One of our Special Correspondents sent in these photos of the SP Building this morning.
It’s looking like all will be ready to roll for the momentous occasion.
It’s going to take a mighty big pair of scissors to cut that ribbon….
And in keeping with tradition, somehow they have found a way to include a phallic symbol in the backdrop
Meanwhile, in preparation for the influx of registered ticket holders, the new “The Terrace” restaurant was opened in the Oak Coven. It was witnessed by a standing room only crowd of FSO staff and outer org trainees.
Why is that Bald man in the Orange T-shirt in the last three photos?
As if he could afford to eat in that place LOL
Interesting the Phallic symbol is much taller than COB LOL LOL
The SP building.
I think that says all that needs to be said
Oh dear—more proof that these guys care nothing about real people, pop culture, or even know what it is! The FX Network has a show called American Horror Story (17 Emmy nominations and 2 wins this year) and the one this season is subtitled Coven. Nice. If you go to this restaurant you might run into any one of 13 witches in and amongst the beautiful oaks. Oy-oy-oy! Dinner anyone??
To Chris Mann,
I’m sorry for your experience. My son went through a similar one when he was 16. He had trained up to Class IV and went to Flag to do his internship and onto Grad V. I had misgivings about this but let him go. The first week he was at Flag he was told that he had to do everything over again, starting with TR’s. He had already trained at an org known for training and had RTC passes on his metering and TR’s. He called me and couldn’t understand how this could be but told me he was going to handle it with the terminals at Flag and wanted to do it on his own. Flag was also pushing him to get us to pay for a complete training package with auditing intensives too. We were not agreeable to this because we had already done so at our local org. Why do it again, for Flag?
They gave him such a huge loss and totally invalidated everything he had already trained and studied on. Imagine being 16 and going through High School and auditor training too. He was an excellent student and dedicated. After one month, he returned home and was pretty downtone. He soured on Scientology after that and put little effort into training or study thereafter.
He ended up returning to school and going to University. Perhaps it was for the best, he’s doing well and working in an area of his own interest. I think Flag became very suppressive in the last decade or so. I myself had a horrible experience when I went there too and never wanted to go back.
Wow Pepper, your son sounds like an incredible young man. What disgusting invalidation he had to go through. I’ve been continuing to inform my kids about the tragedy of the demise of corp. scn. They were raised with theta Scn. principles but when they went to an org, they found Scn. missing. Smart people, both understand corp. vs real Scn. Keep talking to your son if you can, perhaps he needs a little decompression too. Best of luck!
The shot of the entrance shocked me. I thought it was a little tots playground.
The restaurant reminds me of one I went to a few times. Great restaurant, but only two or three tables filled even on weekends. Maybe the prices were a couple of bucks too high for most people. It closed without fanfare. It looked a lot like the one above. But why do they need a podium and an event to open a restaurant? I thought only the Co$ … oooops!! I should get my brain fixed, I’m obviously not making connections today.
The entire Co$ is a little tots playground.
A very spoiled, naughty, foul mouthed little tot.
I wonder how he will fare in the real world.
TC would probably take him in since CoBsucker has been so good at taking others in.
So, I guess the Sooper Powerz™ building won second place?
This is to funny. After all his efforts to keep spy’s out and we have pictures even before the main event. He must be going out of his mind. I wonder if they have metal detectors at the door for the main event. These days you can buy a camera the size of a button. So easy to hide.
I just hope hope one of the spy’s has one on his shirt. Even easier to hide a small recording device anywhere. They really are very small these day’s. They would need a metal detector, x-ray machine and maybe a strip search to find something like that.. A little bit of practice on the cans at home with all obvious questions will take care of any reactions……it’s too easy really.
Sux to be the Miss Savage right now..
What is that phallic symbol supposed to be actually? Looks like a waterfall.
Well, people, I know for sure that my org is desperate as one of the staff just emailed me an invitation to attend this weekend’s festivities at Flag, or, barring that, next week at the org
This is the first comm I’ve received from anyone in my org for nearly 2 years, yet it was easy-breezy-casual, just like we’ve been in great comm all along, just like they didn’t drop me like a hot potato 2 years ago, a complete not-is of the actual sit. Poor guys, It is so transparently fake and desperate.
The Still-Ins have no idea how much fun it is out here, to watch of all this. God bless the special correspondents!
Amen, brothers and sisters, let us flow power to those SCs. Now that I’m out, events are a hoot. I used to dread them but now I’ll be checking in all weekend with Mike. Hey Mike! Thank you again, in a new unit of time.
This entire Very Hush Hush weekend IMHO
will have more leaks that a spaghetti strainer blasted with a shotgun
See Tony Ortega at underground bunker.
D.M. should have done this wide open, the complete opposite of how he have managed it.
this was so bloody funny mate!!!
Nice comment.
Mike – thanks very much for keeping us abreast of the goings on.
What will the locals think about a bunch of overdressed loonies heading into a circus tent that has peanut shells and hay on the ground. Hope His Highness doesn’t slip and fall on it.
It might clear his head.
Man am I glad I’m not at the Mecca of Technical Deception.
The last event I went to where I was forced to wear a Tux was some gig for CCHR Int back when I was auditing their staff.
The only thing that killed the boredom was watching the babes parade by in their low cut evening gowns and their revealing little black dresses 🙂
Other than that I would have rather been at New York Georges hangin’ with some real Scientologists instead of a bunch a stuffed suits.
Looked to me that Dr. Szasz felt about the same. Giving an award to some fat cat contributor instead of Tanya who was instrumental in shutting down NME.
You know people who do stuff. Instead of just throw a bunch a money around and expect people to pucker up and kiss their ass.
Saw the writing on the wall back then that we were walking the road to pretentiousness and irrelevance.
Now it seems that the Orgs are not just running but are on an express train in that direction.
I wonder what the average Clearwater residence will think about a bunch of overdressed loonie tunes heading into a circus tent?
Loved the phallic symbol, stick it near a huge ballon shaped like a butt and they would be getting very close to actual truthfull propoganda!!
It is pandemonium in the Fort Harrison. Getting the event ID badge involves a routing form and computer printed lists of attendees with special designations for suspect persons that need to be vetted by ethics before they can get an event ID badge. No one can tell you what time the events start on Friday, Saturday or Sunday. It’s “to be announced”.
Don’t see how it’s possible to pull this off smoothly with all the paranoid precautions. the scene is chaotic and that’s just to get a badge. There are going to be many under the radar persons in that tent, despite it all. So stay tuned.
Just announced the doors open at 5pm tomorrow and event starts at 7.
Saturday and Sunday still “TBA”
This is some real organizational whizkiddiness. He probably hasnt determined what time His facial and mani/pedi is so the events cannot be scheduled.
That keyed me in man. Those are OOT’s with their cheap, wrinkled casual dress clothes,and low level SO staff. When I was an OOT they would wait until our 20 minute lunch break or our few hours off on Sunday to have Gold use us for photos like this. It used to piss me off so much because then we would have to run back and literally grab a handful of food in 2 minutes before running to course. I got out of them by becoming a steward. At musters they would say “ok, the stewards can go”. So one day I went and nobody questioned it. There must have been some sort of system, I don’t know. All the tables were taken in the old bank building so i went up stairs with the SO guys and took a table and had the guys from my org and Dallas come up. Actually, one SO guy did question me. I assured him it was ok and he left us alone. I did have some fun at Flag doing stuff like that. I hated it because it was so stifling. Every minute of your day is scheduled out. You barely get five minutes a day to breathe or have a smoke. No cell phones, computers, radios. you cant take a walk, not even between buildings. I can’t live like that. An environment like that I am looking for an escape. After six months I was stuck on my Pro Metering final practical. I couldn’t get past that instant read definition so I routed myself to the MAA and told him I was leaving. I worked with them for a couple weeks and then I left. There was no handling and they weren’t going to let me leave. I think it’s better for Flag Public, but as an OOT I would say Flag was the worst place in the world to train. I cant learn in an environment like that. It was like military boot camp, and it was very much out-tech at the same time, so what you get is force. You better pass your drill or stay late and clean all the toilets. What I have to say to that is fuck you. I rarely swear, but those are the right words.
Chris, I’ve experienced what you say. And also if you are an OOT and you are not moving on your course fast enough, they come yell at and threaten you. And once I heard them threatening that you’ll be taken off the TTC cuz you’re not making or beating checksheet time. Right about that point I would have said something like, “please do…. please take me off and kick me out.”
