The lunacy games continue. The Scientologists Facebook page is all aflutter.
It is truly a comedy show. Steven Colbert could do an entire week of shows with this material.
Amongst all the hyperventilating exteriorization and OT powers on display, dire warnings are surfacing. There are holes in the dike.
Here are some fun posts for your reading pleasure.
First, we have an admonition from the Admin that unless the whole package is presented correctly, people could get the wrong idea. They might think it’s just a bunch of random hot air and bits of paper held together by hype and chutzpah. Oh dear….
Hear this well — DO NOT GIVE DATA. Just enthusiasm….
Here are some compliance reports to Joe’s order:
The future has arrived indeed! And the past is gone. And the present, is well, happening right now. But even though the future HAS arrived, Michal Hod just cannot wait!!!!!!!!
Along with the future, some clouds have arrived to rain on the parade. But never fear, the OT’s will deal with them:
Just like all the other nuttiness (“This makes planetary clearing a reality” “its the dawn of a new universe”) these guys think if they say it, it makes it real.
Now a new datum spreading on official channels (Facebook?) — there are now TWO events on Saturday??
But here is the best one of all.
Another dire warning: KEEP THIS SHIT OFF SOCIAL MEDIA! Posted on Facebook… 🙂
Anyone know who Bob Lawrason is? Clearly he is someone VERY important with a great deal of authority…
Gus Cox says
Hans Eisenman. As much as I’m enjoying the downfall of the wretched institution Scientology has become, this makes me a bit sad.
Hans is a really cool guy. Really, seriously, he’s a great guy. Fun to be around, good dad, good husband. We’d all get along great with him. He’d get along great with us, except he’s not allowed to because we’re all SPs according to that stupid, ignorant, un-educated (both in school *and* in Scientology) asshole, He Who Must Not Be Named, Chairman of the Board Religious Technology Center Mr. David Miscavige.
And that is sad.
All I can hope is that this event(s) will lead to him and so many good people like him to wake up to the abusive corporation that is RCS.
Axiom says
You constantly outdo your previous day’s reporting on the RCS. I fully enjoy your flair and the wit that you put into your writing. You inspire us all to be better communicators. I throughly enjoy reading through your perspective of RCS and its management. Your viewpoint of distance from the bubble comes through clearly, something not all of us have achieved just yet. I truly appreciate the work that you have put into communicating the truth for all to see. Keep up the good work and know that it all will end soon and we can get on with life and livingness as it was intended.
Mike Rinder says
Thank you for your kind words. I do what I believe is right and I try to do it as well as I can. It’s the simple rules of life I have adopted after spending many years trying to do what others dictated was right or not do what they deemed was wrong. It is the most elemental and valuable freedom I believe everyone has. The power of choice over your own existence.
Espiritu says
In the immortal words of Sgt. Schultz:
Penny says
What complete and total BS. Apparently DM truly believes his own delusions. I’m sure the death slide will commence the moment the “top thetans on the planet” get in the chair or however they are going work this. Good ole three swings should make for some serious BPC…disappointments, and regrets.
Hey all you guys, welcome to freedom! I would say the Independent field is in a condition of affluence and holding. Two very relevant and dynamic blogs emerging this week. Of course the Back in comm blog that Mike announced recently (here if any of you missed it: ) and the famous or infamous John P. Capitalist, with his finely honed analytical acumen predicting the end of DM’s criminal reign and the collapse of the Corporate Church of Scientology. If you’re an investor he gives quite a bit of insight on how the game is played in the stock markets but also he is a talented writer and it will be fun to see how accurate he can predict the end game.
I truly believe that if and when DM is called into a courtroom or even a deposition he will be gone with the wind. I await in eager anticipation Ray Jeffrey’s next move and some of the other important ongoing court cases.
Cheers everyone. It going to be a fun weekend! Love your blog Mike. You give much!
Espiritu says
I see it the same way. The hype is over. This is the “greatest announcement in the history of the universe”. Ok. We got that.
