Remember when the prerequisite for OT IX and X was that you had to be a Class VI auditor and all specialist auditor training courses? And thus the OT VIII’s were all being hammered to get on auditor training…. Could not do that these days, as there is no Briefing Course.
Of course, like most of what happens in the church of scientology today — this is a moving goalpost.
The prereqs are whatever thing Miscavige is pushing as his latest fad.
After Class VI the “prerequisites” became that they had to do the Basics to be allowed onto OT IX and X. And then the Congresses and ACCs were added when they came out.
The message is always the same “we are preparing for the release of New OT IX and X, so you need to do _____ now.”
Here is the latest email.
And note, if you did the Purif before November 2013, you have to do it again to “be prepared” for the non-existant “New OT IX and X” (wonder what happened to the “old” OT IX and X?). And the “Survival Rundown” and “new” Student Hat.
These things are actually prerequisites for BOTTOM OF THE BRIDGE auditing and training. This carrot of New OT IX and X as way of tricking “OT VIIIs” into buying and doing the latest gimmick is pretty old and moldy now. But it’s “worked before” so they just keep hammering the same drum.
Now, to give a VERY stark example of the lies that are fed to the faithful to keep them on the hook, take a look at this from 1993.
Yes, more than 20 YEARS AGO.
And yes, more than 20 years ago, Miscavige was promising that “New OT IX and X were closer than you thought.” Right. If you had asked those people whether that meant “more than 20 years” they would have laughed at you. And then read the rest of the utter bs that is dished up in this 1993 newsletter and marvel at the level of the lies that are told, and also at how they can keep telling the same lies over and over and apparently there are still people who don’t notice.
They are so blinded by the bs and the NEED to believe this is true that they can literally be told ANYTHING and they will buy it.
These “OT VIII’s” have been hearing these lies for more than 20 years. And these are people that supposedly have cured their amnesia on the whole track? Apparently they have also been GIVEN amnesia on their most recent past….
Frankly, if these people have reached the pinnacle of the bridge and thus by scientology’s own claims are in the best spiritual condition, the smartest, brightest (remember, every auditing level, including the Purif supposedly raises your IQ) and most aware beings that scientology can turn out, they are a pretty poor advertisement for the efficacy of scientology.
After 20 years of being told the same lies over and over — proven to be lies because what is said is “going to happen” NEVER HAPPENS — even someone with the LOWEST IQ and LOWEST AWARENESS would figure out they are being led down the garden path….
Haha how many people pictured have been declared in the last 20 years is the real question…
“Natural OT” in Miscaviges case, and if you’ll pardon the phrasing, means Overbearing Turd.
Or, maybe, Omniscient Twat?
A fine job of investigative news reporting Mike!
I was one of the people on stage at that flag graduation pictured in the promo. I remember there was a rehearsal before the event and there was some slight problem or lateness in getting the rehearsal going. So when Miscavige arrived he had on a very stern face and stood before us and said with an angry tone something like – it was totally unacceptable for this (whatever the slight problem was) to occur and that each one of us was being reported to ethics. We all stood there in silence for at least 20 seconds feeling pretty small. Then suddenly Miscavige laughed and said he was only kidding. After that we all laughed, but I thought it was a fucked up thing to do and wasn’t really funny at all. I saw he had some warped sense of humor that his idea of funny is freaking other people out with his power. What a fucking dickhead.
I saw he had some warped sense of humor that his idea of funny is freaking other people out with his power. What a fucking dickhead.
Perfect encapsulation Maureen. You got him in a sentence. I included the second one just cos I liked it so much
Careful, now. That might be an insult to all dickheads everywhere….
Of course it’s all lies. Gotta a chuckle out of this you said:
“These “OT VIII’s” have been hearing these lies for more than 20 years. And these are people that supposedly have cured their amnesia on the whole track? Apparently they have also been GIVEN amnesia on their most recent past….”
I bet this e-mail is ONLY for the purpose of ‘finding out’ who are the SPs in the OT 8 field that are causing so many to leave the church. Who are the enemy with-in?
I just can’t imagine there is any other reason for it as wouldn’t all these answers be in the persons now completely computerized routing form tracking and the CF folder which is supposed to be viewed prior to the letter?
What’s his name must be having a very hard time figuring this whole last 10 years out and why none of his stellar ideas are working. Maybe the crew are blind but he knows he is losing members and staff right and left and there is a good possibility that of the remaining Scientologists 80% are under the radar and that already 50% of his crew have exited in last 30 years. I suspect the weekly Hemet Income has gone from a few million to a few thousand and Cash Bills is crossing more every week..
We knew it would happen, it’s just a matter of time. What delightful fun watching
The man in yesterdays video Q&A, apparently a ‘wog’ who has lived around Fort Harrison, helped to verify the full parking lots and side streets in 2005 are no longer a problem for Clearwater locals parking. The side streets are no longer full and the churches parking lots are scarcely populated. Well I suppose the Imported Russian crew (likely trafficked) didn’t bring cars nor do the outer org students. Thank you for all your work.
Why doesn’t someone just kick DMs ass? That’s all. Case closed.
MadMex, because the no-case-gain, asthmatic dwarf is smarter and tougher than ALL the OT’s in scientology.
Although, I hear Indies claiming that they are producing REAL OTs as per LRH references. So, I’m SURE one of them will step forward and deal with DM… Any day now.
Seriously, it would real easy to just dropkick that little dickhead….
OSD only non-OTs like you and I and indeed WOGs, are able to do that. But then again I got comm ev’ed more than once for pummeling moronic CMO members. I never understood people who would stand and take physical attacks like that.
Really enjoyed this old promo, Mike. A real find and quite the eye opener. Every OTVIII should receive a copy of this old promo that you posted today.
Before I moved in 2000 I had a storage bin in the basement of my building full, and I do mean full, of accumulated Scn promo, about 12 years worth. There were as I recall, two humongous boxes filled with mags, leaflets, flyers, practically everything the cult had ever sent me.
When I moved I got rid of it all but there was this little niggling voice that kept telling me I should pack them up and take them. How I wish I had paid attention to that little voice! It would be such a gas to review all that old promo now! All the GAG I hype about how planetary clearing was now a reality, how a gazillion auditors would now be made, the endless promo about orgs going Saint Hill Size. ..oh, if only…
There is no Easter Bunny, there is no Fairy God-Mother and there is no OT Nine.
One thing I’m sure of,
is that the abominable Mr. M does not have the imagination to create some passable form of OT Nine. He is smart enough to know it would be pretty stupid to attempt it. Doing so, a release of such self-originated material, would reveal his mental capacity for all the upper-level Scn-gists to see. It just ain’t there.
My heros of the day are those upper-level accomplishers that fought and clawed their way over the slippery and muddy slopes of the Bridge, that path of false hopes and dreams, laden with land-mines and “Ethics” violations to set them back again and again, and no matter how viciously and heartlessly the powers that be beat them back, they, by the force of self-will and singular determination STILL made it over that forsaken Bridge of lies and deciet, yeah, those guys who “got there”, only to find the pot of gold was just like the one at the end of the rainbow, that guy who realized the time has, at long last, come to fold his hand, step aside to humble himself and say something to the world? That’s my real hero, the honest-to-god champion of Scientology.
Yeah, where would we be without our Fairy-Tales?
Thank ya Thank ya. I am one of those – humbly speaking – one of those, that did that twice.
That being said, you are an interesting writer, Mark. Fun to read.
Just doin my job, ma’am.
[agent mm, decodified]

Mike was Pat Boeker just BSing us at the funeral event about the OT levels up to 40somethig?
Willie, OT 8 wasn’t even real. LRH never finished OT 7 and didn’t finish OT 8. Which is why the Senior C/S Int quit scientology at that time.
Mike, I gotta question for you. I had heard stories of OT 8s getting cancer. Quite of few of them actually. Was that something you were aware of? Or is it an old wive’s tale?
I am sure there are OT 8s who got cancer. Are there more than the usual % of the population I have no idea? More than the usual % of scientologists? No idea either. I do think more scientologists succumb to cancer than the normal population and it is my view that it is because they generally shun medical treatment until it is too late. But that is just my opinion, VERY unscientific.
It is my unscientific assumption that cancer eventually gets us all if we live long enough for it to kink in, sort of as natures’ way to govern global pop control.
-however, it is likely to be a minor percentage point or two higher in the Scn pool just because, as everybody knows, stress leads directly to cancer, nothing at all for us beachcombers to worry about. (haven’t you heard?… regular visits to the ocean prevents cancer, just by applying sensible doses of protection, especially if and when administered by consenting member (s) of the opposite sex*, again assuming you gentlemen keep your pop guns in the holster. It should also be noted that this designated group therapy type A is not found inside the bubble. -agent mm decodified
[*regardless of personal orientation, and,]
Hi Mark Marco,Good post,I can’t stop smiling! XO Ann.
Ann, hi!!!
There you are…I was thinking of you.
Thanks for putting that picture of your smile in my mind.
Hi Mark Marco,Coffee brewing,Jade yowling for breakfast, sunlight streaming in the window and thank you for your sweet post!Smiles to you forever across the miles!Love and evermore,Ann.
I have a couple of OT8s in the family. They get body problems like everyone else, trust me on that. But really, this OT8, what has it to do with scientology anyway? Like a lot of the stuff miscavige got his grubby little mits on it’s a disaster to both financial as well as to medical health. To expect a body to last forever because you are now “cause” over it is something I chuckle about when people use it to denigrate scientology. Wishful thinking plus magic, plus delusion added to marketing hype is an amazing never ending subject. This subject of this blog – OT9 & 10… fairy-tale bullshit, introduced for the weak of mind and loose of wallet.
However, the point Mike makes is VERY real – the amount that orthodox card carrying scientologists shun medical procedure and knowledge is very dangerous. Cancers for example are hard enough to detect as it is before lots of damage is done. Any vet can tell you that let alone a medical doctor, that regular check ups is good for your longevity.
Plus card carrying scios probably can’t afford medical tech anyway, another dangerous calculation of the modern scientologist’s ‘think’. Although they would never admit to that in public or even to themselves. After all they keep telling themselves how much at cause and OT they are. I suppose they don’t service their vehicles either – they would be a sign of weakness. Wouldn’t it?
Mike is undoubtedly correct that the absence of regular check-ups and the general avoidance of standard medical care led to additional, unnecessary deaths in the Scn community, whether result of cancer or otherwise, as preventaive care does provide an effective purpose, namely disease avoidance. Such an effect on comparitive mortality rates would be naturally measureable by scientific means, if one was inclined to perform such a proof. In other words, the OSD hunch is probably correct, again, that more Scn-gists die from cancer than the rest of us.
Well, to be fair, it was Hubbard, not DM who made the claim that you would eb able to cure cancer NOT when you were at OTVIII, but when you went “Clear” (before redefining the term several times, most especially a fter his first big event o present the “FIRST CLEAR!” went pear-shaped when the “Clear” couldn’t even remember the eye colour of the questioner nor the color of his tie.
So much for total recall.
No doubt DM has made the stuff ‘worse’, bless his dark little hard, dim little mind and shriveled little… soul, but as programmers say, “Shit in, shit out.”
Or as my grandma said (for FREE,mind you! Talk about Out)Ethics!) “You can’t make a purse from a sow’s ear.
Substitute ‘Miscavige’ for ‘you’ , and “Hubbard’s cyst (and lesser creations, like Dianetics)” for “sow’s ear” and you’ve got DM’s dilemma.
PS: @mike: Nice job last night. You were really point and effective, and your silence and patience spoke volumesin the face of a supposedly fiar attack that began with the totally off-subject intro of “I know Mike RInder’s fmaily, I saw them this morning…!”
In what sort of twisted mind this was à propos, or even a just world when that hot-head sees your family more often than you, I’ll never fathom.
Bit those little “shatter attacks” could do in a year.
Very nice job. Color me (often a critic of yours) very impressed.
richelieu jr: “Well, to be fair, it was Hubbard, not DM who made the claim that you would eb able to cure cancer NOT when you were at OTVIII, but when you went “Clear”
It amazes me how critics buy from each other so-called claims of Hubbard which they have no direct information about. The above is a favorite to repeat. Here is the only “claim” about Clears and cancer that I know of:
“At the present time Dianetic research is scheduled to incude cancer and diabetes. There are a number of reasons to suppose that these may be engramic in cause, particularly malignant cancer. This is remarked so that attention may be given to the possibility; no tests of any kind have been made on cancer or iabetic patients, and the thought is purely theory and is not to be taken as any kind of an avowal about a cancer cure.” (DMSMH)
Do you know of a statement that was made that backs up your claim?
Read the end of the Original Dianetcs (before he started doctoring it).
No, I don’t have a copy to hand, but you can find it easily.
He also said cigarettes fought cancer by removing radiation from the lungs. Everyone around him was puffing away at cools.
I will admit he tried to soften the cancer claims (one the Drug Enforcement Adminstarted in on him), but asthma, DM still has it.
I know the new party line is that Diantetics and Scientology never made any claims about anything to anyone ever, but you are being ridiculous.
There is so much wrong with the whole mountain off bullshit and fraud that any time one of you desperate people find any slight error or nuance you polish the turd till it shines and convince your self it is manna. You are rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic AFTER it has sunk.
Give me a break.
Hi richelieu jr, Thank you for your reasoned,spot-on post.You made me feel a little better too.I appreciate that,Always,Ann.
richelieu jr: “Read the end of the Original Dianetics (before he started doctoring it)..”
Mike allows discussion on his blog and when I participate I try to verify what is being said and not just throw out opinions and hearsay with no backup for them. I checked out what you stated was in DMSMH and it just isn’t the case – not in any part of it, including the end.
IF you are sincerely interested in the truth about what was stated in DMSMH regarding cancer, go to , where you can download the original edition, and do a word search on “cancer.”
I don’t for a minute say there is no wrong in Scientology. But in the experience of many of us, there is also a lot of right. Even Sara Goldberg, in the film “Going Clear” and in the recent Q&A session with Mike, gave credit to the good parts. I say “even Sara” because it would be understandable if she could no longer see any good.
In answer to what you wrote about “rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic AFTER it has sunk,” my reply to you is that you are the one who is unwilling to accept anything but the bad, including hearsay.
Just to clarify, when I said, “He also said…” I did not mean “Also said at the end of the first edition of Dianetics…” I can understand why it might have sounded that way, but I was certainly not intentionally trying to mislead.
Nonetheless, he DID Say (with his strangely beak-shaped mouth) it. Ask around, ask Mike, you won’t find any old-timers that don’t know about the smoking thing.
If you don’t know, that is willful ignorance. I find you strangely (not to say hilariously) righteous on the issue of exactitude regarding facts and sources for a defender of Hubbard, who (in the best possible reading) had little regard for citing sources, and (more likely, given any complete reading of the man and his life) had so little disregard for his deluded minions that he didn’t even try and justify his facts, preferring to forbid them to read anyone else on any subject he happened to pull out of his ass. (sorry, i don’t have a Hubbard policy letter to cite on the subject, preferring real-life to his imagined Eternity.
And as for the rest of my post, I stand by it.
If I had been there, at that Q ‘n A?…
-A lady from the audience was talking on camera when she suddenly stops, interrupting herself, says, “…wait, isn’t that…?” and the camera pans to the right and here is this other big, fat guy in black holding a video camera up to his face and this, this bozo-smirk on his face just happy as can be to be getting a camera pointed at himself, doing this.
People in the audience, you can hear the din rising, starting to get agitated and then this other cat, two guys on the side, jump up and want to plug Freedom Magazine, for chrissakes, and start in about, what, Mike’s missing child-support payments?
