Really? Is there NOTHING that any fundamentalist scientologist does these days that doesn’t require someone “donating”?
And at full price for overstocked books they cannot unload any other way.
Why on earth would they be trying to “establish PR area control” by collecting donations for books to give out? The books are certainly NOT going to handle the REAL concerns that people have about Narconon (or in fact ANY drug rehab center opening in their neighborhood, traditionally about as popular with the locals as opening an oil waste treatment facility or perhaps a nuclear reactor).
This must be another Miscavige “bright idea”. They had a much promoted Narconon in Southeast England (Hastings).
This is what the Narconon website shows as of today (spelling errors not corrected in their one line of text):
Below is the Narconon drug rehabilitation center located in the UK. Call Narconon Hastings at 0800 169 4803 for immidiate assistance.
So, why open another one — an “ideal” Narconon — when this one has failed? It didn’t have marble floors?
But there is some contrary data here as there are reports that the Narconon Hastings was closed down. Their FB page is out of date since 2013. Perhaps one of our UK readers can tell us if it still exists?
So, there is a failed Narconon already there, or a failed one that is no longer there.
Either way, I think they need to address THAT problem instead of trying to suck more donations out of the few remaining public in East Grinstead.
Date: Wed, 23 Apr 2014
From: ABLE UK <[email protected]>
Dear Narconon Supporters,
Later this year we are opening the new Narconon Model Centre which is in East Sussex and 35 minutes from Saint Hill.
One of the major actions we need to do before the centre opens and very soon, is to safe point the local Community, Opinion Leaders, doctors, local council and neighbours. At the same time we safe point L. Ron Hubbard by doing presentations of the Ron Series Humanitarian, Rehabilitating a Drugged Society. One of these books costs £30 and will be presented to the person concerned with a briefing on what the Narconon programme is.
We want to get this project underway and also if you want to be drilled to do these presentations in the area around the Narconon Centre, let the ABLE office know.
If you let me know how many of these books you would like to pay for so we can get the job done, we are going for the first 25 books to start with. If you can only do one then that is fine.
You can contact ABLE on 01342 301902 or call 07847664313
Much Love Heather
You may have noticed that society is rapidly going downhill. Inflation, lack of fuel and even war cast deep shadows over the world. And the most serious part of this is that drugs, both medical and street drugs, have disabled a majority of those who could have handled it, including the political leaders, and have even paralyzed the coming generations.
– L. Ron Hubbard
* An Introduction to L. Ron Hubbard
* The Psycho politics of Drug Abuse
+ Drug Problems by L. Ron Hubbard
+ Drug Addiction by L. Ron Hubbard
* Purification Program
+ The Purification Program by L. Ron Hubbard
+ Niacin, the Educated Vitamin by L. Ron Hubbard
* Drugs, the Mind and the Human Spirit
+ The Road Out by L. Ron Hubbard
* Narconon
Foolproof says
When I say “I have nothing against Narconon” means the basic principle upon which it was founded and the task that they originally set themselves. As a high percentage of crime is caused by local drug addicts stealing to fund their habit I do not think anyone can moan about the (original) intent and activities of this group. I do not know what it has been perverted/changed into under the hands of COB’s so-called “management”. Perhaps it is now just a way of raising donations and if so then of course no one in their right mind would support that now. But then the whole subject of Scientology has now been perverted, so presumably then also Narconon (?) But even so it is still probably the only effective way of treating drug addiction successfully, the question is – is that tech still being applied or not?
Mike Rinder says
And I would add that this has become another money-making scam like the IAS. When you see salaries of the “executives” of local Narconons of $350,000 (see latest tax return documents) you know this is a total scam….
Old School says
What Mike!? OMG, that is insanely high. Are they Whales that DM favors with an “EDship” of a Narc Centre?
Jere Lull (38 years recovering) says
FOOL, the Purif does nothing except flush an overdose of overpriced vitamins down the toilet, unless you consider the stress imposed on the kidneys and liver, which can be fatal. Heh, that’s ONE way to quit drugs. Dying will do that for you.
