I put up a new video on my channel last night. It is the first in a series, focused on the money scientology spends on Private Investigators and harassment of those who say things they don’t like.
I think you will enjoy it.
If you haven’t watched it already, please do so. It is only about 15 minutes. It’s better for analytics if you click the button and watch it on YouTube.
These are blog post links that are mentioned in the video
The Hubbard policies followed to this day: Dealing with Critics of Scientology — the L. Ron Hubbard Playbook
What is “Public Policy” IRS regulation and Bob Jones University: Auditing Scientology: Reexamining Tax Exemption Eligibility
A post with a full copy of HCO Manual of Justice: Harvey Weinstein & Scientology — Separated at Birth
maybe Aftermath, or some prominent ex, should start a Go Fund Me, for getting together a large sum of money to hire some COUNTER super pro PIs, to gather evidence and JAIL the crappy PIs and cutouts that official Scientology uses to harass their “head on a pike” tactical chosen top critics that Scientology gets PIs to harass!
Hire some ex police who know how to collect actionable evidence and get it to prosecutors and get the crappy PIs charged.
Great video! Love the way it is presented & quality of the sounds & content. Keep up the good work.
Relentless Resolute Resolved
Thank you Mike for your continued efforts to expose the church of scientology and its abuses and tactics to harass, intimidate and stop people like you from doing what you do. PI’s and the enormous amount of tax free money they spend on such are just one tiny aspect of their horrible existence.
I will forever be grateful to people like you who don’t give up in your efforts to end this vile “church.”
GREAT video Mike!
Do you remember how the Flag GO got Merrell Vannier to plant himself as Mayor Cazares’ lawyer and then report back everything about the case? I think that story would be another great fact showing how the cult uses tax exempt money for anti social activities. Merrell wrote a great book on it all. It is titled Arrows in the Dark. A GO staffer bragged to me back in the day that B1 had hired him and was “running him” in their fight against Cazares.
Thank you Mike. Your U-tube channel will be very informative and another great tool to shut down non-profits that are really profitable under layers of disguise.
Perhaps some of $cientologies paid academics will watch and change their minds with all this proff.
I get the impression that the normal behavior of the Sea Org leadership would result in a one way trip to the stockade followed by a dishonorable discharge. But I’m just an Army guy, so what do I know?
Amy and I can also provide you with video of PIs (including Dave Lubow) harassing us. Scientology paid a pack of PIs to harass us 24/7 for over a year. They rented a house next to ours. Followed us from coast to coast. Harassed us in airports. Grab our garbage at every opportunity, put 2 dead rats in our pool right after we did a media interview, etc. All the routine actions that Scientology does. We even paid a dog sitter when we went to work or had to go somewhere without our dog as we know how Scientology likes to kill pets. All their nonsense did was encourage us to do more to expose their criminal cult and for Amy to write her book “Scientology: Abuse At The Top”. We now get phone calls from the IRS, FBI and Homeland Security as they investigate Scientology. Scientology “you done messed up”.
It’s so extremely hard to believe that this group is allowed to do what it does to people.
Loved Amy’s book. It was instrumental in opening my eyes at a time when they were half shut.
Hopefully the FBI, IRS, Homeland Security will give a damn beyond giving you and others a call.
Thank you, Mike, for this very important video.
Information like this not only exposes the beast called scientology, it also fleshes out your life story. I had no idea that a swarm of private eyes had been hired by scientology to tail and harrass you and Marty when you met with the FBI.
When those who followed you on PCH driving 25 MPH in a 40 or 45 MPH zone, they wasted the time of everyone else who couldn’t drive past them. I’m sure those drivers included movie stars and movie executives. I’m sure music executives and recording stars frequent that route and were all the effect of those private eyes.
Damn you, scientology!
Another framework to use for telling history behind the scenes, are the TV shows you appear in.
The German excellent excellent TV show just was re-released in HIGH QUALITY on the internet, and reveals so many more details the clarity of the video.