I have been talking for some time about the next “Big Thing” Miscavige was going to foist off on the world — his “new” Organizational Executive Course.
A year ago I did a post The Next Big Thing — the Miscavige OEC
It seems he is not ready to sell the books yet, but is delivering the course. The OEC Volumes have been out of print and unavailable for years — try searching the Bridge website, “OEC” “Organizational Executive Course” or “Volumes” returns no results. Hubbard said that OEC Vol 0, The Basic Staff Hat, was a requirement for every organization at least.
It seems, that lacking any books, Miscavige has managed to rejigger the checksheets and though there is nothing actually new, it is all about the sequence the policies are studied in.
This is the same idiocy he foisted off with the “Basics” — if you don’t read things in the right sequence, you are all screwed up and incompetent.
Although, of course with the OEC, it is NOT a chronological study because it is broken down by Division. The “chronological study” is the St Hill Special Briefing course, another Hubbard “must” which has not existed now for well over a decade, maybe two. So much for the COB bringing being the most on-Source guy on earth. He has single handedly gotten rid of the OEC, the SHSBC, the Tech Vols, Key To Life, Life Orientation Course and the Class VIII course.
But back to this magical OEC that the poor ED of Melbourne org is now convinced is going to Clear her city. They only sold 5 Dianetics books? This is an Ideal Org?
Remember when the “Next Big Thing” that was absolutely going to result in Planetary Clearing was The Golden Age of Tech?
How about The Basics?
The Golden Age of Tech II? (Because the first one Dave did was all fucked up)
Super Power?
Ideal Orgs?
Golden Age of Knowledge?
Golden Age of Tech for OTs?
Are the sheeple EVER going to wake up to the fact that they are being led around with promises of great things that WILL somehow solve the endless decline of their shriveling world, each of which turns out to be as useless as the previous one, but is quickly forgotten as soon as the new “Next Big Thing” in unveiled.
This is not new in scientology. L. Ron Hubbard was a master of this strategy. Every time his promises for making Clears didn’t come true, he invented something new. He even bounced from dianetics to scientology (and then back to dianetics when he recovered the copyrights). Goals processing. Creative Processing. Sec Checking. R6EW. On and on — even on his deathbed as he was struggling to eradicate the BT’s he thought were still pestering him with a suicide meter, he was promising the world OT IX and X and many levels beyond. Even though he himself could not complete vanquishing BT’s which is how one completes OT VII.
This “Next Big Thing” is the lamest of them all. Miscavige will go to great pains to explain to everyone how on-Source this is. Nothing has changed in Hubbard’s Policy Letters since he died. It’s the same stuff it always was. Now it has a new spin, but it’s the same old same old. There have been plenty of people who have studied ALL of Hubbard’s policies and they couldn’t apply it to expand orgs. Miscavige has shuffled the deck and everyone thinks they are now being dealt great cards. It’s nothing new. Just another sleight of hand with a bunch of hypey fanfare.
Cabbage is just trying to distract the sheep from the fact that OT IX and up aren’t there.
Mike ~22 years ago I was told that by Chris (long time SHSBC Sup who was a declared SP at the time) that her mother Phil Stevens was working on the Scamology Dictionary which DM had pulled as squirrel. Did that “project” ever finish to your knowledge.
Wow, thanks for th info
The “tech” is the Hubbard quackery.
The “admin” is the Hubbard administration framework to deliver the quackery.
So, when “tech” doesn’t seem to be selling, just spruce up the “admin” setups with staff training on the Hubbard massive writings of administration of the quackery.
If you look at the 1950s Hubbard congresses as mainly tech. Then the 1960s Breifing Course tech.
So the whole assembly line of the “admin” just never “works” and it can’t work.
So it it repeated cycles within the movement, as Hubbard himself ordered the long strategic patterns of “tech” programs, and then “admin” programs back and forth.
It’s part of the long con’s “solution” that is Hubbard based, all of it.
Miscavige is just doing the Hubbard long range strategic planning, is all.
It kind of makes a deeper point about Hubbard. He was a pretty busy beaver cult leader stretching out his con on the world.
Chuck Beatty
ex OEC/FEBC Course Sup
ex OEC Checksheet reviser
The “admin” big programs were the early 1970s OEC/FEBC program at the Apollo which just followed the 1968-69 “tech” Class 8 program.
The “tech” programs repeated again and again in the 1980s. There were the Sec Checking for False Purposes program for a while.
The LRH products sold over the decades would be examples of the “tech”.
