As predicted by Regraded Being yesterday, the “give us your money to save Ukraine” bleating has begun.
You can expect the volume of demands for money to increase as the situation escalates and there are more images of bombs dropping and people’s lives being devastated.
What is so insane is the idea that putting books in libraries in Ukraine is going to do ANYTHING about the country being invaded. If these books actually had ANY impact (which they don’t) they should be being placed in the library of the Kremlin — the people of Ukraine are victims of the aggression of Russia. Unless they use the books to build bomb shelters with, they are a useless commodity. Of course, there is no way of getting books DELIVERED to these libraries, if they are still standing. But that doesn’t stop the vultures from asking you to send them money.
If these books really could accomplish relief to the people of Ukraine, then rather than begging for money to pay for sets at full retail markup, New Era Publications should be DONATING hundreds of thousands of books. They have printing presses to produce them on.
The cynicism of this appeal is almost too much to grasp.
Disaster Capitalism (the link is to one of the many earlier posts on this theme) at its very worst.
Thanks for your response, Richard. If there’s anything I’m passionate about its the environment. I’m open to reading different viewpoints. I’ll read this article and get back to you. I’d be very happy to learn that global warming will not cause the extinction of man. Actually, its not the extinction of human beings that makes me worried and sad. What makes me sad is the wanton destruction of the natural beauty and resources of our Earth. The filth, the pollution, the toxicity to the air, the water, the soil; the gradual, ongoing overall poisoning of man, animals, fish, etc., by the usage of fossil fuels. If there is a better way to power the earth I believe it should be supported. Technology has in the past put many people out of work but (and I’m not knowledgeable on these issues so this is just my gut opinion) I believe that Clean & Green is technology that cannot be stopped. Impeded, slowed, but not stopped. But that’s just my personal gut instinct. The earth is our collective mother. Everything we as humans get is from the earth. As such, we should not poison it, unnecessarily. And with Clean and Green energy, implemented ON THE PROPER GRADIENT it would appear that the peoples of earth could achieve this goal. And now I’m far off topic and if Mike sees fit to post this I’ll be grateful and if he doesn’t I will certainly understand.
Scientology has the conscience of a leech.
… While leeches actually do have *some* medicinal uses…
Also, they let themselves drop off when they’re full, and don’t eat again for a long time. I haven’t heard of regges doing that…
Actually, I think they have all the morals and conscience of the board of Goldman Sachs.
Perhaps they think the Ukrainians need the books because if something bad happens to you it’s your fault from a previous life. You know like the rape thing lol
What a crock of shit! I hope Stephanie Hutchinson is on the ball about debunking this one, I’m sure she is and I can’t wait to see the result. As if the people of Ukraine need fucking books by a deranged madman at this time, you know when their lives are currently being destroyed by a……oh wait…….deranged madman
They just stoop lower and lower
Exactly. Obvious bullshit.
Like a few WTH pamphlets is going to have ANY affect on Putin’s testosterone poisoning😘.
yet the blind faith continues.
praying for an end to the madness in both Ukraine and in the cult of scientology and the downfall of a tyrannical “leader” with way too much power, money and zero humanity.
Well,… if you drop them as bundles in large boxes from an airplane, and one happens to hit him… That would probably cure him, and very effectively so!
Ukraine has been shelling the people of Donbass since at least 2014. Yet we haven’t heard a peep.
What have they done for the victims of other US-UK proxy wars, eg. Syria, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, etc?
A quick google search for scientology afghanistan brings up little more than a CoS press release describing a 2021 “multifaith letter” to Joe Biden.
Not much for Iraq either, other than Tad Reeves quoting an excitable public’s request for books in Sulaymaniyah. That was back in 2008.
Nonsensical library campaigns aside, how can they help the impoverished in their own countries (let alone elsewhere) when mankind’s only salvation comes with a USD 350,000+ price tag?
Never let a tragedy go to waste. 🤑
Dang. They sound so ridiculous! They know it’s fake empathy! Stats! That’s all that matters! Stats!
Disaster Cultism? Hubbard and Scientology have always pitched crises of one sort or another in attempts to motivate and manipulate followers, starting with the supposed threat of governments and healthcare groups trying to destroy Dianetics and even kill Hubbard (see his paranoid letters to the FBI).
Exactly. Scientology thrives on its ambulance-chasing. Very, very sad and tragic for its gullible and well meaning victims; beyond contemptible and despicable on the part of this “church”.
scientology don’t CHASE ambulances, it forces its way into them and explains that they’re the “only ones who can really help.” Most EMTs are too pleasant and helpful to toss the scns out on their ears, as they should be. The most-seen pics of the VM Vultures SHOULD be them being bundled up into the paddy wagons for INTERFERING with humanitarian efforts, JUST getting in the way of those who know what they’re doing and have the necessary supplies.
You’re right on everything, Jere.
Perhaps the Church of. Scientology wants to send the books to Ukraine because the COS believes Ukraine “pulled-in” the invasion. /sarcasm
No joke. They certainly think that Putin is the SP and that the people are PTS, so of course they pulled in a military attack and an invasion.
They must have sins.
For scn perhaps the real handling would be that everybody there buys the hubbards books (at full price) and then goes through a huge all-population ethics handling (overts/withholds and lower ethics conditions) and then a standard PTS handling.
I’m certain that Ukranians are not amused by your joke and I can’t believe that any other people are likewise amused.
It’s almost always a mistake to try and tell another poster they have said or done something wrong.
But when thousands of people are being slaughtered because they want to live in freedom, it is exceedingly cruel to make fun of almost anything related to their situation.
How can anyone be so unfeeling? People are dying. Their family members are dying. Does anyone need to be told that it is wrong to make any kind of jokes related to the Ukraine?
Can you admit it is inappropriate to joke about the Ukraine or about Ukranians?
In case there is any doubt, I am addressing these comments to ISNOINews.
I get it. First of all, I tell you that one of my son-in-law is Ukrainian. So one side of the family is all Ukrainian. My daughter and granddaughter were there a month ago.
So obviously I’m not doing any humor about them. And it doesn’t even seem ISNOI to me.
Rather, it was on scn that exploits these events to make money and to “label” people.
So I assure you that no one was ‘having fun’ on the pains of others.
Please reread the comments. Ukraine is not what’s being joked about but rather the idea that the Church of Scientology pitches the idea that merely by sending books by L. Ron Hubbard over there that the crisis will resolve itself because LRH books have all the data necessary to end the crisis. Truth is, it’s not that simple. The remarks were addressing the idea that anytime a crisis arises in any part of the world the COS exhorts its followers to cough up massive amounts of cash to supposedly solve it through books, volunteer ministers, etc. It never works because very little of the money raised actually goes to the intended purpose. Giving copies of The Way To Happiness to Russian troops is not going to persuade them to stop the conflict and go home. Yet Scientologists are taught to believe that LRH is the answer to everything and will donate accordingly.
Truth is, NONE of scientology’s “solutions” helps whatsoever. ‘Clearing’ doesn’t resemble what was described in Book 1 in any way. What it DOES accomplish is a major bout of depression as soon as the new ‘Clear’ falls off the artificial “high” of attesting to that major grade.
The sickest people I’ve known were the “OTs” I encountered, particularly the OT IIIs, always complaining of some illness or ache.
Spot on, Jere!
Gus, I understand your outrage but it is misdirected.
Respectfully, what makes you think ISNOIN is JOKING?
That Ukraine “pulled this in” is EXACTLY what Scientology will be telling its parishioners to get them to donate big bucks to the IAS immediately!
I hate to tell you but that IS the PTS SP Ethics Tech!
That Ukraine needs to be “dePTS’d”. And the Way To Happiness booklets WILL dePTS Ukraine and its the ONLY thing that will dePTS Ukraine. That IS what they are being told, Gus!
The ONLY exception this “church” makes to this SCRIPTURE as regards a PTS having “pulled in” suppression – the ONLY exception to this LRH ethics tech rule is when Scientology itself is under attack!
When this occurs you will never hear the “church” officially questioning ITSELF as an organization as to why or how this was “pulled in”. Never!
Instead, what they’ll do is FIND someone within the organization and make a scapegoat out of him or her.
cus cox is a troll pretending to be gus cox (regular poster) me thinks
Maria you are smart and right. This is damn troll. What a pathetic life condition they must be in.
The post just didn’t make sense to me, so I assumed it was the doing of a senseless robot aka scientologist lol
Oh, wow. In my zeal to defend and explain I forgot about what’s been occurring here of late. You’re very likely right, Maria. If so, OK, OSA, score one for you, you got me.
Yep, it’s the same childish cellar dweller and arsehole that has been appearing now for some time. Too damn stupid to come up with a nom de plume of his own. He must really need those extra four beans with his rice.
‘Cus Gox’, is this who we know, or a scientologist demonstrating how unethical and devious they and their ‘church’ are with the childish trick of trying to coopt someone else’s username in an attempt to act like a ‘merchant of chaos’ and sew dissent?
Scientology is a cult founded by a convicted thief (San Louis Obispo, 1948, etc.) and admitted compulsive liar ( )#Course_II ), who never really grew up and took adult responsibility for his wives (all 3 of them, which he lied about on camera in 1968) and children, so sadly if not pitifully, that’s the sort of behavior we have to look out for if not expect.
“… Scientologist …with the childish trick of trying to coopt some someone else’s name…in order to act like a ‘Merchant of Chaos’ and sew dissent?”
Aha! So THIS is their “product”, possibly?
I’ve been wondering what OSA gets out of this and it makes sense, and it does do this, it does “sew dissent” for a very brief time until we catch on…they DO get their product, albeit temporarily.
Have to say though that its a pretty pathetic product!
But then, lest we not forget: “The Wrong Thing To Do Is Nothing.”
Ineffectual, completely helpless OSA. unable to stem the tsunami of revulsion against their cult, desperate to make SOME effect, reduced to petty pot-stirring on the Fringes of the Internet – sad for them and LOL for us!
Nope, “Cus” is not who we know…
Typical clam behaviour…
Not to mention the number of scientologist that have died trying to leave that scam of a “religion.”
Hi “cus”.
in case you haven’t heard, there is a foundation called “the aftermath foundation” who can help you get out of the cult of scientology if you so wish. They can give you a safe place to go and support you to get back on your feet in the real world. they can help you connect with loved ones, feed you, house you, help you find a job and help you decompress from the abuses you have no doubt experienced. they will help you not matter what your “crimes” are.
you can find them at
Yep, Mike, you’re absolutely right. Here goes the COS again trying to profit off a major disaster. Oh, let’s fly over the Ukraine and drop a few hundred WTH books to all those Russian troops down there! ( I know that this post is about the Library program but the same principle applies).Cretainly the wisdom of L. Ron Hubbard will persuade them to stop this insanity and leave that country!
The sad part is that the better part of the Scientology sheeple will buy into such an appeal and donate thousands of dollars merely because David Miscavige or someone from OSA exhorts them to. After all, Miscavige is the most theta being on the whole planet so he has the whole picture!
Unfortunately Germans in the 1930s and 1940s felt this way about a man named Adolf Hitler. They didn’t see the truth until it was too late.
The level of cognitive dissonance among the sheeple (not to mention the staff/Sea Org responsible for writing this shit) must be approaching all time high levels. This crap makes the Doublethink in 1984 look like sense.
Marta Garcia who is requesting donations probably gets a commission on book sales. It’s possible that the head of a library bought into the idea that Hubbard/Scn is “self-development” and would accept free books. In non English speaking countries they are far less aware of the perils of scn. But the more I read that supposed email the more altered and fake it seems. Likewise with the number of library requests for scn books that Marta claims.
Without making excuses for corporate scn this might be Marta’s own game and not the official position of the cherch.