Oh, I would have jumped out of my chair, yes, and I would have attacked this guy but I would have been cool. It would only be so easy to make this guy look like a brainless fool. And then i would have walked right up to him and gotten just a little less cool, demanding security take him out, loud enough to drown out whatever continuing dribble was foaming from his mouth, until he then would have left, as he did anyway…
It just pissed me off, to see it. He did sully the quality of the moment, I’d say. But it did illustrate the unsavory and long-established tactics of these people, attacking their critics and all they way they do, harping on baseless crap, contented to throw nothing more valueable than horse manure into the audience…
And looking pretty stupid as they do it. You would think they would learn, something besides how to use better aim with your footbullets.
Mike, I appreciate your staying calm there. The moderator tried a little too late to get that under control, it was not properly moderated, but you came out of it looking like the level head, i would say. Thanks again for bringing your experience and insight to the table.-mm
That essay, above, is just misplaced…
but I’m talking about the Q ‘n A that Mike and Sara did in the theater after the showing of Going Clear in Florida.
Hi OSD…….you didn’t really (still) think that OT VIIIs don’t get cancer. Did you?
I guess I didn’t. I’ve often wondered about the electricity being passed through people’s bodies in the cult. I guess it’s harmless. I guess…….
Hi OSD,Thinking about your post. I blew electrical circuits in HGC and at the old two sound stage buildings that Sea Org bought in 70s because Temple Street was getting too small for CF and ASR,plus letter regges..So yes I have a passing shock of recognition with voltage.And no I can’t use any razzle dazzle scam meter,can’t deal with those juice cans. Always,Ann.
Maybe all that extra voltage allows us to turn on lights and use the toaster by command… Hope you are feeling well today Ann!!
Hi Observinginsandiego, Thank you Angel,I have had issues with micro-waves too,but I tell all my electrical components,to behave and play nice! Yesterday I was not so good,feeling wise,but found your post and instant Sunshine! Love,Ann.
Microman is still building supplies of expensive Drinking for Thinking Whiskey before he starts working on OT XI and XII.
Not only that, they should have solved other issues, nuclear fusion, teleporters, warp drives, ending war, and light sabres spring to mind. Miscavige would have them doing far more important things like coming up with new ways to get more cash for Miscavige, oops, $camology.
Did Ron say all orgs had to be saint hill size or did DM? If Ron said it and it’s in writing then I don’t think IV and X will be happening anytime in the foreseeable future. Additionally, if their are OT levels above OT8. I think DM would have done them. Furthermore I heard he is still on VII, anyone know if this is this true? If so it would make me think he has no interest in OT8.
I know that David Miscavige has claimed to be a “NATURAL OT”
maybe he was on OT 3 but no cert, I don’t think he audited anything
near OT 7.
D.M.has a 9 th grade education, high school dropout , slapped his PC on
auditor internship and was removed,never finished.
The only thing natural about miscavige is the flora in his gut and that is fighting for its life with the whisky invasion.
Natural OT indeed, what BS – but see how he’s cause over his steel and concrete bunker! He’s too scared to even go to Walmart without an armed escort and a secret service type itinerary. He’s a hated man and very much knows it. For him to get a life would be akin to thinking you can stop the tide with a postulate. Sooner he’s history the better.
Well, to be fair, I am afraid to go to WalMart too…
Hey Jose! I never knew DLHDM claimed he was a ‘natural OT! This is the first time I’ve heard of this. Man, am I out of the loop or what! I mean, we know he’s a natural asshole, but natural OT? Who would have thunk it!
Wait…saying he’s a natural asshole is an insult to all natural assholes everywhere. My bad…..
DM has never claimed that. Though he acts like everyone should think this about him.
Bridge Control Tracking Officer???? Has Miscavige added yet new police to his Org Board? Sounds ominous. Spooky when you are getting emails from the Bridge Control Tracking Officer. In communist countries they had police that went about all day long stopping people, and demanding to see their work papers. To ensure all people were working. They had a similar title. Just one email from the Bridge Control Tracking Officer would have sent me on the next train out of town. I’ve never even heard of a Bridge Control Tracking Officer full hat. Sounds like an HCO post. Never heard of a “Religious Leader” hat pack or check sheet either. Or even a “C.O.B” hat pack. Or even a “narrator” or “event or ring master” hat pack either. Miscavige mocks up some eerie posts and positions with no check sheets or hat packs. How convenient, who could ever send him to cramming?
I haven’t seen a “beggar” hat pack or check sheet either. Wonder what division he put those people in? They can’t be in div 2, as they do not resign anyone for anything. I think he created a whole separate status bridge for people to go up. But there isn’t only one. There are many bridges to climb depending on what project. He sells and resigns people for status and identities.
I see he accuses others of being apostates. Apostate means:
1.a person who renounces a religious or political belief or principle.
synonyms: dissenter, defector, deserter, traitor, backslider, turncoat; More
1.abandoning a religious or political belief or principle.
He is the biggest apostate amongst us.
The new ethics rundowns he invented, “The Hole”, “Musical Chairs”, “Slapping and beating ethics gradients”, has bought more ill repute onto the Church than Mary Sue Hubbard ever did.
He is the biggest squirrel amongst us.
He had billions of invoices in undelivered services for OT lX and X. So he just just cancelled the refund policy to balance the books!
Now he spends millions to avoid a refund request, because at the end of the day, he is still ahead!
He blames internet dissenters for all of his failed org boards, weird assed identities he mocks up in the church like beggars and police trackers, out P.R., from domestic abuse and domestic terrorism, and squirrel tech.
He stages events where he declares Hubbard and overt product maker, and accuses Scientologists of being the blind leading the blind. All the while emptying everyone’s pockets. Paying off allies with hush money until the next road show.
His business creed?
“People keep saying, ‘How’d you get power?’ ” Miscavige said. “Nobody gives you power. I’ll tell you what power is. Power in my estimation is if people will listen to you. That’s it.”
Some of us are not listening anymore.
That does not make us bad people. Just look around at all of the other people on this planet, who have no interest in what he has to say.
His power dwindles daily.
P.S. Correction. meant to say he had billions of dollars in invoices.
Actually in SO orgs like AOLA, ASHO and Flag that was a legitimate post. Bridge Control is the action of helping lower orgs build their public so there is always a flow of public to the upper orgs. I held the Director of Bridge Control post at AOLA in 2001/2.
Heres the rub. All the upper orgs instead of helping the lower orgs, bastardized them and in the last 20 years did nothing to help the lower orgs grow. Another perversion of the tech.
Thank you for correcting me.
Good post.
Obviously Hubbard did not achive any OT IX or X unless
the EP is living in a trailer with long unkept hair, taking
medicine and having no confront on seeing anybody
except maybe 2 or 3 very close “friends”. Very nice
extroverting end phenomena.
Nice! And very true too!
He could do it like this: Release IX and X, but of course you need to do IX before you see X. IX turns out to be a set of exercises that will enable you to do the miraculous level X, but IX takes about 7 years to complete, and you need to let the processes set for a few years after completing IX. Worry about any consequences ten years from now.
The best preparation for these OT levels is still to raise your status a couple of notches. That way, if/when these are released, you’ll be even more broke and their validity and efficacy will be a moot point anyway.
This may indeed be an excellent time for OT VIII’s to do some work around OT IX and X.
They may want to ask themselves how much the first 8 levels have done for them and how likely it is that two more–even if they WERE credible–will make “the difference.”
It’s like using a product for decades and then returning to the commercial that got you into that product in the first place. Did you really get the mansion, fast cars and smiling babes from the advertising pictures? Or did you just waste a bunch of money on a product that need NOTHING or perhaps even “accomplished” the opposite?
Kinda looks like you are running out of LRH footsteps to follow. You are approaching the EP of having arrived at the end of the path of ‘what would Ron do?’.
5 years ago I said I was interested in doing the Briefing course. Ben Shaw told me it was being worked on then and would be available on the internet courses in very near future. More believed lies by the robots.
The reason why you have to redo all of these courses to qualify for 9 and 10 is because LRH wasn’t aware enough to spot that the tech he created was not sufficient enough to deliver the results promised. But David Miscavige, in his wisdom, was able to “fix” all the mistakes LRH made so that now it’s possible to make the gains that were not available with just the pure LRH tech.
Hey Scientologists, does that really make sense???
