Here is a reality check on the Ideal Org program.
Miscavige’s “solution to planetary clearing” has been limping along on life support. The efforts to hype it have become increasingly strained. It is no snowball gathering momentum as it rolls down hill, but a snowman melting in the sunlight. As more people SEE what happens in his shrines to MEST, the levels of enthusiasm for participating in the scam wane.
Thus you see little mention of anything happening on this front. In order to have video clips for March 13th Miscavige is hanging ribbons on PAC and staging “grand openings” of buildings that have been there for 40 years.
Even in the land of Ideal Org hype — WUS — in the center of the vortex where 10 year olds are caught up in the excitement and round up $100,000 for the next palace, things are getting desperate.
We are talking about the same building that was purchased YEARS ago and has been sitting forlornly empty at the end of a cul-de-sac alongside the freeway in an industrial park. This “news” is not just contrived, it is embarrassing.
In fact, correct me if I am wrong someone from Silicon Valley, but I think this building was announced so long ago that Guillaume Lesevre was even there doing some sort of “dedication” for their new “home”? For new readers of the blog, he is the guy that is supposedly the head of the management of the entire church, his PR title is Executive Director International. The only sightings of him in recent years are when he is escorted by security guards to the Mach 13th even to hand out trophies to org and missions who win the Birthday Game as this is beneath Miscavige’s dignity to do. He only shakes hands with whales, not with org and mission staff. Other than that, Mr. Lesevre is completely invisible, he does not even attend the most important events in Scientology history because he was in the Hole (now disbanded, but “management” no longer exists). Not present for GAT II. Not present for the opening of the SP Cathedral. Not present for the grand “re-opening” of AOSHEU when he is a beloved figure in Europe.
But I digress.
To try to get some enthusiasm going for this failed plan, Silicon Valley sent out the promotional piece below:
And what sort of news could require the attendance of “top management”? (Brandy Harrison? Top management?)
Well, no wonder they flew someone to the Bay Area for this (even though nobody knows who she is, and she is certainly no Guillaume Lesevre) — this is MONUMENTAL!!!!!
This is beyond anything anyone has ever experienced before….
This, you will NOT WANT TO MISS!!!
YES!!!! OMG, space plans!!!! Approved!!!!!!
Isn’t this just the bestest news? After purchasing a building just a few short years ago, and raising a LOT of money to “renovate” it, they now have space plans on what it is going to be.
Probably includes a reception and course rooms and auditing rooms and plenty of space for the FART Div 6.
No doubt the “donors” have been told how urgent it is to turn over their money NOW, NOW, NOW. Wonder why the same urgency doesn’t exist to get the planning done on what is going to be in the building? Surely by this time, they have pretty much figured out what goes in an org?
And they PROMOTE this as big news and another reason to give more money.
It’s like the Ukrainian Freedom Medal Winner who is apparently now soliciting donations because events in Ukraine are “simply confusion blowing off as order goes in following the release of GAT II.”
Unfortunately, that is not a joke.
Here’s a brief look at how the Grand Opening is coming, as of Sunday. LOL…notice the “Friendly” Sea Org member and her dramatic switch with one question. TR0? “They don’t use that any more” LOL!
I am still trying to wrap my wits around the glib assertion that Putin’s incursion into the Ukraine means that LRH’s tech is working, and that order is going in whilst the disorder is showing up and blowing off. Precisely what LRH tech has been given to the Ukraine is not mentioned but I’m assuming its the Admin Tech via WISE.
Utilizing that logic, then Captain Miscavige’s deposition in the Rathbun case means that the tech of JUSTICE is going in (per LRH, needed when someone can’t or won’t put their own ethics in), and Miscavige’s twistings, turnings, lies, various legal delayings and such attempts to avoid being deposed are all simply the disorder blowing off whilst His ethics are being put in.
Does that indicate to you, Sir?
Yes it does. No need to call me sir.
Chairman of The Bored.
I still suspect the 10 year-old $100,000 status seeker got the money this way:
1. IAS collects tons of money from donors.
2. IAS laundered $100,000 of that money to the 10 year-old and/or her parents for being upstat — on condition that she donate it back to IAS (that’s what made her upstat, right?).
3. The kid donates it back to IAS.
4. IAS uses that remarkable gift from a 10 year-old as incentive to get people to help IAS do more of #1. If a 10 year-old can do it, what are the rest of you slackers doing?
But that would be kind of dishonest, wouldn’t it?
In the entire history of the world and the universe itself, no one has ever been able to confront “space plans” let alone approve of them on a full, official, and unequivocal basis.
Only COB could do such a thing as to confront space plans and say: “Yes, these rooms, broom closets, toilets, and cabinets are all at the correct orders of magnitude and in the correct places within the space of the org. I hereby fully, officially, and unequivocally approve of these space plans.”
And with those words and the stroke of his legendary burlwood, COB created and launched the New Civilization in the Silicon Valley, a place of enduring failure known only for overt products such as semiconductors and software and SP corporations that include Google.
“…I went to school with her at Delphi Oregon…”
Now that’s interesting – I know quite a bit about that place.
What is interesting to me is: How did her parents manage the $40,000.00+/year to have her there? Do you have any idea? Mom being SO and all…
Second: Did she graduate? That means 4 years – how would whoever paid $200,000.00 – with ancillary and incidental expenses, you better budget a good $50K per year for your kid – how did that person feel about that $200,000.00 education being wasted on the fucking SO?
Maybe her mom or dad was on staff, or something. Rich father, maybe? I’m curious if you know.
I know someone who was one of the earlier graduates, who joined the SO shortly after graduating. Last I heard she’s still toiling away at Gold. She must be 50 years old by now. She has never been to an Alumni Weekend – never could get a fucking weekend off and probably couldn’t afford the plane ticket anyway. That’s how much the fucking Sea Fucking Org appreciates that $200,000.00 education, not even letting her off for a goddamned weekend to go see her friends, and the staff who were like family.
Jeeezus, if my goddamned kid joined the bloody fucking Sea Org after I sent him to Delphi I’d wring his neck!
-August Fucking Cox.
(sorry for the language, but seeing that kind of waste just really upsets me)
Gus, I hear you. The bad thing is that the SO uses Delphi and other Scn schools as their personal recruiting grounds for SO members. And if the parents object, they are “C.I.” and are “handled by Ethics or worse.
I don’t think that re-scheduling events because of weather is a good idea. A “Where’s Shelly” banner is much more visible on a sunny day.
Marty Rathbun needs our help regardless of……………..
You do not know me, you may hate me, but we need to pull together. This Lawsuit that is put to the “church”needs to be won. I am a total “enemy” But we need you, give marty Rathbun a full range to slap The Church of Scientology silly,
My real name is Niels Martens
Cornelius Anthonius Martens
Birthdate: 25-2-1974, Year of the Tiger
And I am with you
Thank you Niels. Marty and Mosey need to win the lawsuit and we need to help them.
Holy shit, CD! Is that real?
what is real. specify your request and I will try to get documents
Your post on Sharon Stainsforth.
Sharone Stainsforth: L Ron hubbards messenger:
They didn’t put a time to be there on February 22nd. That’s kind of crazy. I guess they wanted to insure that no radical apostates on the fringe of the Internet would be attending. No Special Persons. :-).
This is the best soap opera going. !
Torymagoo44-Toyi Christman-Tory B… at Big Blue:
Hey thanks for re-posting this, Cat Daddy! Ftr: My name is T o r y (not tori) and my last name is
Christman (Married name was Bezazian…no more) 🙂
What I find telling are these “Move up in status today!”, type blurbs on almost all these notices, never a “Move up the Bridge now!” push.
Clearly, ‘moving up the Bridge’ in the CofS has been replaced by ‘moving up in status’ in the Scientology Religion. Maybe the Scientology Religion has a new bridge to total freedom; “Give us every thing you have or ever will have, and you’ll experience the state of ‘Freedom from Mest’,” or something like that, accompanied by an ‘fn’ and tears.
Not tears of joy I’m afraid.
Right. The tech cannot deliver — it’s had 60 years to make a single true OT VIII — no invalidation intended to OT VIIIs out there, but truly I have seen no objectively verifiable, scientifically acceptable evidence of a single person who can at will be at cause over MEST, thought, and life both objectively and subjectively.
