OK, so here are some recent OT Committee Meeting Minutes from the last month or so that the storks dropped down the chimney.
I didnt keep everything, but just tossed these into a folder and now, with virtually no comment I am putting them here so they are recorded for posterity.
I will note a couple of interesting lines from the latest Valley OTC Minutes that caught my eye:
As you know we all met with with CO CLO and Quinn on Tuesday night and the message was pretty clear that we need to get Valley done NOW! We are very important in the scheme of things for planetary clearing.
Now, if this were so, how important are Pasadena, Los Angeles, Orange County and Inglewood Orgs? They are all already “ideal” — shouldn’t those 4 be making some inroads on “planetary clearing” if the 5th one is going to be so important? Or will it simply be 5 empty buildings instead of 4?
There is a subtlty to the danger. It’s covert and a slow erosion of morals,dignity, freedoms, and sanity. It’s not overt enough to break the social veneer. But it is there and that is what we are solving with our Ideal Org. Can she possibly believe this?
And then this one. The true motivation for everything in the church of scientology — “a video is being shot for X event” (and they are always “rush”):
We have a RUSH video that needs to be done for Maiden Voyage event on the ship (and that will subsequently be shown around the world in MV events!). The video is of the Valley OTC in action. It is a 30-45 min cycle if we all show up on time and have some fun with it. Very A to B, but the key to the success of it is YOU. 🙂 (Ain’t that the truth with every darned thing?!?!)
Wow, its amazing the video crews can’t just show up and shoot what is happening, it has to be specially staged for EVERYTHING.
Here are some more of these mundane minutes. Some of you will be interested enough to take the time to read them and probably note some interesting facts — they usually slip a few out…
Date: Tue, 29 Apr 2014
From: Valley Org <[email protected]>
Subject: Valley Org OTC Minutes, Apr 22, 2014
April 22, 2014
Note: The minutes are for the sole use of Valley OTC members. All members receive a copy. Please do not forward the minutes to anyone else for any reason.
ATTENDEES Kathy Welch, Kathie Heard, Mary Lee Krackow, Karen Brown, Mary Elizabeth Glosup, Diane Temps, Mary Ann O’Donnell, Debbie Suplee, Charlene Thorburn, David Wilson, Alicia Kreisberg, Scott Kreisberg, Kathy Di Galbo, Ralph Temps, Bob Brooks, Linda Massey, Bob Welch, Vered Ziv, Avner Golan, Bo Ellison, Larry Marshall, Ben Ghiora, Nancy Parodi, Rochelle Goodrich, Sue Kattoo,
Kathie Heard opened the meeting.
Mary Lee Krackow recited the purpose of the OT Central Committee.
Division 1 – Karen Brown
Active Members – Even at 53
Division 2 – Mary Elizabeth Glosup
Gross Income – Up from $0 from $200
Division 4 – Kathy Welch for Tamara Dahill
# of Volunteer Hours – Down from 270.6 to 214.95
# of all GAT2 starts – Up from 2 to 4
# of Events & Briefings Held – Even at 1
# of Books Sold – Down from 8 to 2
# of Pre-OTs onto their next step – Even at 0
# of Clears onto their next step – Up from 0 to 2
Division 5 – Kathy Welch for Mary Ann O’Donnell
# of Route to Knowledge starts – Down from 3 to 2
Division 6 – Charlene Thorburn
Meeting Attendance – Up from 19 to 31
Kathie Heard announced On May 17th the 9th Annual Texas Hold’m Party at “Bart Simpson’s house” is being produced by our own Honorary Mayor of the Valley. Please tell your neighbors they are welcome. 1:30 pm to 8:00pm.
Arts and crafts for the kids plus a chance to “paint a truck.” Flyers are available.
Quinn Taufer, Ideal Org project I/C, briefed us on our next big event which is May 4th at Valley Org Chapel, Burbank Blvd, N. Hwd, from 5:00 to 9:00pm. Arrivals target is 500. Quinn briefed us on the planned BIG events schedule. Target for Valley is to start construction in 5 months!
Responsibility and Beingness are BIG for the Valley. PAC area orgs and Int Management are behind this success. Let’s make our targets and make our goals!
Reminder: The Int’l Landlord’s Office prepared and sent over two surveys. This action continues to get several hundred surveys done prior to the marketing design step in our new campaign. Everyone in Los Angeles should be getting Valley done!
There is a dinner at Kathy Morrill’s house on Friday May 2nd to get activities started.
Come to the Humanitarians meeting on Saturday April 26th at 5:00pm to get the latest news and developments.
Reminder: Jennifer Jacobson announced the 64th Dianetics Anniversary Event Saturday May 17th 7:00pm on L Ron Hubbard Way.
Valley Week at the Freewinds was announced for May 1st – 8th. Package price includes flight, accomos and a week of special events. Ports of call include Barbados, St. Kitts, Dominica, St. Lucia and Antigua.
OTC members went into production confirming attendees for May 4th event The meeting was ended.
Date: Fri, 2 May 2014
From: Rona Bowles <[email protected]>
Subject: [OTC-Mail] Good News from Pasadena Org: Part I
Hi All,
Thought I would update you with all the good news happening here at the Org! There is much to be proud of!
Our Purification Center is booming and we reached our highest-ever number of Purif PCs this past week at 17 total (Day and FDN combined). We are going for 20 again this week and then want to maintain it! Also the number of Well Done Auditing Hours on the Purif were highest-ever! Here is a recent win:
“I have FINALLY reached the EP of the Purif and am extremely excited to get productive in many aspects of my life and on all dynamics. I see a bright future and can’t wait to handle this CASE!” -Cody S.
We now have 24 people, possibly more OT8s than any other Class V Org on the planet, on the SRD during the Day and even more on the FDN schedule. Plus we have two more OTCers starting the SRD this week. Woo Hoo! The SRD courseroom is really rocking — and the wins from that service are tremendous.
SPREAD THE WORD… Pasadena is the most theta Org to do your services and ALL are welcome!
Stand by for more news and success stories from our winning Pasadena public!
Let’s fill this Org!
ED Pasa Day
Date: Fri, 02 May 2014
Subject: Chairman’s Weekly Update
Hi Team,
This Sunday is a very special event for the Valley Org. I want to encourage everyone on the OTC to go to this event to get the good news! The Valley Org is part of the LA family. We need to support our family. We will all win when Valley goes Ideal. Please do what you can to get to this event.
We are full speed ahead helping LA Org to St. Hill size. They have a CF project that needs our help! I know we all lead very busy lives and it seems we just don’t have one more minute to do anything, but please carve out some time to help contribute to this. If each one of us gave just 1 hour of our time that would be 350 hours devoted to this project, and if we did than each week, this project would be done quickly.
We are growing! Each week we have new members join the PAC OTC with the purpose to help LRH. Spread the word to your contacts that being an OTC member is worthwhile and fun. Let’s make being an OTC member the “in” thing to do!
Have a great week.
Sue Frey & Nick Lekas
PAC OTC Co-Chairs
Next OTC Meeting: Monday May 5
LA Org Field Activities Area 6 – 7 pm
Stat #1
Number of Div 6 Services taken by a New Person on the New Introductory Routes
Stat #2
Number of Clears or NED Case Completions onto their next OT auditing step.
Stat #3
Number of Pre-OTs onto their next step to OT.
Stat #4
Number of public started on their Golden Age of Tech Phase II training and processing steps at a Mission, Org or SO Org this week.
Stat #5
Number of Public Started on a Route to Knowledge Course or Extension Course this week.
Stat #6
Amount of funds raised for Org Buildings or Renovations in US $
Stat #7
Number of Org Staff Assisted by OT Committee to arrive on Staff or the SO.
Stat #8
Number of OT Committee Volunteer Hours
Stat #9
Number of IAS Statuses Completed
Stat #10
Funds Raised for the IAS in US$
Stat #11
Number of targets completed on the OT Ambassador Program or projects this week.
Stat #12
Number of Active OT Committee Members this week
Stat #13
Number of Books Sold to Raw Public
Stat #14
Number of Events, Seminars and Briefings Held
Are you an active OTC member? If you’re not sure or need help to get going, contact Catherine Lepone, Deputy Participation Officer PAC OTC, [email protected]. To find activities to participate in, see the contacts list at the bottom of this email. And remember to report your stats!
Saturday 3 May
Guarantee Your Infinity of Future Event – 5:30 pm dinner, 6:30 pm event starts, AOLA Atrium. Presented by the Pacifica Bridge Orgs. Get technical data from Snr C/S AOLA and Snr C/S ASHO and get a technical consultation. Special guest speaker: Jeff Pomerantz.
Sunday 4 May
How to Rekindle a Failed Purpose Seminar – 6:30 pm dinner, 7:00 pm seminar starts, AOLA Atrium. A Seminar based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard with Daphna Hernandez, New OT VIII, L 11, 14x Power FSM, I HELP Field Auditor.
Sunday 4 May
Valley Big News Event – 5 pm, future Valley Ideal Org Chapel, 11455 Burbank Blvd., N. Hollywood. Dinner served. Live entertainment by AKNU. Guest Management Speakers Ms. Vicki Shantz, CO CLO WUS and Mr. David Petit, CO CC Int.
Date: Fri, 9 May 2014
Subject: Chairman’s Update: Remarkable Event Tonight at LA Org
Chairman’s Weekly Update
Hi Team,
Who’s Number One? LA ORG and AOLA are Number One in the international Birthday Game standings last week. Give yourselves a huge hand for all you did to contribute!
Tonight (Friday) at 6:30 pm we have a very special event in the LA Org Chapel with Randy Stith. He is a filmmaker and his most recent documentary is The Hidden Enemy, that exposes the psych’s evil and calculated drugging of the military. He will be joined by the LA Org EDs, Chel Stith and Melanie Lekas. You don’t want to miss this incredible event. You need this data!
