This is what the bubble-dwellers experienced on New Years Eve — being stuffed with bs like a Christmas goose.
While the rest of the world takes a moment to wish everyone good luck and good cheer, peace and happiness, scientology takes the opportunity to pat itself on the back and reaffirm it’s importance and how it is saving all mankind.
The claims and hype are quite astonishing:
It’s a spiritual transcendence
a phenomenon
more pride
more inspiration
more achievements
the experience is electric
future generations will look back in awe at the achievements
we continue to grow exponentially
our truimphant successes
the accomplishments creating so much good for humanity
the phenomenal force of LRH tech
we’ve dreamed of these days
But, apart from crowing about the accomplishments of the front groups that are NOT connected to scientology, there is one huge laugh to be had.
“We are millions and we are everywhere”… so “come join thousands of fellow scientologists.”
And actually they really mean, “join hundreds of fellow scientologists”… (and shrinking with each passing year).
What a sad reflection of the isolated bubble that is scientology.
Thoughts on this particular statement that was also mentioned on the original post:
“We are millions and we are everywhere”… so “come join thousands of fellow scientologists.”
Well, if “we are millions and we are everywhere”, why would i only be “joining thousands” ??????
So, if I take “thousands” as simply a plural for 1000, (same for “millions”), then where are the other 1,998,000 other scn?
If “we” are everywhere, that mean we’re all “omnipresent”, and if this is the case, then we’d actually be “joining millions”, right?
WTF does “The message of our purpose was very impinging” mean? I swear, they pull this crap out of their arseholes!
‘We are millions and we are everywhere.’
In the Cayman Islands, Switzerland, Jersey Islands, Ireland, British Virgin Islands, etc.
Just wondering..if children should be treated like any other Scientologist, then why are there separate events and games aimed at that age group? Shouldn’t they be expected to sit through the same meeting their parents do?
Especially as they are viewed as “adults in little bodies”…..& should have no objection to a grown ADULT kissing them, or doing “anything else” to them…..sickening.
Ewww-didn’t think of that added detriment.
Why do people join cults?
In the 2nd Panel that starts with “You’re Invited”, the 2nd point says “The message of our purpose was very impinging.”
The definition of impinging is having a NEGATIVE effect.
Do these people not have access to a dictionary?
Yep! I reckon when the whole rotten edifice of scientology eventually comes crashing down, MisCalculate will blame it on the fact that someone lost their one and only dictionary, thereby rendering the entire organization dyslexic!
“Compimentary food and refreshments.”
Do my eyes deceive me? FREE FOOD? Damn, and I missed it. If I had only known…why, I would have begun my A to E IMMEDIATELY. Imagine all the MILLIONS of Scientologists yearning to attend and get some of this WOW free cult food, like maybe baked ziti or some other high quality carbohydrate like potato chips and dip, but, alas the Shrine only holds 6 thousand. So sad. Think they’ll have free food next year? Can’t wait!
According to Ron’s PR Series and Marketing Series and HCOPL’s & HCOB’s
Dianetics and Scientology are New news,
One day I hope a clear or/and OT will appear,
or is it fake news that there are clears or OT’s?
Fake news. However, I can still levitate my hand & feet.
Sorry to keep bothering you with this, but I am not getting your posts anymore again. I’ve checked all my settings and everything is good. I’m not a Scientologist but I’ve been so interested in this cult and the best information I get is your posts. If you could maybe see if it’s a problem on my end I sure would appreciate it. I love what you and Leah have been doing to expose these thugs and wanted to keep updated on things. Thank you for your time and hopefully I’ll start getting your emails again.
Same here…
Me, three.
Me as well.
Anna, they may want to sec check you.
Could be! Lol thanks for that Old Surfer Dude! You made my night,
Contrarian Update:
When the money manager and market maker is expecting the same old shit for you and your cult in 2018, it is time to expect that the shit flowing in your direction is sufficient to completely engulf you. The investment managers are notorious for being wrong over 95% of the time predicting the future and thereby underperforming losers to the index benchmarks. The contrarian viewpoint is bullish about you being called out on your bullshit.
Last year your buddy Bob D was a lifer, but now the Global Trophy Hedge Fund is closing down. There is new talk about refocusing on White Elephant Self Storage and Crony Legal Services type investments. The mourning black, pink and violet crowd still reeling from the dilemma of the postmortem chemotherapy of their belly-up agenda is just a distraction.