If Scientology could truly deliver that product, the world would be its oyster.
Since it cannot deliver that product, it has to (a) blame SPs, and (b) shift to a product it can deliver: status symbols.
Not that I buy into anything Hubbard said but isn’t the term/post ‘Building Expansion Director’ completely contradictory and therefor squirrel to what he said about never letting it be about the buildings? You know the quote that said something about revolutionaries blowing up HQ?
Don’t worry about it, COB knows best.
I’m sure McDamage wouldn’t like this: Carl Honoré: In praise of slowness #TED :
Is there a reference for the decorations these sea org twits wear? Where do they get them, military surplus stores? That little girl is wearing a Viet Nam Service ribbon. Pretty sure that if you decorate yourself with unearned military decorations for a profit (as in commission on a donation) you violate a law.
The sea org is insulting to anyone who ever wore a real uniform.
Bystander, the Stolen Valor Act of 2013 makes it a federal crime to pass oneself off as a military medal winner (certain medals only) for financial gain. It’s not clear whether she is wearing a medal covered by the act, and whether she used it for her own financial gain. At any rate, if it is a military decoration that she or a close relative did not earn, she is beyond sleazy for wearing it.
Seeing the young age of that “master registrar” being hailed as high up management made me sick. It is these young, second generation Scns that swill the KA so well and so easily go into the valence of the killer whales they learn from.
The late, great Hy Levy, former Flag reg turned whistleblower, told me that the reason the entire MAA’s office personnel were gone and new young, mostly foreign MAA’s took their place was that if the MAA was any good at getting money out of people, they got promoted quickly and put on reg posts to pull in money. Any MAA can get money from people! All you have to do is threaten NO eligibility for OT Levels, and the pocketbook comes out, even if it means the public eats beans and rice for three months to pay for it, or worse, loses their house to foreclosure. The end justifies the means in the C of $.
Yes, Cindy, I agree. And as someone who has extensive management and leadership experience myself, I absolutely cringed at the message implicit in saying that the news was so big that _upper management_ (gasp!) was going to be there.
The implicit message is that unless something is really huge, upper management cannot be bothered with, er, the little people.
In “wog” knowledge, upper management being siloed off from the front lines is a pretty good predictor of looming organizational failure. Anyone who wants to read a couple of Andy Grove’s (of Intel) books will see why if they don’t already get it. Maybe send DM a care package of true organizational wisdom?
I don’t think he’d want to read it as he already has the answers.
FOTF and MJ, great comments. I have to laugh when they said, “… an event so great that “Upper Management” is coming…” Really? Are they getting them all out of the Hole for a day out to take the stage and spout the party line while their handlers keep tight tabs on them… only to be driven back to their prison after their appearance for PR’s sake only. Hell seems a walk in the park in comparison.
Gives a brand new meaning to ‘His Hole-iness’
ewwe, you’re baaad. lol
In Uktraine:
“simply confusion blowing off as order goes in following the release of GAT II.”
When people are dying, and somebody would tell me ist’s a good thing, as order is coming in and it just would be confusion blowing off , honestly I don’t know what my response would be…as I never have encountered such an insane person.
OMG….There is no bottom to this downward spiral. if Hell could be said to be a bottom they are already through this bottom. What is weirder then and underneath Hell ?
I don’t know and can’t imagine……
What is weirder then and underneath Hell ?
I don’t know and can’t imagine……
The Hole, the IAS, Ideal Morigues, Regging….need I go on?
@Roger von der Schweiz: My feelings exactly when I read that the Ukraine was just confusion “blowing off.”
Heads I win, tails you lose — peace in the Ukraine, TWTH worked! War in Ukraine — the tech worked, and confusion is blowing off!
By those standards of logic, Hitler’s near take over of the world was a _huge_ amount of confusion blowing off. And he was nearly straight up and vertical, at least until he finally pulled the trigger on himself and went straight horizontal.
Good God. Claiming the Ukraine is a success is so wrong I have no words for it — except to say it is irrational, illogical, mendacious, delusional, dangerous, and is profound evidence that Scientology study “tech” does not make someone capable of critical reasoning and analysis.
Straight up and vertical sounds like an ad for Viagra.