The Central Files race is on! We need as many people as possible putting in time to get this race won! There’s lots to do and many hands make lighter work! See if you can carve out an hour this week to come help out. It is fun and there’s food and music and lots of spirit of play! Make working on CF your “date night” and bring your spouse.
Have a great productive week and thanks for all that you do!
Sue Frey & Nick Lekas
PAC OTC Co-Chairs
Next OTC Meeting: Monday May 12
LA Org Field Activities Area 6 – 7 pm
Stat #1
Number of Div 6 Services taken by a New Person on the New Introductory Routes
Stat #2
Number of Clears or NED Case Completions onto their next OT auditing step.
Stat #3
Number of Pre-OTs onto their next step to OT.
Stat #4
Number of public started on their Golden Age of Tech Phase II training and processing steps at a Mission, Org or SO Org this week.
Stat #5
Number of Public Started on a Route to Knowledge Course or Extension Course this week.
Stat #6
Amount of funds raised for Org Buildings or Renovations in US $
Stat #7
Number of Org Staff Assisted by OT Committee to arrive on Staff or the SO.
Stat #8
Number of OT Committee Volunteer Hours
Stat #9
Number of IAS Statuses Completed
Stat #10
Funds Raised for the IAS in US$
Stat #11
Number of targets completed on the OT Ambassador Program or projects this week.
Stat #12
Number of Active OT Committee Members this week
Stat #13
Number of Books Sold to Raw Public
Stat #14
Number of Events, Seminars and Briefings Held
Are you an active OTC member? If you’re not sure or need help to get going, contact Catherine Lepone, Deputy Participation Officer PAC OTC, [email protected]. To find activities to participate in, see the contacts list at the bottom of this email. And remember to report your stats!
Friday 9 May
IAS Event at LA Org – 6:30 pm at LA Org. Special guest speakers Randy Stith, (The Hidden Enemy, exposing psych drugging of the US military), and LA Org EDs Chel Stith and Melanie Lekas.
Saturday 10 May
How to Flourish and Prosper – 5:30 pm dinner, 6:30 pm event starts, AOLA Atrium. A seminar with Mr. Andres Rodriguez, Senior C/S WUS.
Sunday 11 May
How to Find the Right Why for Your Life and Business – 6 pm dinner, 6:30 pm event begins, AOLA Atrium. Presented by Flag and AOLA, with Flag Service Consultant Mr. Larry Gilbert.
“If an individual begins to observe or experience truth, he becomes incapable of being a slave because he can’t be hurt. He isn’t afraid of life.
“He’s ethical or moral or something like that because he’s ethical or moral, not because somebody’s going to punish him if he isn’t ethical or moral. That’s a different rationale.”
– L. Ron Hubbard
Excerpted from the lecture “Confront” delivered on 23 June 1960. This can be found in the London Congress on Dissemination and Help <http://bridgepub.com/store/catalog/london-congress-on-dissemination-and-help-lectures.html>; .
Saturday 17 May
Dianetics 64th Anniversary Event: Ignite the Fire within You – 7 pm on L. Ron Hubbard Way. Opening show: The Dancing Fire. Click here <http://westus.scientology.net/mail/surveys.php?id=153>; to confirm yourself.
Sunday 18 May
How to Get Energized to Go Up The Bridge – 3:30 pm, AOLA Atrium. With New OT VIII, 3Ls Completion Michael Chan. Overcome tiredness, advancing age, and more.
Sunday 18 May
How to Be, Do and Have without Reservation – 6 pm, dinner served, AOLA Atrium. With New OT VIII, 3Ls Completion Michael Chan. Learn how to become unshakably stable and rocket up The Bridge.
FSM Drilling – Every Wednesday evening in the ASHO Courtyard, dinner served at 6 pm. Fridays, 6:00 to 6:50 pm in the FSC Office. Every Wednesday, noon to 1 pm, LA Org Div 6 area: Getting Raw Public Onto The Bridge. Every Wednesday, noon to 1 pm, ASHO Div 6 area.
FSM Workshop – 12 pm lunch, 1 pm drill, drill, drill, Sundays at LA Org. The world’s longest-running FSM workshop!
Tours Apprenticeships Available – Want to learn how to effectively tour and get starts? Open spots available to apprentice with experienced tours members! Contact Mike Shaw ([email protected]) or Larry Robinson ([email protected])
LA Org Weekly Service Call-In – LA Org Field Activities Lounge. Got questions or want to help? Contact Regina Scully, [email protected]
Date: Tue, 13 May 2014
From: Santa Barbara OTC <[email protected]>
Subject: OTC Minutes-May 12 2014
OTC Mintutes-May 12, 2014
Attendees: Lisa and Chris Cullen, Jan King, Dennis Downing, Nancy Dillingham, Phil Beaubien, Nancy Delgado.