But then it is time to put up …or shut up. And DM had better do so or it’s over.
Good luck, DM.
People can see the contrast between words and deeds.
But anyway, you sure do talk a good job.
John Doe says
The final countdown for the church starts this weekend…
Yes, momentous changes are coming, but it is Miscavige’s world that will be the one changing the most.
After 35 years of waiting, after particularly the last 15 years of mega-hype during the Superpower building fundraising, the Superpower Rundowns will begin to be delivered.
Sadly, it is likely to fail, and lead to the last of the ever-faithful becoming disillusioned and leaving, if only because expectations for what Superpower can do have been elevated way beyond what the rundowns actually can do, no matter how great they might be.
Cleverly, the prerequisites seem to be that one must do the basics and redo objectives before being allowed on Superpower. Long runway.
I wonder if there will be fistfights breaking out between the 100+ Superpower auditors over who gets to take in session the 15-20 Superpower PCs on any given week?
But these daunting prereqs mean that there won’t be a rush of people:
1. all getting superpower at the same time,
2. being very disappointed because their expectations weren’t met,
3. talking amongst themselves,
4. and creating a mass exodus.
As people trickle through their basics and get to Flag and through Superpower, the disappointed people can probably be regged for repairs and repairs.
For a while.
Then they’ll go away quietly or go away noisily (and in that case, with a declare.)
Miscavige might be able to keep it going another 3-5 years this way.
Formost says
It’ll be similar to KTL/LOC and then die off in due time.
GAT II will likely be a near restoration of the original checksheets prior to 1996 with vastly trimmed down “Standard Tech Drills”.
Jethro Bodine says
I hear they sold of out Kool-Aid in Clearwater.
Been There says
The rain has stopped. Walked around in downtown Clearwater 30 minutes before the event. Franklin Street, Pierce Street and the section of Garden Street behind the SP building are closed off. Between Court St and Franklin Street, in the old city parking lot are a series of small tents as well as a large open air food tent. There are people on the street in evening attire but no where near the throngs touted. Fort Harrison was completely passable with minimal traffic and we found street parking right on Cleveland between Osceola and Fort Harrison.
The Capitol Beer House in the same block was filled with about 100 runners completing the 5 K Mustache Run to raise money for Prostate Cancer. Happy, healthy people in a celebratory mood completely unaware and unconcerned about the most monumental, momentous event since the Big Bang happening just two blocks away.
Lot of security fanning out to the perimeters of five block downtown area both Sea Org and CWPD. But really pretty quiet considering all the hoopla. We had a beer and went home.
Mike Rinder says
🙂 Thanks for the report. I guess the OT’s finally got a grip on the 6th dynamic and stopped the rain.
Dean Fox says
According to the local weather they have light rain today though.
Gus Cox says
“…100 runners completing the 5 K Mustache Run…
I’m growing one this month, too!
Mike Rinder says
Going for the full beard myself….
Aurora says
The Daily Mail has posted this story:
In a side bar, they claim, regarding the Super Power course:
“Hubbard had originally wanted to offer the course in 1978 but many of his staff who had been through the instructor training left the church on completion of the course.”
Is this just another Daily ‘Fail’ or is there truth to the tale?
Mike Rinder says
That’s the “Daily Fail” at it in their usual “quantity over quality and accuracy” style.
Everyone knows that Super Power could not be released until the building was completed. The building couldnt be done until earth technology advanced far enough to all the measurement of oiliness. NASA finally pulled out all the stops, working around the clock with chefs from McDonalds and when they had it, the go ahead was given with the oft quoted line “Release the kraken.”
Aurora says
Jane Doe says
You are so funny! I love your articles Mike and am so glad that you’re reporting minute by minute on the new fantatic save the planet releases this weekend. And after the dust settles and you get some rest finally, please start on that book we want you to write.
Formost says
But the KTL/LOC instructors did not? Just the Super-Power Instructors?
