The crazy keeps getting crazier. The unhinged Minions of Miscavige spew increasingly insane rantings as the walls close in on their bubble of belief.
Anyone suffering under the illusion that “author” of this latest conspiracy theory, Ryan Prescott, is some wayward “lone-wolf” scientologist acting on his own, please know this is NOT the case.
Nobody, especially not a scientology org staff member, takes OSA Matters into their own hands. They ONLY act in concert with and as fronts for OSA or they are shut down instantly. He might as well announce himself officially as a member of the STAAD League OSA Front.
Ryan reminds me of the “Squirrel Busters” that were deployed against Marty Rathbun when he was “public enemy #1”. The overzealous “OT’s” who thought they were collecting brownie points for their good work (and a paycheck for their time) were actually sinking scientology. OSA banked on the fiction that their outrageous conduct was “protected” because they were “individual scientologists, expressing themselves according to the freedom of speech and religion guarantees of the 1st Amendment”… But that didnt work out so well when the evidence proved they were directed and paid by OSA. Even Miscavige and RTC dumped on Church of Scientology International to try to escape liability and ended up admitting the entire operation was OSA.
Mr. Prescott has been diligently working to try to “dead agent” Scientology and The Aftermath. Rest assured nobody dares utter a word on this subject without being in VERY close coordination with OSA. This is a “matter of RTC concern” and sits squarely on the plate of David Miscavige. Prescott would not be writing and publishing books were he not working on an approved OSA program.
In their desperate efforts to “do something effective” they make horrendous bloopers like the one in his “book” The Truth About Apostates: The Scientology Story.
Really Ryan? Jennifer Lopez and Kathy Griffin are “wanting to make a profit from bashing scientology” and are “all working pretty openly together”?
Rather bold of you… I suspect they may take issue with your characterizations.
I suspect also the back story of this book is all going to come to the fore in the near future.
This is the sort of nut-job accusation that destroy any shred of credibility scientology might try to assert. They are truly unhinged. No allegation is too “out there” when it comes to the crimes and conspiracies employed by Leah Remini and me in our “campaign of hate and bigotry.” Scientology will literally say anything.
For those who care, a little background on Ryan Prescott.
He was born to Scientology parents with some notoriety. His father, Richard E. Prescott, got into trouble running unlicensed Narconon-style drug rehabs in California before moving the family to Oregon.
Ryan is on staff at the Portland Ideal Org and came to the attention of Tony Ortega on his blog for his crazy scientology twitter feed.
Here he is, resplendent in his ideal org bellhop uniform, announcing himself as a “Social Media Network Founder” (with 29 followers) and “Entrepeneur”
His current “book” is a collection of blog posts/tweets from the STAAD League/OSA Files, compiled by an illiterate (not sure if Ryan actually compiled it or it was sent to him by someone else). I suspect the next book will be a step down from that. I look forward to whatever his next conspiracy theories are — perhaps that Barack Obama and Donald Trump have teamed up to black PR Tom Cruise’s movies at the behest of the World Federation of Mental Health?
Last I checked, his current book had 13 reviews on Amazon. All devastatingly negative. They couldn’t even round up some fake people to post some glowing reviews of his 72 page masterpiece.
I don’t normally bother with someone like this, but I wanted to make it clear that he IS an OSA Operative (for all I know, his post in the “ideal org” in Portland could actually be in OSA).
Happily, I predict the fake supporters, fake allies and fake front groups of scientology are not going to be around too much longer.
Winter is coming.
Hey Mike, I just went down rabbit hole of google/twitter for that dimwit Ryan Prescott and found this on his twitter feed…
Ryan Prescott
Jul 7
Great to hear! It’s an informative piece. Let me know what you think when you’re finished with it.
Also, Escaping Leah is going to be available on social media platforms and you’ll be sent a copy of it through my team here for 1/2 price
Standby for the link in the next week. 👍
Ryan Prescott
Jul 7
The reason is because the apostates are VERY scared of the info in Escaping Leah, they should be scared it’s gripping, it’s real info, and it’s not censored!
Amazon is currently working on my previous release. I’ve made a decision to not allow it on Amazon due to the intensity.
Thought I’d point it out in case it hadn’t been spotted yet.
Ryan Prescott
For all of those that are interested in grabbing a copy of Escaping Leah, I’ll be offering a copy of it through social media platforms nonstop!
Due to the fear of MANY this book is actually being suppressed and I’ve decided to release it on all platforms in September!
3:51 AM · Jul 7, 2019
What this Ryan Ascott comes down to. Will be the same as how we took down other OSA accounts on social media. These characters are only providing bad PR for Scientology, according to their own rules. Most of these people are runaway Scientologist who think they are defending their religion. When management (Who don’t watch the Internet) finds out… They will be shut down!
These Scientologists are crazier than shit house rats.
Christine offered[laughs]
Sadly, I couldn’t copy and paste them, darn it.
Round and round and round it goes when the cult spins that wheel, but it always stops and points to the same thing. Cult desperation, or rather, DM desperation to keep his faithful followers too terrified to let themselves believe they’ve been scammed.
Poor Dwarfenführer: doomed to eternally do EXACTLY the same thing until it (MAGICALLY!) produces the desired effect. AND he can’t see the insanity of that because “Tubby” didn’t ever say it.
Who is his audience? Scientologists can’t read it because if will make them curious about things COS doesnt want them curious about.
The general public won’t give a shit about this drival.
The critics are not interested in the other than to laugh. So their really ISNT an audience.
They can’t use the book to say “see look, there are books being published that show how bad all these people are! we are winning!” Because we can’t let people get curious can we!
There is one audience and that is miscaviage and OSA so they can pat themselves on the back because they think they stuck it to someone. The reality is all they did was stick it to themselves with yet another foot bullet.
It is entertaining to watch the assinine attempts by OSA to discredit critics, I feel sorry for the people who truly believe and/or have no clue what is really going on. But I have no sympathy for those that are deliberately keeping their head in sand and following LRH to the bitter end (please note that doesn’t include those who are under the radar, I sympathize with them and completely understand WHY they need to keep it that way).
Like you I also have no sympathy for those Still In who are deliberately keeping their heads in the sand, and also like you I except the UTRs who are only pretending to go along with the program while planning their exit.
Mike wrote: “… as the walls close in …”
As the walls close in. I find myself repeating that phrase over and over.
I am very afraid of “jinxing” what is happening by talking about it as if it has already occurred. But I am just too excited and delighted to say nothing. Why is that?
Because it is so rare that in our lifetimes we can recognize a great wrong and attempt to join a movement that we believe is working to right this wrong. Ever since I saw the first episode of Mike & Leah’s show, I knew this was one of the greatest wrongs I would see during my lifetime and I had to try to do something to help make it right.
I really could never do very much. I contributed what little money I could to a few organizations that I believed were doing a good job of fighting to eradicate this wrong. But I have found it is just so rare that one can pick and choose a cause to pursue and then actually see it come true before our eyes.
But that is exactly what is happening with this scam. There have been other examples of a serious wrong that has been going on for a long time but nothing seemed to be happening until one brave soul opened the door and it was like a floodgate had been opened and many other people followed suit. I’m thinking of what happened to Harvey Weinstein and Bill Cosby and Bernie Madoff. But, with deference to Mr. Madoff, I believe the greatest wrong of them all is this scam. Not only because of the great financial wrongs it does but also because of all the physical beatings and intimidation and all the destruction of families due to their nasty policies like “disconnection”.
The turning point for me was hearing Mary talk about how her son was ripped away from her family and the tremendous sorrow and hardship inflicted upon her. I’m so glad that after today’s “turd” post that Mary made, I can finally get my kick at the can with this post.
It seems as if this scam is finally on its last legs and that, “Eradication Day” is on its way. The monster is surely either quaking in his boot or is just so crazy that he doesn’t know any better and is not at all worried. That is all the better. I long for the day that I see this monster being led away in handcuffs. I have a friend who used to say that for some people, “life in prison is just not enough”. He said, for those people, “they should just lift up the penitentiary and throw them in, “under the penitentiary”. That is the only sentence that is just and proper for these monsters.
After all the pain and suffering they have caused, I just hope they can imprison all the people who deserve it. More importantly, I hope they will be able to get ahold of all the billions of dollars and compensate all the victims. Even more importantly, I hope they will be able to reverse all the terrible things that have been done to families under the guise of “disconnection”.
Thank you Skyler. I really appreciate people like you so much – people that have no dog in this race and yet stand up for the good guys. I really admire you and thank you for your fight in this. It is people like you that will help make it stop.