Chairman read the purpose of the OT Committee: To help LRH organize and channel OT forces, interests and resources for the greatest good for Scientology.”
Lisa briefed on last week’s Ventura OTC meeting.
New postings:
Amy Lewis-Events IC
Brian Duimovich-Call in
Jan briefed us on upcoming Steak Night to be held at the home of Gail Marasse.
Nancy Dillingham briefed us on files project.
Jan and Phil gave their wins on SRD
Meeting ended with quote from LRH
Fundraising Committee Meeting and Files project followed OTC meeting.
Date: Fri, 23 May 2014
From: PAC OTC <[email protected]>
Reply-To: [email protected], [email protected]
Subject: Chairman’s Update: Big Event Saturday with Mr. Rabey
Chairman’s Weekly Update
Hi Team,
We are wrapping up our year and really need EVERYONE to take a look at all their production and see if they have any unreported starts! Right now with all the starts that have been reported, we are about 100 behind last year. We KNOW that we are actually upstat but need to have you find those starts you forgot to report and report them this week.
As you all know by now, Mr Rabey is coming to town to bring news from Flag. We should show our support and attend the events ourselves or spread the word and get as many of our guys there as possible. We want to show Flag that we are the biggest and baddest OTC on Earth!
We still need more help on the CF project for LA Org. This is not an endless CF project – with our help it can get done pretty quickly. Please see if you can carve out some time this week to help. This is one of the vital targets to reaching St Hill size!!!
Thanks for the awesome week and have another very productive week!
Sue Frey & Nick Lekas
PAC OTC Co-Chairs
Next OTC Meeting: Monday May 26
LA Org Field Activities Area 6 – 7 pm
Stat #1
Number of Div 6 Services taken by a New Person on the New Introductory Routes
Stat #2
Number of Clears or NED Case Completions onto their next OT auditing step.
Stat #3
Number of Pre-OTs onto their next step to OT.
Stat #4
Number of public started on their Golden Age of Tech Phase II training and processing steps at a Mission, Org or SO Org this week.
Stat #5
Number of Public Started on a Route to Knowledge Course or Extension Course this week.
Stat #6
Amount of funds raised for Org Buildings or Renovations in US $
Stat #7
Number of Org Staff Assisted by OT Committee to arrive on Staff or the SO.
Stat #8
Number of OT Committee Volunteer Hours
Stat #9
Number of IAS Statuses Completed
Stat #10
Funds Raised for the IAS in US$
Stat #11
Number of targets completed on the OT Ambassador Program or projects this week.
Stat #12
Number of Active OT Committee Members this week
Stat #13
Number of Books Sold to Raw Public
Stat #14
Number of Events, Seminars and Briefings Held
Are you an active OTC member? If you’re not sure or need help to get going, contact Catherine Lepone, Deputy Participation Officer PAC OTC, [email protected]. To find activities to participate in, see the contacts list at the bottom of this email. And remember to report your stats!
Saturday 24 May
Friends of Ron Public Relations Workshop – Workshop 10 am – 3:30 pm. PR consultancy 3:30 – 6 pm. Free of charge. Lunch and refreshments served. Delivered by Public Relations Officers from the LRH Personal Public Relations Network. Special guest speaker Mr. Bob Adams, from the Church of Scientology International.
Saturday 24 May
Postulates and Achieving Affluence – 6 pm, AOLA Atrium, dinner served. With Mr. Clive Rabey. D/CO Flag Advanced Org.
Date: Thu, 29 May 2014
From: Valley Org <[email protected]>
Subject: Valley Org OTC Minutes, May 20, 2014
May 20, 2014
Note: The minutes are for the sole use of Valley OTC members. All members receive a copy. Please do not forward the minutes to anyone else for any reason.
ATTENDEES Kathy Welch, Kathie Heard, Mary Lee Krackow, Karen Brown, Mary Elizabeth Glosup, Diane Temps, Ralph Temps, Joan Roeschke, David Nunez, David Wilson, Kathy di Galbo, Dean Glosup, John Cumming, Alicia Kreisberg, Scott Kreisberg, Bob Welch, Vered Ziv, Nancy Parodi, Donna Griesen, Ray Loomis, Linda Massey, Jill Halverson, Lauren Perreau, Bo Ellison, Rochelle Goodrich, Sue Kattoo, Stephan Lettau, Nola Aronson, Zach Richardson
Kathy Welch opened the meeting.
Mary Lee Krackow recited the purpose of the OT Central Committee.
