I like to keep tabs on the largest and most important Ideal Org on earth — especially as it is my local org when I am in Los Angeles. At least it can rightfully lay claim to having the largest and emptiest parking lot of any scientology org on earth (others are just as empty, none are nearly so big…)
First, they sent out this terrific Holiday Greetings card:
Interesting they selected this particular sentence from the “Ideal Org” Policy Letter. It’s so nebulous. People come there to get freedom, they have confidence in the fact it will happen and then they run smack into reality and find out there is no such thing happening in this activity. Hell, check out the picture they selected to highlight their accomplishments and holiday cheer. An empty room that looks like a set design from Six Feet Under.
Just for shits and giggles, here are some other quotes from the same PL:
Its files and papers, baskets and lines would be in good order.
The org board would be up-to-date and where the public could see who and what was where and which the staff would use for routing and action.
A heavy outflow of letters and mailings would be pouring out. Answers would be pouring in.
Auditors would be auditing in Div IV HGC and Qual would be rather empty. Supervisors would be training students interestedly and 2-way comming all slows.
The HCO Area Sec would have hats for everyone. And checked out on everyone. There would be a pool of people in training to take over new admin and tech posts.
The staff would be well-paid because they were productive.
The Public Divisions would be buzzing with effective action and new people and furnishing a torrent of new names to CF.
The pcs would be getting full grades to ability attained for each, not 8 minutes from 0 to IV, but more like 30 processes. And they would be leaving with high praises.
The students would be graduating all on fire to audit. One could look at this ideal org and know that this was the place a new civilization was being established for this planet.
The thousand or more actions that made it up would dovetail smoothly one with another. And the PR Area Control would be such that no one would dream of threatening it.
Not one of these things are evident in the empty halls of the Valley. No wonder that was the one sentence they quoted.
And in other news, the Valley announced their first CCHR Exhibit…
Of course, concurrent with this announcement is the urgent “call to arms” for Valley scientologists to come because the org doesn’t have any staff to man the exhibit.
Hi – our first ever Valley CCHR exhibit is grand opening tomorrow night. All are needed. It will be a pure production meeting. It starts at 6:00. The address is 134 San Fernando Rd. Burbank. You can park on Orange Grove. It’s between Orange Grove and Olive on San Fernando.
We are very needed to make this a success.
Let me know if you can make it.
– Nancy Parodi
But, this, the biggest and baddest Ideal Org on earth has chosen a very strange location for their first-ever exhibit.
I was curious why it was not set up in the Org — they have tens of thousands of square feet of fully renovated space that nobody has set foot in yet…
But they chose to hold this somewhere else.
I looked up this address on Google maps.
This is 134 San Fernando Rd in Burbank.
Color me unimpressed.
THIS is the location of the first ever CCHR Exhibit of the biggest and bestest ideal org right in the middle of the biggest population of scientologists on earth? Wow.
Scientology truly is circling the drain.
Now if we could just put an end to the abuses it still perpetrates on those unfortunate enough to have come in contact with its rotting corpse…
“The pcs would be getting full grades to ability attained for each,”
As if that’s possible. Lyintology has never delivered on a single promise “Tubby” made; couldn’t have, we now can see. All the magic in the world was insufficient….
Is it possible the CCHR exhibit might be put there once “Pronto” clears out? That’s AFTER Davey Boy(r) has gotten his minions to raise the $17 million required to make the space “Ideal”, of course.
And if COURSE Karin and Lou have no concept of tongue-in-cheek. Do we know a more sober and literal duo?
AND the org parking lot is STILL empty
Christmas should remind Scientologists of Lucifer’s (Hubbard’s) battle in heaven.
Here is the narrative from Milton’s “Paradise Lost”. Abdiel, the Seraphim, sort of like a modern day helicopter gunship, deals the first blow to Lucifer:
“Reign thou in Hell thy Kingdom, let mee serve
In Heav’n God ever blest, and his Divine
Behests obey, worthiest to be obey’d, [ 185 ]
Yet Chains in Hell, not Realms expect: mean while
From mee returnd, as erst thou saidst, from flight,
This greeting on thy impious Crest receive.