Dean Fox says
While it’s always nice to see the church of scientology in the press exposing them for what they are I must caution you about reading The Daily Mail, it should have a warning “for entertainment purposes only”.:)
Globetrotter says
Another interesting one from the TB Times:
Scientology festivities
The Church of Scientology is hosting three days of celebrations this weekend in downtown Clearwater. None are open to the public.
6 p.m. today: Scientologists will gather for a presentation in a huge tent adjacent to the Flag Building.
6 p.m. Saturday: Church members will gather for a second presentation in the tent.
1 p.m. Sunday: Scientology is expecting its biggest crowd — as many as 10,000 — for the dedication and grand opening of the Flag Building.
My observations:
1. “Clearing the planet” with closed door meetings behind tight security. Sounds like we can relax now, World Peace is in sight.
2. While the “festivities” include “presentations” about minor stuff like a complete re-write of most of the church’s “scripture”, out of all the events, the biggest crowd is expected for the opening of a new BUILDING.
Quoting from Star Wars:
“So this is how liberty dies… with thunderous applause.”
Jose Chung says
Look on the brighter side (sigh)
Next years IAS event will have security that is over and above anything ever before this
because it will be held in the Supermax prison known as the Alcatraz of the Rockies
Still On Your Side says
Shhhh, no social media, no cellphones, no email, no skype — the wogs will listen in on everything. Whisper to each other. Everyone knows the way to keep ideas from being changed is to whisper them. Experiments have proven, if one person whispers to another, after 30 people, the message is unchanged, right?
Globetrotter says
Here is a pearl from the Tampa Bay Times from our beloved Karin Pouw that reveals why mankind had to wait so long for this historical timeless monumental moment in history (she is explaining why the construction was stopped for years):
“Church spokeswoman Karin Pouw told the Times then that church leaders had stalled construction because they had underestimated how fast Scientology was growing and needed to replan parts of the interior.”
Thanks for clarifying that, Karin!
Based on the recent census data from the US and UK, I’m sure the replanned interior will be more than adequate.
Just Me says
I’m still laughing at this:
But even though the future HAS arrived, Michal Hod just cannot wait!!!!!!!!
Mike, you knock me out. Truly. 🙂
Jose Chung says
Where there is no data people will make up their own.
Congrats D.M you have made this a Whole Track Cluster F**k
before it was started.
The heavy security is a nice touch, moonlighting bouncers or ex Special forces?
greenonwhite says
Hallucinatory cause. It’s a tiny event, with a tiny attendance, in a small town in the USA. Sorry CW.
It is hyped as THE solution for the planet, for the 6 plus billion.
Hallucinatory cause.
Wow, yay, amazing, can’t tell you on anti-social media, can’t get in without my card and my pass and my form and my vouchers and my tux or my gown. Wow, enthusiasm.
Like LDW said, it will pass. Later, over the months thereafter, reality will sink in, bit by bit in all orgs on all continents.
No auditors, no PCs, what happened to Superpower, and more will come join us.
izzysson says
Hallucinatory Cause, exactly.
Did you see the post that said “We need to create a high pressure area just west of Clearwater that will push the rain to the north and south.”
Peter Gibbons says
So for us delinquents and criminals, does this mean something huge will happen next week that will change our future forever? Will I feel this change . . . or do I still have to go to work on Monday? It’s interesting that the biggest thing to ever happen in the universe won’t be able to really happen at all since nobody will know. Is CNN covering this? Will all the networks break from regular-scheduled programming? I hope someone throws an egg at Misgavige.
Martin Padfield says
On Monday the whole planet’s population will be a little more like Tom Cruise. I’m already feeling it. It’s like – Bang! – ZZZZIIIIIIIIIIIIIP! Ha ha ha ha!!! Can’t you feel it?
Mike Rinder says
And car accident victims everywhere will rejoice.