I would rather have an enema then attend a cult function. Seriously OTT, which should give bubblettes a clue that something is amiss. I’m sure most attendees drop acid before going.
Gaaaaah!! I’d be afraid to drop acid before going! What if the person who did so had a bad trip? David Minced Cabbage is there with the Sherman-speak, only the poor tripper hears it in triple-time and iambic pentameter? Ack! No, no, stay home and trip, and do have a friend or family member with you whom you trust implicitly and who has agreed to stay (pardon me, fellow Family) “straight” and watch out for you. Do not trip under the influence of DM, LRH, or any FSM!
Yeah, I’m serious, as well as kidding a bit.
Yo Dave Miscavige.
When you gazed out into the crowd of “well-wishers” during your long-winded year-end speech, did you wonder if maybe a rather large portion of them were smiling superficially. Perhaps they are really good actors. Maybe you should be a little more afraid of your congregants, because they are all certainly aware of how bad you are failing.
“We are millions… join the thousands of fellow Scientologists for a magical evening…” So, by their own statement, over 99% of Scientologists have better things to do on New Year’s Eve than celebrate the phenomenon of Scientology’s best year ever. They must all be SPs. DM has his work cut our for him in 2018.
I think the New Years event is probably good for the poor Sea Org members.
They get “paid” with a bunch of hype for their efforts at saving the planet. They get to get away from their posts and the Org even if for a night.
And, they get some much-needed exercise with 3+ hours of Hip-hip-hooray up and down standing ovation calisthenics.
And, they get to eat “free refreshments” after making a donation to the IAS, too.
Free refreshments? How much money do I have hand over?
They also get to dress up. They have to dress like public to make it look like a better attended event. Also (my opinion) shedding their uniforms makes them harder to dodge when public are doing their best to avoid them at an event. (I know I always tried. I’d spot a uniform and artfully swerve and keep moving.)
Not sure if this is true or not but a then friend of mine, a public, told me that before an event the ?ea Org girls scoured thrift shops to purchase decent yet inexpensive dressy event attire.
I thought this was a great idea as a lot of them are very young and slim and you can get some terrific stuff at very low prices in thrift shops if you’re a small size.
Sad for these young girls that the only time they ever get to “go out” is to a Scientology event. I don’t know how they stand it, frankly. No wonder they grow to be so angry and humorless. What a life. If they’re lucky they get mated, with cult approval, like a farmer with his barnyard animals. Horrible.
“Getting mated”. That sounds like a bit of a stretch.
If anything, current evidence seems to suggest that Miscavige would rather discourage people from getting married. Potential staff loss jumps higher when people could get pregnant and you’re likely to lose two staff members in such an event. Also, couples are more expensive to provide berthing for, because you can only fit two workers in a “2D space” instead of 7-10.
Oh, and not to mention that couples are often found to want to spend time together, instead of being on post. Talk about other fish to fry!
I think Miscarriage will continue what he’s been doing for some years now, shifting money overseas into safe havens and finding ways to finish taking total control of all the real estate in preparation for when he skips the country.
He can run but he can’t hide.
I can hide, but, I just can’t run.
I’m going to paraphrase a bit from from the play Bottom Live 2001: An Arse Oddity.
On a headstone – “Hooray, $camology is dead. Piss here.”
I’d like to piss there. But, I don’t know where it is.
‘We we are millions and we are everywhere.’ Ummm, no. No you’re not. In fact, membership is below 20,000 worldwide and shrinking constantly. What you still ins need to do is go the most important Idle Morgue, Valley, and go inside. Also, count the cars. It’ll be an eye opening experience for you.
You aren’t millions and you’re nowhere. Face it! You’re in a fucking cult! Wake the fuck up!
What a wog sees at a Scientology Idle Morgue…
a big empty ugly building with a few greasy and stinky people running around in bar tender uniforms. The emotion evoked: Creepy!
What a $cientolofist sees when they look at a big empty ugly Idle Morgue….
A big empty austentatatious cool building that LRH and COB said would attract raw meat…,
But still sits empty
With a few staff members wearing 10 year old ugly bartender uniforms who are to broke to eat and bathe….and clean the uniforms
And the emotion evoked: GUILT! They have been “trained” to think it is their fault the Idle Morgue they sacrificed all for….is empty cuz they pulled it in..,.
Bartender uniforms… ha ha ha.
Scientology simply begs for the ridicule it so justly deserves.
Also, aren’t the sea org members bathing? I guess living on $50 doesn’t allow for soap and deodorant.
It didn’t while I was in. Especially when you don’t get paid very often. Toothpaste, soap, deodorant or a pair of shoes to replace the ones I wear every day that I bought 2 years ago. Maybe a pair of underpants or a bra, socks. You’re talking a years salary right there.
That is not a joke. My last full year in SO, according to my Social Security earnings statement, I grossed $747 FOR THE YEAR. Those are the hard facts Sea Org members are faced with when making decisions whether to steal food or toiletries left sitting out and the reason you have to guard your laundry when doing it.
THAT is what people who are supposed to be clearing the planet are reduced to and why they are so beat down.
That is so sad. Glad you are out now. We should take up a collection of socks, underwear, and various personal hygiene products for the poor sea org. Wouldn’t that just embarrass that asshole COB who sits in luxury in his monogrammed silk undies.
I don’t think COB has the ability to be embarrassed.
WAYC, it is sad, but the unpleasant truth is that the more uncomfortable they are the more likely they are to route out or blow.
The Church of Scientology is an insanely rich cult. If Miscavige cared in the least about his slaves he’d provide the means of basic decent hygiene for all Sea Org members.
In the Pre-Civial War South, the field slaves, whose lives were the hardest, would flee, while the house slaves, treated much better and sometimes even educated and considered “part of the family” stayed “with their White Folks”.
The Sea Org members are all Miscavige’s slaves, some treated better than others.
If I were a parent of one of these unfortunates, I would be of 2 minds: on the one hand, I would want my kid the hell out of there asap, on the other hand, I wouldn’t want him/her to suffer any privations.
But theyre not going to route out or blow if they’re one of Miscavige’s “house niggers” if you’ll forgive my using that disgusting term. I use it because that’s what His “favored ones” are – until, of course, he turns on them.
WAYC…Great idea, but just WHO would distribute them & how since an S.P. can’t enter any of the buildings. Unless “still not declared” or a like person does it &then the COS would want to know WHERE they got the $$$$ from & why it wasn’t donated directly to COS instead of SPENT on Frivolity….
BTW……For some reason I am getting an on screen message occasionally that says “INVALID SECURITY TOKEN…..when I try to post. What’s up with that & Mike can you fix or adjust it, please!
I wish all a healthy & happy 2018 filled with Joy & the return of your loved ones………..may you GET BACK what is RIGHTFULLY YOURS….
Idle and WAYC,
Just read your posts. Much appreciated. Might need to throw up my Indian take-out now.
The promo reminds me of the old infomercials that were so popular in the 80s and 90s.
The Cherch promo is so childish. No one in his right mind would buy it.
I have often had the same thought. The internal PR is at least 25 years behind everyone else. You almost expect to see a 1989 Tony Robbins bound up onto the stage.
They have their own Grant Cardone that cult members are so fond of pushing.
And of course Davey Miscavige.
But wait! That’s not all! You will also get… I remember those infomercials. Best line ever. “It will slice a tomato so thin it only has one side.” Can anyone remember the ginsu knives?
Yes, and there’s more, if you call right now….
I’m calling! I’m calling!
I hope you were n time to get the discount deal.:-)
“What a sad reflection of the isolated bubble that is scientology.”
Not sad at all. It would be if I believed that there was ever anything good about it, but I no longer believe that. I couldn’t possibly still believe it in the face of all the evidence to the contrary. The sooner it fizzles out of existence and all that remains are the garbled murmurings of poor damaged members beyond help of how much charge they blew today off of their case, well …
Would love to hear from someone on the ground at that event how many were actually in attendance and if it was possible to say how many were staff.
“Future generations of Scientologists will look back in awe at the achievements of our religion as it continues to grow exponentially.”
First thing I think is, aw, that’s cute. They believe there will be future generations of Scientologists.
Second thing I think is, we could *calculate* that exponent. Assuming y=number of members, and the exponent x is time, x would have to be a negative number to account for the actual curve. People better at math and having more membership data could approximate the actual function.
No question if you extrapolate it forward, there’s at most one more generation of Scientologists, and it’ll be very small.
CATW, that exponent would be ZERO = NO growth. And that “next gen” of scions is also likely to be ZERO.Davey boy has banned children for the SO, and non-SO staff don’t get to be together to “do the deed” what with all the off-hat business they’re required to do, Even when they get together, WHAT energy? I dare say that most of the time, they’re asleep by the time they get (mostly) horizontal. Back in the day, many were the times I woke up not knowing I was in my own bed, not remembering even opening the dorm’s door. I might as well have been drunk — without the fun parts. Almost like Weeks-long hangovers. Most of us were just shy of zombification; maybe not that far away.