So saying, a noble stroke he lifted high,
Which hung not, but so swift with tempest fell [ 190 ]
On the proud Crest of Satan, that no sight,
Nor motion of swift thought, less could his Shield
Such ruin intercept: ten paces huge
He back recoild; the tenth on bended knee
His massie Spear upstaid; as if on Earth [ 195 ]
Winds under ground or waters forcing way
Sidelong, had push’t a Mountain from his seat
Half sunk with all his Pines”.
Lucifer ( Hubbard) recoils a full ten paces back on the force of the blow
to his shielded head. Christmas does not exist in Scientology.
Hubbard set his own course with his references to his role as Lucifer.
I do not think Hubbard understood the depth to which he had fallen.
Thank you George for carrying the banner of Ron’s occult influence.
Sometimes I want to write about who I think Hubbard is metaphysically but I think I’d alienate people.
To put it simply, he invoked lower forces for the purpose of having power over others for personal gain.
Lower astral forces have influence in Scientology. They were affirmed and envoked by Ron.
Truly, he has the characteristics of an anti Christ. It’s no secret. He advertises it himself.
Merry Christmas George. Thanks for being there brother
Merry Christmas, Brain. Thank you for being there brother.
I like your comment about “Lower astral forces have influence in Scientology.”
As I look back on Hubbard, I see that he did use the lower astral forces and he
tried to hide his real character. In the end, he was for himself alone.
Nancy Parodi…parody?
great post Mike,
shows Hubbard’s rhetoric and his sublime literature.
As you pointed out in the rest of the PL, those points or sentences of thought, are but sublime literature, but Hubbard called them “ideal scenes:
“Just for shits and giggles, here are some other quotes from the same PL:
Its files and papers, baskets and lines would be in good order.
The org board would be up-to-date and where the public could see who and what was where and which the staff would use for routing and action.
A heavy outflow of letters and mailings would be pouring out. Answers would be pouring in.
Auditors would be auditing in Div IV HGC and Qual would be rather empty. Supervisors would be training students interestedly and 2-way comming all slows.
The HCO Area Sec would have hats for everyone. And checked out on everyone. There would be a pool of people in training to take over new admin and tech posts.
The staff would be well-paid because they were productive.
The Public Divisions would be buzzing with effective action and new people and furnishing a torrent of new names to CF.
The pcs would be getting full grades to ability attained for each, not 8 minutes from 0 to IV, but more like 30 processes. And they would be leaving with high praises.
The students would be graduating all on fire to audit. One could look at this ideal org and know that this was the place a new civilization was being established for this planet.
The thousand or more actions that made it up would dovetail smoothly one with another. And the PR Area Control would be such that no one would dream of threatening it.”
All the above Hubbard Policy Letter are ideal scenes to be mocked-up by staff and motivate. It’s sublime at it’s best. No wonder I fell for Hubbard’s trap, and in the end he said he failed.
Let’s pretend for a moment that everything LRH said was true, and not obvious bullshit.
We humans on earth had a brief glimpse from the superior being LRH in how we can save our precarious situation, if only we would follow his guidance. The planet, and all of our eternities are doomed otherwise.
Well, under the leadership of the COB David Miscavige, this whole sector of the universe is fucked up beyond all repair. All he needs to do is look at his Thursday reports. Must be SO ugly.
Way to go “COB”.
YOU, as a leader, must accept the blame.
YOU fucked it all up.
YOU are the reason scientology is dead.
LRH must be spinning in his cosmic toga somewhere out there in the universe.
Hi… I’m a teacher who unknowingly used Youth for Human Rights Intl. materials in my classroom. I recently received an email from the group asking me to tell them how I’m using the materials, etc. The address at the bottom of the email gave this address: 1920 Hillhurst Ave., No. 416, Los Angeles, CA 90028. I looked that up and it’s a shipping/box store.