Brandy Harrison needs some TLC Her teeth are yellow, her hair is stringy and falling out, she looks awful. My ex wife was in the sea org, I saw pictures….she looked equally as awful. Like Death warmed over. So so sad. In fact the Sea Ogres never look healthy, or happy, in most pictures I see. Even at weddings or happy occasions.
Do you think Miscarriage reads this and other’entheta’ blogs every day? I wonder. I just would love to picture him reading this and blowing a freaking gasket. He’s got to, right? Also the comments.
Brandi and her mother Peggy came to Philadelphia to fund raise for Philly’s building as well. Peggy was allowed to leave her S.O. post in WUS to join Brandi on the fundraising bandwagon as she had debts that were threatening to pull her out of the S.O. and so she was sent to Brandi to reg donos on Brandi’s tour and would get paid FSM commissions to use to pay off her debt…(yeah, that one stunk to high heaven for me)
On this trip to Philly by the mother/daughter pair I refused to give my tacit consent on their plan to pitch a building to our field as being an approved CSW to purchase it. It was a lie. There was no approved CSW. One of the then whales in our field and former OTC chairman pledged a six figure sum at that event. The next day all three were in the org. I was in progress on getting Sunday morning delivery going when Brandi pulled me in to a “meeting” with herself, her mom and this former OTC chairman (an OT VIII who has since left Philly to come back down to CW) who made this huge donation. In that “meeting” I was reprimanded for 1. not attending the fundraiser the night before as it was “noticed” by many and thus C.I. to “command intention” and 2. I’d walked past this whale of a donator earlier in the hallway apparently and didn’t say “thank you” to her for her donation. At that a KR from this public was shoved across the table to me to show the report from this public of me apparently walking past her in the hallway and not thanking her for the donation. I kid you not this is a true story.
Insulted, offended and down-home pissed off at the audacity of this “meeting” I sat back so as to ensure that all three of them were in my view and said “1. I had no idea of this donation being made 2. You presented a lie to our public and I don’t condone that and 3. Don’t you ever “reprimand” me in front of a public again. I got up and walked out.
The kangaroo comm ev I later received was so lacking in out-tech charges despite an exhausting effort on someones’ part to find it by ordering a grand total of 25 of my publics folders shipped to Flag so as to FIND me guilty of being an out-tech Snr CS they opted to point up my C.I. to “command intention”.
Funny that a Snr CS’s job was so thoroughly demonstrated by me in so many ways over the years that Brandi herself later acknowledged that the record setting 3 weeks to reg that last 3 mil was from not just a few donations but from a large number of smaller donations from our on-lines students and pcs which indicated I’d done my job of making sure we delivered standard tech.
I was very aware during that time period that there was a serious divergence in my group in general due to programs being forced in to our org away from LRH policy. Nothing made that more clear to me than the Ideal org program and I was guilty of being C.I. to that as my job was to get people on to and up the grade chart and in the eyes of a CS this could not have been more obvious as a derailment of that purpose. I was guilty of being C.I. to Brandi’s mission to the extent that it was C.I. to the reason for orgs.
Wow, Gayle, just wow. I am speechless. This is just too much. I am glad you are out of it.
Gayle – I have no doubt we’re on the same page regarding Brandi/Peggy experiences. I could go on and on too. They were harassing my wife with ethics interviews regarding not f/n’ing for an interrog meter check (done days after and over out-ruds). I, being an OL, OT VIII and mini-whale, grabbed the ED by her thetan neck and told them to knock it off in no uncertain terms or else. Mind you my wife’s interrog was a joke as she had just moved to the US a year earlier and had had little contact with most public. My “protest” handled the incessant ethics interviews!
Gayle. You Rock!!
It’s a family affair.
Gayle, you Rock indeed! 🙂
Is that the same as “Big Hair” ?
This is a guarantee: Once you LEAVE the CULT OF SCIENTOLOGY – ALL confusion will blow off for real…but one must look and stop thinking!! The think tank got poisoned in Scientology…so just open your eyes OSA Bots and lurkers – and for God’s sake – LOOK! YOUR eternity IS at stake so you better understand exactly what your Organization is up to these days and the real condition of the members!! They are all you have and so many are hurting!!