Even in the late 1980s, for sure in the 1990s, I’d heard, even as the lowly sort of well informed Sea Org member who listened to the trickle down top management “case” assessments of “our” OT Scientologists of even the 1980s and 1990s, that a good portion of “our” troublesome OT Scientologists were “bypassed cases.”
Scientology management even trickled down this view that the orgs, Sea Org orgs, Flag, were rife with “bypassed OTs” and bypassed Clears. People who hadn’t made Clear and hadn’t made OT for sure.
And right this was, since ironically, LRH first of all died and admitted in his own final days he was still troubled with going exterior and himself still mentally troubled with unshakeable body thetans to the very end! That translated to me, to mean that really, average Scientologist “OTs” ought NOT complain one tiny bit that they are being made to redo things.
In the crazy self condenatory world, Hubbard’s own self admitted case problems, on top of the even wider outside world common knowledge that in human history NO ONE HAS EVER OBTAINED the soul astronaut ability routinely, there has been NO human practice that works like a Henry Ford assembly line and churns out “OT” (soul astronauts) in human history, and Scientology and Hubbard’s promises are truly NOT deliverable and no one honestly sanely should even expect the promises, a bitter large piece of crow that all OT Scientologists have to eat, and humbly they should eat that fantasy expectation.
Scientology won’t make OTs, so don’t really put your hopes there, or into any other practice that claims to make OTs, it’s a sad fact of human existence that is unproven, there aren’t any practices that factually make assemply line OT soul astronauts.
Now, that fad of management, to implement the bypassed case handling on members, is a given!
It’s a sad muddled expected result of any group that professes to make OT (soul astronauts) but is somewhat honest when it notices its members are NOT soul astronauts after doing all the Hubbard steps standardly!
Scientology is only as good as people in it have learned to self praise themselves for their gains in it.
It’s a group fantasy, and the members, none of them, have proven soul astronaut abilities, and everyone will be a bypassed case!
Bypassed case is the default and honest result, since OT isn’t real, and no OTs exist.
So redoing Hubbard’s steps, well, ask yourself honestly? Did you learn how to eject out of your skull at will and operate as an OT out of your body? No? They you are a bypassed case, and need to redo some of the Hubbard steps!
Best to finally realize and notice, that NO Scientologists have ever become capable of ejecting out of their skulls as souls astronauts, at will, and none can operate as Caspar the Ghosts who operate and do good deeds in the world like Caspar the Ghost does in the comic books.
Scientology’s a snipe hunting group that self convinces itself that their soul astronaut practices are working.
Redoing the Hubbard steps over and over until one gets up to soul flying ability at will, is a requisite per the Hubbard rules.
The saddest thing is people keep trying.
Good point on the ever-increasing IQ resulting from Scientology processing. That’s something that, if true, could be independently verified. And Scientologists could be expected, if they were so inclined, to dominate the membership of groups like Mensa.
Chuck – you are a certifiable expert on such matters, that is for sure. Thanks for your insights.
Unfortunately, looking to Hubbard’s own folders to derive the secret sauce that would eventually entail the basis for OT IX and OT X would be similar to going through Bernie Madoff’s personal correspondence for insights into how to create a successful securities investment firm.
Madoff had the trappings of investment success down pat…unfortunately he was a swindler who could not deliver (for real) on his many promises.
It should be noted that during the most prolific period of the his swindle, Madoff employed only trusted family members in the most sensitive positions where those that had total loyalty to him could not have operated without knowing the nature of the swindle.
The parallels with Hubbard and the employment of his own family members are striking. And when Hubbard died, virtually all of his trusted family members were either scapegoated or blew. Again, the parallels with the Madoff scam are striking.
Hubbard never owned up either, I’m sure like all the earlier similar con men who were beating dead horses for OT soul flying powers and never getting those powers, and blaming every which way, to their deaths.
Hubbard’s dead horse beating snipe hunting for soul flying powers group of Scientology carries on Hubbard’s legacy.
I’d be interested and will be interested in the thoughts of those that first went up to Creston, once Hubbard died there is semi squalor in his bluebird mobile coach, what their thoughts were.
I look forward to Jesse Prince’s book, as those that went and saw the stark squalor actual deadbed quarters of Hubbard’s, and absorbed the details of Hubbard’s own case failure to obtain soul flying (exterior ability) and even Hubbard’s failure to handle all of Hubbard’s troublesome “body thetans” case problems, should tell Hubbard’s final details even more in detail for Scientologists and ex Scientologists to really see Hubbard for his actual end of life moments were perceived by those few who saw it.
Hi TheMoreOneKnows,Good to meet you.I agree with your post.Espicially the parallels with Ron and his family.What happened there is really sad,but I feel there must be sadness for a time in order to see the sun and escape the trap of the cult.For all the good that may have occurred,there was an equal amount of bad.At least in my humble opinion.Thank you.Always,Ann.
The Donkey with stick and carrot, that’s a Scientology Trade secret right ?
“Below is a survey that I need you to answer as fast as possible”
As a never-in, one thing that strikes me over and over is how everything in scientology is always so rushed, and therefore stressful. Get it done (by 2pm Thursday). How do people live under that stress for decades?
Whatthehellareyoutalkingabout! Speed of particle flow alone determines power! So we do things fast! Fast is good. Fast is great! Sure it may cause a little bit of stress, but it’s for the greater good! And that’s how we deal with it for decades & decades & decades. It’s not so bad!
Holy shit!!!!! it’s almost 2pm!!!! Hey everybody!!!! Hurry and make up some stats! NOW!
Without speed you can’t steer for shit. Now where’s that tree?
They can degrade no lower the requisites, at least before you were to become an auditor, now what it is required of you is to overrun the purif, SRD and st. hat.
Now, in the picture of the Class XII auditors you can count the ones that have died, been removed and out of those 25 original Class XIIs we are left with only 3-4 max. Some became FESers, Call Inners, Folder Pages. You see, the degrade has been all along the boards, not only on pre reqs.
Results produced are even a more fundamental problem, of everyone ever involved, of even those that strove and became the Class 12 practitioner elite of the elites.
Even on top, all those past “elite” tech people (Otto Roos, and those FESer tech people who pawed through LRH’s folders in that long ago era when Otto and others wished to give LRH a good repair program, which LRH nixed and Otto was ousted).
But serious discussion of “case”, human beings’ supposed “case” that needs addressing with this whole field of frankly “squirrel” psych and “squirrel” mental treatment methods which Hubbard himself deemed the “standard” path of mental spiritual treatment that became the final “Grade Chart” that Hubbard endorsed in his final years, and then to “seriously” consider the compilation of the NEXT future levels, if there is or isn’t enough crumbs left to nibble at and inflate into OT 9 and OT 10 (even if the requirements of Saint Hill sized orgs universally across the world first is set aside which Miscavige ought to just do, in principle, since in principle the “tech” and the benefits of the “tech” for the highest levels that Hubbard in his life “mapped” or pointed out even if he didn’t and surely he did NOT write up the final top levels above OT 8 that is clear as day).
Ray Mitoff ought to read Miker Rinder’s blog regularly, and Ray Mitoff ought to brief Scientology subject observers what is the deal with really, truly, in his opinion, how much from Hubbard’s case folders, from other people’s case folders which Hubbard C/Sed or made notes in, and in his whole fully “tech” ideas his whole life, IF from out of all of that, could enough crumbs be inflated into OT 9 and OT 10 (and more on top later if there is more to compile).
Ray Mitoff is who I’d like to have a chat with. Paulette Ausley Cohen I wish could talk. I asked around and learned that David Mayo hadn’t seen all of Hubbard’s folders. Otto Roos might have something interesting to say before he dies, about whether the Hubbard cupboard is really barren for OT 9 onwards, and anyone else who FESed LRH’s pc folders back when Otto was tech boss on the Apollo and got that group of Apollo tech people to FES Hubbard’s folders. Jon Atack might already have asked and gotten Otto’s answers on this, I might be needing to just read Jon’s all time authority “Piece of Blue Sky” again, since Jon wrote so much great historical details, and Jon interviewed Otto I believe.
Well, the actual details could be more laid out, if needed, and I sure wish Ray Mitoff were reading Mike’s blog here.
Using the moving target technique for pre-requisits is a brilliant tactic for any con that is being run. This tactic is exponentially more effective when someone thinks their ‘eternity’ is at stake.
In fact, it is even easier to sell stuff to the folks who have bought into the con for so long because of the simple fact that they have invested so much time and money already. Especially money for public. Especially time for staff. Once you are caught up in the con for so long, it is harder and harder to admit to yourself that something might be amiss. Scientology ‘ethics’ policies effectively eliminate openly discussing disagreements or doubts, the penalties for this have been driven home almost since day one.
The only reason that someone gets out after spending a long time in the cult is because the cognitive dissonance becomes too great or they are pushed over the edge by ‘ethics’ abuses. There are lots of people who post on critics blogs that would probably still be in and buying their next service if they hadn’t been pushed too far.
To break free, at some point one has to admit that they have been taken, screwed, deceived, lied to, conned, bamboozled, hoodwinked, scammed, snookered, duped, taken for a ride, etc. It doesn’t matter what one’s intentions were when getting involved, scientology is a sham and we were all taken advantage of. Admitting that this is the case is a VERY bitter pill to swallow. And embarrassing. Hence, the next ‘service’ is that much easier to sell to the marks.
To paraphrase Kenny Rogers, “you got to know when to hold ’em, know when to fold ’em”. If one doesn’t fold, it’s hello Mr. Reg and goodbye freedom.
Excellent and insightful comment.
I love it! The Break Free Rundown: The EP: One has to admit that they have been taken, screwed, deceived, lied to, conned, bamboozled, hoodwinked, scammed, snookered, duped, taken for a ride, etc. It doesn’t matter what one’s intentions were when getting involved, scientology is a sham and we were all taken advantage of. Admitting that this is the case is a VERY bitter pill to swallow but once swallowed…one is truly free.
Hi Idle Morgue, An incredible post,thank you.Every bit resonated with me.Love,Ann.
Best summation I’ve read for awhile Ms.B.
No one likes to loose, especially a scientologist. What they will do to maintain the façade of winning is actually a present time study right here, right now. Upon their imminent collapse it will be relegated to history where conjecture from all the experts give knowledgeable opinions like those after a footy game. It’s amazing how much truth is generated to why after the horse has already bolted.
It’s almost as though one could gamble on what they will do next. I’d give even money OT 9 & 10 are out of Creation of Human Ability. Who reckons it’ll be from a early PAB? or maybe some obscure confidential lecture.
But I reckon the curve ball will be it’d be delivered in the AOs. The ship will still do 8 but there’s more $ to be made locally than trying to get them back on Fleecewinds. Miscavige will market it as how benevolent he really is and how he is making the top of the Bridge a global venture for all to get involved in (with even more donations of course), imo that is.
Great post ms. B!
William Burroughs, about the smartest person ever to get the lure of the secret OT levels, his turning against LRH and Scientology, his simple logic against Hubbard’s secrecy and totalitarian setup, to me Burroughs when he quit wrote the all time simplest reasons challenging Scientology and Hubbard to change the Hubbard setup. Googling William Burroughs’ simple criticism when he quit Scientology is worthwhile.
Geeze Christ, he also paid hungry young boys in a third world country, to have sex with another in front of him. Forcing one to cause pain to the other. This is by his own diary.
Whatever you may think of Hubbard, surely he was a step up from the guru Burroughs.
Lesson one in Logic is no matter what a person has done good or bad their argument must stand on its own merits. His arguments against scientology were sound and definitely worth reading.
I did read them all.
Even the ones he issued from Burroughs Communications Office.
That said, I have my own logic. It is not as high brow or Oxford as your logic, I’m sure.
In my logic, the math always adds up, so you do not have to discount values from one end, so you can see some value on the other.
In my logic, everything has a value that matters. To place a value on what a man says, and remove a value from what he does, doesn’t really seem mathematical to me. Technically, I fail to see what is logical about that. It is known as manipulative math.
“In mathematics, a manipulative is an object which is designed so that a learner can perceive some mathematical concept by manipulating it, hence its name. The use of manipulatives provides a way for children to learn concepts in a developmentally appropriate, hands-on and an experiencing way.”
Oracle, your effort to justify your ad hominem against William Burroughs has you committing more logical fallacies. One is where you create your own definition of logic based on ‘values’.
The other is where you seek to support your argument by introducing an irrelevant concept, “manipulatives”, which are toys designed to introduce children to the abstract thinking of mathematics.
I took my course in logic to fulfill a math requirement. Logic is universal as is math but values are not. You cannot have a values-based form of logic but you may have a values-based philosophy and you may debate that philosophy. You may not debate logic. The use of the ad hominem in scientology comes as a survival strategy in the absence of a sound, debatable doctrine. “Never defend, always attack!” You were pulling a “WHAT ARE YOUR CRIMES?” on Burroughs and that just doesn’t fly as a critique of an argument.
Too bad Socrates missed out on that class.
He also was an addict and loser the last 30 years of his life with a high chemical dependency. Don’t get me wrong he was “brilliant” in many ways, but like Hemingway a loser in the end.
That crowd hung around the East Village where I grew up. Alan Ginsberg lived on E. 10th and First Ave, I lived on East 11th and First Ave.
Yes, they were always looking for drugs, and always getting ripped off. None of them were from the East Village, most were not even from N.Y.. But they saw themselves as neighborhood royalty. They were easy marks. The fact that they were camped there as if they belonged, was a signal of their confusion.
They were also extremely smelly. I mean, as if they did not believe in bathing. Or teeth brushing. None of them worked , so they were always sponging off tourists . Dragging people into the neighborhood they would find in West Village or uptown clubs.
Per Burroughs memoir, the only job he held for a few weeks was as a bug exterminator.
Someone in the neighborhood was selling them milk sugar and telling them it was heroin, they kept buying it and raving about it.
Someone else painted vitamin B barrel pills orange, and sold it to them as orange sunshine LSD. They kept buying that too, raving about how good it was.
They were as bright as lightening bugs.
Hi The Oracle,Crazy days indeed! I did not get into Scientology as some did,after living on the streets etc.Actually I was a rich semi-freak,who wanted to help and send love to the world.I was just lucky to be a letter reg and I met all types,through communication.Love,Ann.
He also shot his wife dead in the head in Mexico, and paid the Mexican authorities to let him walk.
Let’s see…Naked Lunch or Diarrhetics…hmmm, wonder which one wins? Oh, that’d be Naked Lunch, one of the greatest novels of the 20th Century.
Okay, all of you Hubbard Apologists here, you’ve wanted me and my fellow critics to separate the works from the man in your effort to convince us that the Tech’s spiffy-neato. So that’s what I’m doing, separating the works from the person. In that light, Burroughs beats Hubbard in every single way possible. I’ll even forgive him landing up in Lawrence, Kansas, a true shithole if there ever was one.
So, you get to have it one of two ways, Kool-Aiders: either a man stands by his works or he stands by his actions. You can’t have it one way for Burroughs and one way for Hubbard. You have to be consistent. And I am consistent, because I’ll have Burroughs either way. The man wrote the best portraits of decadence since the Marquis de Sade, was cool about being bisexual, and got away with murder, none of which condemned me to be eliminated, quietly and without sorrow.
Yes, you keep pushing Ron the Great Savant, and I’ll keep reminding you about 1.1 and LGBTs.
It was not my intention to ruffle the feathers of other sadists when I mentioned Burroughs hobbies.
You think that you’re shaming me by implying that I’m a sadist. Not true. I have a very German mentality and fully understand the principle of schadenfreude. I will take active measures to experience it. And if that rattles your tinfoil hat, too bad. But then again, you think I’m OSA.
I think OSA understands the principle of schadenfreude.
pleasure derived by someone from another person’s misfortune.
I did not accuse you of being OSA, just having similar goals.
I am not standing in your way.
There is this similarity though.
the tendency to derive pleasure, especially sexual gratification, from inflicting pain, suffering, or humiliation on others.
(in general use) deliberate cruelty.
But again, I have never stood in your way. I have simply responded when you placed yourself in front of me with a challenge.
I have only claimed to be curious. I have never claimed to be holy. And I do not want to wrap your head around a pole.
But if you think you will derive pleasure from my misfortune, you are giving yourself an unattainable goal.
Pick unfortunate MF’ers. I am a wrong item on your list.
I just think it is important for people in Scientology to read this blog. I do not consider Mike is involved with punishment, only forwarding truth.
If it becomes “anti” anything, and so far it has not, people will look. And people can learn.
I too, push truth. And if you don’t ask, you don’t get.
P.S. correction. I meant to write “people will not look”.
I am humbled by your honesty. XXOO
“…and got away with murder, none of which condemned me to be eliminated, quietly and without sorrow.”
Boy, you really want to hang onto that, don’t you, Espiando? Even after I quoted the context for you just recently.
“Don’t confuse me with the facts and take away my little vendetta.”
Context is irrelevant. The fact that he wrote it and the fact that he pressed for all of his writings to be taken literally is relevant. The additional fact that there are multiple cases of gay Scientologists either prevented from doing the Upper Bridge or allowed to do the Upper Bridge while being conned into a “pray the gay away” scenario is relevant.
You presenting the “context” is a case of attempting to rationalize the irrational. You have a habit of trying to do this in order to not disturb your “stable data”.
I will grant what you say about about gays being viewed as aberrated and treated as such with regard to the OT levels – but that does not equal being “condemned to be eliminated, quietly and without sorrow.”
Any rational person knows that context is relevant – and you trying to minimize it is your own attempt to rationalize what you want to believe.
You also show your ignorance when you say he “pressed for all of his writings to be taken literally.” That again is a twisted version of what was said. Do you know of an exact quote? Or are you just grabbing onto anything negative you hear?
All this back and forth has prompted me to do a posting on this subject of homophobia in scientology. When I can get it completed I will start this up all over again. Hopefully can get it done this week.
That would be good, Mike.
p.s. To summarize the context of that quote you like to repeat over and over, what he basically said was that people below 2.0 bring down the society and that they should either be QUARANTINED or processed, and he was obviously in favor of processing.
I’m not saying I agree they should be processed; I’m just pointing out that the context makes a big difference.
The p.s. comment was for Espiando.
Haha oracle these posts are hilarious….
Oh no, my post ended up way below where I was laughing, into a more serious discussion of homophobia, which I do not find funny at all. My comment to oracle was supposed to be after the Alan Ginsberg/New York comment. Sigh.
Hi Observinginsandiego, Oh those “gone wandering posts”.We’ll just have to set the sea anchors on them!Love U,Ann.
Yes, the Scn model is secretive and totalitarian. Just looking at it from the outside reveals how oppressively suppressive the mind-manipulating machine can be – The “church” reveals the danger to society at large regardless of legalities just by acting out its own daily routine. The fact that we have freedom of religion in this country and elsewhere just enhances the danger.
So, the tech is outlaw. The tech can swallow your daughter and send her to the morgue without remorse, and the tech can produce a leader like David Demented. And the law of the land does not see fit to condemn the whole operation, the science community does barely more than laugh and turn away.
To hell with the tech.
I feel a need to repeat myself. But really that sums it up for me for today…
To hell with the tech.
“Know when to walk away & know when to run.” I was had. I guess we all were.
And Dean, you’re quite correct regarding PT Barnum. I was one of those suckers….
Power to you, OSD.
Isn’t it great to be out, Mark? I guess we were all suckered at some point. It’s like we’ve lived two separate lives: Being in and then being free. I’ll take free any day!
Oh, and thanks for the Power, Mark!
Well, I was just acknowledging what is already yours,
and rightly so.
Yes, it is good to be free. I hope my freedom is so brilliant and bold and large that it would gleam and be felt like sunshine, make the goodness of it be seen from inside the bubble. Let’s let the kids locked in there know the reality of freedom. I know the eyes can see. We need only to break down the blinds, I think, we need only take down the blinds. Freedom is no good if one has to enjoy it alone.
I do believe, yes. And now I hear a ghostly song in the back of my mind, how does it go again, something like…
“…none of us are free… if one of us is gone… none of us are free.”
Man, it is late now but tomorrow I promise you one thing:
I’m going to the beach.
I live in Huntington Beach. Also…’re a good soul, Mark Marco.
BTW Dave,
Met Kenny, and you are no Kenny Rogers. No mystery as to why you are incapable of doing the right thing.
New Oatee 9 and 10 are fraudulent levels that were never created by L Ron Hubbard. The poor souls that are still in Scientology with the dwarfen fuhrer at the helm are all proof of something that PT Barnum was said to have stated: “There’s a sucker born every minute”.
Saw the whole video with you and Sara Goldberg. You made things v clear and she was moving. Thank you both
Nice piece of material for historical measuring Scientology’s management promises for the highest and still to come carrot.
My slow realization and sadness was realizing my whole Scientology participation tenure was hopelessly unrealistic.
No human group has factually produced “OT” (soul astronauts) in human history, although many promise it.
I took OT 9 and 10 and the other additional OT levels merely as being potential mental therapy or soul therapy procedures, which Hubbard in his career as top Scientology decider of what was “standard” therapy (crank pseudo-therapy, totally un peer reviewed and not at all taken seriously by anyone worldwide except Scientologists, meaning no psychological therapists or theoreticians have validated any of Hubbard’s therapy anywhere so that any tidbits of Scientology therapy is being today used by any other group to “help” people that is publicly accepted and widely validated).
Scientology’s pseudo-therapy and exorcism (OT levels 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 are the exorcism treatment program to deal with the complex accumulated spread out trauma of the 4th Dynamic Engram, the Xenu engram really is all that all the exorcism levels relate to and deal with), Scientology’s offering to help humans isn’t publicly accepted, and Scientology doesn’t do like one onetime Scientologist William Burroughs challenged LRH to do, which was make the OT levels un-secret, share the techniques, and let others outside Scientology test and see if these soul improvements were producable. (William Burroughs wrote several critical articles on Scientology and in one he challenges Scientology to share the secret OT levels to see if the procedures are doable by outsiders, and if the procedures are so great, then share them with the world..)
Scientology is set up like a closed scam, Hubbard had all manner of reasons he institutionalized to rationalize and make the members not simply share their full body of techniques and knowledge or even explaiin the simplicity that Xenu caused the Wall of Fire, Xenu caused the 4th Dynamic Engram, and that’s all. Hubbard came up with the OT 3, OT 5 and OT 7 exorcism procedures to relieve a person of their body thetans.
So that’s all it is and Scientology is hampered by Hubbard’s fundamental final policies that keep them from being fully public, nor can they who are in the movement sufficiently think and compare themselves and see their predicament of their Hubbard institutionalized bubble.
So, there really are bigger factors Scientology seems only understood by outsiders, who given enough of the details, can then get the proper overview of Scientology.
Thanks for this great showing of their own promotional materials, it is good and shows their limitations, they are so many layers limited in their thinking, it takes outer world edcuation to even learn to compare Scientology to the rest of the world, and these members aren’t doing it, since Hubbard doesn’t leave them time and room to really learn and think and discuss their predicaments.
Hi chuckbeatty77,A most interesting post,thank you.It sparked a memory that in my first month of letter regging at Asho F I received a letter back from William Burroughs.I was always rooting around CF and he wrote me a little about his experience with Scientology.I wish I could recall the gist of it,but can’t now.I had read one of his books in college,but looking back,I had gone into Sea Org with this totally unrealistic mind-set that if all Clear and OT did what was promised ,it would change the entire world.Especially if given for free! That idea did not sit well because of course the whole “religion” was created to make money and control minds and thetans.No I was not to “learn,think,and discuss predicaments” as you wrote so well.Ann.
Spot on, as they say! Burroughs would have been the best adviser to Scientology and Hubbard, had Hubbard taken the advice.
But the problem is “lack of results”. The OT experience, out of the body experience and other supernatural seemingly experienced experiences, are fleeting, temporary, no one factually is exterior with full perception as a permanent gained ability. No soul flying at will. No telepathy at will, no any of the moving matter with one’s mind ability, at will.
Were the OT levels to actually produce these abilities, it would be like Burroughs simply concluded.
I’m so glad you were able to converse with him and understand his simple logical thoughts.
Those still are the biggest barriers, even beyond all the diversionary problems that Hubbard’s institutionalized problems caused by disconnection and hardsell regging that ruins people’s lives, the bigger fact is like Burroughs complained.
It OT is real, why not share the procedures with the world, if the procedures really worked, then Hubbard would have gained all the renown that Hubbard ever wished.
But the facts are “no OTs” are the default position of reality, there are no soul astronauts, never have been. The philosophical angle of “soul” flying out of one’s body, using psychological or mental techniques or exorcism, like Hubbard’s techniques of Scientology’s “levels” lay out, that factually does not produce actual soul travel, but rather only hallucination and “certainty” that one goes exterior (mostly without perception, without visual perception in almost all cases, and
“certainty” is all one believes one’s certainly gained).
So glad you were there to hear Burroughs’ letters!
Hi chuckbeatty77, Thank you so much for yout marvelous and true post.Resonated with me! I wish I could have gathered up all the many letters I received from good souls who were searching for answers.I wish I had had the time to see their true natures.But 2:00 PM Thurs always meant get those stats in now or else! However looking back for some reason I was blessed to write to and receive so many letters from within Sea Orgs ranks and with those all around the globe who wanted to know more about the Bridge back then.But you know what? In the depths of my spirit I knew something was wrong,could not put my finger on it until it was too late and I was considered an evil lntentioned DB.I always enjoy reading your posts.Love, Ann.
To me, the irony is that, use of scientology could really change the world by nothing more than the Comm Course and stuff like the self analysis lists getting broadly used. One of the ways that purposes are suppressed is by putting forth unrealistic, unreachable goals, overwhelming goals.
This is exactly what the Church leadership has been doing for decades, to the point we have reached now, where everyone turns away from its goals because they are clearly unreachable. Setting impossible unreachable standards is a way of suppressing activities, under the guise of promoting them.
Hi iamvalkov, Thank you and I agree.Scientology is most ironic!Always,Ann.
It is its worst enemy scientology, when greed is the only motivation.
I answered your comment on the previous blog post from y’day Ann. Cheers
“own worst enemy” should have read
Emily Post’s book of etiquette could change the world if it were broadly used. Simple communication as well as world peace are merely natural outcomes of people having good manners.
Captain David Miscavige is true to his word. He will not, under any circumstances, make OT IX and X available until all orgs achieve the size of Old Saint Hill. He is steadfast in his tyrannical resolve to not allow any CICS dilettantes onto these nuclear powered rundowns.
The promise of full OT (knocking hats off at 20 paces, exterior with full perception etc. etc.) will not be delivered to anyone who has a history of shoddy quarters, disobedient thoughts or bad hair.
Captain David Miscavige is the only person on planet earth who Captain David Miscavige has deemed worthy of receiving the powers these magnificent levels deliver. He is therefore able to remote view not only your MEST but your mind. He is watching your every move. He is inspecting your dirty dishes and your facial blemishes. He sees your evil intentions toward him. He sees all and knows all. Therefore and nothwithstanding it would well behoove you to heed these prophetic words…”you better watch out, you better not cry, fork over your dough I’m telling you why…”
Hi LDW,A dynamite post! Thank you, had me laughing and crying at the same time! Loved the promise of “knocking hats off at 20 paces.”At one Sea Org Special Briefing you know where hot air is forced into the room to make SO Slaves feel all Powerful,we had a contest as to where the Apollo was at Sea at that moment.Involved sticking pins on a map.The one closest got out of one cycle of cleaning stations! And we all felt so so OT! Laughter!Love,Ann.
I read this check list as…
1) Have you done COB’s Purification Rundown
1a) If not, were you told that you don’t need it and by whom?
1b) Otherwise when are you planning to do it you CICS MF?
2) Have you done COB’s Survival Rundown?
3) Have you done COB’s new Student Hat?
4) Did you complete COB’s Advanced Solo course?
5) Did you do any other COB’s GAT II training courses?
6) Where are you at on COB’s Basics books and lectures?
Yep, good ‘ol Corn on the COB. The new bridge starts at the bottom…..
He has already done that with everything, so he is milking the sheep for as long as possible by having a tantalizing yet completely unattainable goal which requires more money forked over by all.
Speaking of uniforms what’s with the lanyard?
Hi Leslie Bates,I assume you mean David Miscaviges lanyard? He probably uses it for some nerfarious doings.I certainly would not want to be near any type of water craft he might decide to pilot! Those who know his ways far better than I would know.Maybe his way of acking Ron,as he goes about throwing out tech left and right..Love,Ann.
He looks a little bit like Idi Amin in uniform. Idi awarded himself all sorts of medals and stuff.
Haha I almost spit out my drink, Idi Amin is a great comparison, he loved his uniforms and his titles…. And was batshit crazy.
The Gold lanyard on D.M.’s uniform ?
It’s attached to his wallet silly !
I love the Miscavige photo. So 1950s Sci Fi!
And as for the group photos, the Church of Scientology is seriously channeling Die Hitlerjugend, or some other Nazi group.
Epic stuff.
1) Have you done the Purification Rundown newly since November 2013?
1a) If not, were you told you don’t need it?
1b) Otherwise when are you planning to start it?
This is a pretty slick bit of business. You are offered only two choices for how to respond: either you have specifically been told that you don’t need it (which I think is a good bet you haven’t) or you are planning for it. But why would you have been told you don’t need it again? Who would think to ask, when doing the sauna shenanigans, if you’re going to have to do it again so soon? In Scientology there is no such thing as an implied promise (by them, that is). I can just imagine all the captured intellects on the receiving end of this “survey” quickly foreclosing any possibility of objection, and proceeding to sheepishly conjure up a date in the near future when they can arrive for their sweaty, shameful self-immolation on the alter of Miscavige’s grasping vanity. Either that, or they’re one of the lucky few who are finally reaching the breaking point and will free their minds and their self-determination by blowing this popsicle stand.
Hi hgc10,I love this post.How I wish those in today under David Miscavige will “free their minds and blow the popsicle stand”! I know one glance at that man would send me running to the ends of the planet.Not so much because he is short mind you,but because his siprit is broken and his Ethics are cruel and despicable.Love,Ann.
Hi hgc10,Spirit!Darn spell-check! Ann.
Advance Solo Auditor Course? I don’t care what DM and GAT 2.0 says, Han shot first!
It is so sad to see a dear friend in one of the pictures.
Hi M Greene,I know what you mean very well.The only comfort I give myself is that those who have flown on are now free and those still in,I send them thoughts of light each day,even if thy can’t or won’t receive them.Ann.
How come we already got lured to do clear 65 years ago!!
Well, we didn’t have much information. It sounds logical (getting rid of the reactive mind) and the proclaimed goals of having a world of peace, without wars, without criminality sounded very attractive. And we were younger and perhaps in search for an ideal. So we made a wrong choice.
Miscavige tells sheepole what they want to believe and laces it with demands to pay money to make it a reality.
Because the world he paints is so far from reality and because he is sitting on so much cash, sooner or later society will recognized this as nothing more than an elaborate ongoing Ponzi scheme and so like any stuck flow, it will snap back in his face.
+1! “….it will snap back in his face.” I certainly hope so…..
like one of those elastic hookie chord thingos – zing – right in the chops!
Bungee cords are the words you were looking for, I Yawn.
The church for many years now has practised historical revisionism. So much so, that you could say it has become part of Scn itself. But, really this goes back to LRH himself. How many times has LRH misrepresented his own background, achievements and history? Even before the advent of Dianetics and Scientology?
The church simply carries on that fine tradition.
And judging by the response of its parishioners, it appears they prefer the fiction over the fact. So much for “knowing how to know” and the discovery of truth.
