have some sort of origins in mis-perceptions humans can be prone to as well. Regardless, I’d peg Hubbard as just recycling old concepts with a bit of new spin, rather than coming up with anything at all new or original.
At least a third, if not half of the human body is “foreign.”
I sometimes wonder if Hub mistook the human microbiome for body thetans…and the GE was the macguffin all along. 😜
It would appear that some are still Plugged-In to captain Davy of the Cosmic Navy, OT, COS science fiction nonsense! Ha!!
Very grateful for you all.
Mike, Christie, Aaron, Claire, Marc, et al.
You all have your sleeves rolled up and are in there doing the heavy lifting for me and for people like me who lost family and more while in or even still in The Church of Scientology.
Blown For Good was one of the first eye-opening books I read on my way out.
Before there was anybody else I could turn to, there was Mike. He was the only one who could, in his capacity at the time, provide support and helped me from losing my mind when the church declared me and I lost my son. There was no one else I could turn to that I was aware of.
Then Leah with all her love provided a broader audience for me to tell my story and in some small way help others. That’s all the fight I have in me.
I have been on Aaron’s channel twice. Aaron is and has always been great at listening and understanding.
There are now MANY of you who have a channel for people who want to get out and you all have your own ways you help. People who need help and want to leave have many choices to turn to and You all provide so much help, support and a great big safety net.
I love you all and am very grateful for you all.
I’m sorry for your loss. I’m glad you got out. I hope it gets better.
To: Mary
From: Office of Chairman of the Board Religious Technology Centre.
Re: listening to Suppressive Persons.
Our beloved COB has learned that you are in communication with harmful persons seeking to destroy our most beloved tech which is the only tech that can save the planet. It is out of the goodness of his heart that he wishes to spare you the heartache of associating with such despicable individuals. So kindly remove yourself from this blog and return to the Church of Scientology where you will be guided by our beloved COB.
Office of Chairman of the Board Religious Technology Centre.
To: Office of David Miscavige CON more money blah blah
From: Alcoboy
Re: despicable individuals.
You wanna talk despicable? You wanna talk despicable?! Here! Clear this list of words using Method One Word Clearing:
Out of kindness I won’t require a Star Rate Checkout!
Up your ass!