Looks like the “largest private relief force on earth” has become the most inactive private relief force on earth.
This is their official website: “News” section
Apparently, nothing has been done about it since February 2022?
Not that there has been a shortage of things that needed some volunteers. The area an hour south of Clearwater was devasted by a Hurricane. A monstrous earthquake in Turkey. Tornados in Mississippi and Alabama. Flooding in California. And MUCH more. Let alone issues of homelessness, famine, poverty and disease all over the world.
Where are the Volunteer Ministers?
My guess is that the attrition in scientology is exacting a heavy toll on things that are not considered VITAL. VM’s do NOT generate any income — sure, the IAS fundraises based on people supporting their activities, but they don’t need them to actually DO anything. It costs money to do any actual relief work. Not something scientology has ever favored.
So, there’s probably nobody on a post responsible for keeping this website updated. Clearly nobody cares enough to even manufacture some false accomplishments.
Another indicator of the decline of scientology.
Nothing Can Be Done About That.
The guy responsible for the non-update of the website will most certainly be RPF’d by now.
In scientology, “compassion” is but PR frippery – used to manipulate an audience for the purpose of wealth extraction.
The harsh reality is that sociopaths and status chasers rely on the existence of the suffering to validate their perceived altitude/ego.
It’s why scientology is out of reach to the majority of the world’s population.
If everyone is “special”, no one is.
No photo oppportunities…oops, I mean disasters…too large or too small for the Vermin Mediawhores.
What we are seeing is NON-EXISTENCE.
I did some of my own digging on this subject at https://tinyurl.com/43ysbd54. Also provided a link back to this post.
One has to care about people to help them. The most obvious thing about Scientology, despite all their flowery words – it doesn’t care about anyone, and that includes its own staff.
Scientology is a horrific brand of contracting sickness.
The VM org has always been sparsely manned. All they’ve ever been able to do is stage photo ops for nonexistence missions. At least for the time being, they just don’t have the manpower to maintain the charade. Truckloads of money will only get you so far. You still need staff to carry out the plans, projects, missions, etc. I dare say that it’s the work of the SPs who blog, post, write, video, etc, who keep them in a perpetual dither. Frankly, it can be amusing watching them forever chasing their tails.
What can you expect from an organization that consistently ignores Reality? Yes I know, rhetorical question.
I wonder if this is connected at all to reports that most of the orgs are now insolvent, and require frequent infusions of money from upper management in order to survive. That would presumably put a damper on spending other than keeping the building lit and open, and what brings in money.
So have VMs gone the way of toilet paper (unfunded) in Scientology “churches”?
Fun fact: I tried to join the Sea Org as a means of survival after my brother defrauded me out of my house, money, vehicle, and left me homeless. The “church” told me to come back wearing nicer clothes.
Come back wearing nicer clothes.
Talk about compassion!
While I don’t side with the Sea Org, I can say that any religious order won’t accept someone who is simply looking for three hots and a cot. The more caring orders will try to find you a place to stay but religious orders are places that require a lifelong commitment to their beliefs and practices. Many times there will be intense labor involved (Sea Org particularly) and that requires a desire to help fulfill the order’s mission. If you’re just looking for free eats or whatever, it won’t be just the Sea Org that turns you away.
It’s very sad that one would equate being displaced with “looking for free eats.”
It’s okay, I didn’t understand homelessness, either, until it was forced on me. It was an experience that granted much compassion for society’s most vulnerable members. I will say that you’ve hit the nail on the head as far as the majority of religious institutions: churches don’t help their communities, they help their members. Catholic, Baptist, non-denominational Christian, they’re no different than the Church of Scientology, in that regard.
You misunderstood me. If you are homeless and hungry, there is nothing wrong with going to a homeless shelter to get these services. That’s why they exist. I’m saying that a religious order will not accept you as a member if your only motivation is survival. I’m sorry your brother treated you the way he did and I hope you’re doing okay now.
There was a big farewell party in Atlanta last night. A former Atl ideal org staff member got recruited for Chicago and is leaving for training. Scientology is cannibalizing itself to make it look successful to the “bubble dwellers,” and it has been doing that now for decades. By now the pickings must be pretty slim.
It’s only going to get worse.
I post here using my real name now, and I’m waiting for an indication that anyone anywhere is keeping track, since I still see active scn’ists often.
The Smallest private relief force on Teegeack has cognited that Nothing can be done about it!
It’s not just the VM’s falling short. A coupld of days ago a “We’re Hiring” poster by ABLE showed up. It looks like they are running short of people all over too. Link to poster: