You will be thrilled to hear the magnificent breakthroughs that have been made now with GAG II reaching the very top of the bridge.
The old, crappy, altered versions they have been selling now for 30 years have been replaced, for the third time, with all new, much better stuff.
These announcements sound like old laundry soap ads — “2X whiter”, “you won’t believe how bright your colors are”, “now with super cleaning power”, “amazing suds/theta boster”, “much longer lasting and faster too”…
Here is a new email explaining it all from our old friend Sandy Dodwell. I highlighted some key points in red to save you time. I made a few snarky comments in square brackets, also in red.
Feedback from someone who was mid New OT VI at the release:
“Wow my experience this morning was mind blowing! The materials are so simple now. I was close to finishing New OT VI, but I had some small uncertainties. I did not feel fully ready to go home and audit. But after opening the pack this morning, I no longer have any uncertainties. This will make it so simple for new people starting New OT VI as they will just have the real data from the beginning. The number of people on OT VII will just boom.” – B.K.
Feedback from an OT VIII who got to study the new materials:
“It validates my knowingness. It blew away a ton of complexities. It’s going to pave the way for the next generation. It’s going to make a pre-OT VERY comfortable in session. You don’t have to have a PHD to understand it!” – G.R.
Here is the data on the New Golden Age of Tech Phase II OT Levels!
So, what can we say?
Due to its confidential nature, not much. But here are a few points that we can say:
- Just like everything else in Golden Age of Tech II, saying “it’s revised” is not the correct term; in fact, the preferred term is “un-revised” as it is exactly 100% LRH now, with no addition!
- The material covered in this release is the most precision thing in this universe. [Yet it was so complex it required a PhD? Who made it so complex if it was so precision? Or was the original stuff complex and now it’s been simplified?]
- The OT VI level is now simply two parts:
– Advanced Solo Auditor Course (as already released)
– The Solo NOTs Auditor Course(NEW)
- The Advanced Solo Auditor Course covers advanced tech for any Solo Auditor. This is not confidential and is already released. The length of time of this course is 4 weeks. It’s shorter for Basics completions and Golden Age of Tech II trained auditors.
- The Solo NOTs Auditor Course contains TWO parts: THEORY & PRACTICAL. On this course, you learn the entirety of the tech you need to know in order to audit Solo NOTs at home (New OT VII).
- The length of the Solo NOTs Auditor Course is, from start-to-finish, 2 weeks in time! That is 2 days for theory study and 12 days for practical! The Tech is so simple, training to get through the theory takes 2 days and you use the rest of the time drilling and honing your Solo NOTs skills until you are 100% CERTAIN and PERFECT. Then you attest and return home to audit on Solo NOTs!
- Due to New OT VI being streamlined down to exactly what the Solo NOTs Auditor needs to know and be drilled on, the time spent auditing on OT VII will be faster. NO specifics were given on how much faster. The only point being given here is that the Solo NOTs auditor is dealing with the exact parts of his case he needs to deal with, using the exact right tech. [Unfortunately, everyone on the original OT VII and then the “Golden Age” of OT VII have been wasting their time doing things they really didn’t need to do — until now we finally have the REAL THING with the GAG II OT VII — praise be to COB]
- Additionally, six month refreshers will go faster and smoother because of this.
This release does not invalidate any past Solo NOTs completions or any past Solo NOTs wins.
They are all VALID! [But oh boy, did we ever sucker you with that old, non-streamlined, non-precision shit we sold you for decades as “standard tech” — ha ha, joke’s on you, you probably need Super Power to sharpen your perceptions so you can spot this sort of thing in the future. And maybe some L’s to prevent you from continuing to fall into the same old traps we set for you]
Any prior Solo NOTs completions are:
- Invited to come to the Flag AO and see the new materials, so they know what changes were made
- When they see the materials, they will think to themselves “Wow, these new guys are so lucky!”
And, the ship is now delivering Golden Age of Tech II New OT VIII!
Let me know any questions you have! This completes the processing side of The Bridge (so far available) with Golden Age of Tech Phase II!!!
I want to help you get tons of people up The Bridge to full OT. It is more doable now than ever before.
Call or write me anytime for anything!
Sandy Dodwell
Flag Service Consultant
The only real question about this is how long they can keep “reissuing” the same old stuff, claiming it’s the “newest and bestest” without the sheeple waking up to the fact that they are being suckered. Everything they have been sold has been inferior, non-streamlined, non-precision. Yet until this latest version arrived, they were saying the existing stuff is streamlined and precision and it is the previous version that was no good. With NOTs this has been three “replacements” under the direct supervision of Miscavige.
The difference between scientology and laundry soap is that laundry soap doesn’t cost tens of thousands of dollars, and while there are some advances in actual science making soap more effective at cutting grease and removing stains, everyone understands that in general, the pitches from Unilever and Procter & Gamble are just that — pitches to try and sell you something. The consumers of scientology don’t see this as “pitches”, they believe it is revealed truth….
Hi Paul Cocovinis, Thank you for your sensitive amazing post. I read it more than once. What really resonated for me, was where you talk about sensitive PC info being passed around and used against one. I was not in GO, but the same methods were used on me at Asho F starting slowly in the summer of 76 and building to a hornet’s nest inferno of physical, verbal, and Ethics abuse by GO/Intel.Until the survival Sun broke into my brain and I blew in 1978 to save my life. Now Truthteller will say I still had o/ws that I had not disclosed and I say after 2 and 1/2 years of the ” game ” I had had so many lists and sec checks run that there was nothing left to give. Also living on coffee and apples for months because I was not allowed to eat with SO, makes one cranky, no energy and if I originated anything in Qual regarding my physical state I was told that was because I was an evil intentioned being. And when I joined in 74 I had said to one and all I was a Sea Orger for life and beyond.So I too saw what can occur when white turns black and trust is ripped away. The thing is now Truthteller and all those who agree with him can’t hurt me anymore. Yes they can rattle my cage and stir up nightmares, but I am free and I can go to Mike’s Blog anytime to read and post. Still flying dm’s flag and still wrapped in the memories of Ron( who was Source first ) the ones still wanting Ron, dm and cos to be thought of positively well they can have their viewpoint, but I and many here have walked through the fire to freedom and we know. Thank you Mike for having the courage to post as many viewpoints as you do here.Communication the way it should be! Happy 2016 Paul. I look forward to your posts. Love, Ann
Thank you very much Ann. I suspect we’re not the only ones that that resonates with. And wow – you were out before I was even in! That’s amazing to me. You’ve come a long way! I’m also familiar with many of your posts and your situation and I want to wish you in particular all the very best for 2016. Take care.
Hi Paul Cocovinis, Thank you so much. Really appreciated.Ann.
Hi Ann, you brave lovely lady, who was able to rise above it all and show everyone of us “kindness!” (We were all missing that!)
For you, I will take the d/m flag and the next time my big male cat gets diarrhea, I’ll use that d/m flag to wipe his poor hairy ass, instead of baby wipes! I’ll be “smiling” all the while saying, “HERE’S TO YOU, ANN! ;)”
Hi Pat Wog Winner, Your post is just hysterical. I love all cats & doggies to pieces but cats are always prancing thru my heart. Dm’s flag is perfect and as you are saying Here’s to you Ann that flag at some point will fall apart and be gone.Let us toast to the workings of mystery, let us have true intention that the same happens to him. So look forward to your posts in 2016. Thank you so much for your kindness and support. It means the world to me. Love, Ann
Brave and lovely is a great definition for you Ann. I so enjoy your posts and your stories. Strive On … with diligence, good lady.
Hi Stephanie Loving, Wonderful to meet you. Thank you so much for your sweet post.All of us here are family and we will endure! Happy Happy 2016, Love, Ann.
DM should soon declare that the new hypermark IX, the entirely automatized thing able to fill in your worksheets in languages is the only prerequisite to get to OT IC (OT 99 in usual numerals).
The cost is not yet determined, but should be available only to extremely “Upstat” insane individuals not having yet committed suicide to rejoin his Top Level God Hubbard
Me, I’m just wondering when someone will “liberate” all these new confidential GATll materials so they can be posted online for people familiar with the previous materials to compare.
The only thing that has changed is the checksheet. They cut back on what you are required to study and learn…
A long-time class VIII, recently out, said they also chopped several pages off the Rehab bulletin and refused to show him the original. There were no Tech Volumes in Qual.
His response was a quiet adios.
I’m hopeful that if The Owner keeps cutting back on the requirements to study and learn LRH materials, then Scientologists won’t be rendered drooling morons.
Surely, surely, surely, there’ll be more walk outs after this new is delivered. Surely?
I walked out when I was told to redo Objectives (I was so overrun when I tried to do this but, of course, the CSs are told now to ignore such statements from the pc as they’re no longer valid. I just walked…), redo Student Hat, redo the Purif, redo something or other… That’s when I said, No thanks. I got it the first time. And I made my exit.
Why, WHY are the others, those still in, not doing this?
Oh, yes, and redo Solo1 and the E-metre courses and at full price, no more half prices for retreads. Redo everything AND buy two new E-meters at an exorbitant price. Was this not enough for the Still-ins? Or for those OTs who must redo everything at AO prices? Or the OT7s who’ve been on the level for seven, ten, fifteen, and I know of a case of 25 years? What can’t they see, for heavens sake?
Mike is right. They just want the courses to sell. But if the materials were really that ON-SOURCE they would sell themselves. NOT”s (and Solo NOT’s) my favorite OT levels. It’s the end of case. It is the dawn of true OT competence. For some…….I believe for some…but not all. What more is there in life? I love auditing BT’s. 🙂
LRH Once said that NOT’s covered the single most basic error a thetan can make. Correct.
Q. How can a thetan make a copy of unconsciousness?
A. Dormant BT’s & clusters.
Right? 🙂
Test. Sent from my new iPad. Hey, at my age these devices amaze me!
Hi OSD, Yeah for your new baby IPad! These devices are amazing until they rapidly grow into teenagers and then you deal with spell-kill and snarky comments from Suri. Then you have a period of disappearing posts so a condition of treason for her helps, then you hit calm waters and you and your IPad live happily ever after. Love U hope the surf is UP for Jan.1! XO Ann.
My wife doesn’t know it yet, but, I’m dating Suri.
Dating Siri will most likely just puzzle your wife. Dating Suri will result in your incarceration.
Hi OSD, ?Ann.
Test. I’m sending this from the iPad my son got me. Just wanted to make sure u got it. At my age, these things amaze me.
Got both messages, you’re good to go 🙂
Thanks! I thought I had screwed up sending the first one so I sent a second one.
Rumor has it that the older tech terminals at pac base are being taken off post and are being sent to estates and being replaced by kids. That’s gotta work out really well.Some are bailing out. No retirement, no SS, homeless? Go figger.
“Come to Flag to check out the new materials” said the spider to the fly. “Uh-uh” said the fly.
Hey everyone! Remember when DLHDM proclaimed that they (read he) had “handled” Anonymous? Well, not only have they not, in anyway, handled Anonymous, this group is now taking on ISIS by hacking into their systems. Gosh, I don’t want to give them any ideas (wink, wink), but, if they can hack ISIS, they can probably really do a number on the cult.