Division 1 – Karen Brown
Active Members – Down from 60 to 54
Division 2 – Mary Elizabeth Glosup
Gross Income – Down from $52,952 to $4,070
Division 4 – Kathy Welch for Tamara Dahill
# of Volunteer Hours – Up from 375 to 386.75
# of all GAT2 starts – Down from 10 to 4
# of Events & Briefings Held – Down from 1 to 3
# of Books Sold – Down from 3 to 2
# of Pre-OTs onto their next step – 0
# of Clears onto their next step – 0
Division 5 – Kathy Welch
# of Route to Knowledge starts – Down from 4 to 1
Division 6 – Joan Roeschke
Meeting Attendance – Down from 20 to 19 – New target is 50! Let’s get other Ideal Org donors to attend.
Kathy Welch announced Clive Rabey is speaking at the AOLA Atrium Saturday at 4:30pm to get more OTs activated. All OTCs are invited.
Joan Roeschke created and presented the OTC posting board. Expanding the OTC membership also gets more GAT2 service starts.
Quinn Taufer, Ideal Org project I/C read some data clarifying the size and scope of the “Valley” including the many cities and three other valleys within the Valley Org Parish. By definition, zip code, and policy: Your Org is the closest one to where you live.
Valley Ideal Org is the most significant Org: It is near about 70 media companies and is KEY to the full marketing plans in Los Angeles.
The Valley Ideal Org will have 200 staff on Day and 250 staff on Foundation.
Over the 9 years of the project, there were about 11 months where the vast majority of funds were raised. These were the moments of reality, agreement and decision. The completion target can be done with agreement and decision. Target is to be done by MV!!!!
Quinn read LRH data from Flag Order “Command Intention,” relating the data to completing the Valley Ideal Org.
Be more active in the Org to help expand it. Get more involved.
Kathy Welch, Abi, and Kathie Heard informed us of all upcoming Org events, dinners and MV events.
Reminder: Kathy Welch urged one and all to get on course now! She started the SRD last Tuesday!
The next Ideal Org event is “Rock and Roll” here at Valley Org on Saturday, June 7th. Target is 200 confirms!
Kathie Heard read an LRH Quote from HCOPL 13 Feb 65 “Politics.”
The meeting was ended.
© 2014, CSVLY, All rights reserved LRH and OT are trademarks and service marks owned by Religious Technology Center and are used with its permission.Date: Thu, 29 May 2014
From: Valley OT Committee <[email protected]>
Subject: From Kathy Welch
Dear All,
As you know we all met with with CO CLO and Quinn on Tuesday night and the message was pretty clear that we need to get Valley done NOW! We are very important in the scheme of things for planetary clearing.
If we had a very obvious enemy, breaking down our door and attacking our group overtly and dangerously there would not be ONE of you who wouldn’t be in here 24/7 no matter what else was happening. I have no doubt abou this.
There is a subtlty to the danger. It’s covert and a slow erosion of morals,dignity, freedoms, and sanity.
It’s not overt enough to break the social veneer. But it is there and that is what we are solving with our Ideal Org.
I know how we are going to get this done. We just have to do it. That’s all. Do everything we can as individuals and then demand it of the rest of the us. It is that simple. It will create such energy and production tha it will pull all manner of support our way.
Because of the urgency, it is not just a matter of doing the usual post you hold but to add to it so that more and more momentum is generated.
There is so much to do. Letters to be written. People to be called.
Here is what is needed and wanted. Tuesday night to come to the meeting and come every week! Then pick at least 2 additional days to come in and help generate some energy and outflow communication. And keep those days set aside for creating a new civilization and let nothing shake you. If something frees up and you can come in more–come in more!!! I am here every single day.
What will generate this as done is OUR ACTIVITY!!!! And from that all manner of “magic” will happen. This email is sent to each and every OTC member. Please respond with what nights/days you can come in.
Try to pick the heavy traffic times, which are evenings, and weekend afternoons. If mornings is all you can do that’s okay too.
I need your help, you want to help. Let’s organize and 10x our production and show what a committed group can do. It will be awesome.
You can respond to me directly at [email protected] and let me know what days you can be here.
With love,
Valley OT Committee Chairman
Date: Thu, 29 May 2014
From: Valley OT Committee! <[email protected]>
Subject: Gold is coming to Valley to video us!!!
Hi Valley OTCer!
We have a RUSH video that needs to be done for Maiden Voyage event on the ship (and that will subsequently be shown around the world in MV events!).
The video is of the Valley OTC in action.
It is a 30-45 min cycle if we all show up on time and have some fun with it. Very A to B, but the key to the success of it is YOU. 🙂 (Ain’t that the truth with every darned thing?!?!)
We thought 7:30pm was the most workable time for most everyone. It has to be tomorrow night, Friday, May 30, 7pm (Gold tried it for last night with few hours notice but we could not get the word out fast enough).
You can reply and say “Yay, I will be there.” You can also say “Yay, I will be there but 7:30pm is better” or “Yay I will be there but 6:30 pm is better” I can work with those EXTRA comms as a survey point. But please ack the 7:00 and that you will jump in and show your shining YOU by way of your darling face to the Scientology world. 🙂
Promotion is key–and for Valley, it’s a ride to the finish!