Richard if I’m correct the commissions she will make goes in the staff pay, so other staff will be daily briefed and motivated to rise donations.
Of course, LmR. Any “profit” an FSM makes is supposed to be returned to the organization as donations, yet the staff will never get an equitable “cut” of the proceeds for their survival. Staff have to get their living expenses paid by a spouse, family member, or outside employment. Ron tried mightily to make staff feel guilty for wanting to meet their necessary expenses, but necessity won out and most I knew had “moonlighting” jobs. The SO had it a little easier in that they at least received room & board, as awful as it was.
I have seen it New Era is pushing this big time. Additionally they issue commendations about. One I’ve seen has a little blond girl on it with flowers and the Ukraine flag.
Loosing – Thanks for the information and clarification here and below. Obviously DM and corporate scn will use anything to increase income as long as it doesn’t cause a flap. Thanks again.
Insignificant aside – “flap” might be a specialized scn usage meaning an unexpected negative occurrence or outcome. I seem to recall it being used that way in scn but I may be wrong. I don’t find that usage in a dictionary.
I hate giving people MUs …. (joke)
Hah – I didn’t look far enough in the dictionary. Definition #16
a state of nervous excitement, commotion, or disorganization.
an emergency situation.
scandal; trouble.
My mind is at rest
Oh for the love of effing Xenu. €150 in cash would do far more good than wasting precious truck space on dense, heavy boxes of useless effing clam books. Every box of Fatso’s blatherings would take up as much space as a week’s worth of food and water and who-knows-how-much medical supplies. As if their libraries are open anyway. Unfuckingbelievable.
It’s just a “package of Ukrainian beginning books” so it wouldn’t take up that much space.
(I’m just being facetious but when you look at it it just adds to the stupidity of the whole thing, selling an unknown quantity of who knows what.)
Gus, you are being imitated by troll Cus Cox (above)
Don’t scis eventually just tune these appeals out?
Scn rarely if ever publishes factual statistics so we’ll never know how many “sets of LRH materials” Marta sells. Selling 157 sets at 150 Euros a pop would net her a nice commission. Wishful thinking on her part 🤔
Not always because Scientologists don’t always make the connection. Everything said about the Basics books in 2007 was exactly what was said about the L. Ron Hubbard Library books in 1991 yet the sheeple still cheered and forked over money.
As things stand now, they won’t be able to send any books to Ukraine for quite a while.
And if they could do it, I find it difficult that while someone is being bombed or is under attack, he can decide to go to the library and choose hubbard’s books.
They (New Era pubs) will ride this crap as long as they can just to do GBS (gross books sales) stats pushing donations and selling everything at catalog price, without any discounts.
This is what scientology is.
I,ve just had a vision.
There is this 40 year old woman, rugged up to keep warm. Both hands holding plastic bags filled with personal things. Three cold, crying and hungry kids tagging along. She is walking to Hungary to escape the Russians, a 20 hour walk.
She spots a library and decides to go in to see if they have anything interesting to read. Then out of the blue, she spots some LRH books. “Wow, Lordy, Lordy my good luck is in.”
Three hours later, with one kid on her lap and the other 2 crawling around on the floor,still hungry. she has solved the whole problem. She’ll postulate that the Russians will piss-off.
Problem solved. Now she can walk back home and feed the kids.
Right vision. In the end, what is most disconcerting is that they always find chickens to pluck who believe in it (sending theta waves using books) and who make even conspicuous donations without ever asking questions.
The cult and its members must be delusional to either think that this activity will do anything at all to help the people of the Ukraine or help their public image with this ruse as a charitable activity. (Actually it’s more “glutz PR” – like shooting their own foot with a bullet.) At most it’s a selfish activity to make the brainwashed members feel better about themselves because they “gave to the cause.” Have they no shame? Have they no conscience? Pathetic and disgusting!
Right. As if the people of Ukraine at present are in any condition to read…it really beggars belief, it blows my mind entirely away. And I like the Way To Happiness, by the way. I think this booklet has its uses. But not at a time like this. Duh.
I’m sure the Russians are quaking in fear.
Just wait till the church pays for airplanes to go over Russia and drop tons of WTH pamphlets. That ought to knock some sense into them!
Particularly if they attach heavy weights to the bundles!
Wait, since the words in these pamphlets can magically reach to EVERYONE’S heart every time, why not just send ONE pamphlet to P-Utin along with a 45 semiautomatic? …then when he realizes the magnitude of his evil intentions he will end the bloodshed by simply blowing his own brains out !
Karl, I mis=read part of your comment and read “along with 45 semicolons” instead of “a 45 semiautomatiac.” I laughed cuz it’s funny with semicolons in it too.
Co$ will not send any WTH pamphlets to Russia, although they could as there are thousands of YOUNG Russians there protesting what Putin has done. But Co$ has not the cojones for this.
Frankly I think Co$ should drop thousands of them on More A Loco and while they’re at it on the Fox Noise Network offices as well. Drop them anywhere in America where Putin is being praised and supported – whether its Former Guy or various American media pundits or, by their silence, by our American congressman and Senators. Blanket all of these people with WTH, yes!
Now THIS would be both funny AND would garner a great deal of media attention AND make a real statement of support by the Church of Scientology for Ukraine. But alas, no cojones hath our favorite cult for this either.
Who cares about politics? The most important issue in the whole wide world is saving humanity from extinction from global warming! The end is near! Join the ” progressives” and get some religion!
I suppose the argument could be made that those Americans who vehemently oppose Putin’s unprovoked attack on what has been a democratic sovereign nation since 1991 with the purpose of taking it back as a Russian territory are being “political” in that there are apparently millions of Americans with the opposite view , i.e, that this incursion is justified and that Russia’s leader is a genius for doing it. I suppose by default, given that the Right Wing views and Left Wing views in this country differ so widely and appear to be opposite as regards this Ukraine issue that stating one’s approval or disapproval of what is occurring is tantamount to being “political”.
This is a highly complex, multi-faceted geopolitical issue involving US-led coups, NATO aggression, broken promises, gas pipelines, civil war, neo nazis and territorial ideology. Each “side” comes off so terribly that, for me, it’s just not worth it.
People may disagree on some issues but I’d argue we have more in common with eachother than the political/media machine would have us believe. It’s why I think labels such as “right wing” and “left wing” are mostly meaningless in this day and age – yet typically used by propagandists to sow division and to distract us from the crimes of those in power.
Politics is just as culty as scientology.
mwestern, you’re preaching to the choir with me! It is a highly complex issue which is all the more reason why killing one another will never solve anything while at the same time creating more problems and making an already long term complex issue even more complex! Wherever the fault in communications breakdown can be placed “necessitating” the annihilation of one another as a remedy for achieving one’s aims as individuals, groups or nations, I think it is beyond tragic not to mention barbaric. I’m all for talking things out, working things out peacefully, civilly, etc., with communication!
Claiming it was an “unprovoked attack” ignores history, that’s all. WADR, where was your outrage when Ukraine started butchering the people of Donbass in 2014? 14,000 deaths but it’s only now that people seem to have an opinion? Could it be that you are being conditioned?
mwestern, I was not following politics and/or current events very much back in the day when Ukraine as you say butchered 14,000 people. Back then I was very much “in” Scientology and as such avoiding the news as much as possible. In order to opine on this, in order to respond to you in any intelligent way I would have to educate myself on this issue. For now I will say that what invariably causes me outrage is INJUSTICE – demonstrative injustice, no matter the perpetrator, no matter the victim.
I’ve never been an “all right, all wrong, all good all evil” type of analyzer.
I believe that we, each of us, operate on a mixture of good helpful cause/good helpful effect AND bad harmful cause/bad harmful effect.
I do always believe that however it is justified, injustice against others perpetrates more injustice, and that injustice is the result of bad cause and/or bad effect which generates more bad cause and more bad effect, etc., and that at some point the buck has to stop so that injustice stops being created!