Foolproof says
As this story was from 2014, perhaps you should do the Purif – you might come up to Present Time! Were you desperately looking through my old posts trying to find some sort of angle of attack? Didn’t work again – you shouldn’t believe all the nonsense asserted here – there’s no “scientific research” to back up your statement, or rather your assumption.
Old School says
If the Narconon program was anywhere near as effective as the Church touts, it would be overflowing with clients. THAT would be its “safe pointing”.
hgc10 says
My prediction: No new Narconon Model Centre to be opened this year. This is only about fleecing a few suckers at 30 quid per. I wonder if there’s a Thursday stat category for new scams dreamed up.
barefacedmessiah says
“You may have noticed that society is rapidly going downhill. Inflation, lack of fuel and even war cast deep shadows over the world. And the most serious part of this is that drugs, both medical and street drugs, …”
What world is Heather living in? This quote is ABSOLUTE nonsense!
Yes, there are ABSOLUTA. And one of them is this quote in 2014.
Brain washed chaos merchant!
Regarding fundraising:
Isn’t there a policy that says something like: It is not worth supporting a project that cannot finance itself?
I think it is ok to contribute to a project. But you should get your money plus HIGH interest back as soon as it has revenues. Risk has to correlate with return.
But what is 100% definite risk and no return?
Sid says
Ah yes, inflation and lack of fuel, those two horsemen of the societal apocalypse…
Kemist says
What I wonder about is how we’re supposed to magically go from people not getting high to alternative fuels.
After all Kary Mullis got the idea for PCR, which completely revolutionized molecular biology, from an LSD trip in which he saw a green glowing raccoon.
Perhaps moar people getting high is the answer, who knows ?
richardgrant says
Ms.P, I believe you are exactly right. Sharp eyes!
Heather says “We want to get this project underway” with no qualifiers like “vital” or “urgent” or “now now now”. She says, “IF you want to be drilled…” (my emphasis) without putting this in the form of a command. She even says “If you only want to do one then that is fine.”
ONE book at only £30? This is what John P would call chump change. And where are all the gushing promises about what a gigantic impact this new facility will make when it is finished?
Poor Heather doesn’t have her heart in this. She’s written this embarrassing letter because somebody told her to. She sounds almost glum. No doubt she’s aware how people will feel when they’ve read it.
Sid says
This is what I love about us Brits – we are so tight with our money.
Even if you’re part of a brainwashing cult and have dedicated your life to Clearing The Planet, anything over £50 feels a bit steep.
DollarMorgue says
Now here’s a radical idea that might help, and in the UK no less: donate through action, real help, not money.
Jens TINGLEFF says
Depressingly, there has also been noises made about an “european ideal narconon” close to Copenhagen (in the middle of nowhere in southern Sweden? don’t rule it out…). But this was a year ago 🙂
Aquamarine says
“…Narconon…opening in their neighborhood…about as popular with the locals as opening an oil waste treatment facility, or a nuclear reactor”. I LOLed.
ThetaPotata says
I guess that’s one way to turn failure into success. Just don’t mention the closure and keep on fund raising for a new facility. Maybe they should close down and sell off the Superpower building and then start all over fundraising for Superpower. Like the fake bridge to total freedom. Just arbitrarily start everyone over again, keep moving the finish line and keep the “Shills” in a state of befuddlement (make sure they know OT IX can’t be released yet because the field isn’t upstat enough with the dono’s and Old Saint Hill sized expansion – whatever that means.)
Ms.P says
The tone of this email I find interesting from Miss Heather. Do I sense some propitiation here or apathy? Or is she just being British ‘polite’. Nevertheless, there is a lack of urgency and exclamation points. OFF with her head!
The Oracle says
She’s up to false reporting, gotta give her that:
She tells people it is L. Ron Hubbard here doing something. He checked out in 87 and to date, will not affiliate himself with David Miscavige in any way.
But she spreads this fairy dust about! It’s Ron out there doing it.
“Ron is watching you, Ron is watching you,
Ron is watching you…from a distance.