The admin projects like OEC and FEBC repeated in 1981-82.
The one two punch of Hubbard’s was the “tech” and then the “admin” and “ethics” would be sold more under the “admin” side of the one two punch.
It’s all just LRH’s glorious contributions to mankind to help “wounded water buffalo” humanity that needs this help, in Hubbard’s eyes.
But it’s just fantasy. Since the “tech” is quackery, and no amount of gloriously effective administration will fix the quackery’s innate problem.
Now that you have posted about Melbourne and now that I am locked up at home with the chinese virus (which i must have pulled in myself) it reminds me of a photo I took the other day of the org. I will send it to you via a msg as the forum doesn’t allow pictures. Its pretty symbolic of the current state of the organisation in the great country of ours.
Does anyone know (or have a hypothesis) why Miscavige has pulled these courses? These were some of the core ‘tech’. What do those still in think about this? Does one just pretend they didn’t exist? I tend to wonder if Miscavige isn’t going through these courses and removing any references to SP’s (who weren’t SP then). Just like he’s systematically removing all traces of Mary Sue from the oeuvre of Hubbard. Someone posted a pic the other day in the comment section at The Bunker taken at one of Hubbards birthdays. In the original it showed Hubbard on one side of a large cake and Mary Sue on the other. The ‘new’ version has Mary Sue photoshopped out. What does Miscavige want to do? Make Hubbard another Christ. A man with no need of a wife. Nevertheless 3 wives.
I truly believe that the one person who probably despises Hubbard more than us SP’s is Miscavige himself.
What I’ve read here and elsewhere and what makes sense to me is that Miscavige pulled these courses for the same reason he’s always pulled courses: He needs “new” stuff to sell.
Its a problem for him, quite a tangle for him because not being “Source” he is prevented from devising new courses or auditing actions, etc. He can’t write any actual NEW material. Only LRH is ever Source. All Miscavige can do is change what LRH wrote. Which of course is a High Crime. Thus the tangle.
He gets very busy cooking up reasons for changing what “Source” (LRH) wrote. And promotes the changed material heavily, at much higher prices. And the Sheeple oblige by falling for it. Every time. And if they don’t fall for it and buy whatever the latest thing is that the Dwarf has changed, then they get sent to Ethics to be “handled” and if that doesn’t work well then likely they’re on their way out of the cult.
Scientology calls what Miscavige does “alter-ising”. Alter-Ising the Tech is (theoretically per LRH) a High Crime. But the Dwarf has been doing it for decades. His reasons and justifications for pulling tech and reselling it at much higher prices are legion. They’re not at all clever but Miscavige doesn’t have to be clever any more because the Still In Scientologists are brainwashedly dumb and believe anything he says, no matter how obviously wrong and “out-tech” it is.
“Pure” LRH doctrine would characterized Miscavige as someone who cannot create and so is obsessively forced to Alter-Is (change) what someone else has created. Like him or loathe him, or loathe me for saying this, but on this point Hubbard is right on the button IMHO.
Linear, he has done as this stuff to keep the sheep’s minds off of the fact that there are no more OT levels available. He promised 7 more OT levels were available and he hasn’t got them
Always saw Miscavige as the little boy who was always off by 300%. Look at his pictures. He never fits.
Let’s start with “the 5 DMSMH books we sold that day”. Five years of selling five Dianetics books a day wouldn’t even hit 10,000 sold. In a city whose population grew 600,000 in five years and exceeds 5 million today. There are only tens of thousands of clear certs/bracelets out there globally.
Her estimation of effort was off. Absolutely.
Sadly, even when she completes the course, in spite of all the enthusiasm and certainty she’ll have to profess to in order to finish and return, she won’t have the necessary dose of reality. For every one person ever handed a Clear certificate, there are hundreds who want nothing to do with Scn ever. That ratio is growing rather than shrinking, and there are no magic words from LRH or li’l Davey to undo that.
That moment of clarity in the first paragraph and how easily it was drilled out of her. Notice how there are no details to her new found faith in clearing her city, let alone “sector”…
Just watch, just watch! Sometime in the near future DM will hold an event where he will release the new versions of all this stuff Mike mentioned and claim that the originals were full of errors but now everything is on source. Then some old, indie Scientologist will do a video where he will demonstrate that the originals WERE on source, thus putting more egg in little Davey’s face!
Just watch!