This pretty much guarantees phones will be confiscated prior to admission. I look forward to the photos we will likely see anyway, and hope the paranoia will start a few more people down the rabbit hole of questions 🙂
Since pretty much every phone these days takes decent quality photos and videos, and since people can upload those photos and videos to the internet within seconds, it must freak DM out to have so many of these devices at his public appearances, potentially pointing at HIM and recording his every move in public. I wonder if they will try to confiscate all smartphones from the event attendees!
Yeah, its a scary world in which to be a hermit….
I suspect they will instruct everyone that all portable devices must be turned off for take off and landing. And everything in between. NO way they could confiscate them all at the door. It would be insane! But with everyone in the bubble a spy in the best traditions of East Germany — if you pulled out your phone in the middle of the event you would be a virtual certainty to be reported on. No picture of He Who Must Not Be Named are allowed. And this is “normal religious practice” — no images allowed of the Prophet Muhammad after all. And this IS the Mecca.
But pinhole cameras these days are really small, really cheap and really good. Lubow and the goonsquad have been using them for a long time. Miscavige had briefcases and other items made with pinhole cameras in them for use in recording people and meetings.
I think there is a term for this.
Karma…. Exactly.
Every tactic that has been used: black ops, legal etc. to attack and destroy the lives of families and dissenters is now in boomerang mode.
Every child, mother, father, son, daughter, aunt, uncle that has been torn apart and or “ruined utterly”, exploaded theta lines, is equal to the amount of force, super spring loaded for maximum blowback.
Those who have harmed others in the name of the “only way” have some lessons coming down the pike.
Karma is not a bitch. Karma has no personality. Karma is cosmic math. The effect of a cause. Nothing more, nothing less.
Wow, that restaurant looks like it’ll have reservations backed up for MONTHS! Of course I’m sure the people forced to attend the opening couldn’t afford to eat there or be allowed to take the time to have a sit down meal. I haven’t seen cheap chairs like that in a restaurant since the 80s.
Whereas I don’t want anyone to be injured, I would really like there to be rain and wind starting tomorrow night and continuing through the whole weekend!!!!
PoB has to instruct all of the Universes about something:
“Tell me what you brag and tell you what you lack”
That is WHY the phallic symbol is planted in front of SP Building!
Yes, even his ‘straight up and vertical’ meme is a giveaway.
Who is the blonde haired woman speaking on the podium?
Jeezus I have to wonder if the event is going to get cancelled due to so many leaked pictures despite their crazy security. Whoever said all we have to do is come here for all the latest, no kidding! It’s fantastic and saving me a ton of aggravation! Thanks to all the special correspondents and Thank you Mike!
Eat at Oak Coven! Or get sent to the RPF.
The big red ribbon draped around the SP building looks really tacky. Can’t DM do anything in a dignified, classy manner? Everything always has to be over the top, glitzy, loud and in your face.
Money can’t buy you class, Dave.
As for the “phallic symbol”, I think this is a subliminal message from Dave to His public: “I’m in charge and FU for forcing me to open this building”.
Yes his phallic symbol and message, “I’m in charge and FU for forcing me to open this building. And I am NOT small!”
I have to say that’s some nice looking MEST. Reminds me of the recent correlations between the Church and North Korea, specifically the opulent surroundings that Kim Jong and his group of “Elites” enjoy. I’m guessing the event beverage of choice will be “Kool-aid.”
And I bet the outer org trainees and the staff will be commanded to wear civilian clothes to make it appear that there is a huge crowd attending. They alone add up to about 3,500 give or take.
The severs hit you up for Basic’s or way to Happiness for Some backwater village in a third World country. If you seem more interested in eating the food on your plate in front of you, they come back with a BINDER full of pictures of Barrio people in a depressed looking shanty town.
Tell Rex Fowler it really is not about MONEY.
I just happened to drive by the SP building yesterday around noon. Big rehearsal going on with staff. The wind was blowing about 20-25 mph and those ribbons were swaying back and forth. I turned left on Ft. Harrison so I could view the “Circus Tent” They had staff holding down large banners in the front, because the wind was causing havoc. I was LMAO. There is a speaker’s podium in front of the phallic symbol. Crazy staging…Pope on a Box will look like a midget standing in front of this weird looking tower. Christ…you can’t make this stuff up.
“Christ…you can’t make this stuff up.” I’m still laughing. That’s the quote of the day!!
Is the phallic symbol a promise of SuperPower results?