And now the PUBLIC are being dragged down that rabbit hole with their required “volunteering” to support the latest Command Intentions, and “get ‘er done”, “make it go” right, or some other such foolishness. I agree with the earlier poster that as things get worse, more of the still-ins will buckle under the strain and get the EFF out of Dodge. As their numbers dwindle, life will get even worse for the rest, and they’ll be spit out like so many watermelon seeds. The more Davey Boy clamps down, the more will slip from his hands like sand at the beach
“We are millions and we are everywhere”
Actually, that applies to us, those who comment and blog on the many platforms and websites that encompass the vast Scientology critics network. We are indeed everywhere in numbers that dominate those of the COS, their staff and members. We should start our own magazine.
Excellent point. Two blogs see far more traffic in one day than the Valley Morgue sees in a week. Thanks, HellRH, and Cob!
Magazine title: Real Freedom…
Magazine title: Reel Freedom (for all you fishermen)
“…being stuffed with bs like a Christmas goose”. Sacrilege! Roast goose was what we had this Christmas. A few of us helped out with serving at a homeless shelter and then went up to an old-fashioned German rathskeller type place for roast goose stuffed with chestnuts and apples, roast potatoes, creamed spinach and red cabbage….OMG, I am such a creamed spinach and red cabbage person…why am I talking about this…?
Right, the “bs” . Ok, how I .would LOVE some UTR’s viewpoint here on how much of this SHERMANSHIT was actually BELIEVED AND ACCEPTED by the Still Ins.
What filters thru to us here on the outside is not necessarily going ON with the still ins!
Don’t forget, they CAN’T say what they REALLY think! CAN’T share what they ACTUALLY observe!
Consequently, at the event, even if the still ins WERE looking around, thinking, “There’s no way there are millions of us. No way. Where is the expansion?”, even if they WERE thinking and wondering along these lines, WE out here will never hear it. At best, some Ethics Officers might be privy to such originations and be at this moment very busy ‘handling” such heresy!
Remember how we were when we were in? We edited our speech, but THAT DOESN’T MEAN WE DIDN’T HAVE OUR PRIVATE THOUGHTS AND OBSERVATIONS.
And it was precisely those unshared, privately held thoughts, observations, and conclusions of ours that got us OUT.
Just saying.
From your lips to God’s ears that the same conclusion will come to those still-in….
The level of lies, exaggeration, and fraud in scientology propaganda are at levels found in North Korean propaganda. No doubt Kim Jong Un will hire (or kidnap) Dan Sherman, to write propaganda for him. (Note: North Korea is known for kidnapping people.)
Yes, 2017 was a huge year for Scientology. Was recently reading all that was accomplished on Underground Bunker. Along those lines, I truly hope 2018 is even more phenomenal. hehe…
Scamology is on the last phase of its dwindling spiral which started 40+ years ago. The entire subject, not just the CoS.
All that remains is poorly written hyperbole and gnashing of teeth
Good riddance to bad cultism.
Wyn, the sooner the better!
Happy New Year Mike and family, thank you for this blog. Also want to send best wishes to all the wonderful people here that I enjoy daily. May 2018 be filled with great health, happiness and return of estranged family.
Ditto Ms.P
Probably the most true statement on the entire poster “I had tears in my eyes”
I too would cry to to show up at an event and realize that there were only a few hundred people left to support David Miscavige’s extravagant lifestyle so the pressure to give more money that I did not have was going to increase 10 or 20 fold and no one was even going to acknowledge that I had already thrown millions of dollars at the black hole that is Davey Boy’s appetite for more, still more.
“An event so beyond imagination that when it comes to an end, you’ll realize, it’s only the beginning…”
So, it’s very much like spending hundreds of thousands of dollars and endless hours of your precious life going all the way up the bridge to Oh Tea 8 only to discover who you are not, then having to go all the way back to re-do a bunch of lower bridge processes until you’ve overrun them so completely that you feel like killing yourself
The more that $cn changes, the more it becomes exactly the same…only now the duped and deluded are being forced to drink the Kool-aide without any kind of sweetener at all.
Having to re-do the grades after attesting Clear pushed me out back in the day. Now I read of endless objectives….. How many times can a PC fake coming to PT? Talk about overrun!
If someone ever tries to get me to re-do “the book and the bottle”, I REFUSE to be responsible for any ensuing mayhem. My win on the on that process was usually some version of “DONE! FINALLY DONE!”
Doing it as auditor was even more punishing.
I’m sure I’m not alone
Hell, the “greatest year ever” for scientology was probably 1970 lol.
OK, so one could argue it was back in the 90s during the volcano ad campaign or COBs greatest hit, the “war is over” event. But jeez, He says their best year ever was 2017? “Exponential” growth? Oh, boy, that’s rich ha ha.
I can’t predict what the coming year will bring for the cult, but I doubt any of it will be good.
To make foie gras they force feed a duck or a goose with corn and other things through a feeding tube where they just push and push more and more food down their gullet. It’s inhumane to the animal. But this is exactly what DM is doing to his flock. He is forcing lies down their throats with huge over the top BIG lies, that they are in the millions and come join the thousands…. when in reality it is a few thousand and only hundreds show up, mostly out of fear of what may happen if they don’t show up to an event. It is amazing the huge lies he puts out which the flock gobbles up without question.
I guess chiselled on the Scientology tombstone will be the term, “it’s the thought that counts,” and that will shadow their oblivion. Didn’t anyone ever tell them it’s naughty to lie?
In Scientology, lies are truth, and truth are lies.
So what are your predictions for the church of scientology/david miscavige this year, Mike? You usually have one general statement. I think the hemorrhaging from the heart of it is done but it seems to be still ticking away. The church has become an episode of The Walking Dead.
My $.02 cents worth Mary is to look for our favorite cult to get smaller and shorter. And watch for some foaming around the mouth from dear leader …………… remember that a rabid animal is somewhat unpredictable.
Withering on the vine.
The grapes turn to raisins, shrunken and shriveled. The birds circle. Dead leaves fall to the ground. The branches will soon be bare.
This is not a seasonal cycle. The ground is poisoned, the roots rotten. There is no saving it.
“There is no saving it.” Right on the money, Mike. And this can clearly be seen at THE most important Idle Morgue: Valley. They pretend it’s not happening, but, it is. It sucks to be a member of Scientology.
“The ground is poisoned, the roots rotten. There is no saving it.”
Don’t hold back. Tell us how you really feel!
I hope it happens sooner rather than later. We have family we hope to reunite with.
Mike thank you for this great blog that you put out. I appreciate all your hard work and integrity you put into it and on the A & E show. And Happy New year to everyone on the blog.
Cindy said “I hope it happens sooner rather than later. We have family we hope to reunite with.”
Sadly, it’s already “later”; too late for the cult. And sadly, the still-ins aren’t likely to wake up and feel the love until they’ve suffered more than they already have.
Hopefully, they’ll reunite with us on the outside before they’re fully converted to soulless, emotionless Borgs. The Dwarfenführer is beyond redemption, I suspect. Considering what he’s done to those closest to him, is there anyone left who could love that 4’12-1/2″ Napoleonic wannabe?
So, uh………. you don’t think they’ll achieve 47X expansion this year???
Well, expansion of what is the question.
Expansion of hype? Absolutely guaranteed.
Expansion of those feeling the impact of disconnection? Not 47X, but still growing.
Expansion of those leaving scientology? Also not 47X but more and faster than ever…
47X expansion… a typical Miscavige ridiculous assertion? Everything that creep says is just pulled out of his ass. Does Tom Cruise even still believe the bullshit?
The only expansion they’re getting is the number of folks who “get” that it’s all lies, and that’s 47X just from “Aftermath”. Heck, probably more folks are reading this than are still in the cult. Anyone getting down this far on the page is at most UTR.
Okay, I got the prediction for david miscavige and his balls, what about the rest of it?
Not enough to take note of. Miscavige not only is leader of the world’s fastest shrinking religion but is the laughingstock of the internet. His lack of public appearances outside of a scientology opening is a reflection of not only his lack of cajones but his lack of manhood, both literally and figuratively. When people in the future talk of con men, Bernie Madoff, Charles Ponzi, the many televangelists such as Jim and Tammy Bakker, (Paul Popoff and Robert Tilton included) L Con Hubbard, and David MIscavige and their spawn such as Reed Slatkin will lead the pack.
Student, you are so right… if we were to rank which human beings are the most ridiculed on the internet, he’d be straight up and vertical near the top of the list, followed by his useful idiot lapdog Tom Cruise.
I’ll go out on a limb a predict that the US will not pursue the cult’s shenanigans unless their is more of a worldwide effort to expose and shut them down. US does not have the balls to tackle anything related to First Amendment rights and will likely not take the lead. Though, tackling tax issue is promising, I really believe that their downfall will be human rights violations via class action suits worldwide. My 2 cents…
Sherman-speak at its pinnacle of perfection. Reminds me of all the times at events like this where I listened attentively but nothing made sense and I began to worry if I didn’t applaud when everyone else did that OSA spotters would take note and I’d be called into ethics the next day. Suspect I was not alone in this.
Not alone by a long shot.
Yea. I got a KR written on me for leaving 5 minutes before the end.
Did you feel like slapping the shit out of that person? Or is it just me…
Yeeeeaaa. For sure.
Like the KR written on me for raising holy hell when they ansconded my minor son’s cell phone and whisked him away to a secure location to be hounded on to join the SO.
At 10:00/11:00 pm.
Wish I would have pressed charges. Same difference in the end (lost my son, declared SP) but much more gratifying.
“Reminds me of all the times at events like this where I listened attentively but nothing made sense…”
I would try to follow His words also but never could.
After a while I just gave up “listened” in a kind of semi–stupor.
And I was your basic word-clearing freak and KTL lover, a good student who could spot the MU’s leaping off the page, etc. etc. etc and I never spotted my own reasons for doping off at events.
It was only in hindsight, after I lieft that I realized it was because of the grandiose generalities that really didn’t mean anything, and the sing-song cadence of His voice, with sentences that went on fucking forever!
The hype stat appears to be a direct index of the cult shrinkage stat. Looks like the more the cult shrinks, the more they pour on the hype that they’re expanding. Truly the Enron of religions. Fascinating, actually. One day it will all blow up, just like Enron. When it happens it will be very quick.
And then we start to party like it’s 1999! Oh, wait. It’s already 2018. But, we’re still going to party, right? That’s the most important thing!
We are going to PAR-TAY, OSD! As a matter of fact,on New Year’s Eve I got about 5 total strangers (to you) hyped up about coming to the celebration Blog Bash at your Beach Place. They’ve never been in Scientology and they know nothing about the cult except what they’ve learned from Aftermath, but they asked to be invited! Keep in mind that this was after several bottles of champagne but still…please make room on the beach for 5 more including me, just in case
You were put on the list months ago.
What list? Can I come? I’ve been storing up hugs and high fives for months!!!
Yes, teen, you’re on the list too.
Thank you!
That party is one I will definitely attend!!! Certain it will be happy and joyous just like the ball drop we attended to ring in 2018. OSD; I don’t give a fuck what year number it will be; it will be the most joyous celebration EVER!!!!
Well, I did it once in my backyard. Had about 50 or 60 people show up. Had one hellava great time!
Yes, I’ve noticed that the hype seems inversely proportional to the reality, to put it mathematically. When I think about it, it also strikes me as the sort of sadly pathological denial that shows up when people are deeply in the throes of some mental affliction like addiction – it’s one of Scientology’s telling “accuse others of what they themselves are doing” denial mechanisms, that they position themselves as so anti-drug and yet exemplify other addictive psychological behaviors.
Scientology reminds me more and more of Saddam Hussein regime spokesman “Baghdad Bob” AKA “Comical Ali,” whose fantasy-spun press conferences ended up with him infamously claiming that coalition forces had been pushed out of Iraq, while news video showed advancing US tanks almost literally around the corner, just a couple of blocks away but not quite visible behind him.
I forget the exact quote I’m looking for WRT to the Sherman-speak hype.:”If you’re working that hard to look cool, you’ll never BE cool.” (From some sappy sitcom, I believe.)
I hope the reality of the giant emptiness of the show makes the attendees question and turn away.
Hopefully they stop passing around the Kool-Aid.
Yo Dave,
The only ‘more’ comment that will be true is this one ………………….
Yes there will good buddy! And congrats on the new cleared county in California. Tuolumne now has no active public $cientologists living here since 1975.
Oops ……… I meant to remind Dave that the first public $cientologists arrived in about 1975. That was the Year before El Con showed up to purchase the Lady Washington Mine property which would later become the CST ‘compound’. The last active public moved out and back to LA where they could connect up with other Oh Teas in December 2017.
I guess the suppression around here was more than they could handle!
“I guess the suppression around here was more than they could handle!”
Absolutely. They’re scared of getting Newc ‘d.