Hi statpush,A good post!Scientology persists in carrying on the “fine traditions”to the point of insanity and beyond!Always,Ann.
Wait a minute, statpush! They’re all knowing how to know science fiction. It’s like one big children’s game…
You pretty much said it all Mike. I mean ANYONE after doing 7 and/or 8 who doesn’t realize that Hubbard COMPLETELY scammed them just isn’t the brightest bulb in the refrigerator. Much less being up to average homo sapiens level intelligence.
Why doesn’t Miscavage just make some shit up and pretend it’s IX and X? It’s not like anybody’s going to notice/question it.
Because the people who really want to see the first real OT level would take it and see that it was all smoke and mirrors. Well, some of them one could hope. But the real problem is that David Miscavige would have to the start making promises about out XI and XII. Why bother releasing 9 and 10 when your just going to have to promote the next unreleased level.
This is a very good point. No sooner would OT IX and X be released than they would have to announce OT XI and XII in order to keep the donkeys going forward. There is a real problem with just releasing “anything” as OT IX and X. It is going to have to do “something” — perhaps the straw that ultimately breaks the camel’s back for many long term KA drinkers is when they have the realization that they have NOT gotten better. It is why there are so many “OT VIIIs” who have left. Realize it is a TINY number of scientologists ever in HISTORY — like a thousand people or two at most. And yet the percentage of that population who has woken up and are speaking out is way higher than the percentage of scientologists they represent. Why? Because after all the hype, they got to OT VIII and it did NOT DELIVER WHAT IT PROMISED.
But I do agree, eventually he is going to HAVE to put out something. Because the number of OT VIIIs in the church is SHRINKING, not growing, More leave or die than new ones are being made. After 25 years, ever year a percentage of them just give up hope. The carrot is only useful if it something people reach for. When the donkey realizes he is never going to reach the carrot, or figures out it is a fake plastic carrot, it loses it’s motivating ability.
Very true; OT IX and X are worth more dead than they are alive.
For now, anyways.
There is no Easter Bunny, there is no Fairy God-Mother and there is no OT Nine.
One thing I’m sure of,
is that the abominable Mr. M does not have the imagination to create some passable form of OT Nine. He is smart enough to know it would be pretty stupid to attempt it. Doing so, a release of such self-originated material, would reveal his mental capacity for all the upper-level Scn-gists to see. It just ain’t there.
My heros of the day are those upper-level accomplishers that fought and clawed their way over the slippery and muddy slopes of the Bridge, that path of false hopes and dreams, laden with land-mines and “Ethics” violations to set them back again and again, and no matter how viciously and heartlessly the powers that be beat them back, they, by the force of self-will and singular determination STILL made it over that forsaken Bridge of lies and deciet, yeah, those guys who “got there”, only to find the pot of gold was just like the one at the end of the rainbow, that guy who realized the time has, at long last, come to fold his hand, step aside to humble himself and say something to the world? That’s my real hero, the honest-to-god champion of Scientology.
Yeah, where would we be without our Fairy-Tales?
[From the website, Page Six, comes the following headline]
Scientologists: Don’t blame us for Cathriona White’s death
Horrible thing I learned just now is that the pills she took on her last day on Earth were originally prescribed to a fictitious name, an alias of Jim Carrey. He is in Ireland now, to attend her funeral. This is just so horrible. Just one more human story to credit the “church” for:
The fate of death for her and a living nightmare for him. My prayers to both.
Dear God, Let there be a God.
Hey Mark! You, by chance, didn’t see the leprechaun by his pot of gold, did you?
That’s how ron did it!
RE: Make some shit up.
This is no doubt the case. I’ve heard several different stories all rather
transparent . David Miscavige is not creative enough to come up with
exotic OT levels that will stick. but he can rehash the bottom of the barrel
for money till the church caves in or Ron comes back with the answers.
IF OT 9 and 10 are not already on the internet or a South Park episode
they never happened.
Perhaps miscavige has bought up all the “Astounding Science Fiction” magazines of the 1950s and is compiling the new OT levels as we speak.
Got to start somewhere…
He will. But it’s far more remunerative to make everyone do all this other stuff first. Besides, the drivel that he’ll publish as IX and X won’t stand up to a huge price tag–so the money has got to be bled from all the bone heads first.
If one is serious about this, were I there to witness, I’d not be allowed to make the major decisions, but I could appreciate the fine details Hubbard left for those in Exec Strata or in WDC or in Senior C/S Int Office, who were the management bodies which Hubbard left with the jobs to do major decisions and formulating out of Hubbard’s massive trove of “pc” and “solo” pc folders, his own auditing, and in any of his notes, going all the way back to the 1950s case supervision when he supervised other people’s cases, it’s a massive project to comb through their trove, massive trove of gathered pc folders where LRH case supervised others, or his “tech notes” all through the movement’s history, and formulate out of them, the theory to back up the major “themes” which various times Hubbard actually wrote in other private notes in the margins to other’s pc folders, when he C/Sed (case supervised) others, to then comb through, categorize, and follow Hubbard’s other extensive (I read the Compilations Officer Full Hat checksheet of ALL of the Hubbard private writings covering how to compile, from research, from piloting, from revising based on piloting, based on already written theory and prior Hubbard writings on the same subject, the issues that would then be the backbone theory of the “OT 9 or OT 10 actual theory levels studied by the current OT 8 Scientologists.)
The actual factual job of compiling the issues the members study, needs be discussed way more detailed to the members of the movement.
They are not let in on how the sausage was made, nor on the details of what Hubbard wrote when Hubbard told the Compilations Officers over the decades that he sent them orders how to compile issues out of his notes and his raw pc folder research.
Pulling OT 9 and 10 out of his ass, is the convenient cynical way outsiders think Hubbard operated all along. To the degree he did that, there are hundreds of anecdotes of Hubbard’s slapdash research, and it was slapdash.
The historical consensus is Hubbard, as prolific as he was, was completely delusionally slapdash and fly by the seat of his mentally unstable but massively prolific (and superficial) style.
But there ARE his pc folders.
Pat Broeker in that moment in the LRH funeral event holds up a worksheet from one of Hubbard’s, I think 1982 solo pc sessions, which shows one worksheet page with a number that is unbelievably long ago. The picture of that Hubbard solo session worksheet page is on Tony Ortega’s blog for posterity so anyone can contemplate the depth of supposedly past universe history that L. Ron Hubbard was self-auditing himself to delve into.
Hubbard’s other adjacent sessions, to that worksheet that is on Tony Ortega’s blog, there are stacks of Hubbard’s solo folders. There are Hubbard’s pc folders going back all the way to the 1950s.
IN those past folders would be the “research”, as slapdash as Hubbard was known, would still, if I am to answer your question realistically, like if you asked your question to Ray Mitoff, one of the most experienced still in the top of the movement technical person, were he given the job to come up with OT 9 and OT 10, which also would be Ray’s job to do, Ray would be doing the above.
He’d go through Hubbard’s own pc folder,s the WHOLE lot of Hubbard’s whole life’s pc folders (there are two sets, one has the set of pc folders where someone else is the fake pseudo-therapist who keeps up the worksheets, and then there is a set of pc folders called one’s “solo folders” where one is doing those “solo” pseudo-therapy-exorcism on oneself and one keeps the worksheets oneseld and thoe worksheeets go into a seperate set of “solo pc folders” under one’s name—-Scientology’s/Hubbard’s massive paper trail is just staggering when you see all of their pc folders storage spaces and buildings where they keep all their sessions’ work papers all “neatly” (LOL) in folders with uniform standard system of markings on the spines of the folders for careful stacking and filing of all their foldlers, I for instance had around 125 pc folders when I quit in 2003.)
Ray Mitoff would be the person is we could put on truth serum, would give the most honest on the ground assessment of how much material is in the Hubbard trove of notes and case supervision writings that Hubbard wrote in OTHER people’s pc folders, also, is where research into the “OT 9 and OT 10” of today, is what Ray would also go through and review and see what crumbs are there to nibble on and inflate into OT 9 and OT 10.
He will, he will …. be patient.