This “Exciting new releases” announcement showed up.
First, there is absolutely NOTHING new in the realm of “Study Tech” — it is the same stuff Hubbard announced in the 6o’s and 70’s. Nothing has been added.
Someone has repackaged the same old same old and is now presenting it as “exciting” and “new”…
Applied Scholastics (the home of Hana and Rizza Islam — who are still appearing all over their website despite the fact that they are proceeding to trial in their case of defrauding the government with a scam using “Applied Scholastics” as a front) is apparently trying to distance themselves from scientology. Typically these books would be published by the “largest digital in-house publishing organization in the world” — Bridge Publications. It only makes sense to keep the scientology money internal and take advantage of the “economies of scale.”
But here we have “Heron Books” as the publisher?
What is Heron Books?
Surprise, surprise…
Scientology — always not what they try to make it appear.
Apparently, direct connection to scientology is a no, no. These front groups all do this.
Until it comes time for the international events — especially the IAS. Then these are all “our social betterment programs” that are “sponsored by the International Association of Scientologists” and “scientology is expanding like never before, permeating the tech into society.” The poor suckers who are shown in the smiling staged promo shots and appear in the videos usually are unaware of the scientology connection. Most would be mortified if they discovered they were being used to promote scientology at scientology events.
I was at Delphi when they started Heron Books to markket the Learning Book (study tech) and other LRH basics in cartoonish form to unsuspecting home school parents. I see they are still trying to fool people.
Plus ca change.
If it doesn’t work repeat if it doesn’t sell. Repeat with a different cover. Inside all the same ol same ol
Applied Scholastics – what a sham. I have nothing good to say about them. I took my 8 year old child to get help with his school studies. Their tutor, who they said was their best, couldn’t keep him focused. He must have been a little rambunctious and the tutor couldn’t bring him under control. After all the bragging about running good control and study tech they told me he needed auditing or he’d be burning down the house. Now I’m the type of mom to side with the educator and discipline my child, but I also wasn’t buying this load of crap and never went back. Needless to say he never burned down any houses…he’s a college grad with a great career, engaged to be married to a wonderful young lady, and has a bright future ahead of him.
“Birds fly. fish swim and clams shut up” is the usual.
“Fish fly, clams swim and birds shut up” is something new.
Will clams ever fly?
I did the Primary Rundown study course. Every word in the course was listed in alphabetical order and looked up in the dictionary the first time it appeared. It was a worthwhile and lifetime learning experience.
The same thing could be done with a a page or two from a children’s book. Educators could determine a good age to do so. It would possibly be difficult but so is learning math.
Clarification – The course had four or five tapes. Before listening to each tape all of the words in the tape were looked up in the dictionary.
Hanan Islam, a long-time Nation of Islam (N.O.I.) member, claims she can teach people how to cure themselves of cancer, diabetes, Lupus, MS, without a doctor or medical treatment… for a fee of course.
She has a long history of defrauding people:
Hanan and her son Rizza Islam teamed up with a “social betterment program” called the “World Literacy Crusade” (per Wikipedia : “World Literacy Crusade is a non-profit organisation formed in 1992 by the Rev. Alfreddie Johnson to fight illiteracy, and is supported by the Church of Scientology”). Rizza, also a member of the N.O.I., was the “International Ambassador for the World Literacy Crusade” and a director for the Scientology group “Citizens Commission on Human Rights” (CCHR).
In 2008 they sold ‘vouchers’ supposed to be for “free section 8 housing” to low income people for $1500 each. They were worthless, fakes. A lot of poor people got ripped off while the Islams pocketed the money.
In 2012 Hanan Islam brought her daughters Zakiyyah and Nimat into her scams… using Scientology group Narconon to sign up unwitting High School students for extensive drug rehab treatments that they never got, didn’t need, and had no idea they were signed up for, and defrauded the California Medi-cal program out of 3.8 million dollars.
Here is a link to Hanan Islam’s YouTube video:
“Hanan Islam says: “The World Literacy Crusade is saving teens from a life of drugs, violence and illiteracy, down in the inner cities of Los Angeles “…
But the sad truth is that they had no real programs in place to assist people who really have a need for them, it was all a scam to make themselves rich.
I was discussing this situation when someone nearby said “Good for her” and when I inquired why, he stated that he felt that “sticking it to ‘big government’ (paraphrasing) was in some way fighting the powers that be… so I had to clue him in that “the government” is an organization that is supposed to benefit ‘the people’, they collect money from ‘the people’ (via taxes), which are supposed to be used to assist ‘the people’ who most need it, (by welfare cash aid, food stamps, subsidised childcare, low-income rent programs, in-need elderly programs, etc.,) and in this case, is supposed to fund programs to help poor people who have need for substance abuse programs, as well as other medical care and treatment programs for those who cannot obtain it, and why? because greedy people such as Hanan Islam and her bunch are ripping off funds from Medi-cal.
As a community activist I talk to people every day who have desperate need for treatment, for drug rehab, while legitimate treatment centers have no room, have waiting lists for months, and short stays that barely address their problems due to lack of funding, while Hanan Islam runs fake rip-off programs that puts money in her pockets and takes these funds from the needy.
I talk with homeless people on the streets that can’t get dental care because Medi-cal lacks funds… so they end up with giant painful infected tooth abscesses that go untreated for extended periods of time until they finally end up in a hospital emergency room in a crisis state, and people who know they need drug addiction treatment and want it but can’t obtain it – the people who suffer from Hanan Islam’s greed and fraud are poor people, the same poor people she pretends to want to help while pocketing funds for doing nothing.
The victims of Medi-cal fraud are not just the poor people who cannot find treatment, but all people in my state of California, we who work for a living and pay taxes to fund help programs for the needy and low-income, but the money is not going where it should be… so we see people suffer, poor people who cannot afford medical or dental care, and cannot find social services to help with disabled children and adults, or for elderly needy family members, and there is no funding for children’s lunch programs, or after school programs, daycare needs… instead Hanan Islam is making herself and her family rich off the taxpayers.
Even if you don’t particularly care about the plight of the poor, if you feel it’s their own issues, or fault or whatever… please realize that it does affect you, as desperate people turn to street crime, burglary, robbery, shoplifting, and society as a whole is less safe for you and your family, while your tax money is now going to fund jails instead of social programs, and again, thank you to Hanan Islam for that.
If only those big donors to Scientology, to the I.A.S would donate their funds to good programs that actually try to make a real difference… if only they would ask what their money is being used for..? ask the I.A.S. to provide an accounting of funds? If only they would read this post…
Excellent! Keep telling it!
TJ I was writing you a big long validation and it got erased accidentally, so I’ll start again, but abreviated. This is the one of the best explanations of the con perpetrated by Hanan and Rizza Islam so far. I like that you explain how this hurts us all, as we pay taxes and tax money doesn’t go to where it needs to help people if you rip off Medi-Cal or Medicaide. That guy who thought it was nice to “stick it to the man” doesn’t know that that “man” includes him as a tax payer, or him as a person who gets robbed when poor can’t pay for meds or a place to live. It affects us all. Please publish your post in all the newspaper editorials and include that they are Scns who gave stolen money to the IAS, which doesn’t give actual help to anyone other than themselves. Great post.
The artwork on the covers of those books are 100% made to appeal to educators, small schools and what not.
As long as L. Ron Hubbard stays dead, there cannot be anything new. It’s forbidden. And don’t speculate how LRH overcame “the bank”, just be glad he did! And know that if any other human being comes up with any ideas about anything that pertain to Scientology, or education or ? in any way, just know that the chances are that they will fail. Why is this so? Because LRH says so, that’s why. And if that’s not good enough for you… then lower conditions for you buddy. Cause it’s something you SHOULD be punished for. And put that Windex and paper towels down. That’s NOT how you clean windows. Go get newspaper and water, because it’s important to leave ink residue and hard water spots on the windows so?….so?….so the birds don’t run into them.
“…Hubbard’s breakthroughs…”
Heron books has been around for a few decades.
I think I still have a few on my Scn pile somewhere.
Does the book “Childhood and Children” explain that children are thetans and have lived many lifetimes? And that they should be treated as adults? If not, aren’t the books out-ethics?
I’m in Santa Monica for a Liver Walk and on the 3rd Street Promenade right now is huge banners all connected with info from all the Scientology front groups. It appears like they are set up in the exact order of the buildings in Clearwater just past Cleveland St.
HUGE banners a quarter block long right in the middle of the promenade.
Banners will cause few if any people to become Scientologists. It’s more like a feel good activity. “Look! We’re promoting!” pfft
The glass might be half full regarding banners. If someone were interested in a front group being promoted and did some investigation and found out it was aligned with scientology they might investigate scientology. Oops
Every time the COS introduces “new” and “improved” products and services (the Basics, GAT, and just about everything else which has been altered or removed), one must infer that what came previously is now considered “old and lousy.” Yes?
A friend who is still “in” who disconnected from me, right before I got out of the church told me that the Student Hat had been changed to make it easier for our kids to get through the course. They took out that tape that had all the technical camera and photography terms. This is how they get a new an improved course, by deleting tons of LRH stuff which is directly against the KSW that we were forced to read on every course and then some.
“Heron Books” probably sub-contracts its printing jobs to …hmmmm could it be Bridge Pubs??
You nailed it Mike, throw in the usual feint, head fake, change names and names of operating officers and you too can have your own ‘education handbook’.
In $cieno land doesn’t ‘Self Determinism’ really mean ‘ You’re on you own’?
And here we have the cult again admitting how toxic its brand name really is. Imagine Mercedes, Apple or Coke having to create a front so that the front can create another front for still another front to peddle its product! Which goes right along with their Craigslist ads where they offer insight on everything–except for the fact which cult is behind those ads.
It would be a big step up for them if they were able to claim that their name is at least mud!
The fine print at the bottom is the standard Applied Scholastics copyright/trademark warning. It has the standard lies about not discriminating, unless you’re a critic or SP:
“©2019 Applied Scholastics International. All Rights Reserved. Applied Scholastics and the Applied Scholastics open book design are trademarks and service marks owned by Association for Better Living and Education International and are used with it’s permission. Applied Scholastics International is a non-profit educational organization and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, disability or age in its programs and activities. “
May Heron Books and all such transparent LRH $cientology clawing outreach disappear quick (overnight preferable) in a mysterious & unexplainable cataclysmic event.
Lies and deceit.
You can count on it when it comes to the church of scientology.
Lies And Deceit: Another band that bit the dust.
Even though the books are “published” by a front group in Oregon, I’ll bet the church still requires them to be printed (at an inflated price) by Bridge’s plant.