If these hackers get hero status for hacking ISIS, imagine what the dwarf would do. Seriously, his head just might explode!
If DM is going to really “clear the planet” then at some point they will have to tell ISIS about it. And I would LOVE to be a fly on the wall when they do!
With a cult like scientology, I’m sure ISIS will embrace it. They might have a tough time on the Student Hat, though. And you’ve got to make sure non of the ISIS members are armed….
DM promised that he’d handle us in March 2008 after the second protest. He, of course, never did. I’m here, after all.
Anon is not taking on ISIS by “hacking into their systems”. Anon is handling them by removing their social media presence by exposing and eliminating Twitter, Facebook, etc., accounts associated with them. ISIS has nothing to hack into, with no dedicated websites and such.
Anon took down CoS websites in January 2008; they responded by moving all of their websites to providers with military-grade firewalls and anti-intrusion systems, for which they are paying a significantly larger sum of money (supposedly ten to twenty times average cost per month as a normal provider; of course, they can afford this). That’s why Anon has not tried to do this again. DDOSes and such are useless, and doing anything “illegal” would make Bunker and Magoo cry.
LOL … Never say never! And, btw, I think isis already knows about the little dick. They vowed to destroy all “cults.”
(Better watch out for your crotch–and your neck–davey boy wonder, they’re coming for you! hahaha
This may be a bad analogy as cars are cheaper than services and provide an objectively verifiable benefit. However, when a car is repeatedly recalled and fixed, the manufacturer is expected to shoulder the expenses for repairs and incidental inconveniences. At some point, lemon laws kick in, and funds need to be returned altogether.
If car manufacturers had thought to establish a religion, denounced consumer advocates as “bigots” and former owners of their products as “bitter, defrocked apostates,” Detroit could still be a hopping town!
If slave owners would only have coerced their chattel into attesting to their “wins” (or made them up on their behalf), the Civil War could have been avoided.
COB you crazy little bastard! Reworking the Master’s “Tech”. Could you imagine what would happen if Pope Francis decided that the Holy Bible wasn’t “cutting it” and then rewrote some of Jesus’ teachings??!!
“Come to church on Sunday and hear the ‘New and Improved Teachings of Christ'”!!
Of course, don’t bother coming to church unless you put money “on account” first–your eternity depends on it!
What!!! My ETERNITY depends on it! OMG,OMG,OMG! What am I going to do??? I know, pour another Pinot Noir and realize that I’m actually doing it and then drink said wine. Success Story: ” The Pinot (pronouced pino) was incredible! It’s lighter than a Cab or Merlot. With each sip, I realized, more and more, how powerful I really am to actually drive to the market, pick it up and bring it back to my home! The gains I get from Pinot Noir are just amazing! However, the greatest gains I get when drinking a glass of Pinot Noir is realizing I’m no longer in that cult. That’s just mind blowing……..
New AND improved??????? I am so there!
That’s the best analogy I’ve heard yet. Great !
No matter how much you polish bullshit, it’ll always be bullshit.
Scientology is so close to attaining political correctness with their own crap it smells of it through the computer screen. It’s like the never ending proposal of tax reform. How much better this tax reform is over the last one, year after year, decade after decade. Every new politician jumps on that bandwagon at some point. And like organised scientology they waste money too, but they do at least build roads and stuff, scientology only builds enemies and steals money with lies.
NOTs is OT bullshit with a huge smell potential. As I have said many times and firmly believe, NOTs is not a Bridge step, never has been, never will be, but it sure creates lots of money and keeps the sheeple… well sheeple!
If you want sanity, steer well clear of the church of scientology. But if you want false hope, have a strong desire to gamble with everything you own, including your family and friends on a losing proposition that will as sure as the tide comes in, ruin you. Go ahead, buy miscavige’s pitch. Hubbard was right about one thing, time is out of order within the mind. Go with miscavige and just wait – he’ll prove it to you.
OH, on an Aussie note. Tim Fitzgerald, a major church contributor in Australia for years and comforter of Jan Eastgate during her trial has declared bankruptcy. Another micavige and church product. Tim’s bankruptcy has a long trail of broken lives and non payments to business associates and employees over the years. He forced many people even non-scios to give their money to scientology by simply diverting those funds to the church without any form of consultation or compassion that those people have lives to live and children to raise. Just another deluded thief who is a typical product of NOTs and the system that created it.
Caveat emptor.
“OH, on an Aussie note. Tim Fitzgerald, a major church contributor in Australia for years and comforter of Jan Eastgate during her trial has declared bankruptcy.”
Better pass that info onto Brian Seymour!
Just did.
Do you still have to pay scientology, hourly, when you are auditing yourself?
Well, duh! How else are they going to make money off you!
You keep paying scientology with or without auditing. It’s their mandate of being a member. The only way they judge their successful actions is with how much the money flows from their members. Happiness and scientology are not compatible things.
There as far apart as two things can be. Polar Opposites…
There’s a special place waiting for Sandy Dodwell. She’s guilty of financial crimes that could have put her in prison in South Africa. Without consent or approval, she managed to charge the KTL & LOC course on my dad’s credit card. It nearly caused a divorce in my family as my father thought my mom had connived with Sandy (not true). Sandy knew she could get away with it because complaining would have turned my folks into the target and they couldn’t request a reversal as this would be tantamount to a refund case. My dad had to sell my mother’s car to cover the repayments to the bank. He never put his foot near the org for services again. She did similar to many other people until, finally, she picked on the wrong guy (a friend of mine) who threatened her with the police – and he got his refund, no questions asked. Sandy hit the RPF, but this only sharpened her claws – just like prison turns petty criminals into career crooks. She is a perfect DM minion.