We know you are hurting too – OSA Bots and Lurkers – so stop the pain and just leave today!!
Thanks Mike – Good job on reporting all the news!!
Approved by WHOM? This Scientology clown show never includes relevant details.
Of course, if an approver’s name were attached, there would be an answer to the burning question of who makes these simple decisions take so insanely long.
Come to think of it, why are so many nameless people referenced in Sci materials? Even the name Karin Pouw doesn’t refer to the human who sports that moniker, since it’s obvious that all such communiques are authored by someone else … whose name escapes me at the moment.
Wow. Just wow. The biggest non-event in the history of events. Yes, this is how far things have degenerated – that an “Int Mgmt speaker” is flown in to announce that after years and years, someone finally got off their ass and approved some space plans.
I have said before and I still believe it to be true that the Class V orgs are nothing but an afterthought to Miscavige now, only good for sending existing Scientologists to the SO Bases to be fleeced for money for “services” or used as IAS Extension Units for local fundraising events. Otherwise they are ignored entirely.
And Mike has it dead right when he says that there is no management anymore. They hit non-existence years ago and have continued on down the conditions. I don’t mean Miscavige – I mean all of Scientology management. They are so clueless about what is going on, the remaining “managers” are milling around in confusion when they aren’t frantically running from “emergency” to “emergency” trying to comply with impossible orders and targets barked at them by CMO teenagers who have never earned an honest dollar in their life. It is Keystone Cops on steroids.
Chris, you hit the nail on the head. What you said is the exact situation the church is in today. And management hasn’t existed since before Debbie Cook did her writeup in 2011. Keystone Kops on Steroids!
There has been NO Int management for years, not since they were all “holed” in one (go) years back.
What you are seeing is “yes sir” without thought being given “temporary” titles to look good for the flock. They could not manage getting drunk in a bar with a fist full of twenties. There is NO management other than Der Leader in Co$$
Hallucinatory source
The RED ARMY marches in and it’s confusion blowing OFF ?
When the NAZIS marched into Paris did any Parisians say that was confusion blowing off ?
Someone needs a history lesson.
It’s going to be a lot harder to get the RED ARMY to march back home.
It’s not the Red Army any more and it hasn’t been since 1992; but there are certainly some USSR nostalgists over there, not nostalgic for communism, but nostalgic for being a mighty world empire. Hopefully Putin will soon find – as Slappy McTinyfists has – that imposition of order = escalation of chaos.
Trust me, those space plans will change as frequently as Voldemort changes his undies – the last space plans for Pretoria Org were given to the Project Manager 4 (yes I said FOUR) days before the building opened.
And seeing the age of the Building Expansion Director makes sense now – she looks like she’s about 16 years old and wouldn’t know a French drain from a trench if she fell into one. It makes sense now why space plans were being sent down to build desks where a retaining column stood……..
These poor suckers – been there, done that, paid a FORTUNE for the T-Shirts, which I am about to deliver to the homeless shelter down the road.
TOP management, gag! That woman is an absolute fraud!!! That person was the mission I/C in 2008 to get Miami fundraising into hyperdrive. She epitomizes slime when it comes to regges and fundraising.
This should have been my biggest out-point, but I was still drunk with koolaid…the bottom line is, she “supervised” credit card fraud and irregularities of magnitude. I for one, thinking I was helping, got stuck with 5 figure credit card balances when so-called bridge loans fell through. I was only helping “float” money for a few weeks at the most. It turned into over a year. I got stuck with these credit card balances until the money was refunded out of the building account to me and others to pay off debts.
She arrived in Miami Mar 2008, ran ethics handlings on the public and declared at an OTC meeting how the field was the most out-ethics on financial irregularities. But as I said above, she supervised HUGE financial irregularities. How ironic! When I heard she wasn’t RPF’d but instead promoted (in 2008 she was just the EUS Bldg Expansion Chief) I was stunned. At int mgmt it’s reward the out-ethics especially when it comes to MONEY.
Besides her, she was aided by her mother, Peggy Crawford, another of the same ilk. I could go on and on, I wrote reports on one and all. If she recanted and was found writing her story here I’d still find it hard to believe her.
Hmm, interesting. I had no idea of her background, but it makes complete sense.