PLEASE write one of us back: [email protected] or [email protected]
Ml, Kathie and Kathy
Excuse typing error I was laughing too much Mike
As the dwarf is intent on making people continue to go back “basics” and is sending OT’s and Clears back to do objectives and Purif’s etc perhaps he would like to add a new statistic to the OIC board.
This would be “NPR” , Number of People Recycled. He may even qualify for a Government grant.
Of course its perfect in it’s irony.
Isn’t one of the dwarf’s most loyal of officers Mr T. Cruise in his latest fantasy of being an actor starring in a film where the lead charactors are being killed and then re-living the same day over and over again until they win?
This must be just what its like in the current Org’s of today
A quick translation:
“Bart Simpson’s house” = Nancy Cartwright’s home.
“Honorary Mayor of the Valley” = Nancy Cartwright.
Ms. Cartwright has given at least 10 million to the Ideal Org- Valley and at least 10 million to the IAS. It’s her money, so her right to decide what she does with it, of course.
Boy, “The Simpsons” has been a huge boon for Scientology = Miscavige. Unfortunately, Nancy doesn’t have a clue.
Ya gotta love it. These “OT’s”are like lost tribes in Asia
who built temples that are now tourist sites. Ideal Orgs will handle
the decline of mankind ( like 1,000 year old temples in a jungle)
MEST does not do anything except be MEST.
nobody is enslaved .. but something may be done about .. everybody has a cycle from birth to death .. it is quite simple to understand and everybody knows this from first day of life .. a lot of people, especially in SCN want to live forever .. promise eternity ..
“Highest number of OTVIIIs on the SRD” – now, can one spot an outpoint there? Now, I will assume that we all can so I will now delve into the “reasoning” from “Senior C/S INT” HFA COB on this, talking to Mr. Miffed Off: “we couldn’t get away that long with trying to drum up some new business and GI by running Dianetics on Clears, as they started to complain of headaches and spinning after the 2nd intensive, somewtimes after teh first hour, so I have thought up a new ruse – get them on the Purif and then the SRD (again – or even their 5th time) and there’s nothing they can really complain about as we can just say force the C/Ses to say that their objectives weren’t flat before – simple!” Talk about the blind leading the blind!
Apologies for the typos, but I was rather incensed! Ha!
my goodness, mr. rinder! excellent work and a nice collection of the insanity that is the co$. i hope everything is going well with your family. it was very heartening to see photos of you ex-sea org members moving on with your lives and raising families. congratulations. on the other hand, it was infuriating to see the photos of dwarvenfuhrer’s ostentatious palace of grandeur that he has built for himself on the back of tax free dollars and the blood, sweat and tears of those sea org members still slaving away. i hope the irs will come down on that corrupt cult with the force of mjolnir x infinity. until all are free, we are all enslaved to some degree. *sigh*
OK…I finally took the needed time and, as I read all of these things here, I am so freakin embarrassed. And…I recall so many times I was just embarrassed by the …out of valence hype, that I just could never make my own. It is a huge part of what made me continually step back more and more. I would think to myself, ” What is this gamey/hype BS?I have no interest in this. What is wrong with me??” And now…just look at it…
” Kathie Heard announced On May 17th the 9th Annual Texas Hold’m Party at “Bart Simpson’s house” is being produced by our own Honorary Mayor of the Valley. Please tell your neighbors they are welcome. 1:30 pm to 8:00pm.
Arts and crafts for the kids plus a chance to “paint a truck.” Flyers are available.” …
“Jan briefed us on upcoming Steak Night to be held at the home of Gail Marasse.”
Steak night?!?!
WOW…I have no words beyond…really?!?!
Great finds, Mike. I love pouring over these OTC meeting minutes.
It totally cracks me up that it is FINALLY beginning to dawn on these OTs that they need people. Customers.
Just dawning, mind you, because they’re still quite focused on fundraising, still very much operating on “having to have before you can do”. But on the horizon is a faint patch of pale pink sky with some tiny rays of light.
The sun IS coming up and, frankly, I am just as impatient as they are for every single one of the “necessary” buildings to be bought, renovated and furnished. Why? Because then, these imbeciles will be forced to confront that from which they have been twisting and turning for years. Ideal Org fundraising is, among other overt acts, their non-confront of the Real Why for Planetary Shrinkage of Scientology.
But the dawn is breaking.
“Let’s fill this org!”
ED Pasa Day.
Good luck with that, hon!
Disaffected Blog Poster
Nauseating. Too many weird things. Why is LA Org doing the CF again? Wasn’t that supposed to be done when they became ideal? Why is it bad to say Nancy Cartwright? What is the subtle danger? Why would anyone want to go in two more days a week? Shouldn’t they be spending that time on their purif redo or their srd overrun? etc etc etc I’m still gagging about anyone boasting they have the most OT 8’s on the srd.
“This is not an endless CF project…” Yeah, that pretty much describes every Idle Morgue project.