Zephyr says
I just wanted to give you a huge ACK (well actually a half ack so you continue.:)..) on your blog. You really got the art of a ‘word smith’ pat down, the pictures you dig up are amazingly pertinent and the comments are mostly great and refreshing.
It helps so much to be laughing about the antics of the Co$ instead of having to cry about
this terrible overall scene.
Hallie Jane says
Lulu Belle says
I find it kind of symbolic that a huge sinkhole sucked in two houses today around five miles from the FH.
The whole “castles built on sand” thing…
Tony DePhillips says
The future has arrived…..and it just keeps arriving. Here some more future that just got here. And some more just now. In fact the future just keeps moving to present time and then a moment later it moves into the past!! Hip, hip, hurray!! Will these wonders ever stop??!!
Chris Mann says
That’s old news Tony. Whats happening now? Now is where it’s at.
Tony DePhillips says
Ok Chris, I just did Super Power (SP rundown) (those initials will have to be changed!!) So now, what I said was the past is now in present time. I know it seems to be in the past and that is just because your present time is not broad enough. If you broaden your present WIDE enough then the past and the future will be in the present and you will have the ability to change the past or future by acting in the present!! Did you GET that?? If not let me sign you up for the SP rundowns right away!! Please text me your credit card numbers. It’s only MEST and you have your whole eternity to look forward to. Even if you make it your present…Confused?? Send me those numbers!!
Mike Rinder says
Only when you have Super Powers and your perception of time is shifted. Then the future becomes the past, skipping present time entirely. It’s the ability gained of “out of present time”
1984 says
In other words, to fully solve the problem, you run up the bill (it doesn’t matter), and do whatever it takes to do Super Power. Then you use your superpowers to go back in the past and invest a few cents in a compounding interest account. It then pays for itself – it is a self solving problem in the future, when it is needed.
And Davie won’t do it for himself, because he wants you to have the experience of having done it yourself, and have become cause yourself. What a pan-determined guy! (Douglas Adams probably stole the idea from Davie.)
voltaire2003 says
The revolution will not be televised.
Ze French are so disappointed.
Not sure ze video will dispaly.
Johnny Tank (Forever Autumn) says
If this thing is so big, and it’s going to change the UNIVERSE, why are only card carrying IAS members invited to the launch? Aren’t they already on board with GAGII? I would have thought by inviting the rest of the world they would get more people as members. And since nothing from the event will be broadcast or put on DVD’s no one else but the card carrying sheep will ever know how great this thing is, especially as they can only show generic emotions, and not tell anyone about the details.
Good luck, Slappy! You know what they say: sh!t ends up at the bottom 🙂
Formost says
It’s really reg cycles and they don’t want anyone witnessing the “cornering & squeeze” tango. It’s not about what they want anyone to know, it’s what they don’t anyone to know.
ClearwaterNative says
Is there a helipad on top of Sooper Power? Wonder if Davey’s arrived yet.
I’ve seen Kirstie on Fort Harrison and in a restaurant (the kids with her were brats). I know Travolta’s been here although I haven’t seen him personally. But the thought of Tom Cruise being in Clearwater even briefly is a million times worse than Hulk Hogan living here.
Al Brown says
I met Hulk Hogan (Terry Bollea) at a gas station in Clearwater a few years ago. He was super polite and courteous with me. Inside the store we got in line at the cash register and he insisted that I go in front of him. We talked about car he was driving as I’m a fan of 60’s era muscle cars. He was very courteous with an easy laugh. Not a bad guy.
Devine Comedy says
If the universe abhors a vacuum and they actively create one with all these hiden comlines, I think they just went into agreement with the physical universe. That is not very cause but rather effect and thus have become a closed group as in “cult.”
DollarMorgue says
How likely is it the assorted events will be littered with underhanded references to SPs and how we all must stand together and choose our friends and support our church in this never-before-seen greatness and all-out universe salvation onslaught?
Devine Comedy says
-30.0 Can’t hide
-40.0 Total failure
Are we there yet!? are we there yet!? are we there yet!?
remoteviewed says
How nice.