Hi Marilyn… RUN AWAY as fast as you can from these people. It is an insidious disease, and thank God you are smart enough to have sniffed out the truth. So many before you have not.
Thank you for reaching out and commenting.
CCHR exhibit in a Pronto market? WTF?
Holiday Greetings …and no one is in. That chapel, with no one in it, creeps me out.
Riff-Raff Update:
Circling your VM wagon to the side lot to keep it away from the MS-13 influence in your Valley hood was a good move.
Having the CCHR thing way the fuck on the other side of the Airport was another good move to keep the scum from your empty holy sanctum.
How long will it be before it becomes undeniably clear that Joy is not playing with a full deck of cards; resulting in her being dragged out of the White House, following the in the heel marks left behind by Omorosa? (think: pink legs)
OMG… I almost fell out of my chair laughing at the exhibit address photo. This made my day. And, I just felt all warm and fuzzy with their holiday greeting. It’s about as sterile as my toilet bowl.
I had a sterile toilet bowl once. But, a bunch of doctors came and kicked me out. Ingrates!
Years ago we frequented a nice restaurant who always had great food. The ladies lounge was beautiful, very ornate & classy. The toilet booths had seats that sat in a Niche in the wall. This niche had a “blue light” that not only kept the toilet seats warm but also sanitized them! I referred to that as “the blue light special”…..ahhh, place went out of business when the owners retired.
We’re on a private well. The water is not only perfect (I was permitted to use it to make my own dialysate!) and delicious, it’s also very much alive. There is a lot more life trying to cling to our toilet bowl than in that org on its busiest day.
If they really wanted CCHR to be legitimate, they should open up their empty orgs and provide shelter for all the homeless. That would put those empty buildings to good use. However, we know the chances of that happening are about as good as LRH coming back from dropping his body.
Smart person is Smart
So…a dumb person is dumb?
Bless their heart. They try.
Somebody with some computer skills needs to copy the picture of 134 San Fernando Road and paste the LRH quote on: The Ideal org would be an activity where people come to achieve freedom where they had confidence to attain it.
Then your eyes cut to a discount store front with faded brown wood,a tired parking lot, too many signs on the windows coupled with a general sense of depression and disrepair. Over the bridge and through the woods yer go.
We know that Scientology has huge financial reserves, the end result of years of fraud. On the one hand this could allow it to exist – as a shell entity – without members. However with no members then Davey’s ego will be hurt, and the whales will grow aware over time that Scientology is already a dead organization.
That conjures up images of 8 or 9 billionaires left, traveling from Ideal Org to Ideal Org, all of them staffed by locals hired on the spot to wear Sea Org uniforms and serve the billionaires. So, everyone thinks everything is great and keep giving money.
At some point the CofS would cease to have enough appearance of a being a church-like organization, and would have its tax status changed. It might remain classified as some sort of non-profit such as a religious community or a private club, but those categories have more stringent financial reporting requirements – and limits on the assets that can be accumulated in proportion to actual activity.
Scientology orgs are very spacious and roomy.
That’s because no one is coming in. At all. So, yeah, they’re very roomie.
“The staff would be well-paid because they were productive.”
I almost did a spit-take at that line. That’s how you know it’s all a fantasy.
“And the PR Area Control would be such that no one would dream of threatening it.”
Now, that sounds more like the Scientology we know.
I think the image on the card is perfect. It looks like the memorial for the soon-to-be-dead CoS, which no one will attend.
“…no one would dream of threatening it.” Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha! Tears in my eyes from laughing so hard.
I’d love to see “A Day in the Life” of DM, the guy sometimes known as the poison dwarf, slappy dave, etc. It would be neat to have a fly on the wall viewpoint of his normal “work” day, or maybe even a weekly itinerary. I am truly curious how he spends his time while he supposedly manages a multi-billion dollar operation with no significant debt and steady, if declining, income. Does he manage cost-control meetings? Are there committee assignments he delegates to develop short and long term goals? to review productivity? to set salaries and wages so as to remain competitive with other brainwash and child slavery cults around the world?
He spends His time reading this blog and then schedules regular trips to the dentist to get new caps to repair the damage from His gnashing of teeth.
Yo Dave,
Howz the religious recognition coming along in Russia good buddy?
Now, newcomer, you know the Russians hate the cult. And will continue to hate the cult until it’s completely gone. Wouldn’t you to see that?
Don’t forget about daily manicures, pedicures, hair styling complete with 2 cans spray lacquer, chest and bum wax.
Ew. Thank you for that picture!
Be careful what you wish for. I think my head would explode if I had to witness even an hour in the life of DM. I don’t have the stomach for human cruelty.
That’s because you’re a good soul.
The ultimate horror show would be to live in the head of David Miscavige for even five minutes.
The terror, anxiety, and paranoia… … none of the luxuries that COB bathes in could ever sooth his diseased mind. And these luxuries were provided by decent, but deceived, people who believed in scientology.
Well most of these people are really pissed off now, Mr. Big Being COB.
They are coming for you, even your most trusted colleagues. Which one will betray you, I wonder.
“I’d love to see “A Day in the Life” of DM” See Dodgeball. He is the Ben Stiller character in that movie.
Man, it’s worse than I thought! That is one big, empty lot. With an idle VM van, of course, in spite of all the wildfires happening in the area.
To be fair. I took that shot in August or Sept. not in the last few weeks. Still, I would bet the van hasn’t moved. They don’t have anyone to drive it…
Mike I posted a video a few weeks ago and it was dead then too.
Hey Mike, does the Valley Idle Morgue have tours of the place like the Orange County Morgue?
Fair enough. But I have to say if they were “helping” with the fires, they’d sure as hell be telling everybody about it! And providing plenty of photos.
I happened by Scientology in Sacramento ( after my daughters graduation from Sacramento State) and there wasn’t a soul in there! The girl running the desk had to go out in gale force winds and freezing cold to TRY and pass out leaflets! Not one person accepted. ? So sad! I wanted to talk to her… but how?? She’s indoctrinated!
Amy, you’re a good soul. But, this is the path that other gal chose. They’re just so delusional.
Wondered where you went. Glad to see you again. Merry Christmas???
“We are very needed to make this a success.” Grammar. Not their best subject.
I love “grand opening” as a participial verb form. Right up there with “the soup that eats like a meal.” “Grandly opening?” Nah, too proper; sounds a bit British.
“It will be a pure production meeting.”
Is that code for ‘its safe to come, no regging’?
Are they self aware enough to know that no registrars is a possitive draw for an event?
That is code for ‘Produce your fucking wallet now!”
🙂 You just gave me an idea.
Hey! I want to hear it!
They have got one of these points in at least:
“Qual would be rather empty.”
I am sure that qual is just as empty as the rest of the org.
Who said that the ideal org program wasn’t working?
Empty: What Idle Morgue’s are. And there’s nothing they can do about it. Poor little clams. Snap, snap, snap.
First , six feet under had much warmer and more comfortable looking rooms than that cold warehouse in the photo. It’s inert and never had a a spark of life.
They should have put the cchr horror. display there in the chapel. It might have enticed a few ghosts to move in and brighten the place up.
Mike, do you think they are housing the CCHR exhibit in a different place so as to have a separation of the church and CCHR? Kind of pretend they aren’t related or the same group?
Why? It’s the ONE front group they never distance themselves from.
Qual is rather (totally) empty, so I guess they can check off that box. Maybe they should include that quote on their next postcard. That, and “Its files and papers, baskets and lines would be in good order.” Unless they feel like that would be overstating how well they are doing.
Happy Holidays to Mike, Leah and all those who tendered comments. May the New Year offer all of you greater happiness, fulfillment and prosperity.
Happy SOLSTICE to all,and may your new year be prosperous, now that you’ve escaped the regges.
Located in North Hollywood, this ideal org will not be attracting 99.99% of valley residents. It’s a huge edifice which is cold and sterile inside. Completely uninviting on the outside. And the area is full of discount stores and low end retail.
It’s the epitome of 1984 bureaucracy and Kafkas The Castle.
Thanks Mike for a very pertinent article on the true state of Scientology.
“Rotting corpse” is an apt description.
Mike I drove by and then walked around this mammoth structure on the Friday evening after Thanksgiving and other than a receptionist, we didn’t see a soul. This was at 7 pm on a Friday night when you would expect evening students to be arriving for roll call on course. Parking lot across the street completely empty. I drove by again the next day – Saturday afternoon at 3:30 pm and the exact same results. No one visibly there. Mind boggling how large this building is and what a waste of money it is.
Whoa! That’s a whole lot of empty. Big empty. The kind of empty you could get lost in.
An “org is an activity” …. an “activity where people come”. How can a building be an activity? How can people come to an activity? Glad I don’t have to word clear that. I would seriously enturbulate my brain.
Just reading about Scientology gives me a migraine.
You and me both, brother. So exhausting, the mental gymnastics required.
Scientology..redefining reality one word at a time……
Redefining their own reality one dollar at a time ?
My God! You hit the nail on the head. ‘…one word at a time.’ Kind of reminds of Central Files.
The cult language is as disturbing as its belief system.
Maybe even more so.
I just wondered, and it wouldn’t surprise me, if all these “Ideal Orgs” paid rent for the building and grounds to Miss Cabbage. How else does he make money on the deal? There’s no delivery to accomplish that.
This is off topic.
But I thought about Theta Clear from Puerto Rico.
I have not seen him post him since the hurricane.
It begs the question, if he survived?
Are you there Theta Clear?
If so, tell us how you are and how you faired the storm.
Here’s an email from the cult this morning.
Was this written by a non US staff or don’t they have spell check?
The brunch as been prosponed. We want to make sure that
the entire Freewinds Office team is in LA to acknowledge the
work that has been done for 2017 by all our FSMs! Please
look out for the updated date within the next 24 hours.
Freewinds Office West US
brunch invitation.jpg
I was prosponed once. But, I didn’t make the final cut. I’ve been devastated ever since.
I am a prosponent of spelchek.
hahaha. Mie tweo
Teach me the language, GS! I’d love to learn it.
I have noticed this recently too. Was it always like this? I don’t think so. I am weighing in on the side of English as a second language.
An “EMAIL”??
Wasn’t it one of those new-fangled “Telex” things we have been hearing so much about?
I wouldn’t know, because scientology forbids me to look into anything for myself.
Mike R is back on my Pro! Hugs??
The staff would be well-paid
All 27 staff in all of California Orgs and missions stand up and say what now? We can get paid? And “well paid”? In actual wog money? That we can use to buy wog products? It’s a postulated miracle!
Next thing you know they’ll be paying staff in Monopoly money. And telling them NOT to go to the bank.
Well, they do like to play “games”….
Me too. My favorite is, ‘Tie up the reg.’
Kinky… 😉
AND don’t pass GO.
I’m also getting your emails again! I’ve missed them. Thanks!
Thanks Mike and Nathan. Got the blog email this morning! Happy Holidays.
I like the new site layout Nathan. Is this the same N that was in the SAM episode with Tara?
YEs, same one.
Nice work Nathan !! I like the new ‘like’ / star.
Are you kidding me? There is “50% Off On Entire Store” at Pronto’s?? That is better information than we will receive from any COS communications.
Hey, Kengullette! I’ll race to that market.
Look again. It’s better than you first thought – it’s 60% off!
Sixty percent off??? Holy moly! Hey! I Yawn! I’ll meet you there!
It’s door tearing down time Dude! No queues for this little black duck.
I’m waaay ahead of you!
Oh, I’m sure the waste baskets are in good order. That picture of empty chairs is really bizarre.
Isn’t everything in the cult bizarre? Just wondering.
Whaddya mean empty chairs? They’re all just thetans expressing themselves in non-corporeal mode!
Do they have trouble with their BTs like I do?