PS: If it makes you feel any better, I think people like david miscavige live in hell. I agree with you that he should be in prison but know that his life is hell. Having said that, I agree with you that he still needs to be stopped because of the damage and suffering he has done and continues to do.
That means so much to me coming from you Mary. Thank you.
I’m late to muster for comment. But I did want to say thanks for addressing this issue. No, I didn’t know he could not be going out on his own. So then, that says OSA is having a meltdown, because this booklet is so bizarre. I actually thought it might not be released on Amazon, after the lawsuit was filed. But, oh yes, in their arrogance, it was, and even included VH.
They think they can get away with anything. Can’t wait for the lawsuits to keep hammering them.
J Lo and Kathy Griffin? That was one of the first things I tweeted about when this garbage came out. Why include them with all the other bullshit lies?
DM is really losing it. Yet Ryan calls ME insane, because I am a critic.
I can’t help feeling that the criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology – by naming Jane Doe as VH – has got VH’s lawyers right where they want it…
Attacking JLo? Seriously? Not only does JLo have nothing to do with the cherch, other than she demonstrates REAL Human Rights of loving her girlfriend regardless of her religious preferences, Jlo is loved by the world! And her boyfriend has a huge voice as well. Attacking A-Rod’s girlfriend is not a smart move within the athletic, worldwide community of what…countless numbers?!
As has been pointed out by so many…the cherch is it’s own worst PR enemy! Keep it up OSA! You are so ignorant that it really is laughable.
Great observations Mike.
Cultic Idiocy reigns supreme in Scientology Ryan is the latest manifestation.
BTW, Henry Kissinger & Warren Buffet are out to get Scientology as well. So are Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Madonna and Queen Elizabeth II.
NO conspiracy ‘theory’ is too outré for that unhinged group, not even their most fevered hallucinations fail to pass their muster. It’s a shame the celebrities don’t take a page from scn and SUE the idiots spreading the falsehoods.
Chapter Two: “The Scientology religion is an ultimate success. My golly, it is completely successful for a new religious movement. That is the success and promise of Scientology. It is happening right now.”
My golly, that is pablum.
“I have been in Scientology for all my life.”
Poor Ryan doesn’t get out much.
Pedrito Miraflores said:
“Poor Ryan doesn’t get out much.”
Poor boy probably can’t get out at all: too many SPs and DBs for ‘him’ to confront. Poor boy has probably done DM’s squirrel PTS/SP course so many times that he’s frozen into immobility, unable to do anything but parrot DM’s drivel from the safety of his OSA office.
“Living life the way I want to and without any limitations.”
Not said: “So long as Mommy and Daddy keep paying my bills”.
How old is this cult brat – 40?
So typical of the unemployed, smug, preachy, self-satisfied Peter Pans of both sexes I knew back in the day.
Another whopper that would have been well worth circling in red reads: “The fact stands that these people have already been exposed. These corporations have been exposed for things already done in the past…”
This is typical Hubbard-speak. State a false premise as “fact” without making any effort of substantiating it even in the slightest. From there you can loudly and proudly proceed to absolutely ANY conclusion you had pre-determined.
I am NOT advocating blindly believing everything served up by news programs. But he’s asking his readers to believe that a laundry list of 11 news corporations and two individuals (and he promises that the list is even longer) should be categorically disbelieved because. Because. Because?
This does not even rise to the level of an ad-hominem “argument” i.e. it falls short of even being a logical fallacy as it fails to even provide a credible attack on ANY of the sources.
Meanwhile, the number of “book” reviews has risen to 15 (and no, I have not posted one in order to be able to say this). And NOT ONE of them awarded more than one star (the minimum a reviewer must give). Battlefield Earth Redux!
Battle Turd Dirt.
I read once that a prominent Scientologist became completely deprogrammed after an equally prominent “enemy” corrected her grammar instead of slamming her bad writing. My point is: maybe that kind of “kill them with kindness” approach should be taken instead of negativity in leaving reviews. Counterintuitive but…it worked once.
In keeping with Mary’s self admitted crudity, I submit the following limerick for a lunatic:
There once was an asshole named Dave
Whose actions were more than depraved
Though he caught big whales
The small shithead failed
Descending from sewer to grave
*Applause* *Applause* *Applause*
Jeeezus, they’re *still* saying “somebody” is paying/profiting from calling that cult out on their shit? Damn, what a bunch of fuckups.