A bunch a False IIIs doing a False Four on an “event” which is based on an unusual solution (GAT II) to solve a problem created by an earlier unusual solution (GAT).
One wonders if they are now considering the final solution if this doesn’t work.
Zephyr says
Martin Padfield says
Yeah – I think GAT II is “GAT I is cancelled!” (Cue rapturous applause and giddy excitement from the faithful)
Flexible Flyer says
Desiree says: Hairdos don’t like ran. Then Fifi gives us a weather report. The Dusti: No rain is definitely good.
Like walking into a time warp containing housewives from the 1950s but they’re on crack.
Jose Chung says
As I previously commented,this weekend of events will have leaks like a spaghetti strainer blasted with a shotgun. Thank you David Miscavige. Bevous and Butthead could not have done it better.
Cindy P says
I remember reading the book “1984” and thinking how suppressive of an environment the characters lived in. I was happy then that I was in a group (C of S) saving the planet from living “1984”. These posts from the last week are clearly the most ethical group on the planet, at the friendlest place on the planet, becoming “1984”!
Ronnie Bell says
Amazing transformation, isn’t it? There was a time when Scientology orgs truly were the safest places you could be. Real islands of sanity in a topsy-turvy world. Places where people found real fellowship, help, and self-realization.
It took a while, but Miscavige eventually turned them into something resembling the culture of 1930s Nazi Germany. I would scarcely believe it if I hadn’t lived through it myself.
crislandivar says
I totally agree with you Ronnie! This people are stuck in that incidents maybe
plainoldthetan says
The biopioc Sophie Scholl: The Final Days ( presents a picture of what it was like to live under Hitler’s benevolence. Spoiler alert: Sophie gets beheaded at the end. For publishing a newsletter pointing out the flaws in Hitler’s Germany.
need to know says
this is Bob Lawrason
Cindy P says
Geez, it is really getting crazier and crazier! I hope the people that are in wake up! As Tory says Tick Tick. The Tick Tock is going ticktockticktockticktock this weekend!
LDW says
Well, I for one am very excited. I think this will indeed be a momentous occasion.
For over twenty years a glib sociopath has been pretending to be the true source and sole purveyor of all that brings OT abilities to the degraded population of planet earth. For over twenty years many thousands of caring people of good-will have bought his bullshit.
I fully expect a mass awakening over the next several years. An an awakening and exodus ignighted by the massive hype of explosive revelations which turn into nothing more than a fart in the wind.
nomnom says
With all the pressure and the Kool Aid, I’m sure they’ll gather a decent crowd and have quite a weekend.
The problem is the Monday hangover.
The world will continue turning and the crickets will chirp.
No matter if they move ALL delivery to the SP building, there will be that hollow, echo inside.
The months will pass, there will be no change and the scramble for a new carrot will ensue.
Pass the Alka-Seltzer.
Gus Cox says
Moo. Mooooo. Moo. Moooo-oooooo.
I can’t explain it; that’s just what came to mind.
Thoughtful says
Make way for GAT Super Ultra III, coming in May, 2014.
threefeetback says
As the wise phrase goes, form an unknown teenager in the San Fernando Valley ORG territory: “GAG me with a spoon.”
Gus Cox says
Oh, that takes me right back! OhmaGawwd! Like, bag yer face!!
MyViews says
Enforced WH…you can not communicate even if this is going to save the whole planet, but you should not talk about it. “Hiding” and/or “Can’t hide” very, very low tone level despite the delusional hurrah.
In one point they are right, they have no clue on what is going to hit them…a bunch of lies to which they have to applaud otherwise their next stop is the MAA.
Heidi (@thewritegoddess) says
Mike, thank you so much for providing this blog! I’m teary-eyed with happiness watching the CoS fall apart in real time!
Ronnie Bell says
Dang….Montana sure looks uptone in her FB picture, doesn’t she? Scary…
Ronnie Bell says
I remember Bob Lawrason. He was once my junior at Americansun Solar in the mid eighties. Real piece of work, that guy. He tried (and failed) to get me busted off my post as number two man in the production division (I ran the crews).
Fortunately, Ron Pook (who was my senior) looked at Bob’s knowledge reports and saw them for what they were….an H.E.&R. laden personal attack. They went straight into the round file.
remoteviewed says
Oh yeah AmericanSun. I remember those guys!
Never met Ron but Peaches used to run a small Dinner just a bock or two from the Complex next Peter Gillham’s.
She made the best burgers in that area.
Anyone who doesn’t remember these guys. They were founding Sea Org members who were run outa town when Sheriff Dave and his pose took over
Gus Cox says
Was that in the LA area? There were a couple solar outfits there too, that a lot of Scns worked at. Made good money, ran up their AMEX cards, law changed, defaulted, went bankrupt.
As for Bob Lawrason… Hey, FUCK YOU!
Bwaaaaa haha ha ha!
ClearwaterNative says
I’m loving this. The ‘most important event in this history of the universe’, but you can’t even post a soundbyte. hahaha
remoteviewed says
Hey Clearwater,
If you’re into a little excitement and danger.
(because the security they’re using now look almost like ex-special forces who have probably been working freelance for a strip joint or bar and been hanging out at Gold’s Gym or something before they got hired to guard the Church against undesirables as ourselves.)
Why don’t you take a few pics of the mini Nuremberg Rally and post them here on Mike’s blog?
Just a request.
You don’t have to 😉
ClearwaterNative says
Remote… I’ve got another hour of work, then I’ll swing by if I can get through and find a place to park. They wouldn’t dare mess with a late middle-aged 5’1″ woman would they? Don’t answer that.
I’m going to ask for a bullhorn for Christmas, then I can do drive-by harassment.
remoteviewed says
Who knows what those Mensa candidates (note the sarcasm here folks) they hire for “security” over there’ll do.
They use a standard threat assessment protocol which probably means anyone not wearing one of those photo IDs Mike mentioned in an earlier post will be considered suspect.
(Probably even the one’s wearing them will be considered suspect.
Though less so.
Seems the Church’s new MO is “suspect everyone”.
Wonder where they got that one from?
Just be careful out there CN.
Nice to read that Santa’s bringing you a nice new bull horn to spread a little Xmas cheer among the Churchies out there 😉
Did you know that before the Crinch stole it. That Scientologists used to celebrate Xmas just like everyone else?
Fact I have a memento from back in the day of a Xmas Card signed by both Ron & Mary Sue.
Be careful out there and above all have fun.
1984 says
Can anyone post a picture of the photo ID cards being used by IAS?
Might be useful for shooping or just deflecting the attention of goons.
I am sure that there would be a lot of ideas on what to do with it.
ClearwaterNative says
I tried. It was just too big of a mess down there with cars, and lots of worker-bees (SO) running around. As usual, in the town in which I was born I felt very alone and creeped-out down there and didn’t bother to circle the area a second time. Plus it looked and felt like rain. So I headed home. But what I wouldn’t give to see DM pelted by a bottled water right in the head ala Justin Bieber. hehe
That card is a VERY cool momento. We must be around the same age. 50’s? It’s cool that you were a part of the church before it got so off-track. I bet you’ve got some great stories. Yes, they continue to try to put on the front that they celebrate Christmas by putting on their Winter Wonderland here every year. It should be going up soon after Thanksgiving. It’s mainly for the kiddos, but they still hand out Scientology propaganda on your way in. Ugh! But it’s their way of making nice with the city. Double Ugh!
Nice talking to you. I had no idea I was conversing with ex-scn. Glad you’re free to be you and be happy. Consider yourself hugged my friend~
Cat Daddy says
David Miscavige is afraid of Social Media.
Mike Rinder says
And even more afraid of anti-social media 🙂
sets guy says