There is a subtlty to the danger. It’s covert and a slow erosion of morals,dignity, freedoms, and sanity. It’s not overt enough to break the social veneer. But it is there and that is what we are solving with our Ideal Org.
I know this may sound odd but isn’t that kinda stuff supposed to be handled by training and processing?
The kind of training and processing LRH used to talk about?
In PAB 79 Ron states what he thinks of auditors.
I’m surprised Miscavige hasn’t replaced auditors with
Ideal Orgs…….great big sigh.
Oh and the Valley report forgot to include the statement that Valley org is at the reverse point of the dwindling spiral of the Universe and that making them into an Ideal Org will be the turning point of whole track history. How silly of them to forget including such pertinent facts.
May 20, 2014
Note: The minutes are for the sole use of Valley OTC members. All members receive a copy. Please do not forward the minutes to anyone else for any reason.”
Seeing these statements made and then showing up here on this blog always makes me laugh…it never gets old for me. 🙂
From one of the PAC OTC emails:
“Make working on CF your “date night” and bring your spouse.”
I think this would be grounds for divorce if you ask me.
Straight up and vertical stats from the storks.
What a load of codswallop.
I’m sure Gold has never shot anything in 45 minutes except maybe a footbullet or two.
I loved the stats from PAC OTC, “greatest concentration of Scientologists on earth” the church must be dwindleing fasterthan I thought.
seriously, all kidding aside. this has been a tough day for me.
John Hopkins just called, they canceled my P.H.D. after finding some typos in their textbooks.
they say i have to redo the whole ENTIRE curriculum again and pay full tuition!
now i either have to take this off my resume (because if anyone checks JH will say “no he doesn’t have a degree from us) or i have to start all over again from the beginning at full price, which is gonna be about 50 grand a year.
can you believe that?
That’s a perfect analogy, White Star. There has become no depth to which these degraded beings will not sink, led by the DB-in-Charge, David Miscavige whose initials should stand for “Degraded Monster”. If it were not enough that training received, paid for, completed and certified was now — magically — invalid, the Church demands that it be redone and paid for all over again, as if the money exchanged the first time was a figment of the imagination. Even better, as a staff member I was trained as a word clearer, supervisor, and cramming officer; however, when I routed off staff before my five years were quite up — because I couldn’t deal with the out-tech lunacy anymore — I of course received my freeloader’s invoice (for a mere $16,000). Years later, I found out that my word clearer and supervisor certifications had been declared invalid. Did this “invalid” training invalidate my freeloader debt? I think you all know the answer.
Ugh. I see names on the Valley OTC minutes of some people I love. I’m so sorry they’re wasting their lives. I know they’ve got to figure it out on their own. “Con job” is not a cognition you can feed someone. Unfortunately.
HEY, VALLEY ORG OTs: Look at the motherfucking stats!
Sadly, Exactly, Just me.
Stats show some life now, but boy, is it going to be miserable when they start running out of rraw meat OTs and other hangers on.
Jeezus ……….. what a face plant! Dave must be ecstatic over the leaks in His dykes. (No pun intended)
Mike, I love the graphics you use. The picture shows that OT Committee Minutes has achieved another highest ever in number of pages generated. This is not planetary clearing, its hallucinatory cause. Not a good place to be.
I didn’t see anyone joining staff, hmmm. I thought they were so ideal! I would think working in a buzzing booming Ideal org would be a great job !! (NOT)
Wow I noticed that Pas has the biggest number of “OT VIIIs” at the bottom of the bridge.
Way to go Pasadena!!!!
Now that’s straight up and vertical!!!
*roll eyes*
I’m so glad I never signed up with this bunch of losers when I was “in”.
They’ve gone beyond exceptional in the politically correct sense.
They probably are taken on the special bus to their meeting and the poor staff there have to clean up the drool afterward.
Such is the state of “OT” in the Church these days?????
Houston we have a problem!
Aside from that is their painfully annoying theetie weetiness. I mean the Titanic has struck an iceberg and is obviously sinking and there they are writing about rearranging the deck chairs.
Okay so maybe I’m nagging a rise here but….”up from 0″ …I mean where else is that stat gonna go?????
Since we’re dealing with the Valley. The appropriate response would be….OMG!!!!
🙂 🙂
It’s amazing that they publish such quotations with a straight face. My thoughts exactly, Mike. And with the most concentrations of Scns worldwide located in LA, why is the Valley Ideal Org not done some 11 years after it was started? Drew Johnston tried valiantly to get it off the ground as the OTC Chairman for years and still it didn’t fly. Could it be that the LA and Valley Scns are flat broke from all the regging, cost of Bridge, and IAS crush regging? Or maybe they are just in apathy about it now and don’t really care if it gets done or not.
As if $cn weren’t ALWAYS bad enough, now it has turned into bleeping high school; cheerleaders and all.
Heaven help us.
