Amazing — not even out for a year and already you can “re-do” Super Power.
Put aside the conceit of promoting Matt Feshbach to give a seminar on how to handle your finances — when as reported earlier he filed for bankruptcy a few years ago and had massive liens from the IRS.
And ignore that in alignment with the new normal of GAG II, he no longer promotes himself as a Flag Trained Class VI — he apparently has no classification at all.
Just focus on the best news for regges everywhere — straight from the mouth of Flag OT Committee Chairwoman, Mrs. Feshbach’s IAS bosom buddy and Pinellas County’s leading side of the road rug salesperson, Kaye Champagne.
In her own words:
“He was the only public who was allowed to do Super Power many years ago…and of course, he’s done it again…now that it is fully available.”
Wow, that is quite a bomb to drop. I suppose the “gains” were not too permanent? He declared bankruptcy subsequent to Super Power, he has also had a “debilitating” back condition. And for the record, he was not “allowed” to do Super Power, he was brought to the Int Base by Dear Leader after losing several million Tom Cruise had invested with the Feshbach brothers. COB had to have a “handle the hell out of it” to present to BFF Tom, so not only did the FB’s eat their losses and make Tom “whole again” COB was able to tell Tom that he had ordered them to Int to get THE LRH handling for incompetent and flubbing org staff. And of course, added bonus, they had to pay. And COB got to show off his dictatorial supreme powers to Tom once again — it was unheard of for any public person to be at the Int Base for services other than super celebrities. Nobody would dare even contemplate proposing to bring a “public” to “COB’s home” — that would have been considered a suppressive act, but of course he could just snap his fingers and order it.
But it’s all good. Flag is fast depleting the available public for Super Power, so now they can start recycling them. For sure, a quick trip to the Flag MAA Office will set you up perfectly for a whole new Ethics Repair List. And attending one of those international events and not collapsing in spasms of cognitive dissonance qualifies you for some serious “perceptic handlings” and a new “False Data Rundown.” This IS the perfect hamster wheel….
Mike wrote: Put aside the conceit of promoting Matt Feshbach to give a seminar on how to handle your finances — when as reported earlier he filed for bankruptcy a few years ago.
It is conceited and arrogant of the church to promote Matt Feshbach as their golden boy of Scientology with his work and bankruptcy record and current life situation. The CoS thinks that people are stupid and in a sense they are because they never fact check anyone or anything that’s spoon fed to them.
It is also conceited on the part of Matt Feshbach to accept this adulation and respect from the public while not being honest about his own finances and work record of the Feshbach Brothers with the parishioners. How about telling people to live within their means and to honor their financial obligations, such as paying taxes (no matter how much you may not like it)?
I attended a Flag World Tour Event several years ago in which Matt Feshbach was one of the featured speakers (the second one). He tooted his own horn about how much money he made with Feshbach Brothers but left out how that turned out, of course. He never mentioned bankruptcy. He put down people who went to college “to drink beer.” In fact, all he talked about was how wonderful and excellent he is in everything he does, including his wife, kids and even the people his children married. It was pretty dull and everyone was slumped over in their seats by the time he finished speaking. The life and air was sucked out of the room. He came across as a very self-involved, conceited man. Not only in my opinion but the person I attended the event with too, who is a devout public. And judging by the audiences reaction to him, I’m guessing they also didn’t get a warm and fuzzy feeling listening to him either but probably couldn’t figure out why. This is because as Matt congratulates himself, he links it to going to Flag and doing Scientology. Covert methods.
Once, years ago, I was recruited for the Super Power project .. I did not sign the contract. I got some then so called confidential interviews about. I got explained it is a worthful help and program for staff, so that all are on purpose again with success in giving away scientology to the public .. all past failures should be cleared up per LRH intention for staff.. no one spoke about a public rundown .. only helping staff to get that corrected which should be corrected .. means false condition, false indication, false purpose,
I did not understand why this was confidential .. so I did not sign the contract .. although a good idea to do it properly .. I am happy that I did not sign, it is about 20 years ago .. and the final end is not what was said in the first place ..
What is confidential about to get some by-passed charge out of the road .. I mean Super Power is nothing else than bring you again in power .. there ist no Super .. only that you can learn about why you lost your power .. lost sense .. lost your own view what you are doing really .. bringing you back to your own original power .. GAT II should teach you that there will be no Super Power available for staff ..
The Feschback Brothers: Three Wild and Crazy Guys.