Ron’s on post today, He’s in our world today,
It is really Ron that needs your assistance.
He’s working like a bee, rehabbing society,
while you live happily, and know we suffer.
We do it all for you, we do all it for you,
So please cut the check, you mother fucker.”
Joe Pendleton says
It is of course most obvious that the answer to the question you pose in the first line of your post Mike is … “No – nothing.””
GTBO says
Reading this is depressing, there is so much that could be done but as usual all they want is $$$$$$$$$ ad infinitum
The Oracle says
Dear Narconon supporters, permit me to get off this little with hold. All of those huge donations made to Narconon and Able went straight into the coffers of the C of S. NONE of it went to help anyone off drugs. Think about it, why would we invest in those out ethics DB’s? We just pimp them for donations. They are a total liability to society, at least we make a profit off ’em!
We ARE the experts on drug issues although we have never smoked a cigarette most of us, and currently have 20 law suits against the Narconon network. You see how society embraces us with such hostility? It has nothing to do with our ignorance, greed, deception, lack of real concern, sneaky methods and dis satisfied customers. It is the drug companies who resent our magical profit of those out ethics DB druggies.
We are HUGE threat for them. Betty Ford Clinic must be giving them kickbacks. Promises in Malibu must be giving them pay offs. We refuse to profit share and that is the real why. We are a huge threat to them with our 80 students on course this week.
OUR enemies are YOUR enemies too. If you don’t have any we will create them for you. Pay us to take care of them. This is standard operating procedure Mafia protection racket. We create your enemies and then we charge you to fight them.
The Oracle says
Hail to the Warlock!
The Oracle says
P.S. We have the IAS crew standing on the corner of 42nd and Broadway selling nickel bags of Identities this week, and kilo’s of status and commends. Go on by and work a deal. We are also working out a pyramid now where we can sell you the right to sell identities also. And issue status. Cash only.
MJ says
If they have blow up DM dolls, I’m in. Love to kick it around to balance the flows, know what I mean? Almost feel like donating one to Mike.
The Oracle says
Remember, don’t get high, get important.
The Oracle says
P.S.S. Send in instant compliance that you have incorporated these ideas of your own. You will be upgraded in status to “even more important”.
Non compliance will be met with a home invasion. Watch your protection dollars work for you!
The Oracle says
P.S.S.S. DMCOB revised This week’s tape burning is “Anatomy of a Problem”. Anyone caught in possession of one after Thursday at 2:00 will have their children snatched away and put in servitude to the Warlock.
Ms.P says
Oracle – You’re a PIP! I LOVE your posts.
The Oracle says
MJ, I got mixed up with the dolls once, the voo doo dolls. It really worked but I enturbulated a lot of innocent people. It’s not really workable technology. Yeah the Vic goes down real quick but the “friends”, the lover, the funeral expense, the mystery that effects the ones around the intended Vicitm….you feel like shit after. Kicking a body doll is similar concept.
I have found a wholly innocent method that seems to be helpful to all concerned. Every time you encounter some negative forces or energies, you just let them know there is a place for it. And in a very helpful manner, like giving a lost driver directions, you just own them and then point to the person who should really be accommodating this kind of energy. The stuff flies right on home base. It is kind of like sorting out your laundry .
Not to worry if you can’t see the person who should be accommodating this kind of energy, a natural knowingness will come over you as to where to point them. The recipient just has to house more and more of what magnetizes towards them. Naturally because of who they are.
Meanwhile, you are getting misplaced negative energy out of the way of people who are decent.
It’s like, well….recycling!
MJ says
Kind of like putting Dave on a Routing form to Hell.
The Oracle says
I mean, you don’t have to go on any magical mystery tour to notice David has become a toxic waste dump. Just look at all the toxins that are moving in with him. Not as if it can be reversed at this point. He has become a sink hole for the stuff. It’s about 92% toxic now. His viewpoint of dimension got a little off. This little handful of people out in the desert doing his bidding. He just lost perspective of how big the planet was. He thought the whole world was at his command. Like a little kid playing with G.I. Joe dolls. It’s his juvenile nature. If he built a castle now, the toxins would seep through the walls, looking for him. Looking to connect with him. The man who would be King. If he had ever read Rudyard Kipling, he would have been aware of the perils involved with his adventures.
The Oracle says
The Oracle says
Laughter! MJ, yes kind of like that.
The Oracle says
Lurkness says
Mike, Hastings was, indeed, closed. Its closure was fully confirmed (and more) by James Fish, with NarCONon UK, at this blog by a “potential” customer “Bartholomew Salt” (read Bath Salts). For readers here not into J & D and sensitive about the efficacy of the purif for drug treatment, you can skip and just be assured, it is CLOSED.
Also, Tony Ortega’s Sunday Funnies has an ad that documents their attempts to have a new NarCONon presence in the UK. From the comments there, it appears it’s a lot more puff, than an actual, fully functioning facility. Shocking to all, I am sure.
Lurkness says
Should have added that it was apparently closed last year and the blog post linked above is from last July.
Mark says
The Hastings place is definitely closed and bankrupt – this thread at WWP includes a scan of a letter from UK whale Peter Hodkin in his capacity as solicitor, offering some poor sap creditor 16.9p in the pound “reimbursement”:
The only remaining Narconon premises in the UK appear to be a “drug education centre” at a house in Twickenham, while Narconon UK itself seems to be at a VERY modest flat in Lingfield. That’s about 35 minutes from East Grinstead – surely It can’t be their “Model Centre”, as it looks a bit like a crack-den in Google Streetview, included in my last ‘Sunday Funnies’ shoop at the Underground Bunker; also at
Taylor says
Mike, with the new questionnaire for auditors the release on the web of the 990’s and these additional pleas or demands for money is DM doing this on purpose?
Especially the auditor form could DM be torpedoing his own operation so he can begin dismantling it and robbing what’s left?
Maybe he wants to retire along with the mindset if he cannot have Scientology then no one can. So he sinks his own ship while blaming all the down-stats that pulled it in. Then he scrapes the bones of the corpse and retires in a foreign country living like a king. No more Scientology worries more money then he knows what to do with and is was the SP’s fault that it fell apart.
Ms.P says
Taylor – you’re giving that idiot food for thought (since he reads this blog every day). Then again, silly me, he’s thought all this out already!
maven says
That’s precisely what Hitler planned on doing at the close of WW2 – a scorched earth policy – only Albert Speer dissuaded him. See, even Hitler was open to persuasion. Plus, he also took his own life (hint hint).
Old Surfer Dude says
+1. Taylor, that’s what I’ve been thinking for awhile. He’s actually winding things down and getting ready to move out of the country with hundreds of millions of dollars. Possibly a billion dollars.
MJ says
This just gets more and more stupid. Are the seals really that brain dead? Wake the Fuck up!
Joseph A. Sheeple says
Hey, stop nit picking! This is the Golden Age of Perfect Scientology here – We are enjoying GAPS, loving every minute of donating the shirts off our backs. Also you guys have not heard about this but there is a huge boom coming with the launch of the Golden Age of Young Scientologists, where young scientologists will join the SO en-mass – GAYS is the the next big thing in scientology!
Of course the big priority right now is the Golden Age of Good Scientologsts – GAGS, which is so important. We need to need to stop the leaks!! GAGS will do this, with its new super secure program of all communication having to be person to person, face to face. Its a back to basics program that will handle all these leaked emails once and for all by using SO members to actually knock on doors and read the messages to the faithful! Brilliant!
The only thing missing from the line up is GAIN. Why is there no GAIN? Well never mind, between the upcoming GAYS program and the ongoing GAGS program I am sure everything will be just fine.
hiatus57 says
I think Leonore made a simple and valid point.
But as usual he was lambasted by the NCG’s who would probably be saying the same nonsense on a Cathlic website if Scientology did not exist.
If a subject is soooooooooo bad and sooooooooooo terrible why bother to remark about it?