In that case: Where’s my back pay?
Gus wrote:”Jeeezus, they’re *still* saying “somebody” is paying/profiting from calling that cult out on their shit? Damn, what a bunch of fuckups.”
Yeah, and it’s not as if JLo and Kathy G couldn’t make FAR more money just doing what they do so well, that taking side-trips to swipe at that criminal organization representing itself falsely as a church doesn’t materially add to their respective wealths, but actually costs them ca$h. Of course the magnificently paid staff at OSA and other SO enclaves wouldn’t recognize “lost opportunity” if it rose up and smacked them across the face.
Prescott, thy book’s rot.
The “book” is terrible, and I wouldn’t suggest trying to read it. It does, however, need to be taken down due to the libel its spews. (please leave a review if you can- I borrowed a copy, read it in about ten minutes, and returned it, but you can easily ‘buy’ a copy and return it Amazon the same hour). I was a little shocked that he didn’t get a single positive review from some scientologists, although it may not be part of whatever the plan is here. And I do believe there is some sort of half baked ‘plan’ behind this piece of propaganda. Prescott couldn’t have just written this piece of dreck without prior approval and directives. (and, like Mike, I’m not entirely convinced he actually DID write it). So the question is, what are they attempting to accomplish with it?
Most of the cults social media sites are being run by bots- they post the same stories over and over on a rotational basis, and are not being maintained regularly. The multiple STAAD sites (these are the most obvious), and even Ed Parkin’s site occasionally has no one home. So the question is: why have dozens of twitter pages up with the same information being posted on a regular schedule? Is it so that the public can be shown that the cult has a strong presence on social media- they could be directing people to specific sites while still being monitored, but wouldn’t that increase the risk that they may read one of the multiple comments (and none of the comments are complimentary), is it another attempt to snare people into joining- pique their curiosity, or is it to keep all of us occupied in order to divert attention from other things (OMG- I’m starting to sound paranoid now). Regardless, it is a puzzle. And just to reiterate- he is a little pissant of a person who needs to stop spreading teh lies he is ‘publishing’.
Kat, IMO, at Ed Parkin’s place, no one is EVER “home”. No thought, nothing original, just relaying Davey-Boy’s word salad periodically.[Likely just before 2 PM on Thursdays to get someone’s garbage ‘stats’ up.]
What is ironic is that most of the sales of this book is going to be by said ‘apostates’ who are curious about how Prescott ‘confronts and SHATTERS suppression’. I’m willing to wager that very few scilons purchase this book , with the exception of his family who I’m sure will buy the obligatory copy.
I bought his book for the express purpose of returning it. I had already contributed a negative review before reading it. The return process and refund was instant. There was no place for comment just a drop down category selection for the reason why. The most fitting one was “offensive content.” I recommend others doing the same because Amazon could ax his books altogether.
The Delusion runs strong in this clamawon. And I mean really strong. Still, if Prescott steps over the line, Griffin and Lopez have hungry lawyers. I think they would enjoy raking Prescott over the coals.
Is this all the ‘confront’ that the Clampire can muster?
Bill Maher is gonna be PISSED that JLo and KGriff got credit and that he wasn’t even mentioned … Heck, he was taking on the CoS before JLo was dating Puff Daddy …
Don’t forget John Oliver, he likes to take not so subtle digs at $camology as well.
People unable to make the world better can make themselves better and make the world better.
“They couldn’t even round up some fake people to post some glowing reviews of his 72 page masterpiece.”
I think they know if they try the usual counter Fair Game tactics they will only underline the truth of the Fair Gaming policy and be eviscerated while only drawing more negative attention to themselves and their pathetic and brain-washing cult of madness.
“Masterpiece”? Don’t you mean “Diasasterpiece”?
Damn it! “Disasterpiece.”
The Heat Is On, oh yes!
It’s just occurred to me that Scios behave very much like Kipling’s Bandar-log (Monkey People) from his “Jungle Book” series. The Bandar-log believe that they’re the smartest creatures in the jungle, and they operate under the delusion that they run the place. But in fact, their scatterbrained anarchy causes them to be treated as pariahs by the rest of the jungle. Their foolish and chattering ways are illustrated by their slogan: “We are great. We are free. We are wonderful. We are the most wonderful people in all the jungle! We all say so, and so it must be true.”