What is the supposed EP (End Phenomenon, case gain) of “Super Power/” I don’t think I’ve ever heard it mentioned. This could be open season for satire, but does anyone actually know what the EP is, or have you seen it published? For the $80 million dollar building, it had better be something really spectacular and the wins had better be more than “I can smell like a dog!” Or am I missing the whole point that the EP doesn’t matter?
Carcha — the EP is “Planetary Clearing Made a Reality”. At least this is what they have been promoting for YEARS.
The problem is that it is a STAFF handling. You can see what Dan Koon laid out as the contents. A lot of it is old things just packaged as “Super Power”.
The reality does not live up to the hype.
This is how LRH described it and its pretty much just generalities (and hype — as you now know many of the rundowns are NOT brand new, nor are they confidential): A super fantastic, but confidential series of rundowns that can be done on anybody whether Dn Clear or not that puts the person into fantastic shape unleashing Super Power of a thetan. This means that puts Scientologists into a new realm of ability enabling them to create a new world. It puts world Clearing within reach of the future. This is a parallel rundown to Power in Saint Hill which is taken by the Dn Clear. It consists of 12 separate high power rundowns which are brand new and enter realms of the tech never before approached.
Mike – Thank you. I wondered if any of these people donating millions even had ANY idea what they were donating for. That explains (explains the Co$ Miscavology mentality). I did get from reading all of Dan Koon’s excellent write up and recall of the RD that it was a staff handling to rehab wrongly RPFed staff. – Carcha.
This is so scary. We are so worried about Jim Mathers who some of you may know. Can anyone please help him? We are thinking of calling the FBI at this point. Scientology is so scary!
Sorry – I dont know Jim Mathers. But perhaps someone here does. Is he in Clearwater?
Jim Mathers – he’s partner of Pat Clouden. Yes he lives in Clearwater, you can find him on Facebook. I’ve seen him on many friends lists.
Jim’s still in, and living in CW.
You can find him at the Bellaire Mission on Wednesday 20 November at 7pm talking about the best attitude to fly up the Bridge.
He’s currently co-auditing Objectives.
The family should be more specific about their concerns.
If it’s the same Jim Mathers, he’s one of the major liaisons with the Nation of Islam.
Family of Jim Mathers,
How much money can this guy raise. David MIscavige is keen on this.
The FBI gets lots of frantic calls about the C of $, don’t look for Scully and Mulder, sorry.
They already had a restaurant at the Oak Cove. It looks like all they did is modify it a bit. They are really desperate for attention I guess. The service was horrible last time I ate there.
Great to see these shots so soon! At this rate, the remaining church public will be able to get all the info on the event here and not have to put up with paying thousands of dollars for airfare, special ID’s, food vouchers, Tux’s and Gowns, inflated prices for accomodation, hours of regging, and the privilege of being under constant observation by security while they visit Flag. Couldn’t public just mail in their wallets and keep it simpler?
Terry, I had that same thought. It’s just a matter of time before Dave M’s confidential briefings are live-streamed on Mike’s blog.
When I saw the tweet — “New Shots from inside Fort Harrison…” — I thought, Oh man, you’re just fucking with David’s head now. But the funny (and pathetic) thing is, it’s working. Dave M is totally at effect of Mike, Tony, Karen, Marc, all the heroes of the resistance — even Marty, who scarcely bothers to mention his name anymore.
It will end up with PI’s following the few public still around.
The paranoia is going straight up and vertical.
I LOVE it. Yes…he is at the effect of these amazing heroes out here on the fringe of the internet. Thank you, Mike! I will be glued to you and Tony all weekend. This is the up-close-and-personal look. Yes… wouldn’t it be hilarious to see it streaming live from someone’s spy-camera-glasses. ? !!! Grin.
I like your sense of humor, Terry.
Knowing how things have been going for DM as of late, I predict that someone is going to be killed by that falling ribbon. That damn thing is huuuuuge! Bombs away!
LOL Dan. As usual DSM’s over the top grandiousity in evidence to “prove” with MEST how correct and totally awesome his Shrine to himself is.
wow more pictures of new buildings devoid of any life. it bodes well for the future
Today’s brunch special at The Terrace…2 eggs, any style, toast, bacon and a complete set of The Basics. $2800.00. Coffee extra.
OK, that’s hilarious! 🙂
Official Party ID and vouchers only.