Better trouble with BTs than with BMs
LOL. Now that’s funny!
Thanks, Cece, I’ll check it out.
Scientologists are just really ‘into’ space, that’s all, no biggie. Hubbard sold bits of blue sky remember.
I carry my piece of blue sky in my pocket. It glows in the dark.
What a beautiful man you are Mike.
Thank you for everything you and your staff do.
I have been grateful to voice my opinion on this blog.
I will always consider myself to be a burn victim but, my surviving those atrocities of this cult is my key forward.
♥️♥️♥️to you and your family these holidays. Sincerely, a great fan♦️
Thank you Diane.
“Staff”??? I wish…
Hey, Mike! You got hundreds of staff writers and a pro cartoonist. We don’t get paid, but what the heck, it’s a great place to volunteer.
Now there’s a thought! Can I put Mike Rinder’s Blog Commenter’s Staff on my resume? Be a shame to waste so much apostate apprentice time now that I’ve made the grade. It’s no longer a simple semantic debate between being an Ex or anti-Scientologist, the Cof$ bundles us all up in the same package bundle. May as well make it official with an Org board position – how about it Mike? I assume staff pay will be similar to the Cof$, they take more than they give anyway. Gee, we could have stats of comments made and all. Mike Wynski would be great as Commendations in Charge & OSD as Morale Officer.
Monty Pythons ‘Life of Brian,’ comes to mind. “Always look on the bright side of life…”
🙂 🙂 🙂
I think metaphorically we’re all burn victims here.
+ 100 to everything Diane just said. Thanks you, Mike.
To the UTRs:
Have yourself a Culty Little Christmas
Let your heart be light
From now on make sure your wallet’s out of sight.
Have yourself a Culty Little Christmas
With these few safeguards
Hide your wallet, checkbook and your credit cards.
Here we are at an Org Event
Like the Org Events of yore
Doing what we can so we prevent
Getting skinned alive once more.
Someday soon there’ll be no Disconnection
If the fates allow
Til then we’ll avoid a bankruptcy somehow
So have yourself a Culty Little Christmas now.
Very good Aqua. Quite the Chrissy jingle.
Hot and sweaty summer already down under. 107 deg f western Sydney the other day so the Cof$ would have been scorching. Only 90 where I live and then the sea breeze. Santa wears sunscreen and has a/c in his sleigh so I heard.
Aqua at the keyboard again. Well done ! Your lyrics always draws a big smile from moi.
You’ve stolen my heart…
Thanks 🙂
Aqua….you’ve outdone yourself once more! Really darling, I adore you! Have a wonderful holiday & thanks for the laughs!
I accept the post of Morale Officer. If I don’t pound them into the ground so that they lose all hope…I’ll resign.
Exactly, OSD. Just follow what your materials say. Pound them into the ground to ensure morale stays low. If that doesn’t work, bitch slap them to cognition. This is not a job, its a trust and a crusade.
I must say, Mike, as one of the Troika that Marty exposed, you do indeed pay the most to your staff members like me. Thanks again for the huge Christmas bonus.
I wonder if Karin and Lou understand the concept of “tongue in cheek”. Probably not.
Mike I’m getting your emails again. I appreciate that it was fixed. Thanks so much!
Great — glad to hear!
Looks like I’m starting to get notifications again, thanks for fixing!
Me to, thank you!
My, my, this sure is an awful place they picked for their exhibit. Guess they don’t want strangers coming into any of the finer buildings to see how empty they are. I’ve never seen such a depressing Christmas card.
Now there’s a Like button!
and I am as well. thank you.
Ditto here in Melbourne, Australia. Thank you!
Happy Holidays down under Michieux. Is that correct to call all of Australia down under ?
Good on ya, mate! Cheers from Huntington Beach in Southern California!
“The pcs would be getting full grades to ability attained for each,”
Well, THAT has NEVER happened in the entire history of scamology.
Even sans the criminality of its founder and “church”; that omission alone would be enough to sink the activity and explain why it has no people taking “services”.