Thanks for the history Shells. Had no idea about her. But she fits the mold perfectly. The horrendous crimes (literally) some (most?) of these regges commit would be enough to put them behind bars in any normal circumstances. I always had it in my mind that she was sort of a harmless old lady sent to nowhereseville to putter around and try to persuade the gullible that Flag is the greatest place on earth.
OH! that just sux!
I know my product is defective. I still sell it to you and do not tell you it is defective. Then I fix the defect, recall the old defective version, and require you to repay full price for the new fixed version. I have committed fraud.
One wonders how many will actually show up at Flag, and if this isn’t in part an attempt to get bodies in the door. The sheer amount of empty space must be causing cognitive dissonance among the Faithful.
Yes, I know. They are trained to believe that any out points that they see are their own. But the emptiness of their local ORGs is one thing. The emptiness of ‘The Friendliest Place on Earth’ is another, and more serious one.
A Happy New Year to everyone! Here’s hoping that 2016 sees many more reconnections.
Happy New Year to you, Wayne!
You, just wait. Just like I realized that the whole thing was a money scam, gradually they will realize it too. And those not so new, are also seeing , and if they don’t blow for good, they will pull further away and HIDE. Money is their game, that’s why they have changed everything for years and years. To keep you hooked. Who do they think they are fooling
My parents only had to baptize me once.
And a Happy New Year everyone!
Happy New Year, Leslie!
This “come to flag to see the changes” drill was done when GAT1 OT 6 /7 was released – though I never did the original version, I did read the SR C/S letter by Miscavage about the changes, one point being – there was no more “blowing by inspection” that you had to run each and every BT on the process. And, in studying OT 6 I didn’t find it all that hard to understand and put into action, so I really don’t get the “you don’t have to be a Phd to understand it” comment. It was some PR BS he wrote in a success story so he could leave Flag and get home. Nothing has changed.
What would happen if I walked into a scientology org stating I need help with my life but was completely broke. What would they say
Hi Jeff Smith, Happy 2016 to you & yours. From my experience, if someone had walked into Asho & said they needed help with their life but no $, here is a very nice billion year contract waiting just for you.And when you do have money and still want to join see how fast the pens come out! Love, Ann
They’d also say ‘your children are ours!’ SO all of them, and they’d have a new toilet maintenance man/woman. They tried that shit on me and also told me to get welfare and food stamps … because all I had to do was get the independent tax form and never fill it out. The fuckers would probably take my poor little food stamps for payment, they’re so desperate! LOL 😉
Bwa ha ha ha ha. Oh you’re serious. They would give you a tech estimate and tell you to come back when you had the money to pay them to fix your life.
What…after they finally stopped laughing? They would probably tell you to go join the Moonies. Broke people are considered CICSDBs.
That would explain why they didn’t make much effort to recover me when I told them I wasn’t coming back in 1991. I was young and not making much money.
Then when the calls start about 22 years later they must have determined I had enough money that I was worth pursuing.
Welll…maybe. I believe it’s because you’re such an upstat!
Thanks for the replies and happy New Year’s to all
You too, Jeff! May 2016 be your best year yet!
Jeff, when I first started exploring Scientology, the organization was really packed with students. There were plenty of people that had no money and got auditing. There were students doing internships that would bring in people who were not even involved in Scientology and audit them on the grade they were learning to deliver, without any pre reqs! This actually got a lot of people involved in Scientology. I saw this happen on a regular basis.
This is why when I hear, “He needs his purif, his tr’s. his this and that before this and that..” I realize the person saying this does not think the auditing works unless there are conditions beyond the process.
When I first got involved I was only two weeks past 16 years old. The HQS course was 200.00 and you were set because, by the time you got through that (and there were no exclusions on who could buy it and do it), you could figure out the rest. I went clear for 5,200.00. Back then someone just sat you down and audited you. All you needed to know were some definitions. It was a different world in Scientology.
Right now you would be hard pressed to find a trained auditor that could get you through life repair in under 50 hours. When I first got involved that was a 12 hour intensive fee up front to start and most people had many hours left over when they finished. Thirty years ago you would have the P.C. halfway up the grade chart if not clear, in a hundred hours. And it was very possible to go clear for 5K. It was affordable and doable. You have an org now that only has one or two P.C.’s, that p.c. will sit at the bottom of the bridge for as long as the org can keep him there to stretch those hours out with whatever bullshit they can manufacture.
I hear you Oracle. Raw truth is so objected to today.
We would have made a great co-audit team. I like the future, I know what it can be…
Also Jeff, the cost of the Dianetics course then was 300.00. So, for 300.00 you could get trained and co audit through clear. Many people went clear for 300.00. Training costs were kept low but then again, there was no Flag Land Base discounting training and auditing value in all of the other Orgs to obtain business.
By the late 80’s the only people I knew of that were co auditing were the Sea Org volunteers that had been sent to the prison force for not volunteering well enough. Co auditing is very much frowned on because it takes money away from the Church. Geeze Christ David Miscavige charges a person 40K if they want to open a mission. Hubbard gifted Mission Charters to people.
Yes, back in the day when things were really looking up for Scientology, they were called “organizations” and it was very accessible and doable for everyone.
Precision “thing,” what a great oxymoron.
Wait…what? Your thing isn’t precise? Have you seen your doctor lately?