What Valley is the most important org? I thought it was Battle Creek or maybe St. Etienne. Seriously, how can anybody fall for this Valley is the most important org crap? If it was the most important org it would have been done a long time ago. And, 450 staff total (LOL)? Miscavige must not be happy with the size of existing Ideal Failing Orgs so wants to bump up the order of magnitude of the failure a notch or two. Having an empty Ideal Failing Org that is starving and disaffecting 450 staff instead of only 100 (one org only) or 200 (Orgs that are D and Fdn both) is definitely straight up and vertical failure. Or maybe its the datum that if you can’t handle one, then work at handling two. Yes, I like the “Ideal Failing Org” Game and Valley is being set up to be a winner at that.
The Flag OTC, one of the biggest ones, has 236 members. During that meeting 8 FSO Staff Members gave different messages on other events, actions, promotions. It resulted in a dispersal of actions and activities. No wonder their stats and products are very low.
One of this message was “enlightening people in getting through their first steps: Purif and Objectives. And as noted many times before, if these are the first steps why OT VIIs and VIIIs have to re-do them? Hellooooo…something is wrong with this picture isn’t it?
The only stat that ever goes up significantly is IAS. Huge shocker, I know. 🙂
“Upping your status” affords Miscavige the luxury of many high-priced lawyers and sadly, even they aren’t going to be able to stop what is coming. Keep your money under your mattress. Stop paying Dave’s 20+ attorneys and financing his lavish lifestyle.
Believe what you want, but know that keeping the Tiny Despot in fancy clothes and hidden behind $500 an hour lawyers doesn’t affect your eternity in any way. If David Miscavige gave a single f*#k about you, you wouldn’t be getting regged at every turn.
Absolutely right!
Exactly. The fact that anyone can think that Tiny Despot literally has any hold on their Eternity is silly at best and tragic at worst. Also… those 22 year old Nazis who were trying to get me to toe the line at the Orgs. No life experience except “Ach-tung!” to the fake Navy c*@p.
Our Eternity belongs to each one of us. Nobody can intercede in that. And as long as we put someone else in the middle of that flow… then we will never discover it for ourselves. That’s God’s joke. 🙂
“If an individual begins to observe or experience truth, he becomes incapable of being a slave because he can’t be hurt. He isn’t afraid of life.
“He’s ethical or moral or something like that because he’s ethical or moral, not because somebody’s going to punish him if he isn’t ethical or moral. That’s a different rationale.”
– L. Ron Hubbard
It never ceases to amaze me how they can post an LRH quote like that in the middle of their delusional plans and programs and with such abysmal stats.
I don’t even think it’s hypocrisy with most of them. They simply flushed their awareness down the drain of oblivion.
My personal favourite:
“We are wrapping up our year and really need EVERYONE to take a look at all their production and see if they have any unreported starts! Right now with all the starts that have been reported, we are about 100 behind last year. We KNOW that we are actually upstat but need to have you find those starts you forgot to report and report them this week.”
Translation – just make the shit up so we don’t look like downstat asshats that are CI to COB!!! 😉
How come the Catholic Church doesn’t beg for “unreported starts” and “getting your stats up”?
This stuff is absolutely nauseating, Mike.
I always at least read the list of members and attendees, to see if names pop up that I know; to see who is still drinking Kool Aide. Some of these are intelligent people! Go figure.
Don’t they notice that the completions numbers are in the SINGLE DIGITS???
Hey Quinn, Go online and get a clue.
““If an individual begins to observe or experience truth, he becomes incapable of being a slave because he can’t be hurt. He isn’t afraid of life.
“He’s ethical or moral or something like that because he’s ethical or moral, not because somebody’s going to punish him if he isn’t ethical or moral. That’s a different rationale.”
– L. Ron Hubbard
It’s amazing to me that they publish such quotations with a straight face.
Quotes from LRH… the slave master himself. In my opinion, the beginning of the end occurred when he ordered punishments in the Apollo days; chucking people overboard, locking children up in the anchor room, scrubbing the decks with a toothbrush, etc. With all that mighty ‘tech’, to help the able become more able, LRH was into punishing bodies long before little david. Mind you, tiny fists is a good understudy, personally unleashing beatings and getting creative with other forms of punishing bodies like the ‘hole’.
Utter madness that these 2 are touted as spiritual leaders.
Exact same quotes grabbed my attention.
In my opinion, part of the ability to publish such with a straight face is because this sort of quote or statement is twisted to turn any negativity inward, on yourself. If you are feeling like a slave, feeling hurt, afraid of life, etc. – it is only because you haven’t observed or experienced enough of the truth. And, we all know who has all the answers and the truth – so step on up…
And, there’s no punishment at all in scientology ethics/morals.
Yeah, right.
hubbard may have said it with a straight face, same as all the other nonsense he said – like his biography. It doesn’t mean he wasn’t smirking at the latest dose of ‘blue sky’ he was selling.
Me III. That’s what really got me too. I wish some of those people would come here and see the truth. Then, they really COULD be free.