The RCS is not a meritocracy, it has become a moneyocracy. If you can bring in money, any way, any how and regardless of the consequences, you are worthy of moving up to small minion status (though to the rest of the world, if it helps get money, you will be “international management”). If you demonstrate complete subservience to Command Intention you will make the next step to full minionhood. And after several years, you become a fully fledged sycophant.
Also didnt know Peggy Crawford was her mother. Also makes sense. She has been instilled with the righteousness of a true believer and the morals of someone who will take, take, take. Peggy Crawford has quite a history of getting celebs to pay her to take on their amends projects.
Yes, have had first hand visual of her drooling around Kirstie Alley. I guess I never told you the “who” when talking about the credit card irregs. Last names used to be Shaw. – Bruce
Actually, it the RCS _is_ a meritocracy, the problem is that the only merit that counts is the ability to send money up-line. As such, I believe Brandy Harrison is exactly what what Captain Miscavige consider “to management”.
Ah yes, of course:
Financial irregularities in the name of “the greatest good” Tick
Subservient DM loyalist Tick
2nd generation Scientologist Tick
Happy to bankrupt any number of public on synthetic squirrel actions Tick
Promote that woman!
I went to school with her at Delphi Oregon. I remember she was kind of an airhead… and she had big boobs.
Well……..if she has big boobs maybe we should give her just a little more latitude than one might under normal circumstances…LOL
Tits talk.
Just the typical Criminal Mind at work here; Accusing others of what she has been/is doing herself.
Is someone actually collecting donations on the premise that GAT II is infusing the environment with order and disorder is blowing off as a result? If that is going on we have reached a new level of sadness that is almost incomprehensible.
The Ukraine is happening because men (Putin) are compelled to take what others are in possession of and then make prisoners and slaves of them- A very familiar game in a new location.
A monumental never seen unequivocal disaster… just for the fun of it count the number of attendees to this humongous unprecedented event and you may count 20.
Then…fine, space plans approved. WOW…pop out the Champagne,,,they have been approved…do you get that?
But….But….What about permits for construction and occupation? Another straight up and vertical 10 years before it occurs but, OMG, enough time to gather more millions from parishioners. Pop up another Champagne please.
The maximum I counted was 15.
LOL ……
““simply confusion blowing off as order goes in following the release of GAT II.”
That will also be the why behind the PAC Base closure and the shutdown which is underway for the entire cult formerly known as $cientology.
Take a bow Dave. Thanks for all you do and please know this; Your furtherance of insane policy and behavior has helped former cult members as well as the entire world to see the farce of yet another church gone mad.
next year,when this finally finish (DM in court), I will be able to tell my wife : ” this is why…”
– she does not understand- that , this is best reality show – e v e r !
big hello from LRHs Bulgravia.
P.S. I love that,new, JTs wig…. 😉
Oy vey!
with this past weekends events pushed back to the 8th, that only leaves 4 maybe 5 days to cut and script that footage for the 13th. miscavige might not be able to cram in a lot of practice time.
he’s got to be wearing thin.
maybe the rain has caused an electrical outage to the tanning beds.
Haha! This was a fun read! Space plans, haha!
Is Darth Munchausen building a Death Star? I guess foot-bullets and grenades weren’t enough.
It’s a good point, Mike. Every single event should be loaded with reports of success from Ideal Orgs all over the planet. There are so many now! A different one should be featured at each event, with before and after stats (not sq ft before and after, but real stats), videos of actual public milling about the FART Div 6 and busy courserooms. Don’t know why they aren’t doing this.
You jest, no? They don’t do it cos there isn’t any actual production of note happening in any “Ideal Org”. You can be sure if there was it would be blasted through the rafters and boomed at you at the same decibel level as a jumbo jet taking off at every single event.
There you go Scnethics, giving the clampire pr advice. They won’t take any advice from us defrocked bitter apostates and unemployed bloggers. Look for those ‘extras wanted’ signs at all the idle mOrgs in the near future. They don’t even have dead horses to flog in the new temples of miscavige. I am waiting for some more flyers with graphs that have on labels or no labeled axis to explain the graphs. Perhaps they can borrow an old Soviet 5 year plan? Those worked so well too…..