I love these Celebutologists. Not only are they legends in their own minds, but they are legends in a bunch of Flavour-Aid drinkers’ minds too! I mean, the Feschbacks, in real life, are disgraced. That singer, what’s her name Stacy Francis – all vibrato and melismatic overkill glossed with bad pitch – is, in Scientology, promoted as some kind of major international “star.” They’re scraping the bottom of the barrel.
Wall Street Journal, NY Times, AND Oh! Oh! Time Magazine featured Matt Feshbach, too. Let’s not forget the international renown he gained from that.
Wow! This is quite a new angle I had not even imagined.
The public believes that the Feshbachs were REWARDED for their large donations to Super Power by being given the privilege of getting it before anyone else.
But you’re saying that they were pulled up to Int for some elbow-deep colon cleansing, given Super Power to handle their having been such fuck-ups, and then were coerced into making a big donation to Super Power to make amends, and then were trotted around as examples of such great people to encourage other people to donate as well??
Holy shit. That shit runs deep.
YEs — this is exactly right. I believe this was covered earlier on Marty Rathbun’s blog.
Gee guys – don’t you see just how OT they are in the bubbles bubble?
Money back guarantee and all
Jeezes get some status will ya!
Imagine how all this must mess with Matt’s head. Because before Mike revealed what really went on and how Matt came to do Super Power; we were in awe of him and his privileged status with COB. The “only” OT “allowed” to do Super Power because he was so much more “upstat” than we were. And in reality he was invalidated and emasculated by COB for what happens every day in the stock market: people lose money because they make bad investments. But because “people” was Tom Cruise and because Cruise invested with Feshbachs on COB’s recommendation Matt had to be ground up and spit out, had to “make Tom whole”, had to atone for his “sins” by giving the IAS millions and then do Super Power as a punishment for being such a loser. And THEN he had to pretend to everyone else that he was upstat, powerful and in COB’s inner circle. What does that level of pretense do to a man?
We know what it did to Joe Feshbach. He died of a massive hear attack in his early 50’s. And Kurt Feshbach didn’t avoid living a super-weird life where he married and then impregnanted the nanny who cared for the children from his first marriage. And then immortalized the tawdry affair in one of the worst pieces of “art” every created (see the Kurt and Kannon Feshbach “velvet” painting archived on Tony Ortega’s site).
And of course there is Tommy Davis and Jessica Feshbach (daughter of the late Joe and Cindy Feshbach) and their super-strange, distorted life both in and out of the Sea Org.
And of course Kathy Feshbach who gave up auditing to shill for the IAS. I was with Kathy on the internship and I admired her so much, like we all admired and respected the Feshbach because she was a really good auditor (or so we were told). But in reality, while the OOTs struggled away from home, living on shoestring Kathy had, not just a nanny for her youngest child, but a cook and a housekeeper and a Clearwater mansion to go home to. How could she not do well on the internship? That was ALL she had to do.
Knowing the invalidation, evaluation, pretense, facade, distorted reality and false PR that family has been the cause and effect of, how can they stay? How can they not just walk away in disgust? When do they wake up to the actual reality of Scientology and what it has truly done to them?
As the revelations keep pouring in from the many, many, many people speaking out, I wonder if there was ever ANYTHING in the whole of scientology that was real or true.
Powerful comment Been There. I truly don’t know how they live with themselves. To answer your last question I would say, yes. I have heard thousands of beautiful wins that were very powerful and real, and meant a lot to the person speaking. I remember one where I audited a guy who was very introverted and confused on the 2D. His wild youth was haunting him, as it does many, and we did usual things to sort him out. He got the courage to hit on the woman of his dreams and married her and they had a child. He was so happy and rich with love and fatherhood, which he hadn’t thought possible. This was so real, his life was truly changed to more of what HE wanted and he was proud of himself. Let’s not forget our positive experiences because to desert them, is to desert our good intentions, and the good efforts of many. As the lies/corruption are exposed, I refuse to let these ignorant and greedy bastards alter that truth. Integrity is everything.
This is why I love you, Hallie Jane. The benefits are real to those who have experienced them. Scientology, the study, isn’t suppressive. The ARC triangle has been found to work. Think the comm cycle is a bunch of BS? Try not acknowledging someone repeatedly and see how irritated or angry they get.
I can’t speak for anyone else here but how I feel about this is that someone created methods to help others. The people who are helped are happy to feel that they can improve themselves. The people who apply it are happy that they have found some way to help others.