To illustrate this point, let’s say a parent is abusing, physically, his or her own child AND also abuses the elderly parent possibly now dependent and helpless. Well that’s awful and harmful and then one let’s say finds that this parent in his or her childhood was also physically abused with the abuse justified, and then that parent’s parent was abusive in the same way…you get the idea. At some point someone in this line has to effectively decide that “the buck stops here”. Easier said than done, right?
Look, I’ll read up on what you illustrated as the butchering of 14K people and get back to you. Thanks.
I was referring to a philosophical rather than political division. Many people honestly believe humanity is doomed because of humans using fossil fuels.
Believe it or not there is science which says humanity is not doomed from global warming. Here’s a site which summarizes 26 different climate change issues from polar bears to sea level rise and so on. The home page briefly summarizes them favoring the arguments against catastrophic climate change but if i you click on any one it expands to include why each is believed to support catastrophic global warming.
Right, Aqua.
scientology’s afraid of what Putin/Russia will do when they discover scientology is involved with trying to thwart Putin’s naked power grab. Russia-Putin can/will make life MORE miserable for the Russian scns, and Davey don’t dare try to enter the country, as Putin has FAR more power than Davey could ever imagine possible. DM’s already on their shit-list, remember.
Scientology is indeed on Russia’s shit list but the irony is that on a purely personal level their two leaders would likely understand one another and get on well together – Putin the ruthless, amoral, greedy ex-KGB thug, Miscavige in a much smaller zone of influence the ruthless, amoral, greedy little Philadelphia plug-ugly.
the similarities between these two toddler tyrants are endless.
too much money
not enough sense
too much power
zero humanity
too many enablers surrounding them
not enough authority surrounding them
too much testosterone
zero compassion
i could go on…….
When I worked in government here I once visited the office of the chief of the probation department in a large metropolitan district in CA. There were 3 boxes of LRH’s books in her closet gathering dust. So, yes folks, donate money to send books. Much like everything else in the cult it is just give us money but don’t expect any real results.
Fundraising on the back of victims is sick. One more despicable act that good hearted people will fall for.
If you think that’s sick (although it’s par for the $camology course) the huge circle wank media campaign can’t be too far behind. Demento Microtodger won’t miss any chance to add more to his banks accounts, so expect this to be milked for all its worth in the coming days and weeks.
DM’s got a BOATload more despicable acts where that came from.
Speaking of libraries…There is an astounding collection of 3,381 L. Ron Hubbard ebooks and audio books that I can check out through my public library on Hoopla! They are in many languages as well. I saw Hebrew, Russian, and French with a quick browse! However, a search for LRH on the Overdrive app my library also uses for online books brings up no LRH books, but instead only 3 books including Leah’s book and Ron Miscavige’s. How did Overdrive amass this collection? Was it someone’s job in the SeaOrg to get those on there?
Hubbard never wrote that many books so that number is confusing. It’s been noted before that “brick and mortar” libraries usually refuse donations of Hubbard/Scn books and most are still under copyright.
If I was younger (in my forties) I’d volunteer to be a defender of the Ukraine.
Oh, today I have a message for Soviet Leader (yes, that was deliberate) Comrade President Vladimir Putin. When I was growing up here in Minnesota, a state of a western civilized nation, I was taught something about the practice of name calling:
“Sticks and stones may hurt my bones but names will never hurt me.”
Yes, I did just engage in name calling. And no harm will ever come to you as a result, Comrade. Except, perhaps in your head.
This message is sponsored by the NATO Phonetic Letters ECHO SIERRA ALPHA DELTA.
(Postscript: When are you going to give Comrade Lenin a decent burial? Or better yet, just dump his remains in a landfill with the rest of the garbage?)
Do you think there are any of Lenin’s remains left? it HAS been 98 years since the guy died.
Who cares? The least they could do is give Comrade Lenin a decent burial.
As a former infantryman I would find a shovel far more useful than a WTH book.
Just saying.