If the COS STAND blog isn’t a shining example of foolish chattering, I don’t know what is.
I can’t agree more. Well said.
Love it.
That’s truly the best (most unique) and truly apt comparison I’ve heard. Especially in light of how ridiculously silly they’re recent antics have become.
Argh now the Disney “Jungle Book” song “I wanna be like you-oo-ooh…” is marching through my brain.
I can’t believe this mess was authorized…it is too pathetic. How did JLo get into the bullseye, other than being Leah’s friend and supporter? JLo and Kathy Griffin certainly do not need to moonlight as piad Scientology attackers….they both do very well as entertainers. So…why them in particular?
It was just Dave’s ‘bright idea’ after a weekend bender.
Yea, it will just make more of an enemy of JLo, and Kathy Griffin will just incorporate this latest bullshit into her act.
Scientology is so good at making enemies, You’d think they were on “our side”. (Woops, I better not say that too loud….don’t want them to stop).
“Ryan Prescott’s the name, foot bullets is my game”.
Well and last Mike mentioned it at all, JLo’s father was still a scientologist in good standing. Created some resentment for a bit because, of course he wasn’t made to disconnect from his daughter.
Wonder if he’s still in, etc.? I know that’s a fine line and perhaps not something Mike will touch upon out of respect, which I get, but I DEFINITELY wonder if he’s either left or is now being pressured to “handle or disconnect?!” Either way – VERY unwise move of the co$… but, what’s new?!
I bought the book on kindle…it is atrociously bad! Poor grammar, run on sentences and HUGE generalities. They accuse whole networks, like CNN, ABC etc. of colluding with “big pharma” and “famous people.” No details, no proof, no research! (sound familiar?) The language used is so obviously that of osa! This book reads for me, like a 13 year old trying to write an adventure story of how the hero, “easily leaped over tall buildings,” as opposed to more expert writers who would try to explain gravity and why that may or not happen so the reader finds some believability at least. I asked Amazon for a refund it’s so bad! This should not even be published it is so amateurish! Sheesh.
Thanks for the review. No longer tempted to see how bad it is, Thanks for taking one for the team!
So, no nude photos of Leah?
“Winter is coming”
Anything in particular we can do to increase the length and ferocity of this winter?
I love it when Mike says, “Winter is coming.” Oooooo maaaaan.
Help find names for the big list?
And now its…
Springtime for Leah in Hollywood.
Winter for Davey at Flag
Adding to His enormous wrath.
Look out, here comes the Aftermath!
Springtime for Rinder in Hollywood.
Miscavige cries like a lass
Leah and Rinder in Hollywood!
Poor ole Davey, they’re kicking your ass!
With Apologies to Mel Brooks:
Well, the cult was having trouble
What a sad, sad story
Needed a new leader to restore
Its former glory
Where, oh, where was he?
Where could that man be?
We looked way down and then we found
The man for you and me
Where, oh, where was he?
Where could that man be?
We looked WAY down and then we found
The man for you and me!
OSA OPERATIVE (played by Monique Yingling) (singing):
Springtime for Davey and Narconon
Winter for Leah and Mike
We’re suing at a faster pace
Look out! We’ll slap you in the face,
Then the purif endureth for everyone
They all want to run round the Poles
COB is causing furor!
He’s got those Psychs on the run
You gotta love that wacky little man!
COB is causing furor
They can’t say “no” to his demands
They’re freaking out in foreign lands
He’s got the whole world in his hands
COB is causing furor!
Hip hip myself!
Hooray to me!
I’m the runt
Who’s out to change our history
Salute myself
Raise your hand
There’s no greater
Dictator in the land!
Everything I do, I do for you!
Springtime for Davey, the Godlike one
Freewinds is sailing once more
Springtime for Davey is dangerous
Means that…
Soon we’ll be going…
MARTY (with jazz hands):
We’ve got to be going…
You know we’ll be going….
You bet we’ll be going…
You know we’ll be going to the HOLE!!
LOLOL! A masterpiece, Kimo!
I cannot BELIEVE i posted my own tiny parody of this BEFORE i read yours. Oh, well, great minds, etc. 🙂
Funny! I saw yours and went Awwww maaaan!
