While I am trying to catch back up, I once again recommend everyone read Tony Ortega’s interview with Leah’s sister today.
GREAT reporting and a lot of fascinating insight….
Thanks Tony. And thanks Nicole. Wish I had a sister like you!
Something Can Be Done About It
What’s weird is she probably really thought it was all her fault after spending 3 months and $300,000 to recant her KR. It was only later that she came back to her senses. With the Miscavige brand of reverse auditing they really have the short term ability to modify your thinking process by continually focusing attention on your own crimes. It’s the number one tool in the toolbox. “What crimes have you committed?” over and over and over again until you turn into “Putty.”
Gotta admit Tony’s reporting in this article is everything you’d expect from a good journalist.
Totally unbiased and factual.
The only thing different was what Davis said to Leah regarding Shelly.
Instead of saying:
“You don’t have the fucking rank to ask about Shelly,”
It seems to have said something like it was “above your fucking pay grade.”
Sounding like some kinda spooky heavy ala X-Files which is the way I’ve come to picture Davis and OSA in general.
Probably due to contagion of abberation of being too closely associated to Dave’s “friends”.
Otherwise good reporting in general.
I think any high-profile Church members who leave should have Nicole come over and set up an office in their house for a few weeks, to get them through the “sh*t storm”.
Mike, IANUOT (in a new unit of time) thank you for how hard you work for us.
Karin Pouw’s really out did herself when commenting to the NewYork Post today. She could of shaved down her response and explanation to just 3 little words. Her answer should of been…….
Via Ms Pouw, the Church of Scientology’s attempts to distance itself, to take the high road, to position itself as disdainful of the media hoo-ha and altogether above the fray with regard to Leah Remini’s departure is pathetic and deceiving of no-one except the few remaining whales and KoolAid drinkers for whom this PR lie is intended. The actual scene is that the church is obsessed with its image and reputation which has been tarnished by the continuing public defections of its members.
By the way, how does one pronounce her name? Would it be “pow”, or “poe”, or the double o? Just wondering.
Pouw = Dutch … close to “Po-oo”. In English in can be anything at all, including “Pow”.
Glad that Mike can take a break to do other things. Off the current subject, which is taking on a life of its own that ain’t going away for a while, but since he is referring to other interesting journalism, here is one from the BBC about the troubled relationship between corporate scientology and the internet.
One more thing “Flaps stat” is straight up and vertical indeed.
It’s quite flaptacular!
And to think Leah is celebrating her marriage anniversary and career boost in Vegas right now when she could have been in “The Hole”! I just don’t understand some of the life choices people make!
Correct, Leah has all the right to choose the way she wants to handle her life and to stand up for what she did see is not quite right. She is definitely backed up on what she is doing and we do thank her and her sister as well. Tony Ortega is doing a great job in printing the truths of the matter.
The Church can say whatever, the fact is they DO enforce disconnection…period.
And by the way “is unacceptable”
I would like to publicly express my appreciation to the *Church* of Scientology for it’s continued reign of stupidity and forcing Leah Remini into a position whereby her integrity and courage overcame your efforts to intimidate her. She is a brave and courageous person and I am sure she knows that EVERY SINGLE *REAL *SCIENTOLOGIST stands behind her, as well the entire human race. Your monopoly on Scientology delivery has been at an end for decades. People have completed upper level spiritual work outside of the oppressive and insane organization (you call your *church*) and gone on to live their own lives pursuing their own goals unhindered by the suppression that you charge people for the privilege of experiencing.
Amen Doug! Well said.
It’s high time, Mike! ..The circus has already overstayed it’s welcome by a mere 27 years! What most
celebrities still “in,”are going to have to come to terms with, of course, is that the the highly spritzed
and glitzed “Celebrity Grade” Kool-Aid that they had been served so dedicatedly, at each circus extravaganza performance they attended, —contained a DOUBLE dose of Demon’s one -point-one
special “com-lag-additive” — “Gotcha-foreternity-sucker.” And that, combined with the Super Power
reverse $cientology mind control version of auditing and hypnosis, sealed the process very nicely
thank you. To Leah Remini, she could try a reverse count-down on KA and a few others…………….
” When I give you the command, you will wake up, refreshed and in present time” 3..2..1 “wake up!”
disclaimer: ( These are X-treme methods of course, for even more X-treme conditions! )
The Miscavige/Cruise Church/Celeb Center has seemingly screwed with the wrong person/celeb this time. Now they reap massive exposure of the Shelly scandal, their lies and tap dancing re: their enforced disconnection policy, black eyes for other loyalist celebs, and massive support for Leah, apparently including J-Lo’s support if reports today are accurate. How many shots in how many feet is this?
And, in her usual style, Karin Pouw has the perfect answer to all that has been happening lately. (quoted from today’s New York Post):
“In light of the recent claims, Scientology representative Karin Pouw told us, ‘We won’t dignify the myths, radio gossip, rumors and off-the-wall tabloid tales that have their origins with self-promoting bloggers living on the fringe of the Internet.’ ”
The only thing she forgot in there were the words bitter, defrocked and apostate…
Thanks to Leah and Nicole!