A Special Correspondent just sent this to me. I found it interesting and somewhat heartening.
If you read the message you will see that it does not come from the IAS Vultures but is asking for money to go directly to the OTL Central Europe to buy water, canned food, diapers and rubber boots.
No pitch about distributing soggy copies of WTH or “we are going to train everyone on how to do nerve assists”.
If someone gives money for this, it might actually be spent on something useful.
About time someone at least made an effort to appear to be doing the right thing.
Good for OTL CEE.
If I was still in, I’d probably send him a few bucks. If every Scientologist who got his message sent $25, he ‘d have quite enough to fill the truck (or even $5). But I’m NOT in and not sufficiently interested I guess, to be frank with you. A few weeks ago I saw a post from an acquantance of 25 or so years who disconnected from me. She has terminal cancer and she and her sons are soliciting for funds for an alternative treatment. I sent in $100. Maybe because I ‘m getting older myself. Probably just self serving to show what a big being I am. She’s raised about $2000. I realize most Scientologists are bled dry already of money and no doubt sick of the continual requests. But this is a friend in severe need. I noticed that five Scientologists had given her $100 each. Real caring group. No surprise. Real friendship & loyalty means nothing to the vast majority of these people.
I don’t suppose the publication of their bank account information could open the door for someone to hack their account, do you? That aside, I hope the money goes to the intended purpose … that’d be nice.
I hope he sent this request out weeks ago.
Unfortunately, I don’t believe that any funds raised will be spent on any food truck from Budapest. There are already several organizations doing the same thing here in Budapest. In fact, the cheapest and best way to help would be to collect/buy goods and take them to the Serbian Church in the Vth distrcit (Budapest has a large localized Serbian community). The Church has been sending out vehicles every few days for weeks; and unlike the Church of Scientology, you can be confident that any money you give them, or goods you provide, will go where it can be used the best.
That might make for a nice protest sign: “The International Red Cross has never regged me”.
I’m sure that there are Scientologists in eastern and central Europe who do want to help the flood victims. The problem is that they they live in the shadow of Castle Dracula, except that their vampires prey and feed on the good intentions of others. Another reason to hate the Church, as if we need one.
How can I help but be skeptical? Knowing that proceeds from “charities” and such, often times do not “all” go to whatever is being presented, I find it even doubly more doubtful with the cos, that most of the money would go for aiding the people. Not to say that none would, but I don’t think near as much as one might think is going to make it to where it really needs to go. Sad I’d think like that, but with all the information that Mike and others have given regarding what is written and how or what something covers or doesn’t, its just difficult for me to believe the above call to charity. I wish I could – its just too late for me – sigh.
Actually, the Hungarian IAS Freedom Medals are doing the fundraising for it. It is unusual though that they apparently directly buy the supplies using the money raised – the money is not going to the IAS first nor does it affect their phony statuses.
Here is an update on the effort:
It is definitely a good thing and a rather surprising turn of events. I wonder what Dave will do about it. Essentially, from this viewpoint, reges of HIS money (=the Freedom Medal winners) went rogue and off-hat.But I am he will exploit this and attribute it to the IAS.
Good to see some humanity!
It will be stopped when David Miscavige see’s it is going to help people and not ending up in his hands.
Don’t hold your breath – Scientology will stoop to the lowest of the lows to obtain money – this is all a front for dough-nations! They won’t help anyone with anything – Slappy has a lot of lawsuits to deal with and he needs money. Scientologist’s LIE! This is pure propaganda!
Credit where credit is due. I would like to believe it. But I won’t entirely believe it without corroberation from outside media down the line.
And, could it be that Miscavige is reacting to the continual pounding you have rightly been giving the IAS on this blog, Mike? Could it be that He has been shamed into providing actual help instead of the usual shams?
Or maybe he is PRETENDING to do actual help. So that he can take credit for doing some true charity for the world. I think it’s a really nice outward appearance… but somewhere I have a sneaking feeling that it will be diverted. IMO it would be best to donate to another organization in order to feel good about where my money goes.
I haven’t seen a Scientology organization yet that didn’t divert at least 10% of Gross Income (before any costs, bills, salaries, taxes, etc) upline.
Until they open their books, I suggest that established groups that do open their books might be a better channels for donations.
I agree with you about giving your money to some other organization and did not mean to imply (if I did) that I thought it would be better given to any scientology organization, as I don’t.
That’s how I read this. The lack of yellow jackets and begging for $ for useless pamphlets, the sheer normality of a church request for $ for water/food is so jarringly different from their usual emails that it’s noteworthy.
Mike: I wasn’t implying that you were implying. It does make me sad when I see people trying to do the right thing within a corrupt organization. No matter their good intentions, it’s going to be tapped for money and PR.
I remember digging into some press releases for the Portland Org years ago, expecting to find the same empty hype, but I found that they were doing real charity work, almost like what people expect a charitable organization to do. 🙂 I imagine by now all those people have been scattered into the wind by edicts from on high.
Wayne: Wasn’t there something a while back that VM t-shirts and jackets were no longer going to be supplied or even made available for purchase? (Cutbacks and cost-cutting during unparallelled expansion and growth?)
Just wait until Dave finds out about how his income is being diverted.
Kudos for all good-hearted efforts in the flooded regions.
If he could just hang in there for six to twelve months, suffer through all the formal documents and fill out a grant application to the IAS, suffer through the multitude of disapprovals and “incomplete CSW” rejections, he might be able to get a donation of a few thousand as long as it was shown to glorify dave in a manner in which he has become accustomed.
This sounds like a new VM I/C is genuinely trying to put something real in place, poor sap. I can’t help but wonder who’s paying for the photo shoot crew? Travel, meals, expenses….. Of course this will end up in an event within a year. Maybe even a special special special mention of the hero of Bosnia, Croatia and Serbia…..sir-COB. Cynical much? Yep.
You are right to be cynical Marta.
I put this up to be fair as I have criticized the IAS VM BS so much — at least these people are saying the appropriate things. This is what a real church would do. Collect up vital necessities and distribute them to those in need in a time of crisis. But I am sure the vultures will be circling and if they do anything at all it will be video’s and hyped like crazy — “See, this is what your donations to the IAS buy”.
Still cynical here. He is asking for money. If he asked people to drop off those items I would be more inclined to believe him. Just been burned on this more than once. And yes, the money could be used to pay for film crews and this could be enforced from on high. Not saying the guy himself has bad intentions. But dear leader must already have worked out a way to get some of the money for himself!
I am sure that they will soon be crammed on bypassing the proper management command lines. (Just so that they could actually get something done is no excuse.)
I’ll call your cynicism and raise you an IAS status.
I’ll gamble that that rudimentary poker allusion was a tell for my real concern that one of the IAS “I’ll take my 15%” reg wannabes on the twitter line will try and make a grab for the account. And then encourage OTL CE to get more donos for a higher status.
I’m sure the IAS will be thrilled to disburse a full 10% of what they collect… just as soon as the the OTL CE can get a CSW approved… and jump through flaming hoops, and…
Yes this a different twist. Though not heard before.
More if this and I’d still be in. Thank you for sharing that there still exists some sanity left in there, though I doubt he’s going to be for too much longer. This might be too much real help for the current co$ to have to live up to.