It’s like a cow with 7stomachs instead of 2 lol. They need 7 or more to regurgitate the same old garbage! All that will happen is execs that return from forced Flag training will hammer their juniors at home even more because they are so “on source” now so it must be counter intention from the juniors right? Ugh!!!!
Where is the podcast man? Missing it
I second that missing the podcasts! Please don’t say you are done!!!!!!
I am asking that as well…no new episode for over 2 weeks…what’s up? Please don’t say you and Leah are done – it’s the one podcast I listen to week after week and can’t get enough of.
Just taking a break
Thank you so much Mike for answering…I was getting worried.
I want to thank you and Leah from the bottom of my heart for what you have been doing for that past 7 years or so. I was completely in the dark about Scientology, cults, and cult behavior until I saw the Aftermath and now your podcast. My eyes opened when I realized that “people don’t join cults” as Mark Vicente said. He was right, they don’t – they are well intentioned people looking for something and the cult grabs them and grooms them over time. People don’t join cults because the cults need time to groom and reshape your mind. Thank you for educating me and opening my eyes to what cults do, how they do it, why they do it –
And it’s not just you and Leah at this point getting the word out – all the guests that you have on the show and podcast are helping to reinforce in the lay person’s mind exactly what is going on behind closed doors. Often times you and Leah do ponder why alot of people sit back and do nothing and I can attest to part of it is because we lack the understanding of what is going on.
Over time your message will get out and what you are doing now will sink to people who want to understand and help. Keep up the fight because there are others fighting with you, you just might not see them. Do it because it is the right thing to do especially from your experiences and knowledge of the inner sactum.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
They have shut you down, haven’t they?!?!
Well, that’s a relief! In that case, I hope you and Leah enjoy a well-deserved break. There are many people who love and care about you!
“rejigger” Yeah, that worked on the deck chairs on the Titanic. As nothing new can be added or changed in the $cienoverse, it will always be a ‘keep your nose to the grindstone’ and do as you are told ‘religion’. Can’t let the minions have any time to think for themselves. The two years off of $cientology might really kill the scam. We will have to see if things come back in the next year.
It’s all the same cat puke, regurgitated over and over. Can’t believe it’s been damn near 40 years & I’ve seen the same crap played and over, but for those in it, they never get that it doesn’t work!
Truly, if you want to observe insanity try taking a Scientology staff member to Disneyland. The first sad thing is they can’t afford the entrance fee, let alone any rides or food. And the large amount of humanity all in the one spot actively talking and engaging in fun stuff is just too much for them to bear. They need to get back to the safety and security of an empty org under heavy but solemn discipline to get that LRH comfort of the carrot and donkey.
Scientology – the eternal runway to nowhere…
Have you taken a Scientologist to disneyland?
Yes, but not a staff member of LA Org, we tried. They weren’t allowed, CSW denied due to replacement issues. Despite the once in a decade family gathering at the same time.
Have you been a staff member or SO? Have you experienced that life? Seems a silly reply if you have. I can easily recall the 10 Christmases I had to endure without family, let alone the birthdays and while in the US, Thanksgiving.
I can get quite aggressive in response to compromising my experience with the inhumanity of the Scientology organisation.
No I have not, my amount of experience in the cult was pretty minimal compared to some of you. I was in LA org years ago for a couple of weeks and some young gal tried to recruit me to join staff, I declined but to say she was persistent would be an understatement. She would not give up.
I didn’t mean to strike a nerve, sorry if I did and I’m sorry for everything you endured while you were in. I was just mainly curious about that mindset that would not let a Scientologist enjoy going to Disneyland.
No worries. I’ve met a few strange ones here and I’m sometimes not quite sure where they are coming from.
If you haven’t been on staff you truly can’t understand, no slight on your intelligence intended, come to terms with the torment it turns out to be.
A true Scio staff member is conditioned to think and act completely differently to someone who works for a living and can get to enjoy the fruits of their labors. Staff members don’t have luxuries as you know it and sacrifice such things as Disneyland or going to the beach, going out to dinner etc. Not once in 10 years was I paid enough to cover both my rent & food – let alone entertainment most people take for granted. The SO, and I had many friends in there had it even tougher, a lot tougher. There are no holidays in Scientology available to staff. If there are it’s an extreme rarity.
If there is a hell on Earth, the Scientology organisation is well represented there.
Well I’m glad you are out of it now. You’re right, I probably can’t totally understand but I picked up a little bit of that mentality from conversations with my auditor. He was talking about staff members working 7 days a week, I asked him if they ever got a day off. His reply was you don’t need a day off, something to the effect that people have been brainwashed into thinking they need a day off.
If Scientology did actually work as Hubbard said it did, such sacrifice would be understandable and even desirable to get the results. But it doesn’t work & hence it is a betrayal on so many levels it’s hard to actually look at it properly. To make it all about the money, while observably true, doesn’t really come close to the personal harm it does to people’s lives. It stole a decade of my most productive years of good health & life, my accumulated wealth at the time and made a mess of my original ambitions & I lost many friends and it altered many family relationships for the worse. You can’t get those things back as they once were or would have been without Scientology stealing your time and altering your thinking. All you can do is just carry on, start afresh and rebuild.
I guess the organisation of Scientology’s end product is sorrow & regret.
I certainly regret being in it & feel sorry for anyone that is in it. It’s only a matter of time before they regret their association with it.
The amount of members who have fled in the last few decades actually shows how many have woken up.
Those few who are left actually need to keep believing it and won’t want to wake up.
By now scn is a limited number club where they do (for the few) only evening shows of illusionism (they seem to want only those).
When I was on staff every year (just as Mike says) there was the ultimate solution to getting orgs to boom. Never happened.
These new OEC stuff will last like a hole in the water.
In scn everything works only on getting people motivation rised (and self-conviction) to make them do things more and beyond the natural balance of things.
But how long can a person who is constantly stressed in that way last?
Mike very good article today. “He has single handedly gotten rid of the OEC, the SHSBC, the Tech Vols, Key To Life, Life Orientation Course and the Class VIII course.” By their products you will know them. (It is an LRH reference where he says to Look, Don’t Listen and if you see bad products or no products you will know you are looking at an SP or degraded being.) Well let’s look at DM’s products: no more OEC, no more SHSBC, no Tech Volumes, no Key to Life, no Life Orientation Course and no Class VIII Course. That says it all. This is how you know DM’s true intentions.
Of course dm will eventually come out with the latest “Why” and roll out The Golden Age of Ethics. That will be the only remaining tek allowed.
Wasn’t the Golden Age of Ethics first, with the Intro to Scn Ethics and PTS/SP courses? Maybe it wasn’t called Golden Age, but it was right in the era of the original (failure) Golden Age of Tech, orgs sending management for their OEC/FEBC, and just before the whole Basics and the “we fixed the audio on all the lectures” release of CDs instead of tapes.
:shifty eyes: I just happened to be on staff right during that, so it is possible my memory is completely fubarred. They replaced OEC Vol 0 at that point and had a new course for it, and pulled the Scn dictionary with rumors a better one was coming.
Fubarred F**d up beyond all repair
(had to look it up)
After 15 years of physically removing myself from Hollywood/Scientology, my memory is coming back little by little.
My theory is it’s coming back only after getting myself in good enough shape to emotionally able to handle the memories.
Kinda like leaving an abusive relationship where for so many years the abuser was right, I deserved it etc. So as some amount of self esteem returns so do memories apparently. Or maybe I’m healthier now. Either way I doubt your memory is ‘beyond repair’
Well done to to you, Cece and to Ex Sc Staff and to all others who got themselves out! Live your best life now.
Cindy (& Linear13), appreciate your comments.
As far as Scientology is concerned, Miscavige is the biggest “squirrel” they have ever had.
Every single example you have given is correct. Plus, what happened to the original ot levels? Whatever happened to them?Most relatively new scientologists don’t even know that they ever existed.
What happened was that Miscavige subdivided NOTS (New Era Dianetics for OTs) into severable parts and renamed them New OT IV, New OT V, New OT VI, and New OTVII !
When I was on the SHSBC I asked the supervisor how there could be new Tech Bulletins being released after Ron kicked the bucket… I was given an issue called a “Scientology Policy Directive” (written and signed by the Senior CS Int) which said that LRH had left “notes and instructions” authorizing management to write up and issue material based on his uncompiled notes and tapes.
So, I wrote to Ray Mittoff and asked him where I, as a BC student, would be able to look at those “LRH notes and instructions”.
Of course Mittoff’s office wrote back and told me that that information was “not available to the public”.
As the old saying goes:
“Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive?”
Karl, Hubbard pulled the original OT 4 – 7 from the grade chart when he came up with NOTS. Miscavige had nothing to do with that. Although there is a crazy scamology independent group that pounds that drum to stir up its minuscule membership.
Sounds Real crazy to me, Real. But I do recall seeing NOTs on grade charts from that time, positioned between OT III and OT IV before the name change to “New” OT whatever.