Mary you just made my whole day!!
Good to see you here again!
🙂 My work is done. 🙂
That was a terrific letter you wrote!!! I’m also glad that Amazon doesn’t sell the “book” anymore, although I would have loved to read the reviews.
Ryan ‘Incompetent’ Prescott – R.I.P.
For the past few days, I have been looking for an opportunity to tell you all about a film I recently saw. It was about the life of Ruth Bader Ginsburg and her life contains many ideas and principles that I think may be of interest to most people here.
In particular, near the end of this film, she gives a speech to the Federal Court of Appeal that applies to the plight of many women – perhaps more so in our recent past than it does today. But there is still plenty of preconceived prejudice that many Americans face today – especially women and minorities.
I hope you all will forgive me for being off topic. But that speech was just so beautiful and so moving that I couldn’t keep from posting here to tell you about it. Here are two links to that film. But reading about it cannot possibly compare to the experience of seeing it.
“On the Basis of Sex”:
I sincerely hope you will get the opportunity to see it and that you will enjoy it as much as I did.
Oops. I forgot to say that the film was not only relevent to women and minorities but also to victims of cults like this scam Mike and Leah have been working so hard to eradicate.
Hey! I just thought of a great name for the holiday we all will be able to celebrate on the anniversary of the day that this scam finally dies. Maybe we could call it, “Eradication Day”?
When I was doing scientology 50 years ago the search was for truth. What exists now is a cult that lives on lies. A cult of doublespeak.
The cult has always been a lie. Dianetics and scientology are lies. Hubbard was always a liar. Miscavige is a liar. There were no ” good old days “, whe the pure tech worked; it’s always been The Dreck that didn’t deliver what it promised and bankrupted people morally and financially…
For any readers still clinging to ” the tech is useful ” myth, this point can’t be over-emphasized. Let the turd be flushed…
👍 There’s good and bad shit. Hubbard’s is the latter.
“Every Single Lie the Apostates tell” This book was obviously written for a very small audience of dedicated Scientologists. So Mr. Prescott has tracked everything I have said as a lie. This is the most twisted logic I have ever encountered in my life. It really shows a mind that is totally controlled by Hubbard and his nonsense. Good luck Mr. Prescott you are a sick puppy.
I know an apostate
Who’s no longer prostrate
She fled from the cult state
And now she can think straight
very good
This is going to be really crude but I can’t help but have the image of a turd swirling around and around bumping into itself and its own dirty water before it heads down the toilet pipes never to be seen again; this is the church of scientology.
Swirling around loudly screaming the water molecules were conspiring against him.
The swirling turd called Scientology….
Circling the drain to its demise
Self destructing David Miscavige could not do more
To flush that poisonous turd down the drain for eternity.
OSA – you will be personally held responsible for any damage you cause to critics telling the truth about El Tubby Hubbard and his phony religion as well as David Miscavige. It may be wise to confront all before you end up in prison. You are wrong and have been wrong. The time has come. “Winter is coming”
OMG! Mary Kahn talking about a swirling turd? What is becoming of our world? Has the earthquake in LA rattled our beings so much that it has brought us to the point where a lady like Mary would speak of such things?
Or is it just my own stupid preconceived notions that because of the way Mary looks (like a Rosebowl Queen or a Miss America), she could never possibly do the same things like the rest of us such as “shit” or “fart”?
I’m almost 70 years old but somehow, I’m still an idiotic prepubescent 12 year-old. My apologies to Mary for my foolish fantasy about her and thank goodness I deleted the post I had written before I pressed, “Post”.
Now I’ve done it! Blown my cover. You found me out. 😂😂😂
AAAhhhh, BUT Mary was the woman who was so sick and tired of it all she had the cojones to WALK OUT of a COS session & REFUSED to be stopped.
Sometimes you get to realize that THIS might be your ONLY chance to FREE yourself & if you Do NOT take this ONE opportunity to get the HELL OUT….t may never come again….OR you will never have the cojones to do it.
Mary paid a high price to leave… of the highest prices many are suffering through right now….disconnection.
Mary, I pray for you & everyone else…that what has been TAKEN from you…is returned.
Shit, you’re right!
Lol. What imagery!
Scientology is the official toilet bowl of infinity!! COB says so!!
And does that make him the official toilet paper? Or the official turd?
He’s a chitlin.