L. Ron Hubbard has done some crazy things? “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.” So did Leonardo Da Vinci. Sir Isaac Newton had his quirks and Mozart, well, Mozart was Mozart.
We can’t say that there is no gravity because Sir Isaac was an occasional hot-head or that Mozart’s music wasn’t as good as it is because Mozart was a wild child. In the same way, Scientology isn’t invalid because of Ron’s High Crime of being human.
If we judge and degrade in this way, we are no better than the MAA’s who tried to degrade us for our human faults…and not paying the IAS.
Great comments Been There and Hallie Jane, you made excellent points.
I can’t help myself right now. Here is the painting of Kurt and Kannon Feshbach:
The first time I saw this I cringed and thought “this painting should not see the light of day.” It did however. I couldn’t help but think about photos I have of my husband and daughter, with her arm casually slung over his shoulder like “hey, Dad.” Or some out of time prom photo with Kurt in a tux, except that Kannon has her large, naked pregnant belly exposed.
C. O. B. – Crazed Odious Bastard. Bankruptcy in Matt’s world means that the big dollars were safely hidden away and he has rich family members that give (gift?) him money while in this parlous state. From what I’ve read about the Feshbach brothers I wouldn’t trust them with one cent let alone millions of dollars.
Mike, this is new and mind-boggling intel as re Matt Fleshoffyourback and thank you for your wit; as it truly is the spoonful of sugar that makes the medicine go down. I don’t think I could stomach reading about this level of hypocracy “straight”.
And let’s not forget poor old Joe Feshbach who also paid 1 million large to do Super Power at Int. Seems as though Kurt was the only smart one of the bunch. He manages to stay out of the bad news.
LRH data on finance? Wasn’t that when he said all you have to do is start a religion?
The only truly amazing thing about this whole mess is how seemingly smart people can be so stupid and get sucked into scientology in the first place.
I think that’s because one is manipulated to join through emotional manipulation. And some people are vulnerable to that, smart or not.
From Peter Bonyai’s excellent book ‘Money, Power, Servitude: Adventures in the Wonderland of Scientology’
“The main thing was to divert the matter to an emotional level and make it a question of belief. This was an excellent way of dispensing with rational computations and common sense.”
Just when you’re sure you can’t be surprised.
Let me get this straight. Matt Feshbach declared bankruptcy yet comes up with tens of thousands of bucks for scientology? Matt Feshbach has a chronic back condition but completed the Cause Resurgence rundown? I completed that when it was the pilot running program with a severe back medical problem. I didn’t have a choice. It was the only way I could leave. Now I too have a chronic back condition.
Some EP: Broke Back Mouthpiece.
Redo mania! I thought this was odd when it started back in the late 70’s with people redoing “bridge” because they were not really “clear”. (after becoming REALLY “clear” the only demonstrable change in the person was a shrunken bank account) The church realized then that it was a money maker and the practice has been increased in inverse proportion to the number of active church members.
Mike wrote:
And for the record, he was not “allowed” to do Super Power, he was brought to the Int Base by Dear Leader after losing several million Tom Cruise had invested with the Feshbach brothers. COB had to have a “handle the hell out of it” to present to BFF Tom, so not only did the FB’s eat their losses and make Tom “whole again” COB was able to tell Tom that he had ordered them to Int to get THE LRH handling for incompetent and flubbing org staff. And of course, added bonus, they had to pay. And COB got to show off his dictatorial supreme powers to Tom once again — it was unheard of for any public person to be at the Int Base for services other than super celebrities.
Are you saying that, as the investment professional, that Feshback had to pay Tom Cruise back his whole original investment?
YEs, that is exactly what I am saying. Them losing money for TC was unacceptable. Especially as Miscavige had been the one that recommended them as he has HIS money invested with the Feshbachs and they had made handsome returns EVERY year.
I remember now where I heard of a situation like this before! The Martin Scorsese movie Casino! And how appropriate it is indeed. Joe Pesci plays this short statured psychopathic criminal who invests some of his money in a legit business and ends up losing it. Well, he can’t stand for that so he ends up going ballistic on the investor and roughs him up and threatens to kill him until he gets his money back, which he does. It’s just one scene from a much bigger movie but it totally fits the bill.
Sorry for the constant movie references but I’m a big movie buff so I tend to relate any experience I have to a movie I’ve seen 🙂 I do it with Simpsons too.
A CRIMINAL organization through and through. Give me a “whole track psych” over this group any day.
Ah ha! Now I see what was happening with Dr Denk not being allowed to train/audit at Int … he was “public.” A couple paragraphs from my writings:
“When the time came for you to get back on Solo NOTS after your return from your time with LRH, you felt you shouldn’t have to go to Flag but could better be serviced at Int given what you had been doing and who you had been with. But they denied you that option.”
“Flag seemed difficult for you in the early 2000’s. Although you had initially been put on Solo NOTS by LRH, you had not yet finished the level with your on-and-off auditing through the intervening years. Yet we are trained that there are no “special cases,” so you were put on standard public lines going to and from Flag every six months. There was certainly no working toward approximating the more ideal conditions of your time with LRH. Without doubt, had LRH still been around you would have continued to be serviced by the Senior C/S International Office.”
I now understand the “rules,” but alas it’s far, far too late. Rachel
I miss dr Denk!
I find it so offensive that these special people, aka, elitist suckups were given this special treatment at the Int base. It is so inappropriate, for anyone with any understanding of deep spiritual wisdom, to acquiesce to this sort of classist, exclusive and divisive elitism. To exclude someone like Dr. Denk who gave generously to care for LRH was a true statement of their intentions and duplicity. Please consider this a compliment to your husband Rachael, that he didn’t fit in and wasn’t of their ilk. It was a mitzvah.
Thanks for your comment Hallie Jane. Rest assured, LRH gave generously to Dr Denk as well. During that 1984-1986 time period, he spent time with him; he put him on Solo NOTS and CS’d him; he provided for his room and board, etc; and, when the cycle was over, Dr Denk was well paid for his time. By now, we’ve heard so much of the subsequent power struggle, the abusive treatment of personnel, the altering of purposes, etc, I have few doubts that Dr Denk did the best he could with what he had to work with and maintained a semblance of freedom. I do consider your comment as a complement while clarifying the exchange factor. Dr Denk never felt he was owed anything. But he wore a very big hat in our community and shoveling him off to Flag on public lines was probably not the best decision by the new regime that needed to curry favor among the rich and famous.
I understand completely TheWidowDenk. I can see why Dr. Denk would feel invalidated and slighted, rightly so. A private place for some people to receive auditing could be very appropriate if considered and treated properly. The glitz over substance problem was starting to manifest. Btw, Dr. Denk treated my children and I thought he was lovely.
That was a lovely remembrance. One would think that Dr. Denk would have been given more respect and care for his service to LRH, even though Dr Denk did not feel entitled. Still, it would have been an appropriate and loving thing to do for him at a time of his own need.
Congratulations Mike and Christie and very best wishes for the future.
Graham — thankyou. Our wedding was in June 2013. That is an old post.
“Put aside the conceit of promoting Matt Feshbach to give a seminar on how to handle your finances — when as reported earlier he filed for bankruptcy a few years ago and had massive liens from the IRS.
And ignore that in alignment with the new normal of GAG II, he no longer promotes himself as a Flag Trained Class VI — he apparently has no classification at all.”
Well we should establish a whole new classification along with an elite club for the likes of Mr. Feshbach, Tom Cruise and Mr. Oiliness Himself……….we could call it the 47X CLUB and for for those who are the best of the best we have the 10/30 WEIGHT, THE 40 WEIGHT, Transmission Oil and for COB Himself would be GEAR OIL.
JT could have a special status called GREASE.
Don’t forget the astroglide
” For sure, a quick trip to the Flag MAA Office will set you up perfectly for a whole new Ethics Repair List. And attending one of those international events and not collapsing in spasms of cognitive dissonance qualifies you for some serious “perceptic handlings” and a new “False Data Rundown.”
You nailed it perfectly Mike! LOL ………………
Yes, masterful writing. 🙂
Oh the irony!
How recently was this sent out? Because with those dates, they’re cutting it a bit fine…
Just being in DM’s presence would make one ‘oily’ enough to pass any oily test…Supreme Oliness!
Ewwwww. The dwarf and oilness….ewwwwwwwww. I need to go shower off.
DM, being all oily makes it harder for people to toss him… 😉
Btw, thank you Mike for the insight into the Matt Feshbach experience.
Love your prose Mike. You really said it all and quite humorously I might add.
What keeps anybody in! “Cognitive Dissonance” my ass! This has gone into some kind of mental subterranean termite infested dissonance.
Thanks, too, for the REAL story about the Feshbach brothers and Super Power. More dots connected for me.