I wonder if Sandy knows the first two lines of the auditors code? Probably not because her boss can’t be bothered with such silly things as the auditors code. And please tell us Sandy, what changes have been made to make the six month check faster and smoother? Remember Sandy sec checks aren’t done solo. That comment about smoother and faster six month checks has nothing to do with solo auditing. Your letter is about the “new” solo auditor training…..why even bother to comment on the six month checks being smoother and faster?
The logic would be, it seems, that because the solo auditing is so “kick-ass”, when they go for checkups there’s not much to handle, so it goes smoother and faster.
I can’t really say anything beyond the point I
was kicked off OT 6 within a few weeks because
I could not pull $50,000. out of my wallet to be
a PATRON in the IAS.
It’s a SO ED ( Blue on Blue)
that you have to be a PATRON to get services
at FLAG. Even if the services are so shitty it KILLS you,
example: Lisa Mc Pherson ( died getting tender loving care at Flag)
and REX Fowler
( went type 3 on OT 7 ,committed murder and attempted
suicide/ now doing life in prison)
“It’s a SO ED ( Blue on Blue) that you have to be a PATRON to get services at FLAG.”
No wonder they have been banned in Russia and dragged into court in Belgium. Criminal begging has turned to criminal extortion. SO ED’s are DM ED’s. He has alter ised a grass roots movement into an Astro turf movement.
Check this out: Astroturf and manipulation:
Dear Oracle,
It is an SOED ( Blue on Blue) that all Flag Public be a PATRON
See Benny at the IAS Office in the Sand Castle . If you pull it off easily
you are hit up for with Honors which is $100,000.
Brian Culkin paid $50,000. was announced on Stage as with Honors
($100,000. ) gave his win then when off stage informed the IAS reg.
he was not with honors, Oh my Gosh it was a Flap he had to fix immediately
so coughed up another $50,000. Unaware that FSO already knew how
much money he had in his bank account ( $300,000.).
You sign away all legal rights as first step at Flag, 8 page legal document.
Includes taking all your money and deliver nothing.
Your Reg can even slap you in the face for money if he thinks your holding out
( Dave Foster slapped an Italian Girl in the face to get more money)
Jose, The only difference between us, and the people “in good standing”, is that we do not invalidate our education. About life, people, who we are and who we want to be. How we want to be treated and how we want to treat others. What we have seen and learned from observing.
If you notice on the “truth rundown”, you are supposed to invalidate your education. If you saw an outpoint, you are supposed to think it was because of something criminal you did. You are required to constantly invalidate your own education.
The I.A.S. and begging is part of an education. A re education mocked up by David Miscavige. There are people buying into that education. We are just happy with the education we already have.
P.S. the private seminars being delivered in the I.A.S. beggars booths, is a university I chose not to attend. The donors are patrons of the I.A.S. university. And the “information” being delivered in those booths, is total hallucinatory mayhem.
P.S. If you notice in the fair gaming of people that have left the Church, and stand by their education there and what they learned and saw………David Miscavige always uses the same trick. He seeks to invalidate their education. They are all “liars”. And then he falsely “re educates” the world about the people he targets with those web sites and other false reports he issues to the press.
I am telling you this is his playing card. Invalidation of education.
Answer is “Conservation of Energy”
An experiment where you take a hundred or more metronoms
into a solitary room and set them all running OUT of time to each other.
Leave the room for a day or two and return to the room. All the metronoms
will be in perfect sync (time) together. This is an experiment done long ago
that proves Conservation of energy.
David Miscavige reset Scientology to achieve the same principle
except only to give huge amounts of money to the church for
status or nearly useless product in return which is advertised and promoted
with no tangible proof except people going bankrupt or dying while on services.
I have two PHD’s and FSO staff threw me out of the OT6 course room
and HGC 4 very fast. Kicked off the Freewind’s 3 times despite being approved and OK for everything. So if you have seen the picture of a Tomato being audited by LRH, that Tomato has a better chance of going OT 9 and OT 10 than
any rich scientology kool aid drinker.
I will not eat a tomato that has gone clear. I mean, the freakin’ ATTITUDE when you slice into them!
O.K. Joe, that was 2FF! On the floor! Laughter!
Like Mike Rinder and Marty didn’t get a proper education being them and living in that madness? They LEARNED things. They shared their education. It was a VALID education! All of us learned something. We have all had a VALID education. And we all paid for our education by the mere fact of having a life. It is rightfully ours and it is as valid as anyone else’s education. It is our God given right to share what we have learned.Your education belongs to YOU. You earned it.
What really drives Miscavige crazy is that Marty, Mike, Karen and many others, have shared their education as a valid education and they are EDUCATING others properly.
Hi Joe Pendleton, Thank you because your post is perfect! Love the image of Ron auditing a tomato on OT10! And loved the tomato attitude when sliced. Then I really nuke em with pano breadcrumbs,garlic, green onion and extra sharp cheddar cheese, black pepper and into the broiler the new OT10 Tomato goes! Yummy! Love, Ann.
You might enjoy this too. Explains the toxic culture and becoming “indoctrinated” (educated), within the Scientology culture with the policies and ideas. And why you end up with robotic people.
P.S. What is David Miscavige’s playing card? He invalidates everyone’s education. Then he enforces re education. the GAOT card is all about education and re educating people. Making the entire culture obsess on “Proper education”.
P.S. And you get these people that are being “properly educated” appearing more and more stupid. They do not know how to know, and this is drilled into them with the “Golden Age” of invalidation and implanting. The antithesis of the purpose of Scientology.
The newly minted “Golden Scientologists”, then run this ser fac on the rest of mankind. “He doesn’t have the answers, he isn’t a Scientologist”. And they in turn invalidate other people’s education as worthless.
At the end of the day, the message Miscavige delivers as “Golden age”, is that nobody was really enlightened under Hubbard. They can now become enlightened under him.
noun: enlightenment; plural noun: enlightenments; singular proper noun: Enlightenment; noun: the Enlightenment
the action of enlightening or the state of being enlightened.
“Robbie looked to me for enlightenment”
synonyms: insight, understanding, awareness, wisdom, education, learning, knowledge; instruction, teaching; culture, refinement, cultivation, civilization.
“sharing her musical enlightenment with her children”
If you can invalidate a person’s education, you can convince them that they are not enlightened.
You drag them all the way back down the grade chart where the awareness characteristic is enlightenment, and sell them the entire bridge again.
This is how he is selling objectives to OTVlll’s. He simply invalidates their education.
Enlightening means “to be imbued with light”. The common expression being “see the light”. Therefore, anybody who has left the “church” is enlightened. They saw the light and got the hell out. So their education can now remain intact. We are the lucky ones.
“Fool’s gold,” is a good term.
Would love to see that SO ED.
Wishing MIke, his family and you posters, a very positive and fun New Year! Now, all of you folks need to keep your fingers limber for all the incredible posts I know you’re going to be writing in 2016. I look forward to all of them. You guys are the best friends that I’ve never met (with a couple of exceptions). And I thank you all for that…
Hey OSD!
Yeah, OSD?
Are we paddling out today?
You are you kidding me? The water is so cold, you’ll never find ‘them’ again!
Whew! Glad I asked, OSD!
No worries, OSD! Always glad to be of service!
Thanks, OSD!
Ok, ok…we need a lot more posting here. I’m getting board talking to myself (almost like dancing with myself).
OSD you haven’t been reading about the new surfing innovations.
They have come out with a water proof, non scorching, “balls” warmer.
It fits comfortably under your wet suit. They guarantee you will “find them” in short order….wait that didn’t sound right….they guarantee you will not lose “them”.
Does it come with an ankle strap like the one for the surfboard?
You mean the leash? Hell yes! Back in the mid 60s when I started surfing on the old gronks (huge surfboards), if we bailed or crashed, we had to swim all the in to retrieve our boards. With the leash, we can bail or wipeout and still have the board close by. And, believe me, at my age, that’s HUGE!
Why is it that most of the petite chicks at Malibu prefer to use those old gronks (huge boards, but much lighter with foam inside) to this day? What is the advantage? Longer, more stable ride? Lots of photos of those old gronks at Duke’s.
On these cold & windy days it must be huge to have your balls & warmer on a leash too.
Choking with laughter! The old gronks were very easy to take off on and ride. When I teach, I take out my 10′ 3″ 3 1/2 inch thick big board. I push people into the whitewater after teaching them how to ‘pop up’ on the sand.
And yes, tis good to be havin’ dat warmer on a cold, windy day.
I tried a battery powered warmer. I was shocked when it didn’t work like I thought.
Man, I completely forgot about those!
That’s the second most precision thing ever.
Dare I ask what the first is?
Besides Surfing, some of the other Great Religions of Southern California include Golf and Taco Tuesdays. Some sects prefer to wash the tacos down with beer from the micro-brewery in Santa Monica while others prefer to use Taquila. FAKE religions such as scientology don’t even rank on the worst religions list.
“Besides Surfing, some of the other Great Religions of Southern California include Golf and Taco Tuesday.” Wow, TFB, you’re good! The one religion that you omitted was the Tennis Religion. I was a member for 3 decades. Oh gosh, I almost forgot about the Snow Skiing Religion! And the Water Ski Religion too! Are we the Religion Capital of the World or what?
Mecca of Great Religions
Must not forget the “pot growing” religion of Humboldt County. Humboldt is known for two things. Pot and Scientology’s secret CST underground “Vault”. Who knows, maybe DM keeps his pot in the vault also!
OF ALL PEOPLE TO FORGET!!! I can hardly believe I forgot the Church of Ganga!!! Ya mon! One of my ALL TIME favorites! When we’re celebrating HIGH Holy Mass, it’s difficult to see the parishioners through the smoke. But, eventually we either go to sleep or run out to get some munchies. Wonderful church, indeed…..
OSD go to my FB page we are out sledding. Got some great pics, that’s what cold weather folk do, no time to stay inside and post.
Come out here and suit up, paddle out, and see how long you’ll last with the water temps. The coldest water I ever surfed in was 45 degrees. The air temp that day was 42. We stayed out for 3 hours because the surf was so good. When I came in, I had to put my key between the heals of both hands and then turn the key. When I got into my car, I turned the heater on and set it to: Baghdad in the summer time. When I got home, it took twenty minutes in a very hot shower to get my body temp back up.
Heavenly Lake Tahoe has great snow and is promoting their ‘Epic Day Lift Tickets’ (no BS).
Valerie, how do I find you with just your first name?
Hey Dude, paddle on…
May the sunscreen Gods look kindly upon wrinkles and squinting eyes in 2016.
I do my surfing now on the net but I do terrorise the odd fish every now and again in that moving wet stuff.
Cheers for 2016.
Thanks, I Yawn! You’re the best!
Roughly 25 years ago I was mid OT VII and was told I needed to stop auditing and receive some lost rundowns from OT V. I argued that I was mid a major level doing well, had had good wins on the earlier level and that the idea of taking me off the current level was out-tech. Round and round we went. I was passed around to different terminals to convince me I should go back to an earlier level. One kind of tired older S.O. Member said they were going to re-create the original NOTs boom. (Circa 1979 when Ned for OTs was released). I realized it was a sloppy application of the affluence formula. It boomed the stats before to have NEW rundowns…. So at da, here are “new rundowns”, cash, check or charge??
When I get interrupted while I’m doing something that I am doing well, the end result of both what I was doing and what I have been pulled off to do are both sloppily finished products because they both got rushed and a pissed off me.
If made to do it enough times, it would make me leave. Sounds like that’s what happened with you.
Yes, enough of that and I at least got weary and disinterested. Compound that with enforced realities and it was time to go! So happy I made my exit!
What…no money orders?
Well noted OSD… Stocks, bonds, retirement funds and your child’s college fund will be happily accepted.
And since the child will not be going to college, she’ll be recruited into the Sick Org.
The heavily indoctrinated are masters at turning their prior uncertainties into total certainties at the drop of a semi colon or the reformation of a paragraph. The sociopathic salesmen snicker and Dave banks the bucks with glee.
Merry Christmas
And…Happy New Year!
I liked my *very* old OTVII. Never felt the slightest need to do anything more. And that was well over 40 years ago. I became the reg’s nightmare: “No further need of change.” But happy! LOL
Wow! So, if I read this correctly, that last services you did “was well over 40 years ago.” So…I’m guessing you’re around 50 years old? I mean, you did start when you were a child, right?
The bad new bears is, you really need to re-re-re-re-redo the entire lower bridge, TGM77. I know that comes as a shock to you, but, the new boss is the same as the old boss…
Happy New Beer!
” Invited to come to the Flag AO and see the new materials, so they know what changes were made.”
Riiiiiiight ……….. I smell a plastic carrot!
I wonder what the tech estimate is for the sec check you NEED to ‘see the materials’, not to mention the sec check you GET when you decide you have seen enough and want to head home!
Maybe the part about heading home has been repaired with the new GAG, why would anyone want to leave the ‘friendliest place in the world’?
Ummmmmm……the vast majority of the rest of the world? Hey, I took a shot!
Pat, Ray and Dave pirated the phrase from one of their old hangouts when they had Ron stashed in the Bluebird that was parked in Carson City. Harrah’s Tahoe has used the slogan, “The friendliest place in the whole world.”, since long before the pirates ripped it off.
If it is “unrevised as it is exactly100% LRH now” what was it before? And if LRH is source, who changed it? I’m a never-in and I ask these questions then why aren’t the Sci-bots asking similar questions? I mean after all, LRH has been dead almost 30 years!
Mind zombies don’t ask questions. Hypnotized thought slaves view critical thinking as evil and a detriment to world domination.
Someone posted somewhere that the term critical thinking is not in the tech dictionary. Think about that.
Critical thinking is a virtue of free people. Constructive doubt viewed as one of the roads to directly perceived knowledge.
Thought slaves are more interested in belonging, group identity and fantasy as reality.
Sheep do what they are told. And are grateful for being dominated and controlled.
L Ron Hubbard was a hypnotic operator. DM is simply using Ron’s tools of keeping power.
False claims and threats of punishment.
Periods, colons & semi colons were the cause of destroying the tech. That’s why Corn of the COB had to come to the rescue!
Periods restimulate Dave’s abortion overts and he uses colons to contain his bullshit.
You know, I always wondered how he contained his bullshit. And now I know. But if he gets restim’d by a colon, he’s going to shit a brick when he runs into a comma!
It’s sometimes difficult to know whether to laugh or cry (maybe not so much with the suitably wry comments) but, as you say, one can only hope that these endless evolutions of ‘new and improved’ garbage will at least serve as the final straw for a few more with the guts to pull their heads from out of the sand.
Never tire of your updates, Mike, which usually guarantee my days get off with a good belly laugh or two. Really appreciate all the hard word you obviously put in and want to wish you, your family and all the contributors here a wonderful New Year and a truly memorable 2016! Mind you, 2015 set the bar pretty high,didn’t it?!
Mr Cocovinis, can you tell all the posters on this blog the truth about the Hyde Park incident?
I just want to update the Goldenrod in my collection
Since most people here won’t know anything about the so-called “Hyde Park incident”, this is just your way of trying to do another Dead Agent of someone posting here by referring to or simply fabricating out of thin air something that sounds vaguely ominous. You’re a piece of shit, and my hope for the New Year is that you piss off from here and never come back.
Don’t hold back, Espi!
Happy New Year Espi. 🙂
Yep, Espiando, not exactly subtle, is it? Or perhaps it actually is? Pretty sure there was other more juicy stuff other than the ‘Hyde Park’ incident that they think everyone here needs to know about. (Surprised it got through to be honest but if it’s to highlight the sheer hypocrisy of these people and the depths they’ll stoop to in order to suppress free speech, it serves pretty well.)
For your info, they’re referring to something I coughed up in a ‘confidential’ confessional over 30 years ago and which I thought I’d been quite truthful about at the time. Nothing ominous or illegal – just embarassing. I certainly felt better about it – needle floated, attested, wrote the success story etc. As far as I was concerned the matter was done and dusted.
Little did I know. Well, maybe I did actually. A little aside, but as it’s been brought up….. Very soon afterwards I happened to overhear the FBO on the phone nattering about me. I was GO at the time so what business the FBO had knowing my shortcomings was beyond me but what became evident at that point was that it had already become embellished. So from then onwards I always assumed that anything divulged in o/w write-ups or sec checks would inevitably become broad knowledge amongst execs and staff and possibly made to look worse via natter.Especially when it’s of a 2D or financial nature.My subsequent experience as an exec certainly bore that out. Discussing sensitive data from public and staff pc and ethics folders with the occasional attendant natter is not unusual at all. And of course, labelling and stigmatization as a result is rampant.
And for the record, whatever stupid, regrettable and embarrassing things I may have done in the past, I can at least hold my hands up happy in the knowledge that I’ve been honest about it and made conscious efforts to make amends etc. I’ve never had a problem coming clean and admitting when I’ve been wrong or when I’ve fucked up. I do have a problem with people and organizations that can’t or won’t. And one of the most repugnant things to me about that organization and something I recognized whilst still involved, was its complete inability to just be honest. Demonstrably false and/or exaggerated boasts about membership numbers, organizational expansion and humanitarian efforts for example. Repeated (and dirisable) blanket denials in response to the ever increasing allegations and evidence of stories of abuse, trafficking and fraud etc.
The most ethical group on the planet? Except when it doesn’t suit.
The creed of the church? Except when they’re playing god.
I’ve personally never experienced a more stark example of organizational disingenuousness, hypocrisy and arrogance. And it tends to infect when you’re heavily invested into it.
TruthTeller, if you’re a public, why don’t you invest your time and effort into actually doing what you’re supposed to be doing as an FSM (per LRH remember) and at least try disseminating this stuff that you so passionately believe is mankinds’ only hope, instead of wasting your time doing OSA’s bidding. God knows, that Mary Celeste of a test centre on Tottenham Court Road needs the help. Seriously, that £¼m investment has been dead for the last 6 years! At least you won’t look and feel so much like a fraud if you put in the occasional token appearance there.
And if you’re OSA, I have very little sympathy for you. You at least do have all the data and yet continue to ignore what you know cannot possibly all be lies in pursuit of some agenda that fits in with your own less than honest – albeit misguided and deluded – purposes. Or perhaps it does satisfy your own sadistic purposes?
You also might want to consider how forthright you feel like being on your next O/W write-up or Sec check, certain in the knowledge that some day in the future, should you grow a conscience with regards to some of the more dubious activities you may have witnessed or even been a party to, the more juicy details of your misdemeanours will probably become a part of the public domain, or at least some anonymous troll will snidely allude to that possibility.Good luck with those end ruds.
Finally, and also for your info TruthTeller, if I live a thousand more lifetimes, I’ll never get involved in scientology or anything of its ilk ever again. Ever. Of that I have 100% certainty. So your allusions to goldenrod are completely lost on me and, frankly, makes you look a bit of a tit. You’re preaching to the unconverted.
Want some truth? Getting declared was the best thing I ever walked into. Bar the loss of the few ‘friends’ I’d still maintained contact with up til that point, every area of my life improved date-coincident. Work has never been so productive, finances so stable, family relationships so good and 2D so adventurous. Not perfect or without enough problems to keep it interesting but definitely better than I can ever remember. Do you see the irony here?
Note to self: been meaning to post here more often….will definitely be making more of an effort from now on. Flourish and prosper, right? That piece of advice I do find applicable. And where are the attacks coming from? Signs of success.Yet more irony. 🙂
Thanks Mike.
Thanks for the “R factor”, Paul. In TruthTeller we can see the sort of person to whom scientology remains attractive. Amusingly, he would probably credit the “tech” for making him a better person!
I credit surfing for making me a better person….
Utterly brilliant response. Bravo.
Well done Paul
Take no notice of these feeble types you stood up like a man!
I only said this for a joke and would never really disclose this info.
But as I was around the Org at this time I did collect many Goldenrods for amusement only as so many were out of order.
You can see from the comments I get that some people in this blog are gems like OSD and FoolProof and some are just PTS and two are definite “irons”.
I do agree that your getting declared was the correct item as you attest to this yourself.
I would not actually say anything about getting involved with Scientology or other things over the next lot of lifetimes. You have had your chance mate and it won’t come again that is certain.
I hope you do flourish and prosper, as you didn’t before and of course this was Scientology’s fault, here it always is so your in great company.
I must get in another session today (TA has finally stopped floating) so must now go.
I wish everyone (except the irons) a Happy and succesful New Year, and especially to Mike as he provided us with endless amusement on the dwarfs activities and current SCN mismanagement.
I honestly didn’t know how to respond to this or even that I wanted to. ‘Bell End’ came to mind but I didn’t really want to get into name-calling.
You really don’t get it, do you TruthTeller?
‘Clever’ 1.1 responses like this are completely lost on me and just serve to further illustrate the utterly trapped mindset of people like you.
And I’m curious that you feel the need to hide behind a pseudonym when I don’t, given I know what you know about me. And what an ironic one you choose too.
How come?
Nothing to hide?
So how about we see you man up then?
I probably won’t be holding my breath.
I’ve observed more decency, honesty, courage and integrity on this blog than I ever experienced in all the many years I spent in an org.
And for your info, TruthTeller, I would also never disclose what I know about the spouse of a certain senior exec, tech terminal and OTVIII at London org. Currently on lines I hear. God, they really are desperate, aren’t they?
(For those not familiar with Cockney Rhyming Slang, ‘Iron’ = ‘Iron Hoof’ = ‘Poof’ = Homosexual.
Need I say more?)
Happy New Year once again Mike and to all the decent, honest and courageous people here.
Let’s hope 2016 will see a resolution to all the abuses that organization has been responsible for.
“I must get in another session today (TA has finally stopped floating) so must now go.”
TT, real spiritual freedom is when you get a floating TA by merely being aware of your own existence. That is called “self-realization”. That is the knowledge that YOU are “source”, not something or somebody outside of you. Needing to get a “fix” from something to feel good whether it’s a scientology auditing session or a shot of heroin is bondage. Most people on this blog aren’t on board with continued bondage and your inability to persuasively argue its merits has left you cranky.