It always comes back to the same old thing Overts and witholds and good old MU’s.
The thing I love most about the Tech is when you actually understand it and apply it correctly it actually does work.
The problem is too many do not understand it.
Too many OEC only types who never had any Tech training and really didn’t get the OEC volumes in the first place.
I remember the first time I used the Tech outside in the er “real World” as they call it.
A simple application of 5 or 6 of the DEV-T policies and I not only doubled my work output, I got no headaches from dumb staff and bought some loafing time.
So the next time someone tells you the Tech doesn’t work just ask them why do they bother with it then?
Go off somewhere and get Clear or OT eating garbage and smoking pot.
Old School says
By your logic LRH didn’t understand the “tech” hiatus57. Otherwise he would have spotted and handled the SP’s that he had appointed to run the church. He would have been stably exterior (as he said L-12 enabled) and just inspected Int and the like from his hide out and handled using “the tech”.
Hilarious comments you made. NCG’s?
Foolproof says
Outpoint here is that the book probably does not cost 30 pounds if the Church were to supply it directly. Cost is probably a few pounds to produce. So the Church are making a profit and getting the GBS up but cannot stir themselves to donate a few books at cost price to Narconon, but ask their public to stump up the mark-up on the books? I have nothing against Narconon and wish them well in doing what they are doing – which is a very difficult task. I only wish the mother Church would have the same attitude and throw a bit of largesse their way, instead of raking even more off their already-over-raked public.
Philip Arlington says
Nrarconon is a systematic fraud. Its drug treatment system isn’t plausible, and there is no evidence that it works. There is masses of evidence that it frequently causes serious harm, up to and including death.
Narconon can only induce people to give it money because it is allowed to get away with lies and misrepresentations. It should not be allowed to operate. It isn’t part of the solution is a money-making parasite sucking the blood and hope from the families of addicts.
Leonore says
Others have responded on this point before, and I will here again. Your conclusion that nothing of Scientology works, and that it is only harmful is wrong.
To the point you raised today regarding Narconon, I know several people personally who benefited greatly from Narconon and from purification rundowns in the 1970s-1980s. I know family members who got off drugs doing Scientology-related programs who are not Scientologists today. I know several people who quit using lesser drugs with Narconon or the purification. At least two people I know had been addicted for several years to heroin and have never gone back to using of any kind. I know scores of people who quit using marijuana when they became Scientologists, and they have never gone back. (For those of you who advocate for pot, I will simply state that in my experience and opinion, pot does dull the senses, energy level, drive, mental acuity, and distorts temporal and spatial senses and logic).
I personally quit smoking while doing the purification program when I was a Scientology staff member. I have not been a smoker for over 30 years. I know others did not quit, but I made sure I continued the program until I was off nicotine and smoking. The purification program was very helpful to me.
There are plenty of people – even readers here – who will confirm that they have had wins of varying degrees doing various programs in Scientology – purif., auditing, training/study.
I have not been active as a Scientologist in over 30 years, but I used the perspective and knowledge I gained when I was active to accomplish things I wanted to do. In these 30+ years I competed three college degrees and fulfilled a professional career. I became a professional level classical musician and still perform. I serve my community in non-profit organizations and hold Board level positions. I do not announce myself as a Scientologist, past or present, but I consider that Scientology/LRH did help me significantly with many accomplishments and relationships.
The concepts, observations, and techniques that he developed, codified, and communicated worked well for me. I am grateful to him and to my auditors, supervisors, and scientologist friends.
Leonore says
And for the record, Philip, I also wake up feeling blessed and ultimately grateful to God for the wonderful things about me, hopeful for ultimate communion as a spiritual being, and desirous of shedding the harsh and cruel games we play with war and despair and misery.
strumpet says
Leonore – you were making a decent-sounding defence of Narconon in your first comment, and then you ruined it.
Why would Philip or anyone need to know you’ve swapped one shaky belief for another? Why do religious people always ruin their arguments by bringing a God into it?
Religious people should realise that saying they’ve got a relationship with God really doesn’t improve how they are perceived.