When I was starting OT VII in 1999 Matt was paraded around as the new super being, all the result of Super Powerz. Then one evening Charmagne and Matt invited me to dinner at the FH for a blow job; Charmagne would blow you up and Matt would handle the ‘finance’. Needless to say, a no dono cycle was left as a ‘you must be a really unable piece of shit needed a really long OT VII runway so enjoy the journey! It was another two years before I caved and did a dono. Following that and a couple of other cycles it was magically suggested that I was nearing completion and should come to Flag and finish.
More and more dots to connect. So frickin glad I am suffering much less these days from “mental subterranean termite infested dissonance.” LOL!!!
🙂 Love the “invited me in … for a blow job” line.
Cooper, you and I started out on the OT VII journey at the same time. However, I wasn’t a big whale with lots of money, so I was never “invited to return to Flag to complete the level” after many big donations as you were. Amazing how they play with the EP of VII to suit their needs. And as Ronit Charny, Flag Class IX auditor wrote in her coming out story, she was the Flag VII EP Checker or whatever you call that post, and she had a pre-ot client who she said showed all the EP signs of being done with VII and Flag wouldn’t let him complete the level “because he was overweight and that would be out PR to have an overweight OT VII comp.” Yet she knew he was done. You just can’t make this shit up.
Coop, I’m sorry you were in for as long as you were! All that money could have gone to something useful. Ummmmm, like the party I’ll be throwing at some point in the future with you and the rest of the posters there.
Charmain sure can give a “Blow Job” male or female no problem.
Hallucinatory cause is all I can see here. Lost in the space time continuum! So happy to be out of that maze.
“LRH references we hadn’t even begun to think with” – Second to last paragraph from Kaye letter. Not an LRH ref they analyzed, studied, considered or God forbid, DEBATED, no, it was “to think with”. Yep, just insert tape, hit play and BANG! Total Freedom baby. It’s like fast food for the mind only with Ritz Carlton prices.
Let Hubbard’s flapping lips do my thinking for me? Inconceivable!
Flag is running out of public.
Matt Feshback ? do the opposite of what he does.
Aha, he set the new ‘standard’ in donations for Scientology Religion. Wow, high standards, eh? and he was the source of it?.Hum…
And again they are making sure they print clearly the term ‘religion’ so they can claim scriptures, rituals, sacred words all in order to avoid further lawsuits of which, by the way, they have 47X this year alone.
Missing something? Yes, exclamations marks!!!!!!!!!!
Well, I mean, if you can’t trust someone who had to declare bankruptcy and had massive liens against him, who can you trust? And Matt Feshbach re-doing Super Power doesn’t bother me a bit! I’m thinking the wins are cumulative. Yeah, yeah that’s it! Cumulative! Everyone probably needs to go through Super Power, what, 10, 20 times before they really get it? Sound reasonable to me.
Sign me up!
put your hand in your oven .. you will feel the heat .. an hour or later you have forgotten how it was .. so do it again and again .. maybe you come to a state to know what heat is ..
I actually prefer sticking my head in the oven, Friend! Hey, call me quaint, but, it always worked for me.
But, I will say that I HAVE come to a state where I know what this cult does. And sticking my head in a heated oven is nothing to what they do to their members.
Yeah, dat’s de ticket!
To be fair they probably didn’t have the oiliness table ready when he did Super Power at Int Base.
Yeah, but his oiliness ability wasn’t in need of enhancing.
That’s for sure. He was already one of the top slippery elites in the Cult only to be surpassed by Mr. Oiliness Himself, Dave (the slippery dildo) Miscarriage.
“His oiliness” That is a good one!
Wow….I remember training Matt and Joe Feshback in the gym while Bob Adams looked on back in San Francisco in 1984…they were both nice guys but both overweight and out of shape. But after that they both got the reality adjustment of the need in keeping themselves fit. Then after Super Power in 1999 I saw Matt in Clearwater running the streets and he was at least 60-plus lbs overweight doing it tough and in a struggle. Apart from giving him credit for trying and not dare invalidate his “case state” I just couldn’t figure that out with these “new powers” of his as to why he just couldn’t keep this body rudiment in shape easily. He must have done the Cause Resurgence Rundown back then so I don’t see the body issue. This rundown is sooooooooooo over inflated as to the EP’s that I would love to take any Super Power completion up against any one of my normal guys and test their endurance; mental stamina and toughness – they would not stand a chance.
it’s not about testing, it’s about believing (‘scuse me, about “